1 minute read
Linda Shantz Art Equine
Linda Shantz has spent all of her adult life immersed in the world of horses. At the Woodbine Racetrack in Canada and eventually crea�ng her own farm where she had broodmares, assis�ng in foal births, raising weanlings, preparing yearlings and caring for horses that needed �me off from the track. At the same �me she has created an amazing por�olio of realist pain�ngs of race horses both at the farm and on the track.
Elaine Juska Joseph is fortunate to find many of her subjects on her own farm where she and her husband have a number of beau�ful dra� horses they use for carriage driving. Trained in Illustra�on from the Parsons School of Design, she creates lovely impressionist pain�ngs in oil and pastel.