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shy and untrained ar�st and he ques�oned whether it would be possible to make such a big (and heavy) piece, all from used horseshoes. Whilst he benefited from his knowledge as blacksmith and farrier, it was clear to Amador he needed help, so he found a welder from whom he learnt the techniques to create such a piece.
His first piece alluded to the endearing Flash Flame: a mare with whom Amador had won many rides. This sculpture was a turning-point in his career. Subsequently many people began commissioning enough of his work that he was able to make the art his profession. Flash Flame was in this sense, his lucky charm.
This exponen�al growth was due to the friends, rela�onships and opportuni�es the horse world grants. Thanks to these connec�ons, Amador has also been able to work abroad in places like Spain, Costa Rica and the USA and he has had pieces that have been exported to Uruguay, Italy, Guatemala, Belgium and the UK.
For Informa�on and orders contact Julieta Bravo 726-229-5471
Look on Facebook Jose Amador Lobato Juarez