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Copper Joint Compression Gear
CopperJoint Compression Gear
Delivers Pain Relief Without Medication
Copper-infused garments provide drug-free pain relief and support for joints and muscles
Muscle and joint pain can stop people from enjoying an ac�ve life. The pain and discomfort can make performing jobs and hobbies difficult as well as everyday ac�vi�es like walking or wri�ng. People o�en turn to medica�ons or ointments for pain management, but those and many other pain solu�ons on the market only provide momentary relief. CopperJoint combines compression therapy with the healing power of copper to create premium copper-infused compression garments and supports that provide pain-relief directly to the sore joint or muscle and allows the injury to heal from within.
CopperJoint compression garments s�mulate oxygen delivery to the muscles and augment airflow, which researchers have shown aids with joint and muscle recovery and supports rejuvena�ng relief from pain and discomfort. The garments are also infused with genuine copper ions that are known to pull electricity from the damaged nerves in the body, giving the user pain relief and allowing them to perform at their best. CopperJoint products u�lize genuine copper ions rather than copper oxide, which many cheaper, less effec�ve products use.
As an added bonus, copper contains an�biofouling (or the preven�on of microorganisms accumula�ng on we�ed surfaces) and an�microbial proper�es. Embedding copper into the fabric of CopperJoint compression garments helps to keep them odor and germ-free.
CopperJoint garments not only provide op�mal ar�cula�on and muscle support but never lose compression or effec�veness over �me like similar products in the market. They are cra�ed from breathable and moisture wicking performance fabric for ul�mate comfort and feature an an�-slip design to help prevent the sleeve from rolling, sliding or slipping off during physical ac�vity.
Perfect for people of all ages and fitness levels, CopperJoint products enhance performance, speed, recovery and provide relief from injury, inflamma�on and arthri�s. The products are ideal for athletes, ac�ve parents and grandparents as well as workers suffering from chronic pain. CopperJoint makes compression sleeves, braces, bands, insoles and socks. To learn more and to purchase visit:
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