2 minute read
R & EAD LEARN Arena Tracks
Rider and trainer Chris�an Baier has been educated in horses and equita�on all over the world. In his work to develop an interna�onal rider and trainer educa�on and cer�fica�on system, he realized the equestrian lexicon lacked a prac�cal reference that brought all the classical “arena tracks”—pa�erns and figures used in training the horse in a schooling area—together in a simple way that is easy to understand. The arena tracks guide the rider in how to safely work the horse within a specific space in an organized way. They are also an integral tool in the conscien�ous trainer’s development of the horse’s body and condi�oning. For the instructor, arena tracks are an important tool for communica�ng with the student.
Ul�mately, these classical tracks are at the founda�on of everything we do in an arena with a horse, from the beginner rider just off the longe line, learning basic naviga�on around the ring, to the most experienced rider working a horse at the highest level of interna�onal compe��on. Even jumping courses consist of a combina�on (or varia�on) of arena tracks strung together from start to finish marker!
Here’s a sample exercise from the newly published Arena Tracks by Chris�an Baier.
Canter Adjustability Between Poles
Canter Adjustability Between Poles focuses on changing stride length at the canter. The horse and rider alternate between riding three short strides and three long strides on a curved line with a long side in between. Should the horse and rider need more time for the change of stride length, there is an option to use the circle in the center.
Purpose: Change stride length with precision for the exact number of strides desired while maintaining a relaxed and balanced horse.
An exercise that can be set in most arenas, this one shows the distance between the poles for the three short strides set at 9 meters (30 feet) and the distance between the poles for the three long strides set at 11 meters (36 feet). These distances can be adjusted to suit different arena sizes and types of horses.
Arena Tracks is published by Trafalgar Square Books / HorseandRiderBooks.com h�ps://www.horseandriderbooks.com/store/arena-tracks.html
Way Of The Horse
is a profound book-and-card set that invites readers to explore our sacred connection with horses in an entirely new way. The newly revised and expanded edition of the timeless deck from Linda Kohanov and Kim McElroy features two new cards along with a completely redesigned and updated guidebook.
Forty-two beautifully designed cards introduce readers to the hidden world of equine wisdom. Each chapter explores key concepts surrounding the corresponding cards, leading readers on a journey of discovery and exploration. Cards like The Keeper of Mysteries and The Silent Way capture the unique wisdom of the equine spirit. The book reveals the practical meaning behind horse behavior as well as the powerful symbolic and spiritual significance of these amazing animals. Sure to interest anyone fascinated by horses, WAY OF THE HORSE offers profound insights into the human-equine relationship.
LINDA KOHANOV speaks and teaches interna�onally. She established Eponaquest Worldwide to explore the healing poten�al of working with horses and to offer programs on everything from emo�onal and social intelligence, leadership, stress reduc�on, and paren�ng to consensus building and mindfulness. She lives near Tucson, Arizona.
KIM MCELROY is known for her exquisite equine artwork, which reveals the horse’s powerful spiritual and emo�onal presence. She lives in Kingston, Washington.
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