5 minute read
Western Dressage: Tack & Rider Attire
Story and Photos By Lynn Palm
So you want to get involved in Western Dressage, but aren’t sure if you have the proper tack and attire. Not to worry! You’ll be glad to know you don’t need special tack, equipment or rider attire in order to show in this new discipline
Your Western saddle, headstall and reins may be used. Riders can perform the tests in either a ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� book, or in a standard western bit ����������������������������
According to the Western Dres sage Association of America’s (WDAA) website (www. westerndressageassociation.org), “the WDAA will request ��������������������������������������������������������� request changes which will require, at the lowest test ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������� between the cavesson and the horse’s nose.”
Rider attire should be “conservative and workman-like.” ������������������������������������������������������������� starched long-sleeve shirt and choker scarf tie, tied with a square knot and the same color chaps as your pants, and western boots.
Don’t be concerned if your tack is basic. When it comes to Western Dressage, judges are seeking conservative ������������������������������������������������������ Navajo blanket under the saddle, a breast collar if your ������������������������������������������������������ curb bit, curb chain or leather strap, and western split or romal reins.
Keep in mind that a Western Dressage horse is expected to work with lighter contact than the traditional dressage horse. Balance, cadence and carriage are still important, but judges will evaluate horses based on the conforma tion and movement found in today’s Western horses. Horses are asked to walk, jog and lope instead of walk, trot and canter. As stated on the WDAA website: “It is not the goal of Western Dressage to create western horses that compete in open dressage but to create better western horses and riders through the use and principles of dressage.
��������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� - opment of the skills and abilities of both the horse and ���������������������������������������������������������� the correctness of the horse’s (and rider’s) schooling.”
Here are the areas judges will be looking at closely: • Gaits: Does the horse move freely and with regularity? • Impulsion: Does the horse show willing forward movement with roundness and elasticity? • Submission: ������������������������������������� acceptance of the bit? Does the horse show harmony with rider and overall lightness of movement? • Rider’s position and seat: Does the rider have correct position and is he/she able to be effective with the aids?
We would love to have you come ride with us. We love to share our dressage backgrounds and knowledge ��������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� - tion near you.
E E For more information on these training materials and more, as well as clinics, please visit www.lynnpalm.com or call us at 800-503-2824.
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Pastures REENER G

BG Ocala Ranch Owner Bobby Genovese looks with optimism on the future of Ocala while the putting finishing touches on his ranch’s most ambitious renovation ever. N Never before in my life�me has the world experienced a more significant crisis than the one we are facing now — especially with this scale and breadth. As I write this, thousands of people have died — a number that, sadly, grows higher each day — as doctors a�empt to treat the sick and dying while scien�sts race to find a cure.
I want to give personal thanks to those doctors and nurses, caregivers and first responders — people working on the front lines and pu�ng their lives at risk every day to help others — and scien�sts and researchers working around the clock to find a cure. All of their efforts cannot be celebrated enough. I urge everyone to support their local community in any way they can.

56 www.EliteEquestrianMagazine.com E E Our designers and engineers have taken inspira�on from the neighboring World Equestrian Center that is slated to be fully open next year. An unprecedented milestone for Ocala, this 1,000 acre, indoor/outdoor, world-class equestrian sports venue will be the United State’s largest and feature state of the art ameni�es that can accom modate numerous disciplines within the equine Industry. When complete it will represent an unparalleled economic boost for the region. But, as bright a future as this signals, we are living through one of the most trying �mes in modern history that is com pelling us to face this challenge with intelligence, compassion and faith. And un�l the end of this pandemic we must con�nue to sup port one another, stay strong and safe, and never lose hope.
That, I believe, is our greatest strength.
I am also moved by the many acts of altruism and generosity shown by our colleagues and neighbors throughout every sec tor of the economy. When people unite in a common cause, great things can happen — reminding me of the power that we each possess to affect great change. On the business front, companies both large and small, have closed their doors to stem the �de of this worldwide pandem ic. Hardly an industry has been le� untouched. The need to persevere through these difficult days has never been greater — to persevere with the knowledge that we will emerge stronger than before. Within our BG Capital Group family of companies we are working hard to support team members by diversifying posi - �ons to preserve as many jobs as possible un�l the all-clear has sounded. At our BG Ocala Ranch we’ve moved steadily forward with our most ambi�ous renova�on ever, giving new life to our Great House, guest co�ages, Farm House and equestrian facili�es. We’re excited to welcome the next genera�on of guests and look forward to a terrific season.