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Equine Art Solotzew
...was born into a celebrated ar�s�c family in Kaliningrad, Russia (formerly: Königsberg). His father was an art professor and his mother a teacher at Tambov Art college. Having parents whose emo�onal and psychological makeup were seated in the arts gave Alexander his ar�s�c DNA. From the age of 11 to 15, he a�ended the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum for gi�ed children, an educa�onal ins�tu�on of the Russian Academy of Arts, where acceptance was not considered unless one demonstrated the talents of what the jury deemed “a gi�ed child”. There, Alexander began to explore his a�rac�on and eventual gravita�on toward ar�sts such as Vrubel, Serov, Bo�celli, and El Greco.
A�er the gradua�on from the Art Lyceum he had enrolled into Tambov Art College where both his parents taught art. He began his rigorous ar�s�c training from daylight un�l late hours in the night, perfec�ng his techniques and absorbing the methods of early and contemporary masters. Here Alexander started developing as an individual and a unique ar�st with a style all his own.
In 1977 Solotzew was admi�ed in the renowned St. Petersburg State Academy of Pain�ng, Sculpture and Architecture. He con�nued to focus on perfec�ng his knowledge and techniques and emerging even more deeply into the ar�s�c world that would dominate his life.
Solotzew had a new beginning in 1989 with his move to Landau Pfalz in Germany. It became for him the launch pad for what was to become part of a new vision and purpose for his works. His rise to the top as a celebrated ar�st was rapid by German standards when in 1990 he became a member of the Rhineland-Pala�nate Professional Associa�on of Ar�sts in the Federal Associa�on.
By 1991, the Ar�st’s popularity in Europe forced the crea�on of a new studio in Villa Streccius in one of the most historical and cultural buildings in Landau, Pfalz. There, Alexander created many of his famous pain�ngs. Summers were spent in the famous village of Lacoste in Provence, France where he would seek addi�onal inspira�on like the masters of past genera�ons who were fascinated with “The Light of the South” as well.
In 1997 Alexander Solotzew was recognized for his cultural contribu�ons to the Harz Region by being awarded the highly reputed Kunst- und Kulturpreis (ar�s�c ordina�on) of the city Wernigerode.
In 2017 Solotzew first discovered the game of polo. It cap�vated him so much that he became an avid fan of polo, a�ending matches each week. Solotzew has been fascinated with the exquisite game, as well as the unity of the keen horses and the athle�c players. This discovery led to the crea�on of a new series of large format realis�c pain�ngs appropriately called “Polo Club.” In his artworks, Solotzew reflects the beauty and power of horses, while revealing the true iden�ty of the players. He expresses the game of polo as the fusion of three vital elements: mo�on, emo�on and devo�on. Let the Season begin, Polo Club!, 2018, 60” x 60”, oil on canvas.

The Game of Polo 2018, 48” by 60, oil on canvas.
Solotzew’s reputa�on as an “ar�st par excellence” has earned him high praise among the established elite of fine art cri�ques of Boston and New York as well as the fine art historians in Europe. He is ac�vely involved with the Russian-American Founda�on of New York, German-American Center of Chicago and German-American Na�onal Congress, Lion’s Club Interna�onal, Jewish and Russian communi�es in Europe and the U.S., art galleries and non-profit organiza�ons.
The evolving art of Solotzew is aimed to make the cultural bridge between Europe and the United States stronger and long-las�ng. Solotzew’s work has been recognized by the interna�onal art cri�cs as an “heir of avantgarde”. His art was praised by cri�cs of the Metropolitan Museum of Art that unanimously emphasized the uniqueness of the style and exclusivity of the ar�st’s concep�ons. Alexander has a big volume of accolades, he received numerous awards for his ar�s�c contribu�ons to the culture of Germany. Over a thousand of his pain�ngs were sold around the world. Many of his works are in private collec�ons in Europe and the US. Some of the pain�ngs belong to the Armonia Interna�onal Founda�on of Arts in Italy and Ludwig Museum in Germany. A�er all, the works of Alexander have a unique property: they inevitably convey a posi�ve message, the energy of goodness, light and love to all people without excep�on. Rio Celeste, Costa Rica, 48” x 48”, oil on canvas.

The Legend, 2018, 48” x 48”, oil on canvas.