2 minute read
The Poetry of ELEGANCE
What characteristics spring to mind when you are asked to describe a horse?
Elegance, beauty, grace, nobility, splash of vitality, delicacy, charm, power and many more. That’s why the horse has always been a source of inspira�on for various ar�sts throughout history. The horse was portrayed by early people in prehistoric rock carvings and pain�ngs, featured in Greek myths and tales, and the subject of numerous an�que sculptures of equestrian figures.
Today, we cordially welcome you to experience these feelings through the works of 3 contemporary sculptors who are represented by the KATERINA MORGAN HORSE POLO ART GALLERY, a unique art space wholly inspired and dedicated to horses, riders and various equestrian disciplines. The gallery’s goal is to connect the brilliant equestrian ar�st from all over the world with the collectors and horse enthusiasts.
We have chosen a selec�on of par�cularly feminine and elegant equine sculptures made by Ninon Art, Athena Jahan�gh and Marie Ackers to indulge your sight. Ninon, Athena and Marie work with bronze, a very hard and dac�le metal. But what makes their crea�ons delicate and aesthe�cally dis�nc�ve is the so�ness, delicacy and femininity of the shapes.
Athena Jahantigh
Athena, who was born in Iran, is a professional sculptress based in southern France since 2003. Before moving to Paris to pursue her doctorate in plas�c arts at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Jahan�gh acquired a master’s degree in applied arts in Iran. Athena creates animal sculptures, mostly from clay and metal but some�mes in porcelain. They seem to have a clear and simple look, but complex conceptualiza�ons.
Although Athena makes contemporary sculptures, we can s�ll feel the Iranian iconography’s vitality and scent of ancient rock pain�ngs in her work. It’s dis�nct and unforge�able because of its exaggerated propor�ons with a sensuality of form.
Marie Ackers
Marie Ackers is a well-established French ar�st whose work can be found in galleries around the UK and Europe.
Mary’s sculptures capture and honor the animal in its whole, including its nature, a�tude and movement. They convey the intrinsic essence of the subject and the force of movement with a help of strong lines and clean forms, free of unnecessary details. Marie has always been fascinated by horses, and many of her works are dedicated to this noble and elegant animal.

Ini�ally influenced by the “French Animalier,” Mary is also inspired by ar�sts such as Francois Pompon, Calder, Marini, Lynn Chadwick, as well as Henry Moore, Dick Marcusen, and Picasso.

Ninon, who represents the Northern Europe, works with bronze and polyester sculptures, giving them delicate, harmonious, so� forms that are impossible to look away from. In addi�on to her ar�s�c talent, Ninon speaks six languages and is fascinated by Tibetan philosophy, yoga, poetry, photography, and horseback riding.

When we think about bronze sculptures, we frequently visualize massive pieces with rigorous clear shapes. Bronze is very strong, it lasts forever. However, Ninon’s work includes sculptures of different sizes that are linked together by the smoothness of curves and the grace of shapes. It’s fascina�ng to observe how Ninon combines the rigidity of the material with the grace and delicacy of the pa�erns. She uses the an�que technique with the ‘Cire Perdue’, when the ar�sts s�ll cast bronze sculptures en�rely by hand, as they did thousands of years ago.

It’s no wonder that such a strong and majes�c animal as the horse is one of Ninon’s key letmo�fs. A horse is a combina�on of extreme gentleness and power. ‘For my art, only nature and my a�empt to connect with nature in the widest sense influences my crea�ons,’ – Ninon says.