4 minute read

How To Host A Perfect Party

by Kathy O’Fallon

Holiday magic takes many forms. From wonder in a little one’s eye to an over-the-top corporate fete celebrating the season, or intimate dinner at home with family. If you’re on the hunt for ideas for those festive parties at home or elsewhere, we’ve got your guide hosting a celebration that’s worth talking about.

From continent to continent, Bruce Russell, Founder of Bruce Russell Events brings a wealth of experience and imagination to creating an inviting holiday soiree. Whether you’re planning an in-home gathering or checking into your favorite festive hotel, Bruce has tips to take the guesswork out of party planning this season.

Create a Mood

“First and foremost, think of the mood/setting you want to create for your party.” Are we talking dancing until dawn or an evening of stimulating conversation? Consider who you’re inviting and how they may or may not know each other. That will help determine the accessories needed to embellish the tempo—such as games, singing, sharing a meal. “If your home isn’t large enough to entertain, consider a house rental / Airbnb option, or a restaurant which has private dining or an event space where you can get the style and service but where you can personalize the decor. If budgets don’t stretch that far, consider a local town hall or space which you could decoratethe rental fee is usually minimal and will help your local charities.”

Thoughtful Decor

For your most intimate celebrations in a home, Bruce suggests swapping out your framed photos with ones from past events where your friends and you gathered. They’ll be surprised and delighted to be featured in such a memorable way. As your guests arrive, infuse them with the spirit of the holiday by presenting an entryway dressed for the occasion. He cautions not to overdo it— “subtle touches create the most harmonious effect, such as festive candle holders and seasonal scents, linens appropriate for the occasion, décor that’s classy but without being tacky.”

Hire Help

Bruce advises spending your money on the areas where you lack expertise, perhaps floral arrangements, special dishes, or strategic placements. “Hire tableware - you can mix this with your own items to elevate the setting, and it saves the cost of buying something new that you may not get much use out of. An ambitious young local might to be available to act as butler so you can save yourself time and energy dealing with coats and wraps, someone who can later double as a bartender and refill drinks around the room.”

Strategic Seating

“If a meal is being served, a carefully curated seating plan is always appreciated. Pair like-minded guests to fuel interesting conversations without drama. A main course with lots of side dishes makes for an aesthetically appealing spread and offers something for everyone—think five styles of mashed potatoes! It will make your life easier with the wide range of palettes you’ll be serving. Champagne is a given at the holidays, as are seasonal cocktails, but if you go that route, be sure they can be pre-mixed for convenience. And, of course, provide a variety of non-alcoholic beverages, which can also be dressed up for the season.”

Festive Tunes

“A playlist for music works for any size gathering, songs that offer variety but blend well together, recognizable but not overly trendy for the perfect vibe. Think of music as décor for the ear. Live entertainment can be a highlight if you have a large enough space to absorb the sound.” Who wants to shout above the din? And if kids are on the invitation list, “be sure of their ages so you can cater to them as you would any other guest—food and drink, where they sit.” Not every guest may want a child next to them.

Saying Thanks

When it’s time to say good night, “chocolates or something to complement the season make festive parting gifts for your guests. And as a guest, it’s always thoughtful to give your hosts a little thank you, something personal without being extravagant that reflects your relationship.” A fine way to bring in the spirit of the holiday.

With just a few thoughtful and personal touches, your winter gathering will be memorable and special to those in attendance. No matter the size, celebrate the people in the room and they will leave with a touch of holiday magic.

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