Extended Weekend Getaways - Dec. 2022

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Table of Contents:

People to See - Paul Green - by Lisa Garcia P.6

Places to Go - See the Lights - by Sheeree Oney P.7 Finding Happiness Inside Turmoil - by Julie Morris P. 8

To Buy or Not to Buy by Kandy Derden P.12 Hotel Hospitality - Chicago P.14

Hotel Hospitality - D.C. by Renée Gordon P.16 Going Global - France; Germany P.18

Midwestern States Section P.20



Whitaker Inn by Sarah Miller P


Course of Freedom by Renée Gordon P. 34

Lauritzen Gardens by Tim Trudel P.44

Cleveland Christmas by Samarah Robinson P.51

Western States Section P. 58

Southern States Section P. 70

Sparkling Holiday Getaway by Robin O’Neal Smith P. 72

Fort Lauderdale by Jame Ye P. 76

New England States Section P. 84 St. Michaels by Renée Gordon P. 88

Bible Museum by Renée Gordon P. 96

Mid - Eastern Section P.100

Hard Candy Christmas by Robin O’Neal Smith P.106


-4- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

The Extended Weekend Getaways Magazine

is Published Monthly by BarnettPRO Publishing Corp. 1515 W. 3rd, Sedalia, Mo 65301

PHONE; 419-687-0002

Email: info@barnettpro.com

Publisher - Michael D. Arnold mike@barnettpro.com

Managing Editor- Kathy Barnett kathy@barnettpro.com

Technical Director- Norman Reed Norm@barnettpro.com

Social Media Director - Brandi Paxton Brandi@barnettpro.com

Places to Go Editor: Sheeree Oney Team: Rebecca Embry Samantha Poe Bradley Robin O’Neil Smith

Things to Do Editor: Kandy Derden Team: Geremy Sowash Beth Cantrell Sowash Renee Gordon

From the Editor

This is the last issue for our readers in 2022 and discussions on changes and new ideas have already begun in the office. As I put the finishing touches on this issue, I reflect back to this time last year.

Where was I, what was I doing and who was I with? Was I with family? Yes...but not “ALL”. Was I with loved ones? Yes... but not “ALL.” Was my holiday shopping done? yes... but not “All” were actually purchased. Had I accomplished everything on my list? uhhhh, well, let’s skip that one for now... Were my 18 Christmas trees up and decorated? Let me stop right here and explain. Most know we added a themed tree to our family collection every year. This began on our first Christmas together as hubby’s idea of a tree was not exactly the same as mine. Thus, two trees - one for him and one for me. The next year, I inherited my grandmother’s tree with antique ornaments. The next, my mother downsized and gave me her handpainted ones. By then, the kids were asking what’s next year’s?

My husband passed away in 2017. The kids were grown and gone except two granddaughters. The older insisted we couldn’t put up the trees because Grampa wasn’t there to put the angels on top. So I passed that responsibility on to her. It was the 17th year (18th tree) that I began the tradition of adding the souvenirs collected on media trips to the tree in my office. As I place each item on the tree, I pray for the destination and travel friends it represents.

Cover Photo:

When I moved, my collection was drastically downsized. But the Weekender Tree lives on and stands tall in my office. I admit I pouted for a couple years even though I knew I didn’t need 18 trees. Last year my sister and I were called to Kentucky to help cook for the Southern Bapt. Disaster Relief Team helping with clean up from the disastrous tornado. It was an escape. It was definately an extended weekend getaway! Our minds were geared to helping others instead of feeling blue ourselves. The church where we stayed decorated trees, wrapped gifts, and provided a “homey” room for the families who had lost everything where they could come and spend Christmas. They could take a tree with them if they chose but most left them behind with no home to return to. On Christmas Eve after the church service, our workers were told we could enjoy the room ourselves. We popped corn and made hot chocolate and as I sat down on the sofa to rest a bit before bedtime, I counted ... not 18 trees were there, but 36 BEAUTIFUL TREES! And I didn’t have to clean up the mess! God is Good!

Christmas lights are sparkling everywhere this year! Especially at Powell Gardens in Missouri. See page 40 for more information.

Merry Christmas and please remember the reason for the season.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -5-
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People to See Editor: Lisa Garcia Team: Lisa Brant Angie Offenburger Global Editor: Jamie Ye Jamie@extendedweekendgetaways.com Sports Editor: Duane Duchesne Team: David Derden Lisa Duchesne editor@weekenderextended.com Visit our Website
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Copyright 2022 by BarnettPRO Publishing All rights reserved. Reproductions of any material from this issue is expressly forbidden without permission of the publisher. Advertisements in this publication do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the publishing company.

People to See King of Christmas

Actor, Musician, and the “King of Christmas” Paul Greene, who with over 11 hol iday films under his belt, has two starring roles in flicks this year – Great American Family’s I’M GLAD IT’S CHRISTMAS (just premiered last Saturday, November 26th) and the CBS/ Paramount+ film FIT FOR CHRISTMAS (this Sunday, December 4th premiere). Well known for his many TV shows, rom-com movies, and the portrayal of ‘Dr. Carson Shep herd’ for five seasons on the hit Hallmark Channel series “When Calls the Heart”, strik ingly handsome and charming Greene is ready to bring on the cheer and celebrations this holi day season!

Recently premiering on Great American Family, I’M GLAD IT’S CHRISTMAS follows an as piring singer (Jessica Lowndes) who meets a handsome jin gle writer (Paul Greene) – but will her professional success come at the cost of her chance at love? The film also stars acclaimed “Empress of Soul” Gladys Knight who reunites with former Motown chief and award-winning writer-producer Suzanne de Passe. Also on the docket is the new holiday film FIT FOR CHRISTMAS which will premiere on Sunday, De cember 4th on CBS and Para mount+. The holiday tale fol lows ‘Audrey’ (Amanda Kloots of THE TALK), an enthusiastic Christmas-obsessed fitness

instructor teaching classes at her beloved, financially belea guered community center in quaint Mistletoe, Mont. She begins a holiday romance with a charming, mysterious busi nessman (Paul Greene), com plicating his plans to turn the center into a more financially profitable resort property.

Born in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada, Greene was raised on a farm and learned first-hand the importance of faith, hard work, and family. Scouted from college, Greene started his modelling career at age 18 and immediately became a huge success, having booked a national Levi’s commercial within his first week of model ling. He spent most of his 20’s splitting his time modeling in NYC, Paris, London, Milan, and Japan walking for Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, and hundreds more. After Greene’s first son was born, his deep love of acting directed him to move to Los Angeles, where he continued to book commercials and garnered success as a series regular and guest star in more than 55 pro jects to date, including “NCIS,” “CSI,” “The Newsroom,” “Girl friends’ Guide to Divorce,” and “Bitten” to name a few.

Musically, Paul has released two albums to date – “Freedom For Your Soul” and “Long Way Home,” featuring his original songs.

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Places to Go

Holiday Lights Trail

Every state should have one. It’s an inexpensive getaway and the kids, young and old, will love it.

In the state where I live, this year’s holiday lights trail features 55 locations. The Ohio Holiday Lights Trail is part of the Ohio, Find It Here’s “Ohio for the Holidays” campaign encouraging residents and visitors alike to enjoy the holiday events, attractions and activities across the state.

You don’t have to drive very for from home to find at least one or two light displays. Some are “walkthroughs” and others are “drive-throughs.” Some offer both. Many have added special bonus activities like photos with Santa or a live nativity on certain evenings. There are sparkling trees, illuminated historical buildings, and owntown areas all aglow to make your holiday bright and merry. For ohio visits, , click on the map below for more information.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -7-

Holiday Special Feature: Finding Happiness Inside

It happens to the best of us. One day, you wake up in your life no longer looks like your life, but it feels as though you are simply existing in someone else’s reality. While a midlife crisis plays out differently for every

one, one thing is the same, and that is the feeling of inner turmoil that shakes up your very be ing. Finding stable ground once again can be a challenge, but, as Extended Weekend Getaways explains, it is possible.

-8- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Inside Inner Turmoil

What Causes a Midlife Crisis?

There are many things that can upset your existence as you approach your 40th or 50th birthday. You may look in the mirror one morning to real ize that your cheeks are no longer plump, vibrant, and round like they were in your 20s. You may walk into an empty house after the kids leave for adulthood only to realize that it was their presence that made it home. You may realize that you are no longer attracted to your spouse nor do they make you feel attrac tive. These are just a few examples, but any midlife revelation can open up a rut from which you feel you may never escape.

When you’re dealing with what you might perceive as the end of your best years, you may not be ready to look forward to things like a promotion or retire ment. That doesn’t mean you can’t still find small shimmers of happiness, even when things are dark. Keep reading for a few suggestions.

Start Therapy Early

It’s not uncommon to feel emotionally over whelmed during a midlife crisis. Fortunately, there are many ways to get therapy, and you don’t even have to leave your home. You can choose an online therapist that has the expertise and experience you need, all without the time and cost of driving back and forth to an office. Online visits are private and secure, and some therapists offer a no-cost initial consultation.

Write Down What You’re Thankful for

Even if you’re facing the loss of a marriage or an empty home, there are still many things to be grateful for in your life. Brittany Chaffee of the Wit & Delight blog shares a personal story about keeping a gratitude journal. She found that simply writing down what she was happy about helped her notice more positivity in her life and better understand that she was frightened of change. You might, for example, write down that you are excited about spending more time with friends and extended family now that you don’t have the commitment of teenagers or a spouse to occupy your time.


Sometimes, the best way to change things up is to physically move to a new location. This can be a big step, but it can also have a big impact on your life. Some benefits of moving include meeting new people and making new friends, finding new experiences and opportunities for growth, and escaping negative influences. If you’re planning to move, review online listings to find an affordable home in an area with the amen ities you desire. You can filter by price, the type of home, number of bathrooms, and more.

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Image via Pexels

Happiness: Continued.

If you’re not ready to relocate permanently, experiment with new places through extended weekend trips. You get to sample life in various places, but have the safety of home to return to. If you aren’t sure where to start, check out Extended Weekend Getaways for ideas. And perhaps one of these visits will inspire you to fully relocate after all.

Celebrate Small Victories

We don’t always notice it, but there are small things that make us happy each day. Not losing your phone, getting somewhere on time, wearing your favorite shirt, and arriving at the bakery just in time for a fresh loaf of warm bread are all seemingly mun dane activities that you should take a moment to recognize for the value they bring to your life.

Find a New Job

It can be difficult to find a new job when you’re feeling depressed or stressed. However, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of success. Take some time to assess your skills and experi ence. Think about the jobs you’ve had in the past and the duties you performed. Identify the skills that are most relevant to the type of job you’re seeking. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and reach out to contacts you know.

Keep Job Searching Tools UTD

Be sure to update your resume and cover letter to highlight your skills. The easiest way to create a standout resume is to utilize resume templates.

Once you select a template, you can insert your own photos, colors, and font. Update your text and remember to focus your descriptions and experi ence for the job you want while being honest about the job you had.

Go Outside

Going outside exposes you to sunshine and fresh air, which Sharp HealthCare notes has many bene fits. There’s also a virtually unlimited list of things you can do in the great outdoors, like hiking, swimming, and picking wildflowers. Any of these can put you in a better mood, if only temporarily.

Live Healthier by Investing in Kitchen Products

There are many dif ferent kitchen products that can help you live a healthy lifestyle. For example, a food scale can be used to portion out servings of food, ensuring that you don’t eat too much. A slow cooker can be used to make healthy, homemade meals with out spending hours in the kitchen. And a juicer can help you get your daily recommended intake of fruits and vegetables. Make sure to only invest in well-reviewed products that are sturdy and safe.

If you’re not where you think you should be in life, you’re at risk of experiencing the psychologi cal turmoil of a midlife crisis. But, you do not have to let this leave the dark spot on the rest of your beautiful years. From finding a new job to relocat ing to a new home, the tips above can help you pull your way to the other side as a whole and healthy person.

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Things to Do: Buy - Or Not To Buy

♪♫♫♪♪♪ ‘Tis the season to go shopping . . . ♪♪♪♪♪ Buy buy buy buy buy, buy buy buy BUY! ♪♪♪ ♪ . . . or so the merchants want you to think. To buy, or not to buy . . . That is the question.

Over the years, I’ve harbored several Christmas philosophies and in retrospect, each one had its good and bad sides.

As a child, I didn’t buy Christ mas gifts because of my age and lack of funds. With time, and saved allowance money, I was able to participate in both receiv ing and giving.

Then the adult years hit. I enjoyed earning my own mon ey and being able to spend it on loved ones without having to check with someone else first. Planning surprises is easier that way.

I probably reached Christmas maturity the year I was living sev eral states away from my family. I began planning in September, keeping in mind as I shopped how little space I would have in my suitcase. Gifts needed to be small, flat and easy to pack. I bought my plane ticket in October and started wrapping (minus any bows) in November.

When I began packing for my return trip, I discovered a new

aspect of the holiday I had never encountered before. I had given not one single thought to any items I would receive. Therefore, I didn’t have a plan for how to get them all into my luggage. Perhaps I should have paid more attention to my roommate. She put one of her packed suitcases inside another, thus providing her with a spare tote for all her return trip extras.

Marriage brought about a whole new layer of concern for Christmas traditions. Now there were extra people on my list and more events and gatherings to schedule. Alas, one by one, our

numbers have diminished, leaving an emptiness no amount of shopping therapy can heal. However, as is the nature of such, the next generation quickly expanded to help carry on holiday traditions.

With retirement comes fixed income and much consternation when trimming our list. In after thought, it was remarkably easy the year we announced no gift giving except for the children.

One year I began to think Scrooge had the right idea and chose not to participate in any Christmas traditions. Words can’t explain fully but I’m going to give it a try anyway. That was just one

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Buyyear ago. I was not in the planning mood. I was not in the shopping mood. And I cer tainly wasn’t in the cooking, cleaning and hosting mood!

But as so often happens, God had other ideas. A couple of weeks before Christmas, a tornado swept through several towns in Kentucky. Being a member of a disaster relief team, with no plans for the holidays, I signed up to go for Christmas week. This allowed other volunteers to go home for time with their families.

Most of the volunteer work was suspended and over 90 % of the workers went home leaving less than twenty of us to keep the essential services available. With a little help, we managed to put together a fairly respectable tur key dinner. But somehow, it just didn’t seem right to serve it in a Styrofoam to-go box.

That’s where I come in. You see, with over twenty years of experience as a disaster relief volunteer, I’ve learned how to

become what I call a scrounge extraordinaire. A local church which escaped any damage was our headquarters. They had told us to use whatever we needed. So I went exploring. Their kitchen was sell-stocked plus their pantry was home to assorted decorations, paper products and leftovers. I found some table decorations and holiday napkins from a prior event. There was even some dinnerware, disposable but more appealing to the eye than what we had been using. We couldn’t find candles, but there were fresh flowers and a punchbowl. When another volunteer unexpectedly found herself with extra time on her hands, she jumped in to help by procuring some leftover wrap ping paper to use as table cover.

Our workers were too tired to care by the time they arrived for dinner, but we could see the surprise on their faces and then the gratitude for the opportunity to celebrate. We told some silly seasonal riddles and sang a couple of carols. This time, we didn’t eat; we dined! That’s how we turned eighteen strangers into a family, even if only for a short time.

When I returned in January, of course the usual conversations took place. “Ready to go back to work? Have a nice Christmas? What did you do?” Etc.

You should have seen the ex

pressions of confusion when I told them we threw a dinner party in the middle of a disaster.

They didn’t understand. But talking with so many resilient locals in the midst of so much devastation, I realized something. They were more concerned with caring for their neighbors than being self-centered and worried for their future. It reminded me of an expression I heard years ago. It was as if God had smacked me over the head with a dead fish and said, “See how good you have it?” That snapped me out of my pity party and then came the insight into the transition Scrooge expe rienced. This year, after taking a few years off, I think I’m ready to get back with the program and share some tokens with my loved ones. They just might need to see a little reminder occasionally of how much they mean to me.

My regular readers may notice there is no recipe this month. Per haps not the kind involving food, but here is the recipe for a great Christmas: be thankful for what you have and who you have. If you choose to express it through spending, feel free. If not, use your time for worship and grati tude.

Celebrate any way you wish. Even if it costs you money.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -13-

Hotel Hospitality - Chicago Winter Twist on a SO-Cozy

During the holiday season in Chicago, there are countless ways to get festive in this city known for its shopping, food, and culture. At SOPHY® Hyde Park, the stylish and welcoming 98-room boutique hotel in the historic Hyde Park neighbor hood of Chicago, the holiday version of its popular SOPHY SO-Cozy package is more spar kling than ever.

The package includes tickets to the nearby Museum of Science and Industry for guests to see the 80th annual Christmas Around the World exhibition, which features more than 50 trees highlighting a variety of countries and cultures. The museum’s Holiday of Lights presents a display honoring the traditions of Chinese New Year, Diwali, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Ha nukkah, Visakha Puja Day, and St. Lucia Day. The package also includes two Corkcicle keep sake mugs and hot chocolate to be enjoyed by the 15-foot long, double-sided fireplace in the lobby, or wherever guests wish to beat the Chicago chill.

The boutique shops along 53rd Street in Hyde Park are perfect for special, one-of-akind gifts and there’s ice skat ing on the Midway Plaisance, a park designed for the World Columbia Exposition in 1893. Saturday, December 3, 2022, is when the University of Chicago puts on its Hyde Park Hol

ly-Day for a full day of free, fun holiday activities for the whole family. Elsewhere in the Windy City, the holiday spirit can be found at the annual ZooLights in Lincoln Park, skating in Millennium Park, and holiday shopping along downtown’s glittering Magnificent Mile.

N amed one of “The Best New Hotels in the World,” check into SOPHY Hyde Park as a wel coming home away from home during the Chicago holidays.

At Mesler Chicago, the hotel’s restaurant, the celebrations begin with a Festive Cranber ry Cocktail shaken with vod ka, pomegranate-cranberry & lime liquor, fresh cranberry, and ginger syrup, topped with ginger beer, garnished with a rosemary sprig and candied ginger. Executive Chef Alejan dro “Eddie” Arreola has created a three-course Holiday Pre-Fixe menu. It begins with soup or salad, followed by a choice of six entrées, such as Pomegran -


Package- SOPHY Hyde Park

ate Glazed Faroe Island Salmon (pictured at right) with squash puree, oyster mushrooms, pomegranates, white wine sauce, herb salad, and pump kin seeds. Or Lacquered Duck Breast maple glaze, butternut squash puree, and jus. The feast is followed by desserts such as Poached Pear and Almond Cake with Calvados ice cream and syrup. The cost is $65 per person, and the menu will be of fered throughout the season.

For the full menu vis it https://meslerchicago. com/menus

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -15-

Hotel Hospitality - Washington D.C. Downtown Bethesda Marriott

The Marriott Bethesda Downtown is the 8,000th and newest addition to the Marriott collection of properties. The location was as carefully selected as the hotel’s design and décor and was chosen for its accessibility to all that Washing ton, D.C. has to offer as well as more suburban sites and events and yet, is cleverly situated in an area conducive to a restful and restorative destination experience.

The earliest documented European to explore Bethesda was a fur trader named Henry Fleet. He entered the area via the Potomac River and he encountered the local Piscataway natives. In 1622, he was either captured or voluntarily lived among the Anacostan Indians for several years.

The area took its name from the Bethesda Meeting House constructed in 1820. The original meetinghouse burned to the ground and was rebuilt in 1850. The name, Bethesda, is derived from He brew and later translated to Greek and means “House of Mercy”. Biblically it was the site of the healing Pool of Bethesda, a place where the infirm went for a miracle cure. More than 2,000 years later it continues the tradition of its namesake as the site of the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and the National Institute of Health. https://www.greaterbethesdachamber

Transportation was the key to the early de velopment of Bethesda. Tobacco was the first primary crop in the state and rural tobacco farmers populated the region until transportation into the area became readily availa ble in the 1880s. Alta Vista, considered the

-16- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/ wasbd-marriott-bethesda-downtown

Marriott International

to all the Bethesda and Capitol expe riences, features luxurious accommodations, is ideal for decompressing after an intensive day of touring and is a destination in itself.

Guests’ introduction to the hotel is a beautifully designed lobby, awash in natural light and showcasing a soaring, floating, staircase and in viting Great Room Lobby Bar. It is Certified LEED Gold Core and Shell. Artworks throughout the public and private spaces are specifically select ed from the works of regional artists. Individual guestrooms feature large windows with cityscape panoramas.

first neighborhood, developed because it was the end of the trolley line. The trolley track is now a walking trail.

Modern Bethesda, just northwest of the most historic areas of Washington, D.C., is connected to the sites and attractions by metro, making a car unnecessary. It is famous for the number and variety of dining venues, shopping opportunities and entertainment offerings. There are an estimated 700 shops and businesses from which to choose and it is a shop ping mecca. Holiday shopping is particularly enticing because of the seasonal events and décor.

Mere steps away from the Bethesda Metro Station the Marriott Bethesda Downtown is the threshold

Furnishings reflect an artful blend of contemporary colors, creative design and crafts manship with an emphasis on comfort. A full com plement of amenities includes designer linens as well as bath products that enhance your cleansing ritual.

Executive Chef Dupree Braswell reigns over the three dining and beverage establishments on-site. Each venue has a singular appeal and each incor porates regional products and local producers. The Seventh State restaurant takes its name from the fact that Maryland was the seventh state to enter the newly formed union. Hip Flask, the first rooftop bar in Bethesda, offers outstanding views from terrace seating and a seasonal food and cocktail menu. Hip Flask’s signature cocktail, the “Tiger Vogue”, is served a la speakeasy, hidden inside a book.

This hotel has a lot to offer throughout the year but December and January take it to a new level. See the decorations, go into retail overload in the upscale and unique shops and then rest and restore in a luxury environment.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -17-

Going Global: France Christmas in the Land of Châteaux

Starting in December, the iconic châ teaux dotted around the Loire Valley will be illuminated with elaborate Christmas decorations, making win ter in France a magical time of year. “Christmas in the Land of Châteaux” will con tinue until January, with each castle decorated with a unique ambiance, and festive events taking place throughout the region.

To kick off this year’s Christmas celebrations, the Château de Chenonceau (the famous châ teau built overwater) will be adorned with floral table creations by designer Jean François Boucher, who is a “Meilleur ouvrier de France” (the prestigious delegation of the country’s top master craftspeople). Creations include a forest table adorned with mosses, mushrooms and foliage, as well as an “all chocolate” table set up in the kitchen.

At the iconic Château de Chambord, guests will be able to enjoy their own personal fairy tale; the walkway, gardens and interiors will be illuminated by thousands of lights. To offer a truly immersive experience, the château will host themed events over the weekends, including Renaissance music and dancing, Christmas shows, storytellers, nature-themed events, crea

tive workshops and visits with Santa Claus.

The Château de Villandry will create a festive atmosphere by building an “enchanted forest” in its attic, providing guests with a winter-wonderland made up of plants. At Château de Cheverny, Christmas decorations will take over each room and its gardens with a walkway of giant treats. This year, they will also display a unique collection of enormous cups located in the front of the Orangerie, reminding visitors of the house specialty: Cheverny’s hot choco late.

Château d’Azay-le-Rideau will feature original gourmet creations by artist Corinne Bernizet, inspired by art de vivre. The creations will be made from precious fabrics and old objects, such as cakes made of silk. The favorite residence of many of France’s Monarchs, Châ teau Royal de Blois, will be paying homage to the women who changed history during the Renaissance by decorating the entire castle with glittering decorations, frills and lace. A mystery tour called “Nocturnal Whisperings” will allow visitors to explore the château after it closes, and watch the evening sound and light show on the château’s façade.

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Going Global: Europe Festive Christmas at Munich Airport

Christmas and winter market is now at Europe’s largest roofed outdoor forum. More than 40 booths offer Christmas treats, handicrafts and gifts. The mar ket opens its doors daily at 11:00 a.m. from Saturday, November 19, to Monday, December 26, 2022.

Surrounded by festively dec orated Christmas trees, the over 40 booths offer handicrafts, clothing, jewelry and toys as well as culinary delights such as hot chestnuts, steamed dumplings or tarte flambée. Visitors can shop for Christmas gifts and warm up with a hot cup of mulled wine in

a festive atmosphere.

The three members of Mu nich Airport’s Executive Board, Jan-Henrik Andersson, Nathalie Leroy and Jost Lammers (photo from left), opened the Christmas and winter market with a cer emonial ribbon cutting. After a two-year break, Munich Airport is once again hosting its popular Christmas and winter market this year - traditionally in the München Airport Center (MAC) Forum, Europe’s largest roofed open-air space.

A highlight is once again the large ice rink, which for the first

time is not made of real ice, but of a special plastic. The ice rink opens every day from 11:00 a.m. to 8 p.m. Around the large ice rink, lots of culinary delicacies and plenty of good atmosphere await visitors from near and far.

As every year, there is some thing for the ears: Live music –the right style of music for every taste. A wide program with live music from rock and pop to soul and funk to gospel tops off the program. For more information, visit https://www.munich-air port.com/christmas-and-win ter-market-2022-14686056

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -19-

Midwestern States are ready for the Holidays...

A Christmas Story House

Located in Cleveland, Ohio, Ralphie’s house has been restored to its movie splendor, and open to the public for tours and overnight stays. > CLICK HERE

It’s A Holiday Lights Weekend

This half-mile walk-through display will feature more than a million sparkling lights and a 15-block drive-through display showing off 650 wooden Christmas figurines.

New this year are 30 more figurines added to the display. And don’t miss all the animated characters. Festive music will set the mood as well as offering free admission for all.

Starting Dec. 3, the attraction will be open night ly through Dec. 26 with refreshments and activities every weekend. Come see Santa and all his elves’ at work creating Christmas Magic. His live reindeer will even be on hand to visit on Dec. 10 from 4-8 p.m. Be sure to bring your cameras for photos.

Santa’s Playland –Celebrate completing your walk through of “Candyland” by en joying the sights and views at Santa’s Play land. From our ferris wheel to our all new “Merry Go Round” you are sure to enjoy your journey though Santa’s Playland.

After you have completed your journey be sure to check out the Miniature Ceramic Christmas Village ( over 300 pieces). Grab a snack or make a craft at the North Pole, and enjoy Free refreshments around the bonfire.

What makes this display unique is that this display isn’t created by a single individual or a single organ ization. It is truly a community display. Hundreds of volunteers from all over Southern Illinois come together each year to make this lights attraction a success.

“Our display reflects the true meaning of commu nity and Christmas and shows what amazing things can happen when people work together.” explains volunteer, Scott Rust. “Each year we recognize an in dividual or family who help make our display possi ble and demonstrate the true meaning of community.”

This year Sonny and Carol Smith have been honored for their years of dedi cation to the display and community. For the past 11 years The Smith’s have spent hours of their holiday season setting up the display and donating lights and other goodies to the cause. Their support has been greatly appre ciated as they have became like family with everyone .

This is definately the place to take the kids! Plan a min imum of 2-3 hours for your visit as they have all sorts of things for the kids. Check it out on Facebook and ad at right... For more on Illinois

-22- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
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Celebrating their 20th year, the Coulterville community is almost ready for guests to visit the Coulterville City Park.

Blame your high expectations for holiday destinations on the movies. White Christmas, Holiday Inn, and many other classic films make you dream of visiting their postcard-wor thy Christmas inns. No matter the hustle and bustle, holi day magic and peace prevail. That’s how things happen at The Whittaker Inn in West Lafayette, Indiana. Freshbaked cookies and a colorful plate that says, “Celebrate Everything,” greet guests. Being five miles from Purdue University, the Whittakers have hosted many celebrations from Boilermakers team games to graduations. But when the crowds of college students have left for the holiday sea son, The Whittaker Inn takes on a distinctly warm, festive atmosphere.

Winding down a long drive, the newly-built yellow Mid west farmhouse with a red roof sits on acres of meadow and woodlands. Inside, a fire crack les and touches of home both regionally and globally seem to sing “Joy to the World.” An drew and Elizabeth Whittaker, both Purdue grads and college sweethearts, opened the inn with nods to the local univer sity and Indiana. The global touches come from their travels around the world with each room themed for a different country. Spain, for example, has warm golds while Greece

is awash in deepblue seas decor mixed with summer whites. Eliza beth’s father has a Greek heritage, and her mother made a tapestry quilt mural that brightens the walls and framed an old-family photo.

Andrew’s home country, England, is found throughout the inn as well. Elizabeth’s mom displays parts of her Dickens Village in the Gath ering Room, a fun tribute to Andrew’s English roots. And since Andrew prepares the meals at the inn, he incorpo rates some childhood favorites into the menu.

“We offer a special Christ mas Eve and Day menu. We always include bacon wrapped turkey which is the traditional Christmas meal in the UK. On occasion we will also offer an English trifle with whipped cream, fruit, traditional Eng lish custard and sponge cake,” says Andrew Whittaker. “If you are not going to be with us on Christmas Eve and Christ mas Day, another traditional English fare that we offer year round to our guests is tradi tional English Fish & Chips.”

What would Christmas be without cookies?

A Warm Christmas

-24- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Warm Welcome

Christmas at Whittaker Inn

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -25-

Whitaker Inn: Cont.

At The Whittaker Inn, Elizabeth’s mom has fresh-baked cookies waiting for you when you arrive. During the holidays, she in troduces the 12 Cookies of Christmas. These festive desserts can be enjoyed inside, to go, and even shipped to bring delicious memories of The Whit taker Inn.

The Whittaker Christmas tree is brimming with homemade ornaments crafted by Elizabeth and her mom. Elizabeth’s dad adds to the trimmings with family ornaments he’s given every year to reflect something special about the person or the year.

“We always put out our nativity so we don’t lose sight of the true mean ing behind Christmas amidst all of the hustle and bustle of the season. The rest of the decorations change a little each year but are always meant to evoke Christmas cheer!” says Elizabeth Whittaker.

On-site dining and entertainment mean guests never have to venture from the inn. Guests can gather at the inn’s restaurant with soaring ceilings and large windows, or have food delivered. One charming tradition is the individual breakfast menus tucked in handstitched fabric pockets hung from the door knob. Each person can select from dozens of choices, and can have their personalized dream breakfast–french toast, omelets, breads, and more–served in the room. On-site nature trails, a pool table, and game room offer plenty of cozy diversions.

So whether you love the song “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays” or find yourself wrapped into another White Christmas rerun, The Whittaker Inn seems to offer home and a world away– all wrapped in a glorious, festive package.

-26- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
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Since 2016, Christkindlmarket Des Moines has brought a bit of European culture to Central Iowa. Happening annually the first weekend in Decem ber at Principal Park in downtown Des Moines, the market boasts European cultural craft vendors from all over the Midwest. At the free, volunteer-lead festival, you’ll find delicious food, warm mugs of Glühwein, and plenty of live, musical performanc es. There’s something for all ages and you may find yourself wanting to come multiple times. Here’s three things to know.

1. There’s something for everyone!

Christkindlmarket Des Moines has something for all ages. Bring the kids and checkout the kid’s crafts in theKinderKorner presented by MidAmerican

Energy Company. Have a date night (or day) with some craft beer in the Biergarten, where you’ll find a curated selection of brews, including some specially brewed for the festival from Iowa breweries. Or kick back and relax with live music and a warm cup or festive mug of Glühwein (mulled, spiced wine) in Yuletide Hall.

2. You can get your holiday gifts all in one place!

Besides plenty of food and drinks, there are many arts and specialty gift vendors at the market! Vendors come from all over the Midwest to sell tradi tional European-style goods. A full list of the craft vendors can be found on the website. Specialty gift vendors also do demonstrations of how their wares

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Christkindlmarket Des Moines

are created; you can find schedule of the demonstrations on the website. Pre-order uniquely made items and pick them up while at the market.

3. You can participate! Thought-out the weekend there are several opportunities to get involved with the festivities. At 6pm on Friday evening the opening ceremony features a parade around the venue with St. Nicholas and the Christkind. Kids of all ages are invited to join the procession and see the lighting of the tree! At 6:30pm on Saturday watch or join in the Krampuslauf (Running of the Krampuses). All weekend long cut loose in Yuletide Hall as you enjoy the many musical performances.

Come experience the magic of Christkindlmarket Des Moines, December 1 - 4. See the full schedule on the website. For more information about Christkindlmarket Des Moines organized by the Iowa European Cultural Connection (IECC) or to volunteer check out the website and get a full list of vendors, events and more!

Ps. There’s Reindeer!

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -31-
Photos by - Leaps & Bounds Photography and Kirstin Baer-Harding
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Merry Tubachristmas

SIOUX CITY - The Betty Strong Encounter Center will host “Merry TUBACHRISTMAS,” a concert featuring the Siouxland area tuba and euphonium players. The concert is set for Saturday, Dec. 10 from noon to 3 p.m. It will be directed by Conductor Dr. Josh Calkin.

Dr. Calkin is Director of Bands at Wayne State College. He is an associate professor in the Music Department whose duties include directing the Wildcat Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Sym phonic Band, Brass Ensemble, and Mariachi Oro y Negro. He also teaches all applied low brass and low brass methods, world music, and instrumen tal conducting.

New for 2022 is an optional performance at 6 p.m. as the grup will perform the National An them at the Tyon Events Center.

Admission will be free and a reception will fol low. The audience will hear traditional Christmas

carols arranged by composer Alec Wilder who died on Christmas Eve in 1980. In addition to com posing music for the tuba and euphonium, Wilder was a loyal supporter of the efforts to improve the literature and public image of these instruments.

Located next door to the Sioux City Interpretive Center and joined by the symbolic Crossroads, the two have created a Missouri Riverfront home for exhibits, programs and activities that explore how we live together as diverse people; and how we care for our land, our great river and other natural resources.

On Dec. 11 at 2 p.m., harpist Mary Watts and Yvonne Hazlett will present “A Grateful Feel.” This program is also free and a reception will fol low.

For more information, visit online at https:// www.facebook.com/sctubachristmas/

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Tanganyika Wildlife Park

WICHITA - Drive just west of Wichita and enjoy all the sights and sounds of the holidays from the comfort of your own vehicle as you take in the vibrant lights. Make your season bright with Safari of Lights here at Tanga nyika through January 1st.

With a drive-thru light dis play that is synced to your fa vorite tunes, you’re sure to make memories that will last a lifetime. Viewers also have the option to purchase popcorn and hot chocolate.

Admission is $20 per car on Sunday through Thursday and

$25 per car Friday and Satur day. All proceeds go towards keeping the animals warm and fed at Tanganyika Wildlife Park. You can reserve your tick ets online at https://bit.ly/Safa riOfLights

Reservations are required and time slots begin each event at 6 p.m. With nearly an entire mile of illumination, this show will certainly need to be on your list for this year.

Be sure to bring your cameras so you can take photos of the tallest illuminated Christmas tree in town.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -33-

History Lesson in the

LAWRENCE - Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and the Corps of Discovery reached Kansas in June 0f 1804 and it was largely that exploratory mission that led to increased American westward expansion beyond the previously established western Missouri border. The Kansas/Missouri area became the natural starting point for travelers because it afforded the last access to western water routes and western trails be gan. Prior to the explosion of pioneers,Kansas was deemed Indian Territory, a new “homeland” for natives forci bly displaced from other regions. #VisitKansas

Settlers came from many previously settled regions, bringing with them their ideas on the government and political stance in the new territories. These conflicting ideas led to the Kansas/Missouri border wars. Congress passed the Kansas/Nebraska Act in 1854. Kansas and Nebraska became territories with the under standing that upon joining the Union they would each vote whether to enter as a slave or a free state.

Kansas, bordered by a slave state, became the focal point of the controversy and possible power shift. People moved into Kansas in antic ipation of the vote. Fighting broke out on both sides and the area became known as “Bleeding Kansas.” This intense conflict, especially events that occurred in Lawrence, Kansas, is consid ered one of the factors leading directly to the Civil War. #UnmistakablyLawrence Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area,

Inc. (FFNHA), in east ern Kansas and western Missouri, preserves and presents the Border Wars, frontier history and the enduring struggle for free dom. A tour of the national heritage area should begin in Lawrence with the Kan sas-Nebraska Act Exhibit created by Central Plains Region of the National Archives. The exhibit inter prets all of the major events and individuals involved through pictures and doc uments. www.FreedomsFrontier.org

The New England Emigrant Aid Company was formed in 1854 to settle ant-slavery im migrants in Kansas. In Lawrence in 1855 they constructed the Free State Hotel as temporary housing for the settlers. It was originally 3-sto ries tall with a roof promenade and a 50 horse stable. On May 21, 1856 a pro-slavery faction burned it down. Shalor Eldridge renamed and rebuilt it and it stood until August 21, 1863 when Quantrill’s raiders attacked the town and again burned it down.

Lawrence has developed a 10-site Quantrill’s Raid Tour that encompasses the sites connected with the infamous attack. U.S. Senator James Lane, leader of a Jayhawker military troop that conducted raids into Missouri, resided in Lawrence and is believed to have been the primary target. On August 21, 1863 approximately 400 guerrillas, including Frank James, dressed in Union uniforms, rode into town. They looted, robbed, murdered as many as 200 men and boys and burned down the Eldridge Hotel. Oddly

-34- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

the Course of Freedom

there were two documented African Americans who rode with Quantrill. One of them, John Noland, is said to have scouted the town. @ eXploreLawrence

The current Eldridge Hotel is a prestigious 48-room hotel with a menu of luxury amenities, fine dining and plush public spaces. It is a mem ber of the noted Historic Hotels of America. In 1932 Bonnie and Clyde booked a room in order to watch the activities in the bank across the street. They robbed the bank and fled the town. The hotel is said to be haunted and is a portal to the spirit world. Ghosts are often reported on the 5th floor and certain rooms must be booked far in advance for a possible encounter. Eldridgehotel. com

Watkins Museum of History, housed in a Roman esque former 1888 bank, is an outstanding introduction to all aspects of Law rence. The museum is filled with artifacts, memorabilia and interactive experiences. Unique highlights include Civil War objects, a Langston Hughes display and Basketball history gallery.

Langston Hughes attended grades 2 and 3 in the city and later worked in the Eldridge Hotel. He lived with his grandmother, Mary Leary Langston, widow of Harpers Ferry participant Lewis S. Leary. Mary was a free abolitionist who strongly influenced Langston. The muse um exhibits family photographs and a sculpture

of a boyhood Hughes.

Grover Barn UGRR station is documented as a site where John Brown stopped. On this site in January 1859 he met 12 enslaved and guided them on a 3-month journey to freedom in Can ada.

In 1891 a Springfield, MA physical education professor, James Naismith, recognized a need for his students to have a winter sport. With a peach basket, a soccer ball and thirteen rules, he invented the game of basketball. The first Kansas University (KU) game took place in 1899. Wilt Chamberlain was recruited and while at KU, a segre gated city, he refused to participate in seg regation. As a result restaurants and stores began to break down the color line as it was an economic benefit to the city.

The 1862 Morrill Land Grant College Act set aside federal lands to establish agricultur al and mechanical arts colleges in each state. Grants were 30,000-acres each and greater than 10-million acres were confiscated tribal lands. The first college with land grant status was KU. A second Morrill Act was enacted in 1890 be cause people of color did not have equal access the earlier educational institutions.

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December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -35-

In 1830 the Delaware tribe was the first to be given Kansas territorial land by treaty. The state was home to numerous Native tribes.

In 1884 , 22 American Indian children, grades one to five and as young as three, were enrolled in the United States Indian Industrial Training School in Lawrence. The empha sis was on teaching stu dents to assimilate into the larger culture and to that end students attended 10 years without seeing their parents. The institution has developed into Haskell Indian Nations University, attended by American Indians and Alaska Natives, where a robust academic program blends with indigenous culture.

The university offers a walking tour that includes the Haskell Cultural Center and Mu seum. Museum exhibits include memorabilia from the early years of the school, the Frank A. Rinehart Collection of photo graphs of Native American lead ers in late 1800s and information on Haskell’s legendary sports program. Until the 1930s their football program was known as the “Powerhouse of the West”. Both Billy Mills and Jim Thorpe attended Haskell.

Lawrence’s main thorough fare, Massachusetts Street, named by early New England abolitionists, has been designated “one of the most beautiful main streets in America”. It, and the surrounding area, is filled with unique shops, restaurants and entertainment venues.

African American Quilt Mu seum and Textile Academy is the home of Marla Quilts Inc. Histori-

cal events and individuals serve as inspiration for her designs. Her textiles have been exhib ited nationally and internationally including the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Leeway Franks & Butcher is Native Ameri can Owned and has twice been awarded Minority Owned Retail Enterprise of the Year by the Kansas Department of Commerce and is a finalist for the Kansas Governor’s Award of Excellence.

Gold Medal BBQ is owned and operated by Olympic Gold medalist Kyle Clemons and his wife Christina. They use freshly sourced ingredients to create memorable dishes.

Lawrence is a surprising destination any time of year but it excels during the holidays. The 29th Lawrence Old Fashioned Christmas Parade is one-of-a-kind. The parade consists of authentic horse-drawn carriages decorated for the season. The route passes the historic El dridge Hotel in a nod to its history on December 3, 2022.

The city lights up the nights with an annual Holiday Lighting Cere mony and Santa Rescue. On November 25 the countdown begins at 5:45 PM Downtown. Immediately following the ceremony Santa appears on the rooftop of Weaver’s Department Store. He is sleigh less but never fear, the Lawrence Douglas County Fire & Medical Service appear to rescue him with their ladder fire truck.

Seek the exceptional in Law rence, Kansas.

-36- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
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Artisan Waterfront Restaurant & Tavern in Traverse City is offering elevated

holiday menus for Christmas & New Year’s

Artisan Waterfront Restaurant & Tavern, the restaurant of DE LAMAR Traverse City, will be offering holiday menus for Christ mas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. The elevated holiday menus will feature a choice of delicious dishes incorporating Great Lakes-inspired cuisine indicative of the season.

Reservations booked via OpenTable. Parties of six or more please call 231 421-2150 for res-

Artisan Waterfront

ervations. Reservations required. Artisan Waterfront Restaurant and Tavern is located at 615 East Front Street, Traverse City, MI. For more information, please visit artisantc. com.


Saturday, Dec. 24

Brunch: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. | Dinner: 4 - 10 p.m. Dinner includes option of prix fixe or à la carte menu

Sunday, Dec. 25 Three-Course Prix Fixe: 2 - 7 p.m. $65+ per person | $35 for ages 12 and under Guests will enjoy Entrees such as Mint Spiced Lamb Shank with polenta, root vegetable gratin, and vermouth jus, and Pistachio

Crusted Walleye with car amelized apple and fennel chutney, roasted celery root and chestnut puree; Des serts such as Yule Log Cake with hazelnut and dulce chocolate, and Spiced Rum Bread Pudding. Pair your meal with a festive cocktail such as a Maple Eggnog or a Frosty Old-Fashioned.


Saturday, Dec. 31 à la carte Dinner: 4:30 - 7 p.m. Five-Course Prix Fixe Menu: 8 - 10 p.m. $155++ per person Guests are invited to spend a memorable evening indulging in a five-course prix fixe dinner including live music and complimentary bubbles at midnight. À la carte dinner is available for those who prefer to dine earlier.

Sunday, January 1

Brunch: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m | Dinner: 4 - 10 p.m.

From brunch to dinner, guests are invited to start their new year with a de licious meal, cozy atmos phere, wonderful company, and unbeatable views.

-38- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Waterfront Restaurant & Tavern

About Artisan Waterfront Restaurant & Tavern

Artisan Waterfront Restaurant & Tavern in Traverse City offers a one-of-a-kind experience celebrat ing craftsmanship and sustainabil ity and featuring Great Lakes-in spired cuisine, artfully prepared by Executive Chef Frederic Kief fer. The restaurant boasts a truly beautiful location on West Bay with magnificent views and out door dining that is unparalleled.

Artisan’s Great Lakes-inspired menu reflects the rhythm of the seasons with local seafood, farm fresh fare from an onsite garden and local farms, and homemade pastries. Guests enter Artisan through the Tavern, seating ap proximately 50 people at tables, banquets and at a stately bar with a Parisian pewter top. A magnif icent mural representing the tree of life graces the walls, and comfy sofas and chairs surrounding a hand-crafted farmhouse fireplace

invite cozy evenings by the lake. The main dining room boasts a large fireplace, wide-plank hard wood floors and a second mural depicting birch trees reaching to ward the sky visible through glass walls encasing the “Birch Room,” an elegant private dining room for 12.

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Powell Gardens Heats Up for the Holidays

Evergy Festival of Lights at Powell Gardens (Nov. 10-Dec. 30) brings a breath of fresh air to a hectic holiday season. This unique outdoor experience is centered around a 1-mile walk through Powell Gardens’ im mersive, botanically inspired installations. Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year Wednesday-Sunday (4-10 p.m.) from now through December 30.

This holiday weekend, Powell Gardens launches special sea sonal offerings. On Fridays and Saturdays (now through Dec. 17, 5-9 p.m.), create and deliver your holiday wish lists to Santa in a festively transformed corncrib in the Children’s Garden, where he will be posing for photos. In addition to his weekend visits,

Santa will visit Powell Gardens daily Dec. 19-22, 5-9 p.m..

Enjoy live music at Evergy Festival of Lights. Local favorites like KC Horn Club, St. Paul Ringers Bell Choir, Carolers of Note, and more will perform festive seasonal music on select evenings. Sepiatones Ukulele will bring their tropical holiday sound to the Enchanted Tiki Bar on Dec. 17, 23, and 30. For a full schedule of performers, visit powellgardens.org/lights.

Visitors can upgrade their experience and pre-purchase an all-inclusive festi val ticket. This ex perience is offered on Fridays at 5:30, 6:45, and 8 p.m. and Saturdays at 5, 6:15, and 7:30 p.m. during the festival. Included with the ticket is festival ad mission with a spe cial skip-the-line

VIP entrance, parking, a delicious holiday buffet dinner and dessert, and your choice of alcoholic (wine or beer) beverage. Visitors can also purchase a +Pack, a trio of festival goodies, for $10.

This year, make natural joy part of your family tradition. Evergy Festival of Lights at Powell Gardens is open Wednes day-Sunday, 4-10 p.m. Additional days ( Dec. 19-20 and 26-27) have been added to accommodate seasonal holidays. Tickets are available online at www.powellgardens.org/lights.

All are invited to bundle up, stroll along a lighted outdoor path with immersive, botanically inspired installations, and cele brate the natural joy of the most wonderful time of the year. The updated name reflects the sup port of a new presenting sponsor, Evergy.

more on Missouri

-40- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Welcome to Holiday Light and Magic! Though these are the same elves that bring you Winter Magic in downtown, it’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT type of drive-thru Christmas Lights experience.

If you like HUGE displays with lots of lights and large PLAYFUL SCENES, then HLM is for you! Our one-mile drive through the park showcases over 60 huge character scenes including Santa, Nut crackers, snowglobes and that’s where it gets WEIRD!! How about Gingerbread Dentist, Kawaii Pizza, Vampire Candy Cane, or Reindeer Richard Petty?!?!

Your Krumpeldogglers would just keel over if they heard what merry, cheery, very Christmas-y lights and displays lie ahead. (I think I’ll trademark that). And, all this for just $25. Squeeze as many elves (er, humans) in the car as you want. There is only one price for the whole car-full. Tickets are available by arrival time slots. You may show up any time during the one-hour arrival time slot on your ticket.

Holiday Light & Magic (in

partnership with the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and KCK Parks & Rec) is the city’s beloved, drive thru winter event now for the 2nd year in a row!

3D snowflake glasses that really enhance the lights and com plete the immersive experience. A kid’s must-have!

NEW THIS SEASON: Expand the fun with our brand-new, add-on opportunities: Party Accessory Pack and Pickle Challenge Kit! Available for purhase during checkout. After purchase, packages will be available for pick-up at the ons ite ticket booth on the day and time of your reserved ticketed time slot.

Kids Party Accessory Pack

The elves have put together a really fun package for the kids (and kids at heart.) It includes a LED flashing wrist band and

Those magic little elves are on the move this year! They’ve tak en over one mile of Kansas City’s historic (opened in 1900) Cliff Drive! So, be sure to aim your sleighs toward downtown. Enjoy your favorite dancing KC holiday light show displays while you “holidayparty-in-your-car”. You’re sure to be vib in’ away to the most modern versions of Holiday Classics! Winter Magic (in partnership with Kansas City Parks) is the city’s premier, drive-through winter event now for the 3rd year in a row! Book your ticket for our drivethrough Christmas lights in Kansas City.

To reserve or for more infor mation, visit https://holidaylightandmagic.com/ and/or https://wintermagickc.com/

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-42- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
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Decorating the tree takes on a new meaning at Omaha’s Lauritzen Gardens. The botan ical garden hosts an annual poinsettia show highlighted by a 20-foot-tall tree made from poinsettias.

About 700 colored potted poinsettias are used to create the tree, which prominently stands in the middle of the exhibit hall at the visitors center. At its base is a modern train track, with a scale model train steaming along. Beginning the third weekend of November, the Holiday Poin settia Show runs until Dec. 31. A new tree, with fresh poinsettias, replaces the original in mid-De cember.

The poinsettia show features more than 50 species of the seasonal plant, from Prestige Red - the best known and most pop ular - to Jingle Bells, with red brachts (leaves) sprinkled with pink or white colors. While their beauty is admired by the untrained eye, gardening en thusiasts will quickly notice the unique varieties of plants.

Lauritzen Gardens

With this year’s theme em bracing the sights and sounds of New York City, silhouettes of the country’s largest city stand tall around the exhibit hall. Visitors will find the Empire State Building, as well as the Statue of Liberty. Of course, Rockefeller Center is featured, since the Christmas tree display

run the length of the room, as well as smaller exhibits. Large nutcracker soldiers stand guard along a small bridge near the koi pond.

A well-decorated bench area is perfect for group photos, but you may need to stand in line while families, couples, and friends pose for pictures. There are also a couple of selfie spots in the hall.

represents the iconic scene at Rockefeller Plaza. With six an gels facing each other, holding their trumpets high, the white clad symbols of the season lead celebrants to the poinsettia tree. The display is framed with vibrant poinsettias.

As always, the poinsettia show features model trains of all sizes, traveling through out the exhibits. This year, though, most of the trains travel through New York and the poinsettia displays that

Outside the exhibit hall, a row of poinsettias showcase models of classic Omaha buildings, such as the Woodmen Life Tower, First Na tional Bank build ing, and Joslyn Castle. A model train and streetcar travel along separate tracks.

The poinsettia show may be the major draw of the holiday season, but the evening brings Bright Nights, when the tropi cal and temperate gardens are illuminated with holiday colors and decorations. For an extra charge (timed reservations are required), visitors can stroll through the gardens at the Marjorie K. Daugherty Con servatory, taking in the sights and sounds of the holidays.

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With red, green, and other colors lighting up the conservatory’s plants, season visitors check out decorations along the way.

The center’s exhibition hall is also illuminated at night. Imagine seeing the silhouettes of NYC lit up brightly, along with the angels, and other decora tions. It’s best to visit Lauritzen Gardens during the day, and again at night. The gardens are beautiful during the holiday season.

Along with the poinsettia show and Bright Nights, the holiday celebration includes outdoor activities at the Family Chill Zone. Sit back and enjoy the crispness of the winter air, while warming yourself next to a fire pit. Purchase a s’more kit at the front desk and have fun making and eating the gooey marshmallow and chocolate

treat. The Family Chill Zone also has games, including cornhole.

Lauritzen Gardens’s Holiday Poinsettia Show also features special events, such as classes on how to construct the perfect gingerbread house. Bring the family, a date, or a friend and learn as a team on how to build and decorate a gingerbread house you’ll be proud to display in the front window. Or, how about learning to weave a basket? Hand-woven baskets are superb for holding Christmas cards received during the holidays. Lauritzen also hosts a class on decorating doors.

With 17 individual gardens, consider exploring more than 100 acres of nature and attractions, including the Japanese Garden, Lithuanian forest, and a wetlands area with tall prairie grass. Along the way, you’ll find

a variety of art, including bear sculptures and Dangos, large ceramic monoliths that resemble vases.

After seeing Omaha’s vison of the Big Apple, head down town to Gene Leahy Mall at the Riverfront, where you can take in thousands of white lights around the renovated city park. The Omaha Holiday Lights Festival also includes giant ornaments and yard displays, as well as a seven-minute mul ti-media show Friday and Satur day nights. Enjoy holiday music while strolling through the park. The Old Market also features lights and décor.

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December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -45-

Holiday Getaway

GENEVA-ON-THE-LAKE – A sleigh full of hol iday celebrations returns to The Lodge at Gene va-on-the-Lake with the Fourth Annual Light Up The Lodge, Holiday Ale Tasting Dinner, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Dinners and New Year’s Eve Dinner, making The Lodge a one-stop spot throughout the holiday season.

Light Up The Lodge:

Dec. 2-4 - There’s a lot to celebrate at the Fourth Annual Light Up The Lodge from Friday, December 2 through Sunday, December 4. With fun for all ages, the weekend includes a Gingerbread House Decorating Con test, Elves Workshop, Sip & Paint Class, story time with Mrs. Claus, and the Lighting of the out door Christmas Tree.

Dec. 3 - Gingerbread House Decorating Contest –10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Cost: $45 per team

Elves Workshop – 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Cost: Ornament craft – $10; Canvas painting – $15. For all ages

Sip & Paint Class – 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Cost $40 per person – Must be 21 or older

· Christmas music/carols – 6:30 p.m.

· Christmas Tree Lighting – 7:00 p.m. Hot chocolate and cookies in the lobby immediately following the tree lighting

· Story time with Mrs. Claus – 7:30 p.m.

Dec. 4 - Pictures with Santa – 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Candlelight Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Dinner

Spend the holidays relaxing with your loved ones with candlelight a la carte Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Dinners in Horizons Restaurant, served from 4 - 8 p.m. (last reservation time 7:30 p.m.). Christmas Day dinner will feature live holiday music from Valerie Marini.

Starters include: French Onion Soup; Baby Kale and Shaved Brussel Sprout Salad; Roasted Beet and

Grilled Fennel Salad; Warm Crab and Shrimp Spin ach Dip; Crispy Arancini; and Anti-Pasta Board.

Entrees include: Oven Roasted Prime Rib ($42.99); Oven Roasted Turkey Breast ($22.99); Pecan Crusted Rainbow Trout ($25.99); Airline Chicken ($27.99); and Grilled Vegetable and Cheese Ravioli ($21.99) Call 440-466-7100, option 2 for reservations.

Overnight Packages

Add to your holi day festivities with an overnight stay with our Bed & Breakfast package, which includes an overnight stay at The Lodge and breakfast in Horizons Restau rant. Or book our sig nature Wine Country Package that includes a one-night stay, one $50 dinner voucher, bottle of wine, breakfast for two in Horizons Restaurant, and a self-guided area winery map.

New Year’s Eve Ring in 2023 with a relaxing getaway spent lake side at The Lodge. Dinner will be served in Hori zons Restaurant and Lounge from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. (last reservation time 9:30 p.m.), with live music in the Lounge by Live Bridge Duo from 8:00 p.m. to midnight. The getaway includes an overnight stay, $50 dinner voucher and breakfast the next morning starting at $331 per couple. Promo code: NYE2023.

The Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake features 109 finely appointed guest rooms (the majority with lake views) and 25 two-bedroom cottages; Horizons Restaurant, an upscale restaurant with a striking octagonal dining room and al fresco dining – all with a breathtaking view of Lake Erie.

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-46- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Through Dec. 12, enjoy the beauty of Hocking Hills and the magic of holiday cheer whil shopping at locally-owned shops in the region. Collect stamps from any six of the 27 participating shops and turn in to the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center to be eligible for great prizes. Click on the gift at left for details.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -47-
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Lit Up for the Holidays

Southwest Ohio offers so many great attractions and activities for the holidays. Home to decorated, historic Main Streets, a variety of locally owned dining options and more than 100 antique, bou tique and specialty shops, the towns of Lebanon, Waynesville, Middletown, and Springboro will once again be among the region’s most popular smalltown holiday shopping des tinations. All are located just north of Cincinnatti and only a few moments drive time be tween each.

Beginning with Light Up Middletown, come out to Smith Park and watch balloon pilots light up the night sky. Hear the flames roar and the fans cheer as the balloons glow from the ground level. A fan favorite, the night balloon glow is a magical display that families look forward to every year.

You will also find Middle town Holiday Whopla down town for ice skating fun, food, art and fun through Jan. 16. The mission of Light Up Mid dletown is to raise funds to make improvement to Middle town City Parks and to present a first-class holiday event that will draw guests from miles around. By working with other local holiday event planners and light displays, Light Up Middletown works to make Middletown a hub of holiday activity.

Next, Kings Island’s Winter fest, Mason, is expected to be bigger than ever featuring ice skating on the park’s iconic Royal Fountain, state-of-theart light displays, live shows, festive food, nightly holiday parades and much more. The seasonal celebration will welcome guests select dates through Dec. 31.

Celebrating its 33rd anniver sary is Lebanon’s historic Horse Drawn Carriage Parade & Christmas Festival. Once again featuring more than 100 deco rated carriages pulled by mini horses, Clydesdales, Percher ons and more beautiful breeds, the event will also offer live entertainment, specialty shop ping and food and craft booths Dec. 3. Historic Downtown Lebanon will also be the site of holiday-themed train rides on the Lebanon Mason & Monroe (LM&M) Railroad’s North Pole Express. Offered select dates and times through Dec. 23, the experience includes visits from Santa and Mrs. Claus, enter tainment from elves, hot choco late and holiday cookies.

Great Wolf Lodge in Mason will once again transform into Snowland this winter. In addi tion to its sprawling 84-degree indoor waterpark, the lodge will feature life-size ginger bread houses, visits from Santa, holiday activities and more seasonal offerings.

New to Warren County’s hol-

iday lineup this year is Holiday in Lights, an outdoor, drivethrough collection of more than 250 light displays. Previously held at Sharon Woods in Sha ronville. This year’s event will take place at Lebanon’s Armco Park for the very first time and operate select dates through December 30.

Next, showcasing its na tionally renowned outdoor walk-through display of ap proximately one million LED lights, The Christmas Ranch in Morrow will welcome guests through Dec. 23. Holiday shops, pictures with Santa, themed train rides and festive food and drink offerings will round out the guest experience.

Waynesville’s Christmas in the Village will be held Dec. 2-4. Springboro’s La Comedia Dinner Theatre will play host to live, Broadway-style perfor mances of the holiday classic White Christmas select dates now through Dec. 30.

Yuletide Village, a 16th Cen tury-styled holiday celebration complete with era-inspired light shows, music, live enter tainment and more returns to the grounds of the Ohio Renaissance Festival in Waynesville select dates now through Dec. 17. For more on Ohio

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -49-
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Christmas in Cleveland

The Wild Winter Light

Looking for something magical to do this holiday? Step into your winter wonderland at The Wild Win ter Lights! For children and adults alike the Cleve land Metroparks Zoo has a beautiful light show along with their many unique animals around every corner. Watch how your local zoo turns the night into a whole new world of adventure spotting all of their wonderful attractions. Walk through your favorite themes such as Enchanted Forest, Starry Skies, Candyland and even Santa’s Workshop where you can take pictures with Santa himself. If walking in the chilly air isn’t your cup of cocoa, try the drivethrough experience on select days! When you start getting hungry head on over to one of their many food stalls set up around the park, there are options for everyone including brands like McDonald’s or Pizza Hut. Find your favorite animal that you wish you could just bring home? Check out the gift shop and pick up your own furry friend with many plush options to choose from. Even pick up a t-shirt or a hat to remember the fun memories you shared with your loved ones. This event is definitely one to put on your wishlist this year!

A Christmas Story House

Just a short drive from The Cleveland Zoo you will find the home of the famous Ralphie from A Christmas Story. You will be able to step in and walk through the same house that filmed the movie every family sits down to watch each holi day season. You can see the same Red Ryder BB gun

that Ralphie asked to get for Christ mas which gave us the iconic line of “you’ll shoot your eye out”. You’ll be able to visit the Christmas story museums right across the street that feature the original props! Head over to the gift shop and pick up your very own leg lamp and more. Book a reservation to spend the night and sleep in Ralphie and Randy’s beds. Guests get the whole third floor loft for the entirety of their stay and get the whole house to themselves for up to an hour after closing. Up to 6 guests per night can en joy this experience. Next door you’ll see the Bumpus house! You’ll also have the option to stay the night in The Hound Dog Haven or The Stolen Turkey Sweet. Let your Christmas movie traditions grow with you by checking out the sequel to A Christmas Story where our Ralphie is all grown up.

North Pole Adventure

Lastly,The North Pole Adventure is a magical experience for your little ones. For all of our Polar Express lovers hop on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad when it is all decked out in holiday cheer. When you attend you will take a trip to the ever known North Pole! Enjoy some warm cookies and milk while you write a letter to Santa Clause. When you arrive, watch your child’s eyes light up as they hand deliver their letter to the North Pole’s postmaster. Take in all the beauty of the sights and wonders set up for you as you see Santa’s elves preparing for Christmas. Heading back to the station, enjoy creating more holiday cheer with all of the elves and Santa. Your children will never forget getting to personally deliver their letters to the North Pole this Christmas!

In conclusion these are just a few things that Cleve land has to offer for your magical holiday getaway. Make new traditions and unforgettable memories to always keep the magic alive for you and your little ones. From light shows, Movies, Museums and train rides there is something for everyone. Check out one or all of these awesome events that you do not want to miss this year. Happy holidays to you and your loved ones!

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December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -55-

Lake Geneva’s Grand Geneva Resort & Spa is a Midwest must for holiday travel! Featuring over two million holiday lights (more were added this year), Grand Geneva Resort & Spa is one of the Midwest’s top desti nations for holiday cheer with its annual Christmas in the Country. A 6-week celebration for kids from 1 to 99, this cher ished holiday resort tradition features over-the-top holiday décor; private igloo dining; breakfasts with Santa; a warm Trolley Tour of Lights; a sweet hall filled with gingerbread dis plays; plus, the option to have a decorated Christmas tree in your hotel room.

Here are all the reasons to add Grand Geneva’s Christmas in the Country celebrations to your holiday list and check it twice:

Grand Geneva officially kicks off the season with its annual Illumination Ceremony taking place on November 20, 2022 where the resort literally flips the switch to start the season with its over-the-top holiday displays, lights, animated de signs, grand Christmas trees, and plenty of photo opportu nities to capture the holiday cheer. And to make the season even brighter, the event is again open to the public. Now in its 28th year, the Illumination

Grand Geneva Resort Christmas

Ceremony will feature activi ties for kids, holiday cookies, hot apple cider, a dazzling fireworks display, plus an appearance from the big guy himself, Santa Claus! Photos with Santa begin at 4:30pm while the tree lighting takes place at 6pm. The resort asks that all guests and commu nity members bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to those in need in the local community.

A Tree in Your Hotel Room. Have the resort’s holiday elves add a little magic to your stay at Grand Geneva or its on-site sister property Timber Ridge Lodge & Water park by adding a holiday tree to your room. Enjoy a fully dec orated tree in your guestroom upon arrival, complete with ornaments, ribbon topper and an ornament for you to cherish at home (take-home ornament available at Grand Geneva only). It’s all the Christmas cheer with none of the clean up! The cost is $129 for a tree at Grand Geneva and $95 at Timber Ridge. Reservations are required with 72-hour advance notice, trees can be reserved by calling (262) 248-8811 ext. 3782.

Trolley Tour of Lights: For some traditional holiday fun, hop aboard the heated and enclosed Grand Geneva trolley

for a tour around the resort to enjoy its dazzling light displays and decorations, including its beloved 12 Days of Christmas animated display . The tours begin November 21 through December 30 and are availa ble hourly 5-8pm. Admission is complimentary for resort guests and $10 per person for non-resort guests (children 2 and under are complimenta ry, advance reservations are required for resort guests and non-resort guests). Advance reservations can be made start ing November 7; most tours do sell out. Call (262) 248-8811 ext. 3782 for more information. For those who miss the trolley, you can take your own car down Grand Geneva Way, starting at Hwy 50.

-56- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Resort Christmas in the Country

holiday package. The cost is $45 for adults and $25 for kids ages 3-12 (service charge and tax not includ ed). Seating is available from 8am-10:30am.

Santa Mail: Speaking of the big guy, guests and visitors may take advantage of Grand Geneva’s magical mailbox and drop off letters to Santa Claus. Located in the resort’s main lobby, Santa’s helpers collect the mail daily at 4pm to mail it to the North Pole. The best part? Santa takes time out of his busy schedule to send a message back.

& Swim: Grand Geneva’s re sort campus is also home to sister-property, Timber Ridge Lodge & Waterpark. An all-suite resort featuring rooms with kitchens and extra space, plus the resort’s indoor waterpark where it’s always a warm 86 de grees. A perfect holiday escape for families, the resort also offers Breakfast with Santa, plus holi day hotel package deals.

An Igloo Experience. Baby, it’s cold outside but it’s cozy inside one of Grand Geneva’s igloos. Offered at the resort’s Embers Terrace, visitors may reserve a private igloo for festive dining, holiday drinks, and gathering with friends and family. Available for up to 5 guests for a 90min reservation.

Breakfast with the Big Guy. Grand Geneva’s Breakfast with Santa takes place throughout resort restaurants Monday, November 21 then Saturday and Sunday mornings through Sunday, December 18. Due to its popularity, reservations must be made in advance by calling (262) 249-4788. Overnight guests can take advantage of a special

Gingerbread House Walk: Area residents, in both amateur and professional, adult and child categories, display their sugary masterpieces beginning November 20, 2022, through the holidays, during a Gingerbread House Walk on the upper level in the resort’s Brissago Foyer. View these sweet holiday crea tions daily from 8am-8pm. New this year, judges from United Way of Walworth County and Grand Geneva will award cash prizes for the top three overall winners and prizes in five different age groups. Registration for the contest is open now through November 11.

Where Santa Goes to Splash

Go Big with a Festive Brunch: This year, Grand Geneva will be hosting a festive four-course Christmas Eve brunch featuring warm, traditional holiday fa vorites such as pull apart cinnabons, Procini and Chestnut Bisque; ChopHouse Seasoned Roasted Prime Rib; Honey & Citrus Glazed Ham; and more.

Countdown to 2023: Ring in the new year at Grand Geneva and enjoy one of several din ing options; champagne toasts, entertainment and a midnight balloon drop. Overnight pack ages and programming are available at both Grand Geneva and Timber Ridge, including a “NYE Hills and Thrills” ski and snowboarding package at Grand Geneva.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -57-
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Out West for an Extended


Get in the Holiday Spirit

For visitors in search of the spirit of the holiday season, the 49th state is known for adding an extra dose of magic – including a visit to Alaska’s very own North Pole which is only a 20-minute drive fro Fairbanks. You can also walk in a winter wonderland alongside a rein deer.

It’s hard to not feel the holiday spirt after visiting North Pole’s magical Santa Claus House. Inside, visitors will be able to check off their shopping lists for friends and family of all ages. Plus, a visit to the Santa Claus House would not be complete without sweet treats!

Spirit at Santa’s House

Fudge, cookies, chocolates and candy are all available from the Sweet Shop. After sampling a few snacks, browse through the Christmas decor and ornaments, apparel, collectibles and Alas ka-made toys.

Then it’s time to meet Santa! No matter your age, any visitor can tell Santa what’s on their holiday gift list, take a photo with the jolly old fellow and get some tips on how to drive the sled. The magical sleigh is parked outside right in front of the world’s largest Santa stand ing at 50 feet tall.

Of course, Santa can’t deliver gifts without his reindeer! Next door to the Santa Claus House is Antler Academy (of Flying & Reindeer Games). Visitors can view Santa’s Reindeer Team in the big red barn next door as they prepare to deliver gifts around the world.

If one reindeer experience is just not enough, trot over to Running Reindeer Ranch. A truly unique Alaska experience, visitors can embark on a guided reindeer walk through boreal forest or take a guided tour of the ranch. There’s even an op

tion to stay overnight at a chalet where guests wake up with reindeer grazing nearby.

On the hour-long guided rein deer walk, visitors travel along side reindeer through a magical birch forest and observe them in their natural arctic habitat. After the walk concludes, guests head indoors to warm up, enjoy homemade cookies and learn more about the reindeer. Ranch visits are a more flexible option for busy travelers as you spend an hour interacting with the reindeer and lots of free time to explore the ranch.

Santa’s House: Continued

After a day of reindeer games, visitors don’t have to travel far to rest and relax. The Reindeer Haus Lodging is the perfect charming cabin for two. The home is complete with a living room, kitchen and dining area downstairs and full loft with a sitting area upstairs. At this cha let-style house, travelers can wake up to amazing

views of the Alaska Mountain Range and reindeer gently grazing nearby. Reindeer Haus guests can even join during reindeer feeding time!

An incredible winter won derland, there is nowhere that embodies the festive holiday spirit more than Alaska! Be sure to check out our win ter itinerary suggestions to

make the most of your trip. From cozy stays in wilderness lodges, exploring small towns aboard the Alaska Railroad, skiing Alaska’s epic slopes, our winter itineraries high light trip ideas for all interests For More Information on Alaska

-62- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Costa Mesa is offering a wide range of activities for the traveler for the holiday season, along with great hotel special offers. Hotels are offering up to $100 gift cards to shop, special discounts or “Kids Eat Free” deals, visit the Travel Costa Mesa holiday hotel deals page to find out more, plus see special holiday itineraries. With the opening of the new Orange County Mu seum of Art recently, Costa Mesa truly lives up to its name, the City of the Arts.® The museum’s col lection comprises more than 4,500 objects, with a concentration on the art of Cali fornia from the early 20th century to present. A beautiful stop for a holiday escape, the museum’s admission is free due to a gener ous endowment.

first-hand. Crops are cultivated year-round and farm animals pro vide a living classroom. The farm is open for visits most days for various hours, check the Centenni al Farm calendar for details. Plus, curated holiday classes for adults include making beautiful char cuterie boards, holiday wreaths and food preservation. Sign up for classes online; classes through De cember. https://ocfair.com/centen nial-farm/garden-classes/

Winter Fest OC is back!

Costa Mesa Getaway

“Wassail,” this timeless classic is sure to rekindle your holiday spir it. Dec. 2-24 at South Coast Reper tory, 655 Town Center Drive, Cos ta Mesa.

The Nutcracker

Louis Vuitton “tree”

South Coast Plaza adds design er decadence to the season with a custom Louis Vuitton “tree”! For the first time, Louis Vuitton has created a holiday tree for a shop ping destination, with South Coast Plaza as its exclusive home for the holidays. The 40-foot tree is made of stacked gifts in the shape of toys and Louis Vuitton boxes. Now through the holiday season, South Coast Plaza Jewel Court.

Centennial Farm Visits

Who would have guessed that there is a real farm in the middle of Costa Mesa? Centennial Farm is a three-acre working farm that offers unique opportunities for families, classes, groups and indi viduals to learn about agriculture

Watch Costa Mesa transform into a winter wonderland with holiday décor and more than a million lights. Enjoy the magic of the hol iday season with the North Pole Journey, ice skating under the stars, a 150-foot-long ice tubing slide, snowboard simulator, carnival games, food and drinks, a holiday market and much more. TICKETS: Weekdays: $20 general admission, $15 children 12 and younger, free for children 2 and younger. Weekends: $25 general admission, $20 children 12 and younger, free for children 2 and younger. Parking is $10. Now through Jan. 1 at OC Fair and Event Center.

A Christmas Carol

A holiday tradition! From the first “Bah humbug” to the final

SoCal’s favorite holiday tradi tion returns with American Ballet Theatre’s critically acclaimed produc tion of The Nut cracker. Created by one of today’s most celebrated choreographers, Alexei Ratmansky, this dazzling holi day treat features gorgeous sets and costumes by Tony winner Richard Hudson, and Pacific Symphony playing Tchaik ovsky’s timeless score. Dec. 9-18, Segerstrom Center for the Arts.

Costa Mesa’s Holiday Tree

Costa Mesa celebrates the season with the 41st annual Christmas tree in Town Center Park, a 90+ foot white fir tree. The tree is deco rated with more than 94,000 color ful LED and strobe lights, giving it picturesque brilliance.

The Travel Costa Mesa calendar lists even more events in the city.

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December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -63-

Delicious Specials at

GOLDEN - Holi days at the charming Southwestern bou tique hotel, Table Mountain Inn, and on-property restau rant, Table Mountain Grill & Cantina, become magical events in the middle of the charming holiday season. This year, Table Mountain Inn cele brates with a new ho tel package and a spe cial holiday toy drive presented by Golden Rotary’s The Miracle Shop. Table Mountain Grill & Cantina ushers in the winter season with the launch of a new seasonal menu, a partnership with Miner’s Alley Playhouse to offer an exclusive deal, and the return of their Southwestern Thanksgiving and Christmas events.

On-property restaurant, Table Mountain Grill & Cantina, is preparing for a fla vorful winter season with Executive Chef

Michael Erickson’s new seasonal menus, which launched just this November. Make reservations for brunch, lunch, dinner, or late-night bites and discover the rich new dishes with Southwestern roots. Start the day with the sweet Tres Leches French Toast featuring Grateful Bread Co. Bri oche, Cherry Compote, Pistachio Crumble, and Vanilla Whipped Mascarpone.

Later in the day, the rich Coffee Cured Short Ribs, featuring Parsnip Puree, Plan tain Dumpling, Asparagus, and Mushroom and Olive Conserva, are a must try per fectly paired with a Maple Old Fashioned containing Laws Four Grain Straight Bour bon, Maple Syrup, Bitters, Cinnamon, and Orange. Vegetarians will enjoy the Cauli flower & Carrots including Honey Tama rind Glaze, Saffron Parsnip Puree, Pistachio, Queso Fresco, Ali Verde, which goes with a cocktail that warms from the inside out like the Winter G+T containing Leop -

-64- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

at Table Mountain Grill & Cantina

old Bros. Gin, Apple, Orange, Cinnamon.

Walk around snowy downtown Golden and it is easy to see the charm of this his toric area, immersed in twinkling holiday lights. Candlelight Nights 2022 presented by the Olde Golden Holiday Committee is bringing back the festive Candlelight Walk on December 2, the Holiday Parade on December 10th, and Jingle On The Avenue on December 17th. A holiday requirement when visiting Golden is to see a show at the Miner’s Alley Playhouse, just down the block from Table Mountain Inn and Table Mountain Grill & Cantina. Guests who see a show at Miner’s Alley Playhouse this winter season can show their ticket to their server at Table Mountain Grill & Cantina to receive 15% off the tab.

Bring friends and family together to show gratitude and love over a traditional Southwestern Thanksgiving. Table Moun tain Grill & Cantina will have holiday specials and limited regular menus available on Thursday, November 24. Opt for the classic Turkey Dinner featuring An

cho Roasted Turkey Breast, Confit Turkey Thigh, Whipped Potatoes, Herb Roasted Asparagus, Cranberry Sauce, Chorizo Corn Bread Stuffing, and Turkey Gravy. Guests can make reservations, for breakfast from 7am – 10am, or lunch and dinner from 11am – 7pm, through OpenTable, learn more here: https://www.tmigrillandcanti na.com/menus/thanksgiving/

Southwestern charm meets welcoming hospitality at Table Mountain Inn, an ado be-style boutique hotel. Known for their extraordinary attentive service, the prop erty offers 74 Spanish-style rooms, all designed to maximize comfort away from home. At the foot of the Rocky Mountains, Table Mountain Inn is surrounded by in finite outdoor adventures, from hiking and biking trails, to winter sports. Orig inally founded in 1925 as The Berrimoor, Golden’s first full-service hotel, today it is a premier spot to stay and dine. Table Mountain Grill & Cantina, features fresh Southwestern cuisine, locally sourced ingredients, and vibrant Santa Fe décor. www.TableMountainInn.com

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -65-
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Four Unique Destinations

LaBelle Lake Ice Palace

Experience an unforgettable winter adven ture at LaBelle Lake Ice Palace in eastern Ida ho. Wander through a world of snow, ice, and colorful lights before encountering fire danc ers, magicians and familiar winter characters. Take a horse-drawn sleigh ride to the tubing hill, or dash through the woods to the Lodge at LaBelle Lake, which sleeps up to 20 people.

Lost in Christmas

Stroll through the twists and turns of an illuminated labyrinth constructed of eight-foot-tall straw bales at Lost in Christmas in Burley. Vis itors can also slide, zipline, take a wagon ride or enjoy Christmas music, movies and treats.

Driggs Snowscapes

Watch as professional snow sculptors trans form huge blocks of wintry white precipi tation into amazing works of art at Driggs Snowscapes. This year, the free, five-day event features the pros teaming up with local high school students to create an Old-West style shootout between polar bears.


Winter’s wildest sport features a galloping horse (or an ATV, depending on the event) pulling a skier at a fast clip through an obstacle course of jumps and gates, while sometimes collecting rings, for the fastest time. You’ll find intense competitions around the state like the Wood River Extreme Skijoring event in Bellevue or the Extreme SkiJor competition in Wallace.

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-66- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
Make wonderful memories with unique experiences you can only find in the Gem State.
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Pablo’s Holiday Train

LAMY - Get ready for an Adventure of a lifetime! Climb aboard and expect the unex pected as you travel the historic rail between Santa Fe and Lamy NM. Entertainers, music, great food, and drink await you on Sky Railway.

Upcoming adventures on the schedule include Pablo the Dragon’s Holiday Tran Ride depart ing from the Lamy Depot. Join Mrs Claus and hear how Santa helped Pablito save Christmas in New Mexico. Journey to a won drous Elf village near the Lamy Depot.This hour long magical journey takes you and your family across the beautiful New Mexico desert and returns where you and your family can enjoy a wondrous Elf winter village. Enjoy cocoa and cookies while making new holiday family memories. You may even meet Pablito himself!

This adventure includes: -

Special Christmas bell presented by Mrs Claus - Holiday Sing-ALongs - Complimentary Hot Co coa and Cookies in our Holiday Village - $5 Dragon Dollars to spend while visiting the Village Available Dec. 3, 4, 10, 11, and 17-24. Price is $59 for adults and $29 for ages 12 and under.

Other themed rides available are Jazz Under the Stars, a 60s Train, The 80s Train, Stargazer, and Sunset Serenade. A special New Years Even Train departs from Santa Fe with a train ride into the desert. Enjoy a cham pagne toast, charcuterie box, and live music as passengers celebrate the end of 2022 and welcome in the new year. Enjoy hats, horns, cocktails and fun on the Lamy Line. Additional snacks and beverages available for purchase. Train ride is from 7pm -9pm.

For more information and to book your tickets, visit https://


In 2020, Sky Railway was born from the ashes of Santa Fe Southern. Prominent Santa Feans came together to save the historic, 141-year-old railroad. The group of train enthusiasts combined personal resources to revive the historic railroad and turn its purpose into delighting and entertaining Santa Fe lo cals, along with the town’s three million annual tourists with their Adventure Trains! With a creative team led by George RR Martin, Sky Railway is develop ing a lineup of entertainment ad venture rail trips that will make it one of the most original, imag inative, and exciting short-line railroads in the country, befitting the City Different.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -67For More
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on New Mexico

Go Skiing for Christmas

Utah’s Ski Season Arrives with Earliest Opening Ever at Brian Head Resort

SALT LAKE CITY/ PRNewswire-PR Web/ -- The Utah Office of Tourism is celebrating the his toric opening of the first Utah ski resort for the 2022-23 sea son. With the arrival of The Greatest Snow on Earth®, Brian Head Resort began spinning lifts recentl, making 2022-23 the 4th-earliest ski sea son in state history.

Friday’s opening at Brian Head Resort is the earliest in the resort’s history and the fourth-earliest alltime for any resort in Utah. It’s an especially exciting occasion considering Brian Head is located four hours south of Salt Lake City and is the state’s southernmost ski destination.

“We are excited to welcome winter and our guests back to Brian Head Resort,” said Marilyn Butler, general manager at Brian Head Resort. “Our dedi cated teams and Mother Nature have come together to allow us to experience the mountain in an unprec edented early season opening. We anticipate a great winter season and have been working diligently to enhance our guests’ experience and exploring new ways to give people the freedom to ski.”

Winter is a be loved time of the year for Utah resi dents and visitors. When the snow falls, Utah comes to life offering world-class ter rain, unparalleled accessibility, and vibrant cultural experiences.

“We’re so excited that the snow is falling, and we’re looking forward to a great season,” said Ski Utah Pres ident and CEO Na than Rafferty. “We can’t predict the weather, but every year in Utah is better than most everywhere else snow-wise. We can’t wait to get out on the slopes and are looking forward to a very snowy 2022-2023 season for all 15 Utah resorts.”

Soon all 15 of Utah’s premier ski resorts will open for the 2022-23 ski season. A list of opening dates can be found here.

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December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -69-

Southern States Get Ready For The Holiday Celebrations


oley, Alabama is a small, charming town with an adorable downtown area. This charming Gulf Coast town is teeming with festive cheer with white lights blanketing the Heritage Park. From the magnificent live trees draped in sparkling white Christmas lights to the quaint down town lined with shops and restaurants, community activ ities, and a hometown parade, Foley is sure to put you in the mood for the holidays. Visit Foley and Visit OWA pro vided hosted visits and experiences. All opinions are my own.

Christmas In The Park

Heritage Park is in the center of Downtown Foley, and just like in Christmas movies, it is where the community gathers the first weekend in December to celebrate the upcoming holidays. Christmas in the Park kicks off the weekend on Friday.

The park shines bright with all white lights at every entrance and throughout the park. Music plays in the background, and everywhere you look, there are spar kling and twinkling lights. Lights in the shape of a snowflake as you enter the park. Lights in the form of angels around the fountain, lights in the shape of stars near the town clock, lights hanging from the branches of a gigantic tree in the corner of the park.

The mayor talks to the people attending the event in a large pavilion painted white with white lights, and other festive decorations. Contest winners are announced and Santa arrives to visit the children.

Tree Lighting

Foley has a countdown to light the giant Christmas Tree in the park as the entire community watches. The tree is decorated in thousands of glittering white lights with red and gold ornaments.

The Christmas Parade

The Annual Foley Christmas Parade starts the day on Saturday. The parade lasts approximately forty-five minutes and includes everything from marching bands, twirling groups, fire trucks, floats, tractors and wagons, and more. When we visited, we were fortunate to watch the parade from the balcony of the Hotel Magnolia.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -73-

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

After the parade, everyone gathers in the park again for the Let It Snow Celebration.

This event has a variety of fun activities for the kids to participate in, such as crafts, face painting, photos with a mermaid, a petting zoo, and festive hair styling. You don’t expect to see snow in southern Alabama, but at the Let It Snow Celebra tion, they created snow and the kids loved it! They had artificial snow machines running throughout one area of the park where kids could enjoy the snowflakes.

View The Lights From A Train

What better ways to celebrate the holidays and enjoy all the lights than hopping on a train for a ride around the festive park. Passengers young and old enjoy the ride and looking at all the lights.

Train Museum

Another highlight you don’t want to miss when visiting Foley is the Foley Railroad Museum and Model Train Display. Both are housed in a train depot built-in 1909. When you visit the museum, you can enjoy the memorabilia, tools, and photos that doc ument the town’s history and the role the railroad played in its development. Outside you can view some restored train cars.

Within the same building, a gigantic Model Train exhibit is displayed. Train lovers will enjoy this expansive layout and over a quarter of a mile of track. Dedicated volunteers have put this showcase together and continue to operate it.

Other Things To Do

Foley is full of fun things to do. If you are there to see the lights then the Trim A Tree An nual Event will be happening. Great place to buy unique gifts and tree ornaments.

Nearby OWA Amusement Park has fantastic dec orations of their own and organizes fun activities. You can view their musical christmas tree with lights set to the music, participate in some craft activities, watch the YMCA Elf Ride Parade, enjoy

brunch with Santa and take in some excellent en tertainment at the OWA Theater.

Nearby Graham Creek Nature Preserve includes over 500 acres of nature to explore.

Keeping with the holiday theme, they have creat ed a lighted Christmas Trail through the preserve.

Great Photo Opportunities

There are outstanding photo opportunities in downtown Foley along the street and in the Herit age Park.

Where to Stay

The gorgeous Hotel Magnolia in downtown Foley is right across the street from the Heritage Park, where the Christmas celebrations happen. There is a large wrap-around porch and you can view the lights from the balcony. The outside of this Bed & Break fast looks like it is the star of a Christmas mov ie with garland, wreaths, lights, bows, and sprays.

In keeping with the season, the dining, living, and hallway areas are embellished for the holidays with festive trees, lights, and dec orations. Even if you don’t leave the hotel, you will feel like you are living a splendid fairytale just staying in this adorable B&B where the owners treat you like relatives.

There are plenty of small towns in Alabama that have a charm all their own, but Foley has some thing special. The city is an ode to Christmas with its friendly people, gorgeous decorations and twinkling lights everywhere you look.

For more on Alabama

-74- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022


LITTLE ROCK - See the Zoo in a whole new light as you enjoy one of the largest lighted experiences in the nation featuring handcrafted silk-covered lanterns aglow with more than 50,000 LED light bulbs. There will be more than 40 lighted displays artfully placed throughout zoo grounds featuring a Tranquil Forest, Dinosaurs, and Arctic Ani mals.

Embark on a journey along the Zoo path as you stroll alongside dramatic cultural displays celebrating the rich heritage and craftsmanship of lantern artisans. Dramatic corri dors illuminate the way on a magical journey past colorful peacocks, slithering serpents, and a beautiful African savanna. Larger than life mushrooms beckon you into a pre-histor ic world where Dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Kids (or kids at heart) can become part of the magic while swaying on our glowing moon light swings or stepping on led steppingstones for some whirling, twirling fun. The wonder of GloWILD is sure to create glowing smiles and bright memories for guests of all ages.

Take home memories from the Safari Trader Gift Shop. Interact with activities and crafts at education tables in Cafe Africa on Fridays and Saturdays. Enjoy food or a drink at the Café Africa or the S’mores station. We will have hot chocolate, apple cider, canned beverages and adult beverages.

GLOWild is a rain or shine event. No refunds, rain checks or ex changes are available for this important fundraiser. When purchasing tickets online, make sure your email is correct to receive your tickets. Some lanterns feature flashing lights that may cause seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. Tickets are $20 for ages (3 years old and up); two and under are free. Parking is free during GloWild. The train and carousel tickets are $3 extra. For more information, visit online at https:// www.littlerockzoo.com/

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -75-
For more on Arkansas > Click Here

Top 10 Reasons to Visit

Known as the “Ven ice of America,” this joyful city is full of boats, has a wonderful beach to enjoy and ca ters to the party goers.

Warm Weather

Over the course of the year, the temper ature typically varies from 61°F to 89°F. people here wear shorts all year long. Be smart to avoid visiting during the Hurricane season which is Jun 1st till End of Nov. Best timing to visit here will from Dec till May each year.

Great Location

Miami is just 30 miles away while West Palm Beach is 46 miles away. Key West is 189 Miles away. You can easily extend your trip from Fort Lauderdale to any of the lovely tour Destinations you love.

Water Activities

Carrie B Venice of America Fort Lauderdale Sightseeing Tours

TIKI Cruise ,private party expe rience

Water Taxi, All day pass Jungle Queen River Boat Champagne Sunset Cruise Las Olas Paddle Boards, Boats & Kayaks Scuba Diving


Greater Fort Lauderdale has 24 miles of gold sand beaches. There are plenties Bar and Restaurants for you to enjoy. Don’t miss to visit he Famous “ Elbo Room” which is located at the popular corner of Las Olas Boulevard and A1A.

Happy Hour Bar Tour

In Las Olas , There are more than 30 bars/ Restaurants offer Happy hour. It all depends, some starts at 3pm some starts at 4pm. it normally ends at 6pm /7pm

City of

Please do check before you go. if you plan it well ,you can check at least multiple different bars for happy hour in the same day. Lots of fun to do with your friends. Food and drinks are much cheap er than a Proper meal. Here are some Happy hour bars worthy to try:

Fogo De Chao/ Eddie V/ Big city Tavern/ Red Door/ El Cami no/American Social/ YOLO/The Wharf/Louie Bossi/ The Boat house…. not to mention Bachelo rette Parties almost every week end.

-76- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

River Walk

Riverwalk includes 10 parks along both sides of its banks.It is about a mile long great for a run or a stroll with a pet. Riverwalk starts at the Riverside Hotel on the Northside of the river and goes The Historic Stranahan House Museum was built in 1901 which is The oldest house/museum of Fort Lauderdale. It continues all the way up the river to Cooley’s landing park on the Northside, crossing over to the southside via 7th Ave Bridge “Ave of the Arts Bridge.” It is a little cut off at the moment from SW 5th/4th ave un

til SW First ave where it resumes before SW 1st Ave and the historic Downtowner. It then continues along the south bank of the river all the way to Smoker Park.

Stone Crab Season

Stone crabs are legal to harvest from October 15 through May 1

City Events

•Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS) Oct., 2023

The largest in-water boat show in the world. E

•Winter Fest /Xmas Boat Parade -Dec 10 .

•Tortuga Music Festival – April.

Dining - Eddie V

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -77-
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Visit Fort Lauderdale For more on Florida
Photo courtesy of: of Fort Lauderdale Official Facebook
3.Cafe Martorano - Italian 4.Romantic Dining - Holly Blue 5.Casa D’Angelo Ristorante 6..Rainbow Palace - Asian Accommodations 1. Four Seasons Luxury Hotel on the beach 2. AC Hotel Fort Lauderdale Beach 3. Ocean sky Hotel & Resorts (Beach front) 4. Ritz Carlton Hotel 5. Conrad Hotel Fort Lauderdale Beach
Restaurants 1.Lobster Grill sea Grill

Fantasy In Lights

Celebrate 30 years of family tradition with a new spec tacular scene on the lake, 10 million twinkling lights and 2,500 acres of Christmas cheer!

A beloved Christmas tradition shines even brighter! This season, experience the NEW Celebration Lake, a floating spectacular featuring 30 dancing trees honor ing 30 years of Fantasy In Lights!

Surround your family with Christmas cheer when you walk, drive and celebrate the bigger and brighter Fantasy In Lights, one of National Geographic’s Top 10 Light Displays in the World! This holiday season, we invite you to one of the best family activities near Atlanta. Step out of your car and into the All-New Callaway Christmas Village! Wander through an immersive Winter Wonderland where you’ll explore a forest of twinkling lights and larger-than-life Christ mas scenes featuring towering nutcrackers and gigan

tic snowflakes! Next, stroll through a forest of perfectly decorated trees on Christmas Tree Lane and stop for seasonal snacks and character meet-and-greets at the Christmas Market!

The fun continues with our classic drive-through expe rience, now featuring an enchanting Tunnel of Lights! Journey through the beloved seven-mile Fantasy In Lights Enchanted Forest, where festive music fills the air and the mesmerizing Magical Field of Lights re turns to delight your family for another year. Make the most out of your magical night of lights with an over night stay in a cozy Cottage, Villa or The Lodge & Spa. Capture the spirit of the season with a visit to Fantasy in Lights at Callaway Resort & Gardens today.

https://www.callawaygardens.com/ the-gardens/events/fantasy-in-lights/

-78- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
tDecember, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -79For more on Gerogia > Click Here

Celebrate The Holidays

The Natchitoches Christmas Festival is a top-ranked, 45day holiday light show with food, fun, fireworks and family entertainment

NATCHITOCHES- Older than New Orleans, Natchitoches has preserved its charm and history, from brick-paved streets along the banks of the Cane River, its double-galler ied,wrought-iron-trimmed storefronts to its mix of Queen Anne, Italianate, Spanish Revival, Federal and Victorian architecture. This pic ture-perfect town is home to one of the oldest community-based holiday celebrations in the country.

Now in its 96th year, the Natchitoches Christ mas Festival of Lights is a 45-night celebration that lights up the downtown National Historic Landmark District, the Cane River and its lake. This walk-and drive-around event draws in vis itors and locals for food, fun and entertainment from Nov. 19, 2022-Jan 6, 2023. It’s so cinematic that The Christmas Festival scene in the movie “Steel Magnolias” was filmed here. Named after an American Indian tribe, Natchitoches (pro nounced Nack-a-tish) is easy to access via I-49 which connects to I-20 to the north in Shreve port and to I-10 in Lafayette, to the south.

Saturday Nov. 19 is the official start to the Natchitoches Christmas Festival, “Turn on the Holidays,” when Cane River first sparkles with more than 300,000 twinkling lights and 100 set pieces, or tableaux, illuminating and reflecting off the river, lake and bridges. The day includes music on the Riverbank Stage and culminates in a spectacular fireworks show.

Saturday Dec. 3 is the all-day Christmas Festival with a Festival of Lights Parade from the National Register Historic District of North western State University to the streets of the Downtown Historic District. Bands from NSU

and regional high schools, dancing ensembles, costumed characters and themed floats delight the thousands lining the route. In addition to Grand Marshalls Santa and Mrs. Claus, Natchi toches “parade royalty” includes the Christmas Belles, Miss City of Lights, the Christmas Angels, Miss Natchitoches Teen and Miss Merry Christmas, the queen of the season. Live music on the Riverbank Stage and fireworks round out the events.

Visitors during the 45 days also enjoy a Christmas Treasures Art and Craft Show, a boat parade, a holiday tour of homes in the Historic District, Christmas performances and other events, including a Holiday Kids Fest and top bands on the Riverbank Stage. Santa Claus will be at his Santa House nightly from Sun day, December 4 through Friday, December 23, and the fireworks show over Cane River Lake is held each weekend through December 31.

-80- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

In Charming, Historic Style

Restaurants and food vendors along the banks of the river, Front Street, and downtown ensure that no one goes hungry. To snack like a local, try a refreshing eggnog daiquiri and a hot and savory meat pie, or dine in on classic Creole and flavorful Cajun cuisine, but save room to sample everything from Italian to sushi to scrumptious desserts and traditional festival food. Restau rants and food vendors are open seven days a week.

The Natchitoches Christmas Festival is one of the most revered holiday light shows in the U.S., with top rankings from travel authorities, including “#1 Best Public Holiday Lights Display” in the USA TODAY’s “10Best” Readers’ Choice Awards and accolades from its peers in the Southeast Tourism Society. For more details and the full schedule, visit www.NatchitochesChrist mas.com

There’s so much to see and do that a mid-week or weekend stay is the best way to take it all in, and advance reservations for restaurants and accommodations are strongly suggested. Natchi toches is known as the Bed & Breakfast Capitol of Louisiana with more than 30 to choose from. Film buffs are attracted to the 1830s Steel Mag nolia House Bed and Breakfast, the centerpiece of the Southern classic movie of the same name (320 Jefferson Street, Natchitoches, Louisiana 71457; 318-581-3138). Hotels range from budget to flagship brands to the Chateau Saint Denis Hotel, the largest inn in downtown historic Nat chitoches. To explore all the options, please visit www.Natchitoches.com/stay.

For more on Louisiana

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -81-
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See Santa Dive at the

CORPUS CHRISTI - The holiday season is the perfect time to bring family and friends together for a day at the aquarium. The Texas State Aquarium (TSA) provides interac tive and educational experiences for every age. The aquarium is cur rently rehabilitating hundreds of endangered loggerhead sea turtles. Through the help of the public’s donations, the TSA is able to provide world-class care to the loggerheads.

From Dec. 10 - 23 the Holidays at the Aquarium program will feature Scuba St. Nick as he dives into the H-E-B Caribbean Sea exhibit for a unique encounter and festive photo opportunity with guests. Bring your camera and take a family photo that is sure to make a lasting memory. Scuba St. Nick will dive daily at 2 p.m. throughout the holiday season


This is a 30-minute program, best suited for learn ers in PreK – 2nd grade; This program is a by-par ticipant program and is $12 for non-members, $10 for members

Join us as we celebrate the holidays with a special under-the-sea twist! Help us trim our Fishmas tree as we go on a scavenger hunt to find the animals at the Texas State Aquarium. You’ll meet sharks, dol phins, turtles, and many more creatures that make the Aquarium their home via our live HD cameras. Then, Santa and his helpers will pay a special visit to our Caribbean Sea exhibit as they SCUBA dive down amongst the sharks.


Another special attraction is the extraordinary 4-D Experience with “THE POLAR EXPRESS™ 4-D Experience®”! When a doubting young boy takes

an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe. “THE POLAR EXPRESS™4-D Ex perience®” is based on the inspiring and beloved Caldecott Medal children’s book by Chris Van Allsburg.It will show every hour on the half-hour from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. Click the pre view below.

-82- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

the Aquarium

Gift your loved ones a one-of-a-kind experi ence. When you purchase a gift from the aquar ium, you are supporting our mission to engage people with animals, inspire appreciation for our seas, and support wildlife conservation.

According to Jesse Gilbert, president and CEO of the Texas State Aquarium Association, the ex hibit to receive the most attention and is consid ered the most exciting is the Dolphin Bay. Guests can engage with them up close and witness their speeds through water of up to 20 miles per hour. They also learn about the threats of survival to these marine mamals.

For tickets, hours, and more information, visit https://www.texasstateaquarium.org/

For more on Texas >Click Here

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -83-

New England States

Schellville Enchanted Winter Celebration

REHOBOTH BEACH - With its great success in 2021, Schell Brothers in partnership with Tanger Outlets is excited to announce the expansion of Schellville for the 2022 season. The expansion will include tree houses, an expanded snow zone, an amazing band line-up every night, a sledding hill, game room, a new train, and much more!

Schellville is no longer just a “village lane,” but instead, you and your family can enjoy an En chanted Winter Celebration, providing hours of FREE fun and entertainment for kids of all ages. They are currently open Thursdays through Sun days from now until Dec. 31. They will be closed Dec. 24-25, then open daily until New Years.

Take a break in the Beer Garden sponsored by Revelation Craft Brewing Co. featuring our very own Tipsy Blokes Brews and give Kudos to help power the magical “Believe-O-Meter.” Take a stroll and explore Frosty’s Food Trucks that have been relocated to the Magical Maze and expanded to include Dewey Beer Co., Dog fish Head Brewery, and unique snack shacks.

When exploring the Magical Maze, discover our elf houses where our resident elves live, and who help us make all the magic happen! If you see Mistletoe, make sure to give her big thanks for giving us the Schellville map! Learn about Mistletoe and all of her friends by knocking (clicking) on her house!

-86- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
For more information on Delaware

St. Michaels is an Amazing

National Geo graphic recognized the Eastern Shore as one of the “22 Amazing Journeys for 2022”. The area, within the Atlan tic Coastal Plain region, is com prised of the nine counties east of the Chesapeake Bay. The counties are filled with history that dates from the early 1500s and continues to provide immersive experienc es that blend seamlessly with local culinary expertise and water-based activities.

Captain John Smith re ceives credit as the earliest authenticated explorer of the bay area in 1608 but the land appears on a Spanish map, as Santa Maria, in 1556. An Algonquian indig enous population greeted the Europeans upon arrival, the Nanticoke and Poco moke-Assateague, many of whom moved west in the 1740s.

Maryland became the first proprietary colony in British North America in 1632 and remained so until July 3, 1776 and in April of 1788 Maryland became the seventh state. As a colony it rebelled against British rule early and zealously even though no bat tles were fought within the state. Nearly 29,000 Maryland men served in the Continental Army

and Maryland Militia from 1775-1783. The troops earned the honorific, the Old Line State”, when they prevented the annihilation of the Continen tal Army during the Battle of Long Island and subsequent Continen tal Army retreat in 1776.

St. Michaels, Maryland is situated at the heart of the Eastern Shore. As a destination it offers all aspects of the region within a walkable area or by accessing the 1.3mile rails-to-trails bike route, St. Michael’s Nature Trail, path through town. The mari na and bay provide a number of water-based activities and stunning views. Along the main thoroughfare there are numerous restaurants, shops and historic structures. St. Mi chaels looks and feels as if it has been preserved in amber and fortunate visitors have surprising opportunities to experience everything available within this perfect setting.

The town itself dates from the mid-17th century when tobacco was the primary crop. A trading post was built on the site bringing settlers into the area. The 1672 construction of the Christ Epis copal Church of St Michael Archangel was founded in present day St. Michaels and led to the naming of the town.

-88- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Amazing Getaway

The War of 1812 placed St. Michael’s center stage. The town was a shipbuilding center, particularly renowned for building schooners, and the British fleet deemed it and the Chesapeake Bay as prima ry targets and readied for an attack on August 10, 1813. The town’s militia had no hope of defeating the British forces and firepower and some citizens, aware of their precarious position, began to evacu ate, others devised a plan.

A total blackout was called for and lanterns were hung high in the trees causing the British to believe it was a hill town and to aim too high and miss the buildings. Only one structure was hit and is known today as the William Merchant Cannonball House. A cannonball pierced the roof and came down the stairs. No Americans were hurt in the attack. St. Michaels is referred to as “the town that fooled the British”.

In a unique town one would expect equally singular accommodations and St. Michaels does not disappoint. The newly opened Wildset Hotel is comprised of four 19th-century structures offering 34 rooms in total. No two rooms are alike and each features sumptuous furnishings and linens, stateof-the-art technology and designer amenities with an ambience that is reminiscent of both the history and the regional setting. Many rooms are equipped with fireplaces and luxurious soaking tubs. Com plimentary on-site parking is provided. #thewild set

Complimentary snacks are available en suite and breakfast with Ceremony Coffee is in the lobby area daily. Firepits and s’mores kits are available to guests as well as bicycles and yard games to en hance the Wildset experience.

Sisters Allie Balin and K.C. Lager opened Ruse Restaurant, the in-house dining establishment, to provide an accessible upscale experience incorpo rating local cuisine, Eastern Shore décor and superior service.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -89-
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The name harkens back to the defining British attack in 1813 when a ruse was used to save the town.

The menu changes seasonally with local ly sourced fresh foods that Chef Michael Correll combines to create nuanced tastes in regional dishes. The bar’s inventory is filled with specially chosen, small batch wines. There is an oyster bar with a rotating selection of oysters. Reservations are highly recommended.

To make your holiday visit even more spe cial the Wildset celebrates from Dec. 16-28. Christmas In St. Michaels, the town’s holiday kick-off event, takes place Dec. 9-11. Visitors stroll the streets amidst the historic homes and along the bayside. Some homes are listed on a tour. The historic structures in the rural areas are accessed by a holiday shuttle service. https://christmasinstmichaels

On Saturday, Dec. 10, the St. Michael’s traditional holiday parade on Talbot Street takes place. It showcases expected types of participation in addition to kazoo bands and even llamas. The parade kicks off at 10:30 a.m..

An annual Old Fashioned Eastern Shore Christmas Dinner takes place from 11 a.m. –3 p.m. Union United Methodist Church pre pares a carryout feast of homemade entrees and desserts. Get a taste of the Holidays past.

Water and boats equal the spectacular Lighted Boat Parade around St. Michael’s Harbor. The parade begins at 6 p.m.

The 2022 Marketplace and Sweet Shoppe returns for the holiday weekend. This is a wonderful opportunity to round out your visit with a purchase of decorations, baked goods, gifts and mementos from this en chanting historic town. An emphasis is placed on sustainable materials and products www.stmichaelsmd.com

-90- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
For more information on
St. Michaels -

An Offbeat Holiday Treat

NEW YORK - If you are seeking something different to celebrate Christmas this year, check out NYC by sea, or at least, by river.

Make your extended weekend getaway in New York City extra memorable by cruising with your close family, friends & team mem bers on 1920s style yachts decked out in lights and garland for its holiday décor. Enjoy the cozy wood interior while taking in views of the Statue of Liberty and the skyline. Most cruises include a complimentary libation.

These motor yachts Manhattan and Manhattan II are heated and have newly installed HEPA air filtration systems. Your group will have an assigned private table inside and an outside deck perfect to grab the best photos of

the Statue of Liberty and the NYC Skyline. The private tables are elegantly divided by Plexiglass and feature a 360 view of the icon ic Manhattan skyline from large windows and grand skylights.

Classic Harbor Line is known for its sightseeing cruises of the city and puts on a number of special holiday boat rides. Choose from daytime brunch cruises, “cocoa and carols,” a swanky jazz cruise, a New Year’s Eve cham pagne-tasting cruise, and more. The holiday themed boat rides last approximately 1 1/2 hours and are available throughout December. General admission starts at $86.

For reservations, visit online at https://sail-nyc.com/browse-bytheme/holiday-cruises/

Cocoa & Carols Holiday Cruise

Please join us for this special warm and cozy cruise with your friends, family, and all your loved ones during the Holiday Season. Step inside the toasty solarium in full holiday de cor for a one hour and thirty minute cruise to see the New York City lights. Listen to Holiday songs backed by a live band! One complimentary drink of Beer, Wine, Champagne or Delicious Hot Cocoa (Spiked if you please), Cookies, and treats for all our guests are included! (**Additional Drinks are available for purchase) This is a NYC Holiday cruise that you just can’t miss!

More on New York

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Lehigh Valley

Make your days merry and bright with these festive Lehigh Valley Events and special offers.

From charming carriage rides and historic downtown shopping experiences to holiday performanc es, caroling and more – Lehigh Valley sets the stage for a magical experience.

Experience the magic of the Christmas City. Beth lehem, PA boasts one of the top-ranked holiday markets in the world, now cel ebrating its 30th season. Christ kindlmarkt (Thurs days-Sundays, through Dec. 18, 2022) offers visi tors the chance to browse wares from artisans, while en joying musical per formances, watching glass blowing demonstrations, and more.

But that’s not the only shopping outlet you’ll find. Shop along charming Main Streets in Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton (Easton Winter Village), and beyond. Browse the Moravian Book Shop, the oldest continu ously operating bookstore in the country.

Take a horse-drawn carriage ride for a unique way to take in the scenery. You might even spot a strolling trombone choir, pulling inspiration from Moravian heritage, playing festive tunes. Across Lehigh Valley, local theatres showcase delightful performances ranging from the classics like The

Nutcracker & A Christmas Carol to unique produc tions that you can only see here, like Christmas City Follies. If lights are a must-see for you and your family, you’ll find no shortage of brilliant displays showcasing tens of thousands of twinkling lights, like Lights in the Parkway or Koziar’s Christmas Village. The Lehigh Valley Zoo transforms into a Winter Lights Spectacular fea turing tree-lined paths lit by millions of twinkling lights and animat ed displays. Enjoy holiday music, family-friend ly activities, hot cocoa, and other festive food and beverages. Winter Lights Spectacu lar is open with a timed-ticket ing system on WednesdaysSundays through January 1, 2023

If you’re looking to end this crazy year in a sweet, family-friendly way, check out PEEPSFEST. You can watch from anywhere in the world, or join in-person for socially-distanced Peeps Chick Drop! For more information on Lehigh Valley, visit https://www.discoverlehighvalley.com/

-94- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022
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More on Pennsylvania

First Commonwealth Bank’s “It’s A Wonderful Life” Festival takes place each weekend December 18, 2022 at the IRMC Park (7th Street/Philadelphia Street) in Indiana, PA

Visits with Santa & marshmal low roasting is schedled between noon and 5 p.m. on Saturdays and noon to 3 p.m. on Sundays.

You are sure to feel as though you’ve just stepped into Bedford Falls when you visit this festi val. The celebration includes a 30-foot LIVE Christmas tree and vintage Christmas light displays situated throughout the down town area, lovely Christmas tree decorations adorning the lamp posts and twinkling lights dot ting the buildings.

Experience a shopping and dining adventure as you stroll the streets in downtown Indi ana surrounded by specialty

boutiques and locally owned restaurants. Additional activi ties include: Visits with Santa, marshmallow roasting, vintage holiday light displays, selfie loca tions and more! Proudly sup ported by the Indiana County Center for Economic Operations.

Continuing weekends through December 18:

• A 30-Foot LIVE Christmas Tree.

• Vintage Christmas light and window displays.

• Specialty boutiques and lo cally owned restaurants.

• Visit with Santa and enjoy marshmallow roasting

• Visit the Jimmy Stewart Museum for a host of activities. See the special “It’s A Wonder ful Life exhibit and memorablia from the movie.

•“Toys of Christmas Past” exhibit at the Historical & Gene alogical Society of Indiana Coun


•Holiday “Wheels and Thrills” community miniature train & quilt show at the Indiana Mall.

The Indiana County Woodturners Association will display their handmade ornaments at Luxenberg’s Jewelry stores throughout the holiday season. There will be a silent auction to bid on and possibly win your favorite ornament. All proceeds will benefit the Teddy Bear Fund Drive.

Please contact Luxenberg’s for store hours: 717 Philadelphia Street Location: (724) 465-2122. Indiana Mall location: (724) 4655888.

For More on Pennsylvania

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -95-
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Remember the Reason

The Museum of the Bible was completed in 2017 in Southwest D.C., 3 blocks from the Capitol and steps from the metro. The 430,000-square-foot struc ture, one of the largest mu seums in a sea of museums, cost $500 million. Originally an early 20th-century re frigeration warehouse, the architects retained the brick façade but every floor and the roof were removed to expand the height of each level.

The museum was co founded by Steve Green, a conservative Evangelical Christian, is owned by the Museum of the Bible, Inc. and states it “is not political, and it will not proselytize”. The museum seeks to show case the history and influ ence of the best-selling book of all time in a nonsectarian, educational, scholarly and engaging way. On exhibit are 40,000 artifacts that rep resent 4,000 years of history.

The visitors’ experience begins on the exterior. The huge entrance doors are 3” thick and 40’ tall with 118 panels of German Brass, rep licating Gutenberg’s back

ward text printing plate of the first page of Genesis. The Gutenberg Bible was the first mass produced Bible in the world. Immediately inside the vestibule is a freestanding,

16-panel, window. Inscribed on the 32’ by 13.5’ window is Psalm 19 translated into 16 languages including German, Russian, Swahili and Hindi.

-96- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

for the Season

A spectacular grand hall is your entrée into the museum. The space, once a train loading bay, has been rede signed with Jerusalem stone pillars and a 40’ high, 140’ long ceiling. Moving ceiling displays feature rotating biblical images.

“Treasures from the Vatican Museums and the Vatican Library” is a special exhibit locat ed on the first floor. It relates the story of the creation of the library, through its construction in 1589 and into the modern era. Current ly the library has 1.5 million printed works and 31 miles of shelv ing. Manuscripts are on display along with an informational video.

At the end of the lobby visitors can access all six floors via a staircase or an elevator that shows an introductory film as you ride. Windows along the staircase give the effect of ascending into the light.

On the second floor there






is a small theater with an introductory video on Bibli cal architecture. This floor is devoted to “The Impact of the Bible”.

“Stories of the Bible” are featured on the third lev el. Visitors can experience

first-century Nazareth in “The World of Jesus of Nazareth”. Docents explain what life was like in that era as you walk-thru village struc tures.

“The History of the Bible” is featured on the fourth floor.

Each floor presents videos, movies and interactive stations to amplify the exhibits. Videos range in length from 3 to 30 minutes and visitors should allot a minimum of three hours to tour. There are two on-site eateries, the Milk and Honey Café and the Manna Restau rant, and a children’s play area where fami lies and individuals can take a break.

Highlights of the massive collection, and the most sought after displays, are a page from the first edition of the Gutenberg Bible and Lincoln’s Bible.

Gutenberg printed about 185 Bibles and completed his publication of the first edition in 1454.

Please turn to next Page.

December, 2022 ~ ExtendedWeekendGetaways | -97-

Bible: Continued

Five hundred African Americans gifted the Bible to Lincoln. A group from Bal timore paid $580, more than $8000 in today’s money, to thank him for emancipation and enlisting black soldiers in the Civil War.

This is a wonderful time to visit the Museum of the Bible because of the related holiday events.

The Bells of Bethlehem: Sounds from the Church of the Nativity opens Nov. 9. The presentation features six 12th-century bells from the Church of the Nativity, exhib ited for the first time outside of Bethlehem and Jerusalem. In the 13th century the bells were buried to save them from invaders and they were not rediscovered until 1906. Ad ditionally a wooden model of the church will be displayed.

At noon daily, November 25 – December 31, the Christmas story as written in the Gospels

will be related. Hot cocoa and cookies will be available.

On December 10 Liberty University’s gospel choir, Praise, and Shine, a contem porary acapella group, will present a Christmas concert.

From December 18–26, daily at 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m., Hanukkah Storytelling will take place. The stories told by interpreters are of the Macca bean Revolt and the Miracle of Light.

Don’t forget to look for unique and meaningful gifts in the Christmas Market and Museum Shop. #museumoft heBible

Stock photos came from the museum.

-98- | ExtendedWeekendGetaways ~ December, 2022

Mid - Eastern States

Inspirational Events

PETERSBURG– On select dates from Nov. 25, through Dec. 30, Answers in Genesis will once again host its spectacular annual Christmas pro grams at the Ark Encounter and Creation Muse um in northern Kentucky.

ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum and ChristmasTime at the Ark will display hundreds of thousands of dazzling lights. The museum will continue to feature a live nativity. At the Ark, its Answers Center will provide a warm place for guests to enjoy the stunning “Encounter the Wonder” animated show on a massive 70-foot LED screen, special concerts with Christmas carol sing-a-longs and live animal encounters—all free. New this year at the Ark is a free heated indoor children’s petting zoo at the Ararat Ridge Zoo.

CEO Comments

Ken Ham, CEO and founder of the attractions, declared: “Every year, our guests love walking the grounds of both attractions as they view the

tthousands of stunning lights. At the Ark, visi tors can watch the spectacular and constantly changing colorful lights that will illuminate the life-size 510-foot-long Ark. They’ll also enjoy the warmth of the Answers Center for Christmas music and other programs. At the Creation Mu seum, guests will experience our traditional live nativity and the stunning, colorful lights that surround our beautiful lake.”

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at Faith-Based Attraction

Ham continued: “ChristmasTime and ChristmasTown are our gifts to the commu nity during this special time of year. Not only will visitors have a wonderful time to gether, but their hearts and thoughts will be directed toward Jesus and the special gift he gives to us because of his birth, death and resurrection. Invite your friends to visit our world-renowned attractions.” More about the events can be found at the Ark and museum websites.

Highlights include:

•The gorgeous Garden of Lights with large steel dinosaurs lit up — many guests say it’s one of the best Christmas light displays in the entire Midwest.

•The traditional live nativity will present the true meaning of Christmas, depicting Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus.

•Live animals at the Eden Animal Experience, on the beautifully lit museum grounds.

•The free “Encounter the Wonder” 4D show inside the Special Effects Theater; at the high-tech planetarium, the stunning “The Christmas Star” program is shown (ticket purchase).

•A vast sea of bright multi-colored lights on the Ark’s expansive grounds.

•The Ark’s resident musicians, TrueSong, and other musical groups—as well as sing-a-longs to favorite Christmas carols and short dramas—will be held at 6 p.m. each night in the Answers Center.

•Live-animal encounters, with animals from the Ark’s zoo, will be held on the Animal/Actor Stage

at the zoo; guests can walk the grounds of the zoo and see live animals at no charge.

•A Christmas dinner can be purchased at the Ark’s Emzara’s Restaurant during ChristmasTime.

Dates, Times, Price

As explained on the Ark and museum websites, most of the holiday activities are free. For residents of surrounding counties,* parking is also free.

From November 25 – December 13 at both loca tions, the Christmas events will run Wednesdays through Sundays, starting at 5 p.m. Then from December 14—30, the events will be held each evening beginning at 5 p.m. (closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day).

Continuing a 15-year tradition, ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum invites families to enjoy free activities. Parking is $15.

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Let’s Have A Fountain Inn Christmas

Christmas “Inn”

Our Town Festival

From Dec. 9 to 18th with hours from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., the city will welcome you to lantern-lit streets, horse-drawn carriages, and Santa at one of the Up state’s finest Christmas celebration. The soft glow of thousands of twinkling lights and live Christmas instrumentals turn our historic downtown into the most enchanting place to spend the holidays.

Santas Workshop

Take a magical look in Santa’s workshop as he pre pares for the big night! Santa will be at Commerce Park every night during the festival, and free entry for all visitors. So make sure to stop by and grab a photo with him!

Live Christmas Music

Every weekend during the festival you can visit Commerce Park to listen to the best live Christmas music. This event is free to all visitors.

Carriage Rides

Tour the twinkling lights of historic downtown Fountain Inn by riding in our horse-drawn carriag es. The lantern-lit paths are sure to offer the most enchanting experience of the festival.

Tickets should be purchased in advance for your line-entry time, and walk-up tickets are not guaranteed; please be sure to get in line at the right time to avoid delays. Tickets are 10 dollars for adults, 8 Dollars for 65+, and free for two and under if they ride on your lap.


Come early on Dec. 7 to enjoy the annual Christ mas Parade from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. on the Main Street. Hosted by the Fountain Inn Chamber, this time-honored tradition welcomes Santa and the Christmas Season to town!

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Christmas at Graceland

Elvis Presley’s Graceland is deco rated for the holi days inside and out with the same deco rations Elvis used.

Graceland will celebrate the hol idays this year with a season of Christmas tours, festive concerts, Guest House hotel Christmas packages, and more. Christmas at Graceland runs through Elvis’ Birth day on January 8.

The extensive Christmas display at Graceland includes hundreds of blue lights lining the driveway, a life-size Nativity scene, Santa and his sleigh, and much more, all initially dis

played by Elvis and the Presley fam ily. A special guest appearance at the ceremony to be announced soon and there is a 100% chance of snow. San ta will be available for photos follow ing the ceremony at the Graceland Ticket Office. This event is free, and the public is invited to attend.

Graceland will offer Christmas tours through the mansion from 2– 4 pm daily through Dec. 23. Guides will share stories and mem ories about what it was like to spend Christmas with the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll at Graceland. In addition, guests looking can book the Christmas UVIP Tour that includes an af ter-hours tour of Graceland Mansion with special photo opportunities, a

private tour guide, outdoor tour of the grounds, and more.

The AAA Four Diamond Guest House at Graceland resort hotel is also offering a Christmas package complete with two nights hotel accommodations, an Afternoon Christmas tour, plus special holiday keepsakes. Christmas tours and the hotel package are now available for booking by visiting Graceland.com/ Christmas.

Dec. 10, Big Bad VooDoo Daddy brings their Wild and Swingin’ Holi day Party to Graceland.

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Dreaming of a “Hard

Things might be tough this Christmas with skyrocketing prices and shrinking pocketbooks, but it may be time to think about Christ mases past and the simple things in life that used to give us joy. Dolly Pardon had it right when she sang, “I’ll be fine and dandy Lord, it’s like a hard candy Christmas.”

One of the happy things I remem ber about my childhood Christmases is hard candy! When I was a kid, I didn’t get candy every day. It wasn’t in the candy dish on the coffee table to grab a piece and eat. Candy was a special treat!

I remember making hard candy with my grand mother for the holidays as a youngster. We used to make it the weekend after Thanksgiving. We would make all different flavors, and it would last into the new year. My favorite thing to do was to break it up after it hardened.

Perhaps those happy childhood memories are what made me fall in love with the hard candy from H.E. Williams Candy Company near Chesapeake, Virginia. I visited the H.E. Williams Candy Compa ny as part of a Press Trip with Visit Chesapeake. All opinions are my own.

Visiting the Candy Factory

Four of us visited the Chesapeake area, and the H.E. Williams Candy Company was on the itiner ary. We didn’t realize what a treat we would en joy. We arrived just as they started a batch of their famous “Peach Buds.” We got to watch the entire process and taste the delicious finished product.

Third-generation candy makers run the H.E. Wil liams Candy Company. It has been family-owned and operated since 1919. They make candy mostly by hand in a one-room 4,000 square-foot factory the

old-fashioned way, using the same recipe their grandfa ther, the company founder, used when the company began.

David Williams and his brother, Joe, were making a batch the day we visited. They told stories of help ing their father make candy when they were little boys. Some things have been im proved, like adding a pulley to help dump the heavy pots of hot liquid candy and a motor to the ribbon ma chine that previously required someone to use a hand crank. But most of the candy-making process has stayed the same.

The Process

Their candy is made in one-hundred-pound batch es. They use thirty pounds of corn syrup, seventy pounds of sugar, and a gallon of water to produce each delicious batch.

They boil the candy ingredients in the same cop

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Candy” Christmas?

before it is completely cooled. Once the hard candy is cool, it is bagged, labeled, and shipped by hand.

The Candy

Peach Buds are what H.E. Williams is famous for. This hard candy is peach flavored with a chewy coconut mixture in the center. It smells delectable when it is being made and tastes even better. Several bags of these tasty candies came home with me.

Other flavors include Mint Puffs, Hot Rocks, Ba nana, Fancy Mix, and more. My favorites were the Pineapple Lumps and the Peach Buds.

After reading about this process and looking at the photos, you might be wondering how you can get your hands on these delicious hard candies.

per pots their grandfather used when he started the business. When the candy reaches 301 degrees, they use the pulley to lift and pour the contents onto cooling trays. They smooth out and add colors to the hot liquid. As it cools, they separate the colors and fold the taffy-like mixture to blend the color and form it into a ball that weighs between 33 and 50 pounds.

They used the 1908 taffy spinning machine to add air to the candy and improve coloration. The flavors are added during the spin ning process as well.

Then they stack the different candy colors, add the coconut mixture, and roll it out to create a log. The log of taffy-like candy is hand fed into the ribbon machine, which crimps the candy and forms a rib bon sweetness.

The candy continues to cool and harden as it is dumped onto a conveyor belt and then deposited onto a tray, where they break up the pieces by hand

How To Purchase

They make candy and run their business the old-fashioned way. They don’t have a website or computer, they don’t advertise, and they don’t accept credit cards. Their modern equipment is a telephone and answering machine. They have a Facebook page that is usually active from October through December.

David told us, “Word of mouth is the best adver tisement and word spreads when you have an ex cellent product.” Leading up to the holiday season, they make candy seven days a week to keep up with demand.

You can visit their candy company or call and give them your order. Once they receive your check or money order in the mail, they ship the hard candy to you.

After you taste it, I bet you will be like me and love their delicious hard candy. I’m looking forward to a “Hard Candy Christmas” with some delicious candy from H.E. Williams Candy Company.

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