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Colorado, Summer Dog Sledding

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Breckenridge Trails

By Robin O’Neal Smith Freelance Writer

When most of us think of dogsledding, we picture a group of dogs pulling a sled through a winter wonderland. Did you know that you can actually go dogsledding during the summer months and early fall, too? Summer dogsledding is made possible using a wheeled dog sled or cart of some kind instead of a regular sled.

An excellent place to go summer dogsledding is Breckenridge, Colorado. Breckenridge is a beautiful town in the Rocky Mountains known for its skiing and snowboarding during the winter months. However, there is still plenty to do during the summer and fall, including dogsledding!

We visited in August, and my husband and I enjoyed a summer dogsledding adventure with Good Times Adventures Kennel. My visit to Breckenridge was hosted. All opinions are my own.

What Is Summer Dogsledding

First and foremost, summer dogsledding is an excellent alternative for those who may not be able to visit during the winter months. If you don’t enjoy colder temperatures or may not have the proper clothing, summer dogsledding allows you to experience this thrilling activity without the freezing temperatures.

Summer Dogsledding with Good Times

Adventures includes the dogs pulling a six or eight-person golf cart while it is in neutral across the Colorado Trails. The dogs are hitched precisely the same way they would be during the winter. They just pull a different type of sled/cart.

The Dogs

If you go dogsledding in Alaska, you will most likely have Alaskan Huskies pulling your sled. At Good Times Adventures, they have only Siberian Huskies. When you embark on a summer dogsledding excursion in Breckenridge, you’ll have the chance to meet 150 happy and energetic Siberian Huskies.

Our guide, Sarah, holding a beautiful six-month-old husky
Photo by Robin O'Neal Smith

Tour Of The Kennel

During the Summer Dogsledding season, you not only enjoy summer dogsledding, but you can also tour the kennel and meet the baby puppies and the six-month-olds. (You can’t tour the kennel in winter.)

Each dog has a name and a different personality. I was impressed with how our tour guide, Sarah, knew the names of each dog and could tell us about their history and personality. She encouraged us to socialize with the friendly dogs and which ones to approach cautiously.

One thing that was very surprising to me was how social the dogs were. They loved attention, and when one dog started a particular howl, they all howled with him. It was entertaining to hear 150 dogs howling at one time.

Special Care During Summer Months

These dogs are trained to pull the wheeled sled and take you through the beautiful scenery of the Rocky Mountains. During your ride and the tour, you’ll have the chance to learn about the dogs and their training.

It was apparent the dogs loved to run. The team went wild with excitement when it was time to get hitched. During winter, the dogs may make several dogsled runs per day, but during the summer months, they only run once every other day due to the heat. We stopped several times during the run for the dogs to drink water and rest.

A Funny Thing

As we were galivanting down the trail behind the team of huskies, a squirrel ran in front of the team, and off the dogs veered into the grassy area beside the trail. The guide quickly commanded them back into formation, and away we went. But it was funny to realize these well-trained dogs were still normal, fun-loving animals interested in chasing a squirrel.

Summer dogsledding in Breckenridge, Colorado, is a must-try activity for anyone visiting during the warmer months. Its family-friendly nature, breathtaking scenery, and unique experience make it a great way to create lasting memories and try something new. Who wouldn’t want to spend the day with a team of happy, energetic dogs?


In addition to the exciting summer dogsledding excursion with Good Times Adventures, the town of Breckenridge has plenty of other activities to offer on its stellar trails. Hiking, ebiking, and mountain biking are popular.

During our time in Breckenridge, we tried eBiking on the paved Blue River Rec Path and hiked on an easy trail to see the Breckenridge Troll.

Breckenridge History offers hikes on various trails and throughout the town to learn more about the history. Our guide, Leigh, was very knowledgeable, and we spent the morning in the French Gulch, where you time-travel back to Breckenridge’s early settlement days while enjoying the area’s natural beauty. (We saw a black bear near the trailhead.)

We hiked a trail to see the Reiling Dredge that was used to dredge the river for gold from 1908 – 1922. When the dredge broke down, they left it sit in the water and it is still there today.

Whether dogsledding, hiking, or biking, you are sure to find a trail to follow in Breckenridge, Colorado.

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