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South Dakota; Sasquatch Trail
Find A Sasquatch
Each year, South Dakota State Parks sponsor an annual activity to encourage everyone to visit their local parks. In 2023, “The trails are calling!” is the theme.
You are invited to hike designated trails in participating South Dakota State Parks, Recreation Areas, Nature Areas, and Trails and look for the sasquatch sign (above) posted along the trails. There is an interactive sasquatch map for directions online at https://sdgfp.maps.arcgis. com/apps/instant/basic/index.html
Check the interactive map for sign locations. When you find the sasquatch sign, take a photo and submit your sasquatch sighting to earn prizes. Then continue on to another hike to find sasquatch through December 31, 2023 at participating parks!
Earn Prizes
Participants will earn exclusive prizes based on the number of trails they have hiked to find sasquatch. Each hiker that submits a selfie is entered to win tickets to a Spearfish Sasquatch baseball game!
1 Trail: Submitting a sighting from one trail earns a sticker.
10 Trails: Find sasquatch on ten trails to earn a window decal.
20 Trails: Send a selfie from 20 trails to earn a keychain.
35 Trails: Serious sasquatch spotters who report from 35+ trails will earn a t-shirt.
Report missing sasquatch signs to parkinfo@state.sd.us so a replacement sign can be ordered. If a sasquatch sign is missing or you couldn’t find it, submit a selfie with the park entrance sign to receive credit for participating.
Farm Island has two sasquatch signs hidden along the trails, each sign counts as one submission. All other parks count as a single sighting.
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