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POSITIONS FROM FREEDOM HOUSE A message from the PPP on the occasion of Arrival Day 2023
Arrival Day reminds us of the rich history of strength, determination, and innovative spirit brought by the Portuguese, East Indians, and Chinese, and others who were brought to these shores as indentured labourers. It reminds us of the sacrifices and immeasurable contributions made by them to develop our individual communities and our country and emphasizes for us the duty we have to build a bet- ter country for our children. As we commemorate this day, all Guyanese, here and abroad are urged to reflect on the grueling, inhumane journeys undergone to arrive here, the harsh living conditions withstood in the early days, and the successful efforts made, in spite of that, to thrive and develop their families and communities. Their determined efforts have led to the creation of this multi-cultural and multi-religious society of ours in which there is immense pride in our diversity. We have been imbued with values of perseverance, sacrifice, brotherhood, and respect for one another as we share and participate in the various festivals that have come to identify us as a people.
Inspired by the sacrifices and achievements of our ancestors, the Guyanese people are determined to build upon the gains that have been made to: ensure our country remains a place for all of its sons and daughters; safeguard our hard-won freedoms; ensure that peace is not compromised; and to ensure that the safety of our people is paramount. Recognizing the value of the gains that we have made, we must reject those views which will dishonour these inherited values and we must contin - ue to work together as one people to further advance the development of our nation for the betterment of all Guyanese.
The sacrifices made by the Indigenous people, those who were brought to our shores as indentured labourers and those who were brought forcibly as slaves, have brought us to a place in 2023 where our country today is recognized as the country in our region with
APNU to eas and geography in the context of divisional and sub-divisional boundaries. Alexander further stated that he would argue that in addition to geography, soil type, hydrology, natural borders, rivers, creeks, and highways, geographical features should also include these. According to him, the divides will have an impact on the PNC since they will make the PNC a minority in places with populations or constituencies that have historically supported it. In several of the reorganized Local Authority Areas, he argued, the PNC had a worse chance of gaining constituency seats.
Notably, the Commission unanimously rejected Alexander's arguments and approved the CEO's the most robust social and economic development trajectory. As we celebrate the successes and achievements of our people, we honour our foreparents by our united commitment to ensure a country where all families can live and thrive in safety and prosperity.
Happy Arrival Day to All!
People’s Progressive Party May 4th, 2023
← FROM PAGE 11 report after the CEO gave his report on January 31. According to Article 72 of the Constitution, Guyana may be divided into sub-divisions in order to organize local democratic entities. The population, physical size, regional features, and economic resources must all be taken into account while dividing the country. A division shall be made available where it is necessary and where the populace requests it, according to the Constitution.
Acting Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire has set May 30, 2023 as the date to address the matter. The respondents are Chief Election Officer, Vishnu Persaud, and GECOM Chairperson, retired Justice Claudette Singh.