Phytoremediation Learning Centre, Miri

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CONTENT Page Chapter 01

Chapter 02

Chapter 03

Research Background - Background Study - Problem Statement - Aims and Objectives - Research Questions Site Study - Site Selection - Site Background - Site Analysis Precedent Study - Precedent Study 01: Kallang River @ Bishan Ang Mo Kio by Ramboll Studio Dreiseiti - Precedent Study 02: Modular Sustainability Marine Research Campus by Dan Addis John Kim and Jensen Ying

Page Chapter 07

2 2 3 3

Environmental and Technology 7.1 Construction - Foundation - Roof - Wall - Floor

35 36 37 38

4 5 6

7.2 Fire Safety - Active Fire Protection - Passive Fire Protection

39 43


7.3 Water and Sewerage System - Water Tank and Cold Water Supply - Sewerage Pipeline

48 50


- Precedent Study 03: Coastal Marine Research Station by Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados


- Precedent Study 04: Center for Urban Water by Perkins + Will


Chapter 04

Design development and Strategies


Chapter 05

Architectural Drawings - Floor Plans - Elevations - Sections - Perspectives

25 28 30 31

7.4 Electrical System - Luminance Level - Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting of Interiors (PSALI) 7.5 Passive Design - Natural Ventilation (Cross Ventilation) - Acoustic - Rainwater Harvesting System - Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) - Roof Thermal Transfer Value (RTTV)

51 52

53 54 55 56 57


Chapter 01: Research Background Background Study

Problem Statement

Water is not only the mother of life but also the basis for human existence

In the Malaysian context, water resources are abundant and available

and continuity. It supports human physical needs, such as food and

throughout the year as average rainfall per annum is approximately 3,000

domestic usage. Historically, the four earliest ancient civilisations, of

mm, which supplies the water resources of approximately 900 billion

different region, which includes the Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, the

cubic metres (WWF Malaysia). River water quality is declining due to

Egypt, and the Yellow River, all settled next to water bodies. This is not a

several causes, includes domestic and industrial sewage, manufacturing

mere coincidence but proof of water’s significance in support of human

and agro-based industries, mining, marine dumping, housing and road

existence. Besides, it is also a source of metaphysical symbolism while

construction and deforestation for development.

serves aesthetic pleasure and therapeutic value in human species development. It influences cultures and beliefs, which later developed into religions. Cities such as Allahabad, Benares and Hardwar in India has evidenced the significance of water (river) in culture and city planning.

At the site context, Miri River has become the universal collector of human waste, worsening the water quality available. Developments directly discharge unwanted waste into the river. Besides, the city do not have a proper, centralised sewerage treatment plant. The city depends on individual septic tank and de - sludge service for domestic sewerage

Hence, the evolution of cities always influenced by water body. However, the development of the cities always brought negative impacts to urban waterway. Anthony Wilson has mentioned that the significance of aesthetic quality of the natural environment, including the water environment in the development of cities has increased to enhance the urban environment. The standpoint has evidenced the

while grey water is directly discharged into waterway. Although the construction of sewerage treatment plants is proposed under 9 th and 10th Malaysia Plan, however, it is not the perfect solution for the issue as it always serve only one function and located at an isolated location. It is an active treatment method that involve high technology, high maintenance and specialists to ensure the on-going of treatment.

necessity to create a harmony, mutual beneficial relationship between cities development and its surrounding.

Therefore, passive water treatment shall be proposed to ensure environment sustainability especially in Miri context that the city is

Therefore, Malaysia as a nation surrounded by several bodies of water must confront the water issue. This paper will look at the water pollution

developed along the River. The assimilation of passive water treatment in architecture shall be explore for the solution of water issue.

issue through architecture. The connection between natural and built environment are believed to be the key to mitigate water pollution.


Research Question 2|Page

The aim of this research is to explore architecture that can mitigate water

Water has been integrated into architecture in various form and most of

pollution on site. The outcome shall be a ‘living mechanism’ that able to

the time, the water has bring positive impacts to the space. However, this

purify water and raise public awareness water pollution issue.

relationship is not mutual beneficial; water enhance the atmosphere of the

Objectives: - To explore passive water treatment methods - To study the integration of water into architecture - To study the integration of passive water treatment in architecture - To study ‘living architecture’








developments always bring pollution to water. Therefore, in order to sustain the mutual beneficial relationship between waterscape and built environment, in response to the site issues mentioned above, the thesis to proposed a learning centre at the site is carried out with the research question highlighted as follow: How the convergence of architecture and landscape does help to reduce the site grey water issue by incorporating low-tech, eco-friendly and sustainable solution.

Chapter 02: Site Study Site Selection 3|Page

MIRI RIVER MOUTH Miri river is selected as the site due to its strategic location and its polluted condition. Miri was founded when its first oil well at Canada Hill was drilled by Royal Dutch Shell. This economic activity has resulted in high tendency of water pollution caused by oil spillage in Miri, which


endangered the ecosystem of marine life. However, the main source of water pollution is the irresponsible disposal of garbage by the informal settlements. Miri house the most number of squatters in Sarawak, (approx.4000 families), with 50% of them settle next to Miri River and its tributaries. Besides, garbage dumping, untreated sewage from the informal settlements has worsen the river pollution condition. High level of bacteria and floating debris cause low dissolved oxygen in water, indicated the water is highly polluted. Furthermore, Miri River also suffers from oil spillage from the vessels, or fishing boats that stopped at the private jetties behind the industrial area. Others reasons that contributed to Miri River pollution, include discharged of industrial waste and construction activities.

Site Background


Miri is a coastal city located in the north eastern Sarawak, Malaysia which an area of 997.43 km². With the population of 234, 541, it becomes the second largest city in Sarawak. The Miri Division became part of Sarawak in 1883 while the foundation to development in Miri started with the petroleum and gas industry by AngloSaxon Petroleum Company in 1910. This was followed by the logging and timber sector development in 1970s and major land development in 1990s. These developments has bring to diverse secondary and tertiary sectors such as manufacturing, tourism etc.

Besides, forestry sector was developed and in 1980, downstream timber industries and light industries sprouted in Miri Town. This led to investment in heavy industries, building vessels and ships for international water. Some also ventured into land development which lead to success in palm oil sector. Today, Miri has transformed from a small fishing village into a vibrant and globalise new aged city.


Site Analysis:




Chapter 03: Precedent Study 01 Kallang River @ Bishan Ang Mo Kio by Ramboll Studio Dreiseiti

The project is a rejuvenation project in an urban context. To ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the project, the rejuvenation







biodiversity along Kallng River, by introduced a variety of greeneries and natural materials instead of active water treatment facilities. The project employed numerous technique such as soil engineering techniques, cleansing isotopes, green roofs and vegetated swale as a mechanism for water purification. Other than landscape on ground, the building within the area also featured green roof Green roofs together with vegetated swale infiltrate, detent and purify the storm water collected before convey into the river way. The case study has shown an initial approach taken to integrate phytoremediation into built environment. Although the development is a public park, the application water treatment through vegetation can be amalgamated and developed into part of living architecture.


02 Modular Sustainability Marine Research Campus by Dan Addis John Kim and Jensen Ying

The building is a passive green building that generate huge amount of energy with the minimal environmental impacts. Its ‘Marsh Machine’ is a system used to purify black water to near potable condition without using any hazardous substances but only plants (natural remediation)

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03 Coastal Marine Research Station by MartĂ­n Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados

The commission asked for about 1000 m2 of new facilities immediately adjacent to the north of the existing building, considering the complementary technical services underground and in the order established by the previous construction, with a central square surrounded by work and living facilities. For the program, three areas were








International Laboratory for Global Change (LINC-Global).Considering this and the shape of the lot (a peninsula with steep slopes, declared a nature reserve with human exclusion, enclosing a 1 km area of coastline in 1982, being one of the first of its kind in the world), the project has three volumes parallel and far between, which privilege the views of the sea (the goal of work and research), each corresponding to the requested areas, so as to make autonomous the volumetry of the program and gain freedom to adapt to the specific needs of each section. These volumes are made up of a sequence of plywood frames supported on concrete bases partially buried in the slope. These bases house technical facilities for the building, such as Filtering Area, Carpentry Workshop, storage, and Diving PaĂąol. Unlike the existing building, the proposed building meets the requirements of the new Marine Biology undergraduate degree from Universidad Catolica. Asits headquarters are located in Santiago, the undergraduate facilities of the Coastal Marine Research Station have an occasional use, with a period of greatest use in the months between November and March, not exceeding 40 students using the facilities at any one time, including research laboratories and complementary laboratories.

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* The precedent study is selected to study the list of space and area.

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04 Center for Urban Water by Perkin + Wills

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The 51,000 sf, three-story building functions as a shared research facility for City of Tacoma and University of Washington Tacoma to receive and analyse water samples from the waterways of Tacoma and surrounding areas. The building program is comprised of laboratories, offices, conference rooms, a lunch room, an exhibit center, a customer service center at the lobby entrance, and related building services including a mooring facility on the Thea Foss Waterway. The building is sited to optimize views across the waterway toward the city and views toward Mt. Rainier, to maximize public open space, and to provide access to the shoreline esplanade and to on-site parking. * The precedent study is selected to study the list of space and area.

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Chapter 05: Design Development and Strategies List of Spaces Spaces required for a learning centre has listed out with the reference to the precedent studies. The spaces were later arranged and according to their spatial adjacency for a better and more efficient spatial arrangement in later stage.

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Quality of Spaces

Spaces are grouping into different zone according to the quality of spaces intended to create, which are the education, the exploration and the evaluation. The education is opened for public while the exploration zone has limited access with the permission. The evaluation zone is private and intricate which allow authorised person access only.

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Phytoremediation Process Phytoremediation is referred to remediation technology that utilise various type of vegetation as a medium to control, destruct or extract contaminants. The process were studied for better application in the building design, either as a subject to be learned and evaluated by public and researchers, or a passive water treatment process that can be applied in building elements for a better, living architecture that is more eco – friendly. However, not all process is applicable in the learning centre proposed; the Hydraulic Control, Vegetative Cover and Riparian Corridor are the process that applied at the site with soil contaminants to control the spreading of pollutants. Therefore, only Phyto - extraction, Rhizo -filtration, Phyto – Stabilization, Rhizo – Degradation, Phyto – Degradation and Phyto – Volatilization are applied in the design.

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Interaction of Spaces with Phytoremediation

Phytoremediation processes are linked to the quality of spaces. Education zone that is accessible by public has exposed to all the process with the visual interaction (indicated in dotted line) while exploration zone only exposed to Phyto –Extraction and Rhizo – Filtration that allow field application for a deeper understanding on the process. The evaluation zone is exposed to all the process as it is the passive mechanism applied in learning centre for both purification and research purpose.

18 | P a g e

Form Exploration Grid Typology Grid typology has higher transparency on accessibility and interconnection between different spaces. However, the connection is more rigid and is not response to the site selected. Courtyard Typology: Courtyard





circulation connectivity as the focal point





interconnection of surrounded building with providing privacy at the required area.






response to the site. Linear Typology Linear typology (curvilinear) allowed the zoning of different quality with providing



spaces. Public route created with the curvilinear allow connection with the process without sacrifice the privacy. The form is suit to the longish site.

Form and Phytoremediation 19 | P a g e

Overlapping of phytoremediation process, curvilinear form and the interaction of spaces’ quality shown above has become the ‘base’ for later spatial arrangement and interaction.

Spatial Planning (Plan) 20 | P a g e

Basic spatial arrangement in plan according to the spaces adjacency with the phytoremediation.

Spatial Planning (Section)

Basic spatial arrangement in plan according to the spaces adjacency with the phytoremediation.

Design Strategies: Quality of Spaces 21 | P a g e

Design Strategies: Phytoremediation 22 | P a g e

Design Strategies: Phytoremediation 23 | P a g e

Chapter 06: Architectural Drawings 24 | P a g e

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan 25 | P a g e

Second Floor Plan

Roof Plan 26 | P a g e

Sections 27 | P a g e

28 | P a g e

29 | P a g e


Perspectives: 30 | P a g e

Exploration Zone – Outdoor: The


between and





is the



phytoremediation ponds in arcitecture elements water




(ohytooremediation ponds) on roof and facades.

31 | P a g e

Exploration Zone – Indoor The that




informaton and the real



phytoremediation extended the ‘limit of exporation’.

32 | P a g e

Evaluation Zone – Outdoor: Outdoor Environment was brought into the indoor




phytoremediation ponds are like fingers that


through boundary laboratory;

the into



the water of different stages for testing and research.

33 | P a g e

Evaluation zone – Indoor: Indoor area quality

evaluation carries of



and concentration.

34 | P a g e

Chapter 07: Environmental and Technology 7.1 Construction PILED-RAFT FOUNDATION

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7.2 Fire Safety Active Fire Safety Protection Both active and passive fire protection system are introduced in proposed building to ensure occupants safety in the case of fire. Active fire protection included those fire protection system that required certain amount of action to activate it, includes fire detection and alarm system (smoke detector or fire alarm), fire extinguisher, fire lift, dry or wet riser system, automatic sprinkler system, hose reel system and etc as follow: Portable Fire Extinguisher The area selected for study is the resource centre, gallery and cafeteria area that located at the first floor. Dry chemical powder fire extinguisher are proposed as it shall be sufficient to cover class A, B, C and E fires. Floor plans attached shows the proposed location of fire extinguisher. The fire extinguisher is located next to fire staircase at both end of the area for easier accessibility.

Fire Lift 39 | P a g e

As the proposal is a 3 storey low rise building, there are only one fire lift provided for fire use, as well as for service and maintenance purpose. The fire lift is located at the one end of the building, nearby a fire staircase. The furthest point to access fire staircase is inly approximately 55 meter. The lift served every floor while the life shaft that accommodate fire lift car is at least 2 hour fire resistance protection while the landing doors is at least half an hour resistance protection.

Dry / Wet Riser System The maximum height for the proposed building is only 11.3 metres which there is no necessary to provide riser system

Hose Reel System Hose reel system is one of the early stage fire protection. The building is proposed with two hose reel at which each of them located next to the two fire staircases. 40 | P a g e

Each hose reel with 30 metres radius has covered the whole building as shown in floor plan below. However, the hose reel are exposed and no recessed closet.

Hose reel tank calculation: First hose reel

= 2275.0 litre

Every additional hose reel = 1137.5 litre Hose reel tank size

= 2275.0 litre + (1137.5 litre x 5) = 7962.5 litre

Fire Detection and Alarm System Two stage fire alarm system are introduced in the proposal. Besides, smoke detectors are also introduce according to the design guideline stated in Guide to Fire Protection in Malaysia 13.5.2 (iii) (b). However, only one smoke detector is provided at the lift lobby area as it is more enclose while the other part is opens with 41 | P a g e

multiples ventilation. Location of smoke detector and fire alarm are shown in the floor plans attached.

Passive Fire Protection Passive Fire Protection compartmentalize the building through the use of fire resistance rated building materials, avoiding fire from spreading. Damages can be reduced through application of passive fire protection and it allows more evacuation time. Aspects such as fire appliances access (fire truck route), hydrant, 42 | P a g e

means of escape, building materials (whether it is fire rated) are considered while apply passive fire protection in the design of the building. Therefore, passive fire protection proposed are as follow: Fire Appliance Access Proposed building has low building height although the plan is longish, linear in form. As the building volume is less than 28000 meter cube, one sixth fire appliance access is needed. The route for the fire appliance is shown in the floor plan attached.

Mean of Escape Alternative fire escape shall be provided if there is dead end situation in the design. Therefore, two fire staircases are allocated at the both end of the exploration zone for the mean of escape. The two fire staircases are provided with the distance less than 60 metres in between. The exit of the fire staircases are opened to an open spaces at ground floor. The running distance from the furthest point to door are not more than 12 metres in each compartment. Meanwhile, the distance from door to fire staircase are not more than 30 metres if there is alternative escape route, and not more than 12 metres if it is a dead-end situation. Diagram below 43 | P a g e

shown the standard precast fire staircase detail while the coverage and location of fire staircase and route of escape are shown in floor plan attached.

Source: Guide to Fire Protection in Malaysia

Fire rated Door Other than wall and floor that are fire resistance, the door with fire resistance protection of minimum 1 hour is proposed to postpone the spreading og fire and smoke from 1 compartment to another. The proposal of fire rated door are as shown in the floor pan attached

Ground Floor Plan

44 | P a g e

First Floor Plan

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Second Floor Plan

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7.3 Water and Sewerage System Cold Water Supply 47 | P a g e

Water Storage Requirement Proposed Water Tank The calculation below only covered the central part on the building. There are 48 units of water closets, 6 units of urinals, 33 basins, 1 sink and 12 showers. The table below indicates 24 hours storage requirement for each type of fitting:

The storage capacity required for the building are as follow: Basin: 33 units x 90 litres = 2970 litres Urinal: 6 units x 110 litres = 660 litres Water closet: 48 units x 180 litres = 8640 litres Sink: 1 units x 90 litres = 90 litres Total storage capacity = 2970 litres + 66 litres + 8640 litres + 90 litres = 12360 litres Therefore, 3 units of 5000 litres horizontal water tank is proposed at ground floor to collect water after purification from rain water and river water.

Water Tank Room Location Water supply for the building are from water tank room or rainwater tank room. After undergone the purification process, the water is stored in the water tank room located next to toilet at ground floor for ease of water supply. Floor plan attached shown location of water tank room. 48 | P a g e

Diagrammatic Section for Cold Water Supply

Sewerage System Proposal of Sewerage Pipeline Floor plan below shows the selected toilet for study. The fittings were connected with two pipes, soil pipes for water closets and urinal, while waste pipe for flor traps 49 | P a g e

for floor traps and basins. Soil pipe are directly connected to the manhole while waste pipes are connected to the gully traps before discharged to the manhole. The pipeline proposed are as floor plan below.

Diagrammatic Section for Sewerage System

7.4 Electrical System Luminance Level Selected area for study is the laboratory area. Laboratory space featured high ceiling and natural lighting from side. However, artificial lighting is required in the 50 | P a g e

case of natural lighting is insufficient to carry out the task. Table below shows the luminance level required to carry out task in laboratory.

Proposal of Luminance Lighting Total Floor Area = 13 m x 13 m = 169 m² Required illuminance = 200 lux Luminaire = PASSUN LED Pendent Light Lamp Maintenance Factor, MF = 0.9 Utilisation Factor, UF = 0.8 Number of Fitting = (lux) (Area) / (lumen) (Mf) (UF) = (200) (169) / (5000)(0.9)(0.8) = 33800 / 3600 = 9 units Spacing per fitting = 13 / √(13)(9) / 13 = 4.3 metres Proposed Reflected Ceiling Plan Calculation shown that total number of 9 units of lighting fittings are needed to illuminate the cafeteria area. The spacing and location of the lighting points are tabulated as reflected ceiling plan below. Besides, the lighting points are grouped according to their usage frequency and location to achieve better efficiency. Reflected Ceiling Plan Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting of Interior (PSALI)

51 | P a g e

1. Group 1 – only switch on when necessary as the area next to louvres opening where natural lighting always sufficient 2. Group 2 – Lighting points always switch on the area is deeper where natural sunlight cannot reach 3. Group 3 – Similar with Group 1 as natural light always available from openings

7.5 Passive Design Natural Ventilation – Cross Ventilation

52 | P a g e

The building is proposed to be ventilated naturally. Vast fenestration with louvres is proposed at northeast direction to allow the passage of prevailing wind and control sunlight penetration while at southwest direction, vast openings with water features captures and cool down the wind enter the space. Besides, land breeze and sea breeze effect also aid to the cross ventilation of the building as shown in floor plan and section attached.

53 | P a g e

Acoustic The Auditorium for the learning centre is selected to examine its acoustic quality. Materials were selected to achieve desirable reverberation time for optimum acoustic quality. Table below shows the recommended reverberation time for an auditorium is between 0.7 s to 1.0 s. The original reverberation time is 2.49 s which is too high for the purpose. Therefore, acoustic panels with higher absorption coefficient were introduced to reduce the reverberation time to 0.79 which is optimum for an auditorium.

54 | P a g e

Rain Water Harvesting System Rain water harvesting system is introduced to collect rain water for domestic use, such as flush water closet or water the nearby landscape. As the proposal is a learning centre on passive water treatment (phytoremediation), the arrangement for the rainwater in essential as it plays the role to showcase the process and become the role model to public as raise awareness on water related issue Rain Water Harvesting Tank Calculation Urinal:

Rain Water Harvesting Calculation Water volume harvested per year = catchment area x rainfall depth x 0.623

6 units x 110 litres = 660 litres

= 13630 ft² x 94.8 x 0.623

Water closet:

= 804993 gal.

48 units x 180 litres = 8640 litres

= 3047230 litres

Landscape (vegetation on building but not covered ground): landscape area (ft²) x 0.1 gal = 30236 ft² x 0.1

Water volume harvested per month = 3047230 / 12 = 253935 litres

= 3023 gal = 11443 litres Total water needed per day = 660 litres + 8640 litres + 11443 litres = 20743 litres Diagrammatic Section for Harvested Rainwater Distribution

Therefore, the volume of water harvested is sufficient for the building sanitary fittings and landscape (on building) usage.

Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) 55 | P a g e


Comparison between Ottv

MS 1525 stated that the overall thermal transfer value of a building shall lower


than 50W per meter square. OTTV of the proposed building is slightly lower than 50

the value. This my due to high window to wall ratio at south east and south west façade while extremely low ratio at north west and south east due to continuous

49.5 Ottv (W/m²)

roof design.


49 48.53




MS 1525

Ottv Overa l l thermal tra nsfer val ue

Roof Thermal Transfer Value

56 | P a g e

Justification: MS 1525 stated the Roof Thermal Transfer Value of a building shall lower than 25W per metre square. RTTV of the proposed building is slightly lower than the benchmark due to roof materials that is low in thermal transmittance.

57 | P a g e

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