Kotanyi brochure code of conduct partners english 30 5 16

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CODE OF CONDUCT for suppliers of Kotรกnyi GmbH


Dear business partners, We are living in times of rapidly changing global economic general conditions and an always increasing worldwide competition among suppliers of goods and services. Therefore – besides the provision of a high quality of all products and activities – for a company like Kotányi it is more important than ever to get and to strengthen the confidence of all stakeholders (consumers, clients, authorities…) also by constant integrity and a constant ethical behaviour. Confidence and good cooperation as well as high ethical and social standards are im-portant basic principles, which are an inseparable component of our company’s values and therefore the general principle for all our activities. When cooperating with our suppliers we also want to make our contribution to a fair and correct behaviour relating to human rights, consumers, society and environment on each level. The code of conduct for suppliers shall help to effectively anchor the principles of behaviour which are important for us in our daily thinking and activities relating to business. Besides the guarantee regarding the compliance with all relevant prescriptions we want to define any further standards for our business relationship. We expect that this code of conduct is accessible for and known by all employees and managers and that you ensure in your company that a correct ethical behaviour is supported. We are convinced that on the basis of this code of conduct we will be able to start a successful business relationship. We thank you for your support and your cooperation. Best regards The Company Management




Contact with employees


1.2 Diversity

Working and social standards

1.3 Health protection, safety at work and fair working conditions

2. 3. 4. 5.


Freedom of association and opinion

Dealings on business


Fair partnership


Antitrust and competition law


Monetary values advantages and invitations


Federal state law


Bribery of authorities



Diversity of species


Protection of environment

Products and manufacturing processes


Safety and legality of products


Identification of raw materials and products

Compliance with code of conduct

1. Contact with employees 1.1 Working and social standards


otányi requires from its suppliers at least the compliance with the ILO core job norms and the therein specified basic principles. Furthermore Kotányi expects the strict compliance with legal country-specific compensation rights and working time regulations.

1.2 Diversity


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otányi appreciates the diversity of different opinions, cultures and ideas and takes the equal treatment of persons affiliated to different groups for granted. Therefore Kotányi definitely stands up against any kind of discrimination and – even in case of its suppliers – does not accept any discrimination due to origin/nationality, sex, religion or ideology, sexual orientation, pregnancy or parenthood, family status, age, handicap or other reasons that are embraced by the non-discrimination rule.

1.3 Health protection, safety at work and fair working conditions


otรกnyi expects from its suppliers that adequate procedures and protective measures for the unlimited guarantee of safety at work and health protection are implemented and existing. The guarantee of fair working conditions means for Kotรกnyi at least payment and working hours conforming to the law as well as a fair leadership behaviour.

1.4 Freedom of association and opinion


otรกnyi expects from its suppliers that they respect the rights of their direct or indirect employees according to the particular national law to form an employee representation respectively to get politically involved. We definitely stand up against any retaliatory measures or attempts at intimidation towards employees of the suppliers.

tra dition

2. Dealings on business 2.1 Fair partnership


otányi sees suppliers as partners, with whom a long-term, fair and honest relationship shall be entered into. Kotányi takes fairness as well as a fair-minded, respectful behaviour in dealings on business for granted.

2.2 Antitrust and competition law


otányi obligates itself to a fair competition. Restrictions of the free competition by breaking antitrust laws or illegal antitrust agreements are not tolerated at all.

2.3 Monetary values advantages and invitations


mployees of Kotányi must not accept any donations. It is allowed to accept lowvalue promotional gifts, gifts with a symbolic value or invitations to customary business meals every now and then. Kotányi refuses any kind of bribery and corruptibility in dealings on business. Any suspicion of attempted bribery will be reported to the management respectively the compliance officer of Kotányi.

2.4 Federal state law


otányi applies to the laws and jurisdiction of many countries. We take the compliance with all effective legal requirements for granted.

Kotányi expects from its suppliers that they know the basic laws, provisions and requirements, which are relevant for the business relationship, and that they take

2 care that all laws, provisions and requirements are absolutely met. Written or orally agreed stipulations must never be in conflict with applicable law. Should an agreement be at odds with the legal requirements, the law shall prevail.

2.5 Bribery of authorities


otรกnyi definitely refuses any kind of corruption. When cooperating with authorities in no case money, gifts or invitations may be used to influence decisions.




Quality 3.1 Diversity of species


s defined by the pursued Corporate Social Responsibility Kotรกnyi undertakes everything the company is able to save ecological resources also for the next generation. The protection of the diversity of species is a great concern of Kotรกnyi. Kotรกnyi requires also from its suppliers a responsible use of natural resources.

3.2 Protection of environment


he compliance with national laws and international environmental laws, regulations and standards is obligatory. Furthermore the implementation of an adequate environmental management system is desirable.


4. Products and manufacturing processes 4.1 Safety and legality of products


ll suppliers of Kotรกnyi have to guarantee that raw materials and products are free from any defects or quality characteristics, which may affect the health of consumers. Kotรกnyi expects from suppliers that they meet strict quality, safety and hygienic rules during the whole production, storage and transportation process.

4.2 Identification of raw materials and products


he lawful declaration and conformity complied with the valid food law is obligatory for suppliers. Within the meaning of a business partnership Kotรกnyi expects from suppliers a trustful cooperation from the choice of suppliers to the on-going qualification test.




5. Compliance with code of conduct


otรกnyi expects from its suppliers that they do not take any actions that violate the basic principles of the code of conduct for suppliers of Kotรกnyi. The compliance with this code of conduct is the basis of each procurement contract and an integral part of all supplier agreements. Any violation against the principles mentioned in the code of conduct for suppliers of Kotรกnyi is considered as an essential interference of the business relationship and entails for Kotรกnyi the right to set an adequate deadline for the implementation of improvement measurements and also to terminate an agreement/business relationship without notice.

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