Ivy portfolio sample

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Must human be the user of a park? War Commemorative Park Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Personal Work | 2017.9-10 Dedicated to those who sacrificed for the city’s freedom during Nanjing Defense War, 1937. Eternal glory to the beautiful souls.

Nanjing, a beautiful city but had gone through a lot of pain. During the World War II, Nanjing was invaded by Japanese militarism. People died to protect their homeland, and one of the battleground was a hill near Taipingmen City Wall. When I arrived there 80 years, I found it a forgotten place with trees thriving. Then the night came, and I saw thousands of fireflies twinkling in the bush. Fireflies die soon after showing up, yet the next year, they can be seen again. To a certain extent, firefly never die. At that moment, it was like that those soldiers were coming back as fireflies. Glory life never ends, and they are always beautiful. Based on this, the dark-blue sky, the bright full moon, the distant city wall started calling out the memory of the 1937 war. The whole abandoned place was activated by only one element, and then everything had its meaning. This resonance touched the deepest part inside of my heart, and showed me the best monument--firefly.





Site Analysis



Shelter for Firefly and History Site is reshaped to be more suitable for fireflies. Human trace is limited. Fireflies freely flying in front of the City Wall, the witness to the war, calls for the memory of history and the meaning of life.


Plant For Firefly According to fireflies' life cycle, arrange plants with fallen leaves and suitable height to help fireflies survive. 13m

top branches

Fallen leaves hide the newborn eggs, and protect larvae from cold.

Rotted leaves and grass thicken soil, provide food and shelter for larvae and pupae.

Phytolacca acinosa Roxb

Phytolacca acinosa Roxb

Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl.

Setaria viridis

Lycoris radiata var. radiata

Ficus pumila Linn.

Viburnum macrocephalum Fort.

Cedrus deodara

Pittosporum tobira

lowest branches

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Plants reach perfect height, which can cover fireflies when flying and courting, avoiding being explosed to predator.



1m shrubs ground perennials



water surface emergingplant


Master Plan




Narrow Paths, Steps, Forest Park is consist of forest of metasequoia, setting limitation for body but free for eyes. Paths are narrow or on stilts to avoid stepping on fireflies’ eggs or larvae. Stone steps are perpendicular to the direction of the contour, while visitors walking up, pace will be slow.


Firefly, City Wall, War Seeing through the gate, it is the framed scenery of the distant City Wall and reachable fireflies. City Wall is the witness of the war and stayed still for so many years, while fireflies die and reborn again and again.



Must corridor exist in an architecture? Imaginary Social Matrix Site: Cruise, in the Middle of Nowhere Personal Work | 2017.8 Program: Casino, Bar, Jewellery’s, Ball Room, Dinner Hall, Art Museum, Theater, Swimming Pool, Salon, Shopping Mall, Library

This project is based on the study of Figures, Doors and passages by Robin Evans. All elements in architecture are used to organize and manipulate space for everyday reality, yet the way of their development is turning to regard human as spiritual emblems rather than flesh body. For instance, the element “corridor” appearing in 19th century for privacy purpose is still popular today, because society is turning to advocate privacy and discard corporeal contact. The philosophical understanding of human relationship determines physical plan, circulation, interior design and so on. Architecture plan is the device to lead people to do certain things and directly affect human affairs. While modern society appreciates privacy and recognizes architecture as a preventive measure of indecent intimacy, there is still “an architecture arising out of the

deep fascination that draws people towards others; an architecture that recognizes passion, carnality and sociality.”

Both the abstract architecture language and the realistic behaviors of human are all talking about the deepest nature inside of human, and that is the original passionate attraction between body, as Raphael depicted in his works. Tangle of human body truly expresses sociality, and the matrix of connected rooms is the recognition of human as flesh-andblood creature.




Separate Event


In Order


Social Space 1



Social Space 2



Social Space 3



Social Space 4



Social Space 5


Formal Logic Corridor is eliminated because it is useless for drawing people towards others.




Scene 1 I noticed this gorgeous lady at the ball. She was playing some unknown but beautiful ditties. She went to the casino after the ball was over.


Scene 2 I followed her for curiosity, only saw her disappearing at the entrance of the art museum.


Scene 3 The jewellery’s was like a beacon that everyone headed for. However, I saw her standing still, staring at a painting. Guernica, I was so surprised, that was also my favorite work.


Scene 4 I lost her. However, while wandering in the art hallway, I accidentally peeked at the swimming pool downstairs. She was looking up at me too.



Higgins came downstair


ne 5

rs, and finally met Eliza.



Must farmland be relinquished for building? Vertical Planting Complex Zhengzhou, Henan, China Competition | Team Work | 2015.4 Team Member: Dou Wei, Xie Yujing, Lv Yinyu Role in Team: As leader, Regional Analysis, Concept and Architectural Design

Every year, a huge amount of farmland is relinquished for buildings due to the urban expansion. Shopping malls, apartments and office buildings can provide more profits than cultivating crops. Traditional planting cannot provide enough production, resulting in its value further decline. Farmland need to be saved. In this case, 4269 ㎥ farmland was about to be changed into an office building determined by the government and developers. Adopting the technology of vertical farming, production can be substantially improved and the memory of farming can be saved. Moreover, a complex combining plants and human together could better serve our target user - student makers. Because plant as a productive medium can lower their rent and trigger activities for their business. Villagers and collage faculty nearby could also find their interests in the complex. Plant, the medium, is functioning as a bond between man & man, and man & nature .




Lower the Rent and Trigger Activity Combining plants and people, the complex is for planting and working together. As a medium with productivity, plants can help makers to lower the rent and trigger activities. Space is activited by plants, and benefits everyone.

Maker and Farming


Vertical Planting Panel

Fresh luquid for the whole floor Block to fix pipe and panel

STEP1 Turn off the valve, unscrew bolt, and plant

Fresh luquid for the whole floor

Liquid flows in

Groove for cultivating

This side has no fresh liquid flowing in This side has no fresh liquid flowing in

STEP2 Turn on the left valve, liquid flows in

STEP3 Turn on the right valve, liquid flows away

Used liquid

Where Liquid flows away

Used luquid of the whole floor

Changing View with Production With the panel and planting changing, space experience changes.

Production Increase


Layout for Planting and Sunlight

original texture





program program

planting reading workshop museum lab office

planting panel

garden planting box

Interior Typology

Program: Individual Compony Office Specific Location: Level 2

Program: Reading Garden Specific Location: Level 9

Program: Workshop Specific Location: Level 8

Program: Museum Specific Location: Level 7



Lower the Rent and Trigger Activity


Plant Species Select plants according to its life-cycle, in order to ensure production and create beautiful view for the whole year.

Specific Position of Plant Arrange each kind plant’s specific position according to its morphology and preference to sunlight.


Four Season Views





Must informal living be eliminated for a better city? Urban Village Alley Renewing Fuzhou, Fujian, China Academic | Team Work | 2016.5-6 Team member: Xie Yujing, Chen Jiahui, Zhang Yuwei Role in Team: As leader, Spacial analysis, Alley Design, All graphics in This Portfolio Essay with the Help from Xie Yujing in Informational Consultation Play turns out to be a revolution, and the diversity in city is protected. This project is focused on alley study and renewing in an urban village named Linpu. Urban village is a high-density area where migrant workers and poor citizens live, due to the complicated historical, political, economic and cultural reasons during the process of urbanization. From the top-down perspective, government was trying to eliminate urban villages because it had no contribution to the capital operation. They put pressure onto the urban villagers by limiting their resources and constraining them with rules. However, these residents found a clever way to make their own way out, which I found similar to what Michel de Certeau depicted in The Practice of Everyday Life . Bricolage, the way that alleys were recreated by residents in Linpu, showed their resistance to rules, which was worth celebrating. The self-renewing allays were creative and practical in satisfying people’s needs and keeping them from being assimilated. Rather than removing them, I would like to use their way of bricolage to help them further their resistance. What the people at the bottom level did could change the order of the city, and this change could spread so rapidly that the higher level may have to cater to it and make more fair rules.


Fuzhou Urban Texture Fuzhou Urban Texture Most urban blocks are regular due to the city planning. However, urban village shows its special texture among others. It is a bricolage that different things have been put together due to many kind of reasons, by many people, through many years. This texture is the spacial expression of informal residents’ lives.

Office Building

Light Industry

Industrial Chemical Plant

Residentials 1980s~2000s

Individual House

Lake Park

Residentials Before 1960s

Strip-shaped Park

Land Mark Traditional Graden

New Countryside Buildings Traditional Industry Mountain Park


Residentials After 2000s

Plaza Residentials 1960s~1980s Urban Village

Businesss Complex


Creative Industial Town

Historical Block


Mapping Survey of U

Open Space

Open Space & Cultural Relics




Open Space

Buildings Where do villagers relax themselves and hang out with friends?

Buildings Built Before 1930s

Cultural Relics

What kind of buildings do the villagers live in or use?

Buildings Built Between 1930~1950

Morden Buildings


Urban Village “Linpu�

Main Roads & Alleys I can only find several roads on the official map.

Actually, there are many small alleys created by us.

Cultural Relics big old trees the old bridge Lianjiang School palace of emperor home of Lin Shouxi well of the village ancestal hall home of Linhan palace of Qitian ancestal temple of Lin pavilion of Guanyu ancestal hall of Song ancestal hall of Lin torii palace of Zhang

car road main road branchway open space historical building

Population How is the transportation in urban village?

Who are living in the urban village now? How do they live?

Impression Map This map is based on the on-spot survey of field and the expectations of the villagers that we interviewed.


car road main road branchway open space historical building

Linpu had a long history of being a small traditional village, and left many cutural relics such as the Memorial Gateway.

Since 1930, people started to move out due to the lack of money and opportunity in village. Many old buildings were abandoned. Informal constructions were made, such as building a new floor on the former one, to make space with less money.

Around 2000s, government policy became stricter. Construction of buildings gradually stopped. Residents started to make alley re-construction such as permanently putting stuff outside the door to fit their needs for space. It soon became popular.

Now, villagers are still making alley bricolages as the respondings to the stricter and stricter life. In addition, the purpose and contents of alley bricolage have extended.

(1) Get closer to the preserved spots, where they used to play in; (2) Make more space for daily life, such as parking and storing; (3) Create more space for small business; (4) Use alley as children’s playground.


Typical Alley Section

Above: Invasion of Sundries Below: Extended Bottom and Contracted Top

The two alley sections show the typical informal using of alley. The “invasion� to alley is not only on the horizontal dimension, but also on the vertical level. Moreover, alley is not always contracted, but sometimes extended. Residents make part of their homes into alley to attract visitors for business.


Nature of Alley Ren

Rules made by the authority were very strict to informal resident that. Behind their seemingly random bricolages, there was an ab sponded their needs of life in


2013 preservation policy





Resistance 2007 preservation policy




Preserved relics used to be where villagers enjoyed. When a bu served, the accessibility to it is poor, yet villagers add self-mad


Regular shops require high rent. However, villagers put on wigs: h vehicle-shop. They close the door or drive away to aviod pun

¥80000-200000/ ㎡ ¥0-1000/ ㎡

My family house is used as a grocery shop. Dude, I wish I had one. ¥10000+0/ ㎡

outside the village

city village

kid density

kid density

Children reproduce the current environment, turning everyth abandoned buildings and construction waste into to

kid density

Space for kids

1000 ㎡ / advanced

No real playground was built in village.

200 ㎡

residential area between

Economic, politic and historical reasons contributed to the crowded fore, villagers find a makingdo: permanently invade the public yes

residential area between


no CBD

green space

unnecessary yes


green space yes

city village

It's always crowded inside and outside.






green space


city village

Question: Do you want more space for daily life? no yes unnecessary 41

newing “Bricolage�

ts. Villagers in Linpu have made a bricolage as their resistance to bstract spacial principle, which contained clear logics and well rea disadvantaged community.

People’s Needs


uilding is prede furniture.

home-shop or nishment.

hing even the oys.

d space, therec space.


Spacial Nature

Tools for Alley Renewing Use their own way “bricolage� as an adaptive renewing strategy rather than banning or rules. Boxes are movable and could be used by all villagers. Therefore, alley in urban village could self-renewing in a free and controllable way.


Change the bare ground where the villagers used to rest, which was boring, into a vegetable garden, in order to attract more people and inspire creativity.

Movable Vender provides a rent-free place for small business, artists and children. Moreover, boxes can physically occupy the alley so that people won't park their cars here anymore.


05 INNER OUTER Minimal Surface Study Form and Fabrication, 3D Printing Personal Work | 2017.11

This study provides ideas for installation or architecture. The graphic below shows eight units of “batwing� minimal surface. A minimal surface is a surface that locally minimizes its area, which shows its unique continuity and fluidity. The inner surface could be the outer, which means the roof could be the ground with seamless translation. Therefore, the units could be perfectly combined together through arraying or mirroring, and the status of space could easily change between open and close.


Forming Process By arraying or mirroring, the 1/48 unit could be transformed to a 1/8 unit.


Inner-Outer Turning with 2 Units

Inner-Outer Turning with 4 Units




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