序 環、無限、連結 交織成一個獨立的個體。生命以環環相扣的基因構成,每一個環都是獨一無二的元素,

目次 CONTENTS 數位插畫 Digital painting 平面設計 Graphic Animationdesign 動畫影音 Others 其他成果 編輯設計獎狀致謝影視特效二創插畫包裝設計場景設計動態MG形象設計原創插畫專題動畫手繪作品 個人簡歷 Resume 01 05 33 63 75 13 51 67 79 25 55 69
個人簡歷 Resume 廖 建凱 | LIAO JIANKAI #全國技藝、技能競賽電繪X平面設計選手 平面設計我對設計的自我期許。注社會議題,希望能利用設計的專長來服務社會,是講座,積極參與展覽、藝文活動,熱愛自由也經常關源缺乏的城市,但我會透過網路獲取設計資訊,參加我喜歡接觸不同設計領域擴張視野,雖然生於設計資國立斗六家商廣告設計科形象設計編輯設計包裝設計數位插畫概念場景特效剪輯 MG 動畫 數位媒體 National Douliou School of Home Economics & Commerce EXPRESSION ∞ SENSITIVE ∞ CREATIVE 我是一個 善於表達|敏感的|富創造力 的人。 2004 / 01 / 17 個人特質簡介學歷我的專長軟體操作 Resume1

2019 202220202021 競賽 幹 部 班級輔導股長糾察隊志工糾察隊志工 攝影類校內藝文競賽第三名 廣一辛班級展覽 銀獎 辛光影展 全國技藝教育績優人員最佳剪接 8th科展畢業技藝卓越獎畢業成績優良獎插畫類、平面類 第二名 雲林縣美展 高職美術班 平面類 第四名 漫畫類 第五名 全國學生美展 高職美術班 漫畫類 佳作 高中職組華文盃全國電子書大賽 佳作 最佳技術校內專題競賽第二名 展示 佳作 技藝競賽 電腦繪圖 校內 第一名 全國 第十四名 技能競賽 平面設計技術 中區 第四名 全國 第二名 雲林縣美展 高職美術班 平面類 第五名 漫畫類 佳作 綜合造型類、平面類9th科展 第ㄧ名輔導室面試志工班級衛生股長科學會美宣部法律小老師生物小老師科學會美宣部畢籌會 形象部長 2019 ~ 202220212020 Resume 2

平面設計 Graphic design 編輯設計包裝設計形象設計 LIAO JIANKAI PORTFOLIO

作品說明 Digital Rock! 時光旅行是一場透過 AR 擴增實境與 VR 色彩計畫層營造未來科技及現代潮流感。主要以虛擬實境的概念作為主軸,使用向量插畫繪製超現實的虛構世界,並以藍綠黃漸和傳統演唱會不同,能透過科技的應用使人身歷其境,增添更多互動。虛擬實境結合的數位演唱會, 時光旅行 活動形象設計 標準字設計 PANTONE P 154-8C C60 Y100 PANTONE P 101-15C C25 M5 Y90 C80 M75 K45 動畫主要以 PS 現動畫的細節及視覺感受。已有經驗,所以遇到這類型的挑戰能得心應手,專心呈時間軸功能來製作,因為對於動畫製作 觀看連結 票券設計 雙色 GIF 動圖設計 應用物 Graphic design5

地表最強的搖滾演唱會顛覆你的感官想像! &1222:0018:001(六) Digital Rock! 超數位演唱會時光旅行 海報設計 Graphic design 6

台北以「不斷提升的城市作品說明 : 以設計實現生活願景」 (ADAPTIVE CITY: Design in Motion) 為申辦主軸,獲選為「 2016 則採用雙色呈現分別為代表友善、親近的桃粉色及冷靜、理性的靛藍。主要以建構、形塑為概念,大量運用漸層及漸變效果表現「不斷提升」之城市意象,色彩世界設計之都」。 吉祥物理念發想 節節而生也與台北鼠具有招財、招運的傳統意象,鼠尾 101 的理念相呼 台北設計之都經濟與文化之地位。同時鼠也是生肖之首,更代表台北的應。形象設計活動標誌設計 海報標準字設計 吉祥物設計色彩計畫 PANTONE P197 C M55 Y20 K5 PANTONE P7456 C C75 M60 Graphic design7
設計之都 不斷提升的城市 以設計實現生活願景 海報設計郵票設計 Graphic design 8

我們以虛擬與現實為基礎,呈現腦中對於世界的構想,並以連續視方,設計的無限遐想,覆疊不止,沉淪在無盡的異構世界。作品說明 3D 連續視方標準字以主視覺透視為架構,透過筆畫的佈局使整體頗具動感,呼應我們的視窗元素。與平面的方式製造張力。安排與分配進度|字體設計協同設計主視覺|海報設計其他衍生物及會場應用物畢業展形象設計色彩計畫設計元素實虛 PANTONE 802 C C75 Y100 C50 K100 標準字設計 工作分配 Graphic design9

粉專 banner 海報設計 周一、二延至 20:00 連續視方 設計的無限遐想 覆疊不止 沉淪在無盡的異構世界 第41屆廣告設計科畢業成果展國立斗六家商THE 41st GRADUATION EXHIBITION OF ADVERTISEMENT DESIGN DEPT. 斗六家商 大禮堂 地 點Location 2 0 2 1 平日 17:00 18:00假日 09:00 18:00 IG FB LOADINGW..A.I.T..ZZZ... LOADING ... ERROR ... 展 覽 時 間ExhibitionWED.time2810 0311 THU. OCT. NOV. Graphic design 10

衍生應用 | 展場實景 Graphic design11

1 3 2 54 1. 邀請卡 2. 徽章周邊 3. 識別證 4、5. 展場實照 Graphic design 12

作品說明 Beechworth 蜜流動、蜜蜂條紋等意象;圖案與包裝設計以蜂巢的六角形為基底,結合整體設計主要以蜜蜂的特性與生產環境為構想,字體設計以溫順的圓體為架構,結合蜂的綠色生態環境、充足日照及宜人的氣候與水土,才能產出濃醇、香甜、天然的蜂蜜。蜂蜜是澳大利亞著名蜂蜜品牌,致力於生產高品質的蜂蜜。澳大利亞天然 Beechworth 果,也穿插了不同顏色的桉樹讓版面更具活潑。的蜜源「桉樹」的森林意象,排序上以桉樹圖案為主體穿插蜜蜂圖案,營造採蜜的視覺效 Beechworth Honey 包裝設計 產品視圖圖案設計標準字設計 Graphic design13

外包裝設計 Graphic design 14

標貼設計 3D 產品形象圖 Graphic design15

Graphic design 16

400 毫升 400 毫升 濃情香草風味 濃情香草風味 內容量:400此生產線同時也生產含有花生、豆漿的飲料本產品含牛乳成分、酒石酸消費者服務專線:0800-311-699若有沈澱,乳脂肪上浮,屬自然現象,品質無虞,請安心飲用離開冷藏期間請勿超過半小時保存期限係指未開封前在保存期限:13天貨物稅統一編號:5487263805需冷藏於7°C以下7°C以下可保存天數搖勻後飲用風味更佳毫升營養標示每100毫升熱量Calories31.7大卡(Kcal)碳水化合物Carbohydrate7.2公克(g)立頓,源自 1890 停頓一下,享受泰晤士河畔的濃郁茶香融入醇厚奶香和紅茶的濃厚回甘萃取來自香草的純美香氣年,百年英國經典時尚留存屬於英倫的純正品味立頓一下,再出發! 濃情香 草 風味 PANTONE 7403 C 有效日期年月日拉開拉開 有效日期年月日 醇香經典 醇香經典 400 毫升 400 毫升 製造商廠址:嘉義縣民雄工業區成功街聯合利華股份公司授權光泉牧場股份有限公司製造及商標使用內容量:400此生產線同時也生產含有花生、豆漿的飲料本產品含牛乳成分、酒石酸品名:立頓英式奶茶(純香經典)消費者服務專線:0800-311-699若有沈澱,乳脂肪上浮,屬自然現象,品質無虞,請安心飲用有效日期:詳見包裝上方(西元保存期限係指未開封前在貨物稅統一編號:54872638057°C以下可保存天數年月日)毫升號脂肪TotalFat0.7公克(g)反式脂肪Trans0.0公克(g)鈉Sodium13.8毫克(mg)立頓,源自 1890 停頓一下,享受泰晤士河畔的濃郁茶香呈現紅茶的獨特香氣和濃厚回甘精選紅茶獨家拼配年,百年英國經典時尚奶香綿密,回味綿長留存屬於英倫的純正品味立頓一下,再出發! 醇香 經典 有效日期年月日拉開拉開有效日期年月日 PANTONE 7626 C 素插畫有雙層巴士、鐵橋、衛兵等,色彩也使用英國國旗的紅藍作為兩種口味的代表。出滑順好喝又帶有皇室的高級感,搭以裝飾線條呈現城市的歷史風貌。包裝採用英國元主要以英國的文化風貌結合奶茶的插畫表現,字體以圓體結合襯線體的粗細變化,製造具有香醇馥郁的風味及英國的文化情懷。茶葉的專家,又象徵一種國際的、時尙的、都市化的生活。此產品為最經典的英式奶茶,立頓為世界首屈一指的茶葉品牌,其出售的茶葉數量和品種之多,無人能及,它既代表作品說明立頓英式奶茶包裝與展示架設計標準字設計包裝展開圖 Graphic design17

形成反差,提高對比與注目度。展示架以重色為背景可與包裝展示架設計 Graphic design 18

利樂皇包裝設計濃情香草風味純香經典 3D 產品形象圖 Graphic design19

Graphic design 20

香醇 極品 濃郁可口 紅豆拿鐵產品名稱: 使用方法: 1將包裝撕開倒入杯中 Emptypacketintocup. 2倒入85°C熱開水約200-250cc Add200-250mlboilingwater. 3攪拌均勻後即可享用 Stirandenjoy. 成份:特極紅茶粉、鮮奶油粉、紅豆粉、紅豆、糖。 重量:25g有效期限:標示於包裝上 賞味期限:1產地年:台灣 Ingredients:Blacktea,Non-dairycreamer,Redbeanpowder, Redbean,Sugar.NetWeight:25gBestBefore:Shownon sachet.Validity2year ProductofTaiwan 建議水量:150cc~250cc(依各人口味調整) 好喝的咿點心IIDESHO下午茶 將25g紅豆拿鐵倒入杯中,加入適當熱水,輕輕拌勻,即是一杯香 濃的下午茶。 咿點心IIDESHO香醇極品。紅豆拿鐵 Placeonesachetofmilkteaintoacup,and150-250c.c. (adj.byyourflavor)ofboilingwaterandstir. 每一份咖啡因茶屬天然農產品,會因產地季節而影響咖啡因含量。 含量80毫克以下(500過敏原本產品成分含有牛奶製品以下) 消費者購買時請注意成分標示。 製造商 長松食品有限公司CHANGSONGFOODCO.,LTD 433台中市沙鹿區鎮南路一段319號 TEL:04-26337957FAX:04-26338801 No.319,Sec,1,ZhennanRd.,ShaluDist.,TaichungCity433, Taiwan 85°C 香醇極品 濃郁可口 產品名稱: 紅豆拿鐵 使用方法: 1 將包裝撕開倒入杯中 Empty packet into cup. 2 倒入 85 °C 熱開水約200-250cc Add 200-250ml boiling water. 3 攪拌均勻後即可享用 Stir and enjoy. 成份 特極紅茶粉、鮮奶油粉、紅豆粉、紅豆、糖。 重量 :25g 有效期限 標示於包裝上 賞味期限 :1 年 產地 台灣 Ingredients: Black tea, Non-dairy creamer, Red bean powder, Red bean, Sugar. Net Weight: 25g Best Before: Shown on sachet. Validity 2 year Product of Taiwan 建議水量 :150cc~250cc 依各人口味調整 ) 好喝的咿點心 IIDESHO 下午茶 將 25g 紅豆拿鐵倒入杯中,加入適當熱水,輕輕拌勻,即是一杯香 濃的下午茶。 咿點心 IIDESHO 紅豆拿鐵 香醇極品。 Place one sachet of milk tea into a cup, and 150-250c.c. (adj. by your flavor) of boiling water and stir. 茶屬天然農產品,會因產地季節而影響咖啡因含量。 每一份咖啡因 含量 80 毫克以下 (500 以下 本產品成分含有牛奶製品 過敏原 消費者購買時請注意成分標示。 製造商 長松食品有限公司 CHANG SONG FOOD CO.,LTD 433 台中市沙鹿區鎮南路一段 319 號 TEL:04-26337957 FAX:04-26338801 No.319, Sec, 1, Zhennan Rd., Shalu Dist., Taichung City 433, Taiwan e-mail:changsong 85 °C 整體設計以產品的插畫延伸,字體使用圓體融合紅豆的圖像,包裝封面插畫使用新風貌,滿足現在人的需求。本著自然、安心、美味的經營理念推出新產品「紅豆拿鐵」。「長松食品」傳承古早味零嘴製作的手法,但又加上了新時代的創意點子,為休閒食品增作品說明 PS 品的視覺與味覺的關聯性。製,以圍繞式構圖塡充畫面,凸顯中央的標準字,並將紅豆以杯子的概念呈現,強化產繪正反紅豆拿鐵包裝設計標準字設計內包裝設計 Graphic design21

外包裝設計 Graphic design 22

包裝設計 3D 產品形象圖 Graphic design23

Graphic design 24

古根漢美術館,集結各地知名寶石品牌,籌備了作品說明 Amazing Emeralds 無限美好祖母綠 體選用襯線、非襯線體混用,兼具寶石的華美與古根漢美術館的現代感。整體以乾淨簡單的編排營造不落俗套的高級感,並著重凸顯寶石的光彩不過多贅飾,字寶石特展,象徵古根漢美術館帶給阿布達比無限豐沛的生命能量。 Amazing Emeralds 無限美好祖母綠寶石特展 標準字設計 設計元素 氣宇不凡的高貴。以皇冠的造型結合寶石,展現奢華。的襯線陪飾,現代又不失內斂以非襯線體作為基底加入少許 封面設計 Graphic design25

內頁編排大量留白凸顯寶石 放大襯線標題,高貴大氣 Graphic design 26

「作品說明 BBC News 」特刊是英國國家廣播公司為特定新聞事件所發行的刊物 , 以主題性報導進 行公眾議題訴求、宣傳 , 度線,呈現有效率、即時的報導。色彩則以搶眼的補色吸引大眾目光。標頭字體設計使用方正無襯線風格,代表沈穩、公正客觀的媒體素質,傾斜字體加入速促進公民對國際動態議題的關注、發揮社會公義、捍衛人權。 BBC News 特刊 標準字設計封面設計 Graphic design27

knowneedyouAllreferendum:EUUK'sThe All you need to know 21 All you need to know knowtoneedyouAllreferendum:EUUK'sThe 20 1. 以圖表結合議題呈現正反方的票數差異,一目了然 ; 圖片採用議會開會畫面,結合議 題說明。 2. 利用議題核心人物特寫,能強化議題與相關者的直接關係。 3. 將鈔票做抽色處理能使焦點集中在金錢上,與內文闡述相呼應。 4. 保留國旗的紅色對應色塊的藍色,表示尊重議題正反的意見與立場。 1 2 3 4 內頁編排 Graphic design 28
Paddy, from Widnes, wanted to know how leaving the EU will affect the number of doctors we have and impact the NHS. This became an issue in the referendum debate after the Leave campaign claimed the money Britain sends to the EU, which it claims is £350m a week, could be spent on the NHS instead. The BBC's Reality Check team looked into this claim. Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt warned that leaving the EU would lead to budget cuts and an exodus of overseas doctors and nurses. The Leave campaign dismissed his intervention as "scaremongering" and insisted that EU membership fees could be spent on domestic services like the NHS. Former Labour health secretary Lord Owen has said that because of TTIP (see answer above) the only way to protect the NHS from further privatisation was to get out of the EU.
The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know This article is designed to be an easy-to-understand guide now that the UK has voted to leave the European Union. What has happened? A referendum a vote in which everyone (or nearly everyone) of voting age can take part was held on Thursday 23 June, to decide whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union. Leave won by 52% to 48%. The referendum turnout was 71.8%, with more than 30 million people voting. It was the highest turnout in UK-wide vote since the 1992 general election. What was the breakdown across the UK? What is the European Union? The European Union often known as the EU is an economic and political partnership involving 28 European countries. It began after World War Two to foster economic co-operation, with the idea that countries which trade together are more likely to avoid going to war with each other.has since grown to become "single market" allowing goods and people to move around, basically as if the member states were one has its own currency, the euro, which is used by 19 of the member countries, its own parliament and it now sets rules in wide range of areas including on the environment, transport, consumer rights and even things such as mobile phone charges. What does Brexit mean? way of saying the UK leaving the EU merging the words Britain and exit to get Brexit, in a same way as a Greek exit from the EU was dubbed Grexit in the past. What happens now? agreement called Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Cameron or his successor needs to decide when formal legal process of withdrawing from the EU, and give the UK two years to negotiate its Mrwithdrawal.Cameron has said he will be stepping down as PM by October. The article has only been in force since late 2009 and it hasn't been tested yet, so no-one really knows how the Brexit process will work, according to BBC legal correspondent Clive EUColeman.lawstill stands in the UK until it ceases being member and that process could take some Thetime.UK will continue to abide by EU treaties and laws, but not take part in any decision-making, as negotiates a withdrawal agreement and the terms of its relationship with the now 27 nation bloc. England voted strongly for Brexit, by 53.4% to 46.6%, as did Wales, with Leave getting 52.5% of the vote and Remain Scotland47.5%.and Northern Ireland both backed staying in the EU. Scotland backed Remain by 62% to 38%, while Remain and 44.2% Leave. What happens to UK citizens working in the EU? Will need a visa to travel to the EU? What about EU nationals who want to work in the UK? A lot depends on the kind of deal the UK agrees with If it remains within the single market, it would almost certainly retain free movement rights, allowing UK If10the government opted to impose work permit restrictions, as UKIP wants, then other countries could reciprocate, meaning Britons would have to apply for visas to work.
What impact will leaving the EU have on the NHS?
What is the 'red tape' that opponents of the EU complain about? Will Britain be party to the Transatlantic Trade and Partnership?Investment
Will we be barred from the Eurovision Song Contest? Sophie from Peterborough, who asks the question, need not worry. We have consulted Alasdair Rendall, president of the UK Eurovision fan club, who says: "All participating countries must be a member of the European Broadcasting Union. The EBU which is totally independent of the EU includes countries both inside and outside of the EU, and also includes countries such as Israel that are outside of Europe. Indeed the UK started participating in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1957, 16 years before joining the then EEC." What impact will there be on house prices? John, in London, concerned about what will happen to house prices if "millions of EU citizens need to leave" the UK following the referendum, creating flood of available housing. This is one of those questions where there is no clear-cut factual answer. But we can say that none of the main players are suggesting that citizens of other EU countries will be "sent packing" (to use John's phrase) after the Leave vote. There are a host of other variables that have an impact on property prices, including things like interest rates and the general state of the economy. How much money will the UK save through changes to migrant child benefits and welfare Martin, from Poole, in Dorset, wanted to know what taxpayers are likely to get back from the benefit curbs negotiated by David Cameron in Brussels. We don't exactly know because the details have not been worked out. HM Revenue and Customs have suggested about 20,000 EU nationals receive child benefit payments in respect of 34,000 children in their country of origin at an estimated cost of about £30m. But the total saving is likely to be significantly less than that because Mr Cameron did not get the blanket ban he wanted. Instead, payments will be linked to the cost of living in the countries where the children live. David Cameron has said that as many as 40% of EU migrant families who come to Britain could lose an average of £6,000 a year of in-work benefits when his "emergency brake" is applied. The DWP estimates between 128,700 and 155,100 people would be affected. But the cuts will be phased in. New arrivals will not get tax credits and other in-work benefits straight away but will gradually gain access to them over a four year period at a rate yet to be decided.
B ritain Stronger in Europe the main cross-party group campaigning for Britain to remain in the EU was headed by former Marks and Spencer chairman Lord Rose. It was backed by key figures from the Conservative Party, including Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne, most Labour MPs, including party leader Jeremy Corbyn and Alan Johnson, who ran the Labour In for Britain campaign, the Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru, the Alliance party and the SDLP in Northern Ireland, and the Green Party. Who funded the campaign: Britain Stronger in Europe raised £6.88m, boosted by two donations totalling £2.3m from the supermarket magnate and Labour peer Lord Sainsbury. Other prominent Remain donors included hedge fund manager David Harding (£750,000), businessman and Travelex founder Lloyd Dorfman (£500,000) and the Tower Limited Partnership (£500,000). Who else campaigned to remain: The SNP ran its own remain campaign in Scotland as it did not want to share platform with the Conservatives. Several smaller groups also registered to campaign.
By Brian Wheeler & Alex Hunt BBC News knowtoneedyouAllreferendum:EUUK'sThe All you need to know 11 The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know knowneedyouAllreferendum:EUUK'sThe 10-11 2021/9/19 下午4:25 What were their reasons for wanting the UK to leave? Who wanted the UK to stay in the EU? What were their reasons for What about businesses? Will the EU still use English? Who led the rival sides in the campaign?They said Britain was being held back by the EU, which they said imposed too many rules on business and charged billions of pounds a year in membership fees for little in return. They also wanted Britain to take back full control of its borders and reduce the number of people coming here to live and/or work. One of the main principles of EU membership is "free movement", which means you don't need to get visa to go and live in another EU country. The Leave campaign also objected to the idea of "ever closer union" and what they see as moves towards the creation of "United States of Europe". Prime Minister David Cameron wanted Britain to stay in the EU. He sought an agreement with other European Union leaders to change the terms of Britain's membership. He said the deal would give Britain "special" status and help sort out some of the things British people said they didn't like about the EU, like high levels of immigration but critics said the deal would make Sixteen members of the PM's cabinet also backed staying in. The Conservative Party pledged to be neutral in the campaign but the Labour Party, SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Lib Dems were all in favour of staying in. US president Barack Obama also wanted Britain to remain in the EU, as did other EU nations such as France and Germany. Those campaigning for Britain to stay in the EU said it gets a big boost from membership it makes selling things to other EU countries easier and, they argued, the flow of immigrants, most of whom are young and keen to work, fuels economic growth and helps pay for public services. They also said Britain's status in the world would be damaged by leaving and that we are more secure as part of the 28 nation club, rather than going alone. Big business with a few exceptions tended to be in favour of Britain staying in the EU because it makes easier for them to move money, people and products around the world. BT chairman Sir Mike Rake, recent CBI president, said there were "no credible alternatives" to staying in the EU. But others disagreed, such as Lord Bamford, chairman of JCB, who said an EU exit would allow the UK to negotiate trade deals as our country "rather than being one of 28 nations". Morgan Stanley sources told BBC business reporter Joe Lynam that it had started the process of moving about 2,000 staff based in London to either Dublin or Frankfurt. Ahead of the vote, the president of the investment bank, Colm Kelleher, told Bloomsberg that Brexit would be "the most consequential thing that we've ever seen since the war". Yes, says BBC Europe editor Katya Adler. There states in the bloc, and others wanting to join common language tends to be English "much to France's chagrin", she says.
While there could be limitations on British nationals' ability to live and work in EU countries, seems unlikely they would want to deter tourists. There are many countries outside the EEA that British citizens can visit for up to 90 days without needing visa and it is possible that such arrangements could be negotiated with European countries. Again, it depends on whether the UK government decides to introduce work permit system of the kind that currently applies to non-EU citizens, limiting entry to skilled workers in professions where there are Citizens'shortages.Advice has reminded people their rights have not changed yet and asked anyone to contact them they think they have been discriminated against following the Leave vote. separating from the EU as soon possible. Brexit could complicate plans. It's possible that traveling to and from the EU with pets will grow
Which MPs were for staying and which for leaving? Probably not, is the answer. It would depend on whether or not the UK decided to get rid of current safety standards. Even that happened any company wanting to export to the EU would have to comply with its safety rules, and it's hard to imagine a company would want to produce two batches of the same Thanksproducts.for sending in your questions. Here are a In answer to this query from Nancy from Hornchurch the UK is one of 10 member states who pay more into the EU budget than they get out, only France and Germany contribute more. In 2014/15, Poland was the largest beneficiary, followed by Hungary and Greece. 、ㄒ The UK also gets an annual rebate that was negotiated by Margaret Thatcher and money back, in the form of regional development grants and payments to farmers, which added up to £4.6bn in 2014/15. According to the latest Treasury figures, the UK's net contribution for 2014/15 was £8.8bn nearly double what it was in 2009/10. The National Audit Office, using a different formula which takes into account EU money paid directly to private sector companies and universities to fund research, and measured over the EU's financial year, shows the UK's net The good news for Edward, from Cambridge, who asked this question, is we have been working on exactly such list. Click here for the latest version. The UK one member states who pay more into the EU budget than they get out.
knowneedyouAllreferendum:EUUK'sThe knowneedyouAllreferendum:EUUK'sThe 18 19
How Leave won the referendum
Prime Minister David Cameron wanted Britain stay knowneedyouAllreferendum:EUUK'sThe
Ged, from Liverpool, suspects "red tape" is euphemism for employment rights and environmental protection. According to the Open Europe think tank, four of the top five most costly EU regulations are either employment renewable energy strategy, which the think-tank says costs £4.7bn a year, tops the list. The working25 time directive (£4.2bn a year) which limits the working week to 48 hours and the temporary agency workers directive (£2.1bn a year), giving temporary staff many of the same rights as permanent ones are also on the list. There is nothing to stop future UK government reproducing these regulations in British law following the decision to leave the EU. And the costs of so-called "red tape" will not necessarily disappear overnight Britain opted to follow the "Norway model" and remained in the European Economic Area most of the EU-derived laws would remain in place. Ste, in Bolton, asked about this. The Partnership or TTIP currently under negotiation between the EU and United States will create the biggest Cheerleaders for TTIP, including American imports cheaper and boost British exports to the US to the tune of £10bn a year. But many on the left, including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, fear it will shift more power to multinational corporations, undermine public services, wreck food standards and threaten basic rights. Quitting the EU means the UK would not be part of TTIP. It would have negotiate its own trade deal with the US.
V ote Leave A cross-party campaign that has the backing of senior Conservatives such as Michael Gove and Boris Johnson plus handful of Labour MPs, including Gisela Stuart and Graham Stringer, and UKIP's Douglas Carswell and Suzanne Evans, and the DUP in Northern Ireland. Former Tory chancellor Lord Lawson and SDP founder Lord Owen were also involved. It had string of affiliated groups such as Farmers for Britain, Muslims for Britain and Out and Proud, a gay anti-EU group, aimed at building support in different c ommunities. Who funded the campaign: Vote Leave raised £2.78m. Its largest supporter was businessman Patrick Barbour, who gave £500,000. Former Conservative Party treasurer Peter Cruddas gave a £350,000 donation and construction mogul Terence Adams handed over £300,000. Who else campaigned to leave: UKIP leader Nigel Farage is not part of Vote Leave. His party ran its own campaign. The Trade Union and Socialist Coalition is also running its own out campaign. Several smaller groups also registered to campaign.
If retire to Spain or another EU country will my healthcare costs still be covered? What will happen to protected species? David, from East Sussex, is worried about what will happen to his retirement plans. This is one of those issues where it is not possible to say definitively what would happen. At the moment, the large British expat community in Spain gets free access to Spanish GPs and their hospital treatment is paid for by the NHS. After they become permanent residents Spain pays for their hospital treatment. Similar arrangements are in place with other EU countries. If Britain remains in the single market, or the European Economic Area as it is known, it might be able to continue with this arrangement, according to House of Commons library research note. If Britain has to negotiate trade deals with individual member states, it may opt to continue paying for expats' healthcare through the NHS or decide that they would have to cover their own costs if they continue to live abroad, if the country where they live declines to do Dee, from Launceston, wanted to know what would happen to EU laws covering protected species such as bats in the event of Britain leaving the EU. The answer is that they would remain in place, initially at least. After the Leave vote, the government will probably review all EU-derived laws in the two years leading up to the official exit date to see which ones to keep or scrap. The status of Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas, which are designated by the EU, would be reviewed to see what alternative protections could be applied. The same process would apply to European Protected Species legislation, which relate to bats and their The government would want to avoid a legislative vacuum caused by the repeal of EU laws before new UK laws are in place it would also continue to abide by other international agreements covering environmental protection. Will a Brexit harm product safety? How much does the UK contribute to the EU and how much do we get in return?
The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know knowneedyouAllreferendum:EUUK'sThe 16-17 2021/9/19 下午4:25
NorthernNorthWestVotesMidlandsWestIreland Leave 40.1%44.2%53.7%56.5%58.8%59.3% Remain 59.9%55.8%46.3%43.5%41.2%40.7%

輔導手冊設計 巧思。設科的畫筆等,充滿耐人發掘的設計常使用的計算機、幼保科的奶瓶、廣同時也加入了許多科別的特色,商科解此書的功能性。特色活動融入,讓人可以從封面就了導手冊改頭換面,將學校各種科別的透過活潑生動的插畫將內容深澀的輔
Graphic design29

Graphic design 30


數位插畫 Digital painting 場景設計二創插畫原創插畫 LIAO JIANKAI PORTFOLIO

PROCESS 1 PROCESS 2 插畫作品連結 Digital painting33

34Digital painting

和背景的燦光相映。色魅力,身上也裝飾著許多星星的飾品皮甲以及長襪讓他具有純潔與成熟的角服裝以白色紗質長袍為內搭,加上深色的長髮搭配和平的綠色眼眸。我使用色彩意象來傳達,像是一頭亮橘女,為了表現他正義外放的角色性個,一位樂觀、開朗、擅長光屬性魔法的魔作品說明 PROCESS 1 PROCESS 2 原創角色 ∞ 星燦魔女 插畫作品連結 Digital painting35

36Digital painting

綠色,烘托出盛開玫瑰的氣質。色彩上運用了強烈的對比色,紅橙與碧同荊棘般不可碰觸。就像一位嬌滴的公主,美麗卻又強悍如觀察玫瑰盛開的姿態,嬌豔的花苞綻放,一幅以玫瑰擬人化公主的作品,我喜歡作品說明 PROCESS 1 PROCESS 2 原創角色 ∞ 玫瑰公主 插畫作品連結 Digital painting37

Digital painting 38

原創角色 ∞ 花卉角色設計 Digital painting39

Digital painting 40

作品說明 科技西遊記-哪吒 角色設計 技藝競賽計更精確。加科技感閃爍的火焰特效,讓角色設掛裝置,肩甲則使用香蓮造型,並添身上添加許多科技的電路設計及外火輪上。象,以跳耀姿態揮舞武器雙腳踩在風主要呈現哪吒率眞、勇猛、活潑的形∞科技哪吒 3D VIEWS Digital painting41

Digital painting 42

作品說明 非生物擬物化角色設計 技藝競賽描寫角色驚的表情。部透視動作增加畫面緊張感,並側重設計上將畫面做傾斜的效果,搭配手故事背景。熊,遭遇到森林大火被迫離開家園的角,設定以石塊與樹木所構成的守護主題以遭遇森林大火逃災動物為主∞守護熊熊 3D VIEWS Digital painting43

Digital painting 44

作品說明 傳說神話角色設計 技藝競賽中的兩條蛇兇猛具攻擊性。情無懼,速度極快時常揚起塵灰,手衣著符合王者風貌的戰甲與披風,神極快是勇猛的將領。裡時常拿著兩條蛇的侍寵,奔跑速度據傳他有老虎的外貌,雙臂特長,手為山海經動畫設計「張良」這位角色,∞山海張良 3D VIEWS Digital painting45

Digital painting 46

作品說明 動物擬人化設計 技藝競賽具體化。色彩,並穿上探險裝備,使角色形象朝氣的個性,融入八色鳥豐富的羽毛以活潑的跳躍姿態與表情展現活潑神等有趣的兒童形象。計,展現活力、熱情、天眞、探險精將八色鳥擬人結合兒童的形象所設∞八色鳥男孩 3D VIEWS Digital painting47

Digital painting 48

技藝競賽 ∞ 其他作品 Digital painting49

Digital painting 50

這是知名日本手遊作品說明 PROJECT SEKAI
PROCESS 1 PROCESS 2 插畫作品連結 Digital painting51

52Digital painting

二次創作花火般,絢麗而耀眼。整體採粉紫色調,就如同夏夜綻放的是這位角色吸引人的魅力。創角色頭貼,可愛又帶點嫵媚的神情這是為傳說對決這款手遊所繪製的二作品說明∞夏戀花火莉莉安 插畫作品連結 PROCESS 1 PROCESS 2 Digital painting53

Digital painting 54

場景設計和慢慢滲透的光線交織出深邃效果。傾倒的枝幹與林中霧氣形成大氣透視,森林具有反覆與漸變的構成美感,交錯以感受畫面流露的神聖之氣。許我們無從得知他們談論的內容,但可靈龍與祭女相遇在盤根錯縱的森林,或作品說明∞盤動龍靈 插畫作品連結 55 Digital painting

PROCESS 1 PROCESS 2 56Digital painting

場景設計的氛圍。霧氣與光線交雜,使畫面具有唯美虛幻光影對比,讓山谷更加深邃,而林中的整體採黃與藍綠作為主色,搭配強烈的者對望。飛,白龍從林中竄出,與前來祭祀的使陽光穿透高聳的杏林樹,金燦的樹葉紛在一處深幽的壑谷當中有場命運的邂逅,作品說明∞龍靈之森 插畫作品連結 PROCESS 1 PROCESS 2 Digital painting57

58Digital painting

場景設計作品展示 ∞ 灰階概念 Digital painting59

Digital painting 60


動畫影音 Animation 專題動畫影音特效MG動畫 LIAO JIANKAI PORTFOLIO

作品說明 《藏溫同儕朋友,是否因此而忽略了家人的關愛而不自知呢?小時候我們和家人互動親密,和樂融融。但當進入靑少年時期後,生活重心轉移,重視 7 度 C 角色設計關係轉變,喚起靑少年朋友審視自己與家人之間的關係,作出行動,修復裂痕。演方式,透過「小宇」和「冰箱」間的互動,描述多數人在兒童與靑少年時期時和家人間的》以隱喩的手法,將冰箱借代為默默陪伴在身旁的家人,並用擬人化的表 專題製作 藏溫7度C 標準字設計 Animation63

場景設計 Animation 64

我們使用劇情概要繪製過程CSP 本片採用順敘法以起承轉合作為基礎架構。觸,令人備感親切。動畫軟體繪製,方便檔案的傳輸及通用來進行分工,並鉛筆質感的線稿筆畫面一開始,小時候的小宇開心的跑進屋內,東張西望找尋著媽媽準備的點心,打開冰箱看到布丁,流露著最純粹、開心的笑容,一口接著一口品嚐幸福的味道。時間過得很快,小宇已經到了人生的一個轉折“靑春期”他的生活重心都放在同儕朋友身上,回到家只會到冰箱打開找尋能招待朋友的食物,與家人的關係變得冷漠,絲毫沒有察覺手手的異狀,和對友人的態度形成反差。當朋友離開時,小宇對手手不耐煩的態度與行為,成為讓手手情緒降到低點,此時小宇才意識到了他對家人的冷漠,前往冰箱看到他以前忽視的慘不忍睹的畫面。小宇意識到後開始作出改變,開始整理冰箱裡的垃圾,用抹布擦拭冰箱的身體,想彌補他和手手之間的感情,這時他才了解手手一直以來都在默默的關心他,而手手也因小宇的改變感到欣慰。 1. 原畫精修線稿、補間動畫 2. 底色、背景、景深效果 3. 添加主調色、豐富光影呈現 Animation65

作品欣賞展示照與周邊明信片 Animation 66

海報設計標準字設計日復疑日後他也消失了。又回到開學時自我介紹的畫面,台下只有一張張的課桌椅。她一走出教室竟然發現學校裡近乎一大半人都不在了,後來只剩下韓銘霄在她身邊,最存在過的痕跡,她問她幾個朋友,他們就像眞的不認識這個人一樣,只有她自己記得。潘言汐在升高二後,過沒幾天去上學的時候,察覺班上的人一個個消失了,沒留下任何這是一部以疫情時代背景衍生的校園懸疑片。作品說明微電影創作(特效剪輯) Animation67

分鏡劇照作品欣賞預告片| 正片 | Animation 68

作品說明 APPLE產品形象MG 利用點線面的構成來傳達蘋果的設計風格, take1 是以漣漪來表現科技與人們的互動, take2 使用圓點來呈現 loading 中的畫面 ( 產品特色 ) ,並且以線條延伸,代表企業、 最後使用科技的演進。 3d 塡滿的轉場收尾。採用了節奏輕快並具現代感的配樂,更能襯托產品調性。圖層,匯聚線條形成面,再位移構成了手機的樣貌,並用手機變形延伸製作 Motion Graphic 作品欣賞

2021個人形象MG 作品欣賞最後文字使用遮罩動畫,使星星塡滿畫面結尾。要以基本的線條動畫來構成,並練習速度曲線的控制。使用日月的動態來呈現設計生常常熬夜的作息,並使用塡滿的轉場來切換分鏡,中間主 Animation 70

訓練的指導老師,謝謝你。來呈現,也將此送給陪我走過選手們,這是我第一次嘗試用動畫卡片我常在朋友生日時畫似顏繪送給他動態賀卡設計作品說明 下載ARTIVIVE 掃描可觀看AR動畫程式 WrHKWo?feature=share 掃描觀看動畫 Animation71

這是一張 2020 的感覺。春節代表的元素,營造喜氣洋洋片,用矩形安排構圖再加上許多卡,也是我第一次製作動態卡虎年的新春賀 下載ARTIVIVE 掃描可觀看AR動畫程式 掃描觀看動畫 技巧上使用遮罩、圖釘及 loop 更生動。畫法則、增加動態曲線,讓動畫表達式的應用,並在細節應用動 Animation 72


其他成果 Others 獎狀x致謝手繪作品 LIAO JIANKAI PORTFOLIO

手繪作品作品說明 月神 金色顏料讓角色更加高貴。同的小物件將焦點聚集,也嘗試了使用空相關的設計,搭配放射的視覺引導不結合各種曲線的構成,並且增加月亮星 太陽神 物的性格與力量。畫面更有動感,搭配紅色與金色,強化人透過圓的構成,與垂直水平的方向錯位讓 Others75

學生美展 外送危機 模式才能在享受方便之餘同時顧及環保。問題,並且設法解決他,思考怎樣的外送況下,我們才能意識到外送所產生的環保膠餐具容器的製造量提升,或許在這種情因為疫情使得外送需求急劇上升,導致塑 學生美展 HUMAN PARK 再次自由徜徉在大海當中。的困境,來抵制這些商業行為,讓動物能關注,我想透過作品讓觀眾理解海洋動物非自然的圈養海洋動物的營利機構也受到隨著人們的動物福利意識的提升,不人道 Others 76

手繪作品作品說明 1. 虎姑婆 2. 高齡居家照護 3. 國際森林節 4. 台灣燈會 5. 雀躍杏林 6. 基地 7. 新一代設計展 1 2 5 6 73 4 Others77

Others 78

肯定,無論是否得獎。全力以赴、勇敢挑戰,都是對自己的不錯的成績,有些卻不盡理想,但是的競賽,從校內到全國,有些能拿到學習。高中的三年裡我參加了非常多比賽對我而言是一種挑戰,也是一種獎狀說明競賽表現全國技藝競賽電腦繪圖組 第十四名 平面設計類全國技能競賽第二名 Others79

「多元化的特質將串起一個獨一無二的自己」 希望未來能有到貴校學習的機會感謝教授的閱讀 THANKS FOR READING EXPRESSION ∞ SENSITIVE ∞ CREATIVE