4 minute read

The Educational Theatre Collaborative (ETC) is back with a spirited production of the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Car- ousel in six performances at The Flying Monkey in Plymouth beginning on Sat- urday, January Premiered in 1945, Car- ousel has played a pivotal role in the development of musical theater. The story of Carousel comes from a 1909 Hungar- ian play, transplanted to a

Letters From God

This series of Letters Letters From GodFrom God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.


Why Don’t People Live As Long As They Did After Creation?

It is good that you noticed that fact. Did you also notice that when I created the first man and woman, they were perfect, without sin or defect? I also planned that they would live forever in that condition and in a perfect environment. I told them however, that since I am the source of life, they could only enjoy this condition if they obeyed me. Apart from me they would die. I have no sin and because I created them with no sin or disobedience, they remained in relationship with me and I gave them life in all its fullness. It included living forever in a perfect environment (Genesis 2:16-17).

When they chose to disobey and sin, they were cut off from me and they immediately began to die. Having been created perfect, they lived a long time before they died physically. One of their descendants, Methuselah, lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27). Over time their descendants continued to sin, and this brought further judgment and shorter lifespans. One reason is the decaying DNA within them over generations resulted in sickness & disease and a host of maladies that shortened their lives. When I destroyed the earth in the flood, because of the widespread rebellion and sin so that only 8 people, Noah and his family, who obeyed me were saved, their lifespan dropped to 120 years(Genesis 6:3). As mankind continued to sin and as they continued to suffer ill effects in their bodies, it would drop to 70-80 years at the time of the writing of the Psalms, 1,000 BC. BC was the designation of time as being B efore C hrist, my Son, visited the earth and became the pivotal point in the recording of time due to His dramatic effect on history. Just as I told Adam & Eve, that should they disobey and be separated from me they would die; it was realized not only in physical death but also in the average length of life. Many among you never make it this long due to poverty and poor nutrition, so much of which is due to the sinfulness of greed, abuse, oppression and rejection of me. Of course, some may live somewhat longer and some shorter, but this explains the decline. Since you asked, let me challenge you with some thoughts. None of this death process was my will or design. Everything has been a result of your decisions to rebel against me and practice things that are against my will and which I expressly told you would bring death. So many have resulted in instant death. Other resulted in sickness, suffering and death over a protracted period of your life. But you must also know, that unless you turn back to me and allow me to forgive you and restore your relationship with me so that I can once again pass my life into you, your condition will only worsen. Sadly, because of ignorance and pride you not only have not returned to me, but you have distanced yourself more than ever. You are living in ways that are radically contrary to my will and ways. These practices will only bring further decay and death. It will occur both naturally, because you have failed to follow my wisdom of what is right and healthy for you, but also because you are forcing me, as a loving Father, to bring punishment. Please know that I do this because you don’t learn righteousness when there are no consequences for wrongdoing (Isaiah 26:9-10). You just keep on moving toward “hell in a handbasket,” oblivious to impending death in life and for eternity. If your human fathers never disciplined you when you were doing wrong, they would not love you. They would stand by and watch as you self-destructed, when their loving discipline could have motivated you to come to your senses and back to life (Hebrews 12: 7-11).

I must also remind you, that if you continue on your course and in anyway think I offend you, wait until you meet the Devil. I created him before I created you and all humanity. Like many of you, he rebelled against me. He deceived Adam & Eve into death when he promised them life. He hates me and you, whom I have created. If you reject me, you will have your choice and you will live with him for eternity. I called this hell for it will be hell, living with someone so evil and those he has deceived for eternity.

I am the author of life and I created you to live forever. Return to me and I will forgive your sins because my Son died to take your penalty, and I will bless you with eternal life. That’s a deal you can refuse, because I have given you free will to choose, but I hope you don’t.

I love you,


These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.

NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING! 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821

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