02/22/2024 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

VOLUME 33, NO. 8



Signs Of Spring & Iced Maple Walnut Tea Cookies

by Eric Gibson

Simple Feast Columnist

One need look no further than the calendar to confirm, we are quickly heading into the last two weeks of February and another winter will again soon be in the rearview mirror. For those who need more convincing, step into a nearby field and look to the west of the evening sky and you quickly realize that the days are lengthening, sunlight adding gradually,

minute by minute. But for me the first real inkling of winter nearing its end is the faint clatter of metal pans and a distant rattle of tin buckets echoing across the hills to herald in the next sugaring season. Then comes the clearing of paths to weathered sheds. By shovel or plow ways are cut to that old roadside shack or that out of the way hovel tucked in a field’s far back corner. All begins to come See FEAST on 16

Be Careful Out There by Tim Moore Contributing Writer

Shorter and milder winters seem to be becoming the norm for us in New England. The past few winters have been anything but typical. The last time ice-in was not declared on Lake Winnipesaukee was 2001. I read a news report that Emerson Aviation declared ice-in on February 9 this year, which would make it the latest icein date on record, although I can’t find any mention of it on the Emerson Aviation Facebook page. What does all this mean? It means that the

areas of Winnipesaukee that are frozen are more dangerous than ever this year and anyone venturing onto the ice needs to exercise extreme caution. On winters like the past four, the ice forms in stages rather than steadily each day. Cold stretches that allow ice to thicken are interrupted by warmer stretches that wreak havoc on the ice. Good ice is dark and when there is no snow on the ice it absorbs energy from the sun. A study by the University of Minnesota showed that a See MOORE on 8


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

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True Nature Of An Article V Convention


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To The Editor: Legislative alerts throughout every state across the nation have been provided powerful documentation painting the true nature of an Article V Convention (ConCon), and the consequences, when and if, 34 states apply to Congress to call a convention. Get some vital facts at publiusHulda@gmail. com. Contrary to the inherent dangers of such a convention, no matter what type of amendment proposed, tragically the “House State - Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee discussed and approved (15-5 HCR 8 — Wolf PAC’s application asking Congress to call a convention, ostensibly to protect “free & fair elections” (good cause which is the bait), and overturn the Citizens United decision.” Members of the committee need to be reminded that in 2014 the Vermont application for a ConCon was bankrolled by George Soros. What has happened is multi-billionaire money and power have, whether these officeholders know it or not, essentially bought the opinion of legislators during this ConCon move for the past 4 decades plus. They spend to buy what they want, not to promote your freedom. Joanna Martin at PubliusHulda provides in depth history that thoroughly refutes the committee findings that state legislators need to consider concerning all applications in

this flyer: The “Declaration of Independence” flyer shows why Delegates to an Article V convention have the power to throw off the Constitution we have and set up a new one, with a new and easier mode of ratification. Incidentally, legislation has been introduced to rescind a valid ConCon New Hampshire application: Check out the Legislative alert for HCR 9 to rescind all NH ConCon’s at: https://jbs.org/alert/rescind-new-hampshires-concon-applications/ Russ Payne Merrimack, NH.

Week In Review To The Editor: Let’s review the “Week That Everyone Thought Would Never Be: The week of February 4, 2024”. The astounding events of that week will echo down the halls of American History forever: Border Bill: Before this Bill was drafted or even read by anyone in the Senate, Senators Lankford, Schumer, McConnell and the Mainstream Media (MSM) reported this Bill would be the antidote to the 15 million illegals allowed by the BidenDemolitioncrat invasion. The language of this “ Immigrant Invasion Bill” was exactly the opposite of what the Mainstream Media was reporting . Thank God for our national security , this Bill died a richly deserved death in the Senate. The HUR Report on the Biden

Classified Document Theft: Special Counsel Hur reported Biden’s memory lapses were so monumental that his crimes could not be prosecuted. Hur’s conclusion that Biden is “ non compos mentis” leads to the irrefutable conclusion that Biden’s mental state endangers our national security beyond a reasonable doubt. Biden’s Press Conference: This verified Hur’s conclusion that Biden is “non compos mentis”. The Nation saw Biden’s dementia and his incapacity to exercise Presidential power, including custody of our nuclear codes. The SCOTUS Hearing on Removing Trump from the 2024 Colorado ballot: This exposed the malicious abuse of judicial process by Demolitioncrats. Even the far-left Justices excoriated the Demolitioncrat lawyers. Trump’s victories over the billionaire funded, bird-brained Nikki in the Virgin Islands and Nevada. Nikki lost the Nevada primary to “ None of the Above”, who had no comment on victory. Tucker-Putin Moscow interview: The MSM questioned Tucker’s patriotism despite numerous Western journalists interviewing the “ Monster of Moscow” over the years. These are baby steps against the Demolitioncrat-Leftist onslaught trying to destroy the USA—the America we cherish. Charles Bradley Laconia, NH.

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for 30 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people

and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 24,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 60,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 603-366-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2024 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —


New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

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Early Signs Of Spring? by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

Perhaps against my better judgment, I am going to move forward with an early signs of spring column. Even as nearly a foot of snow fell in my area a few short days ago, signs of spring are out there. They may not abound yet, but they are out there. It started a little over a week ago with one of the typical first signs of spring: snowdrops poking out of the ground and flashing their little white flowers. A day or two later, a flock of turkeys walked past my window at work. It was a good-sized flock of about 15 to 20 birds, and, of course, I had to leave my work area temporarily to check out the action. As I stepped out of a door a fair distance away from the turkeys

A male wild turkey displays in New England last week.

so as to not disturb their day, I noticed that several of the males were displaying. No matter how many times you’ve seen it before, it is always an impressive sight to see turkeys displaying. They are large birds to begin with, so when their feathers are displayed to intimidate or impress, the birds appear to be that much larger.

Turkeys display and gobble during their breeding seasons. The spring breeding season typically starts in March, but these males must have been practicing up and showing off for the hens in the flock. I didn’t hear any gobbling, but that will happen in the weeks ahead, I’m sure. Turkeys are a common sight at my work.

Two or three days later, I was taking my normal walk around the small field at work when I noticed in the distance a red-shouldered hawk uttering its loud kee-aah call. Within seconds, the hawk flew almost right over my head and landed in the Y of a tree in a little patch of woods next to the field. It was the same tree in which red-shouldered hawks nested last year. I discovered the nest last summer when I saw two fluffy birds sitting up in a nest in that Y of the tree. The bird the other day landed on the nest for a short while before taking off across the field and eventually out of sight. It is presumably the same bird as last year as red-shouldered hawks are monogamous, and this See BOSAK on 17

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —


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Life On Solid Ground This column originally appeared in our J uly 26th, 2018 issue. “I’m glad I wasn’t born a Flying Wallenda.” I s a y by Brendan Smith things like Weirs Times Editor this to myself when things look a little dark, which for me can be brought on by things as simple as a leaky faucet. If you have followed this column over the years, you might know that I am not the handiest of people. A small interruption in the Force, like a shower that suddenly doesn’t want to drain, can bring my comfortable world to a screeching halt. At times like these I often berate myself for not having paid more attention as a kid, or even as a middle-aged man. If I had only watched my very handy and able grandfather as he fixed this or that, and asked some questions, I may have understood the basic “Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey” concept years earlier than I did. As a kid, I was more absorbed with reading and writing. I collected comic books, wrote plays in grammar school, immersed myself in novels. I never really got close to the hammer, screwdriver and wrench. So, when things go wrong today, I often silently curse myself for not having paid closer attention when I was younger. I use the one skill I have acquired for these circumstances; using the phone to call up those who did pay attention. It is then that the opening line to this column pops into my head. “I’m glad I wasn’t born a Flying Wallenda.” I realize that as much as I don’t know, I would have been miserable as a kid if I had been forced to focus on those things instead of what I truly enjoyed.

We all have different passions. Unfortunately, not all of us are encouraged to pursue them. Maybe this was a typical conversation in the morning at the Wallenda household. “C’mon kids, finish your breakfast we have a lot of high wire walking to train for this morning.” “Dad, would it be okay if I skipped today? I want to go try out for the school play.” “You’re not going anywhere mister. You are a Flying Wallenda and this is what you do. Now go and get your balancing pole and meet me outside in five minutes!” “Aw, gee Dad.” I could substitute the name Wallenda with any other number of well-known families whose offspring’s future endeavors are pretty much determined by their last name alone. For example. “When I grow up I want to create something that will be a benefit to all of mankind.” “That’s silly dear. You’re a Kardashian. You don’t have to do a thing and you will make millions because people will think you are important even though they will have no idea why. Why do all that extra work?” “You’re right mom. What was I thinking?” My dad was a successful businessman, but he never tried to get any of his children involved in his business, though I’m sure if any of us showed an interest in following in his footsteps, he would have been happy to show us the ropes. All of us, my three brothers, two sisters and myself, chose our own paths and followed them wherever they might lead. I didn’t fall right into a career as a writer and editor, even though that was where my thinking was at when I was younger. I took the long route with jobs like bartending, training racehorses and even restaurant management until I ended up here, writing these columns. It was a tightrope walk of its own, I didn’t know exactly where everything was leading to, and not

everything went as I had expected, but I enjoyed the journey since no one was forcing me to do any of it. The mistakes I made were all mine, but so were the successes. The latter always made the former less painful. So today, when a leaky faucet or other minor catastrophe intrudes upon my life, I take that initial reaction that my small world is falling into chaos for a moment in time and then quickly come to my senses. If I had been born a Wallenda, not only would my faucet be dripping, but I also might be dealing with the anxiety of getting ready for a tightrope walk across Niagara Falls. And heights make me more nervous than trying to figure out how to use a crescent wrench. Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles,” “The Best Of A F.O.O.L In New Hampshire” and “I Really Only Did It For The Socks- Stories & Thoughts On Aging” available at www.BrendanTSmith.com.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

Letters From God This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: To An Unknown God. Now, what you worship as something unknown I’m going to proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, we are his offspring. Therefore, since we are God’s

offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone an image made by man’s design and skill. In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now we command all people everywhere to repent, for he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.” (Acts 17:22-31). In these remarkable words of Paul, that I inspired him to write, he revealed first of all that there is only one God and unfortunately, they were worshipping everything but me the one true God. He also revealed that I am not a person who needs to be served as though I needed anything, like the other so-called gods that they worshipped. Rather, it was me who created everyone from one-man, Adam, and gave breath to everyone so that they might live. I was rebuking them and wanted them to know that I’m not an inanimate idle to be helped along the way in my feebleness but the true and living God who with my almighty power brought them and everything else into existence. But now the answer to your question. Paul then let them know, and I would have you know, that I created you and placed you on this earth so that you would seek me and perhaps reach out for me and find me, even though I’m not far from each one of you. I am your Creator and Father.

Letters From God

QUESTION: Why Am I Here? What Is My Purpose In Life?


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Thank you for asking this question. Everyone at some point in their life will ask this question but very few take the time to read my book, the Bible, and the many chapters or letters in my book to find the answer. Since I am your Creator, you will never fully know and enjoy life unless you find and fulfill your purpose. This, therefore, makes my answer vital for life. My servant Paul disclosed the purpose of life when he addressed Greek leaders in the city of Athens. He was distressed to discover that they were worshipping many idols. Paul used the opportunity to reveal me to those who were worshipping everything and anything but me, the one true God. Paul said, “Men of Athens! I see that


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I gave you life, so that you might know me and enjoy the life that I possess, as a result of being in a relationship with me. That’s your purpose. To know me and know my love and to be filled with my love so that you, as my children, enjoy all the rich treasures that are mine. Please note, however, that I said through Paul, “perhaps reach out for me and find me.” The “perhaps” is because not everyone will. I gave you free will and you’ve walked away from me. I will honor your free will and if you continue to choose to reject me and my love, I will give you that choice. But you must know that since I am the source of life and love, you’ll never find it without me. As Paul also said, I am not far from you. In fact, I am with you even now, as you are reading the words of this letter. If you would know life and all of its fullness, come back to me, ask me to forgive your sins through the death of my son Jesus, who paid the penalty for your sins. As Paul also said, I raised him from the grave after he paid for your sins. It is proof, he conquered death and so will you, because he paid the penalty of your sins. Let me fill you with my love and I will give you the fullness of life for all eternity. God These letters are written by Rev. Dr. Sam Hollo of Alton, NH.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

Will Biden’s Age Finish His Campaign?

Last week, Joe Biden’s presidential reelection campaign fell apart. To be fair, it’s been a long time coming: Biden himself by Ben Shapiro is deeply unSyndicated Columnist popular by every polling metric, running behind his chief Republican rival, Donald Trump, on nearly every major issue. With the world on fire -- war in Ukraine, a conflagration in Gaza, shipping harassed in the Red Sea, the ongoing threat of Chinese intervention against Taiwan -- and a widespread feeling of domestic economic instability based on continued higher-

than-expected inflation, with an open border promoted by the White House and culture wars dividing the nation, Biden’s reelection prospects were already weak. And then, the special counsel in Biden’s classified documents case proceeded to tell the truth about Biden’s mental health status. And all hell broke loose. The special counsel report makes clear that Biden obviously violated the law. According to the special counsel, Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” But, the special counsel concluded, Biden is simply too old and feeble to prosecute: “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likeSee SHAPITO on 19

Skewed News On CNN, a “reporter” interviewing Vice President Kamala Harris gushes, “I’m struck, just in your presence! Looking you in the eye, with your passion ... “ by John Stossel Really? Syndicated Columnist Even Harris looked embarrassed. My new video shows how the mainstream media treat conservatives and libertarians differently. We shouldn’t be surprised. Reporters overwhelmingly lean Democrat. A survey by The American Journalist found that for every Republican in a newsroom, there are 10 Democrats. The reporters claim to be objective. They aren’t. News networks always covered

Iowa Caucus victory speeches. Not this year -- After Donald Trump won. CNN cut away from his speech, and MSNBC didn’t carry it at all. Recently, NPR hired a new CEO. They chose Katherine Maher, who once tweeted that “Trump is a racist.” During BLM looting, she tweeted, “It’s hard to be mad about protests not prioritizing the private property of a system of oppression.” Now she’s the boss of governmentfunded radio? Sadly, yes. Recently, the media got very upset about rule of law. Outraged anchors said, “Texas refuses to give in to federal law.” This was because Texas politicians won’t remove a fence that the feds told them to remove. An outraged NBC asked, “Why isn’t the Biden administration suing Texas?” That’s actually a reasonable quesSee STOSSEL on 21

Bi-Partisan American Concerns Over Ukraine, China/Taiwan, Gaza; Poll Cites Two years following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, some 74% of Americans view the war in the Eastern European country as important to U.S. nationby John J. Metzler al interests, with Syndicated Columnist 43% describing it as very important. Similar percentages see the war between Israel and Hamas (75%) and tensions between China and Taiwan (75%) as important to U.S. national interests as well, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted during late January.

Pew recounted, “When asked how important each conflict is to them personally, 59% of Americans say the war between Russia and Ukraine is important to them.” Viewing East Asian tensions, the survey cites about 76% of Democrats and 78% of Republicans seeing the Taiwan-China simmering conflict as significant to American national interests. “Thirty percent of respondents view cross-strait tensions as “somewhat important” to U.S. national interests and 45 percent think they are “very important,” added the survey of 5,618 adults. However, 62 percent of Republicans view tensions between

Taiwan and China as important to them personally, while 56 percent of Democrats hold this view. Significantly, “Older Americans are more likely to find the Taiwan Strait issue to be important than younger ones, the poll showed. According to the survey, 88 percent of Americans over 65 years of age and 82 percent of Americans aged 50 to 64 see TaiwanChina tensions as important to U.S. national interests.” Meanwhile, “69 percent of Americans between 30 and 49 years old, and 63 percent of Americans between 18 and 29 years old, view the conflict as important to national interests,” the survey showed.

According to Pew, “The survey revealed that 77 percent of Americans over 65 years old and 65 percent of Americans aged 50 to 64 see crossstrait tensions as important to them personally.” Though the age disparity is not surprising given that older adults likely remember the long-standing cross Straits military tensions between a more aggressive Mainland China and Taiwan, as compared with younger people seeing China through the lens of its largely commercial relationship with the United States over the past forty years. Think about it for a moment; beSee METZLER on 19

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 — MOORE from 1

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20-degree rise in temperature can cause a one-mile sheet of ice to expand as much as four feet. Many of our days have seen temperature swings larger than that and any landlocked ice has to go somewhere. The result is what is known as a pressure ridge. On a typical year, the ice is thick and so are the pressure ridges, so you can find way across them. On years like this one, when there is only around 8-inches of ice, the pressure ridges are only 8-inches thick at best. Even a little bit of warm weather can cause them to collapse and form large open cracks. The real danger is in traveling. The ice might be fine when you head out in the morning, but as soon as the sun hits the dark ice and the temperatures rise, the ice becomes unstable and

begins moving. Getting back to where you started could get tricky, or impossible. ATVs are especially susceptible to getting stranded due to the four points of contact as opposed to a snowmobile with more distributed weight. There is a ton of safety equipment available to ice anglers, but safety gear is often never used, at least we hope not, so many anglers are reluctant to spend the money on it. Who wants to buy something that they’ll probably never get to use? It’s contrary to most buying decisions. The nice thing about safety gear is that you only need to buy it once. It is rarely expendable and since it goes unused often remains looking and functioning like new. Companies, like Clam Outdoors, make floating suits that will keep you afloat, making it easier to get out of the water should

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Random cracks and pressure ridges are a regular occurrence on larger lakes, such as Lake Winnipesaukee. you fall through the ice. There are ice safety picks that can be used to pull yourself out. I prefer the floating picks in case you drop them. Combined with a float suit, your chances of survival increase exponentially. A spud bar (long handled chisel) is an essential thin ice tool to check as you go. Once you have checked the ice, the sound the chisel makes will be a dead giveaway when the thickness of the ice changes. I also carry a 50-foot throw rope, which is 50 feet of rope in a bag that can be thrown to someone in distress. When venturing out onto the ice, you should never assume the ice is thick enough to support you. Notice I didn’t use the word safe, because there is no such thing as truly safe ice. Ice thickness always varies depending on how it formed and this year it formed bits at a time, making it

even more dangerous. Always check the ice for yourself and don’t go anywhere you haven’t checked without checking it. One of my main rules is that I never bring clients to areas that I haven’t already been. Better safe than sorry could be the difference between life and death. Tim Moore is a fulltime licensed professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association, and the producer of TMO Fishing on YouTube and the Hooked with TMO Fishing Podcast. Visit www.TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information.

income taxes if a plan is well-executed. Most people will decide to make energy efficient upgrades to their homes for environmental reasons, to manage electricity consumption and save money on electricity, or both. Whatever the reasons, you may need to plan to achieve some tax savings for the work. Below, an explanation of the two kinds of energy tax credits is provided as well as some tax planning tips to help the reader benefit from making a desired upgrade. There are two kinds of energy tax credits that you can qualify for as a homeowner: The Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit or the Residential Clean

fying the energy efficiency requirements, the credit is 30% of the costs, including labor. The maximum credit you can claim each year is: $1,200 for energy property costs and certain energy efficient home improvements, with limits on doors ($250 per door and $500 total), windows ($600) and home energy audits ($150); $2,000 per year for qualified heat pumps, biomass stoves or biomass boilers. The credit has no lifetime dollar limit. You can claim the maximum annual credit every year that you make eligible improvements until 2033. The credit is nonrefundable, so you can’t get back more on the credit than you owe in taxes. You can’t apply

tractors and business owners filing a Schedule C. This credit will only reduce the tax liability and will not be refunded to the taxpayer. So, in this case, it is better to owe and utilize every cent of the credit and pay the balance. If you are due a refund, no benefit will be received, and you cannot carry forward any unused tax credits generated by the Energy Efficient Home Improvement. Therefore, the credit will never be claimed. For example, let’s say Joe Smith qualifies for up to $1,200 in credits because Joe made some energy improvements to his home. Let’s also assume that at the end of the year, Joe will owe an additional $1,000

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

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by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

Some ventures last a long time while others are limited to a short duration. I was somewhat shocked a couple of years ago when the college I received a degree from closed its doors. Newspapers come and go and one of those published in Laconia apparently came and went during the years I was living in states other than New Hampshire. Old newspapers can serve as history books and I have a copy of The Laconia News, which was published by The Lerman Press, dated February 20, 1975. Some people would like to see a return to railroad service in New Hampshire. I would like to see a return of wider use of newspapers for news and advertising. Look at the newsstands today, if you can find one, and you will see only a few copies of big city newspapers. But let me share what I discovered about the Lakes Region

Persons planning panel discussion on the limits of freedom: Program Chairman Belinda Westergren, Laconia, Gilmanton, Gilford School District Assistant Superintendent Alexander Blastos, and Mrs. John Squires, League of Women Voters member. of New Hampshire from my copy of the weekly Laconia News of February 20, 1975. This paper that promoted itself as covering the entire Lakes Region was sent out to rural mail routes as a boxholder. It apparently ceased publication in June of 1975 after a dozen, or maybe a baker’s dozen(?) years of serving the Lakes Region. I should also point out that, like the paper you are holding, the Laconia News was free. The first page headline announced that the 51st World Champion Sled Dog Derby, the ‘Superbowl’ of sled dog racing was happening that weekend with 23 drivers competing on

an 18 mile course that was said to be the best groomed in years. The then current champion, Dick Moulton of Center Harbor, NH, was trying to repeat as champion. Other local drivers included Bobby Corriveau, Larry DeGeorge, and “Red” Beaudoin, all of Belmont, Hughie MacDonald of Laconia, Dick Molberg of Center Harbor, and Kurt Berube of Tilton. Laconia’s Park and Recreation Department was sponsoring a Winter Carnival on the first weekend of March with a “ Snow Sculpture Contest “ to be held on the Laconia downtown Mall. Snow was to be provided by the department. Several articles in the

702 Union Ave newspaper Laconia, reveal the NH 03246 state of the economy in 1975. A proposal had been made to decrease the Laconia Fire Department’s budget, which,if done, was estimated to cost ten men their jobs during a time of high unemployment. Rising unemployment was said to be causing greater financial hardship throughout the state. A new Food Stamp office was being opened in Meredith as the Belknap-Merrimack Community Action and the NH Division of Welfare, with help from other groups, worked to expand the Food Stamp Program in Belknap County. An effort was underway to coordinate human service agencies in the Lakes Region with help from the Lakes Region Planning Commission. Mrs. Joanne Thompson of Gilford, a candidate for selectman, had her proposed voluntary energy conservation program sent on to the Federal Energy Administration in Washington by Governor Meldrim Thomson. The program would supply gasoline at reduced prices for those dependent upon it. “Exploring the Limits of Freedom” was the panel discussion program to be discussed at a program presented on February 25, 1975 by the Laconia-Gilford See SMITH on 10


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10 SMITH from 9 League of Women Voters. The meeting was open for “interested people ...who wish to be more informed about some of the programs in the local schools and current educational issues.” The panel participants were four people associated in leadership positions in Laconia and Gilford schools and one “parent concerned about the schools.” The program was presented because of the popularity of “the concept of freedom” being at the root of many changes in society, and ”child-raising and the educational system” with the growing popularity of the “Open Concept” for schools. That concept being described as “ open - free - doing your own thing - the exciting prospect of a child being free to

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

People involved in the publication of the Laconia News. become a person and learn significantly for himself.” But then was added, “But there must be some limits to freedom in the education of a young person.” The League of Women Voters stated, “We should

learn basically what is happening in our schools as well as have a chance for an exciting exchange of ideas.” I think this is a conversation that is ongoing. The newspaper article ended with the words, “There

will be a small charge.” It is always interesting to compare advertisements of past publications to those of today. The 1975 weekly appeared to have the support of many advertisers and the public’s use of classified ads with close to 150 of them in the classified section. A couple of pages were devoted to “Coupon Days” with local establishments offering customers discounts with coupons from the paper. The offerings of area restaurants seem particularly appealing when compared to 2024 prices. Mt. Whittier Inn in West Ossipee was advertising a smorgasbord dinner for $2.95, and the Winnisquam House

Signing of a contract for the construction of an addition to the Belknap County Courthouse. Seated: Douglas Stone, representing the contractor, County Commissioner Henry Spear, and County Commissioner Marion Atwood. Standing: Architect Richard Dudley and County Commissioner Dean Dexter.

Larry’s Market Advertisement ( Elm Street in Lakeport) on Route 3 had Sirloin Steak on their menu for $5.95 and a Fisherman’s Platter for $4.50. The President’s Day special of a roast beef dinner at Grant’s Bradford House at the Lakes Region Plaza in Gilford went for only $1.69. For country and western music lovers, Nashville North, advertising itself as the home of country and western music in New England, on Lakeside Avenue in the Weirs, was tak-

ing reservations for the appearance there on February 28th of Dick Curless The Streetcar Company had about 150 people show up to try out for parts in their Spring musical, “The Sound of Music.” Over 90 children were there to try out to play the part of one of the Trapp family’s seven children. And we must not leave out the 1975 Belknap Mall Auto Show put on by the Laconia Automobile Dealers. Laconia

News readers were told that the Laconia automobile dealers taking part in the show were Irwin Motors, Cantin Chevrolet, Lakes Region Toyota and Saab, Kip and Joe’s, Carrignan Brothers, Manter Olds, Inc., Arthur Lessard & Son, Inc., Piper Motors, Woodward’s, and McGreevy Buick-Cadillac. Stores in the Mall in 1975 included Shaw’s, row’s News and Card Shoppe, Fitt’ Camera Shop, and Zayre. WPIX as viewed on Channel 3 on Community TV, the local cable company, listed its weekly lineup of programs in the 1975 newspaper with programming starting at 7:00 a.m. and signing off from 12:20 to 1:30 a.m., depending on the day. A local radio station, WEMJ, advertised “Complete around the Course Coverage “ of the Sled Dog Derby on Feb. 21, 22, & 23. And that’s the February 20, 1975 news from here.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —


50/50 Balls And Transgender Sports by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

In early 2021 our New Hampshire House Education Committee held a hearing on a transgender sports measure. I had serious concerns about biological (XY chromosome) boys playing contact sports against biological (XX chromosome) girls, but naturally wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts. Of the 33 folks who testified (mostly moms), 32 passionately advocated for their trans kids. And their testimony “moved the needle” for some of us. Moms (and dads) want their trans kids to have full opportunities to experience all that they can as they grow up— to include sports. The hearing raised much awareness. But there are other moms and dads out there similarly advocating for other kids as well. They also have strong feelings about what’s best for their children that can conflict with feelings of other parents. The schism reminds us to be wary about messing with momma bears. Some would counsel that this subject is a minefield to avoid. Why step into it and opine at all and then get blown up? But as a parent, grandparent, sports columnist, and elected official, I’m going to enter this dangerous and

Bruce Jenner in the 1976 Olympic Decathlon. complicated minefield, and hopefully emerge without getting blown up. We’ll see. Parents experiencing more traditional circumstances need to understand how parents of trans kids see their worlds—as we learned at that 2021 hearing. And conversely, parents of trans kids need to do likewise. Folks on various sides of this issue surely honor parental love. This year, after much deliberation, I accepted an invitation to co-sponsor HB1205, which “prohibits biological males from participating in female athletics.” Given the number of people seeking to speak at the Education Committee hearing, testimony was limited to two minutes. I used my time to speak of safety and 50/50 balls. A 50/50 ball (or a 50/50 puck) involves

two players heading toward each other at full speed. I specifically recalled a high school soccer game where my daughter and another girl banged into each other while going for a 50/50 ball. The violent collision was followed by a scream and soon an ambulance was on the field to take a brokenlegged girl to a hospital. (Not my daughter). The imagery always stayed with me. The two soccer players each weighed around 115-120 pounds. But what if a 100-pound (XX) biological female has a violent 50/50 runin with a 160-pound (XY) biological male? Ouch. There are many more pieces to this, beyond 50/50 balls. For example, the NCAA requires trans athletes to take drugs. A male-to-female transgender student

who is not doing hormone treatments may not compete on a women’s team. This mandated drug use requirement is unsettling and complicated. Then there’s the debate over minors undergoing gender reassignment surgery. We recently had a big kerfuffle at the State House over HB619, which would ban the practice. Regarding yet another (bathroom) bill, many folks testified about fears relating to biological males in female bathrooms and locker rooms. A proposed criteria for bathroom use essentially came down to what gender a person claimed to identify as. And while most trans kids are wonderful people, there are examples of miscreants exploiting the “identification” situation with nefarious intent. Related concerns deserve attention. Inconveniently, some folks’ “identifications” also change over time— not just re: adolescents but in some cases folks who are 50 or 60 years of age. Caitlyn Jenner is perhaps the world’s most famous trans athlete. As Bruce Jenner in 1976, Caitlyn won the Olympic Decathlon. Jenner is a strong and articulate opponent of XY trans athletes competing against XX athletes, at any level. There is a simple (though not easy) answer to this complicated transgender sport participation question. XX’s See MOFFETT on 20


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

Unearthing Origins of Nuptial Bliss: Most Beloved Wedding Traditions

Unearthing the origins of our most beloved wedding traditions - from the practice of placing wedding bands on the third finger of the left hand to putting coins in the bride’s shoes - help modern brides understand why we continue to do things the way we do.

A Vision In White “Married when the year is new, he’ll be loving, kind, and true. When February birds do mate, you wed nor dread your fate.” One of our most beloved wedding traditions is the white wedding dress. Many historians claim that the vivacious French queen, Anne de Bretagne, was the first to start this most cherished of wedding traditions by wearing a white wedding dress in 1499; however, there remains some speculation as to the veracity of this claim. Another 160 years would pass until accounts of Mary, Queen of Scots’ marriage to the French Dauphin in 1558 also claimed she wore white. In most cases, the white wedding dress is commonly attributed to Queen Victoria of England, however, who in 1840 married Albert of Saxe-Coburg, clad entirely in a white gown that was adorned with some of her own prized white lace. But, as far as wedding traditions are established, it still took awhile for brides to catch on to this


new idea; it was, after all, very hard to clean a white dress and keep it that way in those times. Another sixty or so years would pass before brides had the resources to wear white wedding gowns routinely and keep them spotless. Prior to this time, there were no wedding customs that dictated what color had to be worn, and everyone - from peasants to royalty would simply wear their finest gown, whether it was blue, purple, or yellow hued. The only colors strictly off limits were black (a symbol of death) and flaming red (often associated with ‘ladies of the night.’), although brides in certain parts of the world wore (and still do) black or red gowns based on local cultural and social wedding customs and requirements. Nowadays, people think that a white dress stands for

chastity, but traditionally, if a bride wanted to convey this fact, she would have worn blue in keeping with long-held wedding traditions.

Your Wedding in the Clouds Historic Estate. Unmatched Views.

All You Need Is Something Old, New, Borrowed, And Blue

“If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you’ll know. Marry in April when you can, joy for maiden and for man.”

Another favorite of our modern day wedding traditions - the practice of integrating ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue’ - has been a part of the marriage ceremony since the nineteenth century, each standing for a special trinket or symbol the bride carries with her on the wedding day. Most people are unaware of the last line of this phrase, however, which ends with ‘and a See BLISS on 14

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

BLISS from 13 silver sixpence in her shoe.’ Many cultures practice putting coins in the bride’s shoes, symbolic wedding customs that stand, of course, for wealth and prosperity. In Sweden, for instance, these wedding customs are evident with the mother of the bride placing a gold coin in one shoe and her father placing a silver coin in the other to ensure that she will always have financial Sacred Heart Church 291 Union Ave Laconia, NH 524-9609 St. Joseph Church 30 Church St. Laconia, NH 524-9609

security. ‘Something old’ stands for the bride’s old life; wedding customs generally state that she should pick something that reminds her of a loved one (perhaps a grandparent) or past special event. ‘Something new’ signifies the couple’s hope for their future together; a symbol of a shared interest is an excellent choice. ‘Something borrowed’ represents something the bride wishes to as-

pire to or someone she wishes to honor, whether it be a loved one’s old bracelet or a memento from a friend who has a happy marriage. And finally, the ‘something blue’ part of these wedding traditions, though it no longer holds the same symbolism, denotes the bride’s purity. Many brides today incorporate the color discreetly underneath their dresses in the form of garters or as jewelry.

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The Vein Of Love Links Both Hearts

“Marry in the month of May, and you’ll surely rue the day. Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you’ll go.”

With its circular shape, the wedding ring, which for years has been a part of our most respected wedding customs, represents a love without end and the moment when the bride and groom are joined together. Placing the wedding ring on the third finger of the left hand is usually believed to have come from the ancient Egyptian belief that this part of the body contained the ‘vein of love,’ or a mythical vein that runs from the finger to the heart. With the wedding ring on this finger, another of our most beloved wedding traditions concluded that happiness, love, and commitment were assured (citation: gagirl.com/wedding/wedding5.html). Early folklore of how our wedding customs came to be claims that


the husband would tie his new wife’s ankles and wrists with ropes to keep her spirit on earth for as long as possible; this particular practice stemming from these ancient wedding customs, of course, evolved into today’s modern wedding bands, now made from gold or silver, though the transformation took many forms throughout the years hemp (which never lasted long), leather, metal, and other durable materials, such as iron (favored by the Romans) to indicate the permanence of the union. Across The Threshold We Go

“Those who in July do wed, must labor for their daily bread. Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see.”

There are at least four explanations why the groom is expected to carry his bride over the threshold, all of which have their origins in wedding customs of centuries past. Well over a millennia or so ago,

it was common for the groom to abduct his bride (with the help of his ‘best man’), and essentially, he had to force her into the home. To make the situation easier, he likely carried her across the threshold so she couldn’t escape. Similarly, the belief in evil spirits was rampant, and to protect the couple from harm, popular wedding traditions held that the groom carried her over to leave the potential threats outside. Another feasible explanation for these wedding traditions rests with the new wife’s reluctance to enter the home and leave behind her family, and with a show of modesty for her husband, the bride would play hard to get, requiring the groom to carry her over the threshold so she entered the home. The last, perhaps most common account of lifting the bride over the See BLISS on 15


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —


BLISS from 14 threshold is that she must never trip or fall or she’ll suffer years of ill fortune. But regardless of where you go, these wedding traditions still stand for the passage of one phase of life to the next and the hope that the bride and groom have for their future together (citation: Marriage Customs of the

World, George Monger, page 270). Quick, Hide The Bride!

“If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember. When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last.”

It’s common knowledge that it’s bad luck for the groom to see

his bride on the wedding day before the ceremony, as far as wedding customs go. Marriages were frequently arranged a long time ago, a deal between the bride’s parents and the groom’s used to gain alliances, more power, or greater wealth. Until the ceremony, local wedding customs prevented the bride and

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groom from meeting in person. To prevent the groom from leaving once he saw her (if she was, in fact, unattractive), he was not allowed to speak with her until after the ceremony was finished. Wedding customs also required that the bride was also required to wear a heavy, thick veil (just in case) and it was only lifted after the ceremony. And, at that point, the groom could no longer back out from his commitment. Many modern brides still incorporate these two wedding traditions; it, of course, lends to the excitement

of the day, keeping her groom anxious to see how beautiful she looks when she walks down the aisle. Other Wedding Customs, And Oddities There are literally hundreds of other wedding traditions, customs, and superstitions that

Brenda MacKay

make up today’s marriage ceremony, and some are quite odd. In certain areas, kissing and/or running into a chimney sweep, dove, or black cat is good luck while sewing your own wedding dress is bad (for every stitch, you’ll shed a tear).

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

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FEAST from 1 alive once again with the swish of a broom against wooden floor boards and tools tinkering on equipment to breathe new life into a boiler, even if only for a handful of weeks. Outside of the sugaring season, usually between the latter half of February to perhaps early April, a sugar house may go virtually unnoticed, being mistaken for anything from an old vegetable stand to a distant tool or machine shed. But a closer look at this small structure, some barely big enough to house the equipment, say nothing of the people to run it, tells you that this little cottage performs an essential function. What sets it apart from other sheds is the tell-tale cupola

set upon its ridge peak with its tin vents designed to provide some relief to its temporary inhabitants of this smoke-filled sauna. And too, the old traditional Sugar Shack will have a ready supply of seasoned wood nearby, usually undercover, perhaps in a lean-to or drying in an adjacent shed. You need not travel far to see a Sugaring operation. Just take a drive off the highway to some of the more rural areas of the state and rather soon you may find buckets hung from trees. Or larger, more modern operations, may have lengths of tubes strung from tree to tree as though each were giving the next a transfusion. These tubes usually terminate in a collec-

tion point at the base of a hill, a gravity feed system allowing sap to flow like water; sweet, sweet, water. If you are anything like me, you too have had more than just a fascination with sugaring but have probably too, kept it to more of a spectator sport. Perhaps you had dabbled in it once or twice while the kids were young? Once I did the research and realized it meant long hours over boiler pans, stoking fires, tapping trees, and trying to figure out a Maple from an Oak, from a Hickory I decided other pursuits might be more to my liking. Joking aside, my high school teacher actually admitted to tapping a pine tree once. Needless to say, his foray into sugaring was memorable

but didn’t last more than a season. And storing the sap while gaining enough to actually make it worth the time and effort, well, it was fast becoming abundantly clear that it was not worth neither my time nor my effort. Lacking the patience and the resources to “go big”, I “went home.” There is a reason real maple syrup is so expensive per gallon. Did you know it takes about 40 gallons of syrup from the Sugar Maple to make one gallon of syrup? And, according to the website theartofdoingstuff. com, “It takes 1 week to collect 10 gallons of sap from a single large maple tree. On a cold day it takes 9 hours to evaporate 10 gallons of sap outside. Then it takes another A LITTLE TASTE OF PARADISE 1-2 hours inside on the stove to turn it into IN THE LAKES REGION syrup.” And this is just the boil. Don’t forget A low-key vibe, island-inspired the time involved in the food & featuring the largest tapping of trees and the selection of Rum & handcrafted collecting of sap. And Rum concoctions in the region then there are other considerations; cutHome of the ting wood or the cost of WINNI PAIN KILLER fuel to run equipment. - It’s Vacation in a Glass! Procuring bottles and bottling the syrup. As 603-409-9983 • 604 Endicott St. N, Weirs Beach, Laconia well as a host of other “to do’s” to be contems plated. Sugaring is, no 603.527.8144 myrnascc.com k a e doubt, a labor of love t S od for the hobbyist and • ta afo an art for the profess Italian & American Comfort Food Pa Se sionals. For the rest of us who enjoy a glimpse Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, into the world of Maple voted one of theVeal top ten restaurants Sugaring there is the Francese and Eggplant Rollatini New Hampshire Main NH by Boston Magazine — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials ple— Weekend in March Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm during the heart of Located under the canopy 131 Lake StreetBay at Paugus Bay Plaza Located under the canopy at 131 Lakeat Street At Paugus Plaza, Laconia See FEAST on 18

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

BOSAK from 3 is about the time they start gearing up for the breeding season. Now that I know where the nest is, I’m hoping the hawks use it again so I can monitor the nest all spring and summer. Finally, on the same day that I saw the hawk, I heard a very boisterous male cardinal belting out a variation of its melodic and well-loved song. Hearing cardinals sing in the winter is not that unusual of an occurrence, but it is always nice to hear and offers hope for the season of renewal that lies ahead. Signs of spring will continue to pop up here and there as the days and weeks go by. Spring, of course, officially starts this year on March 19, but New Englanders know all too well that that is merely what the calendar says. Spring in New England is a roller coaster ride throughout March and April, and sometimes even into early May. In the meantime, winter offers its own rewards for birdwatchers. In fact, some of my most memorable birdwatching moments have occurred in the winter. I am in no way rushing towards spring with this column, but merely sharing a few observations I have noticed. The change of seasons will happen regardless of our hopes or desires, and I’m just thankful to live in a part of the country where the seasons are so distinct.


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FEAST from 16

the harvest. This year it will be celebrated the weekend of March 16 and 17, 2024. For more information or to find a Sugar House near you check out the New Hampshire Maple Producers Association Inc. website https:// nhmapleproducers. com What better way to shake the winter blues than to spend some time with your family and friends traveling the state, enjoying Maple treats like syrup and candy while learning about one of New Hampshire’s hidden treasures; the Sugar Maple and the art of Sugar making.

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 — As for the cookies, well, I admit that while at first I had my doubts about this Iced Maple Walnut Tea Cookie, after a few, their unique flavor, texture, and style began to grow on me. Right out of the oven or slightly warm, they were not a “Oh My Gosh!!!” kind of cookie. And even after cooling, they still lacked something. I think I was expecting that ginger and clove flavor to pop and it didn’t. Warm, these cookies were just “ho-hum” and assuming room temperature they were not much better. However, there was a solid maple flavor and the smattering of

walnuts too were a welcome flavor giving these cookies some hope. It wasn’t until these cookies were iced that their true flavors began to shine. Once cooled, iced, and having time enough to mellow, these cookies took on new appeal. A real treat! Composed of a mix of delicate flavors; maple, walnut, and a slight peppery after note from the ginger and clove, the profiles truly began to complement each other. The texture too you may find appealing. These cookies are delicate but not dainty. They reminded me of a popular pecan shortbread cookie. You know, the ones “made by little elves in a hollow tree”. But these Iced Maple Walnut Tea Cookies are not crisp nor crumbly. Their soft quality offers a palatable pleasure while the brown sugar offers just

a hint of texture. The maple icing adds to the maple flavor while not putting it over the top in sweetness. And just a dollop dresses this cookie, giving it a modest finish. Afterall, inviting a naked cookie to afternoon

tea would be simply gauche bordering on the obscene. I believe that you too will find these Iced Maple Walnut Tea Cookies very appealing to the adult palate. With notes of ginger and clove, the delicious

flavors of maple and walnut, and a fine soft texture, these cookies are easy to make and will be a great way to usher in the 2024 Maple Sugar Season, or perhaps just the next… Simple Feast. Enjoy!

ICED MAPLE WALNUT TEA COOKIES Yield: About 36 Cookies Time: 45-50 Minutes Plus Icing Time

INGREDIENTS 2/3 Cup Shortening 1 ⅛ Cups Maple Syrup* ¼ Cup packed Brown Sugar ¼ tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Baking Soda

1 tsp. Ginger (ground) ½ tsp. Cloves (ground) 4 Cups Flour plus 2-3 Tbsp. (reserved) ½ Cup Crushed Walnuts

-Preparation & Cooking- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. - Grease two cookie sheets and set aside. - In a mixer bowl combine the shortening and Maple Syrup. - In a bowl combine flour, salt, baking soda, ginger, cloves, and brown sugar. Whisk together to ensure no lumps. - With the mixer on low speed begin to add the combined dry ingredients to the wet ingredients one measuring cup at a time to allow each to combine. - Add the crushed walnuts and allow to mix for a few minutes. A stiff dough will form. - On a clean surface sprinkle 2-3 Tbsp. of flour and spread some on a rolling pin. - Gather dough into a ball and roll out on the floured surface to about ¼ inch thick. - Cut out cookies with a 3 inch round cookie cutter (plastic juice cup works too!) - Set on greased cookie sheets 12 to 16 per sheet and bake in the oven for 8 minutes. Let rest three or four minutes before removing to a cooling rack. Cookies will be tender.

MAPLE ICING Yield/Coverage About 24 Cookies Time: About 20 Minutes


1 Cup plus 2 Tbsp. Confectioners Sugar 1 tsp. Maple Extract

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4 tsp. Maple Syrup* 3 tsp. Half and Half

-Preparation & Cooking- Mix extract, syrup, and half and half into the confectioner’s sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Icing should easily ribbon off the spoon. - Set cooled cookies on a cooling rack over parchment or wax paper. - Ice each cookie by drizzling icing over each in a manner that best serves your needs. - Let icing harden before storing in an airtight container. *In the spirit of full disclosure I did use artificial “Maple Syrup” as I did not have real maple syrup on hand. Using real maple syrup may require adjustment of some measures given the difference in viscosity of the two types of syrup.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 — METLZER from 7 fore the 1980’s Mainland China was viewed through the prism of Mao’s revolutionary rhetoric; Taiwan was the ethnic Chinese bastion standing up to the Beijing communists. But since the 1980’s the stereotypical view of China has been mercantile, not Marxist. Taiwan was largely overlooked in the midst of the “China euphoria” where American corporations jockeyed for wider commercial relationships with the Mainland. But the survey took an interesting turn beyond recording political interest in a topic; rather it also cites somebody’s personal attachment or sentiment concerning a specific crisis. Equally, the survey also covered other regions; Thus viewing the importance of each conflict to them personally, “Democrats are more likely than Republicans to say the Russia-Ukraine war is important to them (65% vs. 56%), while Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say this about ChinaTaiwan tensions (62% vs. 56%).” The Survey adds, “Roughly equal shares of Democrats

(67%) and Republicans (66%) say the Israel-Hamas war is personally important to them.” Significantly the survey cites that while older Americans view the importance of both the Ukraine conflict and Taiwan tensions, indeed for the most part younger people under 30 are 58% focused on the Hamas/Israel war. Tragically, a sizable minority inside the Democrat party has embraced the Hamas political narrative in the wake of the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel and the ensuing hostage crisis; many younger citizens have followed suit joining pro-Palestinian marches. In the Survey the respondents are reflecting on a string of core crises which confront Washington policymakers. Ukraine, while initially dismembered by Russia in 2014 to very little Western pushback, was invaded by Vladimir Putin’s military in 2022. The smoldering Mideast conflict,

dormant for a few years, reignited in October with the massive Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. Though the Taiwan Strait standoff between communist China and Taiwan has been a fixture for generations, it’s clearly framed by Beijing’ s continuing military threats against the democratic self-ruled island. Naturally this poll’s scope and methodology reflects peoples serious concerns but does not go to the next step; namely what to do and how to respond to these individual crises. For example, add the element of Ukrainian military aid, and the numbers would certainly shift. People are now genuinely tuned into key global crises but as to specific solutions there’s far less common ground. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism the Diplomacy of Separated Nations; Germany, Korea, China.

SHAPIRO from 7 ly present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, wellmeaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” According to the special counsel, Biden’s memory failures were repeated and troubling: “He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013 -- when did I stop being Vice President?’), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (‘in 2009, am I still Vice President?’). He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him.” Biden knew that he had to fight back against the perception that he is decrepit. And so he called a press conference. And See SHAPIRO on 20

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

SHAPIRO from 19 at that press conference, he proceeded to light himself on fire. First, he tried to claim that questioning his memory regarding his son’s death was somehow unkind or nasty; next, he forgot where that same son had obtained his rosary; finally, he mixed up the president of Egypt and the president of Mexico. Then he stumbled into the wings. And suddenly, Biden’s age issues were apparent for all to see. They were, in fact, inescapable. An ABC News/Ipsos poll in the aftermath of the press conference showed that 86% of Americans believe Biden is too old to serve another

term as president. To put that in context, by some polling data, only 80% of Americans agree that the earth is round; just 71% agree that NASA landed on the moon. Essentially, only members of Biden’s paid staff and his immediate family believe he is capable of serving another term. Which means that Biden is in trouble. All Donald Trump has to do to defeat him is to shut up. And herein lies the problem. Trump’s tendency to put himself in the headlines overlaps perfectly with the media’s desire to put him front and center in the campaign, rather than Biden’s political and mental

incompetence. Trump loves the rallies; he loves the lights. In reality, he’d be best off running Biden’s 2020 basement strategy, allowing Biden himself to be the issue of the election. Will Trump do that? History suggests he won’t. Which means that we’re in for a nailbiter of a race -- and an unprecedently chaotic, messy and incoherent campaign.

MOFFETT from 11 compete against XX’s. XY’s compete against XY’s. Admittedly, this would preclude some trans athletes from competing on their desired teams. Sport, like life, is not always fair. And while sport can yield ecstatic victory thrills, sport is also about dashed dreams and disappointment. Such is life. At some point I accepted that I was never going to play for the Celtics. Any other policy would guarantee ambiguous grey areas, endless conflict, drug mandates, bathroom/ locker room danger/ drama, and yes, untold avoidable injuries as players pursue those 50/50 balls.

Can we ever get through this minefield to a promised land with clear definition and safety? We need to try. It wasn’t Yogi Berra but Geoffrey Chaucer who first said over six centuries ago, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Sports Quiz Where were those 1976 Summer Olympic Games held, where Bruce Jenner won that decathlon gold medal? (Answer follows). Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on February 22 include marvelous equestrian George Washington (1732), MLB manager Sparky Anderson (1934), and

the NBA;s Van Arsdale twins, Tom and Dick (1943). Sports Quote “The most challenging aspect of a decathlon is not the events themselves but how you train to become the best 100-meter runner you are on the same day that you’re the best 1500-meter runner.” – Bruce Jenner (preCaitlyn) Sports Quiz Answer Montreal. State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTIConcord. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast.net.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 — STOSSEL from 7 tion. Rule of law deserves discussion. But when it comes to sanctuary cities, the media show no such outrage. These places merely “choose not to follow federal immigrations laws,” says an ABC anchor. They don’t “refuse,” like Texas does. Finally, it’s absurd how the media label politicians. Argentina’s new president, Javier Milei, is a libertarian. He wants to shrink his country’s corrupt bureaucracy. So, the media call him

a “far-right radical.” But we libertarians aren’t “far-right,” or even “right.” Most of us want to end wars. We support free trade, gay marriage, drug decriminalization and other things far from “far-right.” Milei wants to increase the supply of donated organs by legalizing their sale. That’s not “far-right.” The American Economic Association found 43% of conservatives oppose organ sales. But the media smear Milei as “far” or “hard” or “extreme right.” Maybe it’s because he

wants to cut the size of the government. The clueless media like big government. They exaggerate any proposed cuts. “Republicans Set on Hurting Their Own Constituents With Draconian Budget Cuts” is an actual Forbes headline. (The magazine went downhill after Steve Forbes stopped running things.) What were the “draconian” cuts? Instead of increasing spending by 7.8% last spring, politicians “cut” the increase to 3.9%. How is that a “draco-

nian” cut? Sometimes the media label anyone who doesn’t agree with them “right-wing.” Or “Donald Trump like.” Stephen Colbert calls Milei the “Donald Trump of Argentina.” Yes, Milei has big hair, and he’s good on TV. He’s not a traditional politician. But that doesn’t make him a “Donald Trump of Argentina.” Milei is for free trade. He opposes protectionist interventions like tariffs. Unlike Trump, he’s an economist who’s smart about economics.

He’s serious about shrinking the state. Trump, by contrast, grew our national debt by $7.8 trillion. I’ve worked as a reporter for 50 years -- for NBC, then CBS, then ABC, then FOX. But now I’ve come to hate most of the media. They scare people to death about minor threats, and spin left while pretending to be neutral. They routinely smear libertarians. The Guardian headlines, “Libertarian ideology is the natural enemy of science.” But there is some

good news. More people now ignore leftist media. CNN’s prime-time viewership recently fell behind the History Channel’s, and even behind an obscure channel that just plays old Western movies. Today, more people get their news from independent journalists who publish in places like Substack and YouTube. Like Stossel TV. That’s a good trend, because we’re more thoughtful than the biased people on TV.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —




by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —




The Winklman Aeffect

Answers On Page 19.

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, February 22, 2024 —

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