08/18/2022 Weirs Times

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The Mahoosuc Notch is often referred to as “the longest mile on the Appalachian Trail” and is considered the most difficult. Here Bria has just exited one of the boulder caves. Note the white arrow pointing down into the dark under the big rock. To go end to end of the Notch took us just under two hours. We crawled up and down, we took our backpacks off and pushed and pulled them through the boulder caves and did whatever we had to do to keep following the white blazes and arrows.

COMPLIMENTARYTHE WEIRS, LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE, N.H., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022VOLUME 31, NO. 33 ThisComplete Edition Available Online! www.TheWeirsTimes.com

Bria asked me if I wanted to backpack the Mahoosuc Range on the Appalachian Trail (AT). I quickly said yes because I had great memories from when I backpacked the Mahoosuc Trail ten years ago.My husband Charlie is a champ. After leaving Bria’s car at the end of Hogan Road in Gorham, Charlie drove us to the height-of-land in Grafton Notch to the beginning of the Old Speck Trail and we started our backpack at 8 Rightam. away we start ed meeting North Bound (NoBo) Appalachian Trail thru-hikers. We pointed out that they needed to hike behind the Kiosk where the AT continued and to where a Trail Angel had left a cooler filled with cold sodas. They could barely hide their excite ment for a cold soda. Au gust is prime time for the bubble of NoBos crossing into Maine. It is a big climb to get to the top of Old Speck Mountain, almost 4 miles and 2,850 vertical feet to reach its summit at elevation 4,180 feet. On top there is a lookout tower with a scary vertical metal ladder. A group of camper kids were hang ing out and some were up in the tower. Bria and I both have been up to it before so we were happy to skip it. Besides, we had enjoyed hazy views of the Baldpates from some of the ledges on the way up. We headed Sobo and back into the trees over a knob before we popped out onto open ledges and we slowly worked our way down. This was just our first taste of the rugged Mahoosuc Trail. The good news: the ledges were dry. The bad news: we already knew water on the trail is scarce, but with this dry summer most all the small streams had dried up. We hiked to Speak Pond and ate an early lunch on the shore behind the Shel ter. We each had started the day carrying 3 liters of water; that’s 6.6 pounds

Backpacking The Mahoosuc Traverse-

Grafton Notch, Maine To Gorham, NH by Amy Patenaude Outdoor/Ski Columnist See PATENUADE

To The Editor: I find it interesting that some one would quote Soviet Secret Police Chief Beria and overlook other late greats like Goebbels “Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it”, and can forget Hitler’s “I can make Ger many great again”. It would appear that some people are having difficulty mov ing away from Donald Trump. The Republican Party has many possible candidates that could not only unite the Country, but put it on a path forward. Yes I still believe that our Governor Sununu is one of those people that can do exactly that. I don’t believe Biden will run for a second term but if he does, why force people to vote for him with another Trump campaign.

Response To Prager

2 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.

Seeking area residents interested in having an on-site assessment of their private wells. This service is grant funded by the USEPA. There is no charge for the well assessment which also includes FREE standard analysis water test. The well assessment considers site condi tions, geology, land use practices, well construc tion, and maintenance in determining if condi tions exist which would impact your well water quality. Site specific recommendations and best practices will be provided to help keep your wa ter safe from contamination.

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this Tonewspaper.findouthow your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463. Our StOry PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH facebook.com/weirstimesinfo@weirs.comWeirs.com03247603-366-5115

John Rochester,BrennickNH.


Column To The Editor: In regards to the Church re ferred to by Mr. Prager in the July 28, 2022 issue of The Weirs Times..I would day is pretty much a classic illustration of too many “weak reeds shaking in the wind.” So-called churches nowadays, where the message of faith is not merely diluted to the point where if it were milk, it’d have fish swimming in it, but eliminated altogether in fa vor of Social Activism. But, then again, isn’t this ex actly what St. Paul warned us about - 2Timothy 4:3? B.J. Gonic,FigueredoNH. Soulfest & Gunstock To The Editor: The truth about Gunstock is just so tragic on so many levels. When I heard that Tom Day, the General Manager had called the producer of Soulfest to cancel the 6 year contract, I was shocked. Dan Russell, the producer is a longtime friend, he said that the call was abrasive, and Day demanded money to which Russell responded with looks like we will need our legal teams. Day complained the ven ue was too hard on employees and it was not profitable. Re ally? The mountain has 8 mil lion in reserve, certainly you can pay your employees double time as an incentive for 3 days. How could it possibly not be profit able? Every year that I have gone the zip line is nonstop, ad venture park is packed, camp sites sold out… Dan Russell was able to validate the event was very profitable as the revenue was split with Gunstock. Then came all this drama management walking out, an audit, free staters, save the mountain, Dr Strang, and priva tization. I had to investigate and boy what I found was a sea of lies, corruption and tragically even a HR Director and General Manager who found it funny to disparage Christian music. Then a legal request to find a way out of the contract. Did Day ever ask the residents or the Commission about cancel ling Soulfest? What about all the commerce it created to local businesses?Thisentire “Either Dr. Strang resigns, or Day will not come back and the Mountain will shut down” was a deliberate form of blackmail. Day is using the mountain, its employees, Soulfest and local businesses as hostages. As I continue to investigate all the players in this drama, it is becoming apparent that Dr. Strang is the only one with any integrity in this mess, go figure the one being cruci fied. NH, Soulfest is gone. Belknap, millions of dollars for years to come is gone. You can thank Tom Day for this. I was there Saturday night, with my two boys whom I ad opted both found healing from the words of faith and courage that came through the lyrics. Hundreds of youth groups pile in each year as there are not too many ways to reach kids these days, but music it’s good medicine. As we prepared for the candlelight service on the mountain for the last time, 10k people prayed over Belknap, tears fell down my eyes. How much will we allow these ty rants to steal from our children and their futures? The Skillet song “Sick of it!” comes to mind. Time to start asking questions, Belknap and hold Tom Day ac countable.TereseGrinnellLoudon,NH. Many CandidatesPossible

Contact Mmistretta@rcapsolutions.org or 603-312-7901 to schedule an assessment.

3— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — OPEN DAILY 9am-5:30pm • SUNDAYS 10am - 4pm • CozyCabinrustiCs.Com LIVING RUSTIC Come Sh o p Our NewLarge r S tore! Cozy Cabin Rustics -Furniture & Mattresses603-238-3250PLYMOUTH 599 Tenney Mtn. Hwy. 603-279-1333MEREDITH Junction of Rt. 3 & 25FREELocalDelivery&Setup May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 12/31/2022 so, WhaT’s neW aT The FarM?


Happy, healthy and waiting for a forever home at Live and Let Live Farm in Chichester. The rescue farm has seen a plethora of kittens lately but adoptions are keeping up with the numbers. Covid has put a damper on the spay and neuter surgeries. Live and Let Live Farm Horse Rescue & Sanctuary has changed much over the 25 years since its inception in 1997. Like watching a pup grow day by day, one does not al ways notice the whis pering encroachment of change, but to the friend or passerby who sees the pup say, every few weeks, the change can be vast and note worthy.Thinking it had been a couple of months since my last visit to “the farm,” I decided to stop in a few days ago and reconnect with the animals. In fact, it had been several months; far longer than I had re alized or ever intended; time can slip by on us that way. I found the changes there to be both extensive and im pressive.Newpaddocks, skirt ed by newly painted, bright white fence rails, had been constructed since I last meandered the property. New runouts sported freshly milled 5/4 vertical hemlock boards. The friendly but unfamiliar faces of volunteers I did not know smiled at and greeted me, the appar ent stranger. For the first time in thirteen years, I felt like an out sider; little more than a Therevisitor. was however, a soft reassurance in meeting up with some of the “old” volunteers, and horses as well. For as inevitable as change is, the pushpull relationship that change has with the static, the yin-yang we see constantly in life, is indeed reassuring. by Scott Philbrick Live & Live Live Farm We build and expand, reaching out with new branches toward an cient skies watching over us; grasping at the unspoiled potential of a better future, while simultaneously digging down, ever deeper to set broad roots, an chored in drawing rich strength from the moist earthen soil. To remain a healthy entity, we need the equilibrium of both change and the inert.So what’s new at the farm? What’s changed? One of the biggest changes in re cent months at LLLF has been a deluge of pregnant cats. Thank fully, such a deluge is not unfamiliar terri tory for the farm, and thus far we’re staying ahead of the prover bial curve as adoptions are keeping up with the numbers of kittens (and mama cats) com ing in. The deluge is due mostly to a ripple effect of not being able to spay/neuter adult cats, which is in turn due mostly to the com plexities of continuing to navigate covid. As a result of this ripple effect, the numbers of spay/neuter surgeries have been significantly reduced, as it was not considered essential for See

Advice To The Players Presents Henry V

Auditions for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” will take place Sunday, August 28 for children 4th grade and older at noon, and for adults at 1:30 pm; and Monday, August 29, for children 4th grade and older at 5:30 pm and adults at 7 pm at The Village Players Theater, 51 Glendon Street, Wolfeboro. Director Kathleen Hill, known throughout the Lakes Region for her outstanding theater direction for children and adults and Assistant Director Paul Stewart note, “Joseph requires a large cast and we are excited to include many people in this sung-through musical. We would LOVE to see families participate in the show!” Actors auditioning are asked to prepare a song and to learn a dance. Complete directions and audition registration can be found online at www.village-players.com/joseph-dreamcoat.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat will play Fridays-Sundays, November 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, and 13. Rehearsals for the show begin September 11 and continue Sunday, Tues day, and Wednesday nights (with kid-friendly hours). Not all cast members will be called for every rehearsal. For more information, contact the director, Kathleen Hill, at teacheractress@ Thegmail.com.Village Players is a non-profit community theater located at 51 Glendon Street, Wolfeboro, that welcomes onstage and non-stage members of all ages. Visit www.village-players.com to learn more, including about upcoming benefit fundraisers ReEntry: Actors Playing Jazz August 17 & 18 by members of NYC’s Actors Studio and a concert by Wooden Nickels August 27.

Newfound Lake Region As sociation will host their first “Weed Stampede” - a volun teer-based, complete survey of Newfound Lake for invasive aquatic plants - August 27 & 28 from 8-11am. The Weed Stampede will raise aware ness around the negative impacts of invasive aquatic plants while training volunteer Weed Watchers to identify and survey for problematic plants like variable milfoil. Invasive aquatic plants se verely impact aquatic health, limit recreation opportunities, lower property values, and can cost taxpayers millions of dollars to manage. While Newfound Lake currently remains free of invasive aquatic plants, many nearby water bodies are less fortunate. Statewide, eleven river systems and 80 lakes and ponds are dealing with active infestations. The Newfound Lake Weed Stampede captures an important snapshot of the lake-wide pres ence or absence of invasive aquatic plants, however most Weed Watchers actively monitor throughout the summer. Attend the next NLRA training on August 18 with Limnologist and invasive species expert Amy Smagula from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services from 2-4pm at Grey Rocks Conservation Area. Learn more about the measures NLRA is taking to prevent the spread of invasive aquatic plants by contacting NLRA Conservation Program Manager, Paul Pellissier at Paul@New foundLake.org and register for the Weed Stampede and the upcoming Weed Watcher training at NewfoundLake.org/events.

4 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

Auditions For Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in Wolfeboro

Politics, history, and swordfights- Advice To The Players is eager to share with you their production of Henry V. King Henry V, the young king of England, searches for evidence that he is the rightful ruler of both England and France. After an insult from the French Dauphin, Henry rallies his troops and invades France. Watch as Henry navigates this tricky time, and keeps his troops strong in battle against all odds. Henry V will open September 2nd at 5:30 in Quimby Park, 8 Maple St in ThereSandwich.areperformances

Artist, Barbara Morse Opens Show in Meredith Artist, Barbara Morse will display her work in an upcoming art show at The Galleries at 30 Main. An exhibit titled “Concepts in Sharp Focus” begins on Thursday, Aug. 18 and runs through Sunday, Aug. 28. An artist reception will be held on Thursday, Aug. 18 from 4 to 6 p.m. The public is welcome to attend and meet the artist. “When you find the medium you truly love fol lowing the years of searching, with it comes the ability for expression. I believe my personal strength as an artist is working in graphite and have worked a long time to develop my specific style of realism and level of quality. I use Bristol Board with a smooth finish. Leads used are var ied from HB to 4B. Acrylic paints are used in a wash when color is used to highlight a portion of the drawing. My pieces take anywhere from fifty to two hundred hours depending on the size and detail involved. I am in control of this medium, taking great pleasure in watching a piece come to life before me.”

“Developing an idea can come from anything around me as everywhere I look is a potential drawing. I enjoy taking the ordinary and putting them in unexpected surroundings or give an unusual perspective of the subject. My desire is to get the viewer’s thought process to extend beyond the natural order of things and to suggest a range of emotions from humor to hope. My work is meant to be studied at close range with the viewer moved to explore the connection between the image and the word. I challenge myself with each piece, isolate just a portion of a scene, object or person in sharp focus, develop a mood within it and transform it to a level of fine art. Beyond my family, it is my greatest joy.”

Located at 30 Main Street in Meredith, the Gallery is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except for Tuesdays. For more information call 603-279-0057.


September 2nd- 4th, 10th &11th. Tickets are available at advicetotheplay ers.org. In the event of rain, performanc es will move inside to the adjacent Town Hall Theater. Advice To The Players is a unique company of theater profession als, enthusiastic community members and energetic teens that have been per forming Shakespeare and offering work shops in the Lakes and White Mountains Regions of New Hampshire since 1999. Based in Sandwich, ATTP has spent the last 23 years bringing award-winning productions of William Shakespeare’s richly passionate plays to life while introducing new generations to live theatre.

Newfound Lake First Weed Stampede

Skelley’sSkelley’sMarketSkelley’sMarketMarketWhether you are a vacationer or a full time resident of the Lakes Region, Skelley's Market is the place to go for your shopping needs. Located on route 374 Governor Wentworth HWY Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Call 603-476-8887 • F: www.skelleysmarket.com603-476-5176 Skelley’s Market Services Include: Stop by Skelley’s Market today and enjoy some great food, Bailey’s Bubble ice cream, a lobster roll or anything else you may need. You will be glad you did! • Gas 24 hours a day • Fresh pizza • NH Lottery tickets • Beer and Wine • Sandwiches • Daily papers • Bailey’s Bubble ice ••creamMapsFamous Lobster Rolls • Fish and Game OHRV Licenses PIZZA SPECIAL 2 for $18 2EveryToppingsSat.Night5-9pm Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times) Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York. Now In 5th Printing! The Flatlander Chronicles hurchentralBaptist Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV 401 GILFORD AVE.,GILFORD, NH • CENTRALBAPTISTNH.ORG

A *A FLATLANDER’S OBSERVATIONS ON LIFE* There seems to be more and more “Best Of” Lists popping up in newspa pers and maga zines. (I heard there is a peti tion by liberals to change the word MAGA zines to some thing else, but I can’t verify it.) People are encouraged to vote for their favorite restaurant, bookstore, hairdresser, neuro surgeon, etc., and the winner is declared “The Best.” In some “Best Of” contests (of which there are many) you can vote more than once if you choose to and you have no conscience (and have that much free time on your hands). In fact, the unad vertised slogan for some “Best Of” contests is “One Person, Twelve Votes” - which is also the same unadvertised slogan of some states.Idon’t take these contests too seriously, nor do I base my fu ture shopping decisions on them. Just knowing that something was voted the “Best Of” something or other doesn’t go far enough. There really needs to be subcat egories that should be voted on separately, a breakdown on dif ferent aspects of businesses so that, as a whole, you can make a better decision as to if a business really has all of the important pieces to make it a worthwhile experience for you. I have come up with a few sug gestions for a better “Best Of” List. These are a bit random for now, but eventually they could be sorted out to go with the proper business category. I realize I have only scratched the surface here as I know that there are dozens more “Best Of” ideas out there depending on folks’ separate preferences. Feel free to pass your ideas along and, who knows, maybe we will be de veloping our own “Best Of” list in the near future (or not).

Best Free Stuff – How big are the toothpaste and floss samples at the dentist? What color is the ink in the free pens at the bank and how long do they last? What flavor are the after dinner candies at the cashier counter you can grab on the way out of the res taurant and are they wrapped so you can grab a handful and have plenty to last you for the week? All of these are crucial in decision making.A“Best Of The Best Of Lists” would be interesting. It would pit a lot of magazines and news papers against each other to see whose list is the one that actu ally counts. A “Best Of The Best Of Lists” would also help people sort through all of the “Best Of” Lists to help them make a good decision and figure out who or what is really the best. (This is especially important in categories likeThereneurosurgeon.)arealsosome specific types of businesses and other categories that are ignored every year in “Best Of” contests that need to be considered such as: Best Convenience Store – We all probably frequent these more than most other businesses over the course of a year and they de serve the recognition they have been denied for decades. How about a “Best Newspaper Columnist for A Weekly Newspa per In The Weirs”? And the list goes on. (Which is what writers write when they are out of ideas but want it to seem like they have a lot more.) Brendan Smith Editor

5— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — NEW HAMPSHIRE F OOL in LiveororFreeDie.Die. brendan@weirs.com brendan@weirs.com

Best Restaurant Parking –Sometimes it doesn’t matter if the foods any good or the prices are ridiculous, if there is plenty of parking and I never have to worry about getting a spot, I’m in. (A right hand turn out of the parking lot instead of having to maneuver across traffic after a big meal always helps too since your reac tion time might be a little off after that giant plate of fried clams and French Fries.)

Best Menus – I’m not talk ing about what’s on the menu, but the menu itself. Is it easy to navigate? Are the descriptions of the items written as though it’s a Shakespearean sonnet full of fluffy adjectives or just simple English? Art there sixteen dif ferent chicken entrees separated only by what sauce is on top? Are they sticky, torn or smelly? These are all important. (Obviously, this is related only to restaurants that still actually have handheld menus instead of making you having to find it on your phone before you can actually relax. This in itself is a major factor in “Best Of” voting for folks over fifty.) Best Bathrooms -Come on!! We all know this is very impor tant and I can’t believe it’s not on other “Best Of” Lists. Besides cleanliness there are other factors like are the automatic hand dry ers so loud you need to bring ear plugs with you? Does the water coming from the environmentally controlled water dispenser ever get hot enough? What ply is the TP? Might even need subcatego ries for this one.

Best Supermarket Automatic Doors – Do they open far enough in advance to give you clear pas sage without stopping or do you have to slow your pace to match their speed so as not to walk headlong into the glass?

Best Medical Center Waiting Area- What kind and how old are the magazines? How comfort able are the chairs? Is there a television and, if so, what’s on? Are people allowed to have loud, private conversations on their cell phones while I am sitting next to them or will they be escorted off the premises?

all The BesT by

Weirs Times

See MALKIN on 36

6 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

-- Remember: Before Biden Attorney General Merrick Gar land dispatched his jackboots to Mar-a-Lago, he launched a vindictive crusade against grassroots parents who revolted against anti-white critical race theory and “social emo tional learning” claptrap in K-12 public schools across the country last fall.

The FBI’s raid on former president Don ald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate -- ever so conveniently timed as the White House occupant’s approval numbers sink, the Swamp prepares to shovel a whopping $5.5 billion in foreign and military aid down the bottomless Ukrainian black hole and the American economy keels over like Biden on a bike -- gives us a national teachable moment. Armies of MAGA supporters who had never previously been engaged in politics are only now begin ning to fathom the depths of corruption in the bowels of the (In)Justice Department. Cries of “banana republic,” “Stasi” and “Gestapo” flooded conservative social media channels on Monday night. But a weaponized goon squad of armed and unaccountable Feds Behaving Incorrigibly is nothing new. Let us count a few of the FBI’s nefarious ways: -- Since the Jan. 6 Capitol rally, untold numbers of peace ful American citizens and their families have been harassed in their homes over their constitutionally protected exercise of free speech and assembly. As America’s Frontline Doctors founder Dr. Simone Gold told me in March 2021 after 20 armed FBI agents broke down her door: “I was paid a visit by the FBI in a Roger Stone kind of take down moment, which is quite uncalled for. You know, if any body wanted to get a hold of me, they could have picked up the phone and called. I’m very easy to find. But there were literally twenty guys with guns blazing, (and they) broke down myThedoor.”Stanford-trained lawyer and Chicago Medical Schooltrained doctor’s “crime”? Following a crowd that was waved into the Capitol by none other than the Capitol police to de liver a speech on medical freedom that was forced to relocate to National Statuary Hall when chaos broke out. Following the terrifying FBI raid of her family’s home, Gold was sen tenced in June to a 60-day prison term and fined $9,500. Her warning to my viewers and me last spring resonates like a clarion trumpet in light of the FBI Mar-a-Lago raid: “I’m telling you, America, this can happen to you.”

This week, the FBI raided the Florida home of former Presi dent Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. They based their raid on the pur ported rationale that they suspected Trump of having mishandled classified information, taking home materials meant for the National Archives: according to The New York Times, the search “ap peared to be focused on material that Mr. Trump had brought with him to Mar-a-Lago... Those boxes contained many pages of classified documents.”

Behaving Incorrigibly


FBI: Feds

Trump quickly responded with outrage: “After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. Such an as sault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. They even broke into my safe!” We have not yet seen the warrant for the raid, the warrant application or the underlying evidence; presumably, the head of the FBI and the head of the De partment of Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland, would have had to sign off on the raid. And, to put it mildly, the basis for such a raid -- a raid authorized by a current presidential administration on the leader of the prior administration and front-runner for the nomination in 2024 -- seems extraordinarily weak. In 2015, former Clinton national security adviser Sandy Berger only received a mis demeanor charge for stuffing classified documents down his pants; in 2016, the FBI investigated Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified emails but cer tainly never raided her home or offices, despite finding that it was “possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account,” com plete with access to classified informa tion. Trump, by contrast, was president -- which means he had plenary authority to declassify any document. Yet it was Trump who was raided. If the basis for the raid is anything less than bedrock-solid, therefore, the most serious questions of political legiti macy will be on the table. After all, this amounts to the current administration authorizing a raid on the head of the prior administration; it apparently centers on a matter unrelated to events surround ing Jan. 6 and the aftermath of the 2020 election. It seems, on its face, pretextual. We won’t know whether it is or isn’t until we see the underlying documentation. But without the sort of trust the FBI has failed to cultivate over the past few years, the clamor for such documentation will rightly be Suspicionsdeafening.arecertainly in order, given the behavior of the FBI over the course of the last few years. The FBI spent years running a deep investigation on Trump’s campaign and presidency, based on speculative nonsense compiled by the Clinton campaign in the form of the socalled Steele dossier. FBI Director James Comey seemed to launder that nonsense into the press by presenting Trump with the dossier, despite no evidence that the dossier had any support whatsoever. There is a reason that as of 2018, just 45% of independents and 39% of Repub licans said they trusted the FBI most or all of the time. The FBI raid on Trump could easily be yet another inflection point in the com plete breakdown of America’s public in stitutions. Every “I” must be dotted and “t” crossed -- and there must be tangible results. Anything less should and will lead to a political crisis of real magnitude.

The Day The FBi raiDeD DonalD TruMp by Michelle Malkin Syndicated Columnist by Ben Shapiro Syndicated Columnist

7— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

poliTics By proFession

Why are you a


PARIS - It’s been a strange and Franceeasternwarandtorridtemperatures,markedSummer,uncertainbookbyhighinflation,averyhotonEurope’sdoorstep.isstillin vacation mode for a few more hec tic weeks, but as the once glorious long days now shorten and the in evitable Rentree begins, the return to school and full schedules looms as in the USA with Labor Day, it’s nearly time to turn the calendar. On the one hand, the French are rightfully complaining about spik ing inflation numberswhich at 6.8 % is nonetheless still lower than the U.S. There’s barely a hint of last year’s COVID consciousness with few restrictions; people are so over that. Yet anyone would be foolish to announce the premature demise of the pandemic which dev astated Europe just two years ago. Parisian pollution seems more the daily concern be it from endless traffic, buzzy motorbikes or what seems like a resurgence in cigarette smoking.President Emmanuel Macron was comfortably reelected a few months ago, but everyone nonetheless ap pears upset about something. From the metaphysical bubble of the TGV high speed train which whisked us back to Paris from the beautiful Brittany coast, often passing the metallic forests of near useless power windmills, I won dered WHY France and the French seem so detached from the expand ing war in Ukraine? This is the eastern rampart of the European Union after all where the level and ferocity of conflict, thankfully not seen since the Second World War, is thumping on the gates of Europe. The old pre-WWII left wing slo gan, “Why die for Danzig?” then undermining support for Poland, has become a near collective yawn for Ukraine. While American cit ies and even small towns through New England proudly fly the free Ukrainian flag in support, there are notably few Ukrainian flags flown in France despite the country’s ex pression of solidarity on just about any global issue. Few Ukrainian flags fly even in Paris save for a few at government buildings and Paris City Hall. To paraphrase, many French will say, “We strongly support the Ukrainian people, this is a moral outrage what’s happening. But we cannot confront Russia. This is for the Americans to do.” Well Therethanks!seems an odd ambiva lence towards what transpires in Ukraine; people are certainly concerned, but somehow detached from a war that remains 1,500 miles away and buffered by NATO’s defensive shield in Poland. None theless the war’s effects reverberate throughout Europe. Naturally Summer puts most people in the detached mindset. Looming energy shortages fac ing most of central Europe such French suMMer, european WinTer?

different conclusions? We like to think that our politics are formed by rational analysis. We analyze what conservatives and liberals write, weigh their ideas, and form conclu sions based on facts and evidence. But it turns out something else is probably going on. I can predict your political party pretty accu rately if I just know what you do for a Here’sliving. why I say that: When you give money to a political candidate, the government requires that candidate’s campaign to ask you what your profession is. That information is turned over to the Federal Election Commission. Verdant Labs took that data and made an infographic that shows how people’s professions predict theirEighty-ninepolitics. percent of people who work in the fossil fuel industry donate to Republicans. Teachers mostly (79%) give to Democrats. Sixty-four percent of flight atten dants give to Democrats, but pilots (62%) prefer Republicans. Why? In my new video, Rob Henderson, who studies the psychology of poli tics at the University of Cambridge, tries to explain. For pilots, he says, “Their job is whether they take off and land and everyone’s alive. Whereas for flight attendants, their job is more reliant on, ‘How do people feel about you?’” Those differences lead them to dif ferent political parties. The job differences go on and on. Bartenders mostly give to Demo crats (89%), while truck drivers favor Republicans (69%). Business owners lean right (62%). Artists lean left“People(86%).who lean left tend to be sort of more open, more creative, more interested in abstract ideas,” says Henderson. Maybe that ex plains why most artists support Democrats.“Peopleon the right tend to be more conscientious, more interest ed in punctuality,” says Henderson. That could explain the pilots and businessPsychologistsowners.overwhelmingly give to Democrats (91%), while people in the military favor Republicans by John J. Metzler Syndicated Columnist See STOSSEL on 35 See METZLER on 35 by John Stossel Syndicated Columnist

8 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — — OFF THE SHELF —

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The cover T Queen

The Windsor Knot by JS Bennett, William Mor row,People2021assumed she didn’t read – God knows why, she probably read more papers in a month than most people in a lifetime, and she was fond of a good spy story. I’m a fan of Queen Elizabeth II. What a Queen! What a woman! My mom talked to me about the Queen when I was a kid and I assume my fascination with the Queen was born of those conversations. The Queen and my mom were both born in 1926, both participated in the war effort during the 1940’s, and though far, far apart in wealth and status I think they pos sessed some compara ble principles. I thought it was cool that my mom and the Queen of Eng land had phenomena in common, so I have always been open to a good book featuring Queen Elizabeth, both biographies and fiction. Primed by the Queen’s recent Platinum Jubi lee celebration, when I came across SJ Ben nett’s The Windsor Knot I ordered it on the spot.

The Windsor Knot be gins with the Queen in residence at Wind sor Castle trying for a little rest and relaxation during the prepara tions for her ninetieth birthday celebration in June 2016. Enjoy ing the slower pace at Windsor Castle Her Maj esty hosts a “dine and sleep” but the following morning, to her horror, a Russian pianist with whom she had dined and danced is found dead in his guest room. The local police and MI 5 are called on to inves tigate putting the Royal Household in an uproar. The Queen, dismayed that her loyal servants are suspects, decides to discreetly take matters into her own hands. This is not the first time the Queen has made her own inquiry or subtly steered the official in vestigators in the right direction. As one of the Queen’s former Assis tant Private Secretaries says, “The Queen solves mysteries. She solved the first one when she was twelve or thirteen, so the story goes. On her own. She sees things other people don’t see –often because they’re all looking at her.“ SJ Bennett’s writing is delightful. Her char acters are well depict ed, and she injects the public Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip with a touch of intimacy by giving the reader a view of them in private. Be fore you are too many pages in you will know that the Queen’s Private Secretary, Sir Simon Holcroft, works strictly by the book; that he devotes himself to the Queen and would spare her any unpleasant ness. Rozie Oshodi, As sistant Private Secre tary, newcomer to the Royal Household, also dedicated to the Queen, is both proactive and en terprising when it comes to certain clandestine chores she undertakes for the WindsorQueen.Castle, the Queen’s favorite resi dence, immense and majestic to the tour ist becomes intimate and welcoming when described by Bennett. For instance, Bennett offers a peek into the Queen’s private sitting room where the Queen might relax with televi sion after a long day of investitures and reveals Her Majesty making a quick visit to her private chapel for a quiet inter lude. She also gives us sketches of the Queen scolding the corgis and riding her beloved hors es, things that make the reader feel like they are getting a backstage look into the Queen’s life at Windsor Castle. Fine writing, great characters, grand loca tions, and a good mys tery - SJ Bennet’s The Windsor Knot has it all. So, if you, like the Queen, enjoy a good book and if you are a mystery fan, The Wind sor Knot will fit the bill.

by Debby Montague Weirs Times Book Reviewer

Another novel featuring The Queen - The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett (Faber & Fa ber, 2007) - a lovely, must-read for bibliophiles.

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE guarDing our sTreeTssaFeTy on The Tracks 70 years ago by HanafordRobert Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

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The railroad was once an important means of transportation in New Hampshire, carrying both people and freight throughout the state. Train service increased in the summer time and extra trains were added to accommodate the summer vacationers and the supplies they needed.Though New Hamp shire has been served by numerous railroad companies, by the time I came along the Bos ton and Maine Railroad pretty much monop olized the industry in this state. I do not dare to even try to estimate how many times I have crossed over railroad tracks where those tracks and an automo bile road met. Those “crossings” throughout the country and this state, unfortunately have been the sites of many accidents and re sultant fatalities. On the first day of September, back in the year 1897, a couple were riding in a horse-drawn buggy on their way from Lakeport to Laconia when the driver, Frank W. Clay, didn’t stop to allow a B&M train to pass unhindered at a Messer Street Crossing. The buggy was hit by the train and demolished, and 28 year old Clay and his 27 year old pas senger, Minnie Johnson were severely injured. A few days later Johnson died from her injuries. Clay recovered, but only after many weeks of re cuperation.InAprilof 1927 a 46 year old farmer from Northfield in an auto mobile failed to yield to a train at the Mess er Street crossing and also lost his life. The man, Earnest Dow, was assumed not to have heard the train’s warn ing because of a “winter top” he had on his au tomobile. A passenger in the Dow car, Mrs. Murphy, was injured but survived the crash. Those weren’t the only railroad crossing acci dents or fatalities that have occurred at the crossings in this region of New Hampshire, and you might be surprised to find the number of railroad casualties in the country down through theTheyears.Boston and Maine Railroad did take steps to try to improve 812.5721 O. Fuller,

| SummitIrrigationNH.com Control Panel for signals on Main, Pleasant and Water Street - Fred

relief watchman on duty. See SMITH on 32

9— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — Not So LoNg Ago ...

On Tuesday, Au gust 23rd, the Wright Museum will welcome Professor Marion Dors ey and her program “When You Ride Alone, You Ride with The WW ii raTioning prograMs in The 21sT cenTury” prograM aT WrighT MuseuM in WolFeBoro lenges and success es--for staples such as food, gas, rubber? How do we explain public acceptance of the shortages of cars and chocolate bars as companies shifted pro duction to manufac ture war goods and meet soldiers’ needs? Most of all, how did the government programs, tools of persuasion, and pressures from co ercion convince Ameri cans to fight the World War II in their daily life and even in their homes? On the 80th anniversary of World War II gas rationing, are we commemorat ing a unique program in American life, or are we remembering a na tional commitment to a central cause that has the program begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Au gust 23rd at the Wright Museum’s DuQuoin Education Center, 77 Center Street in Wolfe boro. Admission is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. Res ervations are strongly encouraged and can be made online at callinglecture-serieswrightmuseum.org/www.orby603-569-1212. The region’s lead ing resource for edu cators and learners of all ages on World War II, the Wright Mu seum features more than 14,000 items in its collection that are representative of both the homefront and battlefield. For more information about the 2022 Lecture Series, or museum, visit wright museum.org.

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10 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

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I have shared with you before that there is a spiritual aspect to every aspect of your physical world. I created you, your government and every person who is part of every nation in the world. I created you all without sin and cor ruption. I gave you free will and allowed you to reject me, my word and will and make your own decisions, policies and rules.Everyone, and there is no exception, has not only disobeyed me once but many times. Everyone, unless they return to me and ac knowledge their bra zen rebellion and seek forgiveness for their sins that separate them from me, the source of life, will be guided by their corrupt nature. It is the same nature as the one who tempted the original man and woman I created and everyone thereafter so that they believed his lie and sinned against me (Genesis 3). He was created before I cre ated any human being and since he was given the abilities to live in dimensions unseen to the human physical existence, you are un aware of his presence, power and evil influ ence on all you do. His name is Satan, and his major method of leading you away from me, the source of life and into death, is deception. I described him as the angel of light. “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” (2 Cor inthians 11:14). This moniker represents that he appears as good, but he is evil, and his true intention is to drag individuals and nations away from me where he, the proverbial wolf, can enjoy his lunch on the unsuspecting sheep. But you must under stand that this decep tion is done in dark ness. He doesn’t reveal his true intention in his temptations, and it is only after you have bitten the “fruit,” that you realize his poison is stealing away your life. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic pow ers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). That’s why I instructed those who look to me and trust me to run from the tempter, the temptation and the darkness in which he plies his dead ly trade. That is why I instructed you to, “take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11). With this spiritual backdrop which is as real as the physical world you live in, con sider how this reality impacts your country, its leaders and the peo ple within it. If a leader, if a party, if a submissive citizenry does no bow before me, my word and my will, they are under the in fluence of the evil one who operates in dark ness in order to de ceive. Your people have coined the phrase, “De mocracy Dies in The Darkness.” It dies be cause of the policies, decisions and actions of people who are godless, who supplant my will, and deceive the citizens into thinking their poli cies will enhance their lives but ultimately are wrong and deadly. How can they not be, since they come from hell? “Thinking themselves to be wise they become fools.” (Romans 1:22). They have no idea that they are being in fluenced to do things that I hate, and which always brings suffering, pain and death. They enact their policies in the darkness in order to railroad them upon you, the unsuspecting “flock,” who yourselves have for the most part rejected me and unwit tingly fall for the decep tions of darkness. If you choose to reject me, your creator and life source, your wisdom, which is shrouded in darkness, will lead you down dark ally’s from which there will be a “deadConsiderend.” the many deeds of deception and darkness that are being foisted by your leaders, all of which are contrary to my will and deadly. Presenting themselves as moderates who wished to lead from the center and unite all of your citizens. Opening your borders so that you have no borders, violating immigration laws and wise integra tion policies at the high est level, and failing to vet those to who “walk in,” in order to be as sured they will enrich your country instead of drain it of its lifeblood. Redefining long estab lished morality stan dards based on my word and will on the whim of the reigning regime, as though they were God, and they can violate my will with impunity. Sanctioning violence and lawbreaking with little or no consequenc es and justice is already proving catastrophic and will lead to anarchy if continued. Establish ing the reigning regime as the only party with the moral authority to reign and search out and crush any and all opponents in order to maintain power, is so evil yet is done in the name of silencing dis senters.Have you forgot ten your heritage as a Democracy? Has the darkness shrouded you minds so much that you can’t see? Have you not learned the lessons of history that this self ish, autocratic, lawless and destructive leader ship will collapse of its own weight but will also suffer my judgment and wrath? You are awash in darkness. For all who can hear and see, wake up from woke and walk in the light of life that only I can give. I love you enough to confront you with the truth.God. These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor. a difference in your Community! seeking extraordinary individuals in the Lakes Region to join our team of amazing caregivers. • 603-556-7456

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.

11— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

Letters From God Letters From God

12 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

Bill russell the pride of named the first black major league coach after leading Boston to eight straight NBA titles. But Wilt Cham berlain and the Phil adelphia 76ers were ascendent and they broke Boston’s streak and chants of “Boston is Dead!” echoed from the 76er arena the next year. But the Celtics rallied from a 3-1 play off deficit to take out Philly in 1968 in the NBA’s Eastern Finals and then beat the L.A. Lakers for another title. The defending cham pion Celtics barely made the playoffs the next year. Chants of “Boston is Dead” re turned. Russell av eraged less than 10 points per game. But he rallied the C’s for the playoffs and led them past the 76ers and the Knicks and back to the NBA Finals against L.A., to whom Cham berlain had been trad ed. The Lakers were heavily favored, and they won three home games easily, while Boston scratched its way to three home vic tories at the Garden to set up a Game 7 in L.A. Before this penul timate game Russell noticed thousands of balloons in the rafters before someone gave him a script which ex plained that the bal loons would be released following the expected Laker title triumph when the USC march ing band would also march out onto the floor. Russell brought the script into the pregame locker room and simply told his players that “There is absolutely no way we are going to lose this game tonight.” Again, Russell’s pride was that profound con sciousness of his own dignity—to which that postgame script was the ultimate affront. Boston prevailed 108-106.ItwasRussell’s 11th title in 13 years. Old Number 6 scored but six points in what would be his final NBA contest but those who understood intangi bles knew he was the game’s most valuable person.Russell then an nounced his retirement in a Sports Illustrated Bill Russell and Mike Moffett at a Northeastern University event circa 1997.


13— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — D.A. LONG TAVERND.A. LONG TAVERN Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com Always Lots Of Fun On Tap! TAVERN HOURS Open Every Day, year round Open Daily At Noon Sun. - Thur. noon -10pm Fri. & Sat. noon - 11pm EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE Explore our rotating draft selection with 12 carefully curated offerings! GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Made to Order Pizza, Chicken Fingers Hot Dogs & French Fries by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer I love(d) Bill Russell. The Boston Celtic legend and sell’slesswhilealreadyments.listneedawayHall-of-FamerbasketballpassedonJuly31.NoheretogodownaofhisaccomplishTruehoopfansknowthemandreceivingcountremindersofRuslegacyofgreatnessthroughallthemediatributesafterJuly31.Whilemanyofuslove(d)BillRussell,itwasoftenanunrequitedaffection.TheCelticstarwasburnedbyseveralracialincidentssoonaftercomingtoBostonanddevelopedawaryifnotcontraryattitudetowardsthecity.Famouslyhe’dnotsignautographs—atleastformanyyears.Havingneverwalkedinhisbigshoesit’snotformetojudge.ButitwassomewhatironicthatanintelligentmanlikeRussellwouldessentiallyjudgethewholeBostoncommunitybasedontherottenactionsofafew.Iwon’ttrytoexplaintheironybutI’msuresomereadersaretrackingme.ButRussellsoftenedovertheyearsandeventuallyreturnedtothecitytowhichhe’dbroughtsomuchpride.Andheeventuallysignedautographstoo.AndpridewasabigpartofBillRussell.Not

A-1 Firewood www.a-1firewood.com 603-978-5012 Quality Hardwood • Green or Seasoned • Cut, Split & Delivered • Buyer of Standing Hardwood See MOFFETT on 34

David Warren (right) will give a presentation on “The S.S. Mount Washington And WWII” at the Lake Winnipesaukee Musuem on Wednesday, August 24th at 7pm. (Above) Model of the Mount built by Warren on display at museum. 150th anniver sary, which two paintings by renowned Lakes Region artist Peter Ferber, photo graphs ephemera loaned by Captain Jim Morash of Mount Wash ington Cruises. Located at 503 Endicott Street North, next to Funspot in the Weirs, the Muse um is open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10 AM to 4 PM.

STOP IN TODAY or DOWNLOAD APPLICATION @FunspotNH.com WE’RE HIRING ALL POSITIONS! Floor Attendant PrizeFoodAttendantServiceBartender Start pay 14-15 yrs - $9 • 16-17yrs - $11 • 18+ - $13 JOIN OUR TEAM! FULL TIME/PART TIME FULL/PARTHIRING!TIME Rt 3, Weirs Beach, NH • 603-366-4377 • FunspotNH.com • Open All Year JOIN THE FUN! Work in the Largest Arcade in the World! foot motorship cruis ing the lake today, the Mount Washington has been a fundamental part of life on Lake Winnipe saukee for 150 years. The Lake Winnipe saukee Museum wel comes visitors to this season’s special exhi bition celebrating The Mount’s

14 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

as well as


The Mount has been cruising the Big Lake since 1872, and the Lake sidewheeleroriginalnipesaukee.thisandturesmanentHistoricalWinnipesaukeeSociety’spercollectionfeanumerousimagesobjectsrepresentingiconofLakeWinFromthesteam-poweredtothe230-Warren cur rently has 24 exhibition six Lakes Region museums. The Lake MountscaleMuseumWinnipesaukeedisplayshismodeloftheSSWashingtonII, which is recognized as the oldest steel passen ger ship on a freshwater lake in the world.

e-mail to hisboatWinnipesaukeehistory.inlamities,thefee.membersetysaukeefreecom.saukeemuseum@gmail.lakewinnipeThisprogramisforLakeWinnipeHistoricalSocimembers;fornon-thereisa$5Warren’stalkwilltracecoincidences,caandcoverupsTheMount’swartimeHisinterestinsteamhistorystemsfromhobbymakingship

On Wednesday, Au gust 24th at 7 PM, his torian and ship mod eler David Warren will give a talk on “The S.S. Mount Washington and WW II” at the Lake Win nipesaukee Museum. Since seating is limited, requested, by phone to 603-366-5950 or by


models on

celeBraTing The MounT’s 150Th anniversary aT lake Winnipesaukee MuseuM


advance reservations are



Hummingbird feed as the name sug hummingbirds. It’s right in the name “hummingbird feeder.” But, as we all know, it attracts a lot more than hummingbirds. The most common in vaders include yellow jackets, hornets, bees, and ants. peckersshareRegionfrombirdthatcommonarewell.mingbirdenjoypointIthereandsquirrels,crittersershummingbirdHowever,feedalsoattractlargersuchasbats,raccoons,evenbears.Thelistdoesn’tstopasafewemailsreceivedthisweekout.OtherbirdsavisittoahumfeederasDownywoodpeckersprobablythemostotherbirdsvisithummingfeeders.MicheletheMonadnockwroteintothattwowoodhaddislodged five of the six yellow plastic inserts that go into the feeding ports. The plastic inserts are supposed to keep birds like woodpeck ers away, but these woodpeckers found a way around it. Michele did her best to find the inserts and put them back, but the wood peckers just popped them out again. At about the same time, Brian from Connecticut sent in a photo of a downy woodpecker drinking from a hummingbird feeder. Is that normal, heUsually,wondered?what hum mingbird feeders at tract are humming birds and the afore mentioned insects. But occasionally, those mingbirdthatNewwoodpeckers,Intheoftenupmammalsaforementionedwillshowaswell,althoughatnightundercoverofdarkness.additiontodownyotherEnglandbirdsmayvisithumfeedersin clude orioles, thrush es, chickadees and other thereofsugar.partssugar,partsmingbirdferent.forredallystores.feedingoftenownOrioleswoodpeckers.havetheirfeedersthataresoldatbird-orhardwareTheyareusuorangeinsteadofandthemixtureoriolesisabitdifWhileahummixisfourwatertoonepartoriolearesixwatertoonepartIntheabsenceanoriolefeeder(andarewayfewer oriole feeders than hummingbird feeders) an oriole will visit a hummingbird feed er and tolerate the sweeter mixture. In fact, many web sites now recommend the same 4-to1 ratio for orioles and humming birds.Sowhy would these other birds visit hum mingbird feeders? Orioles are easy to explain. Nectar is part of their diet. One of the best bird photos I’ve taken is of a male Baltimore oriole stick ing its bill into a crab apple tree in bloom in earlyTheMay.other birds, such as woodpeckers, are fairly simple to explain as well. These birds have a varied diet that includes PHOTO 34

15— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — BIRDSForThe New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer Cabinet refacing starts at only 35% Cost of cabinet replacing. Cabinet refacing includes new doors & drawer fronts of your choice Free Estimates.... Compare and SAVE BIG! • Meredith, NH 603-279-6555 DOOR ••BROUGHTSAMPLESTOYOU!NewCountertopsCountertopRefacing(SAVE BIG!) • New Drawers • Custom Vanities • Closet Storage AFTER The photo on top left shows a dark woodgrain kitchen that was refaced with a light cherry woodgrain, plus new doors and drawer fronts to brighten up kitchen. The same kitchen could have been refaced with any woodgrain or solid color you see in the photo of sample doors. Refacing your cabinets is less than HALF THE PRICE of replacing them, SAVING YOU BIG MONEY. CALL US FOR YOUR FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE 603-279-6555 No Demolition!Messy Alternative!AffordableTheBEFORE Dumont Cabinet Refacing & Counter Tops 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821 NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING! A downy woodpecker visits a hummingbird feeder in New England this summer.

gests, are meant to attract

See BOSAK on


yikes! in cenTer harBor announces Their lasT season

16 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! Café Déja Vu 603-524-7773 311 Court Street • Laconia, NH —OPEN DAILY FOR DINE IN & TAKE-OUT— Mon - Fri 5:30am - 2pm / Sat 5:30am - 12:30pm & Sun 6:30am - 12:30pm 69 State Route 11, (just south of the Alton circle) New Durham, NH 603.859-7500 | EatAtJohnsons.com Serving Lunch & Dinner Dine in or Takeout 7 Days A Week JOHNSON’S TAPHOUSE Featuring36BEERSonTap! RESTAURANT | DAIRY BAR | MARKETPLACE | TAPHOUSE OPEN 7 DAYS 403 Main Street, Alton NH fosterstavernbythebay.com603-875-1234 NOW OPEN DAILY @ 11am • LUNCH & DINNER 403 Main Street, Alton NH 603-875-1234 • fosterstavernbythebay.com NOW OPEN DAILY @ 11am • LUNCH & DINNER GREAT FOOD LIVE MUSIC & GOOD TIMES! Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street At Paugus Bay Plaza, Laconia Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm M Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street at Paugus Bay Plaza THIS WEEKEND SPECIALS Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Italian & American Comfort FoodMyrna’s Classic CuisinePasta•SteaksSeafood myrnascc.com603.527.8144 Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, voted one of the top ten restaurants in NH by Boston Magazine. The Home of Moonlight Meadery & Hidden Moon Brewing 1253 Upper City Road, Pittsfield, NH • overthemoonfarmstead.com DAILYOPENFri.7:30-9:30pm; Sat. 7-9pm; Sun. 2-4pm OPEN MIC THURSDAYS 6-9pm Delicious Mead, Beer & Cider Served in Scenic Surroundings LIVE MUSIC! “Yikes! This is our last season. Thank you for 30 years!” Is the signs on the doors of Yikes! American Craft Gallery at 23 Main Street and Route 25 in Center Har bor, NH. Diane Camp bell, owner of Yikes! Gallery has announced that this will be their last season of the store. “We thank our custom ers and community and offer an ongoing customer appreciation storewide sale through out this season with a plan of closing by Co lumbus Day weekend. “ Started in 1992, Kev in and Diane Campbell purchased the former E.M. Heath Hardware building with dreams of an All American Craft Gallery to sell the hand crafted items by Diane and her sisters, brother in laws, parents and grandparents and also a Cafe for customers while shopping in town. Together the building was renovated and that is where the name Yikes! came from. “We kept saying Yikes! with all the projects we had to do and it was a great name for all the ex citing items we would carry. “ A year later in November of 1993 the family was named “The Most Creative Family in America” by USA Week end magazine. “We were ecstatic that our family got the recogni tion across our country for our gallery of our own creations” While Diane ran the gallery and Kevin ran Camp bell’s Cafe, they were also renovating the building for more busi nesses to join them. Over the next couple years the Cafe changed hands and Yikes! con tinued to carry the fam ily’s handcrafted goods from blown glass, or naments, pottery, jewelry, fibers, quilts, hand painted clothing, wooden ware, sculp ture, original paintings and greeting cards. as well as the works of hundreds of local and American crafts people and small USA businesses across the country. In 2002 , 10 years after Yikes! began in Center Harbor, The Campbell’s expanded a second Yikes! Gallery to downtown Laconia on Main Street where it operated until 2008. “ I was running between 2 galleries and raising 2 children and couldn’t

See YIKES on 18

17— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — THE SIMPLE FEAST EuLOgy TO A REFRigERATOR Ken ¨Kenny¨ More VI November 25, 2003 - July 26, 2022

galleyrestaurant.comAkerlysgrilland-603.875.338383GrillACKERLY’S&GalleyMainStreet,Alton Moat Mtn. - Czech Pilsner Great Rhythm -Topical Haze Smuttynose - Old Brown Dog 603 - Amber Lone Pine - Brightside Pale Ale COPPER KETTLE AtTAVERNHart’sTurkey Farm 233RestaurantD.W.Hwy, Meredith hartsturkeyfarm.com603.279.6212 Henniker - Working Man’s Porter Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap D.A. LONG TAVERN At 579FunspotEndicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Chapel + Main - Alone in FoundationMourning - Bocce Pils Burlington - Queen’s Mage Four Quarters - Monkey King Maine Beer - Little Whaleboat Tuckerman - Summer Pils ...+6 More On Tap FOSTER’S TAVERN 403 Main Street Alton Bay, fosterstavernbythebay.com603-875-1234NH Tuckerman - Pale Ale Sam Adams - Wicked Hazy Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Czech Pilsner Maine Beer Co - Lunch Blue Moon - Belgian White ...+2 More On Tap newdurhameatatjohnsons.com/603.859.750069SeafoodAtTAPHOUSEJOHNSON’SJohnson’s&SteakRt11,NewDurham Burlington -Sublimated Dreams Greater Good -Passion Fruit Sour Southern Tier -Thick Mint Sloop -Open Water Stormalong -Tropical Cider 3 Floyds -Barbarian Haze ...+30 More On Tap Morrisseysfrontporch.comWolfeboro286PorchMORRISSEYS’&PubS.MainSt.,603.569-3662 ConcordHarpGuinnessSmithwick’sCraft Safe Space Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella...+11ArtoisMore On Tap OVER THE FARMSTEADMOON 1253 Upper City Rd., Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com Mango Unchained 5.5% Hoppiest IPA 4.7% Little Apples Cider 6.5% Hefeweizen 5.3% American Pale Ale 5.5% Buzzworthy Barrel Aged Imperial Stout 12.8% ...+10 More On Tap PATRICK’S PUB 18 Weirs Rd., 603.293.0841GilfordPatrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice ClownGuinnessShoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale ...+9 More On Tap THE FB603.409.934459AtBREWWITCHESPUBTheCraftBeerXchangeDoeAve.,WeirsBeach@craftbeerxchange Ace – Pineapple Cider Left Hand – Key Lime Pie Nitro MaineSour Beer – Lunch IPA Able Ebenezer – Burn the Ships Von Trapp – Dunkel Stone – Woot Stout ...+30 More On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change! WEIRS TIMES’ BEER FINDER See FEAST on 33

by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer To the average person he was Ken More, but to us, he was “Kenny.” We treated him like family. You might say our world revolved around Kenny. With his magnetic charm he kept our life together. To us he was more than just cold storage, he was our personal assistant. Kenny held onto our cal endar, reminders for ap pointments, announce ments for showers, weddings, and events, important papers, even some keys to things for gotten. And he was so proud of the kids, it was as if they were his own. He showed off their good grades, accolades, he even showed their pic tures to everyone that came through the door. Yep! Kenny was one of the good ones. In fact, some might say, he was a real stand up kind of guy.Iremember the day Kenny came into our lives, it was at a time when we needed him most. We had just moved into our new home and we were on a budget. Kenny wasn’t the top of the line but coming from a family known for being dura ble, affordable, depend able, he had great re views. He wasn’t flashy, but he had purpose. Of a pale complexion, standing five foot eight and one half inches tall, he was built like a De fensive Tackle. With two doors, one on top and the other on the bot tom, he was more than capable of taking the unwary out at the knees if left open. As you entered the kitchen there he stood, built for capacity and ready to take on a heavy load. And WOW! Could he ever! Kenny could really pack it in; condi ments, entrees, veggies, fruits, desserts… Oh ya! He loved desserts! Even leftovers were no match for Kenny. And just when you thought he was full, he’d find room forSomemore.research on Ken More the Sixth opened up an interesting family history. He had connec tions. His was the who´s who in the branding of Twentieth Century America. According to family lore it was ‘Ken More Sr.’ who lent his name to a flagship brand of products that helped build a national depart ment store empire. Just about anyone wanting retail space in that chain of stores for their own wares made models under Kenny’s family name. Kenny could even trace his lineage back to his great great great grandmother who, over one hundred years ago, helped revolutionize the textile industry with her sewing technique. They say she was a real stitch in her Kenny’sday. great grand parents met in a laun dromat. Gramps per formed admirably in the service and was mus tered out as surplus after the war. It was the right time; a boom ing economy, automa tion, “coin ops” on every corner, and there was Gramps, ready to get in on the ground floor. One day, while Gramps was drying some clothes, Granny caught Gramps eye. She had a little wig gle in her walk and spun on over to Gramps side of the room. He always said she had cute crisp lines dressed in plain

18 134 Church St • Laconia, NH • 603.524.0399 Get out & enjoy summer! Drinks & dining on our outside deck! on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! HOMEOF 603-409-9344 • 59 Doe Ave, Weirs Beach, NH NEW Craft Beer Destination in The Weirs! W/HILLTOPMULTI-TIERBIERGARDENPANORAMICVIEWSOFTHELAKE 36 Rotating Craft Taps —BEST PIZZA IN THE REGION— 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • www.wrapcitysandwiches.com603-715-8600 Located just off scenic road, a short walk from the Weirs. Come By Boat or Car & Relax By The Lakeside at AKWA MARINA’S BEACH BAR & GRILLE II 95 CENTENARY AVE., WEIRS 603-968-5533 INCREDIBLELAKEVIEWS! HistoricFamilyCasualAmbianceDining Indoor & Patio Seating • Free function rooms for your event gilmantonpub.com603-267-7349Hours 5 to 9:30pm; closed Tuesdays 506 Province Road Gilmanton, NH Intersection of Rte 107 & Rte 140 have done it without Kevin’s support and my Moms help. Yikes! Is a huge part of me and we will miss the artists and customers that we’ve known over the 30 years. We’ve watched families grow and those little kids are now bringing in their own kids. Thank you to them! We have al ways been about sup porting Made in Amer ica and shopping local business. It’s always made sense to keep business within our community.Weare proud of what we have accom plished and grateful to the many employ ees and family mem bers that been a part of Yikes! Kevin and I have worked hard and it’s been a good run. It’s time for us to work on some other projects and we encourage ev eryone to come visit us, buy some handcrafted gifts and get a bite to eat. Center Harbor is a wonderful place to shop, work and spend time in. The Center Harbor beach and docks are across the street and our location is perfect for downtown visibility. We are look ing for another busi ness or two to take over the space in the fall.” Yikes! American Craft Gallery is open 11-4 Monday-Saturday and Sunday’s 12-4 or when the open flags are flying through Mid October 2022. Please call 603-253-4966 for more information. YIKES from 16

on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER WithConnectUs!603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com THURSDAYSTRIVIA In the Tavern @ 7pm FRIDAYSLIVE MUSIC 5-8 PM Turkey • Steaks • Prime Rib • Seafood The C opper K ettle TAVERN Exit 23 off I-93 • 233 Daniel Webster Hwy • Meredith 55 Mt Major Hwy, Alton Bay 603-875-6363 • popsclamshell.com —Since 1945 FRESH SEAFOOD • GRILL FAVORITES • SUBS • ROLLS Best Whole Clams on the Lake Since 1945! (3 Generations) OPEN Thursday thru Monday 11:30-8 Closed from 3-4pm for filtering & restock (Closed Tue & Wed) 331 SOUTH MAIN ST., LACONIA 603-524-4100 SHANGHAINH.COM “The Finest Szechuan & Mandarin Cuisine in the Lakes Region” CALL FOR TAKE OUT Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am - 8pm 23CelebratingYEARSServingtheLakesRegion! For Health Conscious People ... SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE ITEMS & VEGETARIAN DISHES OPEN Tues. - Sat. 11am - 10pm 302 S. MAIN STREET, LACONIA • 524-9955 • SOUTHENDNH.COM Laconia’s Best Pizza Delivered To Your Door! PIZZA / CALZONES • SALADS SUBS / SYRIANS • SEAFOOD TAKE OUT & DELIVERY Open 7 days 11 am to close Seafood • Lobster Rolls Fresh Ground Burgers Daily All Flavors Hard and Soft Serve Shibley’s Drive-InIce Cream 875-6611 for Takeout • Next to Mini Golf • Alton Bay GPS: 15 Mt. Major Hwy Specializing in American Cuisine Dine on the Water at Alton Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee Route 11 • Alton Bay, NH • 875-3636 GPS: 42 Mt. Major Hwy Seafood | Beef | Poultry | Pasta Veal | Lamb | Lobster Roll Open Daily at 11am for Lunch and Dinner Located Right by the Water Full Liquor License Boat Docking Available Dine on Our Sundeck www.shibleysatthepier.com ON THE WATER, ALTON BAY, NH • 603-875-3636 Specializing In American Cuisine ] Seafood ] Beef ] Poultry Pasta ] Veal ] Lamb ] Lobster DINE BY THE LAKESIDE ! OUTDOORDECK SHIBLEY’SATTHEPIERSHIBLEY’SATTHEPIER 7 BELKNAP MOUNTAIN RD GILFORD, NH 603-528-1900 • thegilfordvillagestore.com Mon 7a–3p Tue-Thur 7a–530p, Fri 7a–630p, Sat 8a – 630p Serving a soups,selectionniceofsalads,sandwiches,pizza&breakfast



22 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun! Don’t miss the Mount Washington Valley Au gust Craft Fair on Sat urday and Sunday, Au gust 20-21 at Schoul er Park in downtown North Conway in front of the Scenic Railroad, 1 Norcross Circle North Conway.Thetimes are Sat urday 10am to 5pm & Sunday 10am to 4pm. There will be Live Mu sic both days. There will be over 100 amazing arts & crafts exhibitors dis playing a wide ar MounT WashingTon valley craFT Fair This WeekenD OPEN DAILY FOR THE SEASON THROUGH OCT 31ST 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro, NH 603-569-1212 • WrightMuseum.org On Exhibit July 1 - Oct. 31, 2022 LET ME BE MYSELF: THE LIFE STORY OF ANNE FRANK Visit our website for admission information and event schedule. HOURS: Mon. – Sat., 10am-4pm Sunday, Noon-4pm THEAdventureORIGINALGolf Test your skills! Known throughout the country for family fun! The Adventure Is Open Daily • Both Locations Route 3 • 528-6434Winnisquam Route 3 • 366-5058Meredith THAd The Adventure Is Route 3 • Wininiisqquam Bring the camera and the family! $ with100OFFthiscoupon Meredith course now open with NEW greens! **Safe Social Distancing Rules @ Both Locations range of arts & crafts including handsome cedar wood furniture, beautiful handpaint ed glassware, hand some pottery, wrought iron creations, leather jewelry, soy candles, Americana folk art & furniture, charcute rie boards, many dif ferent signs & home decor, watercolor and acrylic paintings, face paintings, wooden de cor, handpoured soaps, body care products, homemade fudge, ket tle corn, books, gour met foods, cat & dog toys, children’s toys, embroidery, quilted items, wildlife photog raphy, tie dyes, alpaca products & lots more! The Craft Fair is held rain or shine under canopies. Friendly, Leashed Dogs Welcome. For morre Info Call Joyce (603) 387-1510 or Preview online Seejoycescraftshows.com.atyouthere!

23— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun! 1192 Weirs Boulevard, Weirs Beach, NH 603-366-4673 • CHANNELCOTTAGES.COM Offering 15 unique 1, 2 and 3+ bedroom vacation rental cottages with A/C, Wi~Fi and most with fully equipped kitchens Docking Available • Pet Friendly • Very Clean & Comfortable Where you want to be on Lake Winnipesaukee! Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH 603-476-LOON (5666) • www.Loon.org SEEFORWEBSITEHOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails!

WOLFEBORO — The New Hamp shire Boat Museum (NHBM) is expanding its fleet of boats with the addition of the Miss Lau ren, a 28-foot, mahogany triple cockpit “woodie” and near exact replica to its popular Millie B. In partnership with North Water Marine, the new boat will begin to offer rides in late August and will launch from North Water Marine’s Paugus Bay location on Lake Winnipesaukee. “We wanted to be able to offer a vintage boat ride experience on the other end of Lake Win nipesaukee,” said NHBM Execu tive Director Martha Cummings. Whereas the Millie B offers boat rides on the northeastern end of Lake Winnipesaukee, NHBM’s new boat will offer charters on the northwestern end. This addition to its fleet, according to Cummings, aligns with NHBM’s expansion to its new location at 130 Whittier Highway in Moultonborough, NH for the 2024 season. “We are thrilled to be able to bring new programs and activi ties to a broader Lakes Region audience, and this new boat is part of this expansion,” she added.NHBM’s presence in Wolfe boro will remain strong, as it will continue to offer many Wolfeboro-based activities and programs from its current Cen ter Street location. These activi ties include Youth and Family Boatbuilding, Community Sail ing, Back Bay Skippers model yachting, Millie B rides on the lake, annual New England Vin tage Boat & Car Auction, and biennial Vintage Race Boat Regatta.“Charter rides in our new boat will expand access to Lake Winnipesaukee and provide us with new ways to interpret and share our state’s rich boating heritage,” said Cummings. “We are excited to share the newest addition to our fleet.”

Leaving from North Water Marine in Paugus Bay, Miss Lauren will cover the Laco nia, Gilford, Meredith, and Moultonborough sides of Lake Winnipesaukee. Charters for Miss Lauren can be made by emailing millieb@nhbm.org or calling 603-569-4554. To learn more about NHBM charters, visit visitupcomingandMeredithative,ernGoodhueNHBMHampshire’sfor,standingpeopleNHBMandFoundednhbm.org/charters.in1992byantiqueclassicboatingenthusiasts,iscommittedtoinspireofallageswithanunderof,andappreciationtheboatingheritageofNewfreshwaterways.issponsoredinpartbyBoatCompany,EastPropaneandOil,StarkCreKWLakesandMountains,VillageSavingsBankFLPutnam.TolearnmoreaboutNHBM,oreventsandprograms,nhbm.org. FleeT, oFFers

BoaT MuseuM expanDs

More BoaT riDes on lake Winnipesaukee

NY Strip Steak Filet Mignon Butternut Chicken Jim Hill, a Certified Instructor with the United States Power Squadrons, will be teaching “America’s Boating Course” – a course that, upon completion and pass ing of the test on the same day, will result in the student receiv ing a Boater’s Certifi cate which is equiva lent (if not better) than the New Hampshire’s Boating Certificate. The United States Power Squadron’s Certificate is accepted by any State that requires a Boating Certificate/License. The Course is be ing held at Fay’s Boat Yard (77 Varney Point Road, Gilford), in their classroom on Satur day, August 27th. The class starts at 8:30 AM and should end about 3:30 or so. Students are asked to bring their own lunch (and snacks if they want). The test will be at the end of the course, and all who pass will receive their Boater’s Certificate in the mail within a week. Linda DiRosa, Ac counts Manager at Fay’s Boat Yard, says, “Jim is an excellent in structor. He has taught several courses here at Fay’s and his classes are always fun. You will learn something, too!” The course book should be purchased before the class and is available at Fay’s Boat Yard. The book costs $45.00 and that is the total cost of the terest.himnh@yahoo.comemailAugustthecourse,toofmaticquested,Pre-registrationcourse.isreandisautouponpurchasethebook.IfyouwantsimplycometotheandpurchasebookonSaturday,27th,pleaseJim–jim_hill_-toletknowofyourin

24 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun! NEW! ADDING DINNER SERVICE THUR, FRI & SAT NIGHTS! SERVING BREAKFAST & LUNCH WED. - SUN. & DINNER THUR., FRI. & SAT. 4-8PM greensideatlochmere.com • 603-528-7888 360 Laconia Road, Tilton, NH Experience The NEW Overlooking the mountains, come enjoy craft cocktails, mimosa flights & delicious food! VISIT US SOON! Booking functions & private dinners Shrimp & Scallop Pesto

Red, White & Brew Saturday, September 24 Funspot | VIP Hour 12-1PM | General Admission 1-4PM Join us at the 6th Annual Red, White & Brew to benefit NH service members, veterans and their families. Enjoy craft beer, wine, food, car show, auction, raffles, live music from The Bob Pratte Band, and more! For tickets vetscount.org/nh/events All proceeds benefit Veterans Count ADMISSION $40 VIP $25 General Admission includes sampling tickets and a commemorative glass, while supplies last. Military discount available. Admission does not include cost of food. Presents 2022-RW&B-Weirs-Times-Ads_03.indd 3 8/11/2022 5:48:30 PM Do you have your nh BoaTer’s cer TiFicaTe/license?

25— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun! 9 Holes $16 18 Holes $26 UNLIMITED GOLF After 3pm - $16 After 5pm - $12 olD rails, neW aDvenTures hoBo & Winnipesaukee scenic rr Although the rail route childrenhowride.NicholaswithpressrailroadtheeachcustomersFarmpopularcateredTurkeyspecialgersperiencesboardCenter,Lakeshiponstrationswithsucheachfromrangeoneferitself35MountainsandNewnicRailroadWinnipesaukeehasportationkeythisofhandlestainMaineformerfreight,onceshirenorthernthroughconstructedcentralandNewHampinthe1840’sprimarilycarriedthesedaystheBostonand“WhiteMounBranch”largelyadifferentkindcargo--tourists.It’sadaptivereuseofaState-ownedtransresourcethatenabledtheHobo&ScenictoofferscetrainridesalongHampshire’slakesthroughtheWhiteforthepastyears.TherailroadpridesonbeingabletoofatrainrideforeveryandfeaturesawideofexcursionsApriltoDecemberyear.ActivitiesasNaturebyRail,realwildlifedeminpartnerwiththeSquamNaturalResourceprovideon-interactiveexforpassenofallages.Othertrips,suchasDinnerTrainsbytheever-Hart’sTurkeyRestaurant,keepreturningyear.And,duringholidayseason,theoffersSantaExTrains,completeJollyOldSaintwhojoinseach“IwasamazedbymanyparentswithridetheSanta Rail Bike Adventure tours operate Tuesday through Sunday during the summer season and after Labor Day on weekends. Trains dressed in their pajamas each winter,” said Mike Gooden, one of the Hobo Railroad’s conductors. “The kids love riding a train, but most of all, their eyes light up when seeing Santa Claus for the first time.”The railroad con stantly seeks out new opportunities to enter tain visitors and locals alike. Last year marked the inaugural season of a new landmark at traction in New Hamp shire’s Lakes Region. Dubbed Rail Bike Ad ventures, the five-mile trek begins and ends at the historic Laconia Railroad Station in Vet erans Square, which was built in 1892. The rail bikes take travel ers along the historic and scenic right-of-way, over the Winnipesau kee River and Durkee Brook, before reaching the shores of Lake Win nisquam-- New Hamp shire’s 4th largest lake. The terrain is primarily flat and each rail bike carries up to four par ticipants. Rail Bike Ad venture tours operate Tuesday through Sun day during the summer season and after Labor Day on weekends. “Rail bike trips are becoming a growing at traction nationwide and appeal to active families seeking out new expe riences. The Laconia tours have been very well received, as partici pants peddle their rail bikes along the shores of Lake Winnisquam and through the Bel mont Woods, accompa nied by trained guides”, said Ben Clark, Vice President of the Rail road. “It allows you to enjoy lakefront scenery that could otherwise See RR on 35


27— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — Free Admission - 2 ticket maximum per person; General Seating, First Come First Seated; All General Admission Tickets Holders are to be seated prior to 6:45 pm. Standby Tickets are available the day of the show at 6:45 pm. AT THE COLONIAL THEATER Sunday, Sept 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm Tickets are FREE and will be released beginning at 10am on August 26th Three options to secure tickets: 1. Colonial Theater Box Office located at 609 Main Street, Laconia, NH. Box office open Friday August 26th 10 am - 2 pm. Additional Box Office hours are Tuesday – Friday 10am – 2pm 2. Online at www.coloniallaconia.com 3. Call 1-800-657-8774 Laconia Putnam Fund Presents... 603-520-7217 Fully Insured Sweeps • Stonework Brick Repairs • Liners Caps • Installations Fire Place Makeovers Video Chimney Inspections Save $10 Off with this coupon ChimneyStartingSweepat$224 and it feels extra heavy on a hot day. We each had a bottle left so we decided not to filter the pond water and wait until we found a running stream. I re called previously getting water in the Notch. The climb up the Ma hoosuc Arm felt good and the climb down to the Mahoosuc Notch is steep but it didn’t seem so bad this trip. I had been dreading it because it was not a good memory from my previous trip. I re call slipping all the way down and being scared when we found a thruhiker who had passed out in the middle of the trail (he was okay, he was just sleeping). This time it was dry and we were able to get down without taking a slide. We met maybe a dozen thru-hikers of all ages, children to men with long gray beards climb ingAsNoBo.wewere about to start the toughest mile of the AT, the rocky maze of boulders and caves that cover the floor of the narrow Ma hoosuc Notch, I spied a man with blood all over hisHeshirt.moved rapidly to wards us. I offered my first aid kit. He said he had stopped the bleed ing. He rapidly told us that he was Sobo and going back to give up his thru-hike. He had slipped and smashed his head and broke a tooth just shy of getting out of the Notch and he took off up the trail. Bria and I felt horrible and worried if he could climb the Arm and Old Speck to get back to Grafton Notch. If he had only known that he could have escaped the AT if he had con tinued and taken the gentle Notch Trail down to Success Pond Road, less than 3 miles, and he wouldn’t have had to go back through the NotchAlmostagain.all thru-hik ers don’t carry maps. They just follow the white blazes or have a computer app that doesn’t show the side trails/roads and being a weekend there would Monkeying around on the Old Speck Lookout Tower! The summit of Old Speck is the northern terminus of the Mahoosuc Trail and it is 3/10th of a mile off the Appalachian Trail.Ourtents


set up on the platform at the Full Goose Shelter and Campsite. 8 pm is hiker’s midnight! Full Goose gets its name because it sits between Fulling Mill Mountain and Goose Eye Mountain. The AT from Grafton Notch to Gorham is over 30 miles in length and more than 10,000 vertical feet of elevation. have been traffic on that back road. We tackled the rock obstacle course as care fully as we could do it. We had to remove our packs and either push them or pull them through the boulder caves. Somewhere in the middle of the Notch we found a spring where the water was cold and clear. We filtered water and filled our bottles. We met more NoBos as we made our way through the rocks. One mentioned they passed

28 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — by a lot of blood. Later we too saw the scene of theAtaccident.FullGoose Shelter we nabbed the last tent platform just before 5 pm. There were several NoBos aready set up inside the shelter. We discussed water and yes the Notch is difficult but do-able. Take your time and remove your back pack to get through the tight boulder caves we advised.Camp was quiet, ev eryone climbed into their sleeping bags be fore it got dark. We were back on the trail early. We filled all three of our water bot tles at the small spring that provides water for the campsite. Thank fully it was still flowing. Up and over Goose Eye Mountain we went through low humid clouds. At least the mud pits in the trail were mostly dried up. We went out and back to the summit of Goose Eye but the clouds didn’t lift. But by the time we hit Mount Carlo the clouds had lifted and we passed by a group of campers resting on its highpoint. We enjoyed the view back at Old Speck from its long flat summit. Just past Carlo Col we crossed the State Line into New Hampshire sometime after 10 am. Just a couple weeks ago Bria and her hus band hiked Mount Suc cess via the Success Trail from Success Pond Road. We crossed over its fine bare summit and past a dozen No Bos taking a break and we continued on to the herd path to the plane crash site. Since she had just been here, Bria elected to take a break on the open granite slabs while I went down to see it. The herd path was much more worn than I remembered but the wreckage looked much the same. It was hot but not unbearable. The green tunnel formed by the thick trees kept us out of the sun. We were wowed by the view of North Bald Cap’s bare ledges as we descended Success.Wepushed through brushy and swampy trail and we both felt embarrassed for the condition of the AT here in our home state. We both do volunteer trail work and the AT needs attention. On the fly we modi fied our plans. Since it was only mid after noon when we came to the spur path to the Gentian Pond Shelter we decided to stealth camp somewhere near Dream Lake instead. We knew we could get water there. The next couple miles had plenty of ups and downs that seemed to feel longer as the end of the day neared. We found a good enough place to set up our tents and we had water to filter. We were in paradise. The loud bullfrog cho rus lulled us to sleep, once again before dark ness fell. As we made our coffee we discussed the past two days. Bria thought yesterday was more dif ficult than the first. I agreed with her. The first day it was cooler, we had fresh legs and in the Notch we had some restful moments. The second day we did almost three more miles with less vertical but it wasWehotter.leftno trace where we had camped and we headed back out on the trail. We carried only one bottle of water be cause we planned to fill our bottles at the next campsite.Atthe spur for the Trident Col Campsite we dumped our packs and carried our bottles and filters in our hands. No one was around. We found the spring and the flow was so low that someone made a leaf spigot–a leaf held in place by a rock to form a spout for water flow - so we could hold our bottles beneath it to fill them. The water was clear and cold. From this point just two thousand foot mountains stood be tween us and Bria’s car. Through the now most ly hardwood forest we hiked. Cascade Moun tain’s open ledges pro vided a fine vista and a great place to have our second breakfast. As we hiked up to wards Mt. Hayes we passed at least a dozen NoBos. We figured they all must leave Gorham around 8 or 9 o’clock. The Mahoosuc Trail runs between the sum mit of Old Speck and leaves the AT to go over Mount Hayes down to the Androscoggin River. The AT route misses the summit of Hayes and then continues down the Centennial Trail and from there thru hikers head to Rattle RiverBriaTrail.and I dropped Bria reacts to seeing the sign marking the State Line between New Hampshire and Vermont. NoBo thru-hikers have 282 miles to go to reach Katahdin and they’ve hiked just over 1,900 miles to get here. Bria and “Toast” on the AT! Toast is his trail name. Some NoBo thru-hikers like to walk on by and others like to chat. Toast told us he thru-hiked the AT with his new wife on their honeymoon long ago. Now he was section hiking alone working his way to Katahdin one more time. He is happy because he is just about to cross into Maine. PATENAUDE from 27 See PATENAUDE on 29

Yours Truly and Bria on the open ledges of Fulling Mill Mountain looking back at Old Speck Mountain. stretched out under the shade of the trees. They were from the Mer rowvista Camp in Tuf tonboro and had just hiked the Mahoosuc Range and were head ed to the Rattle River. When we told them that there was most likely plenty of water in the River and that it would be a better place to cool off they jumped to their feet. I think their lead ers appreciated our mo tivation. We cleaned up the best we could and we headed to Gorham to Road Hawg BBQ for some ribs and a cold brew.Ibet there is a good chance we smelled like thru-hikers.HaveFun. Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor en thusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are wel come to send comments or suggestions to her at: amy@weirs.com from 28


29— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — our packs at the trail split and we hiked out and back a couple of tenths to Mt. Hayes highpoint.Thendown the Cen tennial Trail we went and we passed by the burnt trees left behind from a forest fire that was burning here just this past Spring. We both agreed people shouldn’t build fires in the forest. We use a little gas canister stove to heat water for our coffee.Itwas so hot we looked to see if there were any paths to the river to a good swim ming spot. We followed one but it led to a place where it looked like a bad idea to climb down to the water.Wearrived at the car just past Noon. Nearby a group of campers were On November 30, 1954, Northeast Airlines flight 792 took off from Laconia Municipal Airport with the hopes of landing at Berlin Regional Airport. With little visibility due to poor weather, the Douglas DC-3, carrying four crew members and three passengers, crashed near the summit of Mount Success. Two crew members died and the five survivors were rescued several days later when the plane was located. The plane wreckage can be found just off the Appalacian Trail on Mount Success. From the Lakes to the Mountains, We Are At Your Service! •Septic Pumping •Septic Pump Repair & Installation •Drains Unclogged •SepticInspectionsSystem MOULTONBOROUGH: 476-5557 | MEREDITH: 279-4313 www.lampreyseptic.com

A veritable flood of kittens. Adoptions at Live and Let Live Farm are Sundays from 2-4pm or by appointment. with building material costs still being so high, and fundraising so dif ficult this past year, we believe wisdom dictates holding off for a while longer. More to follow as this vision develops. In early July LLLF was asked to assist Pope Memorial SPCA with an urgent poultry rescue in the Concord area. A woman had been evicted from her house, leaving behind a total of eigh teen quail, four hens, and a rooster, all of whom were housed in side the home. Not living in the best of conditions to begin with, these un fortunate birds went an additional two days or more without food or water, their suffering amplified all the more by the intense heat we’ve been experiencing this summer.Inarelated rescue, and one of the more pe culiar rescues at that, perhaps guided by ser endipity, Teresa was preparing to leave LLLF to meet the landlord of the apartment where the Currently,ditionstarvation,ingwascaringhasvolunteercontacteditin,TeresainthatderedhadwantedassomeonehadOstensiblydriveway,thetotalwhichhimtention.farm,abirdsaforementionedwerekept,whenmandroveuptothecatchingheratHehadwithaBeardedDragon,hehadfound,byhappenstance,atedgeofhisfather’sbarelyalive.thelizardbeediscardedbywhokeptitapetandnolongerit,orperhapsitescapedandwanoff.Eitherway,itwasclearthepoorlizardwasprettyroughshape.tookthecreatureandbegansoakingforrehydration,thenoneofourfamilieswhogreatknowledgeinforreptiles.Hefoundtobesufferfromdehydration,andaconcalledcoccidia.afterafew

30 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — the past two plus years while dealing with the pandemic. We’ve also had a flood of newly surrendered guinea pigs, some pregnant, in a variety of ages, being turned over to us for the usual reasons. A lot of rab bits too, but for some reason, right now it’s a flood of guinea pigs. Our horses, mules, ponies, goats, pigs, and cows are all doing well, enjoying the greens of summer, the cool wa ters, and mild zephyrs of our 70+ acre para dise. Whether you’re a horse grazing on a flush, green hillside under a clear blue sky, or a volunteer sitting next to that grazing horse, there truly is nothing like being on a Thefarm.influx of preg nant and/or aban doned dogs coming in both locally and from around the country re mains fairly steady, and while manage able at this time, we find ourselves really wishing we had the new adoption & reha bilitation facility we’ve envisioned (described in our last LLLF up date), as it would save more lives and alleviate much of the overcrowd ing issues and animal stress for the many dogs and cats and pup pies and kittens, as well as other small ani mals currently housed in the Brittany Searing Memorial Building. But Bearded Dragon Frodo on the mend and getting stronger every day.

PHILBRICK from 3 See PHILBRICK on 31 SERVERSWANTED! The Witches Brew Pub at Weirs Beach is hopping these days and we are looking for servers. Nonecessary.experience Top Pay & Great Tips! Call: 603-409-9344

31— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

Live and Let Live

a loving family SHETLANDTraditionaltoCommittedBreeding1927®SHEEP Center Sandwich • kindredspiritfarmnh@gmail.com603-284-7277 Like us! KINDRED SPIRIT FARM —FARM FRESH FINE FLEECE— companion. Financial contributions are des perately needed and greatly appreciated, as the costs to operate such a facility are stag gering. Contributions are fully tax deductible, and 100% allocated to the care and healing of these animals. Con tact Teresa by email, at: tehorse@aol.com, or send donations to: Live and Let Live Farm Res cue, 20 Paradise Lane, Chichester NH 03258. Donations can also be PHILBRICK from 30 made with credit or debit cards, at: whereteeringworkingoryou’reandmeetSundaysourWeliveandletlivefarm.org.www.welcomeyouforweeklytours,heldat2:30pm,totheanimalsofLiveLetLiveFarm.Iflookingtoadoptbecomepartofthehandsandcarheartsofourvolunfamily,thetourisitallbegins. 19 UNION ST., ROCHESTER, NH • (603) 332-0202 • www.UnionStreetAntiques.com Located in Downtown Rochester with Plenty of Easy Parking Open Mon. - Sat. 10am-5pm Sun. 11pm-4pm Browse our store on Facebook. Find us and like us! ANNUAL FLEA MARKET! SAT AUG. 27TH 8 AM-3PM Union St r e e t AntiqUeS& COLLECTIBLES

you’re considering

Please consider con

German Shepherd pups. Just two of the many Live and Let Live Farm cares for, ensures good health and adopts into loving homes. Monty, rescued from a farm in Vermont where other horses had died from starvation and dehydration, now enjoying his new life at Live and Let Live Farm. weeks of know,Ifvehiclebuilding,sistancewe’recies.oftoongetdaydaywhoideallyneedsosurgicallostbilestrengthhedoingthenewlylightingfeedinghydrating,rehabilitation,andhandwithproper(andlove),namedFrodoBeardedDragon,iswell,thrivingasgainsdailyinbothandhealth.TheSnip-ItNHmosurgicalunithassomeveterinaryassistants,wearecurrentlyinofreplacingthem;withsomeonecouldgiveusaaweek,orevenaamonth,tohelpussurgeriesbacktrackinoureffortsreducethenumberunwantedpregnanAndspeakingofhelp,alsoinneedofaswithground,andsmallmaintenance.you,oranyoneyoumightbeinter ested in filling this role, contact Teresa at the email address in the contact info provided below. And don’t forget our adoption events are Sundays from 2:00 to 4:00, or by appoint ment.As always, we re main ever grateful to our army of volunteers, donors, and support ers. The work we do, the work we’ve done for a quarter century now, could not be done without you. Your car ing hands and giving hearts truly make all the difference in these animals’ lives in their greatest hour of need. tacting if adopting

32 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — safety at those many sites where the railroad crossed the highways. Early in the year 1953 the Boston and Maine Railroad completed a seven-month project to improve the warning signals at eight Laconia street crossing locations with modern equipment. The March 1953 issue of the Railroad’s magazine explained how the add ed protection for area driver’s operated. The project covered a distance of five miles through Laconia and involved eight street crossings. The busiest crossings were those on Main Street on the north side of the Railroad Sta tion and Pleasant Street which was on the south side. In 1953 traffic com ing into the city from Meredith on the Parade Road or from Bristol and New Hampton by Meredith Center Road could choose to take the Pleasant Street route or to stay on Main Street into Veteran’s Square. Both routes crossed the railroad tracks near the Laconia Railroad Sta tion. The other heaviest traffic crossing was in Lakeport near the Lake portThisstation.ishow the pur pose of the project was explained by the B&MRR: “In line with the railroad’s policy to mod ernize automatic block signaling as rapidly as possible, 10 semaphoretype signals were re moved and six color light signals were installed as a corollary to the grade crossing improvements.” The modernization in cluded the latest type of electrically operated crossing “half-gates” with warning bells and flashing lights at the Main Street crossing, and Pleasant Street and Elm Street cross drivers and pedestri ans, they had discovered that the lack of safety procedures in the work place was costing them money. The company placed the responsibility for keeping their work ers safe on their su pervisors. Supervisors were asked to redouble their efforts to detect and correct unsafe prac tices to prevent injuries.

“Money spent for inju ries and death claims,” wrote J.W. Kelton, a division general car fore man of the B&M, “is a total loss to all, and too, permanently disabling injuries or a fatality can quickly change all family plans and mode of living from one of average liv ing conditions to one of hardship.”TheBoston and Maine Railroad reported that its earnings in 1952 were only $183,323, but said that $932,996 had been lost as a result of wastefulness. $365,761 of the “wasted” money was paid out because of injuries to employees, and $248,407 was paid for injuries for passen gers and other people with claims against the company.Railroad trains are few and far between in these parts in these modern days, but there are places where they still run for passengers and freight. I have been wellacquainted with the La conia Railroad Station, especially during my high school days when I attended Laconia High coming in to city daily from New Hampton. I have crossed over the tracks on both the Main Street and Pleasant Street sides many, many times, and been stopped by the gates, bells, and flashing lights. Many years ago I was driving on a country road in western New York with a car full of teenagers when upon coming around a curve I suddenly saw a long freight train crossing the road just in front of me. There was no gate, no flashing lights, no ringing bells. There was, I believe, the fa miliar crossbars at the crossing, indicating it was one. The car brakes were quickly and firmly applied and the car we were in came to a stop inches before it crashed into the side of the mov ing train. There was silence in the car as the freight train passed by, but I haven’t forgotten that close call. I don’t think my passengers have either. Elm Street Crossing near Lakeport Station. ings were equipped with flashing lights and warning bells. The re maining five crossings featured new flashing lights only. All of these systems were operated automati cally by the trains as they approached the crossings.Inaddition, the new systems at the Main Street, Pleasant Street, Water Street, and the flashing lights at Elm Street were set up so they could be operated manually. This system was managed by a hu man operator in an ele vated cabin opposite the Laconia Station. This manual operating sys tem allowed the warn ing system to be shut off when the train was at the station and the crossing lights, etc. had not been turned off au tomatically by the move ment of the train(s). The construction of this new system for Laconia rail road crossings was done by the New Hampshire Division signal crew un der the supervision of A.A.Wood and his as sistant, E.H.York. They had some help from the Portland Division Signal crew.The Boston and Maine Railroad was emphasiz ing the importance of safety as the influential company in 1953 not only was looking out for the safety of automobile Government vehicle that was parked too near the railroad tracks and got hit by a train in August of 1973 in Veteran’s Square.

SMITH from 9

33— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — off white. And the way she wiggled got Gramps all heated up. Some would describe their re lationship as boring, you know, “wash, rinse, re peat.” But their uncom plicated simplicity gave them decades of happi ness together through life´s loads of wrinkles. Never knowing his parents, products in a lost generation of Ameri can innovation, Kenny is survived by his Great Aunt Gwen and Uncle Harvey, products of the Babyboom. Domestic cooks by trade, their youth was spent smok ing at demonstrations. They were eventually picked up in a package deal and shipped out to Oregon where, last he knew, they were work ing in a co-op making gourmet brownies. Long about the time Kenny was 16 the years of use and abuse that living with a family of four afflicted upon him began to show. Not the outside scratch es, dings, and dents so much as his joints, hinges, and gaskets were beginning to bother him. He dreamed more and more of retirement. He looked forward to the day when he could just hang out in the man cave, keeping a few cold ones within easy reach for the guys who came toAboutvisit. a year ago, I noticed Kenny began to struggle. He was get ting overheated easier. He´d wheeze a bit, let out a sigh or a pop, and he just couldn’t keep himself together without a little extra push from us. After a full exam it was determined he was having some trouble breathing. After a good cleaning Kenny seemed to settle down a bit and was sounding like his old self. He stood there just humming along with the occasional loud pop or knock. At first, his struggles fell on my deaf ears. He let out a knock and I’d just shout “Come in!” think ing someone was at the door. Someone would shout back, “That was Kenny!”Iremember the last time Kenny and I got together for a drink. It was a hot night this past July. About mid night I went down stairs. I couldn’t sleep and thought a nice cold glass of milk would be good. I turned on the light, and there, as always, was Kenny, good old faithful Kenny.Iopened his door and his light came on. I reached for the fresh new gallon of milk, it was cold to the touch. I gave a gentle push to his door, as I had hundreds of times in the past, and turned away toward the counter. Pulling a mug from the cupboard, I opened the gallon jug, that telltale snapping of a new cap as I broke the safety seal from the cov er, and I poured a mug full of “Moo Juice.” As I put the cap back on, I turned to Kenny and no ticed his door was open about two inches. It was as though his arm was just hanging there, limp, not outstretched as if waiting with open arms to receive the gallon, but ajar. I opened the door, put the jug of milk away, and gave a gentle push, like a pat on the arm, to shut him. Turning out the light I went off with my mug of milk and sat down at my desk in the next room. About five hours later my son came into our bedroom and I awoke to him and his mother talking. I could barely hear him say, Kenny was dead. The door was open just a little and his light was on, a small pool of water on the floor, but the compres sor was dead. And the freezer door too, was open a bit. It looked like a pizza box had slid down be tween the trash can and Kenny. It was sticking out just far enough to impede his bottom door from closing properly. I never noticed when getting a drink. With worn hinges and weak ening magnetic gaskets, Kenny just didn’t have the strength to pull him self together any longer. And try as he might, he just couldn’t muster any more gusto to keep his cool on that hot July night.AsIreplay those events in my mind, those last few moments that I saw him alive, one thought continues to haunt me. That little annoying car toonish squeaky voice deep within the darkest recesses of my mind screams out: “Oh My Gosh! I Killed Kenny!” Ken More the Sixth, may you rest in peace. FEAST from 17 #1 Call: 603-524-4778 #2 Stop by: 35 Mechanic St., Laconia, NH #3 Go to: garagabylaurentdoors.co�m _..--.._"Build Your Door" then send us your selection for pricing. ✓ Free estimate for new doors with Before & After images ✓ Friendly & Prompt service t o solve your gar age door problems ✓ For boat houses, garages an d sheds we sell the best and fix the rest! = LAURENT DOOR SYSTEMS The Garage Door Specialists laurentdoors.com (603) 524-4778 35 Mechanic Street, Laconia, NH 03246Our Business is “UP and DOWN” “Since 1959”

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SportsAnswerQuiz Bill Russell led the University of San Francisco Dons to 55 straight wins and two NCAA titles in 1955 and 1956. State Representa tive Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Holly wood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is net.mimoffett@comcast. to play at the Garden, with Boston about to claim an improb able victory, Russell walked over to John Havlicek—as white a player as there ever was—and simply put his arm around him. Thunderous applause flowed down from ev ery corner of the an cient arena. It may be my favorite sports memory ever. I love(d) Bill Russell. Sports Quiz Where did Bill Rus sell go to college? (An swer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on Au gust 18 include MLB Hall-of-Famer Roberto Clemente (1934) and NFL running back Matt Snell (1941). Sports Quote “Bill Russell was an eagle with a beard.” –Former NBA forward and poet Tom Mesch ery.


34 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 —

Sacred Heart Church is open daily for private prayer www.standrebessette.org piece in which he was highly critical of Cham berlain. Some fairly saw that as a cheap shot in that he’d never face Wilt again on the court, but Russell was known for speaking forthrightly. Old Number 6 would go on to coach NBA teams in Seattle and Sacra mento, but his skills and energy were better suited to the front court rather than the front office and his Celtic magic didn’t transfer to the Sonics or theAnKings.obvious Hall of Fame selectee, Russell didn’t attend his own induction. A proud man, not a perfect one, he saw basketball as a team en deavor, not an individual sport. And he saw ves But he’d later soften Springfield his I met Russell once at an event at North eastern University in Boston, long after he’d ended his Bean town boycott. He was charming, self-effac ing, and wonderful to beWhilearound.Russell’s glo

reflecting upon his life journey. My favorite is one from a playoff game his last season. During a break in ac tion with seconds left

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35— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — as Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria among others, and turning down thermostats still seems pretty far off. Since it’s still hot, thinking about the inevitable natural gas shortfalls from Russia which will potentially shock the German and Italian economies ap pearsFranceremote.toits credit still produces nearly three quarters of its electric from its do mestic nuclear power and thus is not direct ly hostage to Vladimir Putin’s energy black mail.It’s quite the oppo site in Germany for ex ample where a flow of cheap Russian natural gas delivered through a spiderweb of pipe lines has made Eu rope’s largest economy dangerously depen dent on Moscow’s en ergy supplies. The respected French daily Le Figaro editorialized, “The strongest indus trial power on the continent, grindagas,consumesglutinouslyRussianisontheedgeofcatastrophe.”Russia’swarwillon.

STOSSEL from 7METZLER from 7

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Ukrainians are fight ing valiantly with our help.Moscow’s plan de pends on the weather, the falling Autumn and Winter tempera tures, which will force energy starved coun tries to face a harsh European Winter. Will those conditions melt the current anti-Putin political solidarity? John J. Metzler is a United Nations corre spondent covering dip lomatic and defense is sues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Sep arated Nations: Ger many, Korea, China. (60%).Henderson has lived in both of those worlds. “I’m a doctoral can didate in psychology in Cambridge,” he says. “Before, my life was a lotHendersondifferent.” served eight years in the Air Force. There, he says, most of his colleagues were conservative, and he was sometimes teased for holding a liberal position. “It was all good-na tured,” he says. “Some one can hold different views but still be a good teractertariansnopublicanzero!munications,itciologyperfoundstudyfewlegesyoufriendlyacrosshavethatcentthecreasingly,thinksseesnotheButperson.”nowinacademia,saysthepoliticsisgood-natured.Helotsofhatred.Heit’sbecauseintheleftandrightdon’tmix.Resurveysdoshownow,80%ofusfewornofriendstheaisle.Itishardtobewithpeoplenevermeet.Atcoltoday,thereareconservatives.Oneofprofessors12DemocratsRepublican.Insodepartments,was44to1.Incom108to“PeoplehavenoRecolleagues,conservativeorlibthattheyinwithdaytoday,”

(Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

Carthage seems the plan where the Russian military bluntly uses its ar tillery and firepow er to shatter, smash and flatten Ukrainian towns and villages. This is a blunt form of terror, that of the sledgehammer and those who wield it in discriminately over civilian targets. Mos cow’s military is not winning the war in any traditional sense, but they are bludgeon ing the opposition into submission the old SovietWashingtonway. has slated another $1 bil lion in military aid to Ukraine boosting the total of lethal aid thus far to nearly $10 bil lion. It’s almost as if Team Biden is putting all its military chips on Kyiv as a counter weight to expunge the still shameful Afghan debacle.Justa year ago, the Biden

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HendersonSpendingsays.no time with people who think differently does make it easier to hate them. To understand the other side, shouldn’t we talk to each other more?That’s what I try to do with my videos -bring both sides to gether to argue. Then they learn a little about the other side. Many still hate each otherEighty-nineanyway. percent of bartenders donate to Democrats, but beer wholesalers (78%) pre ferTaxiRepublicans.drivers (85%) give to Democrats, truck drivers (69%) to Republicans.Pediatricians (79%) favor Democrats, but urologists (76%) prefer Republicans.Why?Ihave no clue. Architects (74%) pre fer Democrats, while home builders (77%) prefer Republicans. That one I get; build ers hate dealing with Democrats’ stupid reg ulations.Carpenters (64%) give to theso,publicans.priestsDemocrats;palRepublicans.plumbersDemocrats;(60%)toEpiscopriests(91%)likeCatholic(73%)likeReCanyouexplainit?Ifpleaseexplainittorestofus.

John Stossel is cre ator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Be came the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndi cate writers and car toonists, visit www. creators.com. only be seen from a boat and it allows you to get in your daily exercise at the same time!” For railfans, the trains operate with historic rail cars from the 1920’s and 1950’s. Pulled by classic loco motives, the excursions host rail aficionados who enjoy riding the restored rail cars and viewing the repurposed equipment. RR from 25 SMITH’S Brendan Smith Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 BrendanTSmith.com Did Brendan Smith Book c/o Weirs PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 BrendanTSmith.com


whis tleblowers revealed to House Republicans that the agency had created “threat tags” on FBI investigations into parents and lo cal GOP officials “in almost every region of the country” who pub licly opposed school vaccine and mask man dates. Well-versed in the FBI’s suppressioninformationtactics, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Informa tion Act lawsuit for all FBI records related to the Garland witch-hunt memo, which the at torney general himself testified he crafted af ter the Biden simps in charge of the National School Board Associa tion released a letter labeling conservative parents as “domestic terrorists.” Garland testified that he based his memo randum off of a sinceretracted letter from the National School Board Association that labeled parents as “do mestic terrorists.” The National School Boards Association later is sued an apology for the letter. No apology has been forthcoming from the DOJ, which refuses to cough up the FBI records sought by Ju dicial Watch. Judicial Watch attorney Ramo na Cotca told me on Tuesday that “the FBI conducted a very nar row search, and it is no surprise that the search did not produce any responsive records. We notified DOJ that Judicial Watch chal lenges the search and we are waiting to hear if it will undertake a reasonable search or whether we will move to briefing. Our next court filing is due Aug. 26.”

36 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — MALKIN from 6 THE CLASSIFIEDS BUYWILLI *Art*AntiquesFine* * Jewelry * Silver * Judy A. Davis Antiques One Item or Entire Estate ~ Cash Paid For: All Antiques: American and Continental furniture, paintings, oriental rugs and bronzes. Historical documents, old books and maps, nautical items, barometers and sextants. Old prints, movie and travel posters. Old photography, cameras and musical instruments. Gold and Silver U.S. and foreign coins Civil war and all military items, guns, swords, medals and old flags. Old advertising, wooden and metal signs, vintage whiskey and wine, old weathervanes, old pottery, old jugs, crocks and textiles, lamps and lighting, glass and china. Old toys, banks, trains, sports memorabilia and comic books. Over 40 years experience in the antique business. Chinese and Asian arts, jade, ceramics, oriental textiles, furniture and art. Classic car s and motorcycles, gas pumps, oil cans and signs 25 year s and olde r. All estate and contemporary jewelry, diamond rings, brooches, Patek, Rolex, all watches and charm bracelets. All Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry Sterling silver flatware, tea services, trays and all silver and gold. Certified by Gem School of America Member: New Hampshire Antique Dealers Assn. 1811496603 934603 5545 jlake@metrocast.net cJfflll-Jcills AT THE LAKE Positions available: ROOM ATTENDENTS GROUNDS ATTENDANTS MAINTENANCE BOAT CAPTAINS Starting Rates up to $17 per hour Apply on-line https://careers.tpghotelsandresorts.com/jobs Apply via email at: nsquire@millfalls.com Mill Falls at the Lake has amazing FRONTopportunitiesjobforDESKAGENTSStartingrate$17. APPLY careers.tpghotelsandresorts.com/jobsONLINEOrviaemailto:nsquire@millfalls.com

Michelle Malkin’s email address is leMalkinInvestigates@Michel protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read fea tures by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.cre ators.com.

-- Cover-ups are em bedded in the FBI’s DNA, of course. Delve into the FBI’s murder ous history of the Waco massacre, its destruc tion of evidence in the Ruby Ridge case, its wanton abuses and “flagrant misconduct” (in the words of fed eral judge Gloria Na varro) in the Bundy Ranch standoff, and its ongoing attempts to suppress the truth about the Oklahoma City bombing and sty mie Utah attorney Jes se Trentadue’s FOIA lawsuit against both the FBI and CIA dating back to 2006. -- Instigation is an other trademark FBI goon-squad tactic. It was at the heart of the Patriot Conspiracy (PATCON) scheme at the center of Trenta due’s Oklahoma City bombing FOIA lawsuit. Fed infiltration and in citement also marked the Counter Intelli gence Program (COIN TELPRO) of the 1960s and 1970s; multiple Is lamic terror plots in the late 1990s and through the 2000s; the manu facturing of the politi cally timed “right-wing” plot by “rogue,” ca reer-driven FBI agents to kidnap Democrat Michigan Gov. Gretch en Whitmer (which led to two acquittals and two mistrials) just one month before the 2020 presidential election; and yes, the realpayinging6Biden-weaponizedFBI-Dem-Jan.“insurrection.”Ifyouain’tquestionthetiming,youain’tattentiontotheenemieswithin.

infamous Oct. 4, 2021, memorandum framed peaceful school board protests as a national security threat. Gar land vowed to use his “authority and resourc es to discourage these threats, identify them when they occur, and prosecute them when appropriate.”InMay,FBI

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39— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 18, 2022 — Caption Contest Runners Up : Washington’s answer to high gas prices. - Mark Baharian, Norwalk, CT/ His five sister’s get a ride on Bob’s sled. I always wondered about the name. - Dave Barth, Laconia, NH. Ready for the first generation to be sent to mars.?. -Diane Godbout, Gilford, NH. The public transit system at the derby.soapbox David Moultonboro,Doyon,NH. Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com CAPTION THIS PHOTO!! PHOTO #925 PHOTO #923 Magic MazeSudoku BRIDGES ACROSS MISSISSIPPI RIVER OUR PICK FOR BEST CAPTION The Winklman Aeffect by John Whitlock

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