08/25/2022 Weirs Times

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Performing at this year’s event will be Marc Elbaum, Christine Chaisson and Jarrod Taylor, the Sweetbloods with Phil and Janet Sanguedolce, as well as Ray Por cell featuring the songs of Ernest Thompson.Admission is free and the event is held rain or shine. For more in formation, please contact the Mer edith Area Chamber of Commerce at (603) 279-6121.

Saving a Ski area - Fritzie Baer and Belknap Mountain recreation area

This picture taken in 1952 shows Fritzie Baer on the Tiger Trail at the Belknap Mountain Recreation Area (now Gunstock) trying out a new Sno-Cat that belonged to Cannon Mountain. Baer realized that to attract the skiers, grooming of the trails was of the utmost importance. Fritzie bought a bright orange Sno-Cat which was first used for the 1953 ski season.

Bobby Arnold in the grandson of Fritzie Baer. We thank him for this great article and photos. In 1938, as president of the New England Motorcycle Dealers Associa tion, Fritzie Baer moved the 200 Mile National Championship from Keene to the newly built Belknap Moun tains Recreation Area, now known as Gunstock Mountain Resort. With the races also came the Gypsy Tour, at the time held throughout New Hamp shire each year. From then on, it has always been held in Laconia. Fritzie worked at Indian Motocycle Company in Springfield, MA., and had the dealership in the factory. He was a former hill climb racer and founded the motorcycle club Fritzie’s Roamers. Fritzie was a renowned announcer

COURTESY OF THE ARNOLD/BAER FAMILY LIBRARY by Bobby Arnold Contributing Writer See FRITZIE on 31

FestivalCraft MeredithIn

The 42nd Annual Lakes Region Fine Arts and Crafts Festival is scheduled to be held on Saturday and Sunday August 27 and 28 from 9am to 5pm in Meredith. This event will transform the Main Street of Meredith and the upper parking lot of the Mill Falls Marketplace into an outdoor art gallery featuring pottery, baskets, leather, wood products, weaving, quilting, metal sculpture, jewelry, clothing, painting, photography, furniture, specialty foods and more. Some of the 65 artists will be dem onstrating at their booths. All items are original creations and the art ists and craftsmen will be available throughout the weekend to meet and talk with customers.


Will Increase Suffering To The Democrats,Editor:including Hassan, Shaheen, Kuster and Pappas, apparently think that middle income and poorer Americans are not suffering enough. Their votes for the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will increase our suffering now; any benefits will be later. The IRA increases the spending that caused today’s painful 8.5% inflation. The IRA adds taxes, fees, royalties, and loopholescan’tlowerIRScom/2s4hvwca).sandsnwzf),jobsalreadythatalreadytinyurl.com/2bzf6w77),thiscosts.those(https://tinyurl.com/4c5ckaej)regulationstowhichdoubledourenergyFoodpriceshaven’tbeenhighsince1979(https://andweseesomeoftheshortagesBidenpromised.DemocratenergypoliciesarekillinggoodAmerican(https://tinyurl.com/mr3dtheIRAwillkillthoumorejobs(https://tinyurl.The$80billionfundingtargetsmiddleandincomeAmericanswhoaffordspecialiststofindandnegotiatedeals. (https://tinyurl.com/m4syx9v2). Much of the $369 billion bor rowed for “Green Energy” will go to China which produces most solar panels and windmills. (See Michael Moore’s movie, Planet of the Humans at: https://tinyurl. com/y3pjuefj)Bidentapped our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to reduce the pain that his policies caused. After supporting Biden’s poli cies, Senator Hassan considered her upcoming election and now claims to want to eliminate the gas tax. Both actions would end after the election; both efforts are pretenses at caring for the Ameri canSimplypeople.for political purposes

Mary Dover,WestonNH. SB 147 To The Editor: These last two years, New Hampshire House Republicans have been successful in passing several bills with the goals of em powering students and helping school districts to find innovative solutions to perplexing problems. One piece of legislation especially exemplifies that goal. SB 147 would offer one solution to assist school districts with unantici pated catastrophic special educa tion costs. It was pointed out that a seri ous budget problem occurs when high-expense children move into a school district after their budget figures have been set by town meeting. By allowing school districts to come together in risk pools they are able to manage and mitigate risk for these unan ticipated special education costs. In the past school districts had to provide the resources by shifting away assets from other areas in the budget. House Republicans wanted to ensure that school ad ministrators and school boards have tools to cope with the dif ficult job of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. Risk pools can help our local administrators and school districts still make sure that all students receive the proper edu cation that they deserve. To our knowledge, this innovative idea has never been seen in other states but undoubtedly will be copied. NH is once again leading the nation in education solutions.

I was proud to serve on the Committee of Conference on SB147 to ensure that this policy the Lakes to the Mountains,

Our StOry PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH facebook.com/weirstimesinfo@weirs.comWeirs.com03247603-366-5115

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Inflation Reduction Act

2 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — See MAILBOAT on 42 ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this Tonewspaper.findouthow your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

Biden has jeopardized our ability to respond to a national emer gency. Our Strategic Reserve is at its lowest level since the 1980s, and Biden is still releasing in one million barrels daily. There is great similarity be tween Democrat actions and Marxist policy which demands the destruction of the Middle Class. The misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” is another step towards destroying the American MiddleVotesClass.forDemocrats in No vember are votes to drive many middle income Americans into poverty.DonEwingMeredith,NH. We Have Lost Our Way


To The Editor: Are we already living in a third world country in South America? My America would never, never send the FBI to raid the private home of a former president of the United States. How is digging through the former first lady’s underthings good for our nation? As a citizen I am truly ashamed. We have truly lost our way. Time to rethink government and correct our mistakes.

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE a divided gop, HealtH inSurance rateS, a piStol-packing teacHer, and More by HanafordRobert Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer It was the summer of 1973 and the Sat urday issue of the Laconia Evening Citi zen was packed full of ads and news on Sat urday, August 25th. Old Home Days, fairs, usworldcialasoneoftheaevents,auctions,sportsconcerts,anddancewerelistedonfrontpageassometheactivitiesthatcouldchoosefromweekendactivities.Televisionandsomediaoftoday’sdoesnotprovidewithinformation to the extent that the newspapers of a few decades ago did. Weekend activities in that August of 1973 included Old Home Day activities in sev eral area towns. Gil ford had day-long ac tivities beginning at 10:00 o’clock with a parade, followed by “... contests, parachute jumping, barbecue at 7:00 p.m., melodrama at 8:00 p.m., fireworks at dusk, followed by teen dance. Prizes, displays, exhibitions, competitions.”

In 1973 Governor Meldrim Thomson’s administration continued to battle with the Republican Party’s state chairman, David Gosselin.

Gilmanton cel ebrated their 75th Old Home Day at the Smith Meeting House with a bean hole bean dinner at noon, fol lowed by a horse pull, flea market, auction, games, tables, and a chicken barbecue at 5:30 p.m. The Epsom band played in the af ternoon.

ThisondSanborntonchurchday,HomecelebratedSanborntontheirOldDayonSunbeginningwithaserviceattheBaySecBaptistChurch.wasfollowedby a family picnic and a Concert by Moulton’s Band.The Annual Plym outh State Fair was also running that weekend, all day and all evening. Wicwas Lake Grange in Mer edith Center and the Province Road Grange were also conducting their fairs on Satur day, August 25. There is nothing that quite compares to an old country auc tion, however, and the “Citizen” announced that there were four of them in the area on that active August 25th day. Home fur nishings, antiques and farm equipment were being sold at auc tion by Leo Gaudet on Pickerel Pond Road in Laconia with Robert Zanes as the auction eer at 10:00 a.m. Also at 10:00 a.m. in New London furnishings and antiques were be ing auctioned by Pe verly’s auctions for Mrs. Helen Colburn. A two-day (Sat.&Sun.) auction was being held in Andover, near Proc tor Academy, to sell modern furniture and antiques owned by Nancy Spearman and auctioned by Dexter Rowell. At the pub

3— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — Not So LoNg Ago ...

OPEN DAILY 9am-5:30pm • SUNDAYS 10am - 4pm • CozyCabinrustiCs.Com LIVING RUSTIC Come Sh o p Our NewLarge r S tore! Cozy Cabin Rustics - Furniture & Mattresses603-238-3250PLYMOUTH 599 Tenney Mtn. Hwy. 603-279-1333MEREDITH Junction of Rt. 3 & 25FREELocalDelivery&Setup May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 12/31/2022 See SMITH on 40


“Lucky Stiff” At The Barnstormers Theatre

Barnstormers are Jordan Ahnquist, Mary McNulty, Cheryl Mullings, Greg Pike, Doug Shapiro, Frank T. Wells, Robert St. Laurence, Lisa Joyce and Becca Gottlieb. Kurt Perry makes their Barnstormers debut. Book and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, music by Stephen Flaherty. Directed by Sarah Rozene. Located in New Hampshire’s scenic Tamworth Village, the 275-seat, professional, Equity, Barnstormers Theatre boasts a hearing assist system and is wheelchair accessible. Ticket prices are $20 - $39.50, with group rates and package discounts available. Beer and wine from Tuckerman Brewing Co. and Whippletree Winery, soft drinks and cookies will be available before the show and during intermission. Tuesday and Wednesday is Locals night, Friday night is Family Night with special prices. Check our website for other specials, where to dine and stay, and other Tamworth happenings. For more information and tickets, visit barnstorm erstheatre.org or call 603-323-8500.

The “Outside In” StoryWalk® , along with other family programs and events, is part of NLRA’s initiative to encourage residents and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty around them, learn more about the environment and how to protect it, and fall in love with the Newfound Water shed. By connecting the people of Newfound to the wonders around them, NLRA works to inspire the next generation of stewards and fulfill the mission of protecting Newfound Lake and its watershed. Learn more about NLRA including other upcoming events at Newfound Lake.org.

Elena recently escaped from a basement in Mariupol and made her way across Ukraine and Rus sia by train successfully evading Russian troops. She traveled to the north and west and managed to cross into Estonia. About two months ago, she finally joined her refugee daughter in Hamburg, Germany, bringing nothing but her cat. She has had to leave behind all of her belongings and art works with no hope of retrieving them from the city she loves. Her creative efforts cover an eclectic and extensive range of media, evocative of the unique style and tradition of Eastern European art: nesting dolls, carved and painted wooden Easter eggs, sculpted plaster wall decorations, painted boxes, paintings, collages, women’s fashion designs and fantastical works on paper. Unfortunately, with the exception of her drawings, it is suspected that her work has been destroyed in the war. For the first time, Elena’s works on paper, carefully preserved in New Hampshire since 2017, will be featured in an exhibition called “Liberated Images.” This group show will be held at the Farm Studio of Terry Spinner located at 569 New Hampton Road, Sanbornton, NH

HEBRON - Newfound Lake Region As sociation invites you to get outside and read! Join us at Grey Rocks Conservation Area from August 27 through October 2 as StoryWalk returns with “Outside In” written by Deborah Underwood and illustrated by Cindy Derby. “Inside Out” looks at the many ways that we can interact with nature, both inside buildings and outdoors. As visitors walk through the story, they will experience the ecosys tems around them and be reminded that nature doesn’t always wait at the door- often it comes inside in new forms or finds ways to draw us back outside again. Along with the StoryWalk, visitors can enjoy more trails with scenic views of the Cockermouth River and Hebron Marsh, unpack a picnic in the picnic area, throw in a line at the fishing alcoves, or even launch a kayak or canoe at the non motorized boat launch. NLRA maintains Grey Rocks Conservation Area as a place for people and wildlife alike. Wildlife is abundant, with bald eagles, tadpoles, turtles, and loons being a common sight. NLRA has carefully transformed the once barren landscape into an array of natural gardens, providing color from both the flowers and the butterflies that frequent them.

A unique, local NH acoustic Americana 6-piece band featuring strings and shared vocal harmonies, Peabody’s Coal Train (PCT) will per form at Canterbury Shaker Village on Sunday, August 28 as part of Music on the MusiciansGreen. include Jason Teaster on acoustic gui tar, Dave Anderson on har monica, Steve Cybulski on banjo, Dave Carroll on man dolin, Marc Fraley on bass, and Scott Hayes on guitar and dobro. Hailing from the Contoocook River Valley of central NH, PCT plays originals and covers that tell stories that celebrate the triumphs and tragedies of the human condition. Held every Sunday from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Music on the Green takes place outside in a natural, intimate setting that includes food available for purchase from Beans & Greens Farm’s Taco Food Truck. Music on the Green is free with a suggested donation of $20. Before performances, tours of The Village are available with a reservation, while visitors are encouraged to explore the property. Situated on nearly 700 acres, The Village features an extensive trail system with a trail map available on-site and online at shakers.org/trail-map.


Of Ukrainian Artist Elena Fomenko, Ukrainian artist/designer, formerly lived and worked in Mariupol which has been torn apart by the war in that country. When Russia first invaded the Donbas Region, she sent her note books of drawings, collages, and paintings to a friend and art enthusiast in New Hampshire. It was an act of artistic preservation prescient of the devastating conflict to come.

The opening dates are September 2nd, 3rd, and 4th from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm with refresh ments. This is an opportunity to view and support the work of a Ukrainian artist who has lost everything. Elena’s dramatic works will be available for sale and donations to her can be made. All proceeds will be to provide her with the tools needed to enable her to return to the artistic work she loves. For additional information, call Pat Peek at 603-729-0194.

Newfound Lake Region Association Presents “Outside In” A StoryWalk

Coal Train to Perform at Music on the Green

.The Barnstormers Theatre presents its last production of the season, madcap musical comedy Lucky Stiff, on stage August 25th through Septem berBritish3rd.shoe salesman Harry Witherspoon is set to inherit six million dollars from an uncle he’s never met, but only if he takes his uncle’s body on a whirlwind tour of Monte Carlo. A riotous musi cal comedy romp complete with mystery, mayhem, and a lot of dogs, sure to keep you laughing while it keeps you guessing. Rated G. Sponsored by The Woodshed Restaurant in ReturningMoultonborough.toThe

4 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

Of course, you won’t see my name on the ballot. The powers that be are doing their best to keep my name off of it since I am not associated with any of the more well-known political parties. They have been work ing hard behind the scenes to discredit my candidacy.(Get ting only six people to sign my nomination papers to be on the ballot hasn’t helped either.) In order to make it seem like anyone has a chance to be elected to office, even if they can’t get on the ballot, they include blank spaces where you need to actually write in a name instead of easily select ing one that is already printed onTheit. powers that be aren’t afraid of this option. They re alize that most people don’t want to spend valuable time in the voting booth writing in someone’s name. They’ve already spent way too much time trying to figuring out the meaning of these amendments on the ballot that they didn’t expect to see.

Things are really starting to heat up this campaign sea son.Soon I will know exactly who my op ponents will be in the race for governor of New Hamp shire. In case you don’t know, I am running again for the office as the candidate representing the Flatlander Party. There aren’t a lot of other candidates from the party running for other offices. In fact, there are none. I am it.

“What the heck is this? Let me see, if I vote “yes” does it really mean no? Who has the time to figure all this out? Forget about writing in some one’s name, I’ve been here long enough already. I need to check my social media post to see how many people liked my pictures of kittens fighting over a ball of yarn after I throw in my two cents into a political argument that won’t change anyone’s mind.” This is where I come in. I can only get elected if peo ple write my name on the des ignated “write in” line. It will take a lot of time and effort, but I think I can persuade folks to do it. But even if I am successful there are still a lot of compli cations.Afterall, I have done some research and found out that I am not the only Brendan Smith living in New Hampshire. In fact, there are more than you might imagine. So, if you write “Brendan Smith” in the writein line for governor, who is to say that one of the other Bren dan Smith’s might wake up the morning after election day and claim that victory for him self? (Or herself if people write “Brenda” by mistake.) You are probably thinking to yourself right now “Wow, I nev er thought of that,” or maybe “I need to check my Facebook page to see if anyone liked the selfie I took eating lunch.” So, I need to find a way to make myself stand out from the small, yet significant crowd, of Brendan Smiths. The only way to do that is with a nickname. I need to come up with something in pa rentheses between “Brendan” and “Smith” that will distin guish myself from the other Brendan Smiths and let the ballot counters know it is me and not someone else with the same name who might not even want the job in the first place. This will take some careful consideration and I am looking to you for help on this. I can’t just go with the old standards like “Sparky” or “Chip” or even the obvious “Smitty” that so many people will simply assume I like to be called simply because my last name is Smith. (Plus. I’m sure at least another Brendan Smith in New Hampshire is known as “Smitty” whether they like it or not.) I need something unique that will be mine and mine alone. I also want to be careful of using any nicknames like “Lucky” or “Bugsy” or even “Ice Pick” because, even though they sound pretty cool, I think some folks might get the wrong idea. (Though, I could imagine leaning back in the governor’s chair, slowly scratching my cheek as legislators came to visit and telling them they will support my ideas because I’ll make them an offer they can’t refuse.)So,I’m asking you to help me come up with a cool nickname I can use that might not just help distinguish me from the rest of the Brendan Smith’s in New Hampshire, but also cool enough that people might just get a kick out of writing it on the ballot. You never know, we might even get folks who never vote who will want to go to the polls just because it will be so much fun to write in my nickname.Iamgoing to need to come up with this in the next couple of weeks so I can get out on the campaign trail and promote it. What do you think a good nickname for my campaign would be? Send your ideas to me at brendan@weirs.com, If I use yours, you might win a prize, but I can’t guarantee that.

5— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — NEW HAMPSHIRE F OOL in LiveororFreeDie.Die. brendan@weirs.com brendan@weirs.com A *A FLATLANDER’S OBSERVATIONS ON LIFE*

by Brendan Smith Weirs Times Editor you are N.H.

Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles”,“Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and “I Only Did It For The Socks Sto ries & Thoughts On Aging” All are available at BrendanTSmith.com.


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03254 Call 603-476-8887 • F: www.skelleysmarket.com603-476-5176 Skelley’s Market Services Include: Stop by Skelley’s Market today and enjoy some great food, Bailey’s Bubble ice cream, a lobster roll or anything else you may need. You will be glad you did! • Gas 24 hours a day • Fresh pizza • NH Lottery tickets • Beer and Wine • Sandwiches • Daily papers • Bailey’s Bubble ice • Famous Lobster Rolls • Fish and Game OHRV Licenses Night 5-9pm BRENDAN SMITH’S NEW BOOK! BRENDANSMITH’SNEWESTBOOK!NOWON SALE! NOWSALE!ON“IReallyOnlyDid It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging” Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times) “I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging” Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times) hurchentralBaptist Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV 401 GILFORD AVE.,GILFORD, NH • CENTRALBAPTISTNH.ORG

aSking For Help

Three years ago, I warned readers about a company called eHallpass and the increasing student health data mining hijack ing America’s schools. As I reported at the time, my then-high school sophomore son’s public high school in Colorado Springs told every student to download e-Hallpass, which is seamlessly connected to every student’s mandatory Google login, to track how much time students spend in the bathroom. It was done all in the name of “safety,” of course, with no parental consent. Biometric surveillance edu-technology has spread rapidly, with fingerprint and facial recognition tools proliferating world wide on K-12 and college campuses as a result of the COVID global track-and-trace regime and pandemic profiteers. In 2020, I noted the spread of “electronic beacons” to track student movements and apps like Google’s ClassDojo, which mines intimate student behavioral data and creates long-term psy chological profiles that can be shared and sold to third parties unbeknownst to kids and their families. The Pioneer Institute reported that government at all levels had spent $30 billion in 2018 on such intrusive, brainwashing “social-emotional learn ing” surveillance in K-12. Over the years, my incessant warnings about the Edutech surveillance machine have been mocked, belittled, attacked and ignored as baseless “paranoia” and “conspiracy”-mongering by the likes of the anti-right, anti-white, anti-parent Southern Poverty Law Center. But now, the truth is permeating the mainstream. As the school year ramps up, watchdogs have finally discovered insidious little behavior modification tools like e-Hallpass masquerading Beware oF BrotHer

Big BatHrooM

Nine years ago, I warned readers about “eyelock biometric readers” adopted by Florida schools to track them on buses. Under the guise of fighting guns and vaping, countless schools this year are now install ing surveillance sensors in bathrooms that can spy and record students’ alleged “ag gression” and red-flag “spoken key words.”

See SHAPIRO on 42

6 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

See MALKIN on 42

The response to all of this has been deafening from the Biden adminis tration. The White House released an extraordinarily tepid statement “reaffirm(ing) our commitment” to “Truth. Courage. Resilience.” Biden said that he stood “in solidarity with Rushdie and all those who stand for freedom of expression.” There was no talk of reeval uating America’s relationship with Iran. Indeed, the precise opposite has hap pened. The Biden administration is pur suing a nuclear deal that would loosen sanctions on the Iranian regime while giving them a clear pathway to devel opment of a nuclear weapon. Instead of viewing the Iranian regime as an intransigent supporter of international terrorism from New York to Yemen to the Gaza Strip to Syria to Lebanon to Iraq, the Biden White House has de cided that it must cut a deal at all costs. The New York Times reported this week, “For the first time in many months, Eu ropean officials expressed increasing optimism on Tuesday that a revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal may actually be agreed upon by Iran and the United States.”Biden’s shocking alacrity in seeking a signature from the Iranian regime -- a regime with SalMan ruSHdie, iran and Joe Biden by Michelle Malkin Syndicated Columnist by Ben Shapiro Syndicated Columnist

Eight years ago, I warned readers about a company called Teaching Strategies Gold that created an “early childhood assessment system” for “social emotional, physical, language and cognitive development” that documents student behaviors with videos, audio files, journals and photos -- which are then uploaded to a central database cloud. In Jefferson County, Colorado, TS Gold was used to monitor and shape preschoolers’ bathroom trips, hand-washing habits and other “socially acceptable behavior.”

In October 2018, agents of the Saudi Arabian tionshipclysmiccanfalloutgruesomeJamalhoodandmurderedgovernmentcolumnistMuslimBrotherfellowtravelerKhashoggiinfashion.TheintheAmerimediawascatafortherelabetweenthe

United States and Saudi Arabia; two years after the murder, then-candidate Joe Biden issued a statement “mourn ing Khashoggi’s death” and calling for reassessment of the American relation ship with the Kingdom. This week, a 24-year-old Muslim American with connections to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps attempted to murder famed author Salman Rushdie for writing “The Sa tanic Verses.” In 1989, the Iranian government issued its death sentence on Rushdie, encouraging anyone within its purview to kill him; in the aftermath of Rushdie’s stabbing -- Rushdie ended up on a ventilator and will likely lose an eye -- the Iranian government issued a statement blaming Rushdie “and his supporters...We believe that the insults made and the support he received was an insult against followers of all reli gions.”Just days before the attack on Rush die, a member of the IRGC was charged by the Justice Department in a murderfor-hire attempt on former national se curity adviser John Bolton. The attempt was reportedly retaliation for the Ameri can drone strike on IRGC commander Qasem Soleimani in 2020; the suspect tried to pay an undercover federal agent $300,000 for the killing. A few weeks before that, a suspect carrying a loaded AK-47 was arrested outside the home of an Iranian Ameri can journalist, Masih Alinejad. Accord ing to Alinejad, the Iranian government has promoted a widespread campaign requesting her kidnapping; last year, news broke that four Iranians had been arrested while planning to do just that. Meanwhile, Iranian state media is calling for more violence; an editorial from Kayhan newspaper, the editor of which is chosen by the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated this week, “God has taken his revenge on Rushdie. The at tack on him shows it is not a difficult job to take similar revenge on Trump and Pompeo and from now on they will feel more in danger for their lives.”


“There is a lot of loss (in big chari ties like the Red Cross),” says Gun nestad. “Not that someone is skim ming off the top; it’s just the cost of being a big Governmentsorganization.”areeven more bu reaucratic.Poland’sgovernment does want to help Ukraine, but its bureaucracy often makes it hard. When Gunnes tad and Lott went to a depot where Gunnestad had previously picked up donated goods, they found that the bureaucracy had changed the rules. Now Gunnestad was sup posed to write a letter to the Polish government to get supplies. Since they didn’t have time to wait, they left empty-handed.

Syndicated Columnist See STOSSEL on 43 See METZLER on 43 by John

Tom Palmer, an American with the Atlas Network think tank, raised more than $1 million in aid for Ukraine. He flew it to Poland and then drove some of it into Ukraine himself. He worked with Ukrainian volunteers to find out where aid was most needed.

“It was just astonishing to see this network emerge,” says Palmer. “It wasn’t centrally directed ... (Volun teers) solved a lot of micro problems that big hierarchies can’t see.” The volunteers also reduce waste.

7— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

As weapons.Russia’sthewreckedtargetedtancenowUkraine,tinuesPutin’sVladimirwarconagainstthere’sagrimaccepoftragedy;civilians,citiesandthreatfromnuclearButasthecon flict churns on, few people have no ticed the mixed signals that formerly blockaded port cities have cautiously reopened averting a famine but con versely that fighting dangerously near the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant, could through pure stupidity, create a horrific nuclear accident. Back during 1986 the mega-Soviet screwup at the Chernobyl power plant in Ukraine, created a region al humanitarian disaster which through incompetence and cynical coverup massively spilled radiation, which still lurks in the forests of Ukraine and Belarus. Today we are tiptoeing around a wider tragedy with active Russian military forces based at the Zapor izhzhia plant, Europe’s largest nucle ar facility where fighting continues! Following up on a successful dip lomatic deal brokered by the Unit ed Nations and Turkey to reopen blocked Ukrainian ports such as Odessa, so that needed fertilizers, grain, and wheat can be shipped out side to world markets, mostly in the developing world, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres returned to Ukraine to pursue a double edged diplomatic strategy. First; convince the Russians not to use the Nuclear plant as a military base. Equally get international IAEA inspectors into the complex to monitor what’s really goingSpeakingon. in Lviv with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the UN chief stated clearly, “I remain gravely concerned about the unfold ing situation in and around Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in Zapor izhzhia…Common sense must prevail to avoid any actions that might en danger the physical integrity, safety or security of the nuclear plant. ”

When Russia at tacked Ukraine, “experts” said the country would fall within days. It Onehasn’t.reason is that the Russian military wasn’t as effective as people thought. Another is that Ukrainians sur prised the world by courageously defending their country.

A third reason is that volunteers from everywhere stepped in to help. People with combat experience joined Ukraine’s Foreign Legion. Doctors, nurses and others with medical experience are keeping the country’s health care system going. Several thousand others do humani tarian work, like distributing food andFormedicine.myvideo this week, Stossel TV executive producer Maxim Lott went to Ukraine to record them at work. He rode along with ambulance driver Didrik Gunnestad, a 27-yearold volunteer from Norway. Gunnes tad delivered supplies, and then he drove sick people out of dangerous areas.“Itwas learning by doing,” he says. Ambulances were desperately needed. “Most things that happen here are done by volunteers, not government officials.”

by John J. Metzler Stossel

Guterres added bluntly, “We must tell it like it is, any potential dam age to Zaporizhzhia is suicide.” He added, “The area needs to be de militarized.” Concerted behind the scenes diplomacy by the UN Secre tary General now may have led to a compromise by Moscow. French President Emmanuel Ma cron appeared to gain a surprising win here when Vladimir Putin said he would allow the IAEA nuclear inspec tors at Zaporizhzhia. But before we cheer too loudly, recall the stillborn fate of IAEA monitors in Saddam’s Iraq twenty years ago and the con stant cat and mouse games regularly played to deceive them. As significantly the UN/Turkish deal, the Black Sea Grain initiative, reached recently to reopen Ukrainian ports and allow food shipments to the world, seems to be bearing fruit. Secretary General Guterres proudly stated, “In less than one month, 21 ships have departed from Ukrainian ports and 15 vessels have left Istan bul for Ukraine to load up with grain and other food supplies.” More than 689,000 metric tons of grain and other food produced by Ukrainian farmers is making its way tiptoeing around a wider tragedy volunteerS in ukraine

Syndicated Columnist

by Hal Shurtleff Director, Camp Constitution Alton, NH Rachel Carson. Her 1962 book, Silent Spring paved the way for the banning of DDTan insecticide that saved millions of lives from Malaria. She made base less claims that the use of DDT harmed bird life and caused hepatitis and cancer in humans. Then came Paul Eh rlich’s 1970 book The Population Time Bomb warned us that the seas would all be dead by the mid-1970s, and then came Al Gore’s 1992 book Earth in the Bal ance which warned that we would all be doomed by the year 2000 unless we got rid of the inter nal combustion engine. Al was already a mul timillionaire but after his thoroughly discred ited documentary An Inconvenient Truth that scared thousands of gullible school chil dren who were forced to watch the movie, the movie’s proceeds made him a billionaire. I recall being taught in my junior high school days that the world is about to descent into a new ice age due to the burning of fossil fuels where we would have year-round winters leading to mass starva tion, and extinction.

The University of New Hampshire, in a recent article, reported that our “weather will be warmer and wetter with fifty plus days over 90 degrees and above shorter win ters, more droughts and more floods by 2100. From the article: “This is not something that is just a problem for the future,” said Cam eron Wake, research professor in climatology and glaciology. “Human driven climate change is happening now, and we are at a critical cross roads. Those trends could get exponentially worse if we don’t take some action to slow the process and rapidly de crease emissions.” We can always rely on a state college professor to issue reports advocat ing more government control over our lives. Climate alarmists have been with us from our nation’s beginning. Noah Webster, the great lexicographer, refuted his generation’s climate alarmists in his 1810 book On the Supposed Change in the Temper ature of Winter. There were some including the brilliant Thomas Jefferson who believed that winters were getting warmer because certain species of animals were found further north. In this fascinating book, Webster looked at weather patterns in the Old Testament, and diaries kept by colonial America farmers. He concluded that there were mild winters and severely cold winters but that there is no proof that there was any warming trend. One of the first mod ern-day alarmists was

fluctuations“year-to-yearinthegeo graphical size of the ozone hole and the tim REGULAR PRICES20 ATHLETICOFF%SNEAKER SALE ** SPECIAL SELECTION 25% to 50% off SAVE EVEN MORE! MENS WOMENS KIDS In-store only. Brand exclusions may apply. Sale ends Sept. 5th CHILDREN’S COMFORT,FOREXPERTLYFOOTWEARFITTEDMAXIMUMFIT,ANDWEAR. OURSELECTIONLARGESTOFTHEYEAR! MEREDITH, NH 279-7463 • WOLFEBORO 569-3560 NORTH CONWAY, NH 356-7818 • LACONIA, NH 524-1276 Meredith, NH 279-7463 • Wolfeboro, NH 569-3560 North Conway, NH 356-7818 • Laconia, NH 524-1276 See SHURTLEFF on 23

8 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

reFuting tHe environMental cHicken littleS

Between global cooling and global warming, cli mate alarmists warned that due to acid rain all of the trees and lakes would be dead. I vividly recall thenGovernor Michael Duka kis conducting a press conference at Turners Pond in Milton, MA., sometime in the late 1980s. He claimed that acid rain has killed all of the fish in the pond. I visited the pond a few months later where I observed people catch ing fish. Around the same time, I read an article in the “Boston Globe” which reported the death of Vermont’s maple trees due to acid rain. A few years later, I was in Vermont and picked up a local paper with an article which reported that Vermont just experienced its larg est maple syrup crop in its reported history. Our forests are alive and well and actually increasing. From Tree Hugger’s website: “In the United States, which contains 8 per cent of the world’s for ests, there are more trees than there were 100 years ago. Accord ing to the Food and Ag riculture Organization (FAO), “Forest growth nationally has exceeded harvest since the 1940s. By 1997, forest growth exceeded harvest by 42 percent and the volume of forest growth was 380 percent greater than it had been in 1920.” The greatest gains have been seen on the East Coast (with average volumes of wood per acre almost doubling since the ‘50s) which was the area most heavily logged by Euro pean settlers beginning in the 1600s, soon after theirAndarrival.”ozone depletion? We were all supposed to get skin cancer but somehow it did not hap pen. Professor Robert Davis addressed the is sue in his December 2000 article about-nada:ozone-hole-much-ado-news-opinion/news/www.heartland.org/https://“AsNOAA’sHoffman explained,

Letters From God

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they re late to individuals and the nation of the USA.

QUESTION: If We Are Going Against Your Will, Can We Win? No! It may appear so for a while, but you can’t win. Let me share with you a proverb I asked Solo mon to include in my book, the Bible. “There is no wisdom, no in sight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.” (Proverb 21:30) When you reject me and determine to live without me, you are by definition, a fool. “The fool has said in his heart there is no God.” (Psalm 14:1a) You are a fool because you know you are not God and at the same time, you do know that I am God. (Romans 1:18-19) You are a fool because I am Almighty and you are so weak, one day someone will have to carry you to the grave. You are a fool because you think you can reb el and defeat me and my purposes with your puny power. You are a fool as well because the reason you have said, “there is no God,” is because you are “cor rupt,” and your “deeds are vile.” (Proverbs 14:1b). What you, as a Coun try and individuals, are practicing is godless and vile. You have broken all my com mandments and sup planted them with your abominable practices. When you continue in your sins, knowing you are not God, you have a choice. Either acknowledge me and live in guilt or try to eliminate me by say ing, “there is no God.” When you choose the latter, you in effect only smash the warn ing light flashing in your life to alleviate any guilt or shame. As you know, you may smash the warning light of impending danger, but you only hasten the day of your sudden demise because that light indicates a very real problem. It is amazing how your pride can blind you to your stupid ity. You foolishly made yourselves a god and also make other gods that you bow down to and think that sim ply because you made them, they’re equal to me, the one true God. I am the creator of the heavens and the earth. I created everything by only speaking the words and everything was brought into exis tence (Genesis 1,2). Can you imagine the greatness, the power and the majesty that I possess to enable me to do this? My power is limitless and you who think you are gods are but wind up tinker toys in comparison. To think you can over come and defeat me has been analogize as being a hammer that pounds on the anvil. Over time in each gen eration, people have tried to destroy me and to exalt themselves, hammering away, if you will, at the real ity of the anvil. They think that with their puny hammers they can destroy the anvil. But in the end, all that’s left is a pile of broken han dles and split hammers while the anvil remains. A story has been told of one of the great athe ists of human history, a Frenchman named Vol taire. In his hatred and rage for me, he vowed that he would destroy and eradicate me from the hearts and minds of the French people in his generation. Vol taire died, as everyone has and will, because he was not God and because I said, that be cause all have sinned, all we will die (Ezekiel 18:4). But interestingly enough, after he died his home was bought and used for the pro duction of bibles by the Bible society. Voltaire was one of the many broken “hammers” who lost his life, including eternal life, because he thought he could op pose me, God. If you would be wise, stop your fool’s errand today and recognize this truth, “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.” Hum ble yourselves therefore before me. Seek forgive ness from me through the sacrificial death of my Son, Jesus the Messiah, who paid your penalty for sin when he died as a substitute for you on the cross. Then, through the power of my Spirit, whom you will receive when your sins are forgiven, draw on my power so you will have both the desire and ability to live in obedience to me and my will. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13). If you don’t, when you die and stand before me your sinful pride will be broken. You will stand before me without a Savior and instead of life you will know death forever. If your country contin ues in its sinful ways as well, I will remove my protective hand and you will suffer grave

Letters From God


The next move is yours.Love,God These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor. SalespersonIsTHOMSONTREESERVICEHiringFT Company car, hourly plus commission Sales experience required - preferably door to door. Send resume micah@gothomson.comtoorcall603.960.4126 Suzanne’s Window Treatments, LLC Alton Bay 781-272-7878 • suzanneswindows.com —SW— SUZANNE’S WINDOWS —Hunter Douglas Certified Consultant—

9— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

Leslie A. Gray is a Li censed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and operates Gray Matters Counseling & Wellness, PLLC in Laconia NH. Feel free to submit re sponses or requests for subject content comaskgraymatters@gmail.to:

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If your body could talk, what would it say? Does it feel ap preciated and accepted by you or does it feel judged or shamed? Self-care is a crucial part of the human ex perience. As a matter of fact, the way we take care of our bodies has a profound impact on our health overall, in cluding mental health. This includes the type and amount of food we eat, water intake, exer cise, sleep, substance use, and so on. If your body could talk it might say, “Hey, listen. I bend to the point of breaking at times when you’ve pushed me so far be yond reasonable limits that I crack under the pressure. Then, when I require time to rest so I can heal myself, you get impatient with me because you can’t do as much as you’d like.”

10 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

iF your Body could talk by Leslie Gray, LCMHC Gray Matters Counseling & Wellness But then, when my skin shows the signs of my hard work and my remarkable ability to adapt to what you put me through, you criticize me for having stretch marks. To add insult to injury, I’m also the one that gets verbally abused when you stop body build ing, go on a diet, or give birth to that baby, then expect me to be able to bounce back like an elastic. But you know what? Even elas tics have their limits. It took time for me to stretch to make more room. It’s going to take time to reverse that and quite frankly, I may not be able to put that genie back in the bottle if you stretch me too far.” Is this hitting home? “I’m also the one who rallies the troops so you can work ridicu lous hours doing hard manual labor. I give you motivation, en ergy, and drive. But then you get mad at me when I need a few extra minutes to get out of bed in the morn ing, grumbling at me when I creak from the pain of the day before. Good God, man, listen to the noises I make. I’m trying to tell you something.”Yourbody does so much for you. It’s con stantly working to keep you alive. It makes you breathe without any ef fort from you. It keeps your heart pumping blood through your entire system. It takes whatever you put in your mouth and moves it through your body, one way or the other, even when that food or drink has zero nu tritional value. It does all of that for you ev ery second of every day. Even when you’re sound asleep, it’s still hard at Maybework.your body doesn’t enjoy making you feel terrible when you put awful things in there but it doesn’t know a better way to get you to listen. Some of that stuff you’re giv ing yourself isn’t fit for human consump tion and it doesn’t pro vide the fuel your body needs to do everything you want to do. That soda, coffee, and al cohol? … it all dehy drates. But if it’s all you give yourself, your body has no choice but to make do with what you’ve given it. So, your body adapts. But then when you become chemically dependent on those things, you get mad at yourself. If you don’t take good care of your body, it can’t do its job for you. And honestly, it’s not going to reward you for bad behavior so if you want to drink too much alcohol, expect to feel terrible the next day. It’s the only way your body can communicate that it’s too much. If you make unhealthy choices, expect to be unhealthy. You can’t expect your body to be the picture of health when your actions don’t provide what it needs to be healthy. The hangover isn’t the problem. The extra weight isn’t the prob lem. The sore joints… they aren’t the prob lem, either. They are all simply messages from your body that the choices you are making on the outside are causing problems on the inside that you can’t see until it’s too late.Notice the internal dialogue about your body. If it is judgmen tal, imagine talking to someone else that way under the oftopledon’tanothernecessary…withonecircumstances.sameIt’sthingtomotivatetoughlovewhenit’squitetoberate.Iknowmanypeowhofeelmotivatedchangeasaresultthelatter.Iwouldn’t expect it from you, ei ther.Ifyour body could talk, what would it say? The truth is your body does speak to you in many creative ways. You just have to choose to listen.

Sound familiar? Or maybe the conversa tion goes like this: “I’m the part of your body that stretches to make room for more of you because you’re building oversized muscles, eating more calories than I can rea sonably burn, or de cide to have a baby.

by Megan Gilpatric Meredith Whole Living Center

The screening can be repeated at any time in the future to identify changes in cognitive performance.

Please call for more information or to schedule an appointment at 603-528-7700.

11— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

Austin wants to tell you about a very import ant finding in medical research. Any decline in hearing results in declines in cognitive perfor mance and brain function. Audiology Specialists provides cognitive screening that can measure some aspects of cognitive performance. This is an in-office, computerized screening. This is not an IQ test or list of questions. It is a simple, automated assessment that takes about ten minutes to complete.Theresults of this screening are not affected by hearing loss. The results help your audiologist determine which hearing aid is most appropriate and ensures your hearing solutions are right for you.

MaSSage For a Better liFe

Massage has been around in some shape or form since around 2500 BCE. Since then, the craft has grown with new techniques with practitioners found near every major city, and some in even small towns. This comes with a plethora of opportuni ties for improving your mental and physical wellbeing. Massages can range anywhere from Swedish massage, deep tissue, to Thai mas sage. Anywhere from light touch to even in some cases having a therapist use their feet to massage the knots out of your shoulders. No matter what your body needs, there is a massage for you. Mas sage can help a range of ailments such as head aches, muscle aches and pains, relaxation, as well as increased mental wellbeing.Howdo you know what massage is best for you? Start by looking around at the different massage opportunities and locations. I’ve found that if you make a few calls and chat with your potential therapist that you can come up with a better understanding of what you need and move forward with an appropriate treatment plan. It’s also very help ful to go onto a business website. Most of the time they will have write ups on their treatments of fered as well as biogra phies on each therapist that works there. That way you can get to know your practitioner a little better before deciding whether or not they are a good fit to help you in your wellness goals. Many different tech niques can be used dur ing a massage such as trigger point therapy, myofascial release as well as active and pas sive stretching. These are techniques I see most often but others like to use reflexology techniques for a foot focus, and reiki is also used often to help with one’s energy and mental well being. Having an idea of what goals you want to achieve in a ses sion is the first step. Do you want to have more range of motion, less tightness in the shoul der or low back? You may also want to relieve tension causing head aches or just relaxation. Regardless of your goals, I guarantee you can find a treatment that will work for you. Take the time to help your body both mentally and physically. Do your homework on what you need. Most people are hooked on massage af ter they get their first, and knowing what your body can feel like after a treatment is a game changer. You never truly understand all of your sore areas until you have someone work ing on them. Having a knowledgeable therapist can help track your dis comfort as everything is connected in the body. It sounds funny but at times upper back pain can be the cause of low back stiffness. Having a professional who knows how to locate and treat things like this will make all the difference in your experience. If there is a chance that you do not have access to a massage or if there’s a wait period to access your preferred therapist, there are a few things you can do at home in the meantime. Some suggestions would be to work on mobility and stretching, and this can be done by learning basic yoga positions as well as stretching areas of tension. I personally find it to be most help ful to see a picture or video, and going on You Tube and searching for stretches for shoulder tightness for example will definitely lead you on the right track! Re member to take it slow and listen to your body there is gain without pain.

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Megan Gilpatric is the Lead Massage Therapist at Meredith Whole Living Center.

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4. Infections: Much recent attention has been focused on risk of infections. What you may not realize are these same 4 factors significantly affect your immune system’s abil ity to protect you! Sufficiency of vita mins D3, A, C, and zinc powerfully affects if you get sick and how sick you get, while stress and toxins suppress your immune function. Improving these fac tors can both prevent acute infections and, in the case of chronic in fections such as shin gles, chronic fatigue or Lyme, is critical to recovery.Utilizing the integra tive medicine approach, we can assess deficien cies, toxins, stress, and infections and create an individualized plan for you to address what is limiting your wellbe ing to improve your health and prevent fu ture illness. As part of your healthcare, we utilize many modalities

The secret to wellness is making healthier choices breathe you drink you eat you How you you think Sounds simple, right? and no. Let’s dig a littleTheredeeper…arefour im portant factors that significantly impact your health: Deficiency, Infections, Stress & Toxicity. Understand ing these factors al lows you to make good choices that will make the most difference in how you look, feel, and how long you live.

• How


sleep •

2. Stress: What you think does cause ill ness, as many studies have shown. Fear, wor ry and other negative thoughts & emotions are toxins! Reprogram ming your mind with positive thoughts and working on your mental well being is the most powerful tool you have to prevent illness and live a long, healthier life!

move •What


• What

Complete exam with x-rays if necessary for only $49 this month! CHIROPRACTIC... BECAUSE THE BODY HEALS ITSELF. Crossroads Chiropractic Now at Three Locations... CrossroadsChiropractic.comMEREDITH:Dr.GrahamMoneysmith Rte 104 • 603.677.1444 PEMBROKE: Dr. Stephanie Foisy Ryan Rte 3 • 603-224-4281 EPPING: Dr. David Medina 629 Calef Hwy • 603.679.3222 See SICA on 15


12 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

1. Deficiency: When you don’t have enough of an essential nutri ent, your body does not have what it needs to function properly. Clean, fresh air pro vides essential oxygen without which you can not survive very long. Effective breathing is critical to health and is a skill you can learn. Your body is over 70% water. Drinking plenty of pure, clean water, instead of bev erages full of sugar, caffeine, or artificial sweeteners, ensures the flow of nutrients gets to your tissues and waste products are effi ciently eliminated. Your body’s engine requires water to produce en ergy; without enough, you will feel fatigued. Whole, unprocessed food provides not only macronutrients (pro Feeling Better and living longer by Robban A. Sica M.D. Grace Wellness Center tein, fat, & carbohy drates) for energy and tissue repair, we also get ofpreservepackagingwellbyisedproducedUnfortunately,yourfactorswhichessential(vitamins,micronutrientsminerals,fattyacids)arecriticalco-inwhatmakesbodyfunction.foodandmarketinourmodernworlddepletedofnutrientssoildepletionasasprocessinganddesignedtotheshelf-lifetheproduct,butnot your health! Be sure to eat food in the form closest to the way it was grown in nature! Choose organically grown fruits and veg etables, unprocessed grains and beans, grass-fed, free-range meats & poultry and wild caught fish. These foods are far more nu trient packed! No one feels their best with a deficiency of sleep! Make a goal of getting to bed around the same time and get ting up early but get at least 7 hours of sleep. Sleep apnea causes a deficiency of oxygen at night, interrupting sleep and contributing to weight gain, heart disease and other prob lems.Your body is designed for physical activity and works best when you get plenty of exercise. Our world has become more sedentary, so it is up to you to find ex ercise that you love to do and makes you feel good. That makes it easy for you to want to do it! Your thoughts are an important nutrient as well! Positive thoughts about your health nur ture your wellbeing while negative thoughts foster disease. Say this affirmation to yourself often, “I choose to live in a healthy, fit, ener getic body!” Your body will thrive!

3. Toxicity: We are exposed to over 50,000 environmental toxins on a day-to-day basis, which most people are unaware of! The air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat all con tain organic pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, lead, mercury, and even drug residues, to name a few. These tox ins interfere with cellu lar processes which can cause many symptoms and diseases, from fa tigue, depression, to life threatening illness such as cancer. Wher ever possible, become aware of and avoid sources of toxins. Invest in good quality air and water purifi ers for your home and drink water bottled in glass or BPA free con tainers. Choose organic foods that are GMO free! The Environmental Work ing Group (www.ewg. org) is a good resource to know which foods are critical to buy or ganic.EMFs disturb your sleep. Improve your sleep quality by avoid ing blue screens (TV, computer, cell phone) for 1-2 hours before bed, turning off elec tronic devices (cell phone, wifi, TV) at night and playing relaxing music to get to sleep.

13— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — Custom Made Mattresses All Types Of Beds: Standard • Antique • Trailer • RV / Camper Better Nights Make Better Days! 85 County Farm Road, Ossipee, NH sunsetmattressfactorynh.com603-539-6256 FAMILYMATTRESSSUNSETFACTORYOWNED&OPERATEDSINCE1953

DEAR DR. ROACH: As a 90-year-old man in mostly good health, I have been taking one Bactrim (sulfamethoxa zole/trimethoprim) pill per day for several years now, preventatively for recurrent urinary tract infections. I am very pleased with this suc cessful treatment. How ever, my urologist has mentioned that I might have to relinquish the Bactrim at some point without a full explana tion of why. Is there any danger in the habitual use of Bactrim? -- J.M. ANSWER: Both men and women who get recurrent urinary in fections are sometimes treated with prophylac tic antibiotics, such as the sulfa-based antibi otic you are taking. The main risk is not toxicity of the medicine, it is that you might acquire a bacterial strain that is resistant to the antibi otic treatment. You are fortunate that you have gone several years with out this developing, and you may go many more successfully, but other people periodically need to change the antibiotic they are Prophylactictaking.antibiot ics are not the first-line treatment to prevent re current infection. Urolo gists, the specialists for the urinary tract, will evaluate the urinary system to try to identify a correctable condition. I trust your urologist has considered other options before prescrib ing your current treat ment.


ANSWER: All pro teins, such as whey and collagen, are long strands of amino acids. A “peptide” is two or more amino acids con nected, while a “poly peptide” is 20 or more amino acids. A protein is a polypeptide that has a function in the organism. Proteins are broken down by acid and enzymes in your stomach, back into their component amino acids, to be used any place the body has need forPartthem.ofthe reason that skin wrinkles is loss of collagen, but it is not at all clear that consuming more collagen, or any protein, will increase the collagen in the skin and therefore reduce wrinkles. You can save a great deal of money by consuming collagen, if you decide you want to, from time-honored sources like chicken broth. Some collagen supplements are made from parts of animal carcasses that contain heavy metals and other toxins, so I would be wary of (suchvitaminMedicatedsupplements.creamslikeAderivativesasretinolortreti noin) work by increas ing collagen production in the skin. Vitamin C creams help prevent the breakdown of the existing collagen in the skin. Vitamin C breaks down quickly, so these creams need to be han dled sparingly. Moistur izing the skin makes it appear fuller and helps prevent further damage, especially when a daily sunscreen is included. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to Inc.Northcornell.edu.ourGoodHealth@med.ToY(c)2022AmericaSynd.,AllRightsReserved to your HealtH by Dr. Keith Roach M.D. Syndicated Columnist

DEAR DR. ROACH: Several months ago, I started adding 25 grams of whey protein to an afternoon smooth ie each day. I was wor ried about muscle loss after reading an article. I have seen the sagging muscles and skin in my arms and thighs. I am a 71-year-old woman, who plays tennis twice a week and goes to the gym about once a week. I have friends my age who have started adding collagen pow ders to their smoothies to improve their skin and prevent further facial wrinkles. After researching collagen supplements, I learned that they contain col lagen peptides and pro tein. The dosage and ingredients vary by ven dor. What is the correct collagen dosage and ingredients I should be looking for? Is the protein in collagen the same as the protein in whey? -- R.K.

14 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

15— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — (603) 279-6325 | drfagan@faganchiro.com 186 Daniel Webster Hwy • Suite 1 • Meredith, NH MOVE BETTER • FEEL BETTER FAGAN C H I RO PRACTIC DR. THOMAS A. FAGAN, DC suchSpecializedas: labora tory testing that identi fies which of these fac tors are impacting your health.Stress management and teaching you how to think nity.improvenaturalInnovativepositively.effectivetreatmentstoyourimmu Detoxification: Indi vidualized detox pro grams: from simple to use detox cleanses you can do at home to spe cialized treatment for heavy metals, chemi cals, or mold toxins. We would be happy to meet with you in person or virtually to help you put your health and wellness plan together! Dr. Robban Sica is delighted to now see patients in her satellite office at The Grace Well ness Center in Gilford NH. You are invited to schedule an appoint ment to be seen – and HEARD! SICA from 12 Jason Vanier, BC-HIS, cuts the ribbon for the grand opening of Family Hearing Center’s new location in Laconia at 67 Water Street #203.

16 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — #1 Call: 603-524-4778 #2 Stop by: 35 Mechanic St., Laconia, NH #3 Go to: garagabylaurentdoors.co�m _..--.._"Build Your Door" then send us your selection for pricing. ✓ Free estimate for new doors with Before & After images ✓ Friendly & Prompt service t o solve your gar age door problems ✓ For boat houses, garages an d sheds we sell the best and fix the rest! = LAURENT DOOR SYSTEMS The Garage Door Specialists laurentdoors.com (603) 524-4778 35 Mechanic Street, Laconia, NH 03246Our Business is “UP and DOWN” “Since 1959” On Tuesday, Au gust 30th, the Wright Museum in Wolfeboro will welcome author Judy Avila along with Latham Nez, grandson of Code Talker Chester Nez. This is the fif teenth program of the Wright Museum’s 2022 Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney Educa tionDuringSeries.World War II, the Japanese had managed to crack ev ery code the United States used. But when the Marines turned to its Navajo recruits to develop and imple ment a secret mili tary language, they created the only unbroken code in modern war fare—and helped assure victory for the United States over Japan in the South Pacif ic. One of those “Code Talkers” was Chester Nez. That was the Eng lish name he was assigned in kin dergarten. And in boarding school he was punished for speaking his native language, as the teachers sought to rid him of his culture and traditions. But discrimina tion didn’t stop Chester from de fending his coun try after Pearl Harbor, for the Navajo have al ways been war riors, and his up bringing on a New Mexico reserva tion gave him physicalstrength—boththeand mental—to excel as a hasHampshire,YorkingAftermarine.growupinNewandNewAvilamadeNew Mexico, with its wonderful diversity of cultures, her home. She worked as a social worker, an artist, an air traffic controller, and a computer consultant before finally discover ing writing. As a story teller, Avila hopes that her characters become fast friends with her reader.Doors open at 6 p.m., the program begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Au gust 23rd at the Wright Museum’s DuQuoin Education Center, 77 Center Street in Wolfe boro. Admission is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. Res ervations are strongly


CODE Memoir By One Of The Original Navajo Code Talkers Of WWII At Wright Museum encouraged and can be made online at museum.org.museum,2022informationbattlefield.therepresentativeitsthanseumWarofcatorsingcallinglecture-serieswrightmuseum.org/www.orby603-569-1212.Theregion’sleadresourceforeduandlearnersallagesonWorldII,theWrightMufeaturesmore14,000itemsincollectionthatareofbothhomefrontandFormoreabouttheLectureSeries,orvisitwright

Governor Chris Sununu signed HB1624 (Unified Sports bill) into law on July 22 on the Laconia High School football field. (l-r) Original sponsor Rep. Mike Moffett, Special Olympics CEO Mary Conroy, Gov. Chris Sununu, Special Olympian Kaitlyn Hilbrunner, and prime sponsor Rep. Tim Lang. unified sports column may not be as sexy as something about Tom Brady/Gisele Bünd estimates since 1981 (603) 812.5721 | SummitIrrigationNH.com in our Granite State. Unified sports bring people together—with and without intel lectual challenges— to play on the same teams. While Special Olympics are limited to special populations, unified sports involve everyone. My original measure needed work and was sent to “Inter im Study” for improve ment and hopefully future passage. I looked forward to shepherding my re vised unified sports measure forward in 2019 but fate had something else in store. I lost my reelec tion bid by 55 votes. Enter Rep. Timothy Lang (R-Sanbornton). Tim took over the bill and did the hard work over the next three years to get it appro priately amended, through multiple com mittees, and eventu ally to the finish line in 2022. He even got an extra $50,000 to help schools imple ment unified sports initiatives. Governor Chris Sununu signed the bill on the Laconia High School football field last “Unifiedmonth.sports rep resent a giant leap forward in creating an inclusive athletic com munity,” said Lang. “Who we spend sports time with indicates who we care about and who we Readersvalue.”looking to sports columns for Celtics/Bruins stuff, Patriot news, or Red Sox analysis often find that here. But while a

• service

17— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

SoFtBall, uniFied SportS, SportS Betting, & tiM lang

by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer Most of us who’ve played team sports credit our athletic ex periences for provid ing useful life lessons that stay with us long after we’ve made our last tackle, shot our last basket, or hit our last home run. Such lessons involve discipline, leadership, and fitness—as well as teamwork, perse verance, and loyalty. These life lessons can apply to business, family, the military, or even politics. If a player fouls out, gets injured or can’t play for whatever rea son, teammates step up to keep things go ing. Pinch hitting oc curs beyond the base ballWhendiamond.Iwas elected to the New ducedgamethyraiseeachhaveonDemocratsgotballthetheprimeandsomewell.cordethosILegislatureHampshirein2016broughtasportswithmetoConthat’sservedmeIalsobroughtsportsideasin2017IwasamoverbehindestablishmentofLegislativeSoftClassic—whichRepublicansandtogethertheballfieldtofun,gettoknowotherbetter,andmoneyforworcauses.The2018wasevenbetter.Also,in2018Iintroabilltobetter promote unified sports

See MOFFETT on 41

Sprinkler + Drip Irrigation Landscape LandscapingLightingServices • free


19— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

A ruby-throated hummingbird visits a canna lily bloom in New England. Hummingbirds are always a good conversa tion starter, especially in that time of year af ter the bird breeding season, but before fall migration begins. My last few columns on hummingbirds elicited a few responses from readers I’d like to share. Similar to my “prob lem,” Mary Ellen from Keene has a territorial female hummingbird that keeps all other would-be visitors away. The feistiness of New England humming birds, however, pales in comparison to the rufous hummingbirds she observed at her daughter’s property in Colorado at 9,200 feet of “Thiselevation.one bird kept all other hummers from feeding. I put up anoth er feeder thinking that would solve the problem but instead of one terri torial rufous, we ended up with two!” she wrote. Mary Ellen did some research and discovered the migration route of the rufous humming bird takes them over the Rocky Mountains when alpine flowers are in bloom. Sure enough, she wrote, the aggres sive rufous humming birds left after two weeks and the other hummingbirds were free to enjoy the feeders again.Mary Ellen also mar veled at how far these tiny birds can fly during migration. Ruby-throat ed hummingbirds are the only hummingbird species that is regu larly found east of the Mississippi River. They get to their territory, including New England, by flying nonstop over the Gulf of Mexico, a 500-mile journey that takes about 20 hours. Some hummingbirds, if they are lucky enough to find one, will stop and rest on a boat or oil rig.

Deb from Massachusetts,Royalston,said her six to 12 humming birds visit mostly at dawn and dusk.

Zaden commented on my website that: “In Japanese, they call them hachi-dori, ‘bee birds.” I love that word.” Eunice wrote on my website: “I have three feeders and 30 healthy hummers here in N.H. but hundreds of flowers for them to enjoy. Yes, my visitors hop from one feeder to another, but they all get to feed. Many are babies. It was a good year for them.”

Don and Heidi Nowers from Westminster, Ver mont, thought the rose of Sharon bush and nearby feeder would be enough to keep all of the hummingbirds con tent. Not so. “It appears that after the dominant hummer chases the little guys off, a cou ple of bees move onto the feeder. When Ruby comes back, it’s game

More on HuMMingBirdS See BOSAK on 22 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821 NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING!

BIRDSForThe New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

* Remove cloudiness from a batch of tea with this trick: Let your tea cool before refrigerating it. You also can add a small bit of boiling wa ter to a glass of iced tea if it is already cloudy.*

* Ripen a green to mato by wrapping it in a sheet of newspaper or placing it in a plain, small paper bag. Leave it on the counter and check it daily until ripe.

* “Out of prewash and looking at a nas ty grease stain? Grab your dishwashing liq uid soap (not the one you would put in your automatic dishwasher). It’s designed to break down grease, and I just dab it on, scrub a bit, then let it set for about a quarter hour. After that, I launder in hot water. It’s usually suc cessful.” -- via email

* Check bagged fro zen vegetables with the squeeze test: A bag that’s hard and solid has thawed and subse quently refrozen. You should choose another bag, one with loose, free-moving pieces.

To clean out the draw ers of my husband’s tool cabinet without disturbing the tools, I tucked a knee-high panty hose leg over my vacuum cleaner wand. Most things stayed put, but the one or two small pieces of hardware that got sucked up were eas ily retrieved. I also did this on his workbench. I picked up all the dust and shavings along with the stray pieces of hardware. I pulled them out of the hose leg, and they were in a tidy pile for him to put away. -U.L. in Kansas

now Here’S a tip

* You can keep ice cream from dripping out of the bottom of a cone. All you have to do is just place a small marshmallow or a piece of marshmallow in the bottom of the cone be fore you fill it with ice cream.Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Vir ginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

20 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! 55 Mt Major Hwy, Alton Bay 603-875-6363 • popsclamshell.com —Since 1945 FRESH SEAFOOD • GRILL FAVORITES • SUBS • ROLLS Best Whole Clams on the Lake Since 1945! (3 Generations) OPEN Thursday thru Monday 11:30-8 Closed from 3-4pm for filtering & restock (Closed Tue & Wed) 10 PLYMOUTH ST., MEREDITH • 279-8723 Blackboard Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials OPEN THUR - TUES 6AM-8PM WED 6AM - 2PM INDOOR, OUTDOOR or TAKE-OUT ! FOOD!GOODJUST 331 SOUTH MAIN ST., LACONIA 603-524-4100 SHANGHAINH.COM “The Finest Szechuan & Mandarin Cuisine in the Lakes Region” CALL FOR TAKE OUT Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am - 8pm 23CelebratingYEARSServingtheLakesRegion! For Health Conscious People ... SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE ITEMS & VEGETARIAN DISHES www.shibleysatthepier.com ON THE WATER, ALTON BAY, NH • 603-875-3636 Specializing In American Cuisine Beef ] LobsterVeal DINE BY THE LAKESIDE ! OUTDOORDECK SHIBLEY’SATTHEPIERSHIBLEY’SATTHEPIER OPEN Tues. - Sat. 11am - 10pm 302 S. MAIN STREET, LACONIA • 524-9955 • SOUTHENDNH.COM Laconia’s Best Pizza Delivered To Your Door! PIZZA / CALZONES • SALADS SUBS / SYRIANS • SEAFOOD TAKE OUT & DELIVERY Open 7 days 11 am to close Seafood • Lobster Rolls Fresh Ground Burgers Daily All Flavors Hard and Soft Serve Shibley’s Drive-InIce Cream 875-6611 for Takeout • Next to Mini Golf • Alton Bay GPS: 15 Mt. Major Hwy Specializing in American Cuisine Dine on the Water at Alton Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee Route 11 • Alton Bay, NH • 875-3636 GPS: 42 Mt. Major Hwy Seafood | Beef | Poultry | Pasta Veal | Lamb | Lobster Roll Open Daily at 11am for Lunch and Dinner Located Right by the Water Full Liquor License Boat Docking Available Dine on Our Sundeck by JoAnn Derson Syndicated Columnsit * To test the seals on your refrigerator and freezer, close a piece of paper in the door. If you can pull it out eas ily, it’s likely that your seal is loose. Clean or replace door gaskets for a better seal. * To keep vinyl seats bearable in summer heat, keep a few tow els in your car and lay them over the seat. This also keeps the plastic parts of baby seats from burning little legs and arms.*You can use plain white bread to get fin gerprints and smudges off of wallpaper and semigloss painted walls. Just ball up the bread center (not the crust) and rub the smudge away.

21— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — THE SIMPLE FEAST Of Cow Patties, Poodgies, Preacher Cookies, No Bake & Icebox Cookies

The only good thing to come out of no more bake sales in public schools because of the nut issue is that future generations of children will never have to suf fer being subjected to choosing between a rubber jelly cookie and celery with peanut but ter covered in raisins. I usually just donated my quarter to the cause and walked away. Not since cornbread have I run across a recipe for something known by so many dif ferent names yet this cookie recipe offers little deviation from re gion to region. The No Bake Cookie is, with little doubt, a thrifty, tasty, and easy to make cookie. In fact many readers are probably already fondly remem bering this cookie as one of the first they ever made. You were probably making these cookies as soon as you were old enough to be trusted near a hot stove.Aflavor similar to fudge covered oatmeal laced with a hint of peanut butter, Icebox, No Bake, Cow Patties, Poodgies, Preacher Cookies are delicious! And this is only the basic recipe. Once the basics are mastered, add-ins are encour aged. People have tried everything from spices such as Cin namon and Clove to even Chili Powder for a little zing. Other recipe alchemists will play with ingredients such as nut butter spreads and Nutella, coconut, and even crispy rice cereal. I tend to lean toward the puritanical with only the slightest alteration, subbing in Crunchy Peanut Butter forSoCreamy.why so many names for ostensibly what is the same cook ie? Well, like many other things the moni ker adopted for these cookies speaks to tra ditions and reflects re gional folklore. And, there’s just something more fun about saying “Poodgies” than there is “No-Bake Cookies,” especially when, as my son so aptly pointed out, “Well, I guess it’s kinda obvious why they call them ‘Pooh-jees’ but they don’t taste like it.” Moat Mtn. - Czech Pilsner

Smuttynose - Old Brown Dog

Henniker - Working Man’s Porter Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6

AtTAVERNHart’sTurkey Farm 233RestaurantD.W.Hwy, Meredith hartsturkeyfarm.com603.279.6212

More On Tap D.A. LONG TAVERN At 579FunspotEndicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Chapel + Main - Alone in FrostMourning-Lush DIPA Concord Craft - Hampsha Heffah Ten Bends - Sudden Crickets Maine Beer - Little Whaleboat Tuckerman - Summer Pils ...+6 More On Tap FOSTER’S TAVERN 403 Main Street Alton Bay, fosterstavernbythebay.com603-875-1234NH Tuckerman - Pale Ale Sam Adams - Wicked Hazy Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Czech Pilsner Maine Beer Co - Lunch Blue Moon - Belgian White ...+2 More On Tap newdurhameatatjohnsons.com/603.859.750069SeafoodAtTAPHOUSEJOHNSON’SJohnson’s&SteakRt11,NewDurham Burlington -Sublimated Dreams Greater Good -Passion Fruit Sour Southern Tier -Thick Mint Sloop -Open Water Stormalong -Tropical Cider 3 Floyds -Barbarian Haze ...+30 More On Tap Morrisseysfrontporch.comWolfeboro286PorchMORRISSEYS’&PubS.MainSt.,603.569-3662 ConcordHarpGuinnessSmithwick’sCraft Safe Space Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella...+11ArtoisMore On Tap OVER THE FARMSTEADMOON 1253 Upper City Rd., Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com Mango Unchained 5.5% Hoppiest IPA 4.7% Little Apples Cider 6.5% Hefeweizen 5.3% American Pale Ale 5.5% Buzzworthy Barrel Aged Imperial Stout 12.8% ...+10 More On Tap PATRICK’S PUB 18 Weirs Rd., 603.293.0841GilfordPatrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice ClownGuinnessShoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale ...+9 More On Tap THE FB603.409.934459AtBREWWITCHESPUBTheCraftBeerXchangeDoeAve.,WeirsBeach@craftbeerxchange 1911 – Cider Donut Cider Victory – Sour Monkey Maine Beer – Lunch IPA Able Ebenezer – Lady of the Lake Lager Moat – Miss V’s Blueberry Ale Left Hand – Peanut Butter Milk ...+30StoutMore On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change! WEIRS TIMES’ BEER FINDER See FEAST on 39


by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer I can still remember the first time I had a No Bake cookie. It was at a third grade bake sale where, for twenty-five cents, you could have a baggie with 2 or 3 cook ies and a dime would buy a half pint carton of milk at the cafete ria. Who knew oatmeal glued together with chocolate peanut butter fudge could taste soooo delicious? I certainly didn’t! Not until that moment when I laid out my quarter on the vinyl covered table cloth to buy myself a snack and decided to give this odd looking blob a try, did I have any idea what I was buying into. I was hooked on the first bite and my quest to find these cookies at other bake sales through the years was nearly point less. I think everyone knew what I had just discovered, there was secret magic to these little wonders. I scoured every school bake sale from third grade to high school my Senior year without any luck. It was as if I were in the last class to get to the sales table, these cookies were always sold out. I think the No Bake cookies even sold out faster than chocolate chip cookies. By the time I got to the table there were may be a few lemon drops, some cookies with rub bery Orange Marma lade, baggies of granola from the kid who had hippie parents, a few headless gingerbread men (where the heads went I have no idea) and Ant’s on a Log. (Se riously people?!?! It’s called a BAKE SALE!!!)


603 - Amber Lone Pine - Brightside Pale Ale

Great Rhythm -Topical Haze

BOSAK from 19

22 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! Open Wed. thru Sun. at 11:30am (Closed Mon. & Tues.) 83 Main Street • Alton • (603) WE’REackerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com875-3383OPENFORDINEINORTAKEOUT! OUTSIDEOURPATIOISNOWOPEN! ENJOY GREAT LOCAL CRAFT BEER ON TAP! Located just off scenic road, a short walk from the Weirs. Come By Boat or Car & Relax By The Lakeside at AKWA MARINA’S BEACH BAR & GRILLE II 95 CENTENARY AVE., WEIRS 603-968-5533 INCREDIBLELAKEVIEWS! 134 Church St • Laconia, NH • 603.524.0399 Get out & enjoy summer! Drinks & dining on our outside deck! HOMEOF 603-409-9344 • 59 Doe Ave, Weirs Beach, NH NEW Craft Beer Destination in The Weirs! W/HILLTOPMULTI-TIERBIERGARDENPANORAMICVIEWSOFTHELAKE 36 Rotating Craft Taps —BEST PIZZA IN THE REGION— HistoricFamilyCasualAmbianceDining Indoor & Patio Seating • Free function rooms for your event 603-267-7349 • gilmantonpub.com 506 Province Road Gilmanton, NH - Intersection of Rte 107 & Rte 140 Present this ad for 10% off dinner. Excludes alcohol. Exp. 10/31/22. 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • www.wrapcitysandwiches.com603-715-8600 on.” They wrote that the bees and bird chase each other and play a game of cat and mouse. They did once observe a bee and humming bird sharing the feeder, proving there is enough to go around. My house in the woods had a lot of rose of Sharon bushes growing wildly and the hummingbirds loved it. There are lists upon lists of the types of flow ers hummingbirds are attracted to. I’ve found that hummingbirds will visit just about any bloom to see if it is a potential food source. Sure, they may prefer red, tubular blooms, but they’ll come to just about any flower, I have found.Deborah from Fitz william had similar thoughts about sharing the wealth when she purchased a second hummingbird feeder. Alas, instead of the birds sharing, Deborah is “still entertained by hummer wars.” Debo rah also noted “that the hummingbirds’ warn ing of flying in an arch while it chirps is similar to a bumblebee’s warn ing?” I hadn’t noticed that before but will pay attention next time I see bumblebees acting territorially.Thankyou to all who wrote in and shared your stories. Let’s keep the conversation about nature going.

Readers that would like a free pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Indepen dence, may contact me at gmail.comcampconstitution1@

SHURTLEFF from 8 TAKE 10%OFF WITHTHISAD Mon-Sat 11-7 / Sun 12-5 Home of the Lakes Region’s Only Certified Chocolatier 603-366-KNDY Across the street from Funspot • 604 Endicott Street N., Laconia, NH WT

Camp Constitution is part of New Hampshire’s “Adopt a Highway” pro gram sponsoring two miles of Highway on Rt 28 in Alton. There are many stretches of high way in the area that do not have any sponsors. Perhaps these “think globally—act locally” folks can put their mon ey where their mouths are and “Adopt a High way.” Those that are in terested can contact the New Hampshire Depart ment of Transportation.

on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER WithConnectUs!603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com THURSDAYSTRIVIA In the Tavern @ 7pm FRIDAYSLIVE MUSIC 5-8 PM Turkey • Steaks • Prime Rib • Seafood The C opper K ettle TAVERN Exit 23 off I-93 • 233 Daniel Webster Hwy • Meredith 69 State Route 11, (just south of the Alton circle) New Durham, NH 603.859-7500 | EatAtJohnsons.com Serving Lunch & Dinner Dine in or Takeout 7 Days A Week JOHNSON’STAPHOUSE Featuring36BEERSonTap! RESTAURANT | DAIRY BAR | MARKETPLACE | TAPHOUSE OLDE PROVINCE COMMON • 71 RTE 104 • MEREDITH WE 603-279-3013DELIVER!MEREDITH’SNEWESTPIZZAPLACE! Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street At Paugus Bay Plaza, Laconia Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm M Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street at Paugus Bay Plaza THIS WEEKEND SPECIALS Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Italian & American Comfort FoodMyrna’s Classic CuisinePasta•SteaksSeafood myrnascc.com Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, voted one of the top ten restaurants in NH by Boston Magazine. 403 Main Street, Alton NH fosterstavernbythebay.com603-875-1234 NOW OPEN DAILY @ 11am • LUNCH & DINNER 403 Main Street, Alton NH 603-875-1234 • fosterstavernbythebay.com NOW OPEN DAILY @ 11am • LUNCH & DINNER GREAT FOOD LIVE MUSIC & GOOD TIMES! ing of the ozone produc tion are believed to be related to meteorological factors such as temper ature and winds, rather than further increas es in sphere.”chemicalsozone-destroyingintheatmo Mixologist CongresswomanturnedAlex andria Ocasio-Cortez warned us in 2019 that we had only 12 years to live unless we adopt the Green New Deal. And let us not forget sea levels rising as the elite buy “unsustain able” beach front man sions. Climate alarmists Barack Obama recently purchased a mansion on Martha’s Vineyard. Despite the academic and media blacklist ing of climate realists, the truth is getting out. Groups like CFACT, the Heartland Institute and Climate Depot have helped to expose the fraudulent research of the climate alarmists. A recent report by meteorologist Antho ny Watts discovered that 96 percent of cli mate data is 8,086.”average:average:thehaveclimate-relatedless10099deathsreportsentistAnothermate-data-is-corruptedpodcasts/96-of-us-cliland.org/multimedia/https://www.heartcorrupted:reportfromsciBjornLomborgthatclimatehavegonedownpercentinthelastyears:“Contrarytobreathmediareporting,deathsdropped96+%overpastcentury1920s485,0001910s18,3572020:Whiletherearelegiti mate environmental is sues, and we should be good stewards of the Earth, let us not give in to the climate alarmists that see the American middle-class as the big gest threat to the world, and are doing their best to tank our economy as they enrich themselves.”



1192 Weirs

26 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun!

On Saturday, August 27 from 10am to 2pm, the New England Rac ing Museum in Loudon will host the Hot Rods, Muscle and More Car Show, presented by Shea Concrete Prod ucts. Accepting all makes, models, and years, the show will feature more than 150 vehicles with proceeds to support the mission of the New England Racing“EverythingMuseum.we do is meant to preserve and educate the pub lic on the history of New England motor racing,” said Thomas Netishen, executive di rector. “This show is a wonderful and fun way for the public to have a great time and learn more about us and the region’s rich motor rac ingInhistory.”total,the museum will award 21 trophies, including the ParkerCoraine Best of Show Trophy. “Ted Parker and Gil Coraine are a big part of the muse um’s success, so we are thrilled we can honor them in this way each year,” added Netishen. One highlight of the show is the ‘Coolest Sounding’ vehicle run off competition, which takes place at 1pm. In addition to a 50/50 raffle, visitors are in vited to explore the his tory of regional motor racing with more than 30 historical race car and motorcycle exhib its inside New England Racing Museum as well as test their skills on its Hot rodS and ‘ligHt’ HigHligHt on new HaMpSHire Heritage MuSeuM trail

iRacing and four lane electric slot car track. “We look forward to welcoming supporting car owners and specta tors of all ages to our annual car show fund raiser for a day of fam ily fun,” said Netishen. The cost to enter a vehicle into the show is $20, which includes two free tickets to the museum that day of the show. The cost for spectators is $5 per person with kids under 12 admitted free. To learn more, visit nems theterbury,Shakermuseum.com.InnearbyCanterburyVillageinCanvisitorshaveuniqueopportunity to explore several of its historic 18th century structures with protec tive UV filters removed from the windows. This opportunity is made possible through “Let There Be Light: Natu ral Illumination,” one of several new ‘By Ap pointment Only’ Tours. “With these filters re moved, visitors can ex perience the inside of these buildings in love ly natural light like the Shakers themselves,” said Executive Director Leslie Nolan. “It is an incredible experience.” “Let There Be Light” takes place on Fridays, August 19, September 16, and October 21. Other ‘By Appointment Only’ Tours include “Elders & Eldresses: Shaker Leadership” and “Music & Move ment: Shaker Song & Dance.”Established in 1792, Canterbury Shaker Vil lage is one of the old est, most typical and completely preserved of the Shaker Villages. Subscribing to a revo lutionary Christianity that shocked their con temporaries, the Shak ers challenged nearly every mainstream ideal of American society. “These appointmentonly tours provide a rare glimpse into Shak ers life,” added Nolan. To make an appoint ment, or learn more about the Village, visit shakers.org.Inaddition to the New England Racing Mu seum in Loudon and Canterbury Shaker Village in Canterbury, member institutions on the New Hampshire Heritage Museum Trail are located in New Hampshire’s Lakes Re gion, Merrimack Valley, and Seacoast. To learn more about The Trail or any member institu tion, visit nhmuseum trail.org. Boulevard, Weirs Beach, NH 603-366-4673

• CHANNELCOTTAGES.COM Offering 15 unique 1, 2 and 3+ bedroom vacation rental cottages with A/C, Wi~Fi and most with fully equipped kitchens Docking Available • Pet Friendly • Very Clean & Comfortable Where you want to be on Lake Winnipesaukee!

27— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

vertical Jigging For lake trout

Tim Moore

Contributing Writer

Vertical jigging lake trout in August and September is one of my favorite activities, both as an angler and as a guide. Having a 50fish day is not uncom mon. It’s a numbers game. Just remember

Emilie T. from Vermont scored this laker, and several others on Winnipesaukee.

Using a lure that they haven’t seen before is sometimes the key to a more productive trip. My favorite lures are metal jigs designed with sizes and profiles which closely resemble that of small baitfish and are designed spe cifically for vertical jig ging. If you look inside my tackle box, there are two lures that will always be there. My ultimate favorite is the 1.4 ounce smelt-col ored Nervous Minnow Jointed Jig from Daddy Mac Lures. It is my sig nature series lure, but I wouldn’t even mention it if it didn’t work. It works better than any other lure I have ever used for lake trout. The Daddy Mac 1/2-ounce Albie jig in blue is a blade-style spoon that also closely resembles the size and profile of the rainbow smelt that lake trout are often feeding on, and is one of my favorites, espe cially on Lake Winnipe saukee. These lures are compliant with the New Hampshire lead ban, as they are considered a spoon by definition.

THEAdventureORIGINALGolf Test your skills! Known throughout the country for family fun! The Adventure Is Open Daily • Both Locations Route 3 • 528-6434Winnisquam Route 3 • 366-5058Meredith THAd The Adventure Is Route 3 • Wininiisqquam Bring the camera and the family! $ with100OFFthiscoupon Meredith course now open with NEW greens! **Safe Social Distancing Rules @ Both Locations STAND wildmeadowpaddlesports.comKAYAKSPADDLEBOARDSUP•CANOES603-253-75366WhittierHwy.Moultonborough “At the Lights” in Center Harbor ActivitiesRentalsSales See MOORE on 30

As for a particular jig ging cadence, the fish pick the winners. Vary your cadence until you figure out what best triggers bites and, pay close attention to your line as your lure falls. Count down how long it takes to get to the bottom. If your lure stops sinking early, you know a fish has it in its mouth. Then close your bail and set the hook. The majority of bites will come on the drop when jigging or while dropping back down to the fish.

For many lake trout angler, trolling is syn onymous with lake trout fishing. For me, when I think about lake trout fishing, vertical jigging in August or September is the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, as soon as the summer vertical jig bite ends, I begin thinking about next year. I like trolling for salmon, rainbows, and lake trout, but there is something about feel ing a lake trout bite on a vertical presentation. The thump, the hook set, and the fight are a blast.When lake water tem peratures reach their highest, usually in Au gust, lake trout will head deep. As the days grow shorter, the lakers begin to school up in greater numbers and feed aggressively. The shorter days tell the trout that it’s almost time for them to spawn. For that they will need energy in the form of fat reserves, which they usually get from feed ing on rainbow smelt, and sometimes they feed all Augustday.and Septem ber lake trout are typi cally found in some of the deepest areas of a lake. On Lake Win nipesaukee they often suspend 100’ down over 150’ of water. This makes them somewhat easier to locate, but not always easy to catch. They typically see a fair amount of fishing pressure and there are usually so many smelt in the same area that dropping your jig into them is like throwing a needle into a haystack.

North Country Cen ter for the Arts (NCCA in Lincoln, NH, invites you to step into Jean’s Playhouse and right into the intriguing world of The 39 Steps, open ing August 25. John Buchan’s original ad venture thriller became a classic film of intrigue by Alfred Hitchcock, and the stage version explores that world through the eyes of a fast-paced farcical ad aptation by Patrick Bar low. An award-winning writer for stage and ’39 StepS’ HitcHcock’S claSSic tHriller and coMedy in lincoln

screen, as well as an actor himself, Barlow takes Hitchcock’s twists and turns and layers on theFourcomedy.actors don mul tiple costumes and props to portray more than 100 eccentric characters in a dizzying progression of murder, escape, and subterfuge – and resulting in a roller-caster of laughs, gasps, and plot twists.

SHETLANDTraditionaltoCommittedBreeding1927®SHEEP Center Sandwich • kindredspiritfarmnh@gmail.com603-284-7277 Like us! KINDRED SPIRIT FARM —FARM FRESH FINE FLEECE— Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH 603-476-LOON (5666) • www.Loon.org SEEFORWEBSITEHOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails!

ningThethetorealtotheattractiveheringhopingtheagent,counter-espionageHannaygoesonruntoScotland–toendthespyandclearhisname,getsinvolvedwithanwomanandplottakesoff.It’saraceforHannaysolvethestory,andatreatforaudienceskeeponpacewithactionandlaughs.TonyAwardwinplaymanagesto mix spies and romance, thrills and spills, mur der and mystery, with a huge dose of satisfying humor – all led by those four singular actors and paced by a deft director. With only seven per formances scheduled, advance tickets to The 39 Steps are recom mended: evening per formances Thurs-Sat at 7:30 pm, and one Wednesday matinee at 2:00pm on Aug. 31. Get info and purchase online at www.jeans playhouse.com; Box Office is staffed Wed.Sat., phone messages returned at 603-7452141.

Hitchcock’s 1935 ver sion introduced the character Richard Han nay to a broad audi ence. A civilian in Lon don, Hannay becomes caught up in preventing an organization of spies called “The 39 Steps” from stealing British military secrets. After being mistakenly ac cused of the murder of a

Four actors deliver the laughs and portray over 100 characters retelling the taut Hitchcock thriller of The 39 Steps in a limited-run production at NCCA/Jean’s Playhouse in Lincoln, Aug. 25-Sept. 3rd. Miles Messier, Alexandra Tarsinov, David VanDyke, and John Marshall as the beleaguered Richard Hannay, lead the way in this fast-paced, farcical thriller. Tickets and more info at www.jeansplayhouse.com

28 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun!


29— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun!

and the


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The Historical Society gives a special thanks to RE/Max Bayside for generously underwrit ing this event.

as well as their personal experiences.

The Meredith Histori cal Society has sched uled a unique historical boat tour of Meredith’s islands and the east ern shore of Meredith Neck on linewellthecruiseitsBear,transportCampcietySeptemberWednesday,14.TheSohascharteredtheLawrenceYMCA’svessel,theforthisfirstofkind2-hourguidedamongmanyoftown’sislandsasastheNeckshoretowardCenterHar bor. The excursion will depart from the pub lic docks at Goodhue Marina (formerly Shep Brown’s Boat Basin), on Lovejoy Sands Rd. Historical Society board members John Hopper and Rudy Van Veghten will provide a running commen tary on the historical points of interest along the scenic route which HiStorical Boat tour oF MereditH’S and neck Chicken was particularly rich in nineteenth century activity. They will draw upon extensive re search on the lake Neck Boarding will begin at 12:30 p.m. for a 1 p.m. departure with a rain date the following day. Seating is being lim ited to only 50 people. Ticket price is $25 for Historical Society mem bers and $35 for nonmembers. To reserve a seat for this special event, contact Ceil An drews at (603)387-8426 or TheMuseumMuseumtionIncom.ceilandrews@aol.ProceedswillbeusedtheongoingpreservaoftheMainStreetanditsFarmonWinonaRd.MeredithHistorical Society is a non-profit 501c.3 organization.

30 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — OPEN DAILY FOR THE SEASON THROUGH OCT 31ST 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro, NH 603-569-1212 • WrightMuseum.org On Exhibit July 1 - Oct. 31, 2022 LET ME BE MYSELF: THE LIFE STORY OF ANNE FRANK Visit our website for admission information and event schedule. HOURS: Mon. – Sat., 10am-4pm Sunday, Noon-4pm The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun!

Visit information.Outdoors.comwww.TimMooreformore

MOORE from 27 D.A.

that you are bringing these fish up from deep water. They will need time to expel gasses from their swim blad der, so bring them up slow. When you think you are bringing them up slow enough, slow down about even more. You will notice that they will fight hard at first, then feel like dead weight, and then begin to fight again once they burp out some of the air in their swim blad der. Moments later you may see air bubbles rise to the surface. If you love vertical jig ging any species of fish, and you enjoy catching them in large numbers, vertical jigging for lake

Rich is a regular client of Tim Moore Outdoors who loves vertical jigging lake trout.

LONG TAVERN Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com Always Lots Of Fun On Tap! TAVERN HOURS Open Every Day, year round Open Daily At Noon Sun. - Thur. noon -10pm Fri. & Sat. noon - 11pm EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE Explore our rotating draft selection with 12 carefully curated offerings! GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Made to Order Pizza, Chicken Fingers Hot Dogs & French Fries

Tim with a beauty of a lake trout he jigged up in his Old Town kayak on Lake Champlain. trout might be for you.

The fish are present in numbers, they are there to feed, and they fight hard. It’s hard to beat the big head shakes of a beefy togue. Taking care of the fish you catch by bringing them up slowly, getting them back in the water quickly, and releasing the bigger ones to be caught another day will ensure that there are plenty for your next outing, and the next, and the next. Tim Moore is a fulltime licensed NH fish ing guide and owner of Tim Moore Outdoors. LLC. He is a member of the New England Out door Writers Associa tion and the producer of Tim Moore Outdoors TV.


31— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — Cabinet refacing starts at only 35% Cost of cabinet replacing. Cabinet refacing includes new doors & drawer fronts of your choice Free Estimates.... Compare and SAVE BIG! • Meredith, NH 603-279-6555 DOOR ••BROUGHTSAMPLESTOYOU!NewCountertopsCountertopRefacing(SAVE BIG!) • New Drawers • Custom Vanities • Closet Storage AFTER The photo on top left shows a dark woodgrain kitchen that was refaced with a light cherry woodgrain, plus new doors and drawer fronts to brighten up kitchen. The same kitchen could have been refaced with any woodgrain or solid color you see in the photo of sample doors. Refacing your cabinets is less than HALF THE PRICE of replacing them, SAVING YOU BIG MONEY. CALL US FOR YOUR FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE 603-279-6555 No Demolition!Messy Alternative!AffordableTheBEFORE Dumont Cabinet Refacing & Counter Tops Seeking area residents interested in having an on-site assessment of their private wells. This service is grant funded by the USEPA. There is no charge for the well assessment which also includes FREE standard analysis water test. The well assessment considers site condi tions, geology, land use practices, well construc tion, and maintenance in determining if condi tions exist which would impact your well water quality. Site specific recommendations and best practices will be provided to help keep your wa ter safe from contamination.

FRITZIE from 1 See FRITZIE on 32

Contact Mmistretta@rcapsolutions.org or 603-312-7901 to schedule an assessment.


the National Champion ship Motorcycle Races held each June attract ing the best motorcy cle racers through the United States and over 25,000 fans. From the beginning, Fritzie had a constant argument with the com missioners. Although they spoke glowingly about making him as their choice for the posi tion “…is attested to by the progressive accom Fritzie Baer waves from Cannon’s Sno-Cat on the Tiger Trail at Belknap Recreation Area.


The Witches Brew Pub at Weirs Beach is hopping these days and we are looking for servers. Nonecessary.experience Top Pay & Great Tips! Call: 603-409-9344 and competition refer ee for motorcycle races throughout the East. He was a promotor. The races were a wel comed infusion of cash to the Lakes Region, held each year around Father’s Day on the sec ond week of June. This was before school was out and summer vaca tions starting so there was an abundant sup ply of rooms and dining for the thousands of motorcycle fans coming to the Lakes Region for theByracing.endof the 1940’s, the Belknap Mountains Recreation Area (re ferred to by the locals as The Area) was flounder ing. The management were over their heads. In the May 1949 An nual Reports of Belknap Country, it reports: A bill was introduced to establish a commission to manage the Area. On a 9-8 vote, the bill was notInintroduced.February 1950, a report was given at a public hearing on the Area over the past 10 years. The findings re vealed that it had not kept pace with other facilities that offered a variety of winter sports and had no long range planning. The commis sioners had not hired a competent and quali fied full-time manager, even when they admit ted it was necessary. The ski slopes were a disaster as lack of maintenance had branches growing out of the snow, result ing in a number of injuries. Skiers were taking their busi ness elsewhere. This Promoted as ‘The longest rope tow in the world’ at 3,100 feet long and rising 900 feet, riding the rope tow was a feat for any skier. If it was stopped while you were going up hill, you typically had to crawl out of the woods back to the trail as it was almost impossible to hang on when it started again. caused an outrage by lo cal businesses, who saw their revenues shrink ing since skiers were not returning. The Area had a loss of commissionerswas$6,500aagerbecomebardmissionerMayturnFritizie$53,000.tookadrasticinhiscareerin1950,whenComNormanHubconvincedhimtogeneralmanofTheAreawithtwo-yearcontractatperyear.Fritziewellknowntothedueto

Fritzie bragged in the Annual Reports that by grooming the turf slopes in the summer, adding 33 topsoil and grass, that “……we can now ski on Phelps with just 3” of snow.” In Fritzie’s first synop sis of his year at the Area, posted in the Belknap County Annual Report, he sings the praises of the Ski Advisory Com mittee that he relied heavily upon of turn ing the Area around. These ten men recom mended various im provements that Fritzie would act upon. Trails were groomed through

FRITZIE from 31 See FRITZIE on

Boston Ski Show 1955- Fritzie had seen Annalee Thorndike’s ski dolls and used them for the Belknap booth. Annalee thought this was a fantastic promotion for her dolls, resulting in many orders. In the 1960’s, Louise Baer sold Annalee dolls in her gift shop at The Weirs called the Christmas Carol.

Ski Jumping Competition 1956 - Initially, Gunstock was more popular for ski jumping than alpine skiing. Think of ski jumping competitions as the X Games of today. With a ski jumping complex of 4 ski jumps, (10M, 20M, 40M and 70M), this was the most modern ski jumping complex in New England and attract Olympic caliper jumpers, entertaining crowds in the thousands. plishments and many friends that Fritzie Baer has won for himself and Belknap Area in just a few months.” While not a skier himself, he quickly formed com mittees of those who knew skiing, like Roxy Rothafel, part of the ski advisory board. It is important to re member that these were the years of no artifi cial snow making. You only had what Mother Nature provided. Frit zie’s son, Jim, has often told the story of being a young boy, woken in the night by his father. “We have to go out to the Area, Jimmy, before the wind starts blowing the snow, and pack it down with the Sno-Cat.” Back and forth for a few hours, Fritzie and Jimmy drove the SnoCat pulling a huge roller to pack down the snow. Jimmy was a tired boy at school the next day but those inches were out the summer, re moving brush, adding topsoil and grass to en able skiing with much less snow. The skiers immediately noticed the improvement and returned, filling rooms and dining establish ments throughout the Lakes Region. A learning hill was es tablished for the Area’s ski school, along with a rental shop offering boots and skis for the beginners. The inside precious, white gold.

32 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — GILPATRIC METAL RECYCLING , LLC —Call for pricing We Buy CONVERTERSCATALYTIC - See Nick for Pricing Bring us your ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycle! BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7am to 3pm Closed Sat. & Sun. Fully Licensed Facility License Number: 21J-001B Permit Number: DES-SW-PN-11-006 201 Abel Road, Bristol, NH 03222 **IF USING GPS, TAKE RIVER RD TO ABEL RD. (DO NOT TAKE PEAKED HILL RD.) Office: (603) 744-3453 Fax: (603) 744-6034

33— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — of the Recreation Build ing had a considerable amount of work done and an additional Grill Room was added for serving food and bever age. At the same time, Fritzie used all of his contacts, from his many years promoting motor cycle racing, to garner press for The Area. To attract more ski ers and tourists to The Area, there were many more improvements that had to be made. Fritzie was constantly pleading his case to the commissioners. Frit zie was a promoter and needed to have an im proved Area to promote. In August 1951, there was a meeting at The Area where Fritzie spoke of the reduction in his $99,000 asked for bud get to $60,000. He had only just heard about it. He complained that if he had known ear lier about the reduction, they could have made cuts in May and June. His quote to the press was, “The delegation had no right to bring me here if I was not given a fair chance to make the Area operate at a profit.” By December 1951, the question of selling the Area to a private investor was brought up to the commission ers. One of the Belknap delegation said that they represented a group of individuals that would be willing to start with a bid of $100,000 for the Area. But the com missioners knew they had the right man in Fritzie. The stated in the annual report for 1951: “We are deeply indebted to our Managing Direc tor Fritzie Baer, for his tireless enthusiasm and careful planning of the future of the Belknap Area and can heartily agree with him in saying that the best years are still ahead.” The commissioners were in charge of the funding for the Area. Greg Goddard, for mer GM of Gunstock for twenty-one years until his retirement in 2020, once told me that if a part on the Sno-Cat broke that needed fund ing, Fritzie had to call a meeting of the com missioners where he would present his case for the money. In the ski business, those de cisions need to be made immediately by the GM in charge of the opera tions. This frustrated Fritzie immensely and he often expressed this The Area’s revenues for 1953 were $91,950 with a net profit of $11,790 ($102,000 in 2012 dollars). The Can Fritzie knew how important the Sno-Cat was to making the snow conditions on Belknap trails as smooth as possible. Many nights he would wake up his son Jimmy in the middle of the night to accompany him to The Area to pack down the snow that was falling before the wind had a chance to blow it from the trails. There was no artificial snow making in the 1950's, only Mother Nature. frustration, sometimes in the press. In 1952, Fritzie had increased revenues over $100,000, up 87% from 1950, with a net profit of $10,310. The three commissioners wrote the following paragraph in the Annual Report: “The Belknap Recre ation Area has had a most successful year from both an operation al standpoint as well as a financial one. The Area report as given by Manager Fritzie Baer in cluded in this book gives the improvements and financial aspect for the year. We see no reason why the Area should be a taxpayer’s burden under the able manage ment of Fritzie Baer; we commend him for his enthusiasm in the pro motion of the Area.”

A second Sno-Cat was purchased. Being handed the keys from the Nashua distributor is Assistant GM Bobby Baer. Chair of the Ski Advisory Board Roxy Rothafel is on the far left and GM Fritzie Baer is on the far right. Mary Strafford is seated in the driver's seat. The new Cat is dragging a metal chain mat that was used to groom the slopes.

FRITZIE from 32 See FRITZIE on 34

The Area had now added 3-4 acres of pic nic grounds and re moved a swamp area by straightening out vari ous brooks, creating additional parking ar eas. The ski trails were bulldozed, smoothed, reseeded and fertilized. Fritzie also gives praise to others. “We are very grateful to our Ski Advi sory Board, headed by James Rogers, and the Belknap Mountain Ski Patrol, headed by John Gauthier, for their advice and cooperation in lay ing out our long-range program.”

Fritzie relied heavily on the Ski Advisory Board, which formed the Belknap Ski Patrol to insure the safety of skiers. From left to right, Danny Wilson, Walter Goodwin, Lorraine Dickner, Unknown, Unknown and Roger McGrath. (Do you know the unknowns, let us know.)

34 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — —OPEN EVERY DAY— Mon. - Fri. 7am-6pm, Sat. & Sun. 8am-4pm 131 Lake St., Gilford, NH (In the old Cheapo Depot) used2bnewllc.com • 603-366-8044 All 4 Businesses in 1 Location! Rakin’ It In • Vinyl Visions • Bossnit Metal COME SEE US!COME SEE US! Back to School Sale! 15% STOREWIDEOFF

non Mountain Sno-Cat was brought to The Area for Fritzie to try out. He convinced the commis sioners for the need of the technology and the first Sno-Cat was pur chased and paid for. In the 1953 Annual Re port, Fritzie notes, “We have seen thousands of skiers using trails that formerly had to have several inches to a foot of snow, schussing down on 4 inches and even less.” Besides skiing and the motorcycle races, Frit zie was attracting other groups to use The Area for their events. The New York Symphony utilized the Recreation building for two concerts. A sur vey was taken that in dicated $300,000 ($3.3 million in 2022 dollars) was spent in the Lakes Region as a result of the Laconia National motorcycle race held at theFritzieArea. and the com missioners were still butting heads. In Febru ary 1954, Fritzie com pared the Area’s pro posed budget of $50,000 to what the State is 1,000 skiers per hour compared to the single chair’s 240. The Red Hat Trail is built, an expert trail to attract the better skiers to the Area. The success of better trail grooming was evident as January grossed over $20,000 ($220,000 in 2022 dol lars) although snowfall was less than 4 inches of snow. February 1955 saw the installation of spending at Sunapee ($150,000) and Cannon ($350,000). He realizes the need for another lift other than the rope tow and single chair and proposes a new lift, the T-Bar. The budget for the T-Bar is approved $50,000. The contract comes in at $45.000. The three-day Laconia National race in 1954 gives The Area a profit of $5,000 ($55,000 in 2022 dollars). The com missioners’ comments about the Area are brief and state, “The report of Mr. Baer, manager of the Area, and operating figures are included in this report.” The new T-Bar has a capacity of an answering machine at the Area. This will give round the clock snow reports by calling ‘Glendale 2572’. The summer of 1955 was an extremely busy time for The Area. June 14th saw 20,000 spec tators watching the La conia National motorcy cle race. nine days later, The Area hosted a cookout for 6,000 to welcome

FRITZIE from 33 See FRITZIE on 35

The ski slopes were a disaster as lack of maintenance had branches growing out of the snow. Under Fritizie’s management they were bulldozed, smoothed, reseeded and fertilized.

“Under the efficient management of Fritzie Baer, the Rec reation Area has had a very profitable year.” In his report, Fritzie notes, “After 5 years as manager of the Area we still believe we can gross, with proper condi tions, $125,000.” That would be $1.3 million in 2022 dollars. The Annual Report for 1956 proved Fritzie correct. Revenues for 1956 were $148,215, an increase of 34% over 1955! That’s $1.6m in 2022 dollars. The commissioners state, “Under the con tinued efficient manage ment of Fritzie Baer the to the cable. They had been installed to make a smooth ride over the chair support pulleys. There was one fatality. The NH Tramway Safety Act would be developed

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Fritzie was well known throughout New England for the 100 Mile National Motorcycle races held each year at Laconia. Having retired from working at Indian Motorcycles in Springfield MA to become the GM at Gunstock, it was only fitting that he would purchase the ski accessory for his Indian Chief model. Skis were mounted on hinges on each side of the motorcycle and you would step down on the skis when you were on snow. A very early snowmobile. and a great press release to promote The Area.

President Eisenhower. Fritzie is introduced to the President. His wife, my grandmother Lou ise, remembers thinking to herself, “I hope he remembers to remove his red hat when he is introduced!”

35— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

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This was a February 1954 AP photo promoting the ‘good to excellent’ slope conditions. This picture is from the top of Phelps, which also had lights for night skiing. The rope tow ride to the top was as exciting as the skiing down.

Delivered •

Recreation Area had a banner year financially.” Fritzie’s report notes, “Financially, it was the biggest year in the Ar ea’s history, in spite of poor skiing conditions in January and the break ing of the cable on the chair lift in July, which stopped our summer rev enue.”


of Standing

FRITZIE from 34 See FRITIZIE on 36 Fritzie realized that not everyone who visited The Area was a skier. This was a 20 passenger accessory for the Sno-Cat, thrilling non-skiers with rides on the packed snow. The ski shop also rented toboggans, which many thrill seekers would take over to the ski jumps for fast rides down those hills.

One month later, on July 17th, they hold a summer ski jumping event with the help of the Laconia Ice Com pany. 2.000 spectators

The single chair lift collapsed due to fa tigue that was hidden by rubber sleeves on the chair connectors www.a-1firewood.com 603-978-5012 & Buyer Hardwood watch the

36 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — Prior Years Unfiled Returns Our Specialty!!! How self-employed individuals can repay deferred Social Security tax How can low-income families register for monthly Child Tax Credit payments Focus on fraud: Romance and Remarriage in later years Late Filer? No Problem Statutes of Limitation for Tax Collection Protect Your Tax Returns from Past Years Why You Should Always File Returns for Past Years, Even if You Haven’t Filed In Years Time Limits for Refunds and Audits Remedies for Missing Tax Documents Are My Social Security Benefits Taxable? Records You Need to Keep TaxAPACHEPreparation ApacheTax@yahoo.com 732-501-2985 St. 291603-524-960930ChurchJosephChurchSt.Laconia,NHSacredHeartChurchUnionAveLaconia,NH603-524-9609VeryReverend Marc B. Drouin, V.F., Pastor St. André Bessette Parish Mass Schedule at Sacred Heart Church

In March 1958, The Area budget was dis cussed. Senator Rogers spoke in regard to the

Sacred Heart Church is open daily for private prayer www.standrebessette.org report, Fritzie gives glowing praise to the Ski Advisory Board and co-chairmen, James Rodgers and Ar thur (ROXY) Rothafel. He states that their rec ommendations are be ing carried out 100% and a long-range pro gram has been set-up. There are now two paid Ski Patrolmen on The Area’sUnderpayroll.Fritzie’s man agement, the revenues for 1957 were $124,238,

FRITZIE from 35 See FRITZIE on 37

Area from his viewpoint as a member of the Ad visory Committee. He said new facilities were needed and it was no fault of present manage ment. He stated that if business at The Area is to continue to be good, Belknap County should either change the type of management or sell it to the state. Belknap County did not have the proper facilities for handling the operation. Frtizie was asked for comments and re sponded to questions. He thought the Area should have another new Sno-Cat. He sug gested that the county could issue bonds to the amount of $100,000 to buy a new Poma lift and that income would pay the debt. He reported re ceipts up to March 1,of $90,073.41. ($949,000 in 2022 dollars). April 15, 1958 -A mo tion was made by Rep. Miner, and duly sec onded, that “A commit tee of five (5) members of this Convention be appointed by the Con vention Chairman, to investigate existing con ditions and operating procedures of Belknap Recreation Area, and to report their findings to this convention not later than 1 November, 1958, in accordance with RSA Chap.24: Sections 17, 18 and 19. She further moved, and it was duly seconded, that her re marks following the for mal motion be made a part of the record of the Convention.

For“Mr.Remarks:Chairman:severalyears there has been themeasures,perhapsrecommendations,tiontolaterConvention,thatbethatpriseeitherthattheCommissionerstionshaveRecreationerationdiscussionconsiderableontheopoftheBelknapArea.TherebeenrecommendamadetotheCountyandtoCountyConventiontheAreabesold,toprivateenterortotheState,oraBelknapAuthorityestablished.InorderthemembersofthisorthoseofaConvention,beabletakeapositiveaconanyoftheaboveorsuggestotherIhavemadeabovemotion.” It was so voted, 11-1. In the Annual Report for 1958, the Area’s rev enues were $206,000, a 385% increase over the past 9 years. This is the largest year in the Area’s history. The Operating Surplus was $25,000. ($256,000 in 2022 dol lars). Fritzie was paid $7,981.77 ($82,000 in 2022 state,Thedollars).commissioners “Attention is called to the reports of the Rec reation Area auditor and their 2nd largest in its reporthistory.Thecommissionersstates, “Under the management of Fritzie Baer another good year has been had at the Area, despite the lack of snow in November and December.” In his report, Fritzie states, “We know that Belknap has now tak en its place as a Ma jor Ski Area, and we should be thinking of another up-hill ski lift, more parking space and more trails.” He also states, “Our thanks to the County Commission ers, the County Delega tion and members of the Belknap Staff for their support and guidance in our many problems at the Belknap Mountain Recreation Area.”

as a result and become a model for all other states.Inhis

This headline probably was the last straw for the county commissioners. Fritzie had stepped on their toes (and egos) once too often, criticizing their micro-management of The Area. Fritzie realized that the only way The Area was going to stay competitive was to add more vertical. Ironically, Fritzie was fired in July and in September, the legislature established the Gunstock Area Commission, a de facto board of directors, to assist The Area’s management and keep politics out of the policy making.

Saturdays: 4pm; Sundays: 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30am Daily Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8am, Tuesday: 5:00pm All Masses Livestreamed at standrebessette.org

The exhibition will include paintings by Teresa Spinner, folk art by Jim Lambert. Ken Davis, Judith Carducci and Berton Silverman’s work from Spinner’s collection will be available.

On January 23 1959, Fritzie gives a talk to the weekly meeting of the Laconia Rotarians at the Tavern. He told then that dealing with the county commissioners as to the needs of the Belknap Area has been most unsatisfactory. For this reason, Fritzie hopes that the Legisla ture will create an Area Authority, which will have jurisdiction over the recreation center in Gilford.“Iam not proud of the performance of the county commission ers relative to the Area for the past four or six years,” said Fritzie. He told the crowd that he had wanted The Area to start a similar ski school to what Hannes Schneider was doing at Cranmore, but that the county commissioners turned him down. Ironi cally, a few short years later, Olympic medal winner and local Gil ford woman Penny Pi tou would open her ski school at The Area with her husband Egon Zim merman.Fritzie said that he had been moved to re sign a dozen times due to the commissioners’ lack of cooperation. In July 1959, Fritzie was fired by the county com missioners. Rather than be thankful that Fritzie had brought The Area from a point of utter failure and possible sale to a private investor to becoming a valuable as set to Belknap County and the Lakes Region, he was included3ahad$206,150.grownbutfinancialsonlytotalnualyears.1950tain(nowManagerdismissed.unceremoniallyFritziewasGeneralofTheAreaGunstockMounResort)fromMaytoJuly1959,9The1950AnReportshowedtorevenueatTheAreabe$53,600.Icouldgetaccesstothethru1958bythenFritziehadtherevenuestoIn1959,Belknapnowa2.250’T-Barlift,3,200’ChairLiftandropetows.$4adayallthelifts (approximately $40 in 2022 dollars). Revenues for the lift tickets and ski shop totaled over $128,000 ($1.3 million in 2022 dollars). This was a far cry from the 1950 revenues for lift tickets and ski shop in 1950 of $11,800 ($145,000 in 2022 dol lars). The Area had be come a major player in the ski industry of New Hampshire.

Fully Insured Sweeps • Stonework Brick Repairs • Liners Caps • Installations Fire Place Makeovers Video Chimney Inspections Save $10 Off with this coupon ChimneyStartingSweepat$224 FRITZIE from 36 See FRITZIE on 38 PAUL C. DUPONT & SON BUILDING 603-387-0015 / 603-387-0026 Installing Harvey Building Products WINDOWS • DOORS • SIDING CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Visit HarveyBP.com

The Farm Studio, 569 New Hampton Rd. (Rt. 127), Sanbornton, NH of Manager Fritzie Baer, appearing elsewhere in this report.” Fritzie, knowing that he is now fighting for his job, sub mits his longest and most detailed report. Fritzie’s relationship with the county com missioners was coming to a head. In the Janu ary 7, 1959 edition on the Laconia Citizen, the front page read: “Fritzie Proposes Double Chair Lift On Gunstock”

A group show featuring works on paper by Ukrainian artist & refugee Elena Fomenko

Opening on Sept. 2nd, 3rd & 4th from 1 pm to 7 pm at Teresa Spinner’s Farm Studio

All proceeds from the sale of Elena Fomenko’s art will go directly to her. We look forward to your support.

37— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — Made in N.H. • Wind Ratings 65 - 180 mph (unflagged) Sizes 15ft. - 100ft. • Nautical Styles & Installations Available (603) 254-0446 • RICKHAMMAR53@GMAIL.COM FLAGPOLESWhite Mountain Sturdy, Strong, Fiberglass

“Liberated images”

Fritzie and Louise Baer 1950- This picture of Fritzie and wife Louise was taken in the summer of 1950 when Fritzie was hired as the General Manager. Louise ran the gift shop at The BobbyArea.and Fritzie Baer 1959 - Bobby, normally did not wear a red hat like his father. Fritzie had organized a Red Hat Brigade with local business leaders to raise $3,200 to promote the June motorcycle races. Business leaders Peter Makris of the NASWAA Resort, Carle Johnson local motorcycle dealer and Ed Hoagland director of Weirs Beach Publicity Bureau and Donald Strout of the Laconia Chamber of Commerce were among the men who all wore red hats in soliciting contributions from local merchants.


38 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

In September 1959, the Gunstock Area Com mission was formed. It was to be made up of five members. It stipu lated that one was to be an experienced ski er and another expe rienced in finance and accounting. The GAC was given the author ity to spend surplus revenue up to $40,000 annually ($407,000 in 2022 dollars). In March 1952, it was noted in the minutes that Frit zie explained how the Area was run. “The del egation appropriated the amount which can be spent; the Commis sioners authorize the payments, if a surplus occurs, it returns to the county treasury and can not be laid aside for fu ture repairs, etc.”

Bob Lawton, owner of Funspot, once told me that the Lakes Region had its greatest pro moter for over 25 years with Fritzie Baer.

FRITZIE from 37

From 1938 – 1963, over 250,000 spectators attended the (Gunstock).cycleChampionshipNationalMotorRacesatBelknapTherewere


334 Expert riders who competed in the 100 Mile National Champi onship Race and to date 45 of those riders are in the Motorcycle Hall of Fame. 1998 The American Motor cycle Association starts a Motorcycle Hall of Fame. Fritzie Baer is one of the first to be inducted. June 12 ,1999 The Concord Monitor publishes their book, “The New Hampshire Century”, featuring 100 individuals whom they felt helped to shape New Hampshire. Fritzie Baer is one of the 100! Bobby Arnold is the founder and treasurer of the Gunstock Mountain Historic Preservation So ciety.All photos courtesy of the Arnold/Baer Family Library.

Laconia Adult Education -

Add in peanut butter and blend completely, then add in the vanilla extract and salt.

Icebox Cookies/ No-Bake Cookies

- In a large saucepan / pot over medium low heat combine sugar, ½ and ½, butter, cocoa powder and bring to a simmer, stirring so as not to scald or burn.

- Drop ¨batter¨ by the spoonful onto a parchment covered cookie sheet, twelve per sheet.


Around these parts we tend to call them No-Bake Cookies (we’re just so imaginative here in New England) or Ice box Cookies because these cookies are super yummy when served cold with a glass of milk on a hot summer day. Where Texans came up with a name like Poodgies is a mystery to most everyone who has weighed in on the subject. And why mid westerners call these cookies “Cow Patties” should be obvious to all but the most metropoli tan of urban dwellers. But “Preacher Cook ies” has, by far, the best story for its name. It seems back in the day, back in the hollars and hill sides of Appa lachia, preachers came to call on their remote parishioners. As they plodded up the trail on Jennie or Jack, Granny could see the good vicar from afar; always on the watch for strangers and “Revenuers” I sup pose. It was their dis tinctive broad flat brim hats and white collars, signature apparel of the clergy way back when, that gave clue as to who was coming. It was appropriate to of fer welcomed folks who had come to call on the house something to eat. These cookies were quick, easy, and were not too much of an imposition on even the scantest pantries. Sugar, butter, milk, peanut butter, and co coa powder, were all dashed together in a pot on the stove. A splash of vanilla and a pinch of salt were added in and brought to a boil for a minute or so. All this hap pened quicker than the deacon could get to the gate post. A few hand fuls of oats went into the mix and the “batter” was dropped by the spoonful onto a clean flat cookie sheet to cool. Well now, there, in the blink of an eye, Granny had cookies ready for the preacher before he was off his mule and greeted by the hounds. These cookies, no mat ter what you call them, are relatively inexpen sive when compared to chocolate chip cookies and some of the more popular fanciful ¨gour met¨ cookies but can be just as captivating to the palette. What truly sets them apart from other cookies is not just their flavor but their ease and simplicity in time and minimal ener gy expended for such a delicious result. Stored in an airtight contain er and placed in the fridge, these cookies can last a week or two without any issue but in a house with hun gry people I wouldn’t count on these lasting much more than a few days. Great for a quick summer time treat that doesn’t heat up the kitchen, Cow Patties, Poodgies, Preacher Cookies, Icebox, or Nobake Cookies, no mat ter what you call them, are the perfect way to enjoy a Simple Feast!

2 Cups Sugar ½ Cup ½ and ½ 1 Stick Butter ¼ Cup Cocoa Powder (unsweetened)


- Bring mixture to a boil for one minute or so and continue to stir.

- Remove from the heat and add in the oats and fold to completely blend with the chocolate peanut butter mixture.

1 Cup Crunchy Peanut Butter 1 Tbsp. Vanilla Extract Pinch of Salt 3 Cups Instant Oats or Old Fashioned Rolled Oats INGREDIENTS

Prepare two cookie sheets with parchment paper.

Yield: 24 cookies Time: 15 minutes


Let rest for 30 minutes before eating or moving to an airtight container for chilling in the fridge. from 21

Preparation Instructions

39— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — — ALL BRANDS SMALL ENGINES — **AT OUR NEW LOCATION BEGINNING AUG. 30th!** 3 Waterford Place, Gilford (Off Lily Pond Rd. in former Pepi Herman Building) 603-387-6623 • allbrandssmallengines.com WE ARE MOVING!! THANK YOU! TO THE COMMUNITY FOR YOUR BUSINESS & SUPPORT OVER THE LAST 8 YEARS!! You are the reason we are making this move.. we need more room to expand! FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY FOR THE MONTH OF (OFFERSEPTEMBERGOODFORANYORDERS IN THE LOCAL GILFORD / LACONIA AREA) LOCAL CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SPECIAL Open Mon.-Fri. 7am-5pm/ Sat. 8am-noon / Closed Sunday SPECIAL THANKS TO DON HOULE FOR THE OPPORTUNITY - WE COULDN’T HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOU!


Mrs. S. Katherine French of Tilton re tired from teaching in June of 1973 after 45 years in the profes sion.In that year of her retirement she com mented that the haz ards of the teaching profession had de creased markedly. Mrs. French began her teaching career in 1928 in Tilton after graduating from Plym outh Normal School. When she married she was not allowed to continue teaching in Tilton, so she went to Boscawen where they didn’t have rules against married wom en as teachers. She then taught in a one room school in Can terbury. While teach ing there she carried a revolver with her for protection. She said that she carried the brownie revolver in her purse and knew how to use it. She also taught in Sanbornton, and, for the last 15 years of her teaching career at the Walker School in Concord. Mrs. French was a member of the Concord Education al Association, New Hampshire Education al Association, and the National Educa tional Association. She was honored as New Hampshire Teacher of the Year during the 1950’s and received other honors as a member of other local organizations.Themainheadline in the August 25, 1973 edition of the L aco at the Weirs Times) Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York. In 5th Printing!

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies

40 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — 19 UNION ST., ROCHESTER, NH • (603) 332-0202 • www.UnionStreetAntiques.com Located in Downtown Rochester with Plenty of Easy Parking Open Mon. - Sat. 10am-5pm Sun. 11pm-4pm Browse our store on Facebook. Find us and like us! ANNUAL FLEA MARKET! SAT AUG. 27TH 8 AM-3PM Union St r e e t AntiqUeS& COLLECTIBLES lic auction in Ossipee four generations of antiques, guns and ammunition were be ing sold at Tice’s Gen eral Store beginning at noon.. J.W. Barber, Jr. and Larry Gray were the HampshireintrictbyBeach,raceshipcludingdancesevents,nightbusyMeanwhileauctioneers.onthatAugustdayandthereweresportsconcertsandgoingon,inachampion65-milewaterskistartingatWeirsandaconcertthe1stNavalDisBandinconcerttributetoallNewveterans with chief Warrant Of ficer Kumkel as the Bandmaster. This was also at Weirs Beach. Concerning the news on that Saturday in August, the topics might sound familiar to those in 2022. There was some di vision within the Re publican Party in New Hampshire, but not enough to erode the support that Governor Meldrim Thomson held as the leader of the party. At an August caucus to select candi dates to represent the party to fill three va cant legislature seats in Goffstown in a Sep tember 18th election three Durkinpresumablybeenland.kin,missioner,state’ssonGosselin.statethetinuedadministrationMeldrimever,Pressyear.GovernorsincesaidHissupporternorshowedanti-Thomsonandvativesonbetweencandidates.threecandidatespro-Thomsondefeatedanti-ThomsonTheracetheThombrandofconserRepublicansamoreliberalgroupthattheGovstillheldwideinthestate,popularitywastohaveincreasedhiselectiontobethepreviousTheAssociatedreported,howthatGovernorThomson’scontobattlewithRepublicanParty’schairman,DavidGovernorThomhadreplacedtheinsurancecomJohnDurwithFrankWaThatchangehadmadeinJune,becausewastootightfisted in his treatment of the Blue Cross In surance Company. However, after Waland had reportedly spent 500 hours studying a request from Blue Cross for higher rates, he agreed with Dur kin that the compa ny wasn’t entitled to higher rates. He had, immediately after his appointment indicated that he thought the insurance company should have a rate increase, but after his hours of studying the matter changed his mind on the matter.

The Flatlander Chronicles

Robert Hanaford Smith welcomes your comments at smiths@yahoo.comdanahill Radiation from The Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant drifting into New Hampshire was a big story i August of 1973.

SMITH from 3


nia Evening Citizen proclaimed in large bold type, “Radiation from Nuclear Plant Drifts into N.H.” The article explained that “Most of the ra diation released from the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant drifts across the Con necticut River into New Hampshire, ac cording to a Vermont official.” The prevail ing winds were said to have blown the radia tion into the Granite State 90% of the time. The radiation was said not be enough to cause alarm, but New Hampshire did have radiation measuring devices that were set up at Hinsdale, Win chester, and Ches terfield. Looking back further the news from the area in 1873 in cluded the increase in campers on the shores of Lake Winnipesau kee and on some of the islands. A company of men from Lake Village thus purchased sev eral acres of land on Bear Island on which to build a large board ingInhouse.1898 the news was “There are said to be more campers and cottages on the islands and shores of Lake Winnipesaukee this year than ever be fore. The lake is sure growing in popularity and new cottages are erected in large num bers every season.” That popularity and growth appears to be still going on today.

State Representative Tim Lang celebrates a big softball victory with the Legislative Red Team in Merrimack in 2018. chen, unified sports may be more impor tant in that “greater scheme of things.” “Our education sys tem produces better citizens,” added Lang. “And unified sports produce better human beings.”Thenthere’s my leg islative softball initia tive. With my (tempo rary) departure from the legislature, Tim stepped up to help keep the Legislative Softball Classic going, helping raise almost $40K for charity in the process.(Note: Other sports lessons I learned over time involve learning from setbacks and not quitting. I returned to the legislature in 2020 with a landslide victo ry in my district. That triumph happened with some help from teammates like Tim.) Then there’s sports gambling. Tim Lang was the prime mover and prime sponsor behind a bipartisan bill that became law in 2019 making New Hampshire the re gion’s first state to ap prove legalized sports gaming. This brought sports betters out of the shadows and into the sunlight to have more fun watching pro games. His bill result ed in new jobs and many millions of dol lars for worthy causes such as education. That’s a pretty good return on the $100 annual investment citizens make to pay Tim for his legislative work.Another sports life lesson I’ve learned in volves acknowledging one’s teammates. So, to properly apply that lesson here, I’m happy to publicly state: “Thank you, Rep. Tim Lang!” Sports Quiz What U.S. President and his sister were instrumental in estab lishing Special Olym pics? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on Au gust 25 include wom en’s tennis legend Al thea Gibson (1927) and MLB pitching great Rollie Fingers (1946). Sports Quote “There’s nothing greater in the world than when somebody on the team does something good, and everybody gathers around to pat him on the back.” – Baseball manager Billy Martin

41— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

SportsAnswerQuiz President John F. Kennedy and his sister Eunice Kennedy Shriv er were prime mov ers behind the Special Olympics movement in the early 1960s. State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plym outh State University and NHTI-Concord. He co-authored the award-winning “FA HIM SPEAKS: A War rior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon.com. His email address is fett@comcast.net.mimof

M r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ s Taxi 267-7134 or OPENServing527-8001LaconiaDailyAT5AMDAILYM r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or OPENServing527-8001LaconiaDailyAT5AMDAILY MOFFETT from 17

The Arizona Informer tweeted this week that Pinnacle High School in Paradise Valley, Arizona, will use e-Hallpass to track social distancing and other student move ments with no parental consent.ATwitter user named @hannahposts wrote this week: “Looks like school is gonna make us use ehallpass, the program where we track how long, at what time, and how often each child goes to the restroom and store that information on third party servers run by a private for-prof it company. ... If you’re a parent and your kid’s school uses e-hallpass, politely yet firmly ask for your kid to be opted out. If we have enough opt outs the system won’t work.”Security researcher Peter Lowe, who is now belatedly awake to eHallpass, also tweeted important fundamental questions this week that every parent should be asking:“Hey @Software4Ed, the privacy policy which you use for e-hallpass states that you release data to third parties ‘working directly with Eduspire Solutions to support our software’. Which third parties are those? Can you provide a full Andlist?”one online stu dent petition calling for repeal of the e-Hallpass system at Lewisburg Area High School in Lewisburg, Pennsylva nia, blew the whistle on how “E-hallpass knows your age, who your parents are, who your friends are, what classes you’re taking, and what classes you’re struggling in. That’s a lot of very sensitive information the school is forcing you to give to this company, leaving it vulnerable for hackers to hold for ran som, or to sell to identity thieves so they can ruin yourBewarelife.” of Big Bath room Brother. He’s not in Beijing or Moscow or Pyongyang. He’s here, clothed in public service and public safety, sac rificing your children’s autonomy and serving the Silicon Valley mas ters of American “capi talism.” Michelle Malkin’s email address is leMalkinInvestigates@Michel protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read fea tures by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Cre ators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. the blood of thousands on its hands, includ ing Rushdie’s -- dem onstrates the abjectly foolish pusillanimity of this administra tion. It also shows the world’s most radical regimes that radical ism will be tolerated by a Democratic White House so long as those regimes prom ise a revised balance of power in line with longtime BideniftiontheyouwithlahskowtowthereforeBarackofthebalance,Middlethewishesshibboleths.DemocraticBidenIrantobeatcenterofarevisedEasternpowerinlinewithidioticthoughtformerPresidentObama;heiswillingtotothemulwhilebreakingtheSaudis.IfaretheTaliban,Bidenadministrawillsurrender;youareIran,theadministration will prostrate itself. This isn’t just cow ardice. It’s America’sopposesbutPompeotodangerous,cowardice.delusionalAndit’snotjustRushdie,Bolton,andTrump,toanyonewhopredationsbyenemies.

Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shap iro Show,” and Editorin-Chief of DailyWire. com. He is a threetime New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Au thoritarian Moment: How The Left Weap onized America’s In stitutions Against Dis sent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoon ists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. appeared in the final bill that Governor Su nunu signed into law. By allowing our school districts to collaborate in this way, we are ensur ing that schools have every tool that they need in order to provide a better environment for special education to oc cur, while also provid ing a way for schools to work together and avoid having to use rainy day funds in order to con tinue to function in dire circumstances.StateRepresentativeGregHill Northfield, NH.

42 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — STOP IN TODAY or DOWNLOAD APPLICATION @FunspotNH.com WE’RE HIRING ALL POSITIONS! Floor Attendant PrizeFoodAttendantServiceBartender Start pay 14-15 yrs - $9 • 16-17yrs - $11 • 18+ - $13 JOIN OUR TEAM! FULL TIME/PART TIME FULL/PARTHIRING!TIME Rt 3, Weirs Beach, NH • 603-366-4377 • FunspotNH.com • Open All Year JOIN THE FUN! Work in the Largest Arcade in the World! as protection measures.

SHAPIRO from 6MALKIN from 6 MAILBOAT from 2

John Stossel is cre ator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Be came the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndi cate writers and car toonists, visit www.cre ators.com

Many of those truck ers are trying to bring in needed supplies, but “they were only al lowing 400 Ukrainian trucks per day,” says Palmer. “That’s just nothing. Why couldn’t they bring in more? If you need to inspect them, get more inspec tors!” The bureaucracy didn’t.“You have maybe seven checkpoints, but only two are open,” complains Gunnestad. “They could at least open all seven.”

METLZER from 7 STOSSEL from 7

43— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — Red, White & Brew Saturday, September 24 Funspot | VIP Hour 12-1PM | General Admission 1-4PM Join us at the 6th Annual Red, White & Brew to benefit NH service members, veterans and their families. Enjoy craft beer, wine, food, car show, auction, raffles, live music from The Bob Pratte Band, and more! For tickets vetscount.org/nh/events All proceeds benefit Veterans Count ADMISSION $40 VIP $25 General Admission includes sampling tickets and a commemorative glass, while supplies last. Military discount available. Admission does not include cost of food. Presents 2022-RW&B-Weirs-Times-Ads_03.indd 3 8/11/2022 5:48:30 PM to world markets. In Is tanbul Turkey, the UN chief witnessed efforts that a UN World Food Program (WFP) vessel Brave Commander is carrying grain and food stuffs to people suffer ing from drought in the Horn of SignificantlyAfrica. wheat prices dropped by al most 8% following the signing of the UN agree ments.Atthe same time Rus sia’s economy is stag nating due to sanctions and the high cost of the Ukraine war. Russia’s Central Bank predicts the GDP shrinking 4 to 6 percent this year. Foreign firms have already cut or curtailed operations. Half of Mos cow’s foreign exchange reserves remain frozen. Even Russia’s bloated energy revenues face shortfalls either from Western sanctions or ironically Putin’s spite ful and punishing natu ral gas cutbacks to Eu ropean countries such as Germany where an 80 percent energy cut is planned. So the fighting slogs on into September. The war’s Summer stale mate combined with Russia’s economic downturn caused by Western sanctions have likely crippled Putin’s abilities to score an out right military victory in Ukraine. Whether the Ukrainians now have the military momentum to counter-attack and seriously erode earlier Russian gains remains problematic too though possible.While the Balkan wars in the 1990’s fol lowing the breakup of former Yugoslavia pro duced mass carnage, refugee flows and bat tles not seen in Europe since the Second World War, we tend to forget the current Ukraine war has reached far higher intensity and danger of regional conflict not experienced at a level sinceEuropeWWII.remains mired in a deep political funk this Summer. Still this is 2022 not 1942. So can there be UN sponsored ceasefires to stop the carnage and just maybe outline the path to future peace talks? August 24th marks the 31st anni versary of Ukraine’s re newed independence from Russia. Now six months into the war will overdue political ma neuvering replace the lethal military maneu vering tearing Ukraine asunder?

John J. Metzler is a United Nations corre spondent covering dip lomatic and defense is sues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Ko rea, China. Even the couldofsosighedlonglikeinghadGunnestad.doesn’tthere’sskiparestillsummer,nestadWhenlineseveryonegoods.volunteersneedlesslygovernmentUkrainianmakesithardfortodeliverTheyforcemosttowaitinlongattheborders.LottandGuncrossedthisthereweremile-longlines.Ambulances,atleast,generallyallowedtotheline.“Butsometimesaguardwholikeit,”says“Wehavepatientsalmostdybecauseofguardsthat.”Ashedrovepastthelineoftrucks,heandsaid,“Ifeelsorryforthedriversthetrucks.Somebeinlinefor days, or even a week!”

Lott notes, “Vol unteers can’t do ev erything. They don’t supply the military or provide fuel. But they are saving lives.” For example, Gun nestad’s team picks up patients at over burdened hospitals and takes them to less busyTheyfacilities.also deliver supplies to neglect ed Ukrainian hospi tals. Gunnestad says small hospitals often get nothing from the government or the Red Cross. “We have a chance to help places that’s forgotten,” he says.You can help Gun nestad do this work by donating to his Go FundMe page. It’s a way to help Ukraini ans without taking the risks that Gunnestad does.His ambulance has been hit with bullets. Fortunately, no volun teer has been hit. “I always have been the person who runs into dangerous situa tions,” he says. “I think this work is so mean ingful that I’m willing to die for it.”

44 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — THE CLASSIFIEDS BUYWILLI *Art*AntiquesFine* * Jewelry * Silver * Judy A. Davis Antiques One Item or Entire Estate ~ Cash Paid For: All Antiques: American and Continental furniture, paintings, oriental rugs and bronzes. Historical documents, old books and maps, nautical items, barometers and sextants. Old prints, movie and travel posters. Old photography, cameras and musical instruments. Gold and Silver U.S. and foreign coins Civil war and all military items, guns, swords, medals and old flags. Old advertising, wooden and metal signs, vintage whiskey and wine, old weathervanes, old pottery, old jugs, crocks and textiles, lamps and lighting, glass and china. Old toys, banks, trains, sports memorabilia and comic books. Over 40 years experience in the antique business. Chinese and Asian arts, jade, ceramics, oriental textiles, furniture and art. Classic car s and motorcycles, gas pumps, oil cans and signs 25 year s and olde r. All estate and contemporary jewelry, diamond rings, brooches, Patek, Rolex, all watches and charm bracelets. All Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry Sterling silver flatware, tea services, trays and all silver and gold. Certified by Gem School of America Member: New Hampshire Antique Dealers Assn. 1811496603 934603 5545 jlake@metrocast.net cJfflll-Jcills AT THE LAKE Positions available: ROOM ATTENDENTS GROUNDS ATTENDANTS MAINTENANCE BOAT CAPTAINS Starting Rates up to $17 per hour Apply on-line https://careers.tpghotelsandresorts.com/jobs Apply via email at: nsquire@millfalls.com Mill Falls at the Lake has amazing FRONTopportunitiesjobforDESKAGENTSStartingrate$17. APPLY careers.tpghotelsandresorts.com/jobsONLINEOrviaemailto:nsquire@millfalls.com STOP IN TODAY... WE’RE HIRING ALL POSITIONS! Floor Attendant PrizeFoodAttendantServiceBartender Start pay 14-15 yrs - $9 • 16-17yrs - $11 • 18+ - $13 JOIN OUR TEAM! FULL TIME/PART TIME Rt 3, Weirs Beach, NH • 603-366-4377 FunspotNH.com • Open All Year AUTOS WANTED CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaledit doesn’t matter! Get free towing and same day cash! NEWER MODELS too! Call 1-866-258-6720 cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free Consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 855428-7954 MISCELLANEOUS 4G LTE HOME INTERNET Now Available! Get GotW3 with lightning fast speeds plus take your service with you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo! 1-877-452-1183 DISH NETWORK $59.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch & Get a FREE $100. Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! DISH1-833-800-0411TV$64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some Restrictions Apply. Promo Expires 01/21/2023. ELIMINATE1-877-494-7039 GUTTER CLEANING FOREVER! LeafFilter, the most com/pennysaverorCallontoilet,$1,500InanINtermsasspeedsdataINTERNETHUGHESNETconditions.CallRequestwarrantynow.andhomepowerbackupGENERATORSGENERACCallSenior15%LeafFilterprotection.debris-blockingadvancedgutterScheduleaFREEestimatetoday.offEntirePurchase.10%&MilitaryDiscounts.1-855-723-0883STANDBYprovidepowerduringutilityoutagessoyourandfamilystaysafecomfortable.PrepareFree7-yearextended($695value!).afreequotetoday!foradditionaltermsand1-877-378-1582SATELLITEFinally,nohardlimits!CallTodayforupto25mbpsaslow$59.99/mo!$75giftcard,apply.1-877-459-1615YOURHOMElongerwithAmericanStandardWalk-Bathtub.Receiveuptooff,includingafreeandalifetimewarrantythetubandinstallation!usat1-866-945-3783visitwww.walkintubquote. FOR RENT Warm Weather Is Year Round In Aruba. The water is safe, and the dining is fantastic. Walk out to the beach. 3-Bedroom weeks available. Sleeps 8. Email: carolaction@ aol.com for more information. FOR SALE MONTPELIER, VT 3.93 acre building lot for sale. Could be divided into up to 6 lots or up to 18 units of multi-unit housing with town water and sewer available. $100,000. Contact Soren Pfeffer at 802-249-0167 or centralvermontre.comsoren@ FINANCIAL WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, TimeshareLLC Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees

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46 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — B.C. by Parker & Hart Super Crossword PUZZLE CLUE: NFL MIX-UP

47— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 — Caption Contest Runners Up : “Our President says: “ Got Milk’??..., but …the family agreed that whipped cream is sooo much better…”Nancy Sweeney, Lincoln, NH. Distant Roosevelt relatives practice little known family tradition. - Steve Mann, Bridgewater, NH. The CDC says that big lip masks and a picture of FDR are the only ways to prevent Monkeypox -Robert Ferlito, Lynbrook, NY. A prominent Republican family showing what they think of “ The New Deal “ Dave Barth, Laconia, NH. Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com CAPTION THIS PHOTO!! PHOTO #926 PHOTO #924 Magic MazeSudoku THEME THIS WEEK: INTERSTATE 90 OUR PICK FOR BEST CAPTION The Winklman Aeffect by John Whitlock

48 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, August 25, 2022 —

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