09/01/2022 Weirs Times

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New Hampshire artist Peter Ferber’s poster to commemorate the 50th Annual Steamboat Meet at Lee’s Mills in Moultonborough which will take place September 10th-18th. The poster will be for sale at the Meet, at the Art Place in Wolfeboro, The Old Country Store in Moultonborough, and at the Lake Winnipesaukee Museum in Laconia.

Early September brings the 50th Anniversary Meet of the Lee’s Mills Steamboat Association to Moultonborough, where as many as fifty steamboats are expected for ten days of activities. This festive event, the world’s largest annual steamboat meet, has become a major attrac tion for Moultonborough and Lake dockssemblingfollowingMoultonboroughSteamboatsWinnipesaukee.willarrivetotheweekLaborDay,allasattheLee’sMillsbytheweekend, with most staying until Sunday, September 18th.

Steamboat meet CelebrateS Half a Century See STEAMBOAT on 26


The Meredith Historical Society invites the public to its upcoming Open House on Tuesday, Septem ber 6th from 5pm to 7pm (rain or shine). The event will take place at the museum located at 45 Main Street in Meredith Village. Visitors will be treated to grilled hot dogs, beverages and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream while supplies last. The museum’s expanded re tail shop will be also open for any one looking for a unique gift. Local author and Board member Rudy Van Veghten will be available to sign his recent publication: Clash of Cultures: The Story of the Pena cooks, the Winnipesaukees, and Chiefs Passaconaway, Wonalancet and Kancamagus. Society genealo gist Don MacFarlane will also be on hand to showcase over 6,000 family names of Meredith decent that he has been researching. The event is free and all are wel come. For more information about the Meredith Historical Society please visit them on Facebook or their web site at historicalsocietynh.org.www.meredith

While the schedule of events is subject to change, visitors to the 50th Annual

2 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — See MAILBOAT on 34 ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this Tonewspaper.findouthow your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463. Our StOry PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH facebook.com/weirstimesinfo@weirs.comWeirs.com03247603-366-5115

Live Free or Die, Jeanne Meredith,ToftsNH.

Running For State Rep To The Editor: Hi, I’m Jeanne Tofts and I’m running to be your State Repre sentative in Meredith. I hope you will come out and vote for me in the Republican Primary on Sep tember 13th. I’m a fiscal conservative, moth er of four and married for 33 years. I homeschooled our kids from K-12. I taught them to work hard, do their best and be responsible. I taught them that our natural rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness come from God and not government. I taught them when the going gets tough, the tough get going—and that’s why I’m running for State Rep.Times are already getting tough—food, gas and energy prices are leaving a big hole in Granite Staters’ pockets. High inflation has arrived and to add to the suffering, Biden and the Democrats are sending an army of 87,000 IRS agents to target lower-middle-class families and small business owners. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and be complacent. Together we must take a stand and do as much as we can at the state level to keep NH free, safe and prosperous. Together we will fight to take back our elections from the de fective machines. Take back our schools from the woke groomers. Take back our state sovereignty from federal money with strings. Take back our healthcare free doms from Fauci and the CDC. Take back unlimited emergency powers from our governor. Take back our party from the RINOs. Most of us would agree that reasoning requires an open mind, appreciation of facts, in nate common sense and the ability to apply logic. When I graduated college, I was a com puter programmer. You can’t program if you can’t apply logic. And without the correct logic, your program doesn’t work. That’s what we have in today’s government—a lot of expensive programs that don’t work. We need to rethink government’s role, limit its scope and then do those things efficiently. I just received an AQ rat ing from the NRA—the highest possible rating for a political candidate. I also recently signed the Citizens Alliance NH Pledge, which aligns with my stance on the issues (see my website jeannetofts.com). This pledge promises that I will vote for 2nd Amendment rights, medical free dom, election integrity, educa tion freedom, economic freedom, free speech, reducing taxes and opposing federal overreach. I am and will always be on the side of the taxpayer and liberty. I hope I can count on your sup port in the Republican Primary.

Running For Belknap County Commissioner To The Editor: I am running for Belknap County Commissioner District 3 which consists of Alton, Barn stead, Gildford, and Laconia Ward 2. I am a resident and prop erty owner in Alton, the director of Camp Constitution, a New Hampshire based charitable organization, the president of the Samuel L. Blumenfeld Lit eracy Foundation, a U.S. Army veteran, a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, a husband, father of five and grandfather of two, As a con servative Republican, I believe in limited government, lower taxed, that local government best serves the people lower, and support local law enforcement. The Executive Committee of the Belknap County Republicans recently unanimously endorsed my candidacy. I am asking for your vote in the Republican Party Primary on Tuesday, September 13.


Harold “Hal” Shurtleff Alton, NH.

REGULAR PRICES20 ATHLETICOFF%SNEAKER SALE ** SPECIAL SELECTION 25% to 50% off SAVE EVEN MORE! MENS WOMENS KIDS In-store only. Brand exclusions may apply. Sale ends Sept. 5th CHILDREN’S COMFORT,FOREXPERTLYFOOTWEARFITTEDMAXIMUMFIT,ANDWEAR. OURSELECTIONLARGESTOFTHEYEAR! MEREDITH, NH 279-7463 • WOLFEBORO 569-3560 NORTH CONWAY, NH 356-7818 • LACONIA, NH 524-1276 Meredith, NH 279-7463 • Wolfeboro, NH 569-3560 North Conway, NH 356-7818 • Laconia, NH 524-1276 Seeking area residents interested in having an on-site assessment of their private wells. This service is grant funded by the USEPA. There is no charge for the well assessment which also includes FREE standard analysis water test. The well assessment considers site condi tions, geology, land use practices, well construc tion, and maintenance in determining if condi tions exist which would impact your well water quality. Site specific recommendations and best practices will be provided to help keep your wa ter safe from contamination. FREE WELL ASSESSMENTS Contact Mmistretta@rcapsolutions.org or 603-312-7901 to schedule an assessment.

Running For State Rep District #6 To The Editor: My name is Harry H. Bean, and I am proud to announce my candidacy for State Rep in District #6, Gilford, Gilmanton, and Ward #2 Laconia. I am the third of five generations of Beans named Harry. My family has lived at the same location on Saltmarsh Pond Rd. since 1842. I have been married to my wife, Priscilla, for almost 51 years and have three grown children, 8 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. also


3— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — Randolph Mountain Club volunteer Danielle Normand is back on The Link armed with her loppers! The Randolph Mountain Club maintains a 100 miles of trails that crisscross the Crescent and Northern Presidential Ranges. There are many groups you can do volunteer trail work with in the White Mountains and across New Hampshire, no experience necessary they will teach you and provide tools! For starters check out these volunteer opportunities with these groups: RandolphMountainClub.org, BelknapRangeTrailTenders.org, Squamlakes.org and WODC.org (Wonalancet Out Door Club). OPEN DAILY 9am-5:30pm • SUNDAYS 10am - 4pm • CozyCabinrustiCs.Com LIVING RUSTIC Come Sh o p Our NewLarge r S tore! Cozy Cabin Rustics -Furniture & Mattresses603-238-3250PLYMOUTH 599 Tenney Mtn. Hwy. 603-279-1333MEREDITH Junction of Rt. 3 & 25FREELocalDelivery&Setup May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 12/31/2022 Danielle, Bria and I decided we should fin ish what we started last summer: clearing The Link.The Link is a trail that connects Appa lachia to all the paths and trails that lead to Mount Adams and Mount Jefferson from the north and west. All we had remaining was the section from the Castle Trail to the Caps Ridge Trail. We hiked this 1.6 mile section last year on our way to our Randolph Mountain Club assign ment of brushing The Link from its intersec tion with Castle Ravine Trail towards Appala chia. We remembered it well because it was raining and we got car washed from all the Spruce tree branches and Hobblebush that crowded and hid the path. That was a cold wetThisday.day it was hot, too hot.. It was fore casted to be over 90 degrees in Randolph. Other volunteers that were thinking of joining us had decided to wait for a cooler day. The three of us decided to workTheanyway.trailsign stuck out of the thicket of blackberries and the footbed of the The Link wasn’t visible, making it look like the trail was abandoned.Weclipped, we lopped and hand-sawed our way down the trail. We felt that we were trail building more often

randolpH mountain Club trailwork tHe link than just brushing and trimming an existing path. Yes it was hot and muggy but not as hot as it was down below but still a sufferfest of sorts. The Link hovers around elevation 3,800 feet and occasionally we had a Sometimesbreeze.after cut ting a tree we’d find massive piles of moose poop and wondered how the heck the moose managed to get up here. Other times after removing trees and branches we dis covered yellow blazes marking that trail; we made them visible once again.Aswe worked we spread ourselves a few hundred feet apart along the trail and leap frogged one another. It is fun to see what each other has cleared. And spreading out removes the danger of tossing a limb on a friend. We tricked a couple into hiking The Link. They saw the recent trail work and decided they’d make a loop over Jefferson. They were the only people we saw all day. We explained they had a wall of Spruce ahead of them and they thanked us for our efforts and con tinued on still. Of course had


“North Sea Gas” At Franklin Opera House

“Marie’s Menagerie” Opens In Meredith Gallery

4 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — Camp Constitution 1st Family Weekend Retreat Camp Constitution is hosting its 1st An nual Family Weekend Retreat from Friday September 30 to Sunday, October 2,at Camp Sentinel in Tuf tonboro,InstructorsNH. include Barbara from Harlem, author of Escaping the Racism of Low Expectations; Rev. Steve Craft, author of Morality and Freedom America’s Dynamic Duo; Pastor William Levi, author of The Bible or the Axe: One Man’s Dra matic Escape from the Persecution in the Sudan; Professor Willie Soon, one of the world’s top atmospheric scientists; and Mrs. Catherine White of the Constitution Decoded. Topics include Celebrating the U.S. Constitution, America’s Godly Heritage, and Refuting the Climate Alarmists. We have a program for junior campers 5-11 taught by Mrs. Edith Craft. Recreation activities include volleyball, basketball and canoeing. An optional field trip to the Wright World War II Museum is planned. Cost is $150. per person which includes two nights of lodging, and six meals. A promotional flyer and release form is attached. For More Information,contact Hal Shurteff (857) 498-1309 or campconstitution1@gmail.com

The Belknap Mill Quilters Guild will once again feature a Mysterious Quilt Journey in combination with their Harvest of Quilts Show on Saturday, September 24th 10am to 5pm, and Sunday the 25th from 10am to 4pm. Mysterious Quilt Journey participants will receive an entry form with paid admission to the show. The “Journey” includes dozens of quilts on display in more than 35 businesses throughout downtown Laconia. The entry form in cludes 10 clues to find specific quilts –a scavenger hunt of sorts. By correctly answering the questions and returning the completed entry form, participants are included in a drawing to win prizes. Completed Journey forms must be returned to the Belknap Mill no later than 3 pm on Sunday, September 25th to be included in the drawing. Three entries will be drawn, each winning prizes valued at $100 or more. Along with the Mysterious Quilt Journey, the “Harvest of Quilts” Quilt Show will be on display Sep 24-25th at three locations in downtown Laconia: The Belknap Mill – sponsor of the Belknap Mill Quilters Guild’s show, 25 Beacon St., The Laconia Senior Center, 532 Main St., and The Lakes Region Mental Health Center Conference Center – opposite the Senior Center on Main Street. In addition to shopping at nine vendors, participants can visit the guild’s Attic Corner for previously-owned fabric and gently used sewing and quilting items; as well as their Quilted Treasures area, where shoppers will find new, hand-made items, just in time for holiday gift ing. On Saturday only, “On Edge Sharpening Services” will be located outside the Mill to sharpen your quilting tools, knives, garden tools, and blades of any kind. Tasty food truck fare will be available both Saturday and Sunday, and there are many downtown restaurants within walking distance. Admission is $10 for adults, free for children under 12 with paid adult admission, and includes all quilt show locations for both days. Please visit the Belknap Mill Quilters Guild website for more information, www.bmqg.org.

The Galleries at 30 Main is located in Meredith and is open daily from 10:00 – 5:00, closed Tuesdays. For question or more information call (603) 279-0557.


Franklin Opera House proudly presents “North Sea Gas” Sep tember 17 at 7:30pm. “North Sea Gas” is one of Scot land’s most popular folk bands with great vocals and tremen dous three-part harmonies. Gui tars, Mandolin, Fiddle, Bouzouki, Harmonica, Whistles, Bodhrans, Banjo and good humor are all part of the entertainment. They have received Gold and Silver Disc awards from the Scottish Music Industry Association and regularly have sold out shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and around the world! “Gas” shows have a wonderful atmosphere and universal appeal. Their show, and their 22 albums, consist of traditional, contemporary, and self-penned mate rial put together, in a style all their own, along with their humor and storytelling. This proves popular during their regular tours of Scotland, America, Canada, Germany, Austria, Estonia, Turkey, and many other destinations both in and outside of their home in Scotland. Tickets are on sale now at www.FranklinOperaHouse.org

Fall Quilt Show To Include

The Galleries at 30 Main will feature the works of Marie Kelly in a show called “Marie’s Menagerie”. The ex hibit opens on Thurs day, September 1st with a reception from 4:00 – 6:00. This gives the public and oppor tunity to meet with the artist and discuss her work. Light refresh ments and beverages will be served at the opening. This event is free and open to the public. Kelly’s show will run through Sunday, September 12th. “Marie’s Menagerie” is filled with several vibrantly colored oil and acrylic paintings representing a variety of subjects; bears in the woods, New England Landscapes, people interacting with nature, to name a few.

“Growing up in New England and currently living in the center of the Lakes Regions beauty offers many options to paint on canvas”, explains Marie. “I studied for many years with art instructor Raleigh Wilkerson. There I learned values and perspective. Since then, I have taken several other workshops with other local art instructors which keeps my work fresh and forever evolving”.

Mysterious Quilt Journey

I simply turn, look them in the eye and say “Pledge Schmedge” and go back to the beans (which I really don’t care for, by the way).This usually draws a gasp from some in the crowd who care as well as a look of con fusion from the flunkie who doesn’t have anything to say since this response wasn’t in his playbook.

I’m not a big believer in sign ing pledges. I’ve signed too many things in my life that did me no good. Extended warranties for example. (And I wish they’d stop calling me about it.) When I am out campaigning at something like a bean hole bean dinner (only because I must) and some flunky from another campaign confronts me just as I am about to take in a large spoonful of bean hole beans and yells: “WHY WON’T YOU SIGN THE PLEDGE?”

5— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — NEW HAMPSHIRE F OOL in LiveororFreeDie.Die.

I must admit that this run ning for gov ernor thing is getting a bit tir ing.Ihave been doing it, successfullyun I might add, for a couple of de cadesSincenow.it’s the only office I have ever run for, a lot of people tell me now that I might have had more luck if I had started smaller and worked my way up. You know, something first, like school board and then work my way up to selectman then maybe state rep and then state senator before trying for the big chair.Maybe they are right, but it’s too late for all of that now. I’m on the bad end of my sixties and there’s no time for all of that now. It’s governor now or never, I certainly don’t have the energy to go through all the preliminary steps at this point. Still, I have been getting pretty good at it and I am finding it a bit easier to run each time. I am learning the game and can pretty much go through the motions.Butthis year, just when I am getting in my groove (do people still say that?) one of my inexpe rienced opponents goes ahead and does something dumb that just wastes more of my valuable time.But it is not unexpected. I have come to realize that most folks who are running for higher offices like U.S. congress and senate as well as governor, re ally don’t have much to do all day except, well, run for office, so they have to find new annoy ing ways to keep their names in the spotlight as well as trying to take down their opponents. I, on the other hand, have cer tain responsibilities that need to be tended to: Bills to pay, lawns to mow and television shows to watch. (I just bought a new TV after all and I need to give it the attention it deserves.)

Pledges are the same thing. They are promises that never have to be kept. The real mis take in having someone sign a pledge is not having them sign a follow up pledge, preferably with a notary present, that reads: “I Pledge Never To Break The Other Pledge I just Signed No Matter What The Situation.”

Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles”,“Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and “I Only Did It For The Socks Stories & Thoughts On Aging” are available at BrendanTSmith.

“I pledge I will stop asking my opponents in upcoming elec tions to sign stupid pledges.”

“I pledge not to use the cel ebration of someone else’s ac complishments as a photo op portunity for myself.”

brendan@weirs.com brendan@weirs.com

com. taking tHe pledge? by Brendan Smith Weirs Times Editor Skelley’sSkelley’sMarketSkelley’sMarketMarketWhether you are a vacationer or a full time resident of the Lakes Region, Skelley's Market is the place to go for your shopping needs. Located on route 374 Governor Wentworth HWY Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Call 603-476-8887 • F: www.skelleysmarket.com603-476-5176 Skelley’s Market Services Include: Stop by Skelley’s Market today and enjoy some great food, Bailey’s Bubble ice cream, a lobster roll or anything else you may need. You will be glad you did! • Gas 24 hours a day • Fresh pizza • NH Lottery tickets • Beer and Wine • Sandwiches • Daily papers • Bailey’s Bubble ice ••creamMapsFamous Lobster Rolls • Fish and Game OHRV Licenses PIZZA SPECIAL 2 for $18 2EveryToppingsSat.Night5-9pm BRENDAN SMITH’S NEW BOOK! BRENDANSMITH’SNEWESTBOOK!NOWON SALE! NOWSALE!ON“IReallyOnlyDid It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging” Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times) “I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging” Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscrip tion you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times) hurchentralBaptist Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV 401 GILFORD AVE.,GILFORD, NH • CENTRALBAPTISTNH.ORG

They can sign if they, it doesn’t make any difference to me. I’m just hoping that I can keep them busy for awhile so they won’t bother me so I can try to enjoy my bean hole beans.

It’s easy to sign a pledge and break it later simply by saying: “But I had no idea THAT would happen.”So,just for fun, I have a few pledges I would like my oppo nents to sign. “If elected I pledge to actually talk to my constituents in nonelection years.”

So, it was with a great deal of annoyance that I awoke the other day and found out that I had to play an old, useless, po litical game. It seems that some candidate I won’t give free pub licity to, is insisting that every other candidate signs some sort of silly pledge about something orTaxes,another.campaign spending, term limits, etc., are all things we are now supposed to sign our name to to prove we are on board with them. Some candidates will refuse to sign the pledge, which is what their opponent wants so they can send someone after them to bug them all day about it with questions like: “Will you sign the pledge” and “Why won’t you sign the pledge?” A lot of candidates will avoid the question and there will soon be a video on social media about them avoiding it with narration like: “What is he trying to hide?”


As you may know, a politician has the right, as guaranteed in the Constitution (little known fact, I think, though I may be wrong) to promise as much stuff to people as they can during a campaign, yet they are not re quired to do any of it if elected.


I don’t put much faith in pledge signing because it really means nothing at all, it is not a binding contract. You can sign pledges in front of the media from now until Election Day and it won’t be worth the paper it’s written on.

ConStitution See SHAPIRO on 33

The authors, Ryan Doer fler and Samuel Moyn, teach law at Harvard and Yale respectively. They argue that the Left’s progress has been stymied by constitution alism itself. “The idea of constitutionalism,” they correctly write, “is that there needs to be some higher law that is more difficult to change than the rest of the legal order. Having a constitution is about setting more sacrosanct rules than the ones the legisla ture can pass day to day.” This, of course, orients the process of law toward the past: there are certain lines that simply cannot be crossed. And, as Doerfler and Moyn point out, “constitutionalism of any sort demands extraordinary consensus for meaningful progress.”

Syndicated Columnist by Ben Shapiro Syndicated Columnist

6 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —

tHoSe wHo

Meanwhile, the Trans lie down witH mCCHao and you’ll get bit See MALKIN on 32

Here’s the thing about Mitch McCon nell and Elaine Chao. The granddaddy of Republican Beltway barnacles has inhabited the nation’s capital in one form or another since 1968, when he worked as a Senate legislative aide. His wife, the daughter of a Beijing-kowtowing ship ping mogul, snagged her first job in 1983 as a White House fellow under the Rea gan administration. For a half-century, this Swamp duo has done out in the great wide open what Swamp things do: Grift. Rinse. Repeat. The whole of these two partisan animals is far greater than the sum of their grift-y parts. According to Forbes, McChao’s net worth now hovers around $30 million. Moldyoldy McConnell’s Senate leadership position helped Chao land plum spots as George W. Bush’s Labor Secretary from 2001-2009 and Donald Trump’s Transportation Secretary from 2017-2021. She used her Trump appointment as her personal family fiefdom, according to the Department of Transportation inspector general, where she pimped her father’s biography while he helmed the Foremost Group. Chao demanded that her family members in top offices at the company participate in one of her official planned visits to China (later canceled amid public scrutiny). She also directed her staff to edit her daddy’s Wikipedia page; tried to pull strings with Homeland Security over a work permit application for a student supported by her family’s philanthropic foundation; and appeared to steer nearly $80 million in highway projects to Kentucky as hubby prepared to campaign for reelection. McConnell and Chao have been scratching each other’s Swamp backs (and those of their ChiCom friends and fam ily) for so long, there are scars on the scars.

On Friday, The New York Times published its latest op-ed calling for the end of the Constitu tion of the United States.

And herein lies the problem for Doerfler and Moyn: constitutions “misdirect the present into a dispute over what people agreed on once upon a time, not on what the present and future demand for and from those who live now.” The solution, they say, lies in dispensing with the Constitution entirely; the proper solution to the Consti tution is in “direct arguments about what fairness or justice demands.” After all, they admit, “It’s difficult to find a constitutional basis for abortion or labor unions in a docu ment written by largely affluent men more than two centuries ago. It would be far bet ter if liberal legislators could simply make a case for abortion and labor rights on their own merits without having to bother with theHowConstitution.”cantheConstitution be jettisoned?

The authors suggest packing the Union with more states; “reorganizing our legislature in ways that are more fairly representative of where people actually live and vote”; turning the Senate into a legislative vestigial organ, without any actual power. At least they’re saying the quiet part out loud.The truth is that the Constitution is “an tidemocratic,” in the sense that it sets up a series of limits on what a democratically elected government can do. The Constitu tion is a charter of limited powers, delegated by the people and the states to the federal government; neither the people nor the state governments would ever have consented to the sort of pure populism promoted by Doerfler and Moyn. The founders deplored the idea of an unfettered federal govern ment ruled only by popular passions. That is why they put in place a system of checks and balances to forestall mob majoritarian ism. They recognized a simple truth: that the best and most responsive government presides over homogeneous interests, gen erally locally, and that as we abstract rule away from the people, interests diverge. This means that as government abstracts away from the people, it ought to be granted less and less power. The Left hates the Constitution for pre cisely that reason. To the Left, the Consti tution is a mere barrier against the utopian mission to restructure human relations, and ultimately, humanity itself. In this view, large government is to be the leveling force among human beings, cramming down the views of one half of the country on the other half. Local governance is dangerous because it might lead to diversity of viewpoint and practice; federal government is the best available tool for shaping and molding. Dispense with the Constitution’s limits on the powers of the federal government, and suddenly transformational change becomes possible.Theonly problem is that such a viewpoint utterly disregards the history of human relations. A government that presides over 330 million human beings with a variety of different viewpoints on core moral issues is unlikely to rule want to tHe by Michelle Malkin


Former President Donald Trump was right this weekend to deride McConnell as a “broken down hack politician” and to call out Chao for her brazen attempts to “get rich on China!” But the plain, unvarnished truth is that Trump himself empowered and enriched McChao by rewarding them time and again with endorsements and favors. Dur ing Trump’s tenure, the DOJ refused to pursue a criminal investigation against Chao for her multiple abuses of of fice.

7— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —

John Metzler is off this week so we present this column by Thomas Sowell. This is an elec tion year. But the issues this year are not about Demo crats and Republi cans. The big issue is whether this nation has degener ated to a point of no return — a point where we risk destroying ourselves, before our enemies can destroy us. If there is one moment that sym bolized our degeneration, it was when an enraged mob gathered in front of the Supreme Court and a leader of the United States Senate shouted threats against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, say ing “You won’t know what hit you!”

tHe point of no return

SCientifiC ‘integrity’ “Trust the sci ence,” say the me dia.Polls show that fewer Americans do. There’s good reason for that. “They don’t trust science because science is increas ingly untrust worthy,” says science writer Andrew Follet in my new video. “The only group that trusts science right now is Sixty-fourDemocrats.”percent of Democrats have “a great deal” of confidence in the scientific community, compared to 34% of Republicans. Of course, true science -- using the scientific method -- is important. But that’s not what much of “sci ence” is these days. Instead, today government science is misused by progressive politi cians.Example

There have always been irre sponsible demagogues. But there was once a time when anyone who shouted threats to a Supreme Court Justice would see the end of his own political career, and could not show his face in decent society again. You either believe in laws or you believe in mob rule. It doesn’t mat ter whether you agree with the law or agree with the mob on some par ticular issue. If threats of violence against judges — and publishing where a judge’s children go to school — is the way to settle issues, then there is not much point in having elections or laws. There is also not much point in expecting to have freedom. Threats and violence were the way the Nazis came to power in Germany. Freedom is not free. If you can’t be bothered to vote against storm-trooper tactics — regardless of who engages in them, or over what issue — then you can forfeit your freedom. Worse yet, you can forfeit the free dom of generations not yet born. Some people seem to think that the Supreme Court has banned abortions. It has done nothing of theThesort.Supreme Court has in fact done something very different, some thing long overdue and potentially historic. It has said that their own court had no business making policy decisions which nothing in the Con stitution gave them the authority to make.Getout a copy of the Constitution — and see if you can find anything in there that says the federal gov ernment is authorized to make laws aboutCheckabortion.outthe 10th Amendment, which says that the federal govern ment is limited to the specific powers it was granted, with all other powers going to the states or to the people. Why do we elect legislators to do what the voters want done, if un elected judges are going to make up laws on their own, instead of ap plying the laws that elected officials passed?Thisis part of a very long struggle that has been going on for more than 100 years. Back in the early 20th century, Progressives like President Woodrow Wilson decided that the Constitution put too many limits on the powers they wanted to use. Claiming that it was nearly impos

by Thomas Sowell Syndicated Columnist See STOSSEL on 35 See SOWELL on 35 by John Stossel Syndicated Columnist

1: Environmental activ ists want to limit commercial fishing. They want Congress to pass what they call the “Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act.” It claims climate change is the “greatest threat to America’s national security” and of fers a dubious solution: close more of the ocean to commercial fishing. The administration’s deputy direc tor of Climate, Jane Lubchenco, told Congress that a scientific paper con cludes that closing more of the ocean can actually increase catches of fish. Really? That doesn’t seem logical. It isn’t. The paper was retracted. One scientist called its logic “biologi callyAlso,impossible.”Lubchenco’s didn’t tell Con gress that the paper was written by her brother-in-law! And edited by her!Did the White House punish Lub chenco for her ethics violations? No. In fact, after her testimony, she was appointed co-head of President Joe Biden’s Scientific Integrity Task Force! Last week, the National Academy of Sciences banned her for five years. Yet she’s still on the White House’s Scientific Integrity Task Force. Sadly, much of what’s called sci ence today is simply left-wing ad vocacy. “New fields like fat studies, Afri can studies, Latinx studies, queer studies,” says Follet, “are essentially entirely fake.” Fake? Well, they must be. “Ex perts” in those fields keep being fooled by people who submit gib berish.Example 2: A ridiculous paper, “Embracing

8 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — —GUEST EDITORIAL—

wHy i Support CHuCk morSe for u.S. Senate from new HampSHire

by Tom Thomson Orford, NH. Chuck Morse has served his neighbors in Salem as both a Town Selectman and Mod erator, then served New Hampshire as a State Representative for two terms (19982002) and then was elected to the State Senate in 2002-2006 and reelected again in 2010 to the present. He served as Chair of the Finance Commit tee and in 2013 he was elected as the Presi dent of the N.H. State Senate.Chuck Morse and his wife Susan run a very successful business “Freshwater Farms” in Atkinson and employs more then 50 Granite Staters. When Chuck returned to the N.H. Senate in 2010, he found the Democrats had left our State with a $800 million dol lar deficit. Using his good business skills, he led N.H. back on a sustainable, fiscally responsible spending path without raising taxes. At the end of July, N.H. enjoyed a $429.7 million dol lar revenue surplus, thanks to Senator Morse, Governor Su nunu and many other statewide Republi cans.Because of Chuck Morse’s many town and state elected po sitions and his suc cessful business skills he has led the way as New Hampshire Presi dent of the Senate in cutting taxes for New Hampshire businesses by lowering business taxes and successfully started the phase out of the interest & divi dends tax in our state. Chuck Morse wants to take his New Hamp shire business skills to Washington DC and serve New Hamp shire’s taxpayers as he has done as President of the NH Senate. It was reported in the NH Sunday News on Aug. 14th that Demo crat Senator Maggie Hassan raised $26.6 million dollars for her US Senate reelection. The amount is shock ing to most N.H. vot ers, but what they may not know is that 90% of her $26.6 mil lion comes from out of state donors from New York to Los Angeles. Senator Hassan has outraised five of the Republican candidates by a 9 to 1 margin. But it gets worse, three of the five Republi cans received more of their donations from out of state. However, NH Senate President Chuck Morse has re ceived 90% of all funds from his N.H. friends and neighbors and he has promised to rep resent all N.H. citizens while serving them in Washington DC, and not the out of state donors that are “Bank rolling” Senator Has san’s reelection. I know of no other N.H. 2022 US Sen ate Candidate that is more qualified to serve as our next N.H. US Senator than Chuck Morse who will take his proven leadership skills and tax cutting record and start on day one to protect the pocketbook of every New Hampshire Tax payer.Iencourage everyone to be sure to get out and VOTE on Primary Day, Sept. themigrants200,000(thisOpensupportHassanRemember13th.SenatorcontinuestoJoeBiden’sBorderpolicy,JulyatotalofillegalimwalkedintoUnitedStates,and for the first 9 months of 2022 over 2 mil lion have crossed the southern border into the U. S.), Senator Hassan also voted for Higher Taxes, In creased Spending, and the Highest Inflation rate (9.1%) in the past 42 years. While Chuck Morse has pledged to Secure our Borders, Lower Taxes, Control Spending and Fight to reduce Joe Biden and Senator Hassan’s highest inflation in the past 42 years. I am proud to sup port N.H. Senate Presi dent Chuck Morse for US Senate, please join me on Sept. 13th Pri mary Day and VOTE for Chuck Morse. Tom Thomson is a Tree Farmer from Or ford, NH. to R) Sheila Thomson, Tom Thomson and Chuck Morse visiting the Governor Meldrim Thomson Scenic Highway.


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9— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — See SMITH on 30 Not So LoNg Ago ... Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE CHief JuStiCe of nH’S HigHeSt CourtJeremiaH SmitH’S deCiSionS by HanafordRobert Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer Settled law of the State of New Hamp shire.Believe it or not, until the early 1800’s the set tled law was that towns could tax their citizens to pay the salaries of the settled ministers of the established church in the Granite State. The established church was recognized as the Congregational church. The United States con stitution added the First Amendment with the much repeated “ establishment clause ” which states that the Congress cannot pass any legislation that es tablishes any religion or prevents the free ex ercise of religion. But the state constitutions allowed established re ligions and many of them, including New Hampshire, had estab lished churches which benefited from taxa tion.After Jeremiah Smith was appointed the Chief Justice of the Su preme Judicial Court of New Hampshire things changed. A case was brought before the Court called Muzzey versus the Assessors of Amherst, N.H. In 1802 a similar case had come before Judges Farrar and Livermore in which Universalists objected to being taxed to the benefit of the Congregationalists. The judges affirmed a previ ous court decision that Universalists were of the same “persuasion, sect, or denomination” as Congregational ists and could thus be taxed to support settled ministers of the “ Or thodoxWhenChurch.”theMuzzey versus Amherst case came before the court led by Justice Smith a different conclusion was reached. This time it was the Presbyteri ans who didn’t want to be taxed to support the Congregational ists. Jeremiah Smith, though a Unitarian, was also Scottish, and he and all but one of the other Supreme Ju dicial Court Justices of New Hampshire ruled that Presbyterians wereCongregationalistsandnotthesamere ligious sect “within the meaning of the consti tution.” Justice Smith kept extensive records of the cases he was the overseer of and his son, also Jeremiah, made them available. Some of the decisions of the court were printed in the March, 1879 issue of the Granite Monthly. The decision of the highest court in New Judge Jeremiah Smith Dave DeVoy FOR STATE SENATE DISTRICT 2 Vote September 13th Republican Primary Ashland • Belmont, Campton • Center Harbor, Gilford • LaconiaHolderness,•Meredith New Hampton • Sanbornton, Sandwich • Thornton • Retired Army Veteran with 30 years of Service • Small Business Owner for 33+ Years • “A” Rating from the National Rifle Association • Strong Supporter of Second Amendment www.davedevoy.com Paid for by Dave DeVoy, fiscal agent, District 2 Towns

Sprinkler + Drip Irrigation Landscape LandscapingLightingServices • free estimates • service since 1981 (603) 812.5721 | SummitIrrigationNH.com presidency progressed. Among these were (1) a powerful inclination, stemming from Amer ica’s involvement in World War I, to short sightedly forego inter national political com mitments and, linked with this isolationist impulse, (2) establish ment under his three predecessors

Professor C. Paul Vincent will present “Immigration, Isolationism, And FDR” at the Wright Museum in Wolfeboro on Tuesday, September 6th at 7pm. lin Roosevelt became president in March 1933, he shouldered the burden of the worst economic crisis in American history. Yet, fraught as the Great Depression surely was, it was backdropped by other concerns that grew in both severity and importance as his the college’s Mason Library during 198594; then, with the re tirement of the Holo caust Center’s founder, Charles Hildebrandt, served as director dur ing 1998-2007 of the Cohen Center for Holo caust Studies. A Fellow during 2007-08 at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (the academic and research wing of the United States Holocaust Me morial Museum), he coordinated the effort in 2008-09 to establish an academic major in Holocaust and Geno cide Studies, serving as the program’s founding chair. Prof. Vincent received Keene State’s Distinguished Teach ing Award in 2008 and was a Fulbright Schol ar during the spring 2015 semester at Ja giellonian University’s Centre for European Studies in Krakow, Po land. (He returned to Jagiellonian as a visit ing professor in 2018.) With a Ph.D. in history from the University of Colorado (1980), Prof. Vincent has published two books—The Politics of Hunger: The Allied Blockade of Germany, 1915-1919 (1985) and A Historical Diction ary of Germany’s Wei mar Republic, 19181933 (1997)—and has focused his scholar ship in recent years on American immigration policy during the ad ministration of Frank lin D. Roosevelt. One piece of that research, “The Voyage of the St. Louis Revisited,” ap peared in 2011 in the journal Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Doors open at 6 p.m., the program begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6th at the Wright Museum’s Du Quoin Education Cen ter, 77 Center Street in Wolfeboro. Admis sion is $5 for members and $10 for non-mem bers. Reservations are strongly encouraged and can be made online at itSeries,aboutForfronttivethatitemsturesWrightonandresource1212.orum.org/lecture-serieswww.wrightmusebycalling603-569-Theregion’sleadingforeducatorslearnersofallagesWorldWarII,theMuseumfeamorethan14,000initscollectionarerepresentaofboththehomeandbattlefield.moreinformationthe2022Lectureormuseum,viswrightmuseum.org. of an in creasingly in32KeeneHolocausthistoryPaul1930sAmericathatiedthreat,growingthegrationlinkagelineThisimmigrationrestrictivesystem.talkaimstooutthecomplicatedbetweenimmiandisolationononehandandtheinternationallargelyembodbyNaziGermany,Rooseveltbelievedfacedastheadvanced.ProfessorEmeritusVincenttaughtand,from1998,studiesatStateCollegeforyears,untilretiring2017.Hedirected

10 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —

On Tuesday, Septem ber 6th, the Wright Mu seum in Wolfeboro will welcome Professor C. Paul Vincent. This is the sixteenth program of the Wright Museum’s 2022 Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney Ed ucation Series. It is generally under stood that when Frank “immigration, iSolationiSm, and fdr” program at tHe wrigHt muSeum

You are in grave danger! Ever since your leaders and your nation has chose to reject me and my wis dom you have been do ing things that reveal that you are foolish and outright stupid. Solomon, through his wisdom I bestowed on him said, “so I turned my mind to under stand, to investigate and to search out wis dom and the scheme of things and to un derstand the stupid ity of wickedness and the madness of folly.” (Ecclesiastes 7:25). I am your Creator and designer and I made it very clear in my book, the Bible, how you should ex ercise judgment that will be beneficial and not detrimental. But you have chosen to do almost the exact op posite and the gap is widening. If you keep it up, the dam will break, and the flood of chaos will engulf your nation.Letme remind you of my design and use it to evaluate your fool ish decision making. When I created the first man and woman, I poured out my love and bestowed upon them every wonderful, positive and gracious gift they could imag ine. I withheld no good thing from them as an expression of my love (Psalm 84:11). It came from my heart that has no evil and longs to bless my children. But I also told them clearly that, should they choose to disobey me, they would be come separated from me and they would be gin to live in ways that would bring death in stead of life. “And the Lord God commanded the man, “you are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” (Gen esis 2:16-17). I was very clear, speaking from my heart of love, that if they chose to rebel and disobey me, their Creator, they would face painful conse quences. It included physical death and without a Savior, they would die spiritually separated from me for ever. In other words, in my design I includ ed, as a demonstration of love, firm discipline, punishment and pain ful consequences for bad behavior. Isaiah the prophet captured how this approach to justice is really the only way to get the at tention of lawbreakers to turn them around. Isaiah said, “when your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn regardgoofness;nottoThoughrighteousness.graceisshownthewicked,theydolearnrighteouseveninalanduprightnesstheyondoingevilandnotthemajesty of the Lord. (Isaiah 26:9-10). You see, for those who are in rebel lion and disobedient to me and who then unleash their sin on others I, as an act of love, will use painful consequences to draw my rebellious children back to me. Please understand, coddling them and keeping se vere judgments and penalties from them, only makes the prob lem worse. It is worse for the offender be cause there is no moti vation to change their ways. It is worse for the offended because the perpetrator, be cause of a lack of con sequences, will con tinue to hurt others. I also made it very clear that just judg ment must be followed quickly with painful consequence if you ever hope to bring about change. “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.” (Ecclesiastes 8:11). Without darkness,forevilcall“Woeevildeath.leadingyourmyyouwaystions.iedpainfullightchangechange.isconsequencespainfultherenomotivationtoButmanywilltheirwaysinoftheswiftandpenaltieslevupontheirconvicNow,consideryourandseehowfarhavefallenfromdesignandhowwaysarefoolishlytochaosandYoucallgood,andevil,good.tothosewhoevilgoodandgoodwhoputdarknesslightandlightforwhoputbit ter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20). You defend the criminal and punish the victims of crime in your courts. “Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts.” (Amos 5:15). “you who hate good and love evil, who tear the skin from my people and the flesh from their bones.” (Micah 3:2) You mock me and my standards for justice. “You have wearied the Lord with your words. “how have we wearied him? You ask. By say ing “all who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord and he is pleased with them” or “Where is the God of Justice?” (Malachi 2:17). What fools you have become. Let me close with my words through Eze kiel, the prophet. “In the pride of your heart you say, “I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god…But you are a man and not a god, though you think you are as wise as a god.” (Ezekiel 28:2). If you don’t wise up soon it will be too late for me to deliver you from your foolishness. God These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they re late to individuals and the nation of the USA. QUESTION: If America’s Jus tice System Irrepara bly Damaged?

Letters From God Letters From God

11— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —

M r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or OPENServing527-8001LaconiaDailyAT5AMDAILYM r. C ’ s Ta x Mi r. C ’ s Ta x Mr.i ’ Taxi 267-7134 or OPENServing527-8001LaconiaDailyAT5AMDAILY —Open Every Day— 252 Middle Road, Center Tuftonboro, NH SpiderWebGardens.com 603-569-5056 Premier Farm & Garden Center Offering House Plants, annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, Vegetables and Herbs. MUMS, ASTERS & FALL BLOOMING PERENNIALS Boundless Grace LLC A CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE We’re Having A Wonderful LABOR DAY SALE! September 1, 2, 3 and 5, 2022 10am - 4pm At its new location: 287 Main St., Tilton, NH **All purchases are cash only!

12 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — INLOCALSHOP2022 Jct. of Routes 16 & 25, W. Ossipee (next to McDonald’s) OPEN SEVEN DAYS • 603-539-5700 TwinDeessigns Gift Shop Gifts - Souvenirs and Memories 8 Central Square Bristol Home of Diane the Turtle Open 7 Days a Week The Way Shopping Used To Be 11 Village Cir., Alton, NH • 603-409-9320 • elisabethshangar.com Featuring New Designer Clothing & Accessories For Women Open Tues-Fri 12 - 6 Sat 10 - 6 FINE ART & CRAFTS GIFT'SHOP�, 23 Main St • Center Harbor • 603 253 9525 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! 23 MAIN ST., CENTER HARBOR • 603 253 9525 FINE ART & CRAFTS GIFT SHOP OPEN WED - SUN 10-4 390 South Main St., Laconia, NH 603-524-6334 | Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-4 LOCALSHOP & Community!SupportYour Organic Products • Gifts • Bulk Foods 574 Main Street, Laconia, NH 603-528-1133 • mccycleandsport.com •SALES •SERVICE •ACCESSORIES GROUP WORKOUTS A new retail craft shop featuring hand made creations by Lakes Region crafters 320-557-7891 • 108 Pine Hill Rd., Wolfeboro, NH Serenity Creations Come Out & Support These Local Businesses!

13— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —

FidelIndeed,perageingbed—perhapsbeention.ball’scolumn.)Sport-ThoughtsSoIponderedbaseCubanconnecCuba’salwaysabaseballhotproducthehighestpercentofMLBprospectscapitaanywhere.CubandictatorCastroespecially loved baseball. But con trary to legend, he never really had a tryout with the Washington Sena tors. He was never that good. Which is too bad, in a way, because had he been a great baseball player he likely wouldn’t have become a murder ousThetyrant.20-year-old Tiant was pitching in Mexico in 1960 when Castro consolidated his Com munist control in Cuba. Luis wouldn’t see his parents again until 1975—another special year for El Tiante when he helped the Red Sox advance to a memorable World Series. (In fact, while the Red Sox lost to the Reds in seven games, Boston won all three games that Tiant started.) But with Castro longgone, what’s happening with modern-day Cuban baseball prospects? One such prospect was Rusney Castillo, whom the Red Sox signed on August 23, 2014, for $72.5 million. That was a lot of money in those pre-inflation days. Castillo essentially had to defect from Cuba to get that MLB shot, as the Communists still wouldn’t allow their stars to play elsewhere. The 27-year-old Cas tillo wore the same num ber 38 that he’d worn in Cuba. He’d get his first MLB hit that Sept. 17 at Fenway. But he’d spend most of those seven years playing Triple AAA ball in Pawtucket. MLB stardom eluded him.

The next year Tiant signed with the Yan kees.(No need to relive THAT either.) But it was especially cool to see El Tiante again because I’d gone to that July game with fel low legislator Jose Cam brils, who like Tiant is a refugee from Commu nist Cuba. (See August 11th

by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer During a recent trip to a BoSox baseball game at Fenway Park I was thrilled to see 81-yearold Red Sox pitching legend Luis Tiant visit ing the old ballyard. He naturally received a big ovation when his presence was acknowl edged. But as I looked around at the applaud ing fans it occurred to me that most of them weren’t even born when “El Tiante” threw his last Red Sox pitch at Fenway against the To ronto Blue Jays. It was Sunday, Octo ber 1, 1978—the last day of the regular sea son and Boston trailed the Yankees by one game. It was obviously a must-win for Boston and there was no bet ter pitcher to have on the mound for such a game than Tiant. The wily Cuban twirled a two-hit shutout. Bos ton’s 5-0 win was its eighth straight triumph as the Sox desperately chased the Yankees for the American League East title. The Yankees had won six straight going into their Sunday finale. All the Yankees need ed to do was win at home that day against the lowly Cleveland Indians to clinch the pennant. As Tiant shut down the Jays, fans kept checking the score from Yankee Stadium. Somehow the Indians prevailed. Fenway Park’s giant screen flashed the news. And then the simple words: “Thank You Rick Waits.” Waits was the Indian pitcher that day, and like Dave Roberts, Bernie Carbo, Malcolm Butler, and Gerald Henderson, he earned New England sports immortality with his effort that October 1st. And he didn’t even play for Boston! I’m sure that even today Red Sox fans thank him and buy him drinks. It all set up a onegame playoff with the Yankees the next day at Fenway. The Bucky Dent(Nogame.need to relive THAT!)

Which brings us to a new documentary: el tiante and Cuban baSeball traffiCking Luis Tiant. —OPEN EVERY DAY— Mon. - Fri. 7am-6pm, Sat. & Sun. 8am-4pm 131 Lake St., Gilford, NH (In the old Cheapo Depot) used2bnewllc.com • 603-366-8044 All 4 Businesses in 1 Location! Rakin’ It In • Vinyl Visions • Bossnit Metal COME SEE US!COME SEE US! Back to School Sale! 15% STOREWIDEOFF See MOFFETT on 33 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821 NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING!

14 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —

New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats Chris Bosak Writer come in all sizes in grass10seeyourightofstandingItingcaughtthingtheingstoppingpastwereday,lardsbirdssparrowsmalcallyinparkTheysmallersurpriseswastance.owlandaingmeal.ishadn’tfeederYoubigaccurately,Sometimes,birdwatching.ormorerarely,asurprisehappens.lookoutatyourandabirdyouseeninyearsperchedenjoyingaOryouaretakawinterstrollonNewEnglandbeachnoticeasnowyrestinginthedisTheotherday,Itreatedtoafewonamuchmagnitude.cameatasmallwithatinypondsuburbiathattypihasyournorbirds.Crowsandarethemainwithafewmalinthepond.Onthisparticularhowever,thingsalittledifferent.Inormallydriverighttheparkwithoutorevencastaglancetowardpond,butsomebigandwhitemyeyeasbeoutoftheordinary.wasagreategretneartheedgethewater.Itwasn’tattheedgewherewouldtypicallyanegretbutratherto15feetintotheawayfromthe pond. A sizable flock of Canada geese roamed around the grass near theAsegret.Iwatched the egret, I took a clos er look at the ducks to see how the mal lards were progress ing with their molt. To my surprise, they weren’t mallards at all but wood ducks. They were broken into two groups of five or six each. One group swam around the middle of the pond and the oth er group hugged the heavily vegetated back shoreline.Thewood ducks were in an interesting phase of their molt. The males were no longer (or not yet, depending on your perspective) in their splendid breed ing plumage. Rather, they more resembled the females with drab, camouflaged plum age. In a few weeks, they will be back in their splendid breed ing plumage.

A great egret at an inland pond in New England is certainly not something to post on any rare bird alert, but it was nice to see the tall wader just the same. Great egrets are more commonly found in the region along the coast or around brackish waters. Just like a black-crowned night heron sighting, I always find it inter esting to find a great egret on a freshwater pond. Finding a snowy egret, the great egret’s smaller cousin, on a freshwater pond would be a much rarer occur rence as they generally stick to the coast.


15— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —

A great egret stands in the grass near a pond in New England.



One of the nice things about birdwatching is that you never re ally know what the day will hold. Some days you’re disappointed with the number of birds, and sometimes you are thrilled with what you see. I’m not saying a great egret and a dozen wood ducks is anything to write home about, but on this day, the sign ings certainly lifted my spirits.


Chris Bosak may be reached at land.comwww.birdsofnewengthroughsak26@gmail.comchrisboorhiswebsite


16 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! Open 7 days 11 am to close Seafood • Lobster Rolls Fresh Ground Burgers Daily All Flavors Hard and Soft Serve Shibley’s Drive-InIce Cream 875-6611 for Takeout • Next to Mini Golf • Alton Bay GPS: 15 Mt. Major Hwy GPS: 42 Mt. Major Hwy Open Daily at 11am for Lunch and Dinner www.shibleysatthepier.com ON THE WATER, ALTON BAY, NH • 603-875-3636 Specializing In American Cuisine ] Seafood ] Beef ] Poultry Pasta ] Veal ] Lamb ] Lobster DINE BY THE LAKESIDE ! OUTDOORDECK SHIBLEY’SATTHEPIERSHIBLEY’SATTHEPIER 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • www.wrapcitysandwiches.com603-715-8600 403 Main Street, Alton NH fosterstavernbythebay.com603-875-1234 NOW OPEN DAILY @ 11am • LUNCH & DINNER 403 Main Street, Alton NH 603-875-1234 • fosterstavernbythebay.com NOW OPEN DAILY @ 11am • LUNCH & DINNER GREAT FOOD LIVE MUSIC & GOOD TIMES! Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street At Paugus Bay Plaza, Laconia Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm M Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street at Paugus Bay Plaza THIS WEEKEND SPECIALS Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Italian & American Comfort FoodMyrna’s Classic CuisinePasta•SteaksSeafood myrnascc.com603.527.8144 Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, voted one of the top ten restaurants in NH by Boston Magazine. 331 SOUTH MAIN ST., LACONIA 603-524-4100 SHANGHAINH.COM “The Finest Szechuan & Mandarin Cuisine in the Lakes Region” CALL FOR TAKE OUT Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am - 8pm 23CelebratingYEARSServingtheLakesRegion! For Health Conscious People ... SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE ITEMS & VEGETARIAN DISHES OPEN 7 DAYS If you enjoy the white elephant, auc tion, and book tents at the Hebron Fair, you won’t want to miss the Hebron Yard Sale Day on Saturday, Sept. 3 from 9 to 3. Since this year’s fair did not include some of these usual features, many of the items that would have been sold at those tents will be for sale outside the Hebron Church at 16 Church Lane. As an additional ben efit there will be other yard sales at various locations throughout town that day. Stop by the Hebron Common for great bargains on used furniture, household items, books, games, puzzles, toys, sport ing goods, equipment, tools, ChurchUnionisofatwillAhebronchurchfair.org.locations,ditionalingForlessarepuzzles,tent.thealsomore.antiques,accessories,andmuchThechurchwillagainbefeaturingpopular$5-a-bagAndthebooks,DVD’s,etc.only$1eachunotherwisemarked.moreinfo,includalistoftheadparticipatingpleasevisitlistofthelocationsalsobeavailablethechurchthedaythesale.TheeventsponsoredbytheCongregationalofHebron. SaleHebronYardDay The Home of Moonlight Meadery & Hidden Moon Brewing 1253 Upper City Road, Pittsfield, NH • overthemoonfarmstead.com DAILYOPEN Delicious Mead, Beer & Cider Served in SurroundingsScenic Sat. Sept. 10: End of Summer Night’s Dream Dinner Oct. 1st - 10th: Oktoberfest! Fri.7:30-9:30pm; Sat. 7-9pm; Sun. 2-4pm OPEN MIC THUR.6-9pm FALL SPECIAL EVENTS!LIVE MUSIC WEEKLY!

smallergerbigfortuallythatWell,aoflytioned(thanklowercoworker,blearoundyearsmemberlabels.thereportedly,inwasnaisesameIfoodbyrecipeMayonnaiseChocolateCake,amadefamoustheDepressionandrationingofWWII.know,Ithoughtthething,¨Mayonincake?¨Butitalltheragebacktheday.Hellman´s,evenputrecipeontheirjarAndItoo,reonce,manyago,sittingthelunchtaatwork,whenaanavidfolofthesearticles,youDeb!)menthatsheactualsubstitutedadollopmayoforanegginrecipeforbrownies.nottoolongafterItrieditanditacworked;adollopanegg.Justhowisadollop?Bigthanasmidgebutthanasmattering.Butremember,theoldadage,¨Ifalittleisgood,alotmustbebetter!¨isnotalwaystrue.Why?Becausenottoolongafterthissuc cess, night fell qui etly upon the Gibson household. It was 9:00pm when the si lence was broken by a little voice saying, ¨I need brownies for tomorrow.¨ Dad to the rescue! A double batch coming right up! I had 1 egg and needed 4. The stores were closed, the inlaws down the road didn’t have any eggs. What´s a guy to do? Use mayo! So I subbed in about a half a cup, perhaps a smatter ing more, of mayo for the missing eggs. The results were what one could only politely de scribe as… mud. Hot in the oven, it was a mass of searing bub bly dark brown gooey ¨stuff¨. When held on its side, it slow ly oozed off the pan like molten lava, only this didn´t form into a crust as it cooled. Why? Because, in my haste, I forgot that mayonnaise was both eggs AND oil. I never lowered the ratio of oil needed to compen sate for the oil in the mayonnaise. But I di gress…Theever faithful in ternet is awash with recipes for wouldMayonnaiseChocolateCake.Iwagerthatmany of you could even find one or two recipes in mom’s or granny’s recipe box. Some may even have the origi nal recipe still on the mayonnaise label from 1927. Now that’s an heirloom worth keep ing! The recipe I am using, with a little ad justing to the ingredi ents, was found at the Joy of Baking web site, but from what I´ve seen, the recipes differ little from site to site. I found this cake with its Choco late Sauce ¨topping¨ to be moist, rich, dense but not

Chocolate Mayo Cake by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer It was 2:00am. I was trolling the internet in search of something inviting, mysterious, alluring, borderline sinfully decadent. That can only describe one thing… Chocolate Cake!Ifound it!


17— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —

heavy, and really chocolatey deli galleyrestaurant.comAkerlysgrilland-603.875.338383GrillACKERLY’S&GalleyMainStreet,Alton Moat Mtn. - Czech Pilsner Great Rhythm -Topical Haze Smuttynose - Old Brown Dog 603 - Amber Lone Pine - Brightside Pale Ale COPPER KETTLE AtTAVERNHart’sTurkey Farm 233RestaurantD.W.Hwy, Meredith hartsturkeyfarm.com603.279.6212 Henniker - Working Man’s Porter Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap D.A. LONG TAVERN At 579FunspotEndicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Southern Tier - Pumking Definitive - From the Ocean Concord Craft - Hampsha Heffah Blaze Brewing - Bark Earth Eagle - Momma Had a ChapelBaby + Main - Dolce Vita ...+6 More On Tap FOSTER’S TAVERN 403 Main Street Alton Bay, fosterstavernbythebay.com603-875-1234NH Tuckerman - Pale Ale Sam Adams - Wicked Hazy Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Czech Pilsner Maine Beer Co - Lunch Blue Moon - Belgian White ...+2 More On Tap newdurhameatatjohnsons.com/603.859.750069SeafoodAtTAPHOUSEJOHNSON’SJohnson’s&SteakRt11,NewDurham Burlington -Sublimated Dreams Greater Good -Passion Fruit Sour Southern Tier -Thick Mint Sloop -Open Water Stormalong -Tropical Cider 3 Floyds -Barbarian Haze ...+30 More On Tap Morrisseysfrontporch.comWolfeboro286PorchMORRISSEYS’&PubS.MainSt.,603.569-3662 ConcordHarpGuinnessSmithwick’sCraft Safe Space Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella...+11ArtoisMore On Tap OVER THE FARMSTEADMOON 1253 Upper City Rd., Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com Scotch Ale - 5.4% No Need To Argue: cranberry mead - 14% Passion Fruit Cider - 6.8% ROBUST Porter - 7% Mosaic IPA - 3.7% Buzzworthy - 12.8% ...+10 More On Tap PATRICK’S PUB 18 Weirs Rd., 603.293.0841GilfordPatrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice ClownGuinnessShoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale ...+9 More On Tap THE FB603.409.934459AtBREWWITCHESPUBTheCraftBeerXchangeDoeAve.,WeirsBeach@craftbeerxchange 1911 – Cider Donut Cider Victory – Sour Monkey Maine Beer – Lunch IPA Able Ebenezer – Lady of the Lake Lager Moat – Miss V’s Blueberry Ale Left Hand – Peanut Butter Milk ...+30StoutMore On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change! WEIRS TIMES’ BEER FINDER SEE RECIPE ON PAGE 25 See FEAST on 25

18 on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! 134 Church St • Laconia, NH • 603.524.0399 Get out & enjoy summer! Drinks & dining on our outside deck! Café Déja Vu 603-524-7773 311 Court Street • Laconia, NH —OPEN DAILY FOR DINE IN & TAKE-OUT— Mon - Fri 5:30am - 2pm / Sat 5:30am - 12:30pm & Sun 6:30am - 12:30pm 69 State Route 11, (just south of the Alton circle) New Durham, NH 603.859-7500 | EatAtJohnsons.com Serving Lunch & Dinner Dine in or Takeout 7 Days A Week JOHNSON’STAPHOUSE Featuring36BEERSonTap! RESTAURANT | DAIRY BAR | MARKETPLACE | TAPHOUSE OLDE PROVINCE COMMON • 71 RTE 104 • MEREDITH WE 603-279-3013DELIVER!MEREDITH’SNEWESTPIZZAPLACE! 55 Mt Major Hwy, Alton Bay 603-875-6363 • popsclamshell.com —Since 1945 FRESH SEAFOOD • GRILL FAVORITES • SUBS • ROLLS Best Whole Clams on the Lake Since 1945! (3 Generations) OPEN Thursday thru Monday 11:30-8 Closed from 3-4pm for filtering & restock (Closed Tue & Wed) OPEN Tues. - Sat. 11am - 10pm 302 S. MAIN STREET, LACONIA • 524-9955 • SOUTHENDNH.COM Laconia’s Best Pizza Delivered To Your Door! PIZZA / CALZONES • SALADS SUBS / SYRIANS • SEAFOOD TAKE OUT & DELIVERY D.A. LONG TAVERND.A. LONG TAVERN Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com Always Lots Of Fun On Tap! TAVERN HOURS Open Every Day, year round Open Daily At Noon Sun. - Thur. noon -10pm Fri. & Sat. noon - 11pm EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE Explore our rotating draft selection with 12 carefully curated offerings! GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Made to Order Pizza, Chicken Fingers Hot Dogs & French Fries

on the TOWNOUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! TAKE 10%OFF WITHTHISAD Mon-Sat 11-7 / Sun 12-5 Home of the Lakes Region’s Only Certified Chocolatier 603-366-KNDY Across the street from Funspot • 604 Endicott Street N., Laconia, NH WT Located just off scenic road, a short walk from the Weirs. Come By Boat or Car & Relax By The Lakeside at AKWA MARINA’S BEACH BAR & GRILLE II 95 CENTENARY AVE., WEIRS 603-968-5533 INCREDIBLELAKEVIEWS! HOMEOF 603-409-9344 • 59 Doe Ave, Weirs Beach, NH NEW Craft Beer Destination in The Weirs! W/HILLTOPMULTI-TIERBIERGARDENPANORAMICVIEWSOFTHELAKE 36 Rotating Craft Taps —BEST PIZZA IN THE REGION— HistoricFamilyCasualAmbianceDining Indoor & Patio Seating • Free function rooms for your event 603-267-7349 • gilmantonpub.com 506 Province Road Gilmanton, NH - Intersection of Rte 107 & Rte 140 Present this ad for 10% off dinner. Excludes alcohol. Exp. 10/31/22. OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH & DINNER WithConnectUs!603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com THURSDAYSTRIVIA In the Tavern @ 7pm FRIDAYSLIVE MUSIC 5-8 PM Turkey • Steaks • Prime Rib • Seafood The C opper K ettle TAVERN Exit 23 off I-93 • 233 Daniel Webster Hwy • Meredith 7 BELKNAP MOUNTAIN RD GILFORD, NH 603-528-1900 • thegilfordvillagestore.com Mon 7a–3p Tue-Thur 7a–530p, Fri 7a–630p, Sat 8a – 630p Serving a soups,selectionniceofsalads,sandwiches,pizza&breakfast On Saturday, Sep tember 17, Wolfeboro Friends of Music will present Svetlana Smo lina, a prestigious clas sical pianist, at Brew ster Academy’s Ander son Hall, at 7:30 PM, Known for her “dazzling effects, bringing audi ences close to frenzy” (Herald Tribune), Smo lina has performed, re corded, and collaborat ed with many famous musicians in numer ous major world music centers.Listed among The Best Pianists of the 21st Century, Ms. Smo lina has been described by the L.A. Times as “an outstanding pianist with luxuriant tone” and by the New York Times as “mesmerizing andHerdynamic”.program will include works by F. Liszt, F. Chopin, Tchai kovsky- Pletnev The Concert Suite from the Ballet Nutcracker, and Rachmaninoff 3 pre ludes.The audience is en couraged, but not re world-renowned pianiSt Svetlana Smolina in wolfeboro quired, to be vaccinat ed and to wear masks. Tickets are $25 and are available at Avery In surance, Black’s Paper & Gift Store, online at companiedchargewillschoolorgwww.wfriendsofmusic.oratthedoor.HighstudentswithIDbeadmittedfreeofandchildrenacbyanadult ticket purchaser will be admitted free of charge. For more in formation, visit orwfriendsofmusic.orgwww.call603-569-2151.

20 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun! One of the objectives behind the programs and events offered by the New Hampshire Boat Museum (NHBM) in Wolfeboro is to help visitors experience New Hampshire’s fresh wa terways, which takes place with Vintage Voy age Boat Excursion. Scheduled for Thurs day, September 15, this excursion will provide visitors with the op portunity to explore the northeastern end of Lake Winnipesaukee in privately-owned his new HampSHire boat muSeum inviteS viSitorS on exCurSion toric“Thereboats.really is noth ing like the experience of cruising on the lake in a vintage or classic boat,” said NHBM Ex ecutive Director Martha Cummings. “It is a bit like stepping back in time, not to mention how smoothly these boats cut through the water versus contem poraryExamplesboats.” of the boats in which visitors will ride include Chris Craft, Hacker Craft, Gar Wood, and Cen OPEN DAILY FOR THE SEASON THROUGH OCT 31ST 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro, NH 603-569-1212 • WrightMuseum.org On Exhibit July 1 - Oct. 31, 2022 LET ME BE MYSELF: THE LIFE STORY OF ANNE FRANK Visit our website for admission information and event schedule. HOURS: Mon. – Sat., 10am-4pm Sunday, Noon-4pm 1192 Weirs Boulevard, Weirs Beach, NH 603-366-4673 • CHANNELCOTTAGES.COM Offering 15 unique 1, 2 and 3+ bedroom vacation rental cottages with A/C, Wi~Fi and most with fully equipped kitchens Docking Available • Pet Friendly • Very Clean & Comfortable Where you want to be on Lake Winnipesaukee! Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH 603-476-LOON (5666) • www.Loon.org SEEFORWEBSITEHOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails! tury.“Part of our mission is to preserve these beau tiful boats, and what better way to do that than for people to have the chance to experi ence cruising in one,” added Cummings. “Per haps they’ll be inspired to go out and buy one of their own, keeping this heritage alive In addition to stop ping at a ‘special’ loca tion, the cruise includes ‘drive-bys’ of area land marks and interesting boathouses and stories of New Hampshire’s rich lake history told by NHBM boat captains. Boat rides will last for approximately 2 hours followed by lunch at Marker 21 terways.Hampshire’sboatingappreciationderstandingalltoNHBMboatingantiqueets,morenon-members.membersTicketsday,atWolfeboroBoatBank,edithLifeSponsoredrestaurant.byLakeRealtyandMerVillageSavingsVintageVoyageExcursionleavestowndocks9:00AMonThursSeptember15.are$155forand$170forTolearnorpurchasetickvisitnhbm.org.Foundedin1992byandclassicenthusiasts,iscommittedinspirepeopleofageswithanunof,andfor,theheritageofNewfreshwa

21— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun! labor day weekend Craft fair at gunStoCk Come and celebrate at the Labor Day Week end Craft Fair at Gun stock on Saturday and Sunday, September 3-4.Hours are 10am to 5pm both days. There will be over 100 awesome artists and crafters displaying a variety of media. Some of the arts & crafts STAND wildmeadowpaddlesports.comKAYAKSPADDLEBOARDSUP•CANOES603-253-75366WhittierHwy.Moultonborough “At the Lights” in Center Harbor ActivitiesRentalsSales THEAdventureORIGINALGolf Test your skills! Known throughout the country for family fun! The Adventure Is Open Daily • Both Locations Route 3 • 528-6434Winnisquam Route 3 • 366-5058Meredith THAd The Adventure Is Route 3 • Wininiisqquam Bring the camera and the family! $ with100OFFthiscoupon Meredith course now open with NEW greens! **Safe Social Distancing Rules @ Both Locations SHETLANDTraditionaltoCommittedBreeding1927®SHEEP Center Sandwich • kindredspiritfarmnh@gmail.com603-284-7277 Like us! KINDRED SPIRIT FARM —FARM FRESH FINE FLEECE— will include amazing handcrafted wooden American flags, ce dar wood furniture, amazing nuts & bolts creations, beauti ful wildlife photog raphy, pillow quilts/ towels, jewelry, resin art, pet portraits, al paca products, ceram ics, fiber arts, quilts, gourmet food items, inlaid wooden furni ture, amazing positiv ity wall signs, beauti ful handpainted wood/ slate/glass, kettle corn, handsome dog collars & leashes, handpoured soaps, & lots more. Friendly, Leashed PetsHeldWelcome.Rainor Shine Under GPSsionAlwaysFreeCanopies.Admis&FreeParking.Addressis719 Cherry Valley Rd., Rte. 11A, Gilford NH For more info call Joye at (603) 387-1510. Pre view Online joycescraft shows.com

22 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — On Sunday, Septem ber 4, Lori Diamond & Fred Abatelli will perform at Canterbury Shaker Village’s Music on the Green series with special guest, An elise.An ries,”ourderfulily-friendlynostalgia.”willsionsforguesttarskillsplayingandbines2012),PulseBestwritingGreatsongwriteraward-winning(finalist,AmericanSongContest2010,FemaleVocalist,Magazine2011&DiamondcomsoulfulvocalsseasonedpianowithAbatelli’sinboththeguiandbass.SpecialAnelise,knownherquarantinesesonsocialmedia,provide“musical“TheirmusicisfamandawoncomplementtooutdoormusicsesaidExecutive muSiC on tHe green: lori diamond & fred abatelli witH SpeCial gueSt aneliSe The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here! Summer Fun!Summer Fun! NEW! ADDING DINNER SERVICE THUR, FRI & SAT NIGHTS! SERVING BREAKFAST & LUNCH WED. - SUN. & DINNER THUR., FRI. & SAT. 4-8PM greensideatlochmere.com • 603-528-7888 360 Laconia Road, Tilton, NH Experience The NEW Overlooking the mountains, come enjoy craft cocktails, mimosa flights & delicious food! VISIT US SOON! Booking functions & private dinners Shrimp & Scallop Pesto NY Strip Steak Filet Mignon Butternut Chicken 9 Holes $16 18 Holes $26 UNLIMITED GOLF After 3pm - $16 After 5pm - $12 Director Leslie Nolan, who said their musical styles range from jazz and acoustic to folk, pop, gospel, and blues. “Like all our concerts, this concert will appeal to just about anyone who enjoys music.” Music on the Green performances take place at Canterbury Shaker Village, 288 Shaker Rd, Canter bury, NH from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ev ery Sunday through September 11. Perfor mances are free with a suggested donation of Designated$20. as a Na tional Historic Land mark for its architec tural integrity and sig nificance, The Village features 25 restored original Shaker build ings, 4 reconstructed Shaker buildings, and 694 acres of forests, fields, gardens, and mill ponds under per manent museumtrail.org.information,Hampshire.tageculturallynectsseumtheVillagetem,theabouttrails.alsoeasement.conservationThepropertyfeatureswalkingTolearnmorethemusicseries,Village,ortrailsysvisitshakers.org.CanterburyShakerisamemberofNHHeritageMuTrail,whichconthepublicwithrichheriinstitutionsinNewFormorevisitnh


Books for the ClothingJewelrySoulfortheHeartGiftsfortheSpiritfortheBody Made EARTHon 33603-569-9100BOUTIQUESPIRITUALN.MainStreetWolfeboro,NH Mon-Sat 10am-6pm Sunday 10am-5pm 67 Mill Street,603-569-0022Wolfeboro Premium Meats & Fresh Seafood MILL S T REET Meat Market TWO FLOORS OF VENDOR BOOTHS IN A 1765 DAIRY BARN 458 Center St., Wolfeboro • 603-409-0736 —Open 7 Days A Week 11am-5pm— WOLFEBORO ANTIQUES & ARTISAN BARN 25 North Main St., Wolfeboro • 603-569-9890 SandyMartinArt.com • SandyMartinArt@gmail.com THE LAKES REGION’S DESTINATION FOR DISCERNING ANTIQUE COLLECTORS 8 Elm St (109-A) Wolfeboro • BackBayAntiqueGallery.com603-569-6857 Open11-4Daily TreaMari’ssuresACollectionofOldtoNewWOLFEBORO • 279 S. Main St.CHOCORUAmtreasures.ml@gmail.com603-569-7960•Route16&113603-323-6166CollectiblesConsignmentFurnitureHomeDecor ArtisansUniqueOver75 25 N. Main Street, Wolfeboro 603.534.7162 • themakersbazaar.comAlwaysThePerfectGift! A Multi-Artisan Marketplace —America’s Oldest Summer Resort WOLFEBORO Enjoy the Scenic Beauty of

- With coffee and dry ingredients handy to the mixer add each alter nating, dry ingredients, coffee, dry ingredients, coffee, dry ingredients. Pausing between each addition to ensure a good blend is happening. Scrape the sides as needed.

- Check for doneness. Toothpick comes out clean. 30 minutes was ample time. Cake should have a slight dome. Set the pan on a wire rack to cool.

Cabinet refacing starts at only 35% Cost of cabinet replacing. Cabinet refacing includes new doors & drawer fronts of your choice Free Estimates.... Compare and SAVE BIG! • Meredith, NH 603-279-6555 DOOR ••BROUGHTSAMPLESTOYOU!NewCountertopsCountertopRefacing(SAVE BIG!) • New Drawers • Custom Vanities • Closet Storage AFTER The photo on top left shows a dark woodgrain kitchen that was refaced with a light cherry woodgrain, plus new doors and drawer fronts to brighten up kitchen. The same kitchen could have been refaced with any woodgrain or solid color you see in the photo of sample doors. Refacing your cabinets is less than HALF THE PRICE of replacing them, SAVING YOU BIG MONEY. CALL US FOR YOUR FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE 603-279-6555 No Demolition!Messy Alternative!AffordableTheBEFORE Dumont Cabinet Refacing & Counter Tops cious. I decreased the amount of liquid used by one cup (the cof fee) while adding the shredded Zucchini, giving this cake some extra body. (Did I mention we have a ton of Zucchini?) Choco late cakes, brownies, and chocolate muffins, by the way, are a great way to get kids who do not like veggies to eat Zucchini. The in gredients really come together well in this throwback to a simpler time. A great treat for any occasion and most certainly worthy of a Simple Feast. Enjoy! FEAST from 17 Red, White & Brew Saturday, September 24 Funspot | VIP Hour 12-1PM | General Admission 1-4PM Join us at the 6th Annual Red, White & Brew to benefit NH service members, veterans and their families. Enjoy craft beer, wine, food, car show, auction, raffles, live music from The Bob Pratte Band, and more! For tickets vetscount.org/nh/events or scan the code to the left. All proceeds benefit Veterans Count ADMISSION $40 VIP $25 General Admission includes sampling tickets and a commemorative glass, while supplies last. Military discount available. Admission does not include cost of food. Presents Wine Tasting Beer Tasting Car Show

25— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — Chocolate Zucchini Cake Yield: 12 Generous Portions Time: 2 hours (Preparation, Cooking, and Cooling) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease a 9 x 13 Baking Pan CAKE 2 Cups All Purpose Flour Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 1 tsp. Baking Powder 1 tsp. Baking Soda Pinch of Salt 3 eggs (room temp. preferred) 1 2/3 Cup White Sugar 1½ tsps. Vanilla Extract 1 Cup Mayonnaise 1 Cup Triple Chocolate flavored coffee (or regular) 1 Heaping Cup Shredded ZucchiniCHOCOLATE SAUCE 1½ Cups Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips 1½ Cups ½ and ½ 1 tsp. Baking Soda —INGREDIENTS— Preparation Instructions - Brew a cup of coffee, ¨Kcup¨ is fine, you want a measured one cup so enjoy the rest while making this cake. - Shred enough Zucchini for 1 heaping cup undrained, setting the rest aside for another recipe or give to the chickens as a treat. - In a mixer, using the paddle attachment, combine the eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract and begin to mix on low speed. Increase to medium high speed once the ingredients are combined and continue to mix until ¨fluffy¨ not whipped stiff into peaks but not watery. About three minutes or so. - Add to this mixture the mayonnaise and continue to blend on me dium high for an additional two minutes or so. - While the above is mixing, in a separate bowl combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and cocoa powder, and salt. With a whisk mix these ingredients until well blended and set aside.

- Use a knife or metal spatula to cut the dome off the top of the cake making the cake level. Place the cut pieces of cake top into a ziplock bag, seal, and gently toss the pieces so they break into coarse crumbles. Chocolate Sauce / Finish - Place the chocolate chips in a metal bowl and set aside. - In a saucepan over low heat, slowly bring the ½ and ½ to a simmer. Stir so as not to curdle or scald. Simmer for a minute once it begins to-¨shimmy¨.Remove½ and ½ from the heat and pour in to the chocolate chips. Let this rest for a few minutes before using a whisk to slowly blend the chips and ½ and ½ together. The result should be a pourable choco late sauce. - Pour over the entire cake and then sprinkle the coarse cake crumbs over the top of the cake. - Serve as is or with ice cream or whipped cream.

- Remove the bowl from the mixer and add the heaping cup of shred ded zucchini, folding it into the cake batter with a rubber spatula. - Pour batter into the greased 9x13 pan and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

26 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — SalespersonIsTHOMSONTREESERVICEHiringFT Company car, hourly plus commission Sales experience required - preferably door to door. Send resume micah@gothomson.comtoorcall603.960.4126 SERVERSWANTED! The Witches Brew Pub at Weirs Beach is hopping these days and we are looking for servers. Nonecessary.experience Top Pay & Great Tips! Call: 603-409-9344 Steamboat Meet can expect two steamboat parades on Lake Win nipesaukee. On Sun day, September 11th, steamboats will leave Lee’s Mills at 2pm for Moultonborough Bay. On Saturday, Septem ber 17th, steamboats will parade to Green’s Basin at 10am. A trip to 19 Mile Bay in Tuftonboro is sched uled for 9:30am.SeptemberWednesday,14that The first steamboat meet was held at Lee’s Mills on September 10, 1972, and when the event’s popularity led to an increased num ber of boats, the Lee’s Mills Steamboat As sociation was formed in June of 2004. A photo book ‘Lee’s Mills Steamboat Meet: 50 Years of Memories’ will be distributed to Association members for the anniversary. To mark this impor tant milestone, noted Lakes Region artist Peter Ferber has cre ated a commemora tive poster to celebrate the Lee’s Mills 50th Annual Steamboat Meet.The Lee’s Mills 50th Annual Steamboat Meet poster will be STEAMBOAT from 1 available for sale at the Meet, and is now avail able at The Old Coun try Store in Moulton borough, at The Art Place in Wolfeboro, and at the Lake Winnipe saukee Museum at the Weirs in Laconia. The poster was produced with the support of the Town of Moulton borough, Meredith Vil lage Savings Bank, and individual Lee’s Mills Steamboat Association members. A couple of the steamboats at past meets. This year the 50th Steamboat Meet at Lee’s Mills takes place Sept. 10-18th. CRISTINA ASHJIAN PHOTOS


27— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 —


PATENAUDE from 3 See PATENAUDE on 28 We had left the Caps Ridge parking lot at the height of the land on Jefferson Notch Road just before 8 am and we didn’t leave until 3pm. Our apres highlight was going for a cold dip in the Ammonoosuc River!Over the next few days we debated whether we should go back next week and fin ish? It was appealing to get a new assignment but it didn’t feel right to leave The Link undone. I asked the RMC’s volunteer work trip co ordinator Wendy Walsh to put the call out again for volunteers to help. If we could get help may be we could finish it in just one more outing. Again we met in the Caps Ridge parking lot and just before 8 am Wendy’s car pulled in. Wendy, Tim, Beth and Tai had arrived to work with us! Hurrah! We all hiked up the Caps Ridge Trail to The Link. And it felt great to walk on a well cleared


A group show featuring works on paper by Ukrainian artist & refugee Elena Fomenko Opening on Sept. 2nd, 3rd & 4th from 1 pm to 7 pm at Teresa Spinner’s Farm Studio The exhibition will include paintings by Teresa Spinner, folk art by Jim Lambert. Ken Davis, Judith Carducci and Berton Silverman’s work from Spinner’s collection will be available. proceeds from the sale of Elena Fomenko’s art will go directly to her. look forward to your support. Farm Studio, 569 New Hampton Rd. (Rt. 127), Sanbornton, NH


Yours Truly, Bria and Danielle next to the signpost on the Caps Ridge Trail and the beginning of The Link. We cleared 3/4s of a mile of The Link in 5.5 hours and we returned a week later with four more Randolph Mountain Club volunteers to reach the Castle Trail. dreams of completing this section. We worked hard, we even skipped taking a lunch break together. But as the hours passed we knew we weren’t going to fin ish.According to our trackers we made it 3/4s of a mile, not even half way but close. What shocked us was after 5.5 hours it took us only 20 minutes to briskly walk back to the trailhead.

28 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — PAUL C. DUPONT & SON BUILDING 603-387-0015 / 603-387-0026 Installing Harvey Building Products WINDOWS • DOORS • SIDING CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Visit HarveyBP.com 603-520-7217 Fully Insured Sweeps • Stonework Brick Repairs • Liners Caps • Installations Fire Place Makeovers Video Chimney Inspections Save $10 Off with this coupon ChimneyStartingSweepat$224 All of us gathered on an old slide that opened a grand vista to the surrounding mountains for a early lunch break. 7 of us hiked up to The Link Trail to finish clearing and brushing the trail between the Caps Ridge and Castle Trails. If you enjoy hiking and the mountains, you’ll have fun volunteering maintaining the trails! trail. And in no time we arrived at the green wall hiding the way. We spread out but with now seven of us wielding loopers and handsaws a lot more leapfrogging was hap pening up the trail. Make a difference in your Community! We're seeking extraordinary individuals in the Lakes Region to join our team of amazing caregivers. CompetitiveFlexibility,SchedulePay,PTO,ContinuousTraining seniorsonthego.com • 603-556-7456 A-1 Firewood www.a-1firewood.com 603-978-5012 Quality Hardwood • Green or Seasoned • Cut, Split & Delivered • Buyer of Standing Hardwood When we reached an old slide that made a nice open area with a fine view I suggested to everyone to meet there in a few minutes and we could take a break all together. This was nice and it was the only time all seven of us were all together. It was just after 11 and it didn’t feel too early for lunch. We all appreci ated the break. The camaraderie ex perience while doing trailwork with the Ran dolph Mountain Club is fun and our work supports the traditions of the RMC. We all en joy the mountains and hiking and preserving the trails. I learned from my RMC’s Randolph Paths guidebook that the Link was first designed in 1893 by J.Rayner Edmands and built by his crew. Logging de stroyed much of it and it had to be reestab lished in the 1920’s. Interestingly the section from the Castle Trail to Caps Ridge Trail was not built until 1955–scouted by Robert & Miriam Underhill and Klaus Goetze and then cleared by RMC vol unteers. And in 1984 it was rerouted to its current junction with PATENAUDE from 27 See PATENAUDE on 29

29— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — GILPATRIC METAL RECYCLING , LLC —Call for pricing We Buy CONVERTERSCATALYTIC - See Nick for Pricing Bring us your ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycle! BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7am to 3pm Closed Sat. & Sun. Fully Licensed Facility License Number: 21J-001B Permit Number: DES-SW-PN-11-006 201 Abel Road, Bristol, NH 03222 **IF USING GPS, TAKE RIVER RD TO ABEL RD. (DO NOT TAKE PEAKED HILL RD.) Office: (603) 744-3453 Fax: (603) 744-6034 Bria in the thick of it! Before and After! Beth and Wendy had a fun time working on the trial. Wendy not only does trailwork but she is also the RMC’s volunteer trail work trip coordinator. Yours truly and Danielle getting the work done in the heat with our hand saws and loppers. the Caps Ridge Trail to just above the Glacial PotholeWendyledges.caught up to me and told me they needed to head back. She said that she was spent and they had to get back to prepare for the Charades–an PATENAUDE from 28 ly reached the end and we too were well spent. On our way back thankfully Bria and Danielle brought their water filters and we were able to filter water our trail work. On our drive home I texted Wendy to tell her that we made it to the end. Her response made us laugh, “We knew you would!” I wonder what trail we’ll tackle next time? Come join us. Have Fun. Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor en thusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are wel come to send comments or suggestions to over 100 year club tra ditional RMC event. We were so thankful for them lending us a hand. Wendy thanked us for our work too. Bria, Danielle and I de cided we weren’t turn ing back. We still had plenty of trail left ahead of us to clear. We final to drink out of the one small brook that was still flowing. Our walk back was much lon ger this time and we felt deep satisfaction with the results of all

Chief Justice Smith is credited with being “the pioneer in the field of jurisprudence in New England,” and “the greatest master of pro bate law in New Eng land.” Daniel Webster, with whom he worked as a lawyer, is said to have benefited from the manuscripts that Smith produced. The Granite Month ly article of 1879 ex plained why “The stat ute law when Judge Smith came to the bench was in a crude, chaotic, and unsat isfactory condition, and the common law, worse.”Aslate as 1660 New Hampshire was con sidered, under the oversight of propri etors, to be governed by England. Dover, Portsmouth, Exeter, and Hampton, our first English settlements “... did substantially as they pleased ” until coming under the ju risdiction of Massachu setts. The first set of laws brought forth by the province in 1679-80, based on the Biblical Mosaic law, was re jected by the “Privy Council” in England. Remember that as long as we were a province we were un der the control of the mother country. No laws for the province of New Hampshire were published until 1716 and there was no printing press here until 1756. When Justice Smith took charge of the judges, we are told, that with some exceptions, “the bench was filled with broken-down min isters, andbankruptlumbermen,traders,cheaplawyers.”

30 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — Hampshire appears not to have been hailed as a victory for the sepa ration of church and state, but as “the pio neer decision here in favor of religious tol eration.” “Here” be ing New Hampshire. It declared that the Pres byterian Church was independent from the established church and could function as such.

One of the cases that Smith’s court decided involved a situation that reminded me of a similar one encountered during myOnechildhood.summer day our neighbor’s children in formed us that they had found a patch of rasp berries on our property at a spot in the woods where lumbering had taken place. Some time afterwards we went to that place with our berry baskets to pick some raspberries. When we arrived we found our neighbors already there helping themselves to the berries. So the ques

Daniel Webster - Worked with Lawyer Smith and encouraged Smith to run for Governor of New Hampshire.

SMITH from 9 See SMITH on 31

31— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — — ALL BRANDS SMALL ENGINES — **AT OUR NEW LOCATION BEGINNING AUG. 30th!** 3 Waterford Place, Gilford (Off Lily Pond Rd. in former Pepi Herman Building) 603-387-6623 • allbrandssmallengines.com WE ARE MOVING!! THANK YOU! TO THE COMMUNITY FOR YOUR BUSINESS & SUPPORT OVER THE LAST 8 YEARS!! You are the reason we are making this move.. we need more room to expand! FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY FOR THE MONTH OF (OFFERSEPTEMBERGOODFORANYORDERS IN THE LOCAL GILFORD / LACONIA AREA) LOCAL CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SPECIAL Open Mon.-Fri. 7am-5pm/ Sat. 8am-noon / Closed Sunday SPECIAL THANKS TO DON HOULE FOR THE OPPORTUNITY - WE COULDN’T HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOU! tion was, “who has a right to pick the ber ries? Is it “finders keepers, losers weep ers?” or do they be long exclusively to the owners on whose land they grew? In this case, regardless of what the legal direction might be it was “first come, first served.” Both families, however, were able to enjoy some of the rasp berries.Inthe court case decided by the Smith court in the early 1800’s, the question concerned the owner ship of a bee hive found in a tree in the woods. Fisher versus Steward involved some folk in Claremont. One of the persons involved found a swarm of bees in a tree on another person’s land. He somehow marked the tree so he could find it again and went and told the owner what he had found. I should add that with the bees was the honey they had produced. The question was, “Did the honey belonged to the man who found the hive of bees?” The ruling of the court was that the man who discovered the bee hive on another man’s property, and notified him of his find, does not have a right to the honey. Morey versus Orford Bridge involved what was described as “the constitutional ques tion as to whether a grant of a ferry and the like is a contract which the constitution of the United States prohibits the states from impair ing.” Simplified, I think the question involved whether granting a fer ry to transport people across a body of water prohibited any other means of getting people (or things) across the same.This involved estab lishing a monopoly for transportation at a particular site and denying any competi tive means of crossing the water. Judge Smith held that “a ferry and a bridge, though they serve the same end, are things solely distinct in their nature; that the grant of a ferry does not prohibit persons from crossing or enabling others to cross in any otherJeremiahway...”Smith had an impressive resume. He was born in Peter borough, New Hamp shire in 1759, only a Bees in their natural bee hive in a tree. decade or so after the first settlers arrived there and built their log houses.He died in Dover in September of 1842 and was buried in the Winter Street Cem etery in Exeter, N.H. There is much more to be said about him, including that he was the sixth Governor of New Hampshire. SMITH from 30



whistleblowers who warned about it and attacked critics world wide as racist? Whose idea was this ‘generos ity’? Which ‘American people’ approved this plan? Was the aid so licited or unsolicited?”

”You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me Michellein.” Malkin’s email address is gates@protonmail.com.chelleMalkinInvestiMi To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by oth er Creators Syndicate writers and cartoon ists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com. MALKIN from

sponse in “approxi mately 6-8 weeks.” Seven months after that, Jan. 7, 2021, Chao resigned from the White House in a virtue-signaling pro test against the Capi tol rally. She claimed to be “deeply trou bled...in a way I simply cannot set setadeeplyLastMcChao’saside.”AmericatreacheryhastroubledmeinwayIsimplycannotasidesince2001, when I first lambast ed their campaign fi nance and lobbying dalliances with China gate operatives John Huang and Maria Hsia (who helped McCon nell draft the EB-5 globalist grift program peddling green cards to wealthy Chinese

to present day,


I asked about ship ping because Chao’s family shipping be hemoth, Foremost Group, is comprised of a mega-fleet built in China, subsidized with loans from the Chi Coms’ Export-Import bank and dependent on China for nearly three-quarters of its freight

32 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — Laconia Adult EducationInformation portation Department dragged its feet on my public records request from April 2020 seek ing emails and

taining the non-casesensitive key-string Wuhan, Corona, CO VID-19, virus, coro navirus,

Chi natown, pandemic or Foremost Group. Seven months later,

“By what means were the 18 tons of medical goods transported: Air or sea? If by sea, on what ships were the goods transported to China and when and where did they arrive? If by air, which car riers transported the goods and when and where did they arrive?”

reptileafterthecampaigningreed.Chao’sstartit’sdecades.thewritinginvestors).ThetreacheroushasbeenonSwampwallforMethinksalittlelatenowtobalkingatMchackeryandLikeThesnakeTrump’sfavoriteparabletoldoldwomanitbitshenursedthetohealth: 6 dation” in the midst of the pandemic panic. In November 2020, the Transportation De partment promised a response on a “firstin/first-out basis” to FOIA request for a copy of all emails sent to, from, or copied to Secretary Elaine Chao from Oct. 1, 2019, con Hubei, in June 2021, DOT FOIA officer Michael C. Bell promised a re

State University and

leadership. SportsAnswerQuiz The

Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shap iro Show,” and Editor-in-Chief of DailyWire.com. Bob Kerrey on MLB’s need for strong Cleveland Indians Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth NHTI-Concord. SPEAKS:



He coauthored the award-win ning “FAHIM


33— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — — 603-528-4092 — 71 Church St., Downtown Laconia Open Mon - Fri 9- 5:30 • Sat 9-5 Cigar, Pipe & Tobacco Shop HAPPY JACK’S Relax on the Lake with a nice premium cigar! The Last Out. This film chronicles the trials and tribulations, the heart break and frustration of Cuban baseball players chasing MLB dreams despite oppressive Com munist tyranny. A lucky few found their way to stardom, like Houston Astros su perstar Yordan Álvarez. But thousands of others were unable to navi gate the political shoals separating Cuba from the USA. It’s a (mostly) heartbreaking saga— but an important one for those interested in sports sociology and the world beyond box seats and box scores. The stories portrayed in The Last Out remind us how blessedly lucky we are to live in Ameri ca, which truly remains a land of opportunity. Just ask Jose Cambrils. Gratitude is good. That’s why the “Thank You Rick Waits” mes sage at Fenway that long ago October 1st still res onates with those of us who watched the BoSox thatAndday.“Thank You Luis Tiant” too!

A Warrior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hol lywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast.net. Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times) Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York. Now In 5th Printing! The Flatlander Chronicles

Sports Quiz Luis Tiant led the American League with a 1.60 ERA in 1968 play ing for what team? (An swer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on Sep tember 1 include un defeated heavyweight boxing champ Rocky Marciano (1923) and former NBA star Tim Hardaway (1966). Sports Quote “Cuba wants to get rid of a dictator and baseball needs a dicta tor,” former Nebraska from 13 SHAPIRO from 6 either benevolently or successfully if granted the unfettered power to flatten a multiplicity of jurisdictions and ways of life. Limits are the key to both benevolence and success in progress.morenaturedrastictheseekpleasingConstitutionDispensinggovernance.withthemaysoundtothosewhodrasticchangeongreatestscale,butchangeofthattypicallylooksliketyrannythan


the mon ey to various organi zations like St.

the Shriners, Make a Wish Foundation, St. Andres, the Salvation Army, and to many oth ers to Issuesname.ofconcern and my reasons for running are:1. I want our vets to get the care they need, whether physical or From the Lakes to the Mountains, We Are At Your Service! •Septic Pumping •Septic Pump Repair & Installation •Drains Unclogged •SepticInspectionsSystem MOULTONBOROUGH: 476-5557 | MEREDITH: 279-4313 www.lampreyseptic.com 49 years ago. With the help from my son, Harry IV, my grandson, Harry V, and my daughter-inlaw, Tina, our business has prospered and has been recognized with several “Front Porch” awards from the City of Laconia and the Town

34 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — St. 291603-524-960930ChurchJosephChurchSt.Laconia,NHSacredHeartChurchUnionAveLaconia,NH603-524-9609VeryReverend Marc B. Drouin, V.F., Pastor St. André Bessette Parish Mass Schedule at Sacred Heart Church Saturdays: 4pm; Sundays: 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30am Daily Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8am, Tuesday: 5:00pm All Masses Livestreamed at standrebessette.org Sacred Heart Church is open daily for private prayer www.standrebessette.org psychological. They have given part of their lives to protect our na tion, they deserve the best medical care and to be treated with dig nity.2. Voter Integrity: Every citizen’s right to vote must be protected and the value of their vote must be protected against votes from peo ple who aren’t commit ted to our communities and state. In 2016 there were about 6000 votes cast in NH that could not be connected to anyone who lives in the State.3.Illegal immigrants: What part of illegal isn’t clear? It makes no sense to let criminal illegal aliens stay in our country.Iamcommitted to responsible government spending and respect ing your rights. I will do everything in my power to protect our American way of life based on the Consti tution of the United States of America and of this great State of New Hampshire.Thefollowing State Reps banded together, with me, to get Gun stock Mountain Resort re-opened in time to save Soul Fest and to get ready for the ski season: Rep Lang, Rep Littlefield, Rep Hough, Rep Bordes, Rep Har vey-Bolia, Rep O’Hara, Rep Mackie, Rep Trot tier and Rep Ploszaj. I am asking for your votes in the Republi can primary election on September 13th and the general election on November 8th. You can contact me at 603-455-2993 or gytouttaint@aol.comfrogHarryH.BeanCandidateforStateRepDist#6Gilford,Gilmanton,andWard#2Laconia

Over the last 25 years, we have


Harriet E. Cady Deerfield, NH Response To Weston Letter To The Editor: In the August 25th edition of the Weirs Time, Mary Weston commented that”My America would never, never send the FBI to raid the private home of the former president. In My America, the former president would never, never remove Top Secret (and higher) doc uments from the White House, store them in an unsecured basement and argue with the Na tional Archives about returning them, ulti mately forcing a legal search warrant to get themYouback.should be ashamed of Donald Trump and his total dis regard for the law. He has displayed this dis regard on so many oc cassions that it doesn’t even register with his MAGA followers. Paul Francestown,Marshall NH. have 2 cats and a great dane. Priscilla and I have enjoyed traveling over 180,000 miles on our Harley Ultra Classic over the last 15 years. We started H & P Apartments, a rental business in Laconia, MAILBOAT from 2 of PriscillaGilford. and I are very involved in our commu nity and enjoy fundrais ing and helping local charities. I enjoy play ing Santa, with my wife as the elf, for the kids in our community at the Laconia Elks and many surprised locations while cruising on our Harley in Central NH for the last 15 years. (Yes, in December if there is no snow or ice on the roads.) also have enjoyed helping pre pare Christmas dinner for the First Methodist Church for the past 20 years before COVID and the monthly meat raffles at the Laconia Elks for almost 8 years. Through our Armwrestling competitions have raised approxi mately $35,000. donated Jude,

How Do We Responsibility?Teach To The Editor As a Senior Citizen who borrowed and paid back my educational loans I find the latest proposal of the Presi dent to wipe out some or all debt for those who borrowed insulting and theft.How do we teach re sponsibility when the government will take from some and give to others with no pay back? How do we teach fis cal responsibility when we keep making taxes higher on those us who retired our debts and now expect to live on that which we get in old age?Just like the plan to tax the richest busi nesses mostly and guess what folks the business will add their costs in taxes and pro duction of any product they sell or produce to those of us who buy; so my cost of living in creases!Idon’t vote for any candidate who prom ises to take from some to subsidize those who made debt and then cry for the government to bail them out. The gov ernment has no mon ey unless they take it from other citizens and I was taught it’s wrong to steal and okay to give to those who need.

35— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — Fatness as Self-Care in the Era of Trump,” was accepted by Massey University’s “Fat Stud ies” conference. The conference then in vited the paper’s au thor, “Sea Matheson,” toAttendeesspeak. gave Matheson’s speech rave reviews, praising the paper’s descrip tion of Donald Trump’s “fatphobia” and invit ing Matheson to review other work submit ted to their “scientific” journal, Fat Studies: An ism”esbuttiondiculousRoles.ityFatstudies”paperssubmittedandsay,journals.day’slatestquackery.”exposeoverweightguisedventuallyscientist.andJournalInterdisciplinaryofBodyWeightSociety.ButMathesonisno“She”isaccomedianSteCrowder,whodishimselfasanwomanto“ivorytowerCrowderisjustthepersontofooltoso-calledscienceJamesLindPeterBoghossianHelenPluckrosenonsenseto“grievancejournalslikeStudies,Sexual&CultureandSexSevenacceptedripapers.Onethattookasecof“MeinKampf”replacedreferencto“NationalSocialwith“feminism,” was accepted by Affilia: Journal of Women and SocialGender,Work.Place and Culture accepted a pa per that claimed there is rape culture at dog parks.Follett blames this perversion of science on government. Its science agencies, like much of America, have been taken over by left ists hungry to promote themselves and their agenda.Inscience, the way to promote yourself is to get papers published. That often gets you more funding. Govern ment agencies like the National Science Foun dation provide most of that“Nobodyfunding.wants to publish something that goes against the pay master,” says Follett. “You don’t get pub lished unless the NSF likes your Exampleresults.”3:The NSF gave nearly half a mil lion dollars to a team that wrote a paper questioning glacier sci ence because it “stems from knowledge created byAbsurditiesmen.” are pushed by the right, too. Some people still claim that man plays no part in climate change or that the cli mate isn’t warming at all. Some say vaccines don’t work. But the right’s junk science doesn’t get backed by government funds. I’m angry that my tax dollars go to support leftistUnfortunately,nonsense. most Americans don’t care. That’s probably be cause they don’t know that government throws so much money at ridiculous progres sive“We’lladvocacy.allstart caring when the bridges start falling down and the planes start crashing,” says Follet. “That’s the inevitable end result of this.”

website is www.tsowell.com. To find out more about Thomas Sowell and read features by other Creators Syndicate col umnists and cartoon ists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at www.creators.com. STOSSEL from 7 SOWELL from 7

John Stossel is cre ator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Be came the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndi cate writers and car toonists, visit www.cre ators.com. sible to amend the Con stitution, Progressives advocated that judges “interpret” the Consti tutional limits out of the way. This was just the first in a long series of soph istries.Inreality, the Consti tution was amended 4 times in 8 years — from 1913 through 1920 — during the heyday of the Progressive era. When the people wanted the Constitu tion amended, it was amended. When the elites wanted the Con stitution amended, but the people did not, that is called nofederalofneartomerce.wasing—Supremeweremerce.thingstointerstateauthorityfederalistryAnotherdemocracy.greatsophwasusingthegovernment’storegulatecommercecallallsortsofotherinterstatecomIn1995,elitesshockedwhentheCourtruled5to4—thatcarryagunnearaschoolnotinterstatecomStateshadarightbancarryingagunaschool,andmostthemdid.Butthegovernmenthadsuchauthority.Nor did the Constitution give the federal govern ment the right to make laws about abortion, one way or the other. What both state and federal laws do have the right to stop is threats against judges and their families. This is not a partisan issue. The Republican governor of Virginia is providing protection to Supreme Court Jus tices who live in that state. But the Repub lican governor of Mary land seems to think that harassing judges and their families is no bigVotersdeal. need to find out who is for or against mob rule, whether they are Democrats or Re publicans. We are not going to be a free or de cent society otherwise. Thomas Sowell is a se nior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His


For more information, contact:

License/Certification: Must possess a valid New Hampshire Boating Education Certificate and a valid motor vehicle driver’s license. Must possess a repair certification from a major outboard engine manufacturer. Applications must be submitted online by Friday, 9/16/2022. Job ID #26825: For complete job posting and to APPLY TODAY go to www.nh.gov (Online Services, State Employment). Stephanie.D.Colcord@dos.nh.gov Labor Grade: 17 $48,110.40 - $56,513.60 Gilford, NH

or call (603)227-2135. SALARY:



36 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — BUYWILLI *Art*AntiquesFine* * Jewelry * Silver * Judy A. Davis Antiques One Item or Entire Estate ~ Cash Paid For: All Antiques: American and Continental furniture, paintings, oriental rugs and bronzes. Historical documents, old books and maps, nautical items, barometers and sextants. Old prints, movie and travel posters. Old photography, cameras and musical instruments. Gold and Silver U.S. and foreign coins Civil war and all military items, guns, swords, medals and old flags. Old advertising, wooden and metal signs, vintage whiskey and wine, old weathervanes, old pottery, old jugs, crocks and textiles, lamps and lighting, glass and china. Old toys, banks, trains, sports memorabilia and comic books. Over 40 years experience in the antique business. Chinese and Asian arts, jade, ceramics, oriental textiles, furniture and art. Classic car s and motorcycles, gas pumps, oil cans and signs 25 year s and olde r. All estate and contemporary jewelry, diamond rings, brooches, Patek, Rolex, all watches and charm bracelets. All Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry. Sterling silver flatware, tea services, trays and all silver and gold. Certified by Gem School of America Member: New Hampshire Antique Dealers Assn. 1811496603 934603 5545 jlake@metrocast.net STOP IN TODAY... WE’RE HIRING ALL POSITIONS! Floor Attendant PrizeFoodAttendantServiceBartender Start pay 14-15 yrs - $9 • 16-17yrs - $11 • 18+ - $13 JOIN OUR TEAM! FULL TIME/PART TIME Rt 3, Weirs Beach, NH • 603-366-4377 FunspotNH.com • Open All Year THE CLASSIFIEDS MARINE PATROL OFFICER II – Full Time The State of New Hampshire, Department of Safety, Division of State Police – Marine Patrol Unit has a full-time vacancy for a Marine Patrol Officer II. This position has a 40-hour work week and is non-exempt. SCOPE OF WORK: To enforce criminal, boating, and all other appropriate laws to ensure public protection and safety, maintain law and order, detect and prevent crimes, apprehend suspects, prosecute violators, and provide security for the State’s seacoast and ports. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Education: High school diploma or high school equivalency credential, plus 60 credit hours from a recognized college with a major field of study preferably in criminal justice or the equivalent. Experience: Two years of experience as a Marine Patrol Officer I, or three years of experience in the area of boating safety law enforcement. License/Certification: Within six months, applicant must successfully complete requirements to be certified as a full-time police officer by the New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council unless already certified and certification is still in effect. Must possess a valid New Hampshire Boating Education Certificate, current Red Cross Multi-Media First Aid Certificate or its equivalent, and a valid motor vehicle driver’s license.Applications must be submitted online by Friday, 9/9/2022. Job ID #26566: For complete job posting and to APPLY TODAY go to www.nh.gov (Online Services, State Employment). For more information, contact: Stephanie.D.Colcord@dos.nh.gov or call (603)227-2135.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Education: High school diploma or high school equivalency credential plus a three or four year apprenticeship in boat building, carpentry, electrical equipment repair or related trades. Each additional year of approved formal education may be substituted for one year of required work experience. Experience: Four years’ experience in general maintenance and repair work concerned with the operation, care, and maintenance of powerboats and buoys with at least two of the four years spent in this work on large inland lakes and waterways. Each additional year of approved work experience may be substituted for one year of required formal education.


To plan, schedule, supervise and perform work assignments in the maintenance of patrol boats, trailers, vehicles, building, navigational aids, and related equipment for the Division of State Police - Marine Patrol Bureau.


The State of New Hampshire, Department of Safety, Division of State Police – Marine Patrol Unit has a full-time vacancy for a Navigation Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor. This position has a 40-hour work week and is non-exempt.

The State of New Hampshire, Department of Safety, Division of State Police – Marine Patrol Unit has a full-time vacancy for a Marine Patrol Officer II. This position has a 40-hour work week and is non-exempt.

SALARY: Labor Grade: 21 $56,492.80 - $66,456.00 Statewide

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38 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — B.C. by Parker & Hart Super Crossword PUZZLE CLUE: APT CITY SIGHTS

39— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 1, 2022 — Caption Contest Runners Up : Judi was a Knockout in more ways than one.Jim Haynes, Alton, NH. The ladies Pugilist Society held a knockout meeting. - Alan Dore, Rochester, NH. Tryouts for the new vacancy as a Congressional Aide.Nancy Sweeney, Lincoln, NH. Nancy misunderstood when she was invited for some punch. Ken Fougere, Campton, NH. Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com CAPTION THIS PHOTO!! PHOTO #927 PHOTO #925 Magic MazeSudoku MOON CRATERS NAMED FOR PEOPLE OUR PICK FOR BEST CAPTION The Winklman Aeffect by John Whitlock


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