12/21/2021 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

VOLUME 30, NO. 50



Weekend Events At Canterbury Shaker Village

It may well have been the first comfort food for many of us. Simple Feast columnist Eric N. Gibson takes us ERIC GIBSON PHOTO back in time to that early childhood discovery.

by Eric N Gibson Simple Feast Columnist

Think back to the first meal you ever made. Way before Pork Roast, long before steak. Back before meatloaf and potatoes, or even spaghet-

Memories Of That First Comfort Food ti. Back to a time when Saturday mornings had cartoons worth watching and you thought you were old enough to use the toaster unsupervised. It was, for many, the first comfort food we ever knew: Cinnamon

Toast. Waking early on a Saturday morning, stealing down to the kitchen so as not to wake others, the soft pit-pat pit-pat sound of footie pajamas was the only tell that someone was up.

Drawing a chair close to the kitchen counter, its metal pipe frame cold to the touch. Climbing aboard, standing on the vinyl seat you survey the counter top, a sense of pride rushing over See FEAST on 12

This Saturday & Sunday, December 18 & 19, three special events will be taking place at Canterbury Shaker Village, 288 Shaker Road, Canterbury, NH. All three events will take place on both days. Stairway to the Clouds, Horse Barn, 1 – 5 PM Ascend the “Stairway to the Clouds”, where sights, sounds, and smells of the season intoxicate the spirit. Downstairs in the Barn, make Pomanders and Cinnamon Tree Ornaments, perfect for children of any age. Birdie Dance Performance, Hubbard Gallery, 3 PM Lorraine Chapman the Company presents the world premiere performance of Birdie. Inspired by the Shaker Entertainments, this performance tells the story of the Alberta MacMillan Kirkpatrick’s, the last girl to be adopted by the Shakers. Candlelight Tours, Dwelling House & Meeting House, 4 & 5 PM Candlelight Tours return! These special evening tours will take guests through the Dwelling House and the Meeting House. Learn all about how the Shakers celebrated the holiday season. Limited capacity, $50 per person, tickets must be reserved in advance. Go to shakers.org for more information. RE ONLINE FOR & SHA F RE D A E RE






— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 — Serving ServingLaconia LaconiaDaily Daily

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Message For The Abortion Industry To The Editor: How many vulnerable pregnant youngl/vomen have been encouraged to believe that getting an abortion is nothing more than a quick and easy fix to an unwanted pregnancy? It’s just a medical procedure to terminate a fetus, no different than getting your tonsils out, right? Wrong. That fetus inside the womb is actually an unborn human being, and terminating it means a child is being put to death. There’s a simple verse of scripture that the abortion industry can’t refute: Jeremiah 1:5, when God says to the prophet: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” But abortion advocates press on; after all, a woman owns her own body, correct? No, that’s a lie. God owns her body, and He has a vested interest in that little person inside her womb. But what about Roe verses Wade, isn’t that settled law according to the constitution? Settled law isn’t moral law, and the moral law of God trumps everything. Not only that, but even liberal scholars and lawyers have acknowledged that Roe V. Wade was something made up by the Supreme Court justices, and has no basis or foundation at all in the constitution. Many pregnant women have felt lost and alone, and in difficult straits. They’ve been easy prey for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers,

who know how to play upon the emotions of vulnerable people. The quick fix of abortion can be tempting. The good news is that there are many Crisis Pregnancy Centers all across America, available to provide help and hope to those in need. These centers don’t offer a quick fix, but they do offer the alternative of adoption; and they offer support and encouragement for mothers to be. Sadly, the abortion industry will continue to exist and to put out questionable information regarding its’ services, but ultimately, they’ll be held accountable. But now, this Christmas, let’s celebrate the most wonderful birth of all; the birth of Jesus; the God who gives life, and the God who forgives. Thomas Rhodes Hooksett, NH.

The Right Thing To Do To The Editor: Lets not mince words regarding recent comments made by Senator Shaheen on abortion. She looked into the camera and said that there will be a revolution if any changes are made to Roe Vs Wade. She said that there will be a fight. This is very disconcerting in that she promotes the killing of a baby up until birth. The State of Mississippi advocates for States Rights and wants to protect the unborn through the first fifteen weeks. Go on line and look at a devel-

oping fetus at fifteen weeks. Senator Shaheen feels that it is unreasonable to protect the unborn even after fifteen weeks. Senator Shaheen is not willing to accept a common sense approach for protection but is OK with killing a baby which is truly a shame. This is not an attack on women’s rights but rather an opportunity to give the unborn an added right to live. The Constitution references the right to life and liberty while the State of New Hampshire lives by the motto Live Free or Die. Does any of this ring a bell with Senator Shaheen ? It is time to give the unborn a chance at life because it is the right thing to do. Life is precious and needs to be coveted. A human being is not a commodity to be discarded in the trash. Let each State make their own decision. This will bring the whole process closer to the people where they will have an opportunity to decide through their elected officials in their respective States. Kenneth Bowers Wolfeboro, NH.

The Second Amendment & Community Rights To The Editor: The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution recognizes the right for well-regulated militias being necessary for the security of a free state, to p r o t e c t See MAILBOAT on 27

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2021 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

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The Wartime Christmas Season Of 1944 Peace And Sacrifice At Home


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Contributing Writer

Air Patrol and I recall with evergreen boughs him coming back from on the side of the hill a nighttime lookout as- across the road from signment. He and an- the schoolhouse. It was other man were watch- fun practicing what to ing and listening for do in case of an attack, the possible arrival in but even at age six I the sky of any enemy wondered how likely it airplanes. Dad said was that a little school that at one point in on a dirt road out in the the night they thought country in the middle of they heard an airplane, New Hampshire would but then decided it was be an enemy target. just a truck traveling The shelter would only over Shinglecamp Hill hide us from the sight in New Hampton. of any invaders, and I was usually confi- I wondered about the dent as a six year old accuracy of any bombs that we would win the the enemy might drop. war, but the survival So what seemed so drills we went through peaceful to me about a caused a little concern. country at war? First, There were blackout the war wasn’t here. nights when we were Cooperation to supinstructed to pull the port our troops with s h a d e s o f t h e w i n - the hope of a victoridows of our house and ous outcome was here, Our New probably shut most o m e Sofh ophowever. C the lights off. I don’t I remember rationing, know who and how we instituted to require were to be warned if Americans to use less of an attack was immi- certain substances so nent. And there was the troops could have the bomb shelter near what they needed of the little one classroom supplies of every kind. school house that I Coupons or stamps attended. The shelter could be used to buy was a lean-to covered designated products.

In December, 1944, A-13 coupons could be used to buy 4 gallons of gasoline through Dec. 21. Each Period 1 coupon was good for 10 gallons of fuel oil for the 1944-45 heating season. Certain rationing See SMITH on 24





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I was six years old. World War II was nearing its end but still being waged. That’s the verb I remember being used about armed conflict between nations. Wars were waged. And the wages were steep. Though my knowledge and understanding about what was going on in the world in those days was limited, things around home seemed rather peaceful. I knew that families had been separated because men were fighting overseas in the war, so somehow things weren’t entirely normal. I guess I knew my Uncle Dick was one of them, and at one of those rare trips to the movies the advertised motion picture was preceded by a newsreel of goings on in the war, but the details didn’t sink too far into my brain, though I realized that war included a lot of smoke and noise, and tanks. Dad was in the Civil

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —


New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

The Carolina Wren by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

I find myself saying, “that’s one of my favorite birds“ a lot. I know that list should be relatively short so as to not water down the significance of the birds on it, but it’s a list that grows and never gets pared down. I have always been fond of the Carolina wren, but in recent years I have become more enamored with that little brown bird. Not surprisingly, it’s on that list. Carolina wrens are a bit more brightly colored and a bit more loquacious than the other wrens we see in New England. That is saying a lot as the house wren is quite the loud talker as well. Carolina wrens are relative newcomers to New England as they continue to expand their range northward. From what I can gather, many people in middle to northern New England are still quite surprised to see their first Carolina wrens at the feeder. Wrens will eat seeds or suet at feeders. I recently received a question that I had never gotten before about the Carolina wren. Then, a day or two later, I got that same question. So it seems Carolina wrens are on other people’s minds as well. The question was:

A Carolina wren perches on a branch during a New England snow fall. Isn’t it kind of late for Carolina wrens to still be around; shouldn’t they have migrated by now? It’s a logical and great question. The answer is that it is not too late for Carolina wrens to still be around. In fact, they aren’t migratory at all. Some of them may head a little south during winter, but they do not stray far from their breeding areas. House wrens and winter wrens, as well as New England‘s other wrens, do migrate, but not the Carolina wren. Harsh winters do take their toll on Carolina wrens, but their population is strong enough in New England now that

they are not decimated and several remain to breed next spring. I always enjoy a visit from a Carolina wren during a snowstorm. I love my chickadees, titmice, and nuthatches, of course, but it’s also fun when a different bird shows up and stays for a while. I don’t know why, but I’m always somewhat surprised at first when I see a Carolina wren at my feeder during a snow fall. The surprise quickly turns to excitement and I reach for the camera. Carolina wrens are birds for all seasons in New England. They provide a break from the norm during winter and are the loudest


birds in the neighborhood during spring, summer and fall. Nonbirders are always surprised when they hear a Carolina wren and I point out that the sound is coming from a tiny, somewhat nondescript bird. I think they expected to see a bird of prey with the decibels achieved by the wren. It’s no wonder they are one of my latest favorite birds. Chris Bosak may be reached at chrisbosak26@gmail.com or through his website www.birdsofnewengland.com


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —


in brendan@weirs.com


entral Baptist hurch

Live Free or Die.


Visit With Santa It’s been a few years since I sat down for an interview with Santa Claus, but he did take a little time out of his busy schedule to chat with me by Brendan Smith last week and it Weirs Times Editor was much appreciated. Well, Santa, it’s great to see you again. How have you been? Oh, you know, it’s been a tough couple of years since all this Covid stuff. Last Christmas was especially tough with all the restrictions. Wearing that mask while delivering presents wasn’t easy. It’s hard enough to breathe after going up and down all those sooty chimneys, add in the mask and it was a nightmare.

offering an employer matching investment plan this year. We’ll see what happens.

How are you feeling today? Not too bad, it took some time to get my lungs back in shape. Took a few months off and went to Florida to clear my head.

You have had some trouble with people protesting when you do show up at malls. Want to talk about that? Not really, it’s pretty much a distraction. Some people holding signs and yelling at me for being a symbol of white oppression then others are convinced I’m part of a secret government cabal to brainwash their kids or something. It’s all madness really. I’m just a guy trying to make a living. I mostly try to ignore it, but it does get into my head on occasion, and I ask myself why I am even bothering.

Do you think this year will be better? I sure hope so, but I am getting nervous with this omicron thing and these restrictions coming back in. Last year kids couldn’t even leave out cookies for me because of the virus and this fat guy gets pretty hungry. I’m gonna pack some beef jerky this year just in case. Have you been vaccinated? None of your business! How are things going with making toys with the supply chain issue? It’s been tough. The elves do make most of the toys we give out, but there have been delays in getting some of the parts. Plus, we are working with a short staff this year. Hard to find good elf toymakers, but at this point I’ll take anyone. Don’t even need to be an elf. We will train. I’m even

I see you had to cut back on how many shopping malls you visited this year to meet kids. Yeah, but if I can be honest, that’s fine with me. I’m not getting any younger and with the arthritis in my knees, having kids sit on them all day is no picnic. I had been going through the Advil pretty fast. Now the kids have to be six-feet away from me and yell what they want. My hearing has been going as well, so I just nod my head at whatever they say. It’s a lot easier. I just have to be careful with the pronouns, some parents really get worked up if I you use the wrong ones with their kids. It’s hard to keep up. They/them, ze/zir, sie/hir…it’s ridiculous.

Yes, I’ve seen a lot of that stuff on the Internet too I know, nothing much I can do about it. People are going to believe what they want to believe no matter what anyone else says. I mostly keep off the Internet and social media and just read a good book. What are you reading at the moment? War and Peace.

What do you say to the people who claim you don’t exist? I tell them to come and say it to my face. Last time we talked, you were telling me that your youngest son isn’t too keen on taking over when you retire. How is that going? Yeah, he’d be the eighth generation Santa, but he doesn’t want anything to do with it. Wants to be a podiatrist. Can’t say I blame him. One of my daughters said she’d be glad to take it on when I retire. Not sure what to do, it’s a crazy world. Guess, I’ll just do this till I drop and let them figure it out once I’m gone. Just curious if there are more people on your naughty list or your nice list. I hate to say it, but the naughty list is getting bigger every year. It’s very troubling. On a lighter note, what is the hottest toy this year? In all honesty, I have no idea. I just pick up the bags on Christmas Eve, load in directions on my GPS system and I’m off. It’s most likely some electronic thingamajig, usually is nowadays. I have had to load an extra couple of bags filled with batteries over the years. Makes for a lot of extra weight. The reindeer don’t like it much, they aren’t getting any younger.PETA has been on my case as well. Any plans for the New Year? Well, I’d like to drop a few pounds. Picked up the Covid Twenty last year. Even Santa has a threshold. Plus, I was planning on taking the wife on a cruise, but we’ll see how that plays out with the virus nonsense. Well, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. You are welcome. Ho, Ho, Ho and all of that. Have a great Christmas.

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Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money 374 Governor Wentworth HWYand mail to: orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, Call 603-476-8887 • F: 603-476-5176 PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 www.skelleysmarket.com Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Inside the Vaccine Passport Racket The profit-maximizing corporations that covet your “digital health” data hide behind nonprofit umbrella groups that pose as public interest do-gooders. These vaccine passport profiteers are turning millions of human beings into walking QR codes in the name of fighting COVID-19 and under the guise of bringing “normalcy” back. It’s an unprecedented worldwide racket that by Michelle Malkin rewards compliant sheep and punishes Syndicated Columnist free-thinking, autonomy-seeking citizens. Let’s name them. Here in my adopted home of Colorado, the state government is pimping the Smart Health Card “allowing users to verify and share their vaccination status.” Who’s behind Smart Health Card technology, which is now being used in Canada, Puerto Rico, the Cayman Islands, Australia and a total of 12 states, including California, Washington state, Virginia, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Oregon -- as well as CVS and Rite Aid pharmacies, Kaiser Permanente, UC Health, Walgreens, Walmart, Express Scripts and United Healthcare Services? The Commons Project Foundation (known as “TCP”) is the massive nonprofit entity responsible for Smart Health’s dominance of the vaccine passport market. It says it “builds and operates digital platforms and services for the common good.” TCP oversees the Common Trust Network (which operates a global registry of organizations that issue vaccine passports). You will notice on every vaccine passport system’s website and in their public relations statements an emphasis on how these intrusive tracking measures are meant “to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records,” as Paul Meyer, CEO of The Commons Project, put it, to allow people “to safely return to travel, work, school and life while protecting their data privacy.” TCP also created and collaborates with VCI, the Vaccination Credential Initiative. Who is behind VCI? The nonprofit calls itself a “voluntary coalition of public and private organizations” committed to “empowering individuals to gain access to their verifiable clinical information,” including “a trustworthy and verifiable copy of their vaccination records in digital or paper form using open, interoperable standards.” Its steering group is a who’s who of for-profit Big Tech and Big Health corporations looking for ways to profit off See MALKIN on 28

The Left’s War With Biological Reality As the Supreme Court determines whether to preserve the Court-created “right to abortion” under Roe v. Wade, those on the feminist Left have gone into full-blown panic mode. Women’s rights, by Ben Shapiro they insist, will implode Syndicated Columnist without granting women the ability to abort their children; only that ability can equalize the natural inequalities of biology, by which women are saddled with the burden of childbearing and child rearing. This war with biology is central to the Left’s definition of autonomy itself. In the pages of The New York Times, Democratic activist Elizabeth Spiers made this perfectly clear in arguing that abortion ought to be considered the moral alternative to adoption. “When I awoke,” she writes, “my son would wake up shortly after and I’d feel him turning and stretching, or less pleasantly, jamming his precious little foot into what felt like my cervix. This is one of the paradoxes of pregnancy: something alien is usurping your body and sapping you of nutrition and energy, but you’re programmed to gleefully enable it and you become desperately protective of it. It’s a kind of biological brainwashing.” Biological brainwashing. The same people who maintain that your biology dictates that you can be a man in a woman’s body and that this represents not gender dysphoria -- truly, a form of biological brainwashing -- but an objective reality to which all of society should conform also argue that biology creates morally unjust connections between mother and child. As Spiers says, “biological brainwashing ... occurs during pregnancy”; mothers cannot “simply choose not to bond with a child she’s gestating solely on the basis that she is not ready to be a mother or believes that she is unable to provide for

the child.” This means that women should consider killing the child rather than putting it up for adoption. The language of “biological brainwashing” doesn’t stop with the bond between mother and child. This week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., the spectacularly dull Instagram star, characterized opposition to abortion as the legalization of “forced birth.” In her view, biology itself is an imposition on women (the Left conveniently drops its Orwellian “birthing people” lingo when abortion is at stake); ending a pregnancy by killing an unborn child is a restoration of the natural order. Precisely the opposite is true, of course. A predictable result of sex -- in fact, the evolutionary biological purpose of sex -- is procreation. The process by which conception results in birth is continuous and natural. Interfering in that process by forced killing of an unborn human life is definitionally unnatural. But so is the entire Leftist worldview by which true autonomy represents an opposition between spirit and flesh. According to the Left, any check on our ambitions -- even a check provided by the reality of biology -- must be overcome in order to establish true equality of opportunity. Women are different than men in biology; therefore, biology must be opposed. The results of this madness are obvious: men and women alienated from themselves, angry at the realities of life, willing to forgo perhaps the greatest joy of existence -- the perpetuation of the human species through the birth of children. But other civilizations are not so suicidal. While we amuse ourselves to death, solipsistically focused on our own subjective sense of autonomy, other civilizations recognize, at the very least, that biology is an inescapable reality. Those civilizations that best conform to the beauty of that reality will thrive. Those that do not will destroy themselves.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

A Different Park People want “public” rather than “private.” Public is ... free, right? Wide open. Sharing. Available to everyone. All good things. “Private” is ... by John Stossel selfish, closed, for Syndicated Columnist the rich. Clearly, public must be better. But then why do the words “public toilet” make me cringe? I think: dirty, smelly, ugly, maybe dangerous. Lots of people think that. I know because I watch tourists

stare at the long line of people waiting to use a public toilet near my office in Manhattan. “Yuck,” they say, with a disgusted look. “Why would someone line up for that?” “A lot of people say that,” laughed a bathroom attendant. Wait, a bathroom attendant(? Yes. This is a different sort of bathroom, in a different kind of park. There is ice skating, pingpong, juggling lessons, yoga lessons ... all for free Two attendants clean the bathrooms 30 times a day, and the bathrooms are furnished with flow-

ers and paintings. Speakers play classical music. This is a huge difference from 37 years ago, when Bryant Park was filled with vagrants and trash. It was then that urban redeveloper Dan Biederman managed to persuade city politicians to let him try to run the park. He got money from local businesses and tried innovative things, like playing music in the bathrooms. “It’s just another element, along with flowers, recessed lighting and artwork, that makes people think they’re going to be safe,” says Biederman in my new video.

Safety is important because crime is up. But there’s little crime in Bryant Park because crime thrives in dark corners, and this park is filled with people. Plus little businesses like Joe Coffee Co. and Le Pain Quotidien. They pay for the park. Some people object to that. “A park isn’t supposed to be about business!” they say. Biederman responds, “In the current state of things you can’t have ‘passive spaces.’ Too many people are circulating who are violent or emotionally disturbed.” See STOSSEL on 29

The IOC Is A Craven Handmaid Of Beijing John Metzler is off and will return next week. It should be a rule of thumb that the Olympic Games shouldn’t by Rich Lowry Syndicated Columnist be held in countries that operate concentration camps. If this strikes you as a reasonable demand, you aren’t suited to serve on the International Olympic Committee. The IOC has doggedly defended Beijing as the host of the 2022 Winter Olympics even as the Chinese Communist Party pursues its campaign of unrelenting barbarity against the Uyghurs. The Biden administration just announced a so-called diplomatic

boycott of the games, a gesture of disapproval that won’t dent the propaganda coup the IOC is handing the most dangerous regime in the world. The IOC is the World Health Organization of sports. When China disappeared female tennis star Peng Shuai for the offense of making an accusation of sexual assault against a former high government official, the IOC happily assisted in the regime’s crisis PR, lest the shocking incident derail the games. The president of the IOC, Thomas Bach, had a video call with Peng where she said all was well and Bach pretended to take her assurances at face value. Of course, Peng wasn’t free to speak her mind, but part of Bach’s job now is to look the other way at China’s blatant

abuses. China has the great fortune to deal with international organizations -- except the Women’s Tennis Association, which is suspending tournaments in China -- that lack all self-respect. The IOC is following in the welltrod footsteps of corporations, financiers and sports leagues that start out wanting to do business with China and end up complicit in the regime’s crimes by staying silent or explaining them away. The difference is that the IOC claims to be acting in support of high ideals. Bach likes to quote the Olympic charter that says Olympism exists “to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society

concerned with the preservation of human dignity.” Placing sport at the service of China does the opposite on all counts. China’s autocrat, Xi Jinping, has been open about the political importance of the Olympics, “Hosting an excellent 2022 Games is a major task of the Party and the country, and it is a solemn commitment to the international community.” Here, the interests of the CCP and the IOC -- as well as the corporate sponsors of the games -- coincide. The last time China hosted the Olympics, the Summer Games in 2008, it used the opening ceremony to stage a gigantic and memorable regime-enhancing spectacle. Beijing promised reforms to get See LOWRY on 27


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Thin Ice For Thick Trout by Tim Moore Contributing Writer


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Some of the first ice fishing opportunities for anglers across in New Hampshire are often for shallow water trout on thin ice. Once trout waters freeze, rainbow and brook trout can be caught in as little as a foot of water, which means you can safely venture onto thin shoreline ice while you wait for your regular spots to thicken up. I usually head out for these fish, mostly just to scratch the ice fishing itch, and when I tell people I am ice fishing on 2-inches of ice, they think I’ve lost my marbles…or at least even more of them. Sure, these fish are freshly stocked and nowhere near as wary as a wild trout, but there are a few reasons why I won’t let that stop me: 1) The fish are big, beautiful, and fight hard; 2) By the time late December rolls around, I haven’t fished in over a month and I’m itching to get on the ice; 3) I buy a fishing license. I helped pay for those fish, so technically, some of them are mine to catch. During the open water months, trout often avoid shallow water because it leaves them vulnerable to aerial attacks from birds of prey and shoreline threats from predatory mammals. However, as soon as the water freezes, the fish have less to

This female brook trout may have been freshly stocked, but the author says it fought hard and swam away a smarter fish. worry about and they move into shallow water to feed on insects and small baitfish. They are wary and spook easily. Stealth is key when fishing in shallow water through thin ice so as not to spook them. Rainbow and brook trout prefer a sandy bottom. During the winter months they constantly cruise shallow water and scour the bottom for whatever insects, eggs, or baitfish they can find. On water bodies with rainbow trout, you will often find clusters of fish houses gathered around town beaches, all targeting rainbows, but some hardcore rainbow trout ice anglers will venture off to lesser-fished areas

with less fishing pressure and noise. Private beaches or secluded sandy areas will provide your best chance at better numbers and bigger fish. One of the most popular techniques is to drill many holes along a shoreline in 12”-24” of water as soon as you arrive at your fishing location. Set tip ups (or jig rods on a hook setting device) with a salmon egg in some of the holes and, in states that allow it, drop a couple of plain salmon eggs in each of the remaining holes. Silently inspect each of the holes with salmon eggs every 20-30 minutes. If the salmon eggs are gone, move one of your lines

into that hole. Trout are territorial and will repeatedly visit a food source, sometimes for days. Brook trout will also frequent sandy areas, but they often congregate in front of stream inlets to capitalize on any food that washes in. Use caution when fishing these areas, because the moving water will keep the ice thinner than surrounding areas. It might not present an immediate safety concern, but a wet leg can end a trip. Drill several holes in depths from 12”-36” around the front and sides of the inlet. A size 12 Clam Epoxy Drop tipped with a white Maki Plastic JaSee MOORE on 26

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Letters From God QUESTION: What Are Your Thoughts On Christmas? They are quite different from most of your thoughts today and even more different from your thoughts of Christmas in the past. I remember years of celebration of Christmas by leaders and people alike, in which most in your country recognized the significance of this day and celebrated it with worship and remembrance of my precious gift to you. So much has changed however since then and especially in your recent history, as the secularization of Christmas holds sway over its religious significance. Most of your movies, television shows, magazines and other forms of media almost exclusively recognize Christmas as a time for gift giving and receiving, parties and ornate festivities. Over the years, as you continued to wander farther and farther from me, you made the focus of this day yourselves and your pleasure, instead of on me and the gift that I bestowed upon you on that first Christmas day. You have made the tragic mistake of familiarity breeding contempt. In your familiarity with religion you missed the genuine spiritual essence of this historic event.

heaven, to be born to a virgin, so that he would be a perfect God\Man, who was eternal and sinless and therefore could pay your debt fully and completely. THAT CHILD I SENT TO BE YOUR SAVIOR, WAS MY SON, JESUS. His very name means “The Lord is Salvation.” There is no gift greater that I could give, or that you could receive. Your secularization of Christmas, however, has all but obscured my gift and even your awareness of your need. If you truly desire to live now and for eternity, recognize this tragic development and come back to me, to my Son’s gracious provision for life and worship me once again this Christmas. I love you, God These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.

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into you. I created you without sin and you shared my holiness and as a result the absence of death and eternal life. But each of you, like your first parents, Adam and Eve, have chosen to sin against me and as a result, your relationship with me as the source of life has been broken. I warned your first parents, that since their life was dependent on their being in relationship with me, should they sin even once, they would be separated from me and death would result (Genesis 2:16-17). But here’s how it directly relates to Christmas. Once separated from me you are unable to be restored to relationship with me and to the benefits of life that only I could give. Once separated from me, a sinless God, the consequence is eternal separation and death. I could have let you slip into eternity because you deserved it by your rebellion, sin and rejection of me. But I love you and I long to bless you and restore you to myself. My love devised a plan that could rescue you and bring you back to me. The plan was that I would provide an acceptable substitute, who was eternal and without sin, who would be willing to die in your place, to pay your penalty. For any who accept that payment, all your sins would be forgiven, and you would be restored to a relationship with me and eternal life would once again be your destiny (John 3:16). That provision was a child, sent from me and


Over the years, your routine religious adherence of Christmas has led you to have a “form of godliness but without the power” of genuine faith and trust in me (2 Timothy 3:5). The result was that you slowly began to show contempt or disdain for those spiritual truths and turned Christmas into a secular holiday for personal pleasure. Unfortunately, as a result, you are missing my precious gift to you, to save you from a slow but certain death. Let me explain. You are all dying, because you live in a dying world. Everything is decaying and though you long for life, death is your constant companion. You’re experiencing death in your relationship with me your Creator God, yourself in the many problems and conflicts that war within you, in your relationships with others in which so many are broken, in your physical body as it decays over time, and finally in actual physical death that will not only terminate your human existence but initiate your eternal destiny of death. I am sorry that I am so grim with respect to your current condition but if you are honest with yourself, my depiction of your life as a death march is very accurate. So, what does this have to do with Christmas and the true spiritual meaning that you once had and now for the most part have rejected? I am your creator God and I made you to have a relationship with me. I desired to pass my eternal life

Chimney Swe


Letters From God

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

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Gruden And Northam— A Tale Of Two Scandals by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

So former Las Vegas Raider coach Jon Gruden is suing the NFL and its commissioner, Roger Goodell. Gruden resigned under pressure in October when tasteless emails he’d authored years ago were released as part of a probe into the supposedly problematic Washington Redskin culture. According to USA TODAY’s Cydney Henderson, the paperwork filed by Gruden’s attorney alleged that the league used a “malicious and orchestrated campaign” to destroy Gruden’s career. Why were emails implicating Gruden the only ones made public out of 650,000 such messages obtained during the Redskin investigation? Why indeed? Raider broadcaster Brent Musberger told the Las Vegas Sports Network that whoever took out Gruden “was a paid assassin.” So who was the assassin? And what was the motive? While it’s of particular interest to Raider fans, it’s also of interest to others pulled in by tabloid headlines—as well as to those of us concerned about privacy in an information age. Celebrities and public figures used to be accorded zones of pri-

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. vacy by the media and others. Babe Ruth’s language and lifestyle would have gotten him banned from baseball early on. Many if not most U.S. Presidents would not have survived character assassinations if they had to contend with our current cancel culture. John F. Kennedy’s mortifying behavior and serious health problems were well-known to many in the 1960s media establishment. But JFK knew they had his back. No worries. Which brings us to double standards. Sports junkie Brett Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court Justice. Long ago he was

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basketball captain at prestigious Georgetown Prep. During his confirmation hearings, “assassins” dug into every aspect of his life and seized upon some of his “adolescent” behavior at prep school that supposedly occurred decades ago when he was, well, an adolescent! In any event, Kavanaugh denied the uncorroborated allegations and was sworn in to serve on our highest court. Contrast that with current Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. The Democrat governor of the Old Dominion— who last year limited the number of spectators at indoor and

outdoor sports events to 25—earlier denied adolescent misbehavior of a racial nature in college. Then photos emerged of Northam in blackface with a someone dressed up as a Ku Klux Klansman. So much for plausible deniability. Northam refused to resign and is finishing out his term. I can’t imagine any Republican surviving such a scandal. But if it weren’t for double standards, some folks would have no standards at all. Which brings us back to Gruden. Apparently, behavioral standards for NFL coaches are higher than for governors and presidents. Ponder that. Maybe someday we’ll learn the identity and motive of Gruden’s asSee MOFFETT on 28


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!



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INGREDIENTS Your favorite white or wheat bread -Butter at room temperature - White Sugar (granulated) - Powdered Cinnamon INSTRUCTIONS - Brew your coffee and get it ready while you make your toast

FEAST from 1 you. A chef ready to create cuisine using knives (butter knives), spoons, bread, butter, sugar, and cinnamon. There was no end to the creativity if given

enough unsupervised time, ingredients, and dishware. Besides, mom and dad did this, how hard could it be? This was our chance to set our wings and fly. Grabbing the bread

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- Make toast as you normally would in the toaster - When toast is done, remove from the toaster. - Spread butter evenly to the toast, out to the edges. - Sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar or less evenly coating the toast. - Sprinkle cinnamon evenly to each piece of toast. - Eat while warm with your favorite cup of coffee while remembering a simpler time in your life.

from the bread box and reaching into that festive looking cello bag with the blue, yellow, and red dots for a slice, maybe two, or three. Kids who ate white bread at home were the envy of the neighborhood. It was the kind you got on Wednesday, ¨Spaghetti Day¨ with school lunch. The stuff you tore out the center and made into marbles to throw at other kids across the lunch room. This white bread was the perfect toasting bread for a 6 year old with a penchant for Cinnamon Toast. In our house we ate Whole Wheat bought from what Dad called the ¨used bread store¨, that local discount depot for old loaves with short codes and short money. Your bread locked and loaded into the toaster, you carefully hopped down from the chair trying not to slip on mom´s freshly cleaned linoleum. Friday was floor day and footie PJ´s didn’t offer much traction against a fresh base layer of Pine Sol topped off with Moppin’ Magic. But the slick sheen made it easier to move the chair to the spice

cupboard. Back up on the chair you peer eye to eye with assorted cans of herbs and spices. You’ve watched mom do this often and you knew what a ¨S¨ looked like, so finding the ¨Sinamen¨ should be easy. After what seemed like an endless search knocking a few square cans off the shelf, one pops open and some brown powder spills onto the yellow Formica countertop sending an unmistakable aroma wafting upward. You brain tells you it’s ¨Sinamen¨ but the spelling on the can looks funny. You snap the lid closed and set it aside, stuff the other tins and bottles back into the cupboard, give the counter a quick wipe with your hand, and blow the brown dust cloud away as you watch it dance in the rays of the sun coming through the window over the sink. With the countertop ¨clean¨ all is good as bits of dust fall slowly to the floor. You never give it a second thought. Scooting the chair back to the toaster, you climb back up, cinnamon in hand, and are greeted by wisps of smoke rising See FEAST on 13


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

OUT on the TOWN


Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

clumps, lumps, and grains onto each piece of bread, one spoonful at a time, until each slice is coated. Taking up the cinnamon you have a choice of three openings; many dots, a big hole, or a small circle. It’s a bit of a struggle to get a dirty little fingernail under the lip of one of these lids but eventually one snaps open and you begin to gently shake streaks and dustings of light brown powder See FEAST on 28

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FEAST from 12 up from the toaster. Peering over the top of the appliance its innards are alive, red hot elements searing their unmistakable marks into slices of bread held captive by little metal racks. You stare, mesmerized, feeling the heat from your chin to your brow. Then ¨POP!¨ you jump with a start, this mechanical jack-inthe-box tossing bread at you, nearly knocking you off the chair. You shiver as the unsuspected jolt courses through your body. The sugar bowl, by the coffee maker, always at the ready, was on the counter next to the butter dish near the toaster. I think my mother hated toast. I actually felt sorry for the toast she made. Void of any body, it was mashed flat in the center, as if succumbed to the torture of having been buttered by a heavy hand wielding a broad sword for a most delicate task. The center buttered, only the crust retained its proper thickness with dry edges. Pieces cut on the diagonal, one bite and the crust folded like tongs between your thumb and index finger, leaving a limp mass of nondescript fiber and congealed grease hanging in the balance. The bread buttered, you dig into the sugar bowl, the cover slightly off kilter. Overnight moisture has gathered the sugar into a mass but this does not deter you from making your masterpiece. Chiseling in, you spread,


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At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212 hartsturkeyfarm.com Henniker - Working Man’s Porter Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap


At Funspot 579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Chapel + Main - Ode De Cologne Foundation - Gingerbread Jubilee St. Bernardus - Abt 12 Founders - CBS (2018 vintage) Tilton Bros. - Banana Nut Bread Oxbow - Blue Noir ...+6 More On Tap


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1253 Upper City Rd, Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com CIDERS: Little Apples - Apple Champagne; BEER: IPA w/Honey: Braggot IPA SESSION MEADS: No Need To Argue cranberry mead; Double Barrel Heather -aged in Whiskey barrels; Little Inuendo -Peach Raspberry; Razz Raspberry Champagne Mead


18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice Guinness Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale Woodstock - Moody Brew IPA ...+9 More On Tap


At The Craft Beer At Johnson’s Xchange Seafood & Steak 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.409.9344 603.859.7500 FB @craftbeerxchange eatatjohnsons.com/ Downeast – Cider Donut newdurham Moat Mountain – Czech Pils Clown Shoes -Rainbows Are Real Lithermans – Misguided IPA Maine Beer -Zoe Fiddlehead – Second Fiddle Downeast -Cider Donut 3 Floyds – Zombie Dust Pale Ale Pipe Dreams -Captain Crunch Smuttlabs – Snaccident Stout Great Rhythm -Squeeze ...+30 More On Tap Six Point -Resin ...+30 More On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —





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Community Christmas Service At Historic Center Tuftonboro Church Everyone is invited to celebrate the season with a traditional Community Christmas Service, Sunday, December 19, at 5:00 pm. This service will be held at the First Christian Church of Center Tuftonboro, now known as The Old White Church. The service will be announced by the tolling of the steeple bell at 4:45 pm followed by the musical prelude at 5:00 pm. Everyone is invited to join their Tuftonboro neighbors and experience the joy of the season in this historic church with the warm glow of oil lamps just as Americans did in the 19th century. Reverend Kevin Van Brunt, Pastor of The Melvin Village Community Church, will conduct the service. The service will include the singing of carols, the reading of verse, a Christmas message

and special music will be performed by an ensemble of local musicians. The prelude will feature music selected to reflect the rich and diverse history and heritage of Christmas music. Classical \music will be included along with interesting and fresh arrangements of familiar carols and hymns. All in attendance are required to wear a mask. This historic church, built in 1869, is a wonderful surviving example of the many

rural churches which dotted the New England landscape in the 19th century, and it remains today little changed from its original design. It features embossed tin walls and ceiling with an oil lamp chandelier and traditional seasonal decorations will be in place for this service. The church no longer has an active congregation but continues to be maintained by a board of trustees, and now provides a venue for various music and other com-

munity events. The opening of the church for this year’s Celebration of Christmas is an opportunity to see and enjoy one of the unique structures and traditions in Tuftonboro, and all are invited to come to this special service. The church is 5 miles north of Wolfeboro on Route 109A across from the Tuftonboro General Store, parking is available near the church. For more information about this service call (603) 569-3861.

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Plant a Terrarium for a Unique Winter Garden or Gift by Melinda Myers Create a garden under glass to enjoy or give as a gift to new, experienced, and even reluctant gardeners. This self-contained system makes it easy to be a successful gardener with minimal care. Purchase a terrarium or repurpose something hiding on a shelf in the basement, garage or shed. Even a cool glass container, cloche or bell jar turned open side down and placed on a shallow planting tray will work. Just glue a decorative doorknob or handle on the top for easy access. Make it more festive for the holidays. Visit the ornament aisle in your favorite craft store. Create a mini terrarium from DIY Christmas orbs for holiday decoration or the perfect hostess gift. Use closed terrariums like this when growing tropical plants. They thrive in the high humidity and moist soil. Leave the top off or use open containers like glass vases, or mason jars for cacti and succulents. Use a cacti and succulent mix for these drought tolerant plants. They prefer the lower humidity and drier soil that open terrariums and cacti potting mix provide. Once you have the container, you need to fill it with potting mix, plants, and other decorative items. Consider a layer of decorative stone, twigs, sea glass or sand at the bottom for added

Use open containers like glass vases for drought tolerant plants that prefer lower humidity and drier soil. color and interest. Some gardeners include a layer of charcoal to help absorb any odor. The key is not overwatering as the decorative stone and charcoal won’t prevent waterlogged soil from killing your plants. Consider covering the stone layer with black landscape fabric to prevent the potting mix from filtering through and covering up these items. Cover this with a layer of well-drained potting mix for trop-

ical plants and cacti and succulent mix for drought tolerant plants. Add contours to the soil level if space allows for added interest. Select a variety of plants of different heights, textures, and colors to create an attractive terrarium garden. Many garden centers now sell small specimens perfect for these mini gardens. Low growing tropical plants such as baby’s tears, creeping fig, moss, and ivies make excellent groundcovers. Small specimens of dracaenas, crotons, palms and podocarpus make nice upright features. Fill in the middle ground with ferns, nerve plants, polka dot plants and more. Once assembled, terrariums are relatively easy to manage. Moisten the soil and cover. Crack the lid open if condensation builds up on the glass. Then replace the cover and monitor the soil moisture and conSee PLANT on 22



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Five Holiday Travel Tips For Pet Parents (StatePoint) Traveling with pets over the holidays? Whether you’re taking to the skies or the highways and byways, bringing furry friends along for the ride can sometimes be stressful for pets and people alike. Consider these tips to make the journey easier on everyone: 1. Pack right: Be sure to pack more than enough food and medication for your pet for the duration of your scheduled travels and beyond. You’ll want to make sure that your pet is all set should unforeseen circumstances arise, such as weatherrelated travel delays. You should also bring with you a water supply for your pet, bowls for food and water, a leash, carrier, a veterinary first aid kit, and of course, your pet’s

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favorite toys. And if you’re traveling somewhere cold and snowy, pack dog boots to protect paws from snow, ice and salt. 2. Support smooth sailing: Many dogs find travel particularly stressful. However, you can help support balanced behavior while on the road this season by giving your dog SurityPro Calm Soft Chews, a smoky bacon-flavored CBD soft chew for dogs. Formulated to support your dog’s ability to cope with everyday stress,

these chews can also be useful for those pet parents who are staying home during the holidays and expecting to entertain frequent guests. From Canopy Growth, the industry leader in CBD science for pets, SurityPro offers an easy way to give just the right amount of CBD to your dog. The brand partners with veterinarians, scientists and leading academic institutions to create chews and drops that support dogs’ joint health and flexibility, healthy aging -- including cognitive function

and eye health -- and products that enhance their physical and mental well-being. For more information and directions for use, visit www. SurityPro.com. 3. Be prepared: Losing a pet is every pet parent’s worst nightmare, particularly when you are in an unfamiliar location. Microchipping however, can help unintentionally separated pets and families reunite safely and happily. This is especially important for jet set pets who are See PET on 23


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Tips For Making Your Poinsettia Shine Through The Season And Beyond (BPT) - Few plants are as iconic as the poinsettia. The eye-catching blooms are a holiday tradition around the world. But the blooms aren’t a flower at all, they’re actually the leaves, or bracts, of the plant. Poinsettia are native to Central America, and in 1825, those stunning red leaves captured the attention of the United States ambassador to Mexico. A century later, the poinsettia was brought to market as a Christmas season plant in the U.S. Today, red is still the most popular color, making up about 80% of all the poinsettias grown. Breeders around the world are developing new varieties that offer more color choices for holiday décor. Shoppers can choose from brilliant whites, deep burgundy hues, sparkling pinks and a number of other specialty colors. “Breeders are also enhancing features that make the plants more enjoyable for everyone,” says Diane Blazek, executive director of National Garden Bureau. “They’re developing varieties that bloom earlier, have longer-lasting blooms and unique bract shapes.” National Garden Bureau talked with poinsettia experts to get a few tips for choosing, displaying and caring for this holiday plant. Choosing Your Poinsettia

poinsettia,” says Lisa Heredia, marketing and key accounts for Danziger North America. “Look at the lower foliage and make sure the leaves are green and healthy. Check to make sure the overall plant is well hydrated; you don’t want to see any droopy leaves.”

There are a few things to look for when choosing your poinsettia. “Make sure that the small yellow flowers in the center of the bracts (called cyathia - you can use that in your next cocktail party trivia!) are fresh and not turning brown,” says Matt Blanchard, product manager with Syngenta Flowers. Poinsettias with withering or missing center flowers are past their prime. Next, be sure both the leaves and the bracts look healthy. “The foliage can tell you a lot about the health of your

Don’t Overwater Experts agree overwatering is the most common problem when it comes to poinsettia care. “In the typical home, poinsettia only needs water every 5-7 days,” says Rebecca Siemonsma, North American product manager for Dummen Orange. “Pick up the pot and if it feels light, then you want to water it.” The decorative pot covers most varieties are packaged in can add to the problem. They can hold too much water, something See TIPS on 22

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Protect Kids By Steering Clear Of Knock-Off Toys This Holiday Season (StatePoint) In the scramble to get your hands on the toys your children want this holiday season, experts warn that you should prioritize safety by sticking to age-appropriate toys and by avoiding counterfeit alternatives at all costs. “Illicit sellers of counterfeit toys may dupe parents into thinking they’re buying the real thing, or entice them with lower prices or the promise of getting the ‘hot toy’ of the holiday season,” says Joan Lawrence,


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The Toy Association’s “Toy Safety Mom” and senior vice president of standards and regulatory affairs. “What’s scary is that these illegitimate sellers are actually peddling fake

and unsafe products that oftentimes don’t comply with product safety laws. That’s why we always urge parents to shop from reputable brands and sellers

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whose toys have been tested for compliance with over 100 different safety standards and tests required by law.” With the shipping crisis predicted to have widespread impacts on the availability of this holiday season’s most popular toys, counterfeits are likely to be even more enticing. And new research conducted by OnePoll on behalf of The Toy Association suggests that consumers are not always as vigilant as they should be, with 65% of parents saying they would purchase knock-off/ counterfeit toys if they couldn’t get their hands on the original item and 63% indicating they would buy counterfeits if they were cheaper. Indeed one in 10 parents are not even aware that counterfeit toys can be dangerous for kids to play with. As you go about looking to snag a hot toy See TOYS on 21


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

TOYS from 20 this holiday season, steer clear of counterfeit toys that are not safe or appropriate for your child by following these tips from PlaySafe.org: 1. Shop only from reputable brands and sellers. Their toys have been tested for compliance with over 100 different safety standards and tests required by law. 2 . Make sure the brand you’re purchasing from has a professional-looking website. Can’t find a website? That may be a red flag that you are dealing with an illicit seller. 3. If a product’s reviews are negative, or if there aren’t many, it’s a

clue the product could be a fake. 4. Poorly photoshopped pictures, typos, or spelling mistakes in the online description or packaging are other clues that the product could be illegitimate, and therefore unsafe. 5. Can’t find a toy on your child’s wish list? Wait for a trusted retailer to restock the product. Buying fake or cheaper alternatives is just not worth the risk. In addition to avoiding knockoff toys, helping ensure your child’s safety during the gift-giving season also means shopping for toys only appropriate for their age. According

to The Toy Association survey, 76% of parents read age recommendations on toy packaging before purchasing. However, 40% admitted they view age labels on toys as suggestions instead of a warning, and 68% would give their child a toy recommended for older children. Be sure to follow age recommendations on toy packaging, which are not mere suggestions but firm recommendations made by safety experts that are based on childhood developmental stages. For more safe shopping tips, visit www. PlaySafe.org, a premier toy safety resource site.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

TIPS from 19

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poinsettias do not like. Experts recommend punching holes in the bottom of those covers and adding a saucer. Be sure to empty the saucer so the plant is not standing in excess water. Pairing Poinsettia Beautiful all on their own, poinsettia are also a natural for pairing with other holiday plants. “During the holiday season there is no better way to bring natural color into your décor,” says Delilah Onofrey, marketing director, Suntory Flowers. “Mix them in dish gardens with other greenery such as

ferns, and other foliage plants. Pair them with other blooming plants such as cyclamen and orchids. Or, have several of the same color in decorative pots for a tablescape. Poinsettia Are Not Poisonous It is a common belief that poinsettia plants are poisonous. But the fact is, they’re not. An Ohio State University study, conducted in 1971, debunked this myth. Researchers found the plant is not toxic, even in high doses. Saving The Plant For Next Season In most areas of the county, poinsettia are considered houseplants. They cannot tolerate temperatures below 50-degrees. If you live in a warmer, more tropical climate, you can plant your poinsettia outside. But, experts agree, it is tough

to get them to look as good as they do when you purchase at a garden center. They require very detailed growing conditions. “I am a poinsettia breeder, and I don’t even try this at home,” adds Siemonsma. “I just throw the plant away at the end of the season and buy new next year.” There really is something for everyone when it comes to poinsettia. “I love the really warm festive feeling you get from the bright beautiful poinsettias on dark December days,” says Sirekit Mol, marketing manager and global head of product trade at Beekenkamp Plants. Which one will you choose to brighten your holidays? Visit NGB.org for some inspiration.

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PLANT from 15 densation. Add additional moisture carefully. A turkey baster is an easy way to water only the plants in need of a drink. Place your terrariums in a bright location away from direct light. Heat can build up in this covered ecosystem and cook your plants when placed in a sunny location. Now is the perfect time to gather or purchase fun glassware, planting and decorating supplies, and, of course, plants. Then take a break from the hectic holiday season to plant up a few holiday decorations and green gifts for your loved ones. Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including The Midwest Gardener’s Handbook and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD series and the nationally-syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine. Her web site is www.melindamyers.com.

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

PET from 18 often far from home. 4. Play by the rules: Understand the stateby-state rules for driving with your pet. For example, a handful of states require that dogs be harnessed in the car with a dog seatbelt. Wherever your travels take you, driving with pets harnessed or in a crate is safer for both you and pets. Pets should never distract the driver or sit in the front seat where the impact of the airbag could hurt your pet if deployed. 5. Fly smart: Flying? Your pet should

be in good health before taking to the skies. If you’re unsure if your pet is fit for air travel, consult your veterinarian. You should also be aware that some airlines have banned particular breeds from flying due to breathing issues caused by the length of their snout. Know the rules and recommendations before booking your flight. With some smart travel strategies, you can help ensure the merriest season of the year stays happy and healthy for you and your pet.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

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SMITH from 3 stamps could be used for a pair of shoes, others to purchase meat or processed food. Red tokens, which were worth one point each, were used as change.

It might surprise you to know what was considered to be the nation’s most critical material war shortage in 1944. It was being noted in The Bristol Enterprise and I as-

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sume elsewhere that the greatest need was for pulpwood. The story was that “Widespread invasion operations all over the world have created enormous demands for munitions and shipping containers. Pulpwood enters into the manufacture and packing of nearly all items. This great demand must be met and met promptly. No boy shall die because we failed.” Another article warns farmers that they are missing out of benefiting from a cash crop by failing to harvest pulpwood. So the United States Victory Pulpwood Campaign was on with the realization that two particularly desired tree species, spruce and fir, grew in abundance in New Hampshire. One cord of pulpwood was advertised as making 6,000 military maps. Another valuable product collected by the folks back home for the war effort was fat. Yes, fat! There was an American Fat Salvage Committee that was apparently in charge See SMITH on 25


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

SMITH from 24 of collecting fat for war purposes, making women responsible for collecting used fats, an item commonly used in cooking in those days. The Salvage Committee conducted a survey which indicated that women didn’t realize in 1944 that there was still a need of saving fat and that it involved the industrial need for domestic (meaning state-side) purposes, as well as for use by the military. The decline in the amount of fat being saved was seen as a serious problem as the indication was that, even with the war winding down in Europe, used fat was needed more than it had been since Pearl Harbor had been attacked. Most

women didn’t realize, according to the survey, that even before WWII fat for industrial use had been imported from the islands of the Far East. And we shouldn’t forget the importance of war bonds sold to support the war effort. As Christmas Day drew near Americans were asked to consider buying war bonds as Christmas presents. I also recall collecting the silk-like substance from the seed-pods of the milkweed plant which I thought then were used in making parachutes, but apparently was used as material for life-jackets. There was an enemy apart from the military conflict with which, according to New

Hampton newspaper correspondent Flora Libby, “we can make no peace.” “ Few are immune,” she wrote, “ from T.B., and “Tuberculosis does not remain defeated.” Called the greatest killer of people from 15 to 45 years of age, the often deadly disease was reported to have killed more people than war over the years. New Hampshire residents of the 1940’s bought Christmas seals to support the fight against the spread of tuberculosis, also called consumption. New Hampshire Governor Robert O. Blood issued a proclamation in 1944 in which he set November 27 until Christmas as the Christmas seal sale pe-

riod. The stamps were attached to letters and packages mailed during the season. As a six year old I wasn’t made aware of all the bad news of people dying from war, accident, or disease. My Grandmother Smith and my Uncle Robert had been victims of the disease, and I was aware of people buying Christmas seals and war bonds that would help other people. Even during wartime I could feel the “Christmas spirit” and see people having goodwill to others. The social media consisted of the telephone with the party line, meaning that several telephones were connected to each other, making it possible for people to listen

to the conversations of others on their “line.” The traveling salesmen, going on regular schedules with their wares from house to house, were also sometimes news bearers.

However, probably the best and most reliable local news source was the local newspaper – helping neighbors to stay connected.

—OBITUARY— FRANKLYN (FRANK) LESLIE MONROE, 1951-2021 Frank Monroe, 70, beloved husband, father, brother, uncle, grandfather, and friend of Dayville, CT succumbed to COVID-19 the afternoon of December 7, 2021, at Yale New Haven Hospital. He was born February 7th, 1951, in Woodsville, NH, the son of the late Allen Ezra and Roberta Elsie (Hildreth) Monroe. Frank worked for General Electric in Schenectady, NY for 13 years before pursuing his love of carpentry and homebuilding. He worked for various construction companies in New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont until he started his own general contracting business, Monroe Contractor, in the early 1980’s. He built homes from Capes to Log Cabins, throughout the New England area for the next 40+ years. He settled in CT after he met and married his beloved wife, Francine Nichols. Together they made home and raised two grandsons. The light of his heart, Gavin Daugherty and Christopher LaVigne both of Killingly. He was a very proud Pop! Those you knew Frank would know what a wonderful person he was and his kind heart. He was a giving and loving friend to many. He dearly loved his best buds, Mark Rabitor and Theresa Rzepa both of Killingly. Frank loved fishing (often had a boat and Captain on Stand-by), cooking, and gardening. He enjoyed a good game of Pinocle with the guys at B.P.O.E. 1706. He was a lifetime Elk and was once Elk of the Year. Frank leaves his wife and partner of 30 years, Francine Nichols, sons William Monroe (Sue), Mark Monroe (Catherine), and Michael Monroe, all of Schenectady, NY, Stepson Joseph LaVigne (Kelly) Pasadena, MD, Stepdaughter Francesca LaVigne of Thompson, CT. Brother Philip Monroe (Carol) of Madisonville, KY, Marilyn Schneider (Glen) of Johnstown, NY and Sheryl Greene of Oneonta, NY. In addition to his parents, Frank was predeceased by brother Robert Allen Monroe. Frank leaves behind 15 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life will be held in the Spring of 2022. Date to be determined by the family. His wife asks of those who are not vaccinated, to please get vaccinated so we might stop this terrible disease. In Lieu of flowers, please donate in Frank’s name to the Paul J. Aicher Foundation, 75 Charter Oak Ave., Suite 2-300, Hartford, CT 06106.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Sight fishing for shallow water trout offers a different perspective than many ice anglers are used to. MOORE from 8 mei is one of my favorite baits, but a 1/8 ounce white or red Clam blade spoon tipped with a white w/red flake Maki Minnow Head is also almost irresistible to hungry brook trout. Keep the blade spoon moving, but not too much. Keep your lure moving in small jigs, stay alert, and stay still. Watch the edges of the hole you’re fishing. Brook trout may swim around for several minutes before committing to eat your bait. A wisp of silt off to the side of the hole is a telltale sign that a fish is interested in your offering. It may very well dart in at any moment and devour your spoon, so stay focused. The addition of a camera system will not only add an element of excitement to your trip by letting watch fish take your bait, it will also help you determine how the fish are behaving toward a certain lure or cadence. A camera will also let you see firsthand just how easily trout spook in shallow water. The Because the camera view is wider than your view down the hole, you can also get a bit of warning that a fish is in the area. Remember, there is

no such thing as truly safe ice. You still need to use caution and check ice thickness as you go, but for the most part the only thing you have to fear when shallow water trout fishing is the inconvenience of wet feet if you break through. Use stealth to your advantage, but stay mobile. Trout rarely sit in one spot, so you shouldn’t either. However, if the fish are constantly on the move, it may be best to settle in and wait. Drill lots of holes, but drill them when you first arrive to allow spooked fish the chance to calm down and return. Experiment with different colors and presentation until you find the combination that best triggers bites and as always, have fun, be safe, and catch fish. Tim Moore is a fulltime professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association, and the producer of TMO Fishing on YouTube and the Hooked with TMO Fishing Podcast. Visit www. TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 — LOWRY from 7 awarded the games and then, true to form, engaged in yet more heavy-handed repression. If the 2008 Beijing Games were illadvised, next year’s Winter Olympics are a complete travesty. The atrocities in Xinjiang province are a matter of public record and the quashing of Hong Kong proceeds apace. No one who crosses the regime is safe from imprisonment or worse. China openly menaces Taiwan with an invasion. Indeed, China could conceivably be in a shooting war with the United States within a year or two of using the presence of our athletes, among others, to enhance the rule of its dictator-for-life. Bach insists that the IOC must always be politically neutral. As Michael Mazza of the American Enterprise Institute points out, though, the IOC banned apartheid-era South Africa from the games. There is no such thing as neutral-

ity when dealing with an all-encompassing police state for which politics is a life-ordeath matter. The games aren’t being hosted by Switzerland or Norway -- nice, lawabiding countries with good ski slopes -- but a revanchist power that tramples on human dignity and is a clear and present danger to international peace. The IOC could have taken an off-ramp from these games at any point. Instead, its attitude is going to be, “Enjoy the snowboarding, never mind the concentration camps.” Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.

MAILBOAT from 2 our freedom and Bill of Rights. However, we have no recognized local rights to protect our clean water and ecosystem! The government has regulatory agencies to review projects, but the laws and permit process are written by the same corporate polluters that are supposed to be regulated so all they have to do is fill in the blanks. Who regulates the regulators? The same rich special interests who bribe our politicians with PAC money! The NH Community Rights Network (info@ communityrights.org) has assisted a dozen towns to pass local rights-based ordinances that protect the health and safety of people and the environment, so local folks can act to protect their town. We must amend the NH Constitution to make sure that every town has the right to act to protect their children and clean water! Article 10 of the NH Constitution enumer-

ates the Right of Revolution to reform the old, or establish a new government, when the existing government no longer acts in the best interests of We the People. If our Founders were here today they would be leading the way! Peter A. White Nottingham, NH.

Now In 5th Printing!

The Flatlander Chronicles Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

MALKIN from 6 personal data, including Apple, Microsoft, Cerner, Amazon Web Services, Google, Epic, the Mayo Clinic, Oracle, Salesforce, Evernorth (Cigna’s health services business) and something called the Mitre Corporation. What is Mitre? It’s a nonprofit, Cold Warera conglomerate headquartered near the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and near the Deep State in McLean, Virginia, which oversees billions of dollars of federally funded research in the military, homeland security, cybersecurity and now, of course, the explosively lucrative health data market. According to Forbes, Mitre raked in $1.8 billion in revenue in 2019 and boasts a $2 billion budget funded by American taxpayers. One of its many government gigs includes a

$16.3 million contract with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help build “an enduring national capability to contain Covid-19,” plus a $20 million joint partnership with the CDC on disease surveillance technology and services. As Forbes reported, the secretive militaryindustrial alliance brags ominously in its promotional material: “You may not know it, but Mitre touches your life most every day.” They’re everywhere. Clear Secure Inc., the for-private biometric tech company that makes the touchless fast passes for airline travelers, jumped into the burgeoning vaccine passport industry this past year and filed to go public after announcing partnerships with Walmart; the NBA; and dozens of sports, entertainment, theater,

casino and restaurant venues. According to one business reporter, “over 70,000 of Clear’s Health Passes are being used for venue admission weekly.” In New York, 1.1 million residents have dutifully submitted to the Excelsior Pass regime. IBM Watson Works is behind the Big Apple and Empire State’s vaccine credentialing system, which it likened positively to a “credit score” and launched in the fall of 2020 in order for New Yorkers to “return to the activities they love.” According to Business Insider, the company generates $1 billion in annual revenue. What the vaccine passport profiteers’ feelgood, do-gooder propaganda won’t tell you is how the facade of pandemic philanthropy obscures the insatiable appetite of tech

oligarchs collecting vast amounts of intimate health data by giving away “free” apps and software to control freak bureaucrats worldwide. They’re not doing you a favor. They’re using you to construct a totalitarian regime of vaxpartheid that discriminates against anyone who dares follow the money to find the truth. This isn’t about COVID-19 control. It’s about mind control. Know your enemies, and for the sake of what’s left of the land of the brave, do not comply. Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

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MOFFETT from 11

FEAST from 13

sassin. In the meantime, Northam will soon be cleaning out his desk. Virginia voters elected Republican Glenn Younkin as governor last month. He’ll be sworn in on January 12. Presumably testimonial dinners for the outgoing governor will be limited to 25 participants, whether indoors or outside.

onto the globs and grains of white. As if by magic the butter, sugar, and cinnamon combine to resemble a Rorschach test gone horribly wrong. You declare your masterpiece finished, and onto a plate it goes. Carefully you climb down off the chair. Place your cuisine onto the seat. Push the chair over to the table. Place your plate on the table. Climb up onto the chair. And it is time to reap the rewards. That first bite of toast, you sink your teeth into the crispy bread, and internalize the Crrrrrunnchhhh! You’ve been anticipating this moment for so long. As your teeth bite into the bread you can feel the grains of sugar and butter press against your upper palate. Then, your tongue peels the bread from the roof of your mouth and instantly you taste the immediate rush of flavors; sweet sugar, delicious cinnamon, and that indescribable buttery goodness that brings the other two flavors alive. As you begin to chew, individual grains of sugar crunch, grinding against cuspids, incisors, premolars, molars, all screaming, ¨Stop the madness!” as they know they are on the road to decay. But you can’t, it’s all so good. So delicious! And undoubtedly the first of many Simple Feasts ever enjoyed!

Sports Quiz What was the name of the ABA professional basketball team that played in Virginia from 1970-76? The team, which featured the likes of Julius Erving and George Gervin, dissolved the year of the ABA/NBA merger. (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on December 16 include football great and NFL broadcaster Tom Brookshier (1931) and Chicago Bear lineman William “The Refrigerator” Perry (1962). Sports Quote “Let’s not have a double standard. One standard will do just fine.” – George Carlin Sports Quiz Answer The Virginia Squires State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast. net.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 — STOSSEL from 7 To discourage such people, he fills his park businesses and activities -- like the juggling lessons. When lots of people are in a park, he says, vagrancy is less of a problem. Still, he sometimes must deal with troubled people. The worst, he says, are people who take the drug K2 and suddenly get so hot that they take their clothes off. Our guards “guide them out of the park,” says Biederman. It all works. Twelve

million people visit Bryant Park every year, and none of it costs taxpayers a penny. Actually, the city makes money, says Biederman, because “the increased real estate taxes paid by the surrounding buildings -- it’s $33 million a year.” Why can’t governments do this?” I ask. “They do, at times,” he responds. He points to Central Park. But Central Park was rescued by a private charity, one I happen to work with. Before

we started managing the park, it, too, was run-down, dangerous, covered in trash and graffiti. That often happens to public property. Politicians rarely spend much time on boring tasks like maintenance. “A typical thing for parks departments to do is take old oil drums ... and use them as trash cans,” says Biederman. “Oil drums are really ugly. What does that say to the public?” He installs elegant

trash cans. Then he has them emptied often. “That signifies that someone cares,” he explains. Biederman runs “private” parks in other places, like Salesforce Park in San Francisco and Fair Park in Dallas. All save taxpayers money, while government-run parks cost taxpayers money. When government does things, most everything costs more and is lower quality. One of my first Stossel TV videos was a

report on an NYC park that spent $2 million on its bathroom. The Parks Commissioner claimed $2 million was “a good deal.” “But you can buy whole houses in that neighborhood for less than what you spent on this bathroom,” I said. “These are very, very durable materials,” he replied. Give me a break. Bryant Park’s nicer bathroom uses similar durable materials. But it cost much, much less.

Whenever possible, let the private sector do it. John Stossel is creator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www. creators.com.



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

Super Crossword



by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —




Runners Up : Johnny watered his little brother and sister daily to help them grow! - Rich Teed, Gilford, NH. Cultivating good intentions grows great dividends! - Jean Cram, Pittsfield, NH.

PHOTO #888

Timothy Thomas Taylor tends to the tulips he thoroughly intends to tip toe through, truthfully. -Alan Dore, Rochester, NH.

The original Kindergarten! -David Doyon, Moultonborough, NH.


PHOTO #890 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

The Winklman Aeffect

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 16, 2021 —

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