Weiwei portfolio

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Portfolio Graduate Architect / Wei Wei




Introduction January / 2016 Architecture Portfolio “Vibrant Matter � The matter of architecture embodies numerous narratives, accumulated visions, it contains cemeteries of dormant or lost ideologies, and visions of a future that might be no longer relevant or useful. The material nature of architecture then creates an archive of our time, our material present or our material future. At a time when we both crave and feel overwhelmed by information, this material nature can seem like a more authoritative, or somehow more authentic, body of information or of objects bearing value and meaning. Special thanks to Genevieve zoe Murray

Wei Wei Master of Architecture / 2015 University of Sydney Bachlor of Architecture / 2013 University of New South Wales weiwei_121@yahoo.com +61 445805597

Master of Architecture 1. New Macleay Museum+Extension


2. Smart Structure


3. Rockdale Urban Community Centre


4. Urban Island 2015-Cockatoo Island


5. Rouse Hill Primary School-Drawings


Bachlor of Architecture 6. Design Hub at Martin Place


7. Bondi Apartment


8. Parramatta Musice Theatre




1. New Macleay Museum+Extension In rethinking the potential of the New Macleay museum, the idea of the museum as secular temple or dusty cabinet must be transformed as decisively as the Charles Perkins Centre transforms scientific enquiry. The new Macleay will embrace the aspirations and needs of teachers, students. researchers and wider communities in Sydney, across Australia and internationally in a multidisciplinary and visionary initiative. It needs to be an integrated part of the impetus of other University projects currently reshaping the University’s unique profile.

The core of the project is the adaptive re-use of the existing Macleay building and the adjacent Edgeworth building. It will define a new precint for cultural and scientific engagement at the symblic heart of the campus with direct access to major transportation routes. The new Macleay will respect the architectural integrity of these two historical buildings while transforming their use.






Matters and light

Publics and events

The transition space is what determines the shifting area and the boundary we cross to a new space. There is a potential of creating unique journeys from the entrance to different destination within the Macleay museum.

The anticipated threshold becomes a celebration of entering, and it is formed by the fragments of existing context. A new type of relationship will be created during the process of reconstitution.

Matters originated from the existing site conveys the richness of context and history. It is the impetus of this cultral project and it defines the cultral precint.

Events happening within those spaces create a stong relationship between people and building. They constantly enrich the “archive�.


Reservior garden ----reveal the identity of the site One of the key purposes is to resolve the current sharp level difference between Parramatta road and site. The idea is to create a subtle level difference which is related to human scale and proportion. Then the idea of resrevior garden was imported into the existing open space and which then becomes part of the museum’s display space. Apart from this, the reservior garden is also a sculptural garden which is open to publics and University communities. The garden is not only mediating the umseum and public, but also exposing the identity and value of the cutural precinct.




Ground floor plan



Underground floor plan



Elevation 1

Elevation 2



The idea of proposing the little opening is again to creata a different journey for publics to travel and circulate around the site. It conveys a sense of playfulness and the aim of forming an active interaction between building, site and people. People are not forced to go into the museum but through a way of active participation, which could happen naturally in the daily life of a student, a workman or a local resident.

Subtle connection between Parramatta road walkway and the reservior garden inside



The new skin was created by the infill of existing opening with bricks from the old Macleay, which somehow opens up the Parramatta facade towards the surrounding context. The new opening is trying to incorporate with the old skin in a way that can create a new identity to the building as well as to the rest of the cultural precinct.

Elevation from Parramatta road





Section 1

Section 2



Section 3

First floor level

Second floor level



Top floor level

Axometric-showing structural elements



The elements within the reservior garden are articulated carefully with the space around the garden by the design of subtle level change and a connection bridge. Those elements together create an unique and special identity to the New Macleay and the University. The sunken garden is rooted into the site and it is the treasure of the site that waiting for people to discover.

The view towards the reservior garden and open sculptural display area


The new extension is not simply connected to existing building, but having a gesture that emerges landscape and building to create a dynamic and inhabitable space. Thinking about this special site and location, the “living archive� means an active and participant preservation, integration and formation of new relationship between nature and architecture. It defines a cultural precinct that supports historical and scientific enquiry and becomes a focal point for university’s interdisciplinary approach.

Axometric-showing ground floor activities

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Axometric-showing underground archive space


Entrance way through the underneath of the old Macleay.




2. Smart Structure-Floating Pavilion The initial concept is to experiment with the idea of minimal surface and self-supported structure. The early space box gave a limited space for form finding, and the later circular frames created a grid mesh surface. The final open curve structure was initially inspired by the gymnastic rhythmic in which a ribbon with fixed length forms a dynamic form according to different movements.

Initial form finding

Initial space box

X=time Y=movement

Circular frame

Final open curve


The final proposal of the pavilion consists of a primary open curve structure and a tensile membrane surface developed in Kangaroo. The form of the primary sturcture is obtained by twisting and blending of a single strip with controlled parameters in Grasshopper.







3. Rockdale Urban Community Centre The proposal for community centre located at Rockdale train station is to provide local residents a more energetic living and engaging. The project mainly includes a book shop, child minding facility and small workshop. The front public plaza and inner courtyard are proposed to be a gathering space which can be accessed by 24 hours. The main idea is to create a smooth circulation with subtle ramps that lead people to move through the site and the building. It is a place where parents can spend their leisure time with their children and it is also a place for people to escape from the busy and noisy urban city condtion.








4. Urban Island 2015-Cockatoo Island In a climate of increasingly interconnected homogeneity, these urban islands present new opportunities for the cities in which they exist. The unique conditions of these sites demand responses more expansive and flexible than conventional urban redevelopment and regeneration.

Cockatoo Island is such a place. Its physical character is open to interpretation, as the site has been continuously inhabited, altered and reinhabited throughout its history. From brutal prison and girls’ reformatory, through to training facility, naval shipbuilding complex and now, site of cultural experimentation, it has constantly been a shifting territory. The Island presents an ideal site for investigations both phenomenological and conceptual, as a site both vacant and full, near and far, real and imaginary



The idea behind those drawings is to explore the potential of Cockatoo Island. The idea of “Green Archive� was proposed and by using the existing silos, tunnels, cliffs and structures, the island was transformed into seed archive and preservation base.







5. Rouse Hill Primary School-Drawings The aim of this project was to complete all drawing documentation and report required for tender from a sketch design. The project had already been finished and was designed by Paul Berkemeier Architect. All drawings were completed in 5 weeks and should have an ability to communicate this documentation to clients, statutory authorities, consultants, tenders and contractors.





6. Design Hub at Martin Place Design Hub acts as a major catalyst for the design community and education of Sydney’s university. The proposed building will be located in the CBD area, which also has the potential to be a landmark. The design opens up the ground floor laneway which can be a public space and part of the transportation routes. The programs of the building include research library, auditorium, design studios and some commercial retails. The top floors provide accommodation for 40 students.



7. Bondi Apartment This project consists of 8 apartems, a coffee shop and a restaurant. Considering this special location and site condition, the whole building was pulled apart and connected together through the sharing open decks. The idea here is to facilitate the connection between residents and also provide a great view towards the Bondi beach and ocean.



8. Parramatta Music Theatre City of Parramatta Music Theatre was redesigned as a system that embodies its site features and the relationship between the built and un-built spaces around it. The idea is to produce a thoughtful and poetic solution of well articulated and integrated spaces for local residents and communities. It will respond to the broader city context the urban conditon.

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