8 minute read

Financial Information

(1) Advanced Placement high school courses may be credited, normally up to a maximum of 32 semester hours, when the score on the final AP examination is at least a 3. Although based on the testing agency's recommendation, the se must ordinarily be at the introductory college level and generally corres pond to Welch courses. Higher level courses may receive credit from AP. (2) Standardized examinations prepared and administered by appropriate agen cies, specifically to serve as a basis for college credit, may be recognized. Th ese include the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), the Proficiency Examination Program (PEP), and other approved examinations.

Special Courses


Transfer students and new students with less than 12 hours of college credit from an appropriately accredited college must take the appropriate Welch College orientation sessions during the first semester on campus.

Students who have area scores lower than 18/36 on the ACT (SAT: 960/1600, CLT: 61/120) will be admitted with restrictions. Those who score lower than 18/36 in mathematics will also take a mathematics lab, which must be completed by the end of the student’s second semester on campus.

Nontraditional Courses

The following policies govern the awarding of credit for courses not taken in residence at regularly constituted colleges. Any credits awarded for such courses may or may not carry letter grades and may or may not contribute to the student’s Welch grade-point average. (1) Nonresidential courses will be credited and applied to program requirements only when appropriate and when taken from accredited colleges; some exa mples include correspondence, external study, and distance learning. Prior written approval is required to the Provost from the department chair or pr ogram coordinator overseeing the student’s program, as well as separate Pr ovost or Registrar approval. (2) Credit for structured educational experiences obtained outside the traditional college setting may sometimes be recognized when the original experience has been formally approved for this purpose by a recognized educational a gency or by an accredited college that has evaluated the instruction and det ermined that college credit is justified. Primary among these are schools co nducted by the various branches of the United States Armed Forces, with fo rmal recommendations written up by the American Council on Education (ACE) and as accompanied by official written recommendation documents from the military education office.

Credit For Military Training

Welch College recognizes the value of military training. The College may award credit for qualifying military experience. The student will need to present the College Registrar with proper official military documents for analysis.

Veterans Benefits

The Tennessee State Approving Agency approves of Welch College granting undergraduate and graduate degrees for the training of veterans and their eligible dependents. Recipients wishing to receive benefits must notify the campus Veterans Administration (VA) officer. Applicants must furnish proof of eligibility as a condition of enrollment; however, the College does not exempt the student from financial obligations until expenses have been settled by the VA. An applicant should obtain an application for benefits from a local VA office, College, or the official governmental website, and complete and mail it as directed.

The College is also approved to instruct the orphans of qualified veterans to receive training under Public Law 634. These should follow the above procedure.

Note: Veterans should become familiar with the College’s probationary system. For purposes of benefits, they must be making satisfactory progress toward their degree objective. If they fall behind one semester, they have the following probationary semester to meet the standards. If they fail to do so, the VA will be notified and benefits terminated. They may also be asked to withdraw for a semester. At the end of that period, they may apply for readmission to the College and renewal of benefits.


While Welch College assumes no obligation to secure employment for students, the Student Services Office maintains a Job Bank to offer help in finding jobs on and/or off campus. Students should work no more than necessary lest it conflict with the basic purpose for being a student. Students who must work should adjust their academic loads (see the Student Handbook for comparison of work and academic loads). This may necessitate a longer residence than normal. Employment is subject to approval of the Dean of Students.

Student Residences

Single students under 25 years of age and taking more than six hours must room in dormitories maintained and supervised by Welch College. Exceptions, which must be approved by the Dean of Students, include students living with parents or grandparents in the Nashville area, already having a B.S. or B.A. degree, beginning a sixth year as a full-time student, or having served four years or more in military service.

Dormitory students must supply their own pillows and linens. Extra furnishings such as rugs and lamps may be added as desired. No pieces of large furniture should be brought. No electrical appliances may be used without permission. Students’ belongings are not covered by the College’s fire insurance program.

Married students and parents of young children should find housing as near the College as conditions allow. They may not reside in the College dormitories, although they can arrange payment to eat in the College dining hall for the noon meal.

Note: Applicants and prospective students may obtain certain consumer information as required by law.

Financial Information

Schedule of Charges (2021-2022) Tuition - Per Semester

12-18 hours (block)*................................................................................................$9,791 1-11 hours (per semester hour)*...............................................................................$667 19+ hours (each hour over 18 hours, per semester hour)......................................$667 Adult and Online Studies programs (age 23 and older, per semester hour)........$322 Audit of Course(s) (per semester hour)...................................................................$324 Dual Enrollment (per semester hour)......................................................................$150 Hispanic Institute (per semester hour) ....................................................................$200

*Donations received from Free Will Baptist churches and generous supporters represent a scholarship for every Welch College student. Without this donor support, educational expenses would be increased significantly as in many private, Christian colleges.

Room and Meal Plan - Per Semester**

Dormitory and 20-Meal Plan (required for freshmen), per semester ...............$3,966 Dormitory and 14-Meal Plan (optional for upper classmen), per semester.....$3,763 Commuter (off-campus) Student Meal Plan, per semester ...................................$465 Dormitory and Flex Meal Plan (student teachers and nurses), per semester...$2,256

**Pricing includes long distance and voice mail capability, plus optional 195 or 165 block meal plans.

The cost per semester for the average dormitory student taking 12-18 hours will therefore be $13,757 with the 20-Meal Plan (195 Meal Plan); or $13,554 with the 14Meal Plan (165 Meal Plan). The cost per semester for commuter (off-campus) students (taking 12-18 hours) will be $9,791 each semester (excluding meal plan).

Methods of Payment

A student's registration signifies an agreement by the student and his or her parents to fulfill the related financial obligations for that semester and to comply with the payment policies established by Welch College. The College expects that every student will care for his or her account and believes that responsibility for handling the student account is part of the educational experience.

All semester expenses, after subtraction of financial aid awards, are due and payable at registration. Students unprepared to pay semester charges in full at the time of registration should pay according to the following payment plan established in an effort to enable students and families to more easily budget for educational expenses.

Deferred Payment Plan

A down payment is required for all students not paying in full at registration/ the beginning of each term. Those enrolled as full-time students (12+ hours) will pay $2,400; or, if less, the account balance after all financial aid is calculated/applied. Those enrolled as part-time students (11 hours or less) will pay $1,800 or; if less, the account balance after all financial aid is calculated/applied.

The remaining account balance will be paid over the remainder of the term after charges are invoiced. Payment terms will be defined on the student account statement distributed by the Business Office. In the fall, charges are invoiced on or around September 1 with installment payments being due on September 15 and October 15. The balance is to be paid in full with the final installment due on November 15. Late fees will be assessed on the next business day after November 15 on any unpaid balances. Spring semester charges are invoiced on or around February 1 with payments due on February 15, March 15, and April 15. The balance is to be paid in full on April 15. Late fees will be assessed on the next business day after April 15 on any unpaid balances.

For more information regarding payment plan options, refer to the Welch College website under the Admissions and Aid, Tuition and Financial Aid section at the following address: https://welch.edu/admissions/tuition-financial-aid/.

If a payment is unpaid at the end of the month of payment due (e.g., the September 15 payment is unpaid on September 30) a late fee will be assessed according to the following schedule:

Payment Amount Late Fee Up to $1,000...................................................................................................................$15 $1,001 - $2,000...............................................................................................................$30 $2,001 - $3,000...............................................................................................................$45 $3,001 - $4,000...............................................................................................................$60 Over $4,001....................................................................................................................$75

Each semester must be paid in full before registering for a new semester. Any student who has become delinquent through failure to make payment or proper financial arrangements will be subject to disenrollment until such matters are satisfactorily resolved with the Business Office. A student's account must be paid in full in order for a student to be allowed to take final semester exams. If a student is also a Welch College student employee, his or her student payroll check can be held and up to 75% applied to past due student accounts.

Until all financial obligations are satisfied, no transcript of credit or diploma may be issued, no semester examinations taken, and no graduation participation permitted.

No degrees will be awarded and no transcript of credits issued until all financial obligations to Welch College are discharged in full. For immediate release, payment must be in the form of cash, credit card, money order, or cashier's check. Payment by personal check will necessitate a delay of ten working days before transcripts or diplomas will be released. The College reserves the right to make financial changes for any and all charges between times of publication of any catalogs.

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