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May 2017 Issue


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May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258


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May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258


Would you want to miss this?

Note From The Publisher Honoring Those Who Sacrifice

trength, wisdom, and guidance. These are the true characteristics of the people we honor during the month May. In my opinion, it’s not really a coincidence that both Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are celebrated in May. Both groups of individuals have made unfathomable sacrifices; our fallen soldiers with their lives, and our mothers with their hearts and souls. This year, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 14. While we should always find ways to show mom our love, Mother’s Day is a nice reminder to set time to do just that. A card, a box of chocolate, and a fancy dinner reservation are all quite customary, but this year, I encourage you to try to think outside the box. Take some time to really think about the sacrifices your mom has made for you. If you have children of your own, you already know because you are now making them yourself. Throughout the ages, our mothers have always have been God’s truest and purest gift to humanity. Treasure and cherish your mom while you can. In a similar vein, Memorial Day is about celebrating those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Everyday, men and women sign up to serve our country knowing the danger it can present. For the most part, people don’t like war. We don’t want to ship off our loved ones, hoping that they will return to us in one piece. However, they often volunteer for this duty and sometimes, they don’t come home. Sometimes their life is the sacrifice they make for our freedom. No family wants to lose their son or daughter, husband or wife, or mother or father. I ask that you take an extra few minutes this

Now You Won’t. month to pray for the souls of the soldiers’ whom we’ve lost. Pray for peace and pray for the families they have left behind. While these two holidays are a good time for reflection, May also brings the end of the school year and the beginning of SUMMMER! Even though it has been awhile since I’ve actually had a real summer break, I still get excited thinking about the end of the school year (as if I am the one that gets two and a half months off, ha!) The energy and excitement in the air is contagious. I hope all of you get some time off this summer to enjoy with friends and family. Put down the cell phones and ignore the DVR. Just sit, back, relax and think about how truly blessed we really are. Wishing all moms a very Happy Mother’s Day and everyone else an amazing summer!

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May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

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On The Cover

By Alissa Reinhard hen Stone Oak area residents Melissa Mejia and Edward Mitchell set out to open a restaurant in their hometown, they knew they wanted to create someplace extraordinary where everyone was welcome. At Dawgs Brewhouse & Grill, every customer is treated like family. Outstanding service and delicious, homestyle American dishes make Dawgs the perfect place for your next dinner out, lunch on the go, or Saturday hotspot with or without the little ones. Dawgs offers patrons mouthwatering, traditional favorites with a twist like the Pit Bull Burger served with Sweet Potato Fries and the infamous Sonter-rey Hot Dawg wrapped in Hickory Smoked Bacon and topped with fresh Pico de Gallo. There’s


something for everyone at the Dawg House! Kids are always welcome and can enjoy a Castle Moon Bounce every day after 6 p.m. under a covered, enclosed patio. And they haven’t forgotten about the Big Dawgs (aka grownups) either. Unwind with a cold beverage and enjoy happy hour prices and discounted small plates while enjoying live entertainment. Family-owned and operated, Dawgs Brewhouse and Grill is the perfect spot to kick back, relax and enjoy some delicious food and a cocktail or two with family and friends. There’s something for everyone to enjoy at Dawgs! To read more about Melissa, Edward and the Dawgs Brewhouse and Grill, turn to page 9. Come on out and get your growwwwl on at Dawgs!

Tips To Transition Kids From School To Summer By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors he transition from school to summer is not always an easy one for kids. Children are taken from their structured routines and thrown into the freedom of summer. This can be challenging for many, leaving them under-stimulated and bored. To help make the transition easier, we’ve compiled a list of tips to make the shift from school schedules to summer schedules as easy as possible. Create a Summer To-Do List. Get your children excited about summer by sitting down and creating a fun to-do list! Let your children brainstorm everything they wish to do during break in order to have the best possible summer. Once everyone is finished brainstorming, you can start penciling in summer activities and planning out a summer to remember. Organize Educational Activities. It is important to keep kids stimulated over the summer so they do not experience summer learning loss. Your child can have a fun summer break while still learning and challenging them academically. Oftentimes, teachers assign summer reading lists and other educational activities to keep kids sharp over summer. As a parent, it is your job to make sure your student completes these assigned tasks. Make it fun by creating incentives and rewards for each completed assignment. If their teacher doesn’t assign



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summer reading, create your own list by making a trip to the library. Keep in Touch with Friends. It is important for your children to remain social over the summer. Help your children stay in touch with their school friends by planning fun events with the other parents. Whether it’s a barbeque outing, sleepover or a day at the local water park, keeping kids in contact with friends their own age is extremely important. The strengthened friendships will help ease kids into the upcoming school year with confidence. Schedule and Prepare Children for Activities. Summer activities are a great way for children to stay active and involved during break. Activities such as swimming lessons, educational camps, sport camps and themed camps will help your child develop and refine new, interesting skills. If you need help to make these transitions work, another option is to hire a nanny for the summer. A summer nanny is a watchful eye, a fun playmate and a form of reliable transportation to and from activities. If you are still looking for summer childcare, the staff at College Nannies would love to talk to you about how we may be able to help. Our flexible, professional nannies can make the perfect fit for your summer childcare needs. For more information, please call us at 210-202-0303 or visit collegenannies. com.

May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Adding New Technology And Fashion For Spring

By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020 t Stone Oak Vision Source, we pride ourselves on providing the highest level of technology available for our patients’ eye care needs. With our recent move to our new location, we have room for more equipment, more doctors, and more frames to choose from! I’d like to highlight a piece of our new equipment, the Oculus Keratograph 5 M, and two new frame lines we have added over the past six months Oliver Peoples and IC Berlin. The OCULUS Keratograph 5M is an advanced corneal topographer with a builtin real keratometer and a color camera optimized for external imaging. Unique features include examining the meibomian glands, non-invasive tear film break-up time


and the tear meniscus height measurement and evaluating the lipid layer. Many people suffer from dry eye here in San Antonio so we are excited to have an instrument that will actually measure a baseline and improvement of our patients when they are going through their treatment regimen. Through imaging and photos, patients will be able to see their eye condition from start to finish with reassurance that their treatment plan is working. The equipment also improves our ability to fit difficult contact lenses through its extensive mapping software. We are one of the first offices in San Antonio to have this technology. Regarding our frame lines, Oliver Peoples started in 1986 when opticians Larry

and Dennis Leight fulfilled their dream by opening an optical boutique on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, California. In 1987, the Oliver Peoples collection, inspired by vintage frames purchased at an estate sale, was introduced and is now sold at premium eyewear boutiques worldwide. A favorite among celebrities, Oliver Peoples is known for their distinct style and attention to detail. The other new line we are showcasing is IC Berlin. IC Berlin is a German based company that was founded in 1996 by Ralph Anderl. The company produces eyewear from a stainless spring steel sheet metal and uses a patented hinge design that eliminates the use of any screws. These eyewear pieces are durable, extremely lightweight, high-end, and handcrafted in Berlin. Ralph Anderl began selling his eyewear out of a small apartment with a shop front in Berlin, which later expanded to other locations. His original apartment/shop is still open today! Ralph, eventually, took his design to an optical exposition (Mido) in Milan. He was unable to secure a stand, so he decided to

Celtic Thunder Singer To Perform In San Antonio Submitted By Donna Deen ony Music recording artist and Celtic Thunder lead singer Emmet Cahill will present a concert at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church on Wednesday, May 3 at 7:30 p.m. to perform songs from his debut orchestral album, “Emmet Cahill’s Ireland.” His album reached #1 on the Amazon, iTunes and Billboard World Music charts and offers the very best of the


traditional Irish repertoire (“Danny Boy,” “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling,” “My Cavan Girl,” The Parting Glass” and more). Cahill’s concert will feature many of the songs from the album and will also include Broadway favorites, movie hits and folk classics, plus an occasional operatic aria that will showcase his classical vocal training received at the Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin.

In addition to a full solo concert, Cahill will also be a featured soloist with the St. Mark Parish Choir in a special performance of Alice Parker’s “Melodious Accord: A Concert of Praise” under the guidance of Gary A. Marks, Director of Music. Don’t miss an unforgettable night of songs and tales from the Emerald Isle with Ireland’s most exciting young tenor! General admission tickets are $30 and

walk around the exhibition with a trench coat full of IC Berlin samples, much like those used by counterfeit watch sellers. After creating a great deal of buzz, IC Berlin was gifted a small stand and showed officially for the first time at another optical exhibition, Silmo Paris. IC Berlin won a prestigious award at this particular show for its beautiful eyewear. Today IC Berlin has managed to take the company worldwide and is sold in more than 60 countries. We are excited about these new additions to our practice and very happy to personally show them to you at your next visit with us in our new location. If you have any vision questions or are looking for a family eye doctor, please visit Stone Oak Vision Source online at or call 210-495-9020. Visit us at our new location 810 Knights Cross, Ste 101, at the NE corner of Knights Cross and Stone Oak Parkway (behind the Excellence ER building).

may be purchased online at http://www. St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church is located at 1602 Thousand Oaks Drive in San Antonio.

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Estrogen Improves Memory

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 recent study funded by the National Institutes of Health studied young female athletes who aerobically exercised on average ten hours a week and due to their vigorous routine, had stopped having periods. According to “Science Daily,” April 3, 2016, “Estrogen deficiency due to amenorrhea (lack of period) may possibly result in forgetfulness and poor concentration.” One group was given a tiny dose of estrogen and progesterone to mimic a birth control pill while the second group was


given a physiologic dose of transdermal estrogen plus oral progesterone. The third group was given no hormones. The two groups receiving estrogen scored better on memory tests, but, as I would have guessed, the group given the physiologic dose of estrogen plus progesterone to mimic a young, normal female scored best of all! Another interesting study found that in post-menopausal women with a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease had improvement in memory when given human type estrogen, 17-beta estradiol, as compared to women given conjugated equine (from a horse)

estradiol. Risk factors for Alzheimer’s include having a relative with Alzheimer’s, having the Alzheimer’s gene, a past history of depression, or low thyroid disorder. The researchers in this study say their findings might explain why some women given hormones have improvement in brain function, and in other studies, did not. It all depends on WHAT TYPE of estradiol was given to the study participants—the human copy estradiol yielded improvement in cognition, while the synthetic type, derived from pregnant mare’s urine, did not! (“17B-Estradiol Improved Postmenopausal Memory Performance” by Deborah Brauver 9/19/11 Medscape) The side effect profile, that perhaps three in 1,000 women not taking hormones may get breast cancer, while four hormone-taking women in 1,000 may get breast cancer, is the same for either type of estrogen. These estimates of breast cancer risk vary

slightly depending on the study. The truth is, you might get cancer, whether you take hormones or not, and there may be a slightly increased risk if you do. The best news of all is that the natural, or copy of human estradiol, is very inexpensive, as little as $4 per month for the oral tablet, while the transdermal patch is a bit more. The synthetic or non-human copy of estrogen costs quite a bit more. At least one study showed the definite superiority of 17 Beta estradiol as compared to conjugated equine estradiol. I prescribe only the human copy of hormones, popularly known as bio-identical. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call 210-545-5224 or visit

College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors t is our pleasure here at College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors to announce the College Tutors Educator of the Month for May. The purpose of this award is to highlight and recognize a local high school educator that acts as a role model to our students. The award recipient, determined by input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: “Can Do, Results Matter


and Leave It Better.” Lisa Weaver is the ultimate team player. Mrs. Weaver, an English IV teacher at Reagan High School, is outstanding in her efforts to get every student to do his or her best. She works with her team as the lead planner and diligently stands beside her colleagues to assure quality lessons. She constantly gives of herself to those around her! The owners of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome

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Home Community Newspaper in order to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. We firmly believe that the quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or

Lisa Weaver


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Get Your Growwwwwl On At Dawgs Brewhouse And Grill By Alissa Reinhard t’s Friday evening, 5 p.m., and you’re dog-tired from a long week of too much school, too much work, and not nearly enough fun. Cooking dinner is the last thing on your mind. But what and where to eat? If a home cooked, American-style family favorite dish sounds like it just might hit the spot, then grab the kids, load up and head over to Dawgs Brewhouse and Grill. Dawgs features home-style quality dishes including hamburgers, hot “dawgs,” sandwiches, pizza, and salads. There’s something for almost everyone and the bigger the appetite, the better. Local favorites include the Turkey Avocado Sandwich with a side of the Dawgs’ homemade Bow Tie Pasta Salad and the Grilled Chicken Sandwich loaded with cheese and bacon and a side of the famous Dawg Fries served with the famous Dawg Sauce. The Pit Bull Burger and Sweet Potato Fries, the infamous Sonter-rey Hot Dawg wrapped in Hickory Smoked Bacon and topped with fresh Pico de Gallo, and delicious appetizers including Fried Mushrooms with creamy gravy, Crispy Dawgs, and the famous Dawg Deviled Eggs are just a sample of what’s in store for your taste buds. In addition to a menu loaded with so many American staples, Dawgs offers patrons a unique, family-friendly dining experience. The restaurant is actually located in the same building as a car wash and barbershop, a one-ofa-kind setting and a bit of a one-stop-shop! Drop the car off, send the husband over for a haircut, and grab a bite at Dawgs while you wait! Too hungry for errands? Just focus on getting your Growwwwl on at Dawgs! A Castle Moon Bounce is available for the little ones to play every day after 6 p.m. under a covered, enclosed patio. There’s also a family-friendly private room for big groups known as the “Dawg Suite,” the perfect location for a private party, meeting, or your next holiday party or family get-together. Dawgs is definitely “pup” friendly, but they have plenty to offer the “Big Dawgs,” too! Daily happy hour from 3-6 p.m. and reverse happy hour Tuesday through Thursday from 6-9 p.m. is the perfect time to try a signature cocktail including the Dawgs Bloody Mary, The Car Wash, and the Dawgs Malibu Heaven. Local bands and DJs also provide live entertainment. A cold beverage and great music – the perfect way to unwind. On the go? Dawgs also offers carryout, delivery and catering! Dawgs is owned by Melissa Mejia and Edward Mitchell, San Antonio natives and Stone Oak area residents. Both


of Edward and Melissa’s oldest sons graduated from Reagan High School and played football for the Rattlers while their youngest sons play basketball and wrestle. The co-owners also have long-term professional careers in other industries: Melissa with USAA and Edward, an entrepreneur and founder of MitchCo Foundation Repair. The business partners are proud of the community where they live and raise their families and are excited to have created an environment where families can come together for good food and good fun. They hope to open additional “Dawg Houses” in the future while giving back to the San Antonio community. “Dawgs for a Cause” will help support local organizations through proceeds raised by Dawgs Brewhouse and Grill patrons and donations. Together, Melissa and Edward share a passion for great food and outstanding customer service. They have a created a warm, family-friendly environment where you will quickly feel at home. Feed the Growwwwl and eat and drink at Dawgs Brewhouse and Grill!

Celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day

Submitted By Andrea Kassem orth Central Baptist Hospital and the Baptist Cancer Program will celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day on June 1 in honor of those in the community who are living with and beyond cancer. The Baptist Cancer Program will join hundreds of communities worldwide in celebrating life as part of the 30th Annual National Cancer Survivors Day. Together, NCBH will gather to honor survivors in the community along with caregivers, family, friends and healthcare providers to show that life after cancer can be fruitful, rewarding and inspiring. Major advances in cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment have resulted in longer survival. However, a cancer diagnosis can leave a host of problems in its wake. Physical, emotional and financial hardships often persist for years after diagnosis and treatment. The Baptist Cancer Program continues to build and grow a survivorship community, offering resources that are specific to survivors’ needs. Nurse navigators within the Cancer Program offer one-on-one education and support, survivorship care planning and support groups centered around survivors’ needs. National Cancer Survivors Day is a


Join North Central Baptist Hospital and the Baptist Cancer Program in a celebration of life at the Survivorship Celebration and Wellness Fair on National Cancer Survivors Day on June 1.

time to bring awareness to the unique needs of survivors, to improve cancer survivors’ quality of life and expand resources available to survivors and their caregivers. Despite the difficulties that many cancer survivors experience after their treatment has ended,

May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

National Cancer Survivors Day is a time to bring Despite the difficulties that many cancer survivors awareness to the unique needs of survivors. experience after their treatment has ended, cancer survivors live active, productive and inspiring lives.

cancer survivors live active, productive and inspiring lives. Organizers of this local event encourage everyone to attend the Survivorship Celebration and Wellness Fair to show support for cancer survivors, their families and healthcare providers. Education on cancer prevention, treatment and community

resources will be available. Join in for a healthy cooking demonstration, exercise and wellness tips as well as a question and answer booth with an oncology nurse. The celebration will kick off at 11 a.m. and wrap up at 1 p.m. in the Atrium of North Central Baptist Hospital. For more information, please call 210-730-9610.


Shower Floors. What’s The Best Option?


By Mike & Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750

hen it’s time to make your tile selections for your bathroom remodel, the shower floor tile is an important detail not to be overlooked. Style and color are key considerations. Practical details such as slip resistance and upkeep are also important. Here are some common types of shower floors, whey we like them, and why we don’t. 1. Marble. Why we love it - Marble is beautiful and comes in many shapes and sizes from subway tile and herringbone pattern

to penny round and two-by-two. Popular finishes of this soft stone are polished and honed (matte). Swirls of gray and cream are gorgeous and the colors are neutral. Why we don’t love it - Marble stains easily, allows for greater penetration of water, and isn’t the best for slip resistance. Marble is also pricey. 2. Travertine. Why we love it - Travertine is a natural stone that has nice veins and swirls. It is the ultimate neutral with colors of creams, browns, grays, and golds. Tumbled travertine has great slip resistance and lasts

Making Your Deck Last


By Barry Hagendorf Deck & Patio Care (210) 822-9147

: Why should a wooden deck be sealed? A: Different woods have different chemistry. Treated Yellow Pine is a water base wood. When it becomes wet, it expands and when it dries, it shrinks. A 10 lb. board shrinks to 7 lbs. This constant movement with weather will cause treated yellow pine

to warp, split, and crack. To stop expansion and contraction it has to be sealed with an oil base penetrating sealer designed to look for dry cell structure allowing the sealer to move through the wood. Cedar and redwood are oil base woods. In time the oil will evaporate, allowing the wood to rot. These woods rot from the bottom up. So when sealing cedar and redwood, you need a sealer that can follow dry cell structure, allowing the sealer to move to the bottom of the deck.

Deck & Patio Care

a long time. The most common sizes are 4 x 4 and 2 x 2 inch squares for shower floors. Why we don’t love it - Travertine is porous so it has to be sealed. You must also use a stone cleaner for cleaning. 3. Porcelain. Why we love it - Porcelain tile is versatile in many ways. It is durable, lasts a very long time, it’s waterproof, and low maintenance. Porcelain tile comes in many different finishes from the appearance of wood to stone to marble. The price point with porcelain is very affordable. Why we don’t love it - Grout. At some point, the grout will need to be cleaned. You must also make sure it is sealed. 4. Pebbled. Why we love it - Also known as river rock, a pebble shower floor gives an organic, spa-like look to your design. It offers a lot of slip resistance and is great for picking up other warm tones in the bathroom. Why we don’t love it - Pebbled can hurt your feet

if you don’t get the flat surface river rock. The dry-out times are a little slower because of slower drainage. You will eventually need to clean the grout and with the unusual grout lines, it can be difficult. A word of advice on size of tile on the shower floor: no matter the material, we suggest looking for a 4 x 4 inch or smaller size tile. Smaller tiles provide for better slip resistance with the added grout lines and it’s much easier to install on a sloping floor for proper drainage. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. For more tips on home improvement, subscribe to their newsletter at

Q: Why seal limestone, flagstone, and rocks? A: These surfaces are porous and allow deep penetration for water, as water temperature moves the direction toward freezing that water expands. When temperatures of rock moves in the direction toward freezing, the rock contracts. So as temperatures change through out the day, the water and rock move in opposite directions, this causes cracking and flaking. Q: Why should pebblestone be sealed? A: We seal pebblestone for two reasons. 1. To protect the surface, keeping the rock from popping out. 2. For an enhanced look. The construction of pebblestone leaves a concrete film on the rocks. Acid washing the rock will remove this concrete film. Sealing the stone

with acrylic will give a permanent wet look. Q: Why seal a wooden fence? A: Wooden fence deteriorates quickly for a number of reasons. 1. The bottom of the board acts like a straw, sucking the water into the board. 2. The boards are thin allowing moisture penetration from all six sides. 3. The wood has tannic acid and when the acid comes to the surface and the sun shines on the board turning the tannic acid gray or black. Sealing a fence can eventually double it’s life. Q: Why is my paint growing mold? A: The paint does not have enough mildewcide in it. Always add mildewcide to all exterior paints at the paint store. This stops mold from growing on the painted surface.

There’s always room for improvement. (The hard part is figuring out how to get there.)

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by Barry Hagendorf

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May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Targeted Treatment For Men’s Health

By Carol Anderson MD Wonderfully Well Medical (830) 549-1111 exual health profoundly affects quality of life. Sexual performance influences self-esteem and impacts relationships. In 25 years of practicing medicine, I have found that oftentimes, men struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED) for a long time. They either try to help themselves on their own or try a temporary solution which does not address the underlying issue. But it doesn’t need to be so. The scope of sexual dysfunction is vast. You may be surprised to learn if you have ED symptoms, you are actually in the majority. As they age, nearly 100% of men notice a decreased ability to perform. Official statistics state that 52% of men suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction and 57% of those who report ED are 4060 years of age. But, these figures grossly underestimate the problem because 80% of erectile dysfunction goes unreported. When Viagra arrived on the market 25 years ago, it seemed like a magical solution to a common problem: simply take a pill and suddenly no more ED worries. But these medications don’t work quite as well as advertised, nor do they deliver on the promises made in television commercials. Because these drugs do little to cure the underlying issue, they have to be taken on schedule before sex. They only work for one encounter at a time, do not improve spontaneous erections, and have side


effects. Viagra and similar drugs do not work for everyone. And, they often become less effective over time, leaving men mystified about what to do next. There is a scientifically proven, effective alternative to other treatments for ED with no harmful side effects. The underlying issue in ED is a problem with the small vessels in the penis. These vessels become blocked with time. At the Wonderfully Well Center for Personalized Medicine, we offer a revolutionary treatment using acoustical waves that addresses the underlying problem and focuses on clearing out the blockages. Following treatment, men experience increased nighttime, morning, and spontaneous erections and enhanced ability to maintain erections. By restoring the blood flow, proper treatment has the ability to reinstate the erections men had when they were younger. And, the improvements have been scientifically proven to last 2- 3 years! Carol Anderson, MD. Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Nuclear Medicine, and Functional Medicine. Wonderfully Well Center for Personalized Medicine is located at 2614 E Ramblewood, San Antonio, TX 78261. For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation, call (830)-549-1111 or visit

Putting The Care Back In Healthcare

By Stormy Valdespino Healing Hands (210) 560-5841 hen’s the last time you spent hours in an urgent care center or waiting room filled with people? Did you think, “There has to be a better way!” Healing Hands House Calls PLLC was founded four years ago by Stormy Valdespino, FNP-C. Stormy is the only Nurse Practitioner nationwide that has a concierge medical practice, and the only concierge medicine house call practice in San Antonio. Despite the daunting task of establishing such a unique practice, Stormy knew from the time she was in medical school that she wanted to do house calls. “I truly hated seeing sick individuals waiting to be seen, especially children,” she said. “I decided to undertake concierge medicine because it was a better fit for the way I practice medicine. I truly enjoy seeing a patient’s face and seeing what message they may not be saying through spoken words. I don’t enjoy the disconnect of charting or facing a computer during a visit.” In a relaxed and comfortable setting at the patient’s home, Stormy can get to know her patients which can better help with proper diagnosis. Additionally, the average physician’s practice may have a panel of as many as 4,400 patients per provider.


Let the provider come to you! Concierge Medicine “I find that as another obstacle to quality of care,” she added. “I pride the practice model of my company with treating every single individual like my family.” Stormy’s patients are as varied and diverse as our community: busy business professionals, military families, and moms and dads with sick children at home. Her concierge practice alleviates the stress of waiting an entire day to be seen in a med clinic, waiting room or infirmary filled with sick or contagious people. “I pride myself in always seeing patients in the same day, whether the visit requires a face to face visit or being able to handle the situation via telephonic medicine,” Stormy added. “The service I give is about saving time and giving individualized care. I am happy to provide outstanding service that is

May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258


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A Mother’s


By Alissa Reinhard


ay is here which means it’s time to celebrate mom! No words can truly explain the love a mother has for her child. Being a mother means learning about the strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with the fears you didn’t know existed. If you have a small child or children of your own, you’ve now realized your ability to love deeper than you’ve ever loved before. And with that love comes clarity – a recognition that your mother must have those very same feelings for you. We are deeply, intricately, and biologically connected to our mothers. From the moment we begin growing inside of them and enter into this world, we depend on them for everything – food, warmth, shelter, and comfort. As we age, we look to them for wisdom and reassurance. And as we begin to grow as individuals and gain our independence, we sometimes lose sight of the sacrifices mom has made. We become teenagers, pushing the limits and rebelling, trying to figure out this crazy thing called life. Mom doesn’t seem so important anymore. Enter adulthood. We have responsibilities. People depend on us. We have to depend on ourselves! We begin to remember that person we call mom. We used to depend on her and if we’re very lucky, we still can. A mother’s heart is always with her children. Her love is enduring, unwavering and neverending. There’s so much comfort in that knowledge, comfort that we too often take for granted. This Mother’s Day, show mom that you remember those days when you needed only her. When she could make everything okay! When she was your best friend and your hero. Enjoy these special letters to mom from students in Ms. Ryder’s fourth grade class and Ms. Satterwhite’s first grade class at Stone Oak Elementary. Let them take you back to a simpler time and remind you that no one is better than mom! Happy Mother’s Day!


May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Mother’s Day Special

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May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Grilling Vs. Barbequing By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 his month’s column picks up from last month’s where we talked about the differences between grilling and barbequing. Now it’s time to cover the food prepared using both cooking methods. The cow will be our model. The bovine is a big animal and some of its meat is tender, some of it is not. Here’s another way to view it: fat vs. collagen. Fat is tender, collagen is not, and there’s a difference in how you cook them. Grilling Fat. Muscles that are not often used on the animal will have fat woven in them called “marbling.” There is a ton of flavor in these pieces. Fat breaks down easily during the cooking process, so you really


don’t need to cook these cuts for a long time. Thus, the grilling method is preferred: hot (500° and up), direct heat (aka “radiant” heat) on a charcoal or gas grill, and probably no more than five to ten minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the cut. Barbequing Collagen. Conversely, muscles that are used a lot, particularly in the outer sections of the cow like the legs and the neck, are much tougher. To aid in their function of the animal, these muscles will have protein chains woven throughout the muscles called collagen. Collagen molecules can be broken down to a more palatable state, but it’s done so only through a kinetic process that we simply call “low and slow,” a function of both temperature and duration of heat to liquefy the collagen. In short,

it’s the barbequing method: indirect (or “convective”) heat, low temperatures (225°250°), and the cook time can be as much as 10-15 hours or more. A Visual. Imagine a silhouette of a whole cow. Now imagine putting a target on top of the cow’s back with the bulls-eye right in the middle as you move from ear to the tail. Then, imagine that target radiating outward (forget the top half; just consider the target as it spans down toward the ground). The muscles in that bulls-eye area are the least used on the cow, which makes them the tenderest, most succulent pieces of meat (not to mention, most expensive) cuts like the tenderloin, filet mignon, T-bone, and porterhouse steak. Just beyond that bulls-eye are cuts like the ribeye steak, New York strip, and sirloin. All of these will have lots of tender, delicious flavor tailor-made for grilling. However, as you radiate outward from the bulls-eye the fat lessens in the muscle tissue and the collagen increases. These collagen fibers are necessary as they are in the heavyduty working parts of the cow, i.e., muscles that both move and support some 2,000

pounds. The brisket, for example, is the king of barbeque, and is located beneath the neck as the cow’s body forms into the upper leg. The brisket’s counterpart at the back end is the hind shank, which is best used for stew meat. Both have lots of collagen in them – as do the cuts in between – and they definitely require a low and slow cooking process. Make no mistake, these cuts can be incredibly tasty, they just take time to cook. Regardless of whether you like to grill or barbeque – or both! – we at Jeff’s Backyard can help you find the best cooker that produces the results you desire. Indeed, we have over 80 years combined cooking experience to share with you! Look for our ad on this page which has a coupon for a FREE bag of wood when you buy a Texas Trailblazer offset smoker at Jeff’s Backyard! For more information, call 210-3424760, or email Better yet, come visit at 435 West Nakoma, San Antonio, TX 78216 (at the intersection of Nakoma and West Ave.) You can also visit

Couple Opens New Pet Food Business – Pet Wants San Antonio North Special To Welcome Home hen we were trying to find the best food to help our dog Charlie overcome her stomach issues, we found that Pet Wants’ specially-designed, fresh formula made all the difference. Now we are proud to announce that we have brought Pet Wants to our own community with the launch of our new business, Pet Wants San Antonio North. Pet Wants’ carefully developed proprietary pet food is slow-cooked with


fresh, all-natural ingredients. Our dog and cat food is made in small batches once per month so every kibble is guaranteed to be fresh and packed with nutrition and we have free delivery! Charlie is 5 years old and we spoil her quite a bit. Knowing that mini-schnauzers are prone to stomach issues, we were always looking for the best food – and that’s how we found Pet Wants. The difference this food makes is unreal and you really have to experience it for yourself to become a

believer. We believe in this product and we’re proud to put our names behind it. We’ve always wanted to do something together and own our own business. We’ve tried it a few times, but never full time and never with something we are so passionate about. We love pets and, after we did our research about commercial pet food and saw the difference Pet Wants made for Charlie, we knew this was what we wanted to do In addition to being made fresh monthly, Pet Wants only sources the best salmon,

chicken, lamb, brown rice and other ingredients available. There’s no sugar added, no fillers and no animal by-products. And, since Pet Wants never uses corn, wheat, soy or dyes, the food is a great fit for pets with allergies. To order Pet Wants food for your favorite companion or to learn about the company, call (210)239-6780, or visit

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May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon On The Run

By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 e are approaching the time of the year that all true seafoodies look forward to. I am of course talking about the season of Wild-caught Alaskan Salmon, one of the best tastes of the summer time and it starts towards end Caught. of May. The Season meanstheWild Full of flavor, rich in omegaand sustainably caught, The3’s, Difference is Freshness. wild salmon is the perfect choiceisfor weekend barbecues The place Groomers Seafood! with friends or even for a quick weeknight meal. Not to mention, Wild Salmon is also a fantastic source of DHA, the omega-3 fatty happen when the fillet is left out exposed acid that is essential for brain development, to the air. Our expert fishmongers then which comes from phytoplankton. DHA debone, trim, and portion your fillet exactly is stored in salmon’s fat, and one 4-ounce how you desire, a service that you’d be pressed to Texas find anywhere else. The McCullough San Antonio, 210-377-0951 serving of salmon can dish9801 up 2,400 mg hard end result is some of the fi nest salmon in of omega-3s! But what’s the difference the entire country, with types like King between our Alaskan salmon and others? (Chinook) Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, and Simple; the difference is freshness. Groomer’s Seafood only brings in fresh, even the rare Alaskan Salmon like Ivory never frozen, Alaskan Salmon. While this and Marble! Remember to keep an eye on our may sound common for a fresh fish market, Facebook and weekly newsletters to see many “fresh” markets merely bring in salmon frozen and thaw it out for the daily when this season kicks off! It›s a short display. Groomer’s Seafood just refuses to season so be sure to keep an eye out, do that. We understand that when you come once the summer turns to fall the salmon here, you’re passing up many local grocery runs tend to diminish! If you want to stores to get something you just can’t find get more information on availability, anywhere else. Our buying team goes above the health benefits, and specials on our and beyond the call of duty for this reason Wild salmon be sure to go to our website and works directly with the hard working to sign up for our newsletter. Also if you ever have fishermen of Alaska on procurement. Next, we always bring these salmon in any seafood question at all feel free to whole and cut it right off the bone to your send me an email at blakegroomer@ order. This prevents oxidation that can

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1150 N. Loop 1604 W., Ste. 118 • (Inside the HEB Plus Shopping Center on Blanco Rd.)

Step Into Decorating

By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he summer months are coming and of colors in which a style or design is many of us are looking to change available) and bring in pops of blues and our interiors in order to make our teals (spa colorways), as well as a pop of space more inviting. Summer is a time for red. socializing and enjoying visits from family With so many new colors gaining and friends. As the months fly by, many of popularity and older colors coming back us are just now getting to our New Year’s into style, it can be easy to get confused to-do list without realizing that the holidays about colors schemes. Minty greens are are already heading toward us and quickly staying on top of the color wheel this season picking up steam! Now’s the time to make while purples are making their way back the change that you desire before another into our décor. Light backgrounds are also year slips by! popular, allowing us to bring in contrast I recently worked with a client who had with bright colors. her heart set on a new kitchen. She wanted Stay in tune with the new colors as you a fresh space and a completely new look. spend your money redecorating. Sometimes We decided to go with light colors on both just a pillow or two and a few new lamps the countertops and cabinets. The dark can create a brand new look. Remember, sofa and loveseat which were previously in your home is your castle! Call us for your the house and were staying even after the design needs. remodeled kitchen was complete, presented For more information about the a new challenge. However, the neutral Jenkins Interior Design Group, LLC, call colors of the kitchen allowed us to use a Mary L. Jenkins-Asquith, Owner at 210new colorway (any range of combinations 490-0161.


May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Sports offered (Boys & Girls ages 3 - 14) • Baseball/T-Ball • Slow Pitch Softball • Soccer (co-ed)

• Basketball • 7 on 7 Football Skills • Lacrosse


Sewing To Serve By Alissa Reinhard ost new parents are overwhelmed with a jubilant mix of joy and uncertainty when welcoming a baby into the world. Their lives and hearts are forever changed. It’s an exciting, yet trying time in mom and dad’s lives, caring for a healthy baby. But imagine those parents whose babies came into this world months early or with chronic illnesses or other challenges. The emotions experienced by these new parents are heightened, to say the least. The San Antonio chapter of Threads of Love, a sewing ministry, meets the needs of these new families by providing tiny, premature infants with crochets, quilts, and knit clothing and accessories. These items are then packaged with a prayer for delivery to local hospitals and other preemie caregivers. But it’s not just clothing that this ministry provides these very special families, it’s a system of support, prayer, hope and faith. Liz Page, founder and director of the San Antonio SARAH (Sewing and Reaching a Heart) chapter of Threads of Love, began the ministry in 1999 with eight volunteers. Today, Threads of Love (TOL) has hundreds of volunteers locally and distributed 51,815 items in 2016. Liz and her husband, Joe, were inspired to open the chapter after Liz delivered twins born six weeks early. “We personally experienced the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit),” explained Liz. “Although that was over forty years ago, the emotions and anxieties are still the same. The two words that best describe the


Threads of Love volunteers Anne Lo (left) and Indriata Tedja, both from Indonesia, handcraft items for delivery Threads of Love San Antonio Chapter founder Liz to local hospitals. The blankets, outfits and other items Page (left) and Linda Coward, satellite leader from Community Bible Church, display isolette covers made benefit babies born prematurely. to encourage neurological development in premature parents know that they are not alone, but that babies. Two Easter outfits crafted by Threads of Love volunteers.

NICU experience are ‘roller coaster,’ since parents never know what the next minute holds for their preemie. It is an extremely emotional time.” More recently, the Pages have experienced the loss of seven grandchildren who did not survive premature birth. “During such emotional times, you feel sad for your family member whose dreams have been shattered and you feel the loss of opportunities to speak or play with this precious gift from God,” said Liz. “But we will meet them in Heaven one day.” The 32 different items crafted and delivered by TOL encourage, comfort and promote neurological development and are gratefully accepted by NICU nurses. “The nurses remark repeatedly about what love the parents feel from the TOL items and how it makes their jobs easier,” explained Liz. “The items we deliver let the

someone cares. We are continually renewed and revitalized to do what we do by the very process of delivering the gifts made by the loving hands of so many caring volunteers who will never have the opportunity to meet those whom the items are for.” For the babies who do not survive, TOL provides memory boxes and burial outfits to honor and respect these precious and blessed babies. TOL’s goal is to meet the needs of every premature baby—both living and deceased—in local hospitals, hospitals in the surrounding area, overseas in military hospitals, and anywhere else as requested. Over the years, 20 satellites have developed from the SARAH Chapter. TOL has touched many lives, including Laura Caddell’s. In 2009, Laura and her husband lost their daughter Faith Marie at nearly 23 weeks. Laura received a Memory Box and other mementos from TOL to remember her little girl by. “There was a little pink bear with angel

wings,” said Laura. “As I lifted it out of the box, I felt in my heart that, one day, I would have another baby girl and that I would give that bear to her,” said Laura. “It was tangible hope to hold on to in one of my darkest hours.” After a little bit of research Laura discovered TOL and was so inspired by the Pages that she knew she wanted to partner with them in some way. She founded Project Hope in 2012, a non-profit that collects items for memory boxes as well as the supplies to create and decorate them. “Because of the hope and love that was shown to me through TOL, I am now blessed to be a part of sharing hope and love with other women like myself,” said Laura. TOL is run entirely by volunteers who are always needed and welcome. Donated items desired include baby fabric (100% cotton with no polyester) and baby

See SEWING, Page 19

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May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

A Laugh A Day Can Keep The Doctor Away By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 aughter is closely tied to having a positive outlook on life. Studies on the health benefits of laughter have consistently shown the connection between laughing and longevity. Research shows that laughter lowers blood pressure while increasing blood flow and oxygen intake. It triggers the release of endorphins that simply make people feel better, which helps with depression, can suppress some physical pain, and works many muscles… making laughter a form of exercise! Wink, wink! That’s good news! There is no doubt that laughter is the best medicine! It has health benefits for everyone, including seniors who are at greater risk of depression, heart disease and pain. These days, Laughter Therapy classes are gaining popularity. It is infectious and is a universal language that brings people together in a positive and upbeat way. Think of ways to make the people in your life laugh more. Whether it’s sharing a funny book, telling jokes, watching a comedy show or reminiscing about your “untold stories,” At Independence Hill, staff and residents alike know these laughs will do you both good. how to have fun. “One of the favorite parts of my job has to be laughing to tears with residents, hearing humorous if you take the time to look at it. their stories of past mischief,” reflected There are some funny jokes about “growing Michelle Houriet Voutour, Executive up” which sometimes help with the idea of Director of Independence Hill Retirement aging by sharing in this experience… we are Community. “It is a common occurrence to all aging, after all. Bring some of these on see the Independence Hill team chatting it your next visit with the senior in your life. up and enjoying so many giggles with our There are also websites that can lighten up residents. Fun isn’t simply encouraged… your day like where you can it is the reality of the lifestyle here. Many receive a daily joke or even look through resident jokesters enjoy seeking out team their collection to choose your favorites. Here’s one to get you started… members to share a good joke. We aren’t “I felt like my body had gotten totally out afraid to be a bit silly or do whatever it takes to tickle someone’s funny bone. It brings of shape, so I got my doctor’s permission true joy to everyone and makes our every to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. day an absolute blast!” “We are told over and over by our I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and residents that they chose to call Independence down, and perspired for an hour. But by the Hill home after touring other communities time I got my leotard on, the class was over.” Hahahahahaha! Call Sherrill or Laura because of the ‘buzz’ they heard when they first walked in our doors,” added Martha at (210) 209-8956 to plan your visit to Anderson, Communications Director. Independence Hill and “Get Your Giggle “They heard laughing and talking in the On!” Independence Hill Retirement Resort lobby, dining room, coffee pub or during an exercise class. Truth is, we just know how to Community is located at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more have fun…it comes easy!” Surround yourself with opportunities that information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit put a smile on your face! Life can be pretty


SEWING, from Page 18

yarn (3-ply, mixed colors, nothing added to the yarn); bright, colorful material including flannel; batting for quilts; and monetary contributions used to supplement the needs of a growing ministry and replace an aging delivery van. “People are always surprised that there are no salaries,” explained Liz. “We never charge for anything and we never have fundraisers. We deliver to the hospitals every two weeks and ship a ‘Love Gift’ with essential items or ‘Remembrance Bags’ to help parents walk through their grief—any time or any where—when requested.” TOL makes sure that parents of hospitalized preemies feel more “normal” by providing clothing that fits their babies

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and other items that encourage mom and dad to participate in their baby’s care. For families of babies who have passed away, TOL brings some comfort through providing beautiful burial outfits sized perfectly for the little one and other items without mom and dad having to search or think about such things during a very difficult time. For more information about Threads of Love or to learn more about how you can make a difference in someone’s life, visit or email You can also visit their workshop located at 19595 IH-10 West between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258



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Meet Reagan’s Award Winning Quartet Submitted By Cathy Reed here are several small music ensembles found within the Reagan High School Band, but one stands out above the rest. The Quid Nunc Saxophone Quartet was originally formed in the winter of 2013. Under the direction of Assistant Band Director, Greg White, the current group is comprised of Seniors Josh MilfordRosales, Nick Koutras and Jamal Hawkins; and Junior Ryan Montemayor. When they are not busy with their other school and band commitments, they are carving out time to rehearse, tape and travel to competitions and other performance opportunities. Translated from Latin, their name means


Suzanne McGregor, FNP/GNP – BC

Seema A. Dar, MD, FACG

“what now?” which is extremely appropriate considering how well the group has done at home in San Antonio, across the state of Texas, and around the country. The Quid Nunc has been honored as prize winners at the Houston Underground Saxophone Quartet Competition (3rd place in 2014, 1st place in 2016); the Coltman Chamber Music Competition (2nd place in 2015, tied for 1st place in 2017); the Margaret Tobin FAME Awards (1st place in 2015 and 2016); Texas Public Radio’s “Sounds Like KPAC” Contest (1st place in 2015 and 2016); as well as receiving superior ratings at UIL Solo and Ensemble Events including the Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest since 2014.

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Reagan’s Quid Nunc Saxophone Quartet performing at Quartet performing “One Love” at BOA Conroe. the “Sounds Like KPAC” competition.

The quartet was also invited to compete as a quarterfinalist of the prestigious Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition at Notre Dame University in both 2016 and 2017, becoming the first public school ensemble to be invited to the competition twice. Quid Nunc has had the opportunity to perform across the country at various conferences and outreach events advocating for the proliferation of chamber music. In 2015, Quid Nunc performed as a featured group at the 69th annual Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago. All members of the quartet, past and present, were also invited to perform in the first ever North American Saxophone Alliance High School Saxophone ensemble at the 2016 NASA Biennial Conference at Texas Tech University. They were

also featured prominently during Reagan marching band’s “One Love” show this past fall. In just a short period of time, the Quid Nunc Saxophone Quartet has definitely made a name for themselves, causing others in the music community to stand up and take notice. Meanwhile, the current group is getting ready to tackle the next chapter: passing the baton to future members and keep asking “what now?” Upcoming Band events: May 2 at 7 p.m. – Jazz Band Concert May 6 at TBA – Percussion Concert May 16 at 7 p.m. – Spring Concert May 20 at 6:30 p.m. – Mini Band Camp Concert in the Courtyard May 23 – MOD Pizza Benefit Night May 27 – UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest in Austin

Reagan Fashion Design Supports World’s Oceans

Submitted By Maitlin Harford he Reagan Fashion Design Program has worked countless hours to create innovative designs inspired by the sea. The unprecedented and creative designs were showcased during the Reagan Fashion Show on April 20 at Reagan High School. The show, entitled “Sea and Be Seen,” was cutting edge and revolutionary for the young designers. Adding to the Reagan High School’s Fashion Design Program unveiled their creations designed challenge of creating using recycled materials at the school’s first fashion show on April 20. one-of-a-kind The Reagan community joined together to designs, the fashion students also created the looks out of watch the future of fashion flow before their recycled materials using everything from eyes. The fashion show was the first of its paper to scrap metal to plastic. The designs kind at Reagan High School and did not were handmade and original to each student disappoint. Proceeds from the show benefitted designer in grades 11 and 12. In addition worldwide ocean preservation to the original outfits walking the “Under the the Sea” runway, all decorations used organization, Oceanic Preservation Society, to construct the ocean setting were also an organization that fosters the growth and handmade by the students and created using restoration of organisms in the ocean to allow for expansion of their population across the recycled materials. The fashion students cultivated each world’s seas and oceans. The organization original idea and prepared their design for focuses on cleaning up the pollution and the show over an eight-week period. They trash in the water and protecting aquatic couldn’t have been more excited to unveil animals that are vulnerable to extinction. their creations as they walked the runway. The fashion club’s goal was to donate up to $1,000 to the Society.

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May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Musicians In Residence Program Unveiled At Franklin Park

Franklin Park residents enjoy the performances.

Submitted By Shirley Wills usic is the universal language that brings people of all generations together, and Franklin Companies has pioneered a new program that brings some of the area’s top college music students into their senior living communities. The intergenerational exchange is expected to extend beyond the performances, enriching the lives of the seniors as well as the students. Franklin Companies is initially offering the Musician-in-Residence program at their Franklin Park Sonterra and Franklin Park Alamo Heights locations. “We are excited to be the first communities in the state to offer the program,” said Luke L. Classen, President of Franklin Companies. “The program provides talented student musicians with an opportunity to hone their musical skills by performing for our residents in exchange for free lodging at one of our communities.”


Carlos Guevara and Sean Kithas, both UTSA music students, have been selected as the inaugural musicians-in-residence. Under the direction of each community’s life enrichment department, the musicians will provide a minimum of three performances per week. The nature, format and genre will vary, from recitals to sing-alongs, and may even include formal concerts in collaboration with other musicians. Students are accepted into the program for one semester and their participation will be reviewed on an annual basis. “At our communities, we empower seniors to live an active and healthy lifestyle, and accessibility to the arts and musical performances is an important part of this,” said Classen. “The support, interest and involvement of our residents will help these young performers develop their talents while our residents will gain inspiration from the students and have the pleasure of watching them grow personally

Girls Can Play Football Too

UTSA student Carlos Guevara was been selected as one of two inaugural musicians-in-residence and will be performing at Franklin Park Sonterra. (L-R) Franklin Park Sonterra residents Joy Dean and Joan Bounds congratulate musician-in-residence performers and professionally. The envisioned result is and UTSA students Carlos Guevara (seated) and Sean meaningful relationships for all.” Kithas after their performances. Both students play the Guevara, a sophomore, is musician- classical guitar.

in-residence at Franklin Park Sonterra. A classical guitarist, he also plays the piano. He sees the program as a way to increase his experience performing before a live audience and to connect with diverse audiences. He said after the interview process, the staff at Franklin Park already seemed like family to him, and he hopes to make lifelong friends among the residents and staff members. Sean Kithas, a junior, is musician-inresidence at Franklin Park Alamo Heights. His father played the classical guitar and taught Sean to play it at an early age. He said the program will give him a forum where he can further develop his performance skills. He welcomes the opportunity to live in a retirement community since he was close to both sets of grandparents, who lived only a few blocks away when he was growing up.

Aubra and Susan C. Franklin are founders of Franklin Senior Living. Franklin Park Sonterra, located at 18323 Sonterra Place, offers Independent and Assisted Living. Franklin Park Alamo Heights, located at 230 W. Sunset Road, offers Independent and Assisted Living and Memory Care. Franklin Park is part of the Franklin Companies, a group of companies providing senior living housing and services. They also provide tax credit affordable multi-family housing. Franklin Companies currently have 20 locations with 5 more opening by year end. They have 450 employees, soon to be 800+, and they touch about 4,000 lives on a daily basis.

Reagan’s Cheer Camp Submitted By Cari Goodyear ooking for something awesome the kids can do this summer – come experience the life of a cheerleader by attending the Reagan Cheer Youth Summer Camp. Register now for three fun-filled days July 19-21 where kids will tumble, jump, dance, and cheer with current Reagan cheerleaders. Camp runs from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. with lunch provided. Registration cost also includes a special cheer camp outfit. The last day will include a show-off performance and photo opportunities with the Reagan Rattler Cheerleaders. Early bird registration is $150 until May 15. Act fast because space is limited to the first 75 registrants!


Register at: Go, Fight, Win!

The annual Reagan Spirit Powder Puff flag football game will take place on May 19. (Photo Credit: Jeff Tisdel)

Submitted By Cari Goodyear t’s almost time for the annual Reagan Cheerleaders and Dancers Powder Puff Football Game! On Friday, May 19 at 6 p.m., Reagan senior spirit members will face off against the junior dance and cheer members as varsity football players will take on the role as coaches. Come out and join in on the fun at Reagan High School football field and watch as these talented athletes compete on


a whole different level. Game tickets will be sold at the gate for $5. Snacks will also be available for purchase at the concession stand or you can preorder a hamburger meal for $6 through a cheerleader or dance/drill team member. Be sure to stick around and enjoy the Reagan Charmers Pep Squad’s dazzling halftime performance. This annual event is always guaranteed to be a good time!

May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258


Huebner Elementary Celebrates Twenty Years Submitted By Carol Pierce n Friday, March 3, Huebner Elementary School celebrated its 20th anniversary with a RED OUT celebration! The entire school was decorated with the school colors: red, white and blue; while the student body and staff wore red to commemorate the special event. The fullday, community wide celebration recognized the commitment of past and present faculty, staff, teachers, parents and students, who for the last two decades have dedicated their time and talents to local children. The many guests in attendance reflected the precious traditions and historical success that helped shape Huebner Elementary School. The morning started with a special assembly in the cafeteria highlighting stories and reflections from influential Huebner Huskies. Special guests and presenters included: NEISD Superintendent, Dr. Brian Gottardy; current Huebner principal, Mrs. Carol Pierce; former Huebner principals, Mrs. Cindy Fairall-Mentor and Ms. Terri Neuman; PTA president and former Huebner teacher, Jenny Read; former student and current Huebner first grade teacher Lauren


Brunner; the Huebner Honor Choir; and a large number of past faculty, staff, parents and former students. Following the assembly, the excitement continued as guests walked through the halls filled with photographs and memorabilia dated back to Huebner’s beginnings. The gym had been converted into a time capsule where guests were invited to take in the variety of mementos from the past 20 years including old yearbooks and photos, spirit wear, and treasured keepsakes from school programs, awards, and projects. Visitors to the school were also invited to tour the campus with the help of student leaders serving as tour guides. In the afternoon, current students were able to walk through the gym to see the memorabilia and learn more about the legacy of Huebner. The event showcased the dedication and commitment of the Huebner community working for what is best for each child on campus every day, every year. Current principal, Carol Pierce marked the day as a great success. “We would like to thank our guest speakers, PTA volunteers, teachers, staff,

Students celebrate Huebner Elementary School’s 20th anniversary on March 3.

and students for all of their hard work in preparing for this wonderful occasion,” she said. “It was fun to see so many former students and teachers join us for the program and open house. Once a Husky, Always a

Husky!” To see more photos of the 20th Anniversary Celebration and to watch a commemorative video, visit www.neisd. com/huebner.

Girl Scout Camping – A Weekend of Traditions Submitted By Risa Weinberger ith a group of almost 75 Girl Scouts, the Community U spring camping weekend was full of “Girl Scout Traditions,” the theme for the camping adventure. Upon arrival to Guadalupe State Park, the girls pitched their tents and set up their unit with clothes lines for dunk bags and fire circles around the fire pits. Some of the traditional activities included making SWAPS (Something Wonderful Affectionately Pinned Somewhere), geocaching for hidden treasures, hiking to the river, building a fire for cooking, baking in cast iron dutch ovens with hot coals, and of course, roasting marshmallows for s’mores. The girls also followed patriotic protocol during opening and closing flag ceremonies. Some of the younger Scouts had never participated in an official flag ceremony before, so leaders taught them how to enter the ceremony, how to stand, when to salute the colors, and that the designated Color Guard Caller is the only person allowed to talk during the ceremony except during


The Community U Girl Scouts entered the opening flag ceremony during their spring camping trip.

the Pledge of Allegiance, the Girl Scout Promise, or while singing a patriotic song. The group learned to stay silent until they exit the flag circle and reach a designated talking area. The camping weekend closed with a beautiful “Scout’s Own” created by Senior Troop #44. The girls participated in the tradition of taking some of the ashes from

The Scouts baked in cast iron dutch ovens using hot Before ending the weekend, the Girl Scouts collected coals during their camping trip. ashes from their campfire to mix into the ashes of a future campfire, a longstanding tradition.

the campout weekend to be mixed in with future campfires. The old ashes mixing with the new symbolizes how old friends can always welcome new friends. Girl Scout ashes from previous fires have been mixed together for almost 100 years. Each girl was allowed to collect some of the ashes from this camping weekend, placing them in a small capped vile. They can now bring these

“ashes of friendship” to their next campfire to continue the tradition. The “Scout’s Own” concluded with a friendship circle and the singing of “Make New Friends.” As the circle turned out, everyone yelled, “Girl Scouts Rock!”

Mason’s Mighty Superhero Race A Success Submitted By Sarah Johnson n March 25, the Heights Neighborhood held a superherothemed race in honor of Mason Martinez. Mason’s amazing superpowers helped him win his fight against leukemia over the summer, and he is now in remission! Over 280 runners came out to help Mason celebrate his victory as they participated in a 1/8th mile, 1 mile and 5k race! Over 50 volunteers helped ensure that the race was carried out smoothly. Before the runners took off, Congressman Castro arrived to meet with and speak to participants. After completing the course, runners were given capes as a symbol of Mason’s superpowers, food, music, and more. Mason was also a recent guest on Great



Day SA and has been written about in many local papers. The race was a huge success. Who doesn’t love seeing a bunch of little (and big) superheroes running around, all for a good cause? Mason decided that he would like to donate all the proceeds from the race to the Make a Wish Foundation – over $5,000! Make a Wish in turn presented the Martinez family with a plaque that announced that their family’s wish would be granted... they are going on a Disney Cruise! Have a wonderful vacation, Martinez family! At Right: The runners are off for a superhero-themed race in honor of Mason Martinez, a local young boy who bravely battled and beat leukemia.

May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

Ribbon Cuttings And Grand Openings El Jalisco Grill & Cantina

We are proud to announce El Jalisco Grill & Cantina as a new member of the Stone Oak Business Association! It was fiesta to remember, on March 29, 2017 when we celebrated their Ribbon Cutting with amazing margaritas and the best Mexican food in town! The home of EL MOLCAJETE offers that authentic Homestyle flavor and feel you’ve been looking for! This is the perfect family owned authentic Mexican food spot in the Stone Oak area, children friendly and full bar service there is something for the whole family! Come in and try our delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner menus with daily specials. Whatever your occasion might be, patio dining, a place to host your party or just grab some drinks your new neighborhood kitchen is guaranteed to satisfy your appetite and make great memories! El Jalisco Grill & Cantina is conveniently

located in the southeast corner of Blanco Rd and Huebner Rd right across the street from CVS Pharmacy at 19178 Blanco Rd. 78258. Their business hours are from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, give them a call at (210) 437-3983 and see their full menu at also follow them on Facebook for amazing deals!

The Allstate Agencies Of Joseph Borkowski

Speech And Language Center at Stone Oak The Stone Oak Business Association would like to recognize the Allstate Agencies of Joseph Borkowski. Mr. Borkowski has been an Allstate Agent for six years and recently opened a satellite office in the town of Bulverde on Hwy 281 N and 1863. He serves all of Texas with a focus on San Antonio and its northern suburbs. Mr. Borkowski has been an active member of the Stone Oak Business Association

Better Hearing, Better Communication

By Christine Gilliam, MD Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center (210) 647-3838 t Everyone’s ENT and Sinus Center communicates his findings to Dr. Gilliam our goal is to give our patients who will in turn follow up with the patient the individualized treatment they about medical options to help resolve the deserve. While symptoms may be similar, issue. If there is nothing that can be done individual needs may vary. We work as medically to improve the person’s hearing, a team in an effort to achieve the best the patient will be sent back to Dr. Ward to outcomes for our patients. discuss amplification options. For example, if a person comes to see Dr. Ward will then spend time with the us with a primary complaint of hearing patient and their loved ones reviewing loss, they first see our audiologist, Dr. the patient’s hearing loss, taking the David Ward, for a hearing test. If anything time to explain how hearing loss impairs unusual shows up during the testing, he then communication and how to reduce the


HEALTHCARE, from Page 11

truly affordable.” Healing Hands is a fee for service membership program and is separate from any insurance plan. This one-of-akind practice provides all the services that are needed for healthcare: assessments, diagnosis, prescription medications, labs, imaging, and more. Many people ask what does FNP-C stand for and what services can a FNP-C provide? It stands for Family Nurse Practitioner and the “C” stands for a board certification. Stormy is board certified in Family Practice which encompasses birth on up. Healing Hands also has the exclusive endorsement for concierge medicine from one of the largest school districts in Texas, Northside ISD, and is proud to offer educators a discounted rate as a perk for

for several years. He enjoys the monthly mixers and networking opportunities and is always motivated to get back to work after attending. “SOBA brings a variety of business owners and partners together from Stone Oak and surrounding areas so that we can help each other succeed,” Mr. Borkowski explained. “The ‘We love to do business with people who do business with us’ mentality has paved the way for open discussions on how to let me help you so you can help me.” If you’re looking for a new insurance policy or considering switching agencies, consider Joseph Borkowski for all your insurance needs. Call 210-497-0006 for more information.

molding the youth of today! Additionally, Healing Hands offers special corporate rates and membership opportunities to supplement insurance and save money by preventing unnecessary urgent care visits and claim rates while providing convenience and increasing productivity. Remember, “At Healing Hands House Calls, your living room is our waiting room!” Stormy Valdespino FNP-C is board certified in Family Practice and has been in the medical field for 18 years. Healing Hands House Calls PLLC offers a wellness and preventive focus, helping detect and treat diseases and illnesses early on as well as chronic disease management. For more information or to schedule your inhome visit call 210-560-5841 or visit

May 2017 • Welcome Home • 78258

At the Speech and Language Center at Stone Oak, communication is for life. This mantra is the driving force behind the center’s commitment to providing a positive, enriching and effective treatment program.

number of communication breakdowns. Since most people lose their hearing slowly, it can often appear to loved ones that the person affected is choosing to pay attention at certain times and not at others, when in reality, different environments may or may not be conducive to hearing. Also, the person with the hearing loss may feel that their spouse is mumbling because the volume is still there, but the clarity is missing. With a better understanding of how hearing loss affects communication, individuals can make some slight adjustments at home so they can better understand one another. Dr. Ward also reviews where the patient feels he or she is having the most difficulty hearing, and what aspects of his or her life would benefit most from improved hearing. This information is then used to help select the technology and style of aid that will best fit the needs of the patient.

Licensed and ASHA certified speechlanguage pathologists have master’s degrees and extensive experience and expertise in speech, language, and pediatric feeding therapy. Using a unique system of the latest cutting-edge techniques combined with 20 years of private practice experience, the Speech and Language Center at Stone Oak is able to help clients reach their communication goals. For more information, contact the Speech & Language Center at Stone Oak at (210) 495-9944, or visit

To have the Stone Oak Business Association assist you with your Grand Opening Celebration Call 210.348.8233 or visit After the aids are fitted to meet the patient’s needs, we will continue to follow up in order to fine tune and make needed adjustments, ensuring that the patient is comfortable with the aids. The goal is to get the patient to the point where they don’t even notice the aids anymore. Life is simply easier when you can communicate effectively. If you or someone you love is having difficulty hearing, give us a call at 210-6473838. Dr. Ward and Dr. Gilliam will work together to improve your life through better hearing. To make an appointment or learn more about Everyone’s ENT and Sinus Center and Dr. Christine Gilliam, visit www. or call 210-647-3838.



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4:52 PM May 2017 • Welcome Home 2/8/13 • 78258

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