3 minute read
Where the Rubber Meets the Road
John Ospina is GAWDA’s executive director. He can be reached at GAWDA Headquarters in Hollywood, FL, via telephone at 844-251-3219 or via email at jospina@gawda.org. W e’ve all heard the phrase, “that’s where the rubber meets the road.” But what does that actually mean?
We’ve all heard this phrase before, but how many of you have asked, “what does that actually mean? How is this phrase applicable to GAWDA member businesses?”
Firestone is often credited with creating the expression. It was used in an advertising campaign back in 1956 that ran through the 1960’s. The phrase may have been borrowed from the British Avon Tires firm, which used a very similar phrase in their advertising as early as the late-1940s.
It is a phrase for when a theory or idea is put to the test to see if it works. While we all rely on different methods of shipping to bring our products to market, the most important step in that process is the last mile of delivery, and that last mile is by truck. If you can’t effectively and efficiently get your product to the customer when they need it, all the other preceding steps don’t matter.
While innovation is good, making incremental changes to existing products can be just as effective, and it has several advantages over reinventing the wheel. Incremental changes are easier and quicker to implement. They tend to be more cost effective than making wholesale changes. They help retain and enhance the product qualities that represent value to existing customers.
Well, I propose that businesses continue to succeed on how they manage their “tires.” So, what do I mean by this?
Track the performance of existing product. If they are not meeting expectations, makeIncremental changes to improve their performance. Then, Reinforce the improved value proposition through marketing efforts, and Evaluate how the changes performed over time.
If this does not help improve the product performance, then consider Sunsetting the product to make way for newer higher performing products.
So, how has GAWDA used this method to improve the products we offer to our members? Over the past two years we’ve added Marilyn Dempsey to our consultant team. We’ve given our consultants more ways to communicate to our members through the monthly roundtable webinar, more frequent safety alerts and consultant interviews on GAWDA TV. We’ve also expanded the number of educational offerings to supplement the University of Innovative Distribution, GAWDA university online and the members only documents.
Multiple webinar offerings are now scheduled each year like the ITR annual webinar and the current “Winning the War for Talent” six-part webinar series. We’re partnering with more sister association groups like CGA, AWS, and others, to bring together a wider scope of opportunities for our members. You can read more about the new educational partnership offering with AWS on page 60. Keep an eye out for more events to be added during the year. We have some exciting opportunities that are in the pipeline and will be announced during the SMC in Indianapolis.
Speaking of the SMC, we’ve also improved the SMC by adding the educational tracks, which bring together practical advice from industry leaders. Last year, we had over 700 member individuals participate in the SMC and educational tracks. This year, we’re well on our way to seeing similar participation. You can read more about the SMC and the education tracks on page 46.
I hope you’re taking advantage of all the benefits GAWDA has to offer. I also look forward to seeing many of you in Indianapolis during this year’s SMC. Thank you for your continued support of GAWDA and the industry.