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NSW Set to Pilot School Outreach Program
The welding industry is facing a severe shortage of skilled, qualified welders. According to a recent employment outlook survey, skilled trades workers such as welders are scarce. This skills shortage is compounded by a rapidly ageing welding workforce, with approximately 30% of Australia’s existing welding workforce aged over 45 years. Attracting and retaining younger talent through exciting and informative STEM training is a major way to combat this looming severe skills shortage.
According to Michael Pitt (National Manager Education and Training, Weld Australia), “Weld Australia is committed to ensuring that Australia develops and maintains a worldclass, modern welding workforce. To facilitate this, greater engagement in STEM skills and emerging technologies by our high school students is essential.”
“As such, Weld Australia proposed the establishment of an Advanced Manufacturing School Outreach Program to the New South Wales State Government,” said Pitt.
The Program received support from the New South Wales Government, with funding provided through the Department of Education’s Vocational Education and Training Program for Secondary Students. Phase one of the Program has funded 16 schools across the state, from the Wagga Wagga, Lake Illawarra and Dapto high schools in southern New South Wales, through to the Gorokan and Kurri Kurri High Schools in the Lower Hunter region.
About the Program
“Based around core advanced welding technology, the Program is designed to excite and inform high school students about the wide range of opportunities available in industry,” said Pitt.
“The program is designed to not only showcase welding, but to demonstrate the possibilities made available by modern, advanced software and systems. It has a complete STEM application, and demonstrates how advanced technology fits into modern manufacturing,” said Pitt.
Students who participate in the program will have access to augmented reality welding simulators for the first time, allowing them to fast track and maintain their welding skills in a completely safe environment.
The training delivered with the augmented reality welding simulators is student-focused, allowing individuals to progress at their own pace. Welding apprentices learn and understand procedures and techniques through a more interactive training method, gaining hands-on experience in a controlled, safe environment. With zero risks involved, students can respond to realistic scenarios without pressure or fear of injury.
The new augmented reality training welding systems will support the introduction of the new NESA Stage Six Manufacturing and Engineering course to deliver the MEM10119 Certificate I in Engineering and a Statement of Attainment towards MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways.