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Membership Matters
Weld Australia’s Guidance Notes have been updated recently. Some of the changes are noted below. All our Guidance Notes are available via the website, free of charge for Weld Australia members.
Weld Australia Guidance Note TGN-SG03 – AS/NZS 2980 - A Summary of Changes Published in 2018, this Technical Guidance Note contains basic information relevant to the qualification of welders using AS/NZS 2980 for structural applications. It is designed to be read in conjunction with the standard, and, to assist users in the transition from the 2007 edition to the 2018 edition of the standard.
Weld Australia Guidance Note TGN-SG04 - Understanding AS/NZS 1554.1 Published in 2019, this Technical Guidance Note contains basic information relevant to the application and use of the standard AS/NZS 1554.1 Structural steel welding Part 1: Welding of steel structures. It is designed to be read in conjunction with the standard, and, to assist users in understanding their requirements. Additional information can be found in Weld Australia’s Technical Note 11 Commentary on the Structural Steel Welding Standard AS/NZS 1554.
Weld Australia Guidance Note TGN-SG05 - Fabrication of Steel Structures: A Guide to AS/NZS 1554.1 and AS/NZS 5131 Published in 2019, this Technical Guidance Note contains basic information on the qualification of weld procedures, primarily utilising the requirements of AS/NZS 1554.1 as an example. It provides information on the terminology used, and the various methods commonly applied to establish the suitability of the procedure for the defined application. It is designed to be read in conjunction with the standard, and, to assist users in understanding its requirements.
Weld Australia Guidance Note TGN-SG07 - Standards Map Published in 2021, this Technical Guidance Note provides the user with a map of applicable Australian and Australian/New Zealand standards utilised by the welding industry across a wide range of applications. WANT TO DISCOVER HOW WELD AUSTRALIA CAN SUPPORT YOU THROUGH MEMBERSHIP?

Questions? Queries? Wondering how Weld Australia can help support your business, staff or career progression?
Contact Michelle Bignold (National Manager, Sales & Marketing, Weld Australia) on m.bignold@weldaustralia.com.au to set up a 30 minute Zoom chat. Michelle will take you through the ways that Weld Australia can help.
A reminder that your Weld Australia membership must be renewed before 30 June in order to remain active. So, if you haven’t already renewed yours for this year, now is the time!
If you’re not sure if you have renewed for this year, or you want to renew now, log into the Member Portal or contact us on membership@weldaustralia.com.au

Training and professional development can have a huge impact on the growth and success of your career or business. But, what training is right for you and your team? With so many options available these days, understanding what type of training will help you achieve your goals is essential. Weld Australia’s Training Manager, Guy Brooks, recently facilitated an interactive online session to help members understand the welder training opportunities available, and pinpoint which ones are right for both individuals and organisation teams.
Guy opened with a broad overview of the status of welder skills and training in Australia. According to Guy, “The industry is facing a shortage of labour, from Welding Supervisors and Inspectors, right through to welders. With our international borders closed due to COVID-19, the existing shortage of welders has been exacerbated by the lack of short-term workers and immigrants.”
Given the existing skills shortage, the importance of welder training and upskilling cannot be underestimated. As Guy described, the benefits derived by individuals and companies alike are immense. “Training and upskilling can increase employee satisfaction and retention. I know, from personal experience, that if you feel like you’re being invested in by your employer, you feel valued as an employee and encouraged to stay. Employees remain in a company if they feel appreciated,” said Guy. “For companies, the benefits of upskilling their employees include increased productivity and less rework. Companies are able to increase their inhouse capabilities that are perhaps contracted out to expensive subbies. This helps to reduce overheads.”
How to Identify the Right Type of Training for You
Identifying the right welder training requires careful planning and consideration. According to Guy, you need to plan your future. “To pinpoint which type of training is going to be most beneficial for you, or your team, you first need to work out what your goals and objectives are. Then, identify any existing skill gaps that you have, and undertake training to fill those gaps.”
Guy provided an overview of the three welder pathways in Australia: 1. International Welding Inspector 2. Responsible Welding Coordinator 3. Welding Supervision
If you are considering undertaking welder training and aren’t sure which pathway is the right one for you, or your team, feel free to contact Weld Australia’s training department on training@weldaustralia.com.au. Weld Australia would like to welcome the following new members who have joined over the last few months.

CORPORATE MEMBERS • Pacific Welding Australia: pacificweldingaustralia.com.au • Scope Mining and Industrial: scopeeng.com.au • APMS Operations Australia: apmsoperations.com.au
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS • Edwin Abu • Jacob Pannell • Ryan Garbacz • Christopher Ward • Sang Ho Lee • Stephen Damm • Cameron MacDiarmid • Raymond Krueger
Weld Australia membership is an investment in the success of your career or your business. We will help you increase your income, decrease your costs and give you a competitive advantage over companies or people who aren’t members.