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Weld Australia's Industry Drinks Night
At the end of March, Weld Australia hosted an Industry Drinks Night at Cruise Bar in Circular Quay West. Sponsors by TAFE NSW, the event proved extremely popular, with over 100 people in attendance. Weld Australia would like to thank everyone who joined us for this hugely successful and popular event.
The event was opened by Geoff Crittenden (CEO, Weld Australia), who was followed by Stephen Brady (Managing Director, TAFE NSW). Attendees then heard from inspirational keynote speaker, Ben Pettingill
A focus for Weld Australia’s advocacy work in 2023 is encouraging industry to access a diverse range of people to address skills shortages—including people living with disability. Special guest speaker Ben Pettingill helped us launch this initiative.
At just 16 years of age, Ben lost 98% of his eyesight overnight to a rare genetic syndrome, Lebers Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. Running on adrenaline and shadowed by denial, Ben believed that he was just living a nightmare and that he would wake up one morning and be able to see again. He soon came to realise that this was not the case. His syndrome is incurable and he will be blind for life.
While the shock, then grief of losing one’s eyesight cannot be discounted, once Ben processed his new reality he realised that he had to make a choice that would define the rest of his life. He went on to become a construction worker. He spoke to the crowd about how there are 500,000 people with a disability looking for work, and covered practical ways to attract people with a disability.
Plus, experts from Seaberry’s headquarters in Spain were on hand to answer questions about Soldamatic augmented reality simulators and how they can help improve welder training programs.