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Upcoming Events
Wednesday 17 August at 6:00pm (AEDT)
The event will be an opportunity to see the latest welding automation technology. It will highlight a broad range of applications to improve welding ergonomics, and increase productivity and quality. It will also cover various cost saving application and can easily double your production rate by increasing the arc time and reducing labour, gas and filler metal costs (P/m, P/f) compared to manual welding.
Held on-site at the TAFE SA Regency Campus, the presentation will demonstrate AristoMig 4004i Pulse welding machine with RobustFeed U6 and Pulse using the RailTrac B42, MiggyTrac B501 and MiggyTrac B5001 welding tractors.
AS 1796 2022: OVERVIEW FOR USERS Thursday 18 August at 10:00am (AEDT)
AS 1796 is the Australian Standard relating to the qualification of welders, welding supervisors and welding inspectors for pressure equipment. Last published in 2001, the standard has stood the test of time, but needed to be revised to align with current trends and international best practice. This online presentation will provide an overview of the 2022 edition focused on: • Alignment of welder requirements to AS/NZS ISO 9606.1 (consistent with AS 3992) • Updating the welding supervisor requirements consistent with AS/NZS 2214 • Adding a new qualification for welding inspectors (certificate 11) • Transition process for inspectors to certificate 11
Thursday 25 August at 6:00pm (AEDT)
The event will highlight the broad range of applications for stud welding beginning with the use of Capacitor Discharge welding of pins, clips and cupheaded pins for the insulation industry. It will also cover various applications for Drawn Arc Welding stud welding from threaded studs in the manufacturing sectors of shipbuilding and defence through to shear connectors used in bridge beam and through deck welding for composite deck construction.
The presentation will also demonstrate Soyers patented SRM (Radial Symmetrical Magnetic Field) technology which now enables welds at a sheet thickness ratio of 1:10 as compared to 1:4. This free member event will be held at Antec Group at 9 Chicago Avenue, Blacktown.
Tuesday 30 August at 6:00pm (AEDT)
Welder certification is a crucial component to ensuring your business and team are in the best position to secure future work. As we emerge into the new normal, your welder’s capability to create welds to what the market is requiring is paramount. In this online session, using the Glencore model—The Glencore GCAA Welder Qualification Scheme—you will get insight into what is being required and what will set you up for success in securing future work. Also, the session will use case studies to illustrate the value and on why Glencore have implemented the scheme. The session will be presented by Gary Horner, who has worked in the coal industry all his life, including at the CSIRO, The Electricity Commission of NSW, Shell Service and Shell corporate and Glencore Coal Assets Australia.