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Insights from FABTECH 2022

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FABTECH 2022 was held in Atlanta in the US in early November. Bruce Cannon (Principal Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) attended the three day event, which is North America’s largest metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing expo. Bruce provided the following insights and observations from the event.

Linde (owners of BOC) demonstrated a GMAW cobot with a Binzel extraction torch fitted. They also had a similar cobot fitted with plasma head cutting RHS operating. Another company had a similar cobot with a rotary polishing head fitted demonstrating on a shape similar to a car door, and another a version spot welding. Interestingly, cobots have sensing that detects levels of resistance typical of that if it contacts a person. You can move the head to start and finish positions and set way points to may programming really easy. Good for jobbing shops whereas robots are more suited to volume runs.


Linde demonstrated their hand held laser welder (IPG branded and also separately demonstrated at the show) uses electrical contact with the work piece before the beam can be activated. The user must wear tuned laser glasses set for laser light frequency under a welding helmet with a shade 4 filter. The unit must be used in a booth with anti reflective and absorptive coatings. PEP includes GMAW welders gloves (can burn through light weight GTAW gloves). The laser beam is dangerous to 360m if unprotected.

Linde also supply users with a copy of the standard ANSI Z136.9 which includes info on how to set up a laser booth. These hand-held devices are very good for welding light gauge sheet steel with minimal training. It is easy to produce a 1-2mm fillet with minimal distortion. Anything larger requires a multi run fillet.

Cobot with a GMAW torch fitted.

EASYKleen electropolishing manufacturers (from Moruya, NSW) at Fabtech. RHS sections with shapes cut by a plasma torch mounted on a cobot.

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