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Weldability of Stainless Steels Two Day Course
Delivered by John Lippold
Need Help Understanding the Processes and Parameters Required for Successful Stainless Steel Welding?
Stainless steels are usually specified because of their enhanced corrosion resistance, high temperature oxidation resistance, or their strength. With various types of stainless steel available, there are specific welding processes and techniques that must be employed to ensure that the corrosion and oxidation resistance, and other mechanical properties are not impaired.
This two day course will give participants a working knowledge of the welding metallurgy and weldability of stainless steels. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of the various types of stainless steel, and how to pre-heat, weld and post-heat treat them without introducing imperfections, causing cracking or otherwise disrupting their beneficial mechanical properties.