12 minute read
Weld Australia recently celebrated the launch of our newly formed Mackay Committee with a technology showcase at BOC Mackay’s centre of welding. The event was co-hosted by BOC, Independent Welding Supplies, Diverseco and the Mackay Manufacturing Hub.
Attendees had the opportunity to hear from Geoff Crittenden (CEO, Weld Australia) who opened the event, followed by a panel of welding industry experts who delivered interactive and engaging demonstrations featuring welding cobots, EWM welders, EWM Xnet welding management software, and Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulators.
According to Crittenden, “Weld Australia is excited to launch its newest regional committee in Mackay. Manufacturing already contributes $20 billion a year to Queensland’s economy. We want to see this contribution expand as much as possible, and believe that regional areas have a key role to play.”
“Mackay is already home to many first-class, innovative fabricators that service global markets, such as Mainetec. Weld Australia’s regional committee will help support these businesses and advocate for their interests.” The event was a great opportunity for the local industry to see how the latest in welding technology can make a difference to their productivity.
Time and again, members tell us that, more than anything, they value the networking opportunities that our events deliver. In our last member survey, an overwhelming number of respondents indicated that they’re eager to return to face-to-face events.
Many of our members tell us that the network, or community, aspect of membership is one of the key reasons they joined Weld Australia, or renew every year. That is why Weld Australia is reinvigorating its local State Committees and has already increased the number of technical events being held. We are also in the process of running smaller member events more often by establishing Regional Committees, such as that in Mackay.
If you would like to help Weld Australia establish a Regional Committee in your local area, contact membership@weldaustralia.com.au.

Frontline Manufacturing’s welding bays.
Ross O’Bryan (Welding Engineer, Weld Australia) recently performed several successful certification and surveillance audits for AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials, and DIN 2303 Welding and allied processes - Quality requirements for production and maintenance companies for military products.

First up was a AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 certification audit for JRS Manufacturing Group in Toowoomba. JRS Manufacturing Group is a steel fabrication and welding company that specialises in fabrication consultation and construction of plate, pipe and structural steel products for clients in the civil, energy, mining, agricultural, oil and gas industries. JRS guarantees to design, manufacture and deliver steel products that consistently meet unmatched quality standards. Their team always ensures that any equipment and materials purchased are fit for their purpose, meet required safety standards and do not compromise on quality. Veolia underwent an AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 surveillance audit at their Tomago premises. With nearly 179,000 employees worldwide, Veolia group is a global leader in environmental solutions. Veolia designs and provides water, waste and energy management solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of communities and industries. Through its three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, preserve available resources, and to replenish them. For more than 30 years, Veolia has delivered fabrication services, including heavy engineering specialised metal fabrication to the Hunter and surrounding regions. Their local team of 30 experienced employees are skilled in the fabrication of structural steel, detailed duct and pipe work as well as scheduled on-site maintenance.
Lto R: Dan Knepscheld (RWC, JRS Manufacturing), Ross O’Bryan (Engineering Team Manager – East, Weld Australia), and Jasmine Riddle (COO, JRS Manufacturing). The Veolia team completed a very complex, detailed project consisting of the manufacture, paint supply and install of a series of filtration ducting segments. Over 1,500 hours of work was safely completed.

Questions? Queries? Need Help?
02 8748 0100 or qnc@weldaustralia.com.au

JC Butko underwent an AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 surveillance audit. Established in 1975, JC Butko Engineering has grown to be the largest steel fabricator in the Albury-Wodonga region, with a workforce in excess of 150. JC Butko is highly regarded in the wine and food processing industry, as well as servicing heavy industries such as mining, water treatment, pulp and paper, petrochemical, and road and rail infrastructure.
JC Butko has in-house capability to concept design, 3D model, certify, fabricate and install projects ranging from large structural steel, tanks, bridges, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, hoppers, and pressure piping systems, through to conveyor systems, food and materials handling. With a total fabrication area in excess of 7,000m2, split across three factories to ensure full segregation of materials, they also offer water jet cutting, CNC machining, and CNC pressing capabilities to 6m and 630 tonnes.
Milspec Manufacturing was recertifed to AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 and underwent a DIN 2303 certification audit. For over 40 years Milspec has worked hard to become the premier designer and manufacturer of brushless alternators and portable power systems for defence forces across the world. Operating in a global market that demands precision, reliability, and low costs, Milspec has established themselves as the contract manufacturer of choice for defence and industry. Today, Milspec has grown into a successful privately owned Australian business, designing, integrating and manufacturing products and subsystems for multiple industries. AWI Steel underwent a AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 surveillance audit. AWI Steel was established by Director Paul Mirabito in 1992. Using Tekla modelling software, the AWI Steel team can efficiently estimate, 3D model, fabricate, deliver, install and certify just about any type of fabrication project. Their workshop offers a CNC beam line, detailed welding, corrosion protection and customised finishes. AWI Steel also offers quite a unique service: virtual 3D walk-throughs of construction plans. These can help detect and eliminate clashes early-on to prevent costly delays and rework.

DGH Engineering also underwent an AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 surveillance audit. DGH is a locally owned company providing engineering, drafting, fabrication, fitting, machining, blast and painting, onsite construction, maintenance, scheduled services & breakdown support to the mining, port, water, defence force and sugar sectors.
The company was established in 2005, with branches in Mackay and Emerald. DGH is strategically located in these areas in order to service their clients’ needs. The company has since opened branches in both Proserpine and Townsville.
DGH strives to meet the needs of their clients who have a requirement for quality and timely engineering solutions. They have diversified and grown with an established reputation for the safe and timely delivery of products and services to the quality levels required by their clients.

Weld Australia recently launched a new phone app version of the WeldQ platform. The app is available for download via both the Android and iOS platforms. We have also updated the terms and conditions associated with the use of WeldQ. The app will make accessing the WeldQ platform even easier for welders and employers alike. It will be particularly handy for use on-site or in a workshop when a computer is not readily available.
WeldQ is a purpose built software solution that facilitates management of the entire process of handling welder qualifications and certifications, including applications, assessment workflow, conducting examinations, awards, reviews, resits, renewals, and issuing certificates. It is a fully online system, with an easy to use interface.
Welders, inspectors, supervisors and engineers can create their own WeldQ account. You can view all the certifications on offer, create an application, pay fees, get assessed, take exams, view awards or certificates, maintain professional development points, apply for continuity extensions, renewals, and do much more. If you haven’t already created your account, log-in now to do so.
Please note that Weld Australia will not be producing welder cards anymore unless requested.


Do you need to book an exam through WeldQ?
We’ve made the process even easier, with our new exam calendar, which can be accessed via the WeldQ homepage.
The calendar includes all exam dates for 2022, making planning ahead as simple as possible.
Just some of the upcoming exam dates include: • Friday 22 July: IIW IWE EA2 & TA2 Part 1
Online Exam • Friday 22 July: IIW IWT EA2 & TA2 Part 1
Online Exam • Thursday 18 August: National Welding
Supervisor AS 1796 & AS 2214 - B1 & B2 -
Online Exam • Tuesday 23 August: IWI B - WTB & B5 -
Online Exam • Friday 26 August: AS 1796 Cert 1- 9 -
Theory Online Exam • Friday 26 August: IWI B-Practical - C3 Exam
Weld Australia is looking to expand its pool of assessors, exam writers and markers. In particular, we need people who are interesting in getting involved in the examination process for the International Welding Inspector - Basic (IWI-B) qualification. Using your knowledge and practical experience, you could help us deliver in-person and oral exams across various locations. To be considered, you must hold an IWI-B qualification.

This is not a permanent position. Your assistance will only be required 1-3 times a year during our exam periods
If you’re interested in giving back to the welding industry, please contact our Qualification and Certification team via: qnc@weldaustralia.com.au

Weld Australia’s new Welding Fundamentals Training Course will commence on 30 August. Delivered over six live sessions via Zoom, the course provides an overview of welding processes, symbols, joint configurations, defects, testing methods, PQR / WPS and Standards. The course is specially designed for all technical personnel including designers, draughts people, production and workshop managers, project managers, quality managers and engineers.

The IWS course is a globally recognised International Institute of Welding (IIW) qualification. You will gain comprehensive knowledge of: welding processes and equipment, materials and their behaviour during welding, construction and design, fabrication engineering. Module two of the next IWS course is due to start on 16 August. So, if you hold an AS 1796 Certificate 10 and/ or AS 2214 Welding Supervisor, you can complete the Exemption Form, gain approval and enrol.
Only 2 spots left! Only 4 spots left!

The IWI-B course provides general knowledge of welding, inspection theory and application, including: Non destructive testing; Mechanical and visual inspection techniques; Inspection procedures and acceptance criteria; and Identification of weld imperfections. This week-long, face-to-face course is being run in Wollongong, starting on 25 July.

We have an in-house Welding Supervisor - AS1796 Certificate 10 / AS2214 running in Perth on: • 4 to 7 October • 10 to 14 October • 31 October to 4 November
Welding Supervisors play a vital role in industry, they understand the factors that influence welding quality, how to oversee welders effectively, and the variables that help maximise productivity. For further information, email training@weldaustralia.com.au
Weld Australia’s Advanced Manufacturing School Outreach continues to go from strength to strength. The New South Wales Department of Education has recently invested in additional Soldamatic augmented reality welding simulators.

This will enable the program to be rolled out across another 14 high schools. The schools include Bateman’s Bay, Camden Haven, Dubbo, Evans, Great Lakes College, Gunnedah, Heathcote, Nowra, Macksville, Morisett, Mount View, Muswellbrook, Vincentia and Whitebridge.
Weld Australia is looking forward to working with the schools on implementing the program, commissioning the Soldamatics, and rolling out ‘train the trainer’ courses.

A Short History of the Program
In 2020, Weld Australia proposed an Advanced Manufacturing School Outreach Program to the New South Wales (NSW) Government. The Program received their support, with funding provided through the Department of Education’s Vocational Education and Training Program for Secondary Students.
As a result, 32 augmented reality welding simulators were deployed in a pilot program in 16 schools across the state. The schools ranged from the Wagga Wagga, Lake Illawarra and Dapto high schools in southern New South Wales, to the Gorokan and Kurri Kurri High Schools in the Lower Hunter region.

The first pilot commenced at the beginning of Term 1 in 2021. The simulators were used to teach welding to students in Years 10-12 studying Manufacturing and Engineering, and Industrial Technology. Based on the success of the first pilot program, the NSW Department of Education ordered a further 20 simulators for another 10 high schools in regional areas.
The first tranche of the program was rolled out in the Bathurst region in January 2022. The second tranche of training took place in late February 2022 for high schools in Temora, West Wyalong, James Fallon, Shepherds Park and Junee. In April 2022, Weld Australia commissioned another two Soldamatics for each of Cobar High School, Bourke High Scool and Willyama High School in Broken Hill. We also rolled out teacher training for the machines.
Just some of the feedback from teachers includes: • All students have found the VR welders a positive way to learn basic welding skills. • The machine is amazing. The students are learning skills we cannot teach in a practical sense. We absolutely love it. The best learning tool I have seen in a long time! • Excellent program accompanied with excellent training and backup support for the VR welders.
Students at Woolgoolga High School use the simulators during the NSW Pilot Program.
Teachers learn how to use the Soldamatics.
Teachers try their hand at the Soldamatics at Temora High School.