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Counseling, Coaching, & Guidance
Deep Awakenings Hypnotherapy & Coaching
Donna Krch CCHT, Certified Life Coach
Feel like your own worst enemy sometimes? Life comes with ups and downs. How you process and respond greatly colors your journey. I specialize in helping you learn to be kind and gentle to yourself through the challenges, so that you can trust yourself and fully celebrate the joys. Become your own best friend! Donna has over 7 years experience and offers:.
Free Consultation + Mention WellBEing for 10% Off.
Location 3112 O St #9, Sacramento
Phone 916-256-7762
Web DeepAwakenings.com
Wild Eyes Coaching and Consulting
Emily Nascimento, Owner
We all want a life that is enlivened with purpose and meaning. I journey with you through my soul-led coaching, ceremony, embodiment, and nature-based practices to find and create your version of a soul-aligned life.
Complimentary discovery session.
Location Virtual | Sacramento
Phone 971-599-0965
Web wildeyescoaching.square.site instagram.com/seeingwithwildeyes
~ One Path Coaching
Neuro Linguistics (NLP), Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy™
Find peace of mind and improve your well-being, while focusing on your mental health. I offer compassionate and personalized support for a variety of issues, including anxiety and stress reduction. Take the first step towards healing and schedule an appointment today.
Mention WellBEing for 50% off 1st session.
Location Winters | Virtual
Phone 650-701-3622
Email onepathcoaching@gmail.com
Web OnePathCoaching.com