Automatic filtration Unit Nordique France

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AFU d I t AFU and Intergrated t d Water Treatment W t T t t Systems by Dryden Aqua S t b D d A

A Automatic i Filtration Unit (AFU) Fil i U i (AFU) The AFU runs the spa or pool filtration automatically by constantly measuring the pressure in the filter. When the filter pressure reaches a specific level the PLC will stop the pump change position of the Besgovalve and pump, change position of the Besgovalve and start back washing the filter in high speed, for one minute (adjustable) After back wash, the valve returns to normal , filtration position, the pumps also returns to filtration speed Additional features are APF, which is Active Poly Flock and ACO which is a coagulant and oxidant. Both added by peristaltic pump via ZPM’s.

R lt i Result is crystal clear water t l l t Please see next pages for specifications

PLC PLC control l unit i The PLC controls the system, by managing Th PLC l h b i the speeds of the pump and the Besgo valve. It also receives input from the p pressure switch on the filter. The PLC can run in automatic mode or in manual mode. For manual back wash you just have to push the white button. As standard the back wash time is set to 1 minute. This can be changed before delivery (by Welldana) The PLC will automatically back wash once h ll ll b k h per week no matter the pressure in the filter. This is also adjustable.

S k Eco Speck E Touch Pro T hP

B Besgo automatic i valve l Swiss product in high quality. Because the valve has a slim stainless steel cylinder inside, the pressure loss minimal. The valve is suitable for all common sand filters and is powered by compressed air or water pressure from tap water. Available as 2‐way, 3‐way or 4‐way valves

AFM. Activated Filter Media AFM is an activated filter media that replaces sand in all types of sand filter. AFM is a highly engineered product that should not be confused with waste crushed glass filter media. This would be like comparing activated carbon to coal or anthracite. When AFM is part of the Dryden Aqua integrated system it When AFM is part of the Dryden Aqua integrated system it provides the best and safest pool water and air quality. If you smell chlorine or if the water stings your eyes, this is not caused by chlorine, but by chlorine disinfection by‐products. If your eyes sting, then damage is also being done to your lungs, you just can feel them sting. AFM helps to eliminate the toxic by‐products to make pool water crystal clear, you should be able to see the full length of the pool under water. The water is much healthier and the air above the surface is much safer for the lungs of young children. key points key points; 1. Much better filtration performance than sand or crushed glass 2. Activation increases surface area more than 300 times that of crushed glass or sand. Much greater capacity to to adsorb h harmfull pollutants. f ll ll 3. Over 50,000 installations around European with 100% success rate for satisfaction 4. AFM as part of an integrated solution to provide the safest and best water and air quality New sand Sand after 3 month New AFM

Back wash AFM after 5 years

Number of bacteria on 5g of media, incubated at 370 AFM




ZPM Z ZPM. Zeta Potential Mixer P i l Mi ZPM Zeta Potential Mixer, ZPM Zeta Potential Mixer on passage of the water on passage of the water through the ZPM the redox oxidation potential of the water will increase by up to 200 mv. The water is becoming self disinfecting. The Dryden Aqua ZPM caivitates the water to form very small nano‐bubbles that implode to release a huge amount of energy. The implosion helds to disinfect the water by killing bacteria and viri. One of the most common and serious human parasites is the most common and serious human parasites is Cryptosporidium, it causes 3% of all disease in Europe. Chlorine does not kill the organism, but the ZPM as part of a Dryden Aqua integrated system is a solution. Key points. 1. Kills bacteria, viri and parasite that are not otherwise controlled by chlorine 2 Makes APF and ACO work at optimum efficiency 2. Makes APF and ACO work at optimum efficiency 3. Drops the Zeta Potential of the water and makes it difficult for bacteria to grow in the pool, balance tank and pipework, the water is becoming self‐sterilising.

Nano bobble light flash

APF A i P l Fl APF. Active Poly Floc APF is a multi‐spectrum p coagulant g and flocculent comprising p g of up to 10 different components to remove chemicals from solution and to make small particles much bigger so they can be easily removed by AFM. If you can not see the full length of the pool under water, the cloudiness is usually caused by bacteria, dead bacteria or bits of bacteria. Dead bacteria and bits of bacteria are almost as dangerous as living bacteria and can cause fever as well as gastroenteritis APF should be injected into a ZPM for best gastroenteritis. APF should a ZPM for best results key points 1. Helps AFM to remove most particles down to 0.1 microns, that is 1/10 the size of a bacteria 2. Removes dead bacteria, bits of bacteria cell wall, viri , cryptosporidium and giardia parasites 3. Helps make the water crystal clear and reduces disinfection by‐ products 4. Removes phosphate which helps prevent bacteria and algae from growing.

ACO. Active Catalytic Oxidation l d ACO Active Catalytic Optimiser is a clear liquid that is injected into a ZPM after the filters or it can be added injected into a ZPM after the filters, or it can be added directly to the pool. ACO uses the power of nature to clean and disinfect the water by increasing UV light to a slightly longer wavelength. This prevents photolysis of chlorine from short wavelength UV sunlight and of chlorine from short wavelength UV sunlight and release energy in the water that kills bacteria and oxidises dissolved organic pollutants such as urea. key points 1. Chlorine stabiliser, makes chlorine last 5 times longer in out‐door longer in out door pools pools 2. ACO makes UV light and sunlight 7 times more powerful at disinfecting the water 3. Turns the water a deep blue colour, because it removes dissolved organics di l d i 4. Lays down an invisible coating that starts to make all surfaces in contact with the water self sterilising.

Summary • • • • •

We can run your filtration system automatically fil i i ll We can save electricity and save water for back wash We can reduce chlorine consumption and disinfection by product by up to 90% We can make pools, spa and the air above the water much safer, especially for young children of any age We can make crystal clear water We can make crystal clear water

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