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At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them

Remembrance Week holds special significance for the College – over 1200 Wellingtonians lost their lives in the two World Wars –and is always marked with solemnity and respect.

Candlelit readings and music in Great School, refurbished in 1949 as a memorial to the fallen in both wars, enabled each house to hold its own remembrance ceremony in front of the vellum panels listing those who had made the ultimate sacrifice.

The CCF gathered on Armoury Field for a Drumhead Service on the Wednesday afternoon, while Armistice Day was marked by the whole school, with wreaths laid by the Chaplain, the Master, the Heads of College, and OW Brigadier Sir Michael Bray, who led the ceremony. Sunday morning saw chapel services and the College’s traditional Act of Remembrance in Front Quad where, as ever, the two-minute silence was impeccably observed.

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