3 minute read

There is no Planet B

By Mira, Winnie andElla

Planet Earth, a thriving planet which is home to over 8 billion people and an estimated 7 billion species of animals and plants, is filled with picturesque landscapes and nature which provides all our resources and gives us life However, each second, 218 metric tons of CO2 are being emitted from the US alone, each minute, 2 garbage trucks worth of plastic is being dumped into our oceans, and each day, 42 million trees are being cut down, all demolishing the homes of thousands of species


An estimated 50, 000 species are at a loss of habitat due to deforestation, many places (including Bangkok) are in risk of severe flooding due to rising sea levels, and a vast increase in greenhouse emissions have led to an increase in our global temperature, which will later lead to catastrophic events all around the world At this rate, we may lose everything in less than 100 years This must stop With the rapid growth of human consumption, population, and urbanisation, humanity is using more of Earth’s resources than it can replenish naturally

Additionally, a third of the food intended for human consumption is wasted or lost. If food waste was a country, it would be the third highest emitter of greenhouse gases. Bangkok alone can waste up to 5,669 tonnes of food waste per day, and Thailand emits 279 million tonnes of CO2 from unnecessary lights and AC per year– if everybody stopped wasting so much, just imagine how much a of a better situation the world would be in right now. Our planet simply cannot survive the preposterous demands of the human population The use of fossils fuels is a mammoth contributor to climate change as they are a cause of vast amounts of Co2 emissions, and one day the earth’s supply of them will run out Humans One of the main contributors to the destruction of our planet The only way to save our planet, and along with it billions of species, is if every single one of us pitches in and tries to help. Now you might think that just one person turning off their lights or AC won’t make a difference, but if everyone in the world did this, the improvement would be immense Here are just a few things that you can do to help:

• Turn off lights and AC when you are not using them

• Take a shower instead of a bath

• Reduce meat consumption, if possible

• Don’t use single use plastic: Recycle

• Buy only what you need

• Try to use public transport. We need to do something now, before it’s too late. There is no planet B.

The most obvious reason why we should wear uniforms is because it unites us as a community When we are all wearing the same clothes, we are part of the same family We share the same values We are one Furthermore, it promotes equality within our society

Around the world, about eighty-three percent of students in schools without uniform face bullying and teasing for their clothes. These students may not have the same expensive or fashionable clothing as others may have Fifty percent of students who feel they do not fit in drop out At Wellington, we value equality and by wearing the same clothes, we can minimize bullying Now, tell me How many times have you stressed over choosing an outfit for a social gathering? Imagine how much brainpower you could save if you wore the same outfit every day.

When you go outside and meet someone, what is the first thing that stands out to you? One’s personal style can tell you so much about one ’ s personality And what better way to express your personal style than through your outfit Even just to put on hoodies or new sneakers or a cute vest can make such a difference on how people perceive you Some may argue that uniforms feel tasteless It restricts the freedom to express your personality When everyone dresses the same, there is no sense of individuality.

In the end, it all comes down to whether you would sacrifice style and extra sleep or brainpower and risks of teasing With that said, do you think uniforms are essential?

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