1 minute read
Thug Cry
Thatfirstteardrop of2020 has been held Nowliving checkbycheckhasn’tchanged I mean daddystill have to thug itoutforme I knowyou stuckliving in poverty
Daddyyou ain’tbeen seen around much You there everynowand then Everytime i see you itseems you in a rush Seeing youronlyson dead leftyourheartcrushed
Observing from the skies ofheaven lord I neveronce sawyou cry,no shock Tears neverbeen shown somewhere in a lock Safelyheld where no thug should everbe seen
Watching you crywould be the lastofme Itwas a image thatdecentlyscrapped mymemory Daybydayyearbyyearcan’ty’all see? Howhe showed the love he had forme
Staying strong holding his tears he said was forme Butonce again something somehowI could neversee I learned you nevercame to myfuneral daddy, why? Knowing you nevergotto sayyourtrue bye
“Son I nevercame to yourfuneral because I didn’twantyou to see me cry”