--Hexagonal-.Water & Health
I. You cannot stay healthy without good water
First of all, the most important proposition for us is "you cannot survive without water and cannot stay healthy." Frequent thirst is a signal of disease, such as diabetes, and disease begins due to lack of water in the body.
Let's take a look a t t h e word "disease." The word combines of dis (not) and ease(comfortab1e). That is t o say, disease means a state of discomfort. When there is a shortage o f water in our body, we feel hungry. The exactly similar state of discomfort is thirst, when there is the shortage of water. The function of drinking water in our body involves not only relieving thirst but also metabolism o f life, health, disease, and aging process. Therefore, our drinking water is not just t o relieve thirst, but i t is an important act that affects our metabolism, health, disease and aging. Also, stress that attacks almost everyone dries up bodily reserve of water. Lack of water also leads to stress, commencing the entire vicious cycle. Even though you eat well and exercise regularly, you need to find and drink good quality water t o prevent disease.
Hexagonal Water & Ifealth
11. Em brace resurrection x;.<
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All body cells consist of water. We have to realize why more than70% o f body are composed o f water, instead of other elements. I n addition, blood is the same as cells, since 83% of blood is water.
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Cell < About 60 trillions o f cell in a human being >
Consider the followings. The fundamental element of our body (life) consists of body cells and blood cells (red and white cells, and plasma). Therefore, the water that occupies most of cells and blood must be our fundamental life element (factor). I n other words, when these cells are either infected with virus or contaminated with abnormal substances, our body causes a sort of the symptoms (diseases) as well as the aging process. Only a minute after drinking that water smears into blood, and reaches the brain cells after 5 minutes. Presently, we understand that the water is main ingredient of the cells so that the healthy body cells (also blood) depend on the quality of drinking water. Finally, we believe precisely that the choice o f drinking good water is utmost important well-being in our life.
Damaged cells
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The healthy cell is filled of the molecular structured water. Life is a bowl of water that controls life phenomena a t the level of cells. Water forms a huge network, connecting cells together through a chain of links between cellular nuclear and cellular membrane. The cause of disease and aging is filtering the structured water out from the cell, and then our body becomes dry and contracted. During a growth period of youth the body cells and blood are clean and healthy because their cells are filled of the fresh structured water. riowever, cne progressrve processes that lead t o aging are characterized by loss of organization at the organ, tissue, cellular, sub-cellular, and molecular levels as well as loss of water which are shown in the below figure. I I
Years of Life
Furthermore we face the various functional defects, disease, and aging process. Now fortunately here is, however, a solution of our problems that we are able to embrace a revival of the damaged cells by refilling our body with water of new life, so called H e x a g ~ n a lWater.
fIexagona1 Waler & Health
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111. 6 concepts for Hexagonal Water 1. Generation and elimination of advanced qlvcolvsis end product (AGE]
The body obtains various nutrients from foods, a n d sugar (carbohydrate), which is the majority o f the nutrients, produces necessary energy with oxygen obtained through breathing.
C,H,,O, + 60, -. 6 C 0 2 + 12H,O + ATP When a body is lack o f oxygen, acidic wastes such a lactic acid are stored in the body because carbohydrates cannot be completely oxidized in TCA cycle, so called metabolism. However, it is possible that such status can be kept mainly by hexagonal water constituting t h e environment of t h e cells. Eventually, if we drink sufficient amount of hexagonal water every day which is the same as t h e body fluid, skin and cells will be moisturized, the wastes will be discharged, and the environment of t h e cells will be pleasantly maintained healthy. This entire process may constitute the preventive a n d treating effects of the diseases.
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Infected cells 4
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H e x q o n a l Water & Health
Hexagonal water which is tightly structured with small clusters t h a t efficiently washes off t h e wastes in t h e cells. There is a water path channel in t h e membrane of t h e cells is called Wquaporin, and t h e water is passed in and o u t through this channel.
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.c The Kobe! Prize in @hsmSsPry[2B~3]> Aquaporin Water Chanraei "Disturbances in channel
function can lead t o serious diseases of the nervous system as well as
the m U S C ~ ~ SC3.g. , the heart."
Peter Agre
Roderick MacKinnon
Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine
Rockefeller Univ. Hughes Medical Institute
Hexagonal Water fii Health
The channel size of Aquaporin is 0.3 - 1.0 nano meter. I f the fluid (water) is larger than the channel size, then it can be hardly pass through the membrane.
W o f e r channel
Cell membrone
The molecules o f t h e ordinary nutrients are large size so that they take much t i m e t o transfer into t h e cells, but t h e hexagonal water molecules are a right size for easily in and out of t h e cells. When t h e hexagonal water molecules are particu\arly densely occupied along with highly activated, they move faster and effectively clean u p the wastes. This phenomenon is called the first condition t o keep well f o r always fresh and clean cells o f our body.
Remember! Drinking much hexagonal water can even clean u p your inside body.
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Hexagonal Water & Healrh
of Bio-membrane-and Prevention
The blood that circulates in our body constitutes life liquid. The principle of water that circulates the earth with energy consolidation and emission is the same as the blood circulation. As the life ends when the environment is polluted, the blood becomes acidified when the blood is polluted. And blood acidity w ~ l l lead t o acidifying Bio- membrane (cell membrane), and further the ac~difiedwastes accumulate in the cells and discontinue every mechanism such as absorption and discharging of nutrients. Main factor for acidification of the blood is lactic acid. When the amount of lactic acid increases the body becomes fatigued and h v d r o ~ p ninn< are inrrp3spCI II
CO, + HO , = H,C03 H,CO 3 HCO, + H+(Hydrogen ion
> acid) RCOOH 3 RCOO- + Ht (Hydrogen ion > acid)
lactic acid
When the free radicals on an especial circumstance are generated dominantly (occurring by harmful Reactive Oxygen Species) in metabolic processes, the Bio-membranes (e.g., cell membrane, nucleus membrane, hemocyte membrane, blood vessel) which consist of phospholipids and proteins, etc. are attacked and damaged, and further shrinking and hardening. Consequently these wastes are not able to clean up and discharging, thus accumulate and pile up in the cells.
Cytoplasm & Biological membrane
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Hexagonal . Water & Health
Reactive Oxygen Species (Time Magazine, 1996)
We can easily make 'Hexagonal Water', which is alkaline and neutralize the acidified blood to become mild alkaline solution, and alsn rlpstrny F r p q R a d i r a l S tn r e ~ t n r e Eljn-memhr;lne c!;rm;l2ec.
In other words, natural mineral hexagonal water can prevent acidifying fluids to maintain optimum pH in the body and prohibit the oxidation of every cell membrane (Bio-membranes).
Hexagonal Water 6r Health
3. Associated water molecules and protection of cell nucleus
Single water molecule does not exist.
Water = (H,O)n But form associated large molecules from clustered groups by hydrogen bond, which is weaker than ionic, covalent, and any other bond. The most common small clusters include chain, pentagon, and hexagon architectures (formation).
A t solid state of material it's hard to change its structure (three
dimensional) and a t gas state it's hard to maintain its structure. However, liquid state of water has room t o change its structure easilv.
Otherwise,! whenever the water temperature raise the molecular structure of water becomes expanded and increases volume, meantime the water absorbs heat and discharges energy. I n the other way, when water cools off temperature, its molecules become dense (compact) and decrease volume as well as decline thermal movements. It means that the molecules of cooler water must be packed much closely.
Hexagonal Water & Health
The center of a cell in our body has a nucleus which forms nucleic acid (DNA, gene). A cell is subject to constant metabolism through division and rnult~plicationof the cell. The DNA as well as proteins require a certain amount of water to form the necessary structures (i.e., conforrnational, tertiary, and quarterly structures) to achieve the indicated job. Otherwise, a t least 55% of water IS needed for DNA t o sustain nt.lr
I n order to protect the nucleus and the division of DNA freely, the amino acids of the nucleus proteins are arranged wisely as water-like amino acids (hydrophilic) are mostly outside of wall (surface) and water-dislike amino acids (hydrophobic) are inside of nucleus proteins. I n this structural formation, indeed, there must be shown Hexagonal water, associated six-bonded water. I n contrary t o Hexagonal water (ordered), the ordinary general drinking water (disordered) would be a favorable environment t o cancerous cells (abnormal cells).
cancerous cells
Hexagonal Water & HealLh
Aging means m o r e c e l l s die than they multiply. That is, aging is a process where water in our body decreases.
I n the process, hydrated water slips away, which is t h e death of cells. T o survive, cells mutate. These mutated cells are precancerous cells.
Aging means more cells die than they multiply. Normal
Hexagonal water is highly hydrated. Our body likes hexagonal water. When you drink hexagonal water, it cleans u p every corner of your body cells and protects you from the outside environment.
Hexagonal Water Kv Health
4. Energized & Maqnetized Water
It is known t h a t kinetic energy is needed t o produce Hexagonal Water. The kinetic energy can be obtained from C e n t r i p e t a l Cycloid S p i r a l M o t i o n which is also called Magnetohydrodynamic activation method, known as the strongest kinetic energy The most powerful energy motion (Centripetal Cycloid Spiral Motion) in nature.
The spiral motion puts in t h e water containing minerals in a magnetic field t o activate energy.
Normal tap water
Associated (Hexagonal) wate~
The Hexagonal water makers developed b y K e o s a n Co., btd. in Korea which the brand name of A c t i m o gold a n d Optimizer, have been des~gnedusing vortex motion o f anticlockwise directions t o facilitate ionized minerals and melt oxygen into the pores o f water. a
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Actimo Gold (Hexagonal Water Maker)
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Hexagonal ---- Water & Health
When the water (conductor) moves perpendicularly in a magnetic field, as based on the Faraday effect particularly, the free electrons activate the water and ionized minerals t o turn over the kinetic t o the electric energy. Whenever our body absorbs this energized water, the tissue cells of the body promote t o become very functional, thus invigorating energy, or chi (%). The Bio-membranes of blood cells are also affected strongly by the energized water using cardio-electricity to circulate blood to every corner of the capillary vessels.
Michael Faraday
Faraday's law
I n addition, this water is magnetized with a dipole, which can memorize information and deliver the memory t o others like a floppy disk. Every reaction in our body is carried out within t h e cells. I f t h e water we drink contains some information, the huge network of the cells will properly control the biological phenomena. The blood is running through in its vessels, spinning itself by bio-magnetic field t o reduce friction. 'therefore, if we drink the magnetized hexagonal water, i t should become powerful blood stream because the inside of the blood vessels has been cleaned. And also, there will bg more active energy(%) movement in our body than usual.
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Hexagonal W a t e r & Health a
5 . Super Saturated Dissolved Oxvqen
About 30% of oxygen is required by our body to obtain from the drinking water. However, unfortunately the man by aging is becoming to deteriorate hislher lung capacity and cardio respiratory functions. The shortage of oxygen brings t o produce more the wastes during metabolism due to increase lactic acid and carbon dioxide. We feel always tired and languid. There is 20% more oxygen dissolved, however, in the hexagonal water (super<atl~r&!~!? :!??!? ) t!?e c r 2 ! ~ 2 ~v:stci-, ; zzd C i e L 120% more oxygen than in the boiled water. SO there will be clear difference i n health between one who drinks boiled water and the other who drinks hexagonal water. a+ *
Tired and languid Lack of oxygen
The dissolved oxygen i n water is transferred straight t o t h e cells through blood streams, not via the lung; differ from t h e oxygen by breathing. The foamy oxygen with water, especially stimulates the wall of internal organs and facilitates the blood stream of capillary vessels.
When dissolved oxygen rises in water, i t attracts hydrogen and becomes hydrated with hydrogen and oxygen bonded. It is hexagonal water.
Water with sufficient amount of dissolved oxygen in water is extremely good for skin. The skin cells breathe (uptake) much more oxygen from hexagonai water to keep fair and fresh skin by eliminating skin wastes.
Water with much oxygen l a k e skin elastic and young
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Hexuyorzul Water & Health -.--.--.-
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6. Enrich s t r u c z e forminq minerals and calcium
The body needs always organic a n d inorganic minerals, the necessities for life. Organic minerals can be obtained from foods while the inorganic from water t h a t can be formed in rocks and earth. This is a sort of natural phenomenon. Organic minerals in the body are components of mostly bone and using as coenzymes in the metabolic pathway, and various functions with enzyme-proteins, hormones, vitamins, etc. Also, inorganic minerals are ionized in waterto be alkaline as well as dissolved in blood t o keep alkaline, and reaulate~vicrnsity cf h!c3c! t c facilitate blood stream and furthermore, it adjusts coagulation by increasing the electric potential of a red corpuscle. The nutrients taken in the body are dissolved in water and combined with enzymes, and further assistance from essential- ionized minerals can trigger every chemical reaction in the metabolic pathway. That why, the ionized minerals are called starters of chemical reaction. I n other words, no matter how much vitamin the body takes in, i t would n o t be absorbed without minerals for any function. For example, among the minerals, sodium ions help the adsorption of water and calcium ions in the blood is essential for the homeostasis of the human body. C.rrrcltm n o h a n i r m m . e3 8.1. p1.y.
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Hexagonal Water &Health 2 , -
Such important and necessary minerals are supplied by the drinking water, no one even realize much o f water.
Distilled water, especially water purified R/O filter, which has no essential minerals, is never suitable t o us as drinking water. Super cube (Actimo qold)
Inoraanic minerals ionized in water are beneficial t o a body, while r l i ~ t i l l ~r .d~ . r ? t ~~~ 2 r m : s!::
body in deficiency of minerals. Besides distilled water could easily become acid because i t adsorb CO, from the air. >
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Hexagona4 water, however, contains ample amount of natural minerais, especially ionized calcium. By the versa calcium iwns helps t o form the water molecules t o hexagonal state and also activate organic minerals t o discharge acidic wastes in blood t o be clean and healthy. Inorganic minerals electrically charged activate organic matters with no self-activation in water, and calcium ions in the hexagonal water combine with acidic wastes and discharqe them out of a bodv. As result, b k o d become weak alkali and healthy.
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Hexagonal Wotpr X- Henltl~ -- .
Now we understand that drinking good water with reasonable ways is to strengthen the basis of a body. It is because that all metabolism and vital functions
in our bodies depend on
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Hexagonal Water & Health --------------
The remaining 2% enzyme is the lipid enzyme (such as lipase) that dissolves or forms in liquid oil on lipid metabolism. The blood is composed of 83% water which is a transporting system of each constituent to the organelle and tissues. The cell composing each tissue needs about 70% water, and sweat and disposal excrement cannot be generated without role of water. However, the most of water cannot do the job as we expect. The good quality water means t h a t it must be alkaline, hexagonal, ionized mineral water of natural status a t lower temperature. The drinking time would be better at before and after sleep, and 1-2 CUDS occasionally a t other times. There are no more important things than keeping health in our life. I n order to keep health we exercise, eat good diet food with good quality water as previously mentioned. Therefore, we should carefully select to drink good quality hexagonal water. Consequently, the hexagonal water-making device developed by Keosan Co., btd. is recognized the best system in the world as very unique and convenient to use. Our body loves hexagonal water. Why don't you use the device t o make and drink the best water every day of yourself and your family in order to keep everyone healthy and happy all the time? This is the most important than anything else.
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Hexagonal Water & Health * -
Water is magic unique medicine forever. The first in the world, Keosan is an enterprise that specializes in producing hexagonal water making devices (Actimo Gold) by fully automatic magnetic systems. All living substances and materials love hexagonal water. We, human beings, start our life in a hexagonal water bag (amniotic fluid) of mother's stomach and then comes out t o t h e world as a born baby. Furthermore our body can be the healthiest by keeping 64% hexagonal water. Even a t this time, a region in the south of France is supposed to be crowd with n ~ n p l Pir! crder tc cure ir;dlvid;;a:'s i i ~ c d s eby a r r n ~ ~ n g Lourdes spring water. This area Lourdes is visited by 16,438 people a day, 6,000,000 people a year. These patients are incurable disease b y modern medical care, however, Lourdes spring water is recognized by its healing effects. The French government opened the Lourdes medical center there and has issued a certain cure certificate to 66 patients who recovered from the disease after drinking this spring water since opening in 1983. The diseases of patients were included semi- or whole body paralytic, cancer, kidney failures, eye troubles, various severe inflammations, TB, etc. Main external composition of this spring water was found to be weak alkaline a t pH 7.9, minerals; Ge O.l~/l, Ca 44.5ppm (excessive Ca phenomenon peculiar in Europe), etc. ~lthough there may be m~raclematters which are unknown by our human brain, this spring water can be treated such incurable diseases. Neither scientists nor doctors could reveal this reason, but the medical office of Lourdes authorizes this fact by offering the certificate of completed cure.
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Hexagonal Water & Health
Water can cure ail of the diseases. World health organization (WHO) and a Korean doctor, Jun Huh. during the Lee dynasty already indicated that water can cure a t of human diseases, and it can alter human life spans by least drinking quality water. From now on we should n o t only believe above acknowledgeable words but also we further become wise t o choose drinking water Especially, as long as our human beings are born t o be spiritual from t h e mother originally, t h e water has been informed spiritually in t h e nature, however every water in nature t h a t is nnt r l ~ \ ! ~ ! n ; e . j like i u u r a e s spring water. Therefore water in nature is believed to contain the life element with a certain law among the universe. Our human body is a sort o f water bag. Bone o f our body is a supporter t o hold the bag, and o u r psychokinesis is brought from spirit o f water. Naturally clean water just like our hexagonal water produced by Keosan in t h e bag is only able t o build u p strong bone, beautiful skin, and pretty spirit. Eventually t h e water o f KeOSan has been recognized naturally real spring water made by using complex system of water purifier, trusting t h a t is t h e reproduction o f natural spring water.
w r i t t e n by Yang Hwa n Oh P~I.D. In Biochemistry, Haward Medical School Prof. at Bayler College of Medicine in Houston (Retired) D i r e c t o r Genera! o f &o-Science R&@ Center, Houston 6 6 w e r n o r of F n d e r a t i o ~of Int'l Societies for Preventive Movement for Healthcare of Fatal Diseases