Optimun Water

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THE POWER OF OXYGEN For Restoration of Optimum Health & Vitality

TABLE OF CONTENTS Optimum Water What is Oxygen & Why is it Needed Why we become Oxygen Deficient Symptoms of Oxygen Deficiency Oxygen Therapies The Miracle of Water The Vortex of Life Pentagonal vs. Hexagonal Water Making Hexagonal Water Health & Disease Water in the Study of Cancer lmportance of Avoiding Dehydration Final Rernarks


THE POWER OF OXYGEN For Restoration o f Optimum Health 8 Vitality

It's a well known, simple and indisputable fact that oxygen is necessary to sustain a Healthy Life. Clinical studies show that a hurnan can live for days without water, and weeks without food, but without oxygen biological death occurs within three rninutes. Oxygen is the rniraculous elernent that pemlits life to exist and flourish on earth. All of our bodily functions are regulated by oxygen, and rnust be replaced on a moment-by-mornent basis as we consume it. While our bodies require a broad range of rninerals, vitarnins, and other nutrients, oxygen is the single rnost irnportant substance taken into the body. Oxygen is a vital cornponent in every chernical reaction irnportant to hurnan physiology. It nourishes the cells, provides the energy required to rnetabolize carbohydrates, facilitates chernical transport, breaks down waste products and toxins, regulates the body pH. drives the desire to breathe, builds up your irnrnune systern defense and helps to fight hostile organisrns. Oxygen is the undisputed king of body chernistry, and as such, is your body's rnost irnportant nutrient. Given the relative irnportance of oxygen in the hurnan systern, it rnakes cense that a lack of oxygen should lead to a wide variety health problerns and diseases. Likewise, oxygen supplernents should have a broad range of benefits.

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WHAT IS OXYGEN & WHY IS IT NEEDED Oxygen is a clear, odorless gas that is easily dissolved in water. Each molecule of oxygen is composed of two atoms of oxygen and is known by the chemical formula 0 2 . Oxygen and oxygen compounds form a major part of oceans, rocks, and every living thing on the planet. In fact, over 62 percent of the Earth's crust (by mass) is made up of oxygen. The air we breath is comprised of 21 percent oxygen, while oxygen constitutes 65 percent of the elements of our body, including blood, organs, tissues and skin. Our bodies requires a continua1 supply of oxygen to facilitate it's survival. An average person needs approximately 200 milliliters (about 1 cup) of oxygen per minute while resting and almost 8 liters (about 2 gallons) during periods of strenuous activity. Over the course of an average day, it is estimated that we inhale 2,500 gallons of air each day. The brain (which makes up about 2 percent of our total body mass) consumes over 20 percent of the body's total oxygen intake. After passing through the nose or mouth, oxygen enters the lungs, where it is absorbed by red blood cells, and then carried via the circulatory system to every part of our body. When various tissues, muscles, or organs need energy, they use oxygen and sugars (from the food we eat and from the breakdown of fats and starch in the body) to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy. The energy from this process, a form of combustion, is stored in a compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP); ATP is essentially the fue1 we use to live, think and move. At the same time, the red blood cells return the waste products from the production of ATP - carbon dioxide (C02) - back to the lungs and exchange it for more oxygen. Apart from providing fue1 for the body, oxygen also creates an environment which prevents the growth of cells unfriendly to the hurnan body. Many pathogens are anaerobic, meaning that they thrive in a low oxygen environrnent. Cancer cells are Pape -2-

notoriously anaerobic - In 1966, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg confirmed that the key precondition of CANCER is a lack of oxygen on the cellular level. Oxidation is a natural process that involves oxygen cornbining with another substance, thereby causing reactions which may include corrosion, decay, burning and respiration (rust is the best VISIBLE example of this). Our body uses oxidation and oxidation products as its first line of defense against harmful bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and parasites. Oxidizing molecules attack the invading cells, and are removed from the body through normal processes of elimination. After oxidation, the rnost important effect of breathing is oxygenation. Oxygenation saturates the blood with oxygen, via oxygen transfer in the lungs. Breathing in oxygen is a main source of oxygenation while hydrogen peroxide and ozone are best known as oxidizers. If the oxidizing process within the body is weak or inefĂ­icient, the body cannot eliminate poisons adequately, and toxic reactions can occur. If poor oxygenation occurs, our overall immune response to germs and viruses is weakened making us susceptible to a host of many diseases. WHY WE BECOME OXYGEN DEFlClENT

As nian evolved, the amount in oxygen in the atmosphere (and thus the amount of oxygen he breathed) remained at or near a constant level. However. as we progressed through the industrial age, we began to add other noxious gasses and potentially harmful compounds into the atmosphere. This problem is only exacerbated by large tract deforestation, the shiinking rain forests, the killing of plankton in oceans. and the proliferation of the interna1 combustion eiigine. Tliese many factors have lead to a steady decline in the ainount of oxygen iii the air that we breath - current oxygen levels in our air are arouiid 21%. and can be much lower iii several cities around the world, where pollution is high, aild soine pliysical features may lead

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atiliospheric coiiditions. Research froni ice core samples. and

otl~ermethods indicates~liaioxygen levels in our atmospliere have decliiied as much as 50% Page -3-

in just the last 500 years. This decrease iil environmental oxygeii leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen we consume. Since oxygen is so crucial to the hurnan condition, it makes sense that as we no longer breath the quantity of oxygen that our bodies require, we become less and less healthy. SYMPTOMS OF OXYGEN DEFlClENCY OVERALL BODY WEAKNESS FA'fIGUE CIRCULATION PROBLEMS POOR DlGESTlON MUSCLE ACHES & DISCOMFORTS DlZZlNESS DEPRESSION MEMORY LOSS IRRITABILITY AClD STOMACH BRONCHIAL PROBLEMS When the irnrnune systern is cornprornised by a lack of oxygen, our body is more susceptible to opportunistic bacteria, viral and parasitic infections, colds & the flu. Oxygen deprivation can also lead to life-threatening disease, such as cancer. Cancer and rnost other infectious diseases CANNOT live in an oxygen-rich enviroilrnent. There are 3 prirnary causes for low oxygen levels in the hurnan body. DEPLETED I POLLUTED AIR Of course, decreased oxygen levels reduce the arnounts of air we breath. Additionally, a wide variety of pollutants occupy our atrnosphere and take the place of oxygen that we SHOULD be breathing. Autornobile exhaust, factory

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emissions, and burning garbage are the three greatest causes of lowered oxygen content. The concept of second hand smoke might also be considered here. DEVlTALlZED FOODS Foods that have been heavily processed, cooked and preserved through canning tend to be low in oxygen content, as well as high-fat foods like meat, eggs and dairy products. Eating generous amounts of fresh. raw vegetables and fruits increase our oxygen intake (oxygen occurs naturally in these foods) alo'ng with the inclusion of valuable vitamins & minerals. POOR BREATHING Healthy breathing involves deep, rhythmic breaths that fill the lungs with air. Because of pollution and stress, many of us do not breath fully. When we utilize our full diaphragm, we can take fuller breaths of oxygen into our lungs. At least you can somewhat make up for the lack of quality with an increase in quantity. OXYGEN THERAPIES Oxygen therapy is a supplementation process that increases the available dissolved oxygen content in the body. Therapies can include processed or nutritional supplements that enhance the body's ability to use or promote oxygen absorption. These therapies can take the form of: Bottled Oxygen - lnhaled Therapy Breathing Exercises - Increases Lung Capacity Aerobic Exercise Machines - Prornotes Deeper Breathing Ozone Therapy - Infused Rectally or by IV to Increase Blood Oxygenation Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Breathing Oxygen in a Pressurized Charnber Page - 5 -

Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy - lnjectionsllngestion of Highly Diluted Solutions Nutritional Therapies, such as: Co-Enzyme Q10 Extracts from a variety of Botanicals Calcium Gerrnanium Magnesium Selenium Zinc NATURALLY OXYGENATED WATER - A cornbination of oxygenating activity, pi rninerals, and rotating magnetic fields, are combined to re-create the conditions in the stream where pi-water was discovered over 30 years ago. This system of oxygenation is better known asnSUPEROXYGENATED" or "OPTIMIZED" water. THE MIRACLE OF WATER Apart from being one of the most common substances on the earth, water is also one of the most unusual. Several of it's more interesting properties include; its melting point, boiling point, heat of vaporization, and heat of fusion - none of which are what would be expected, given a basic knowledge of rnolecular chemistry. Water is the primary transporter of oxygen to many living things. Water which contains adequate amounts of oxygen is not harmful to fish or plants, while water which contains too little oxygen will kill those same fish and plants. When you put fish in regular water which has been boiled and cooled. the fish will die because boiling has removed free oxygen from the water. One of the basic principies of horneopathy is that srnall quantities of medicine should be succussed; that is, medicine should be diluted in water and then shaken.

Homeopathic physicians observed, over the years, that medicine treated in this manner appears to work better. It is believed that the importance of shaking is to add beneficia1 oxygen to the mixture, as well as stirring up the contents. Many of the chemical processes which take place in the stomach and small intestine are more efficient in the presence of increased oxygen levels. Unfortunately, the dissolved oxygen content of most people's bodies is significantly lower than what is essential for optimum health. An oxygen-starved body is susceptible to premature aging, chronic illness and life-threatening disease. Fortunately, when oxygen levels are increased, our blood picks up the extra oxygen, our cells become energized, and our health can be restored. Researchers have reported that many patients who were in advanced stages of illness or disease fully recovered with increased oxygen saturation. This is especially true if supplemental oxygen therapy can be implemented before hypoxia (long-term oxygen deprivation) irreversibly damages the body systems. THE VORTEX OF LlFE Most people know that you should drink water from a running body of water. rather than from a still pool of water, knowing that running water is clean and healthy and that still water could be full of germs. Still water is dead water in terms of "energy" because the life of every living thing depends on movement and rhythm. Almost al1 things with "living energy" have motion of some type. Anything that interferes with these rhythms interferes with the processes of life. In nature, water will always try to form a sphere. In a moving current in a river, this sphere becomes a spiraling movement as gravity pulls the river currents towards the sea. When water falls as rain, or is poured slowly from a jug. it separates into drops with spiral movements in each. forming a perfect sphere before breaking. When water is directed along straight channels and through miles of straight piping, it will lose some important

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qualities On the surface of a moving stream, water flows in a spiral motion from the inside of the bend to the outside, where it turns under the surface of the stream and returns along the bed of the stream to the inside bank - this process is repeated over and over. This creates a labyrinth of extensive surfaces, or boundaries, within the water

- these develop and change as layer after layer flow past each other at different speeds. As one spiraling layer of liquid water meets a different layer, they rol1 in upon each other to form a series of waves. Air is trapped in the hollow between the inner surfaces as the wave curls, and is then released into the water as the wave unfurls. These waves produce vortexes, vertical spirals of energy within the water which have their own rhythm. The layers of vortex turn at difference speeds, and the whole form pulsates rhythmically up and down. The inside layers of water in a vortex flow in a tight spiral much faster than the outer layers. As the different surfaces expand and contract, they transmit information to the mass of the water. The speed of the water's movement at the center of a vortex is crucial to its energy as the rapid spiraling motion of the water affects everything it touches. As the bonds break and re-form, there is constant interchange and exchange of electrons. This increases the electromagnetic energy of the water so that it can then be an active carrier of vibrations and physical information. Spiral movement is constant in the development of al1 living things and systems, whether in the natural flow of water. blood, sap. in the nebulae of space, or even in the movement of the planetary system. Vortexian energy comes from the effect of the spiraling motion on matter. Such energy depends on the movement of the water, combined with the way this energy reacts with whatever is containing, propelling, or directing the water. Keep in mind that the release of energy depends not only on the rate of flow of the water, but also on its temperature.


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PENTAGONAL vs. HEXAGONAL WATER Cornparing the properties of pentagonal and hexagonal water clusters. pentagonal water is more stable than that of hexagonal water. The hexagonal unit can have an infinite nurnber of clusters while the pentagonal unit can rnake only clusters of a finite size. In large water clusters, the large nurnber of rnolecules contributes to the overall strength of the cluster - this gives large hexagonal clusters a very high level of rnolecular cohesion, especially when water is in the ice phase or state. However, in the liquid phase, where srnall water clusters are preferable, the ratio of pentagonal water to hexagonal water increases with the rice in ternperature. At any ternperature level. hexagonal water is able to absorb a greater level of oxygen than regular water, thus giving hexagonal water the highest oxygen saturation point of any type of water. The rnost irnportant role of this water is to supply the oxygen to the cells promptly and directly. When our oxygen absorption is low, our body's fue1 is not cornpletely burned, thereby creating an increased accurnulation of waste in the forrn of normal waste byproducts as well as the rernaining unburned fuel. Yang Oh & Gil Ho Kirn state in their book "Miracle Molecular Structure of Water," that once water begins to forrn of the hexagonal structured rnolecules, this formation and its properties will not be changed for one year or more. They also state that even after boiling hexagonal water, its properties will be recovered while it is cooled because water. rnuch like a hurnan being. has rnernory, and can use its rnernory to return to a state it once was in. Despite its fluidity and its ability to rnetarnorphose into different states. water rnolecules tend to be stable structures. This gives thern the ability to store inforrnation obtained frorn other rnolecules. It responds to every change in its surroundings by expanding, contracting, or rnaking rhythrnical waves. chagging billions of times a second. And as it changes. it not Page -9-

only picks up physical inforrnation, but also vibrations. It affects and is affected by everything it rneets, bringing this inforrnation with it to every fresh encounter. Asan exarnple, a snowĂ­iake is rnade up of a billion rnolecules of water organized in a specific and stable arrangernent. You will never find two identical snowflakes but if you rnelt a snowflake. and refreeze it under the sarne conditions, it will refreeze into exactly the sarne pattern it held previously. It rernernbers its prior structure, and returns right back to it.

MAKING HEXAGONAL WATER A standard hexagonal water rnaker uses a high-powered, rotating rnagnetic field that runs for cycles of 5, 7, or 9 rninutes, to obtain an increased quantity of hexagonal water. Water that is treated in this rnanner. should first be filtered by rnethods that leave an energetic, clean and living water. In addition, the necessary arnounts of rninerals, such as hexagonal structure-rnaking calciurn ions, should be dissolved in water. Chilling the water to near freezing is also recornrnended. The oxygenating activity is accornplished by rnounting 3,500 gauss and 4,400 gauss rnagnets on opposing ends of a blender rotor. The rnagnets should be positioned with opposing polarity to expose the water in the cyclone or vortex pattern to both positive and negative fields. Sorne hexagonal water units contain pi-cerarnic and far-infrared filters to further enhance and energize the water. Most irnportantly, the pi elernent contains calciurn carbonate (which is VERY hexagonal water friendly) and other rnaterials that occur naturally in water and can help reduce the pH of water. Hexagonal water should be stored in a cool place. Besides drinking, it can be used for rnaking juices, coffee and tea. When used for cooking, it will add nutrients to the food and irnprove the taste. The use of hexagonal water will irnprove the quality of your skin if used on a tegular basis. Laboratory experirnents have proven that

plants grow quicker and stronger and it has prolonged the life of fish in aquariums This happens because the water clusters are now smaller, which allows the water molecules to move faster. We now know that smaller clusters of water will penetrate the cells in the body faster. This explains why individuals with a higher metabolism are more active and usually not overweight. If you are dieting to loose weight, an increase of hexagonal water will help greatly. Overweight people generally have 20% less water content than others. Therefore it stands to reason, when good water content is increased, the weight (fat) will be reduced. HEALTH & DISEASE Our health. to certain extent, is well within your control. Most people will experience good health if they eat a well balanced diet, drink lots of good water. and have suffcient rest and exercise. Poor health is caused by indulgence of bad habits such as over-eating, smoking, alcohol, drugs, exposure to air and water pollution, and even stress. Generally, we associate good health with the absence of illness or disease, and bad health by its presence. Good health also means a harmonious functioning of the whole body system----the mind, organs, glands and tissues. The harmonious relationship of al1 cells depend on their component parts....the organic and inorganic rnatters, and whose matters of the cells al1 come from food and water. In order for the brain, organs, glands and tissues to function at the optimum level, we must look to the quality of the food and water we consume. We are largely made of water and it is the channel for al1 physical and chemical changes in the body. A newborn baby is about 97 percent water and a healthy adult around 75 percent. As we get older. the aging process typically dehydrates our bodies to a water content of around 65 percent water. A brain is around 75 percent water, bones 22 percent water, even tooth enamel is about 2 percent water. If we don't d r i ~ k enough water we dehydrate. If we dehydrate we are likely

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to suffer al1 kinds of degenerative diseases. Our bodies are a mass of finely tuned chemical and biological reactions, relying on the remarkable properties of water for life. We depend on water as a catalyst, a transport system to maintain our body temperature, and as a supplier of nutrients or electrical impulses. A person can exist for several weeks without eating any solid food, but without water they dehydrate and die within days. There is nothing remotely controversia1 about this. our health depends on the electronic exchange of energy in our bodies. This exchange is dependent on water and the health of the water we consume. The water in and around our cells must be the right polarity to catch the appropriate ions of sodium, potassium, magnesium. and others which nourish the interior of the cell so that we can function properly. The polarity of water depends on the positive ion exchange of minerals in the water. The potassium and sodium balance in the body is finely tuned, the two elements that establish a crucial dynamic tension. Depletion of either would reduce the ability of a cell to respond, affecting amongst other things the vital acid I alkali balance. Disease is an impairment of the normal state of functioning of an organism. The normal state of functioning could be modified or disrupted by defects in cells, metabolism or infection, causing a rise of an abnormal condition called disease. The human body, when in a normal mode, represents a condition of constant balance and harmony through very complex self-regulating mechanisms. This is called the homoeostatic control mechanism. Through the homoeostatic control mechanism, the human body defends itself against many harmful agents, including bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately, these mechanisms can break down from time to time. This can be due to one or more of these varying causes: prolonged nutritional imbalance. constant overeating, lack of sleep, use of excessive meat or protein. excessive stress (mental or physical) retention of bodily or rnetabolic wastes, and the exposure to environmental hazards such as polluted air and water. The break down can Gause a disruption of the cells' metabolism in our organs or Page - 1 2-

tissues, thereby causing imbalance and disharmony. The location and type of the cellular imbalance will determine its manifestation - metabolic defects give rise to diseases like high blood pressure, aiihritis, rheumatism, gastric disorders, migraine, water retention, constipation, cramps, gout, diabetes and the like. Fuiihermore, the breakdown of the homoeostatic control mechanism will also lead to the lowering of body resistance to infection caused by pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Part of our body's health is the cell renewal process. Anything that interferes with this process leads to cellular deterioration, often showing symptoms of ill-health and ageing. An easy and powerful way to suppoii this system is to drink large amounts of clean and healthy water. as the more complex the pollutants in the water, the more difhcult the processes of cleansing, cell renewal and transport of nutrients in our bodies becomes. There is a direct correlation between the degree of water cleanliness, efficient human cell regeneration, and ageing. WATER IN THE STUDY OF CANCER An examination of the major causes of human cancer indicates that less than 5% have physical origins such as radiation damage. that less than 5% are caused by externa1 viruses, and that more than 90% come from chemicals in our environment. Also. study after study shows that some of our habits, such as tobacco, smoking, high levels of alcohol consumption. or excess consumption of fats. represent a very large portion of the causes of several forms of cancer. Since most of these carcinogenic chemicals enter the body through breathing, eating, and drinking, in water soluble compounds, one would expect that water itself would play any major role in the study of cancer. Yet in these studies. the presence of water is often taken for granted and therefore ignored. though water plays an essential role in al1 biological systems. It has been found, however. that in the environment of malignant cells. the system of water molecules shows a different structure than

around normal cells. Therefore, it stands to reason that there is some connection between malignant cells and the water structure of the environment. A study of a cell structure in vitro, in which the water structure was changed by the addition of a strong structure-enhancing ion, brings a remarkable decrease of the cell numbers of cultured rnalignant cell lines. In addition to cancer, hexagonal water has been explored for it's potential to offer great relief in the reduction of symptoms of: AIDS, constipation, reduction of blood pressure, relieving hangovers, arthritis, diabetes, hepatitis, eczema, dermatitis, angina, and migraines to name a few. Research into ulcers, indicates that drinking hexagonal water prevents the excess secretion of highly acidic gastric fluids which are the primary cause of irritation and cause damage to the stomach wall. Furthermore, hexagonal water is known to relax a tense gastrointestinal system caused either by stress or by other factors. The hexagonal water helps correct energy imbalances within the interna1 organs, restoring an impaired physiological system. IMPORTANCE OF AVOlDlNG DEHYDRATION Dr. F. Batmanghelidj ("Your Body's Many Cries for Water") states that "lt is the solvent....the water content.... that regulates al1 functions of the body, including the activity of al1 the solutes (the solids) that are dissolved in it. The disturbances in water metabolism of the body (the solvent metabolism) produces a variety of signals, indicating a system disturbance in the particular functions associated with the water supply and its rationed regulation." In a nut shell, this means that every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water. And further, that "Water Distribution" is the only way of making sure that not only an adequate amount of water, but its transported elements (hormones, chemical messengers and nutcients) reach the vital organs. Since dehydration in different

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areas of the body will rnanifest varying symptorns (things rnodern doctors cal1 "disease") people fail to understand that water can be offered as a natural solution for rnany health problems. Dr. Batmanghelidj further states that "the greatest health discovery of al1 times... is that water is a natural rnedication for a variety of health conditions." With increase in age, the water content of cells of the body decreases, so that the ratio of the volume of body water that is inside the cells changes to that which is outside the cells. This is a very drastic change. Since the water we drink provides for cell function and its volume requirernents, the decrease in our daily water intake affects the efficiency of cell activity. As a result, these urgent cries for water are treated as abnormal and are unfortunately dealt with through the use of medications. Dr. Batrnanghelidj's ideas dictate that chronic pains of the body that cannot be easily explained by injury or infection should first and foremost be interpreted as signals of chronic water shortage in the area where pain is registered. These pain signals need to be first considered and excluded as prirnary indicators for dehydration of the body before any other cornplicated procedures are recornrnended to the patient. Dr. Batrnanghelidj feels that non-infectious "recurring" or chronic pains should be viewed as indicators of body thirst. Further, by not recognizing the thirst signals of the body, we will undoubtedly produce complicated problems in the present way of treatrnent of these conditions. It is the responsibility of both patients and their doctors to be aware of the damage chronic dehydration can cause in the human body. It is hoped that this new understanding of the physiology of pain production by dehydration will shed new light on the cause of disease in future rnedical research.

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FINAL REMARKS Because water constitutes a rnajority cornposition in rnost parts of the hurnan body,

water quality has great influence to its health and physiological functions. One of the rnost irnportant reasons for the rnaintenance of quality of drinking water is that it has been estirnated that we drink alrnost one ton of water per year. As a result, water is not a simple drinking material, but an essential building block for rnaintaining the control of bodily functions. Therefore, while the foods that we take are irnportant, our choice of the water is even more irnportant. It is considered, therefore, that irnproved health, reduction of diseases, lessening the effects of aging, and irnproving the rnetabolisrn of the hurnan body, depend upon the influence of hexagonal water in the body. Our body systern is the rnost intricate systern in the world. Furtherrnore, the rnost fascinating fact of al1 is that each one of us is the manager of this incredibly intricate physiological systern. Our physiological systern is designed to function properly when the whole systern is well balanced. Once the systern loses its equilibriurn, a large nurnber of physiological functions suffer and the body falls into a sickly state, requiring medicine or sorne externa1assistance. However, we cannot continue to rely solely on drugs and operations. We rnust prevent ourselves frorn falling into a diseased state which rnay require curative medicines. By now you should fully understand that drinking good hexagonal water provides the best hope for good health.

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