6 minute read


// By Jenna Nel

A few simple changes in your mindset and home can take you from eco amateur to sustainability superstar.


We are part of a living story. Our earth continues to nourish and sustain us, and yet we often forget that we have a responsibility to reciprocate the generosity.

The truth is, it’s going to take an effort from each of us, each day, to ensure that the story continues in a way that is healthy and sustainable for all. Forget the noble and wellmeaning yet ultimately fleeting bursts of action - what we need is to march forward in sane and sustained unison.

The best place to start? In that space that is most dear to our hearts - the home.


Going green can be an intimidating task. While there may be a few rare green machines in our midst, the majority of us are still largely experimental in our approach to all things environmental, and we need to start by establishing a solid reason or motivation for the ongoing effort. Friedrich Nietzsche stated that “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” In order to preserve our environment without falter, we must first have a ‘why’. Here are a few of ours…

Green cleaning products are safer for both your family and your home. The significant difference between these and their mainstream counterparts is that they do not contain hazardous chemicals that can trigger dangerous asthma attacks, leave burn marks, or cause harm if ingested.

What’s more, eco-friendly products and ingredients don’t add to water and air pollution, and can often be found in recycled (or recyclable) packaging. So by using natural products in your home, you know that you are playing your part in combating global warming and the destruction of the natural world.

“The greatest threat to our environment is the belief that someone else will save it.”



Are eco-friendly products really able to remove tough stains and grease like other commercial cleaning agents?

You bet they can! As the green industry continues to grow and flourish, more research is going into developing eco-friendly products that hold their own wonderfully when competing with their commercial counterparts.

Are green products more costly?

Until demand for eco-friendly products rises, the costs involved in fair labour, ethical practices, and organic operations will remain higher than those involved in the sourcing and production of products that do not uphold such standards. That said, the rise in environmental awareness offers hope for the future! At Wellness Warehouse, we are committed to making living life well for the earth as affordable as possible, and have been able to successfully match commercial pricing on many of our eco home essentials.

Are eco-friendly cleaning agents really safer to use?

Have you ever heard of ‘greenwashing’? It refers to the marketing of items as eco-friendly when they do, in fact, contain toxic chemicals. As long as you’re careful to avoid this by being conscientious about where you source your products, you’ll find those that are absolutely true to their promise of being (much) safer for your family, your pets, and the earth.

How do I know if a product has been ‘greenwashed’?

The proof of the authenticity of the product is in its ingredients. Take a few seconds to scan the labels of the products you are purchasing to make sure that they have been sourced as safe and effective alternatives to harsh chemically-charged household cleaning items.

“You have to hold yourself accountable for your actions, and that’s how we’re going to protect the Earth.”



Whether you’re a veteran earth advocate or simply looking for a good place to start, we have some suggestions to help your home.

The Dream Cream

For a powerful detergent that softens and leaves a fresh, natural orange fragrance, our Wellness Laundry Cream is a must-have. If anyone in your family has sensitive skin or allergies, you should consider making a switch to this classy cleaner as it is free from dyes and chlorine.

We’ve Got You Covered

Ecover’s powerful spray packs a punch when it comes to soap scum and dirt. Its plant-based formulation is kind to the environment, and the factories in which it is produced are known for being energy efficient and conscious of environmental pollution.

The Clean Machine

Formulated with natural ingredients, our Wellness All-Purpose Cleaning Spray has been created to be free from fragrances, dyes and chlorine. We’re particularly proud of the fact that it’s pet-friendly and septic system safe.

We Have the Solution

Vinegar is a great DIY alternative to an all-purpose cleaner. It can also act as an effective disinfectant when undiluted. However, it’s important to note that it should not be used on granite or marble.

Some Oven Lovin’

Combine ¾ cup baking soda, ¼ cup salt and ¼ cup water to make a paste, then dampen your oven interior with a sponge and water. Spread the paste throughout the inside of your oven and allow it to work its magic overnight. Wipe clean and, using a spatula and fine steel wool, remove the stubborn patches of grime.



Tea tree oil for bleach

Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant and cleaning agent with the added benefit of a naturally fresh smell! Add a few drops into a spray bottle full of warm water and attack the grime.


Lemon juice for toilet cleaner

Lemon juice is an effective natural cleaning agent that is non-toxic and leaves your bathroom smelling citrus fresh. Simply cut a lemon in half and rub the juice on the offensive area. Alternatively, squeeze the lemon juice into a spray bottle and mix it with water to disinfect and clean.


Olive oil & white vinegar for furniture polish

Add 1 cup olive or jojoba oil, 1/4 cup white vinegar, and 3 to 4 drops lemon essential oil (optional) to a spray bottle and shake well before using as a natural furniture polish. Spray the blend onto a lint-free cloth and proceed to polish your furniture. Store your homemade furniture polish in a dark, cool cupboard and replace it monthly.

Until we decide to become active protagonists in the story of life, the narrative cannot be sustained. We need to hold ourselves accountable in the quiet of our homes and hearts. Establish your ‘why’, and then wave your bad habits goodbye with our eco home products and solutions!

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