2 minute read
Forest of Lost Dreams by Sara Evelyne
Yesterday the mirror told me who I was,
today I don’t agree
the fracture of identity birthed seasons of change.
Change. Loss. Moving On.
Is that what lost dreams are?
Where do they go — this collection of the hope of tomorrow?
the loss of self
the loss of control and autonomy
the transformation of power and voice
the soft change of my story
the new narratives, new beginnings, new desires.
Does the new replace the old, smothering and stomping it down until it is no more?
Or does loss coexist with the love of today to forge a new kind of dream?
I wish someone would tell me the answer, but then who would I be?
As wisps of dandelions crossing the sky, I, too,
float through time. Some dreams go with me and some,
like the dandelion seeds, float away to somewhere else.
The dreams I hold in my heart
my hand, my mind, and in my breath
are mine to love, grieve,
to transform, and to outgrow.
I just wish someone had told me sooner.