6 minute read
An Amazonian Photo Safari by Orlando DeVito
“Stop!” Francisco called out. “You’re about to step right under a poisonous snake. See him on that branch?”
“Yeah, they blend in really well, don’t they?” Richard replied to their local guide, still holding his right foot in mid-air. “Thanks.”
“You really need to keep your eyes open in this jungle. There’s danger at every turn.” Francisco pushed on into the brush, slashing left and right with his machete.
Alice raised her camera and captured the reptile in mid-flick of its tongue. “Francisco, do you really think we will get to see any large fauna today?” she asked as she stepped gingerly out of range of the Pit viper.
“Sure, we’ll be coming up on a watering hole in about a hundred yards or so. Let me get ahead about 20 feet so I can scope it out before you approach.”
Alice snapped the troop of spider monkeys leaping through the verdant canopy fifty meters above them. Though she couldn’t see them, the serenade of the Howler Monkeys was reminiscent of Johnny Weissmuller’s Tarzan movies. Of course, that was supposed to be Africa, but audiences were not that sophisticated in those days.
“Oh! There’s a Toucan.” Snap, snap. The bird took to wing startled by the flash.
The path was narrow, and if Francisco hadn’t cut back the underbrush the young adventurers would have lost it hours ago. Getting lost in this jungle would not be fun.
The pair had planned this trip months ago. Their friends and relatives all thought them mad to choose this over a Hawaiian honeymoon, but they wouldn’t be happy in the average tourist trap. No, their special vacation had to be not only exotic but also to include a modicum of danger.
Just then, Francisco signaled from the trail ahead to hold in place. He disappeared into the scrub where he observed a dozen Capybara, some as large as 4 feet long approach a small stream to drink.
Feeling a need to relieve herself, Alice begged pardon from her partner and retreated behind a large tree. Shortly thereafter, their guide reappeared with a broad smile that disappeared as he realized his two charges were only one.
“Where is su esposa?” he inquired, controlling his agitation.
“Over that way,” Richard nonchalantly indicated with his thumb. “She’ll be right back. Nature calls, you know.”
Francisco turned and immediately moved in the direction indicated. Behind the aforementioned tree, he found his wayward trustee.
“Eek! Privacy!” Alice protested.
“What are you doing?” Francisco inquired indignantly.
“I think a big boy like you can probably figure out what I’m doing!” Alice returned with even more indignation as she rose from her squatted position and rearranged her attire.
Smiling a bit though still somewhat angry, he replied, “Don’t you realize how dangerous this area is? When you move away from your husband, you become the target for any predators in the area. There are Caymans and large cats in this vicinity. The next time you need to pee, get someone to stand guard with a gun.” he lectured in a subdued tone. “And keep your voice down; you don’t want to spook the wildlife.”
“All right! All right, don’t get your panties in a bunch,” she replied as she turned and practically walked into her husband, who had been listening to the exchange. Her look silently inquired why he hadn’t defended her.
“He’s right, you know. If anything eats you, it should be me.” He gave her a hug that drove the air from her lungs. “I will accompany you next time.”
Smiling, she replied, “Okay, my big strong macho.”
The three returned to the trail. “I have found the stream and a family of Capybara. Stay quiet and we can observe them.”
The guide stealthily advanced through the undergrowth, gently pulling the nearest branches aside until the stream was revealed. “Wow!” Alice breathed. “How marvelous.”
The large male raised his head and aimed his ears in their direction. He made a high pitched squeak, then the entire group turned and disappeared into the jungle.
“Let’s move further downstream. Hopefully we will encounter others. Watch out for snakes,” the leader recommended. “Ahh, there’s the watering hole. And look, there’s another thirsty resident approaching.”
A six foot long Tapir entered the clearing and warily made its way to the pool for a drink. He put his head down and began to consume the clear, refreshing water. Alice raised her camera but hesitated as she sensed something was about to happen. Just then a spotted Jaguar leaped out of the foliage and grappled with the hapless Tapir that squealed loudly. Alice snapped the extraordinary picture and once again the flash startled her subjects. This time the Jaguar leaped from his prey and disappeared in the opposite direction.
“I hope you got a good picture. We’re not likely to see either of those two again today,” Richard remarked under his breath.
“Undoubtedly, you are correct,” Francisco agreed. “Perhaps we should be heading back to camp.” The three backtracked, unaware that the Jaguar had circled around, and stopped to examine the strange scent of urine near a large tree.
As they walked down the path, Richard and Alice remarked about the exciting day they had just experienced, and how wonderful the trip had been so far. Their escort smiled, imagining the significant bonus he should receive — when he stopped short and drew his pistol. He stared intensely in the direction of the tree behind which Alice had relieved herself.
A silent and momentary flash of yellow and black…