2 minute read
WELL DONE! Poetry ENEMY’S EMBRACE by Mike Turner
ENEMY’S EMBRACE by Mike Turner
‘Tis not the thief in the night
Which is the enemy
Nor even night itself
But time
Rising as a mist on the bayou
Deep, chilling, relentless
Oozing in through chinks and cracks
Of what is left of the present
Subsuming all
Swallowing the last rays of sunshine
Dimming to hazy twilight
Until the final mote of day is winked out
Leaving only blackness
And eternity itself becomes without meaning
Because when no more change is to come
No more future beckons
When light and hope and memory are all taken from us
Even “now” becomes without form
Ceasing relevance
And time bares the menace of the infinite
As we sink in its embrace
In an instant