Covid- Essential Information for Parents and Pupils

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Essential Information for Parents and Pupils

1. Health Matters

Handwashing and Sanitizing • • •

Pupils must wash or sanitize their hands on arrival at School. Pupils must wash their hands regularly throughout the day while on site. At the beginning and end of each lesson, pupils must wipe down their seat and desk using the wipes provided in each classroom.

Sneezing •

Pupils must follow the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ guidance.

Temperature checks • •

Boarders will undertake daily temperature checking before breakfast each day Day pupils should have their temperature checked at home each morning before coming to School and should only attend School if their temperature is non-symptomatic

Physical contact • • • •

Pupils must adhere to social distancing measures. Pupils must avoid touching their faces if at all possible. Pupils must avoid physical contact at all times unless absolutely necessary. Nursery and Early Years pupils are exempt from these.

Face masks and PPE • • •

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All pupils aged 11 and above must come to School with their own face coverings, kept in a clear bag if re-usable. A clean mask should be worn at least every 4 hours. Pupils may wear face masks if they wish to do so and if it is safe to do so for the activity in which they are engaged. Pupils (and staff) will need to wear a mask (unless they are exempt because of a medical or other legitimate reason) when queuing for all meals in the dining hall, while collecting their food from the counters, and while they move to their table. They may remove masks when eating and put them back on again when taking their tray to the racks and must keep their mask on until they have exited the dining hall. Pupils (and staff) are required to wear a mask whenever they are in a communal area/ corridor and when moving between lessons. Masks should be kept on until seated at a classroom desk. Staff may also request pupils who are able to wear masks to do so for certain specified activities.

In case of symptoms • • •

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Parents must not send their child(ren) to School if they are displaying any Covid symptoms. If a day pupil develops Covid symptoms while at home, parents must notify the School, keep the child at home, arrange a test and notify the School of the result as soon as possible. Any boarder displaying symptoms will be assessed by staff. If they are able to go home, they will be asked to do so immediately, take a test, and only return if that test proves negative and they are well enough. If they are unable to go home, they will self-isolate in House, take a test, and only resume schooling if that test proves negative and they are well enough. Any dorm mates will also be required to self-isolate in separate bedrooms, until a test result is known. All isolating pupils will be fed and cared for by staff. Any boarder who tests positive and is unable to return home will be isolated immediately in School accommodation Any day pupil displaying symptoms while at School will be assessed by staff. They will be kept in isolation at St Andrew’s Lodge (or outside if weather permits), and parents will be contacted to arrange immediate collection. Parents must arrange for them to take a test, and the pupil should only return if that test proves negative and they are well enough. If any pupil (day or boarding) tests positive, the School will notify Public Health England and await further instructions. That pupil’s House / year group may be asked to isolate, according to advice issued by Public Health England. Lateral flow testing will be in operation at the School for all pupils on site. Eligible pupils will be tested at the start of a Term (or in accordance with latest Government guidance) and staff will be tested weekly.

2. Getting to and from School

Day pupil pick up and drop off • • •

Parents should remain inside their cars when dropping off / picking up pupils. Senior School parents / guardians who are running late should advise us as soon as possible. In this situation, pupils should not wait outside, but should go to supervised prep and wait there until informed that they can go to be collected Specific drop off and pick up times will be given for Junior, Pre-prep and Nursery School pupils.

School Transport • •

Pupils using School buses must sanitise their hands as they enter the bus, and must wear masks (if over the age of 11). Pupils must space out as far as possible when seated in the buses.

International Pupils •

Every international pupil must inform the School of when and how they are entering or leaving the country, and how they are travelling to and from the School.

3. The School Day

Uniform • • •

All pupils will be expected to wear the usual official School uniform at all times (Pre-prep pupils may be permitted to wear sports uniform for a whole day where it is appropriate for the activities to be undertaken). If pupils need to change for PE/Games, then boarders will change in House and day pupils will use the changing rooms. Pupils should change out of sportswear after a PE/Games session unless it falls at the end of the School day.

Around the School site • • • • • • •

Pupils must follow one way systems, and only use indicated entrances and exits. Pupils must ‘Keep Left’ where possible. Pupils must avoid walking around the site in groups, and keep space on pathways / corridors / stairways etc to allow two-way traffic flow. As usual, pupils should give way to adults / staff / visitors. Areas such as the Sports Hall, 6th Form Centre, Library, Cedars Hall, Ritchie Hall and Quilter Hall will have their use limited, and for specific groups only. The gym will not be available until further notice. Only pupils will be permitted to dine in the Dining Hall at lunchtime; staff will have separate lunch arrangements.

Boarding and House arrangements • • • • • •

Pupils will be encouraged to limit their time in Houses as much as possible. Pupils will only be allowed entry to their own House; they will not be permitted to visit other Houses. Specific areas will be allocated in each House for each year group. During the lockdown period, boarders in residence will be accommodated in a reduced number of Houses. Key worker day pupils will not be permitted entry to their Houses for morning break and lunchtime during the lockdown period; no visiting will be permitted after lessons end. Pupils must maintain social distancing rules when in Houses at all times. Parents will only be allowed entry to Houses if they have a pre-arranged appointment.

Leaving the School site • •

No pupils will be allowed off the School site at any time during the School day unless they have been given advance permission for a specific purpose. No pupils are to ‘hang around’ in the city; they should complete their specific purpose only and return to School directly.

Senior School arrangements • • • •

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Pupils must minimise social interaction between year groups, and only mix with pupils in different year groups in authorised and planned School activities. Teachers will establish set seating plans for all year groups at the start of Term and pupils must adhere to these seating plans until further notice. No sharing of equipment will be permitted unless a subject specific specialism demands it, in which case special handling and cleaning procedures will be in place. Teachers will not be able to issue class pens/pencils etc. Pupils must ensure they return to School equipped with all items on the ‘essential kit list’ issued before the start of the Michaelmas Term so that the vast majority of classroom activities can be carried out using pupils’ own equipment. Music: Pupils must self-clean pianos, percussion and other shared instruments at the beginnings and ends of lessons and practice sessions using the sanitising wipes provided. Sport: Pupils must bring any necessary equipment with them (as per the equipment list to be issued to all pupils) to minimise the use of shared equipment. At the end of the school day, all boarders must go straight back to Houses, or to supervised prep, or to their specific club or activity. All day pupils must either be collected or go straight to supervised prep or their specific club or activity.

Junior School arrangements • • •

Pupils will be separated by year group except for Sport where Years 3 and 4/Years 5 and 6 will be grouped together; they will be taught outside as much as possible. Breakfast and supper club will not be available during the lockdown period. Outdoor play equipment will be made available to different sections of the Junior School via zoning for specific groups.

Pre-Prep and Nursery arrangements • •

Outdoor play equipment will be made available to different sections of the Pre-Prep/ Nursery via separate zoning for the school and nursery age children. Each group will spend most of their inside time in their own building.

4. Other Special Arrangements

Visitors/parents on site • • • • •

Parents will not be permitted on site except in emergencies (and subject to current Government restrictions). Visitor numbers will be kept to an absolute minimum. Any visitors to the site must declare that they are free of any Covid symptoms at the time; anyone with symptoms must not come on site. All visitors will have their temperature checked on arrival. Screens will be erected in reception areas. Visitors must observe social distancing, and may need to wait outside if the reception area is full (2 people max at a time).

Assemblies • •

There will be no physical whole school assemblies or Cathedral services until further notice. Small group assemblies/services will take place as guidance permits.

School trips •

No School trips will be permitted during the lockdown period.

Parents’ Evenings •

Parents’ Evenings will be held remotely via an online platform until further notice.

Boarding and House arrangements •

Although pupils will be encouraged to return home/to guardians for exeat weekends, Boarding Houses will remain open for those international pupils unable to secure alternative accommodation. Arrangements for further holidays will be communicated separately.

Music • •

Instrumental and vocal tuition will be delivered via online lessons for the duration of the lockdown period. Public performances and group rehearsals will only take place in accordance with current guidance.

Sport • •

Sport for Key Worker pupils on site will only take place in accordance with current guidance. Fixtures will not take place during the lockdown period.

5. Enforcement and Wellbeing

Enforcement •

As with all School rules, pupils may face sanctions if they do not adhere to these rules, which are being put in place to ensure the safety of the whole School community.

Wellbeing • • • •

The School is very aware of the possible wellbeing needs of pupils and staff following a return to School after lockdown. As stated in the School Behaviour Management Policy, any unkind or bullying behaviour related to the Covid pandemic will not be tolerated. Any pupil or parent with any concerns should contact any member of staff, including (but not exclusively) their Senior School Tutor, Junior School Form Teacher (or any other Teacher), Houseparent or the Deputy Head (Pastoral). Any pupil who is experiencing anxiety - or any pupil or parent who witness anyone else experiencing anxiety - is strongly encouraged to contact a member of staff including (but not exclusively) their Senior School Tutor, Junior School Form Teacher (or any other Teacher), Houseparent or the Deputy Head (Pastoral).

This document was last updated on 14th January 2021. With the situation continually evolving we regularly review and amend our operational plan so some of the most up to date details may not be reflected in this booklet. A copy of the full School Covid Risk Assessment is available on request; please email your request to

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