2 minute read
GCSE Curriculum
In Year 10 all pupils take courses in Mathematics, English, English Literature, Science, a short course in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE), PSHE, PE (practical), Games and Activities. In addition, all pupils are expected to take a Modern Language unless other arrangements need to be put in place to provide a suitable curriculum.
Additionally, pupils will usually select three options subjects from the following, all of which may be available subsequent to sufficient demand: Academic PE, Art, Business Studies, Classical Civilisation, Computer Science, Drama, Geography, History, French or Spanish, Latin, Music, Photography.
There is some inherent flexibility built into this process to enable us to provide sufficient practice time for the Specialist and Special Provision Musicians. Further details about the normal expectations for musicians can be found in the ‘Musicians and GCSE Options’ section of this booklet.
You may notice that across the range of subjects we offer, some of the courses are GCSEs and others are IGCSEs. IGCSEs are International GCSE qualifications, they were originally designed for a broader international market, but have been adopted in many independent schools across the UK. They are widely recognised as providing a better foundation for further study at A level through their more rigorous and academic approach.
The decision as to whether a subject is a GCSE or an IGCSE is done on an individual subject-by-subject basis to ensure we are able to offer the most appropriate course to our pupils. Some IGCSE course are also called ‘Level 1/2 Certificates in...’ these are, however, the same IGCSE courses and are recognised as such by employers and universities alike.
Performance at GCSE has been consistently high in recent years. 21% of grades awarded to Wells pupils last year was the top grade 9; 40% were grade 9 to 8 and 92% of results were graded 9 to 5. This is well above the national average. We are able to achieve these very high standards for all whilst accepting that for some of our pupils academic work is not their driving focus; we strive hard to enable everyone to achieve their very best in the time they have available.
Making Choices
There are many people in School able to offer advice and guidance to the pupils on making choices at GCSE. Their main point of advice will be their Tutor, who will be able offer them guidance on putting together an appropriate programme. Alongside this pupils are encouraged to talk to their individual Subject Teachers, Instrumental Teachers, and Heads of Department as appropriate.
For those who need more detailed help in deciding what they want to study next at GCSE, and the potential implications for A level and university, Mrs Sally Rowley (Head of Sixth Form and Careers; s.rowley@wells-cathedral-school.com) is available to meet with pupils and explore their options in more detail. She is happy to talk to both prospective and current pupils and their parents.