1 minute read
Mathematics Edexcel 4MA1 Mrs Nicky Connock
What do I need to know and be able to do before taking this course?
The IGCSE course is a continuation (and revision) of the National Curriculum for Mathematics. It builds on work studied in Years 7, 8 and 9 or the Common Entrance work studied in some other schools.
What will I learn?
You will reinforce and build upon your knowledge in the four Assessment Objective areas for school mathematics. ● Using and Applying Mathematics ● Number and Algebra ● Shape, Space and Measures ● Handling Data
How is the written part of the course structured and assessed?
There are two written papers, each of which is worth 50% of the final mark, and each is of two hours duration. Questions are set on topics from the assessment areas. The Higher Tier covers grades 9 - 4; the Foundation Tier covers grades 5 - 1.
What Sixth Form subjects will this course be useful for?
Mathematics is a core subject and IGCSE Mathematics is required by all further education establishments, and by most employers. Sixth form subjects require an element of mathematics in their courses – in the same way that all require an element of English. It is especially useful for A level courses in Biology, Chemistry, Business, Economics, Geography, Geology, Music Technology, Psychology, Physics and, of course, essential for Mathematics and Further Mathematics.
What were the mathematics GCSE examination results like last year?
In 2020 our overall pass rate was 100% with 38% of our pupils achieving a grade 8 or 9 and 17% a grade 7.
Specialist Mathematicians
Specialist Mathematicians will have the opportunity to sit a Higher Project Qualification and the OCR Additional Mathematics exam as part of their studies. In addition they will be studying some A level Mathematics topics and continuing with their enrichment programme, which includes weekly sessions with our visiting Professor of Mathematics. They will be studying all the subjects in the school core curriculum. Those who are in the Specialist Mathematics programme must select ‘Specialist Mathematics’ in place of one of their options choices.