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Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct: For All Members of the School Community
Schools exist to enable us to prepare for life in a demanding and exciting world. These aims require us to learn to know ourselves as well as learn to be the best of ourselves; in order to do this we work at School to:
• Discover our talents and develop them as far as possible
• Master academic subjects and useful skills
• Establish effective working habits
• Discipline ourselves to be efficient and reliable
• Learn to live happily and supportively with other people.
A community of learning cannot allow individual selfishness or thoughtlessness to obstruct its broader interests, so there must be an agreed code of conduct which governs all that we do as members of that community, whether as boarders, as day pupils, parents or as staff. Details of this code are explained in the fuller School Rules document and may change from time to time; the principles will not.
Our many visitors often comment favourably on the impressive conduct, appearance, helpfulness and friendliness of all they meet here. Be proud of the School and of your part in it. If something is reasonable and courteous, then it is unlikely to be wrong: behaviour which is inconsiderate, dangerous or bad mannered is invariably wrong.
School Work
Personal progress is central to the life of the School. We must all give support for the effective running of the School. This means being faultless in attending classes, being punctual, bringing necessary materials and completing tasks to the best of our ability. Commitment to all activities must be honoured as full parts of the School curriculum.
Personal Development
The School works happily if everyone behaves with respect for the individuality of others and the interests of the whole community; people are different from each other and must be allowed to be so, although individual impulses and wishes are sometimes less important than the interests of the community. Learning this balance is an important part of life here. There has to be mutual consideration, respect and courtesy among all members of the School community.
There needs to be a sense of personal responsibility in all, particularly for adopting a worthwhile and healthy lifestyle. Above all, no action of ours must bring danger, fear or unhappiness into the lives of others. Social life must be positive, avoiding excessively intimate or exclusive relationships, and giving due regard to the law, as in all things. We strive to achieve a culture opposed to the misuse of alcohol or drugs; drunkenness, underage drinking and the use of illegal drugs at any time is incompatible with membership of the community. We must all show respect for the property of individuals, the School and the estate, and show a respect for instructions when they are given.
School uniform is a statement about belonging to this community. It should therefore be worn with pride, and with care. Attention seeking styles of dress, hair and personal ornamentation are not appropriate.
We have been empowered by faith, hope and love from our Cathedral foundation. The Cathedral and our communal worship in it are central to the life of the community. Whatever our personal beliefs, they are enhanced by respect for the feelings and beliefs of others, and by mutual effort in building a reflective and positive atmosphere.
Home and School
Education is a partnership between pupils, schools and parents. Consideration for those who look after us at home or at School is vital. Everyone must play a part in ensuring good communication and understanding between home and School.
Classroom code of conduct
We all have the right to learn
This means that everyone should:
• Arrive on time
• Listen carefully to instructions
• Bring proper equipment: textbooks, exercise books and other equipment that is relevant and expected
• Not disrupt lessons
• Not interfere with the work of others
• Not interrupt when others are speaking
• Work quietly
• Do his or her homework
• Follow our Mobile Device Policy.
We all have the right to be treated fairly
This means that everyone should:
• Be considerate
• Not make racist or sexist comments
• Not swear or name call
• Respect each others’ belongings
• Not fight or bully
We all have the right to work in a clean and attractive environment
This means that everyone should:
• Not drop litter
• Not eat, drink or chew in class
• Not vandalise
• Wear the correct uniform
We all have the right to be safe
This means that everyone should:
• Use equipment properly
• Not run or push
• Not act dangerously