2 minute read
University Applications
Elsewhere in this prospectus you will find examples of the range and variety of subjects and activities that we hope you will enjoy to the full in the two years at the top of the School, and to which you can give time and energy.Those two years will pass, however, and the more you are enjoying life the more quickly they seem to go by. So we have a range of ways in which you can start to plan for the moment at which you say goodbye, at least in educational terms, to Wells Cathedral School.
The subjects you choose to study when you enter the Sixth Form may already have given a clue to your future direction. There is, however, no reason why you should have much idea of your ultimate destination at this stage, and many doors will be open to you, whatever your choice of subjects.
Most pupils who leave Wells at the end of the Sixth Form go on to some form of higher education. This may be university (in the UK or abroad), music college, art or drama courses, or graduate level apprenticeships, and at some point before the end of your Lower Sixth year you will start to research these.
We provide help in many ways: • Half hour appointments with the Head of Sixth Form whenever you need guidance. Simply book • a time that suits you All pupils will participate in an interview programme with people from outside the School staff. This is the start of the leadership process,
but also helps pupils to develop their interview skills in a realistic setting. These skills can be • further refined in the Upper Sixth. All Lower Sixth pupils go to a UCAS (Universities
Centralised Admissions System) fair in spring, at • • • which every UK university is represented Unifrog support and guidance Support and advice from sixth form tutors A virtual higher education morning for all
Sixth Form pupils and their parents is held in the spring of the Lower Sixth year at which talks are given by admissions tutors from both universities and conservatoires. Overseas • universities are also represented Gap year and work experience advice is freely available from the higher education adviser.
In the Upper Sixth year we provide help with all aspects of applications, including how to: • use the UCAS system • write personal statements • prepare for interviews by doing mock interviews • apply to universities outside the UK.
Perhaps as a result of this, the last three years have seen about 90% of pupils admitted to one of their first two choices of university, and over 60% of these at UK Russell Group institutions. Pupils have also left Wells to go to universities in the United States, Ireland, mainland Europe and Hong Kong.