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Art College Applications
If you decide that you may wish to pursue a career in Art, you will need to apply for an Art Foundation Course (1 year), before you select a degree course in which you want to specialise.
Unlike the UCAS scheme, applications are made direct to individual art colleges, and you may apply to several. You may also submit a normal UCAS application for other academic courses at the same time. It is advisable to visit some of the colleges on Open Days, and at this stage the Head of Art will advise pupils as to courses offered at different colleges.
All applications are individual. Some colleges require a portfolio only and others require a portfolio and interview. Guidance will be given by the Head of Art with portfolio preparation and interviews.
In addition, you will write a personal statement, outlining your particular interests and specialisms; we will also provide a reference, which will be written by your Art teacher.
The closing date for applications for most colleges is 31st January. However, one or two colleges have an earlier date in December. If your application is successful, a college will offer you either a conditional or unconditional place on the Foundation Course.